HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-12-04, Page 53 i$TM .$ . ..•;sou sten them. It is hard to behave n � have goods that •will aatenieh you when Ilr tis' h andhard to ba when we say we will give you a beautiful $Q1:41D GOLD RING get,with.Stonea for 91, butoome to our store and see that we are telling the truth, and you will bny every time. In Silverware i we have the latest goods, beautiful to look at and guaranteed to wear extra well, we have also added a new line fn these, coda which we guarantee to wear equal to solid other; the name of the metal is Albeeo$nt Silver. Call and see them. Also & large •stook of 'Watches, Rings, Chains, Cuff Buttons, Gold Sets, T,n,as'''°F.obs, Gent's Fobs, Silver Thimbles the very Closer need latest designs, Brooches, Ear Rings„ l carf i,'ins,Ribbon Pins A plea, per bag Dart Pins, Necklets, and the latest in Chain Bracelets, which M •p we guarantee you cannot beat in price, quality and workmanship. Chickens per pair Geese per lb B /� L 1" & C O 9 Turkeys per it fi + � � R � �'']� J,,,, J CO Ducks per pair ChIllTox IlatRUHT Ottrettad .vers Tinu id or mtomoom. Thursday, V00,141091. Wheat, old Or flaw... •,.. ,,,f 0 89 *0, 94 'Heat luring;.,e..,.1,,,x„ /0�89 II 094 O111N .".,••,,,....,.,..o.,,,4'0 82 a 0 833 Barter ..,....E...,.,.,..... 040 .a 0 50 .. Peau ............. ..,..,, 0 61 6,0 63 Flour per bal..... 0 4 a 00 0 0 Butter' .... , Q 16 a 0 17 Eggs Potatoes ... 0 26 a 0 80 Wool ' 0 18 a 0 18 Pork 5 00 a 500 Hay 10 00 all 00 Hides; lio.1 trimmed 6 00 a 6 00 Hides, rough _4 00 a 3 25 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 60 Timothy geed 2 00 a 2 60 650a700 080 a 060 02b'a035 0 5 a 0 6 007 a 008 040 a 060 Noted Cheap Jewellery store And CENTRAL TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, Clinton Cutters and Sleighs. The weather will soon be a CUTTER or SLEIGH, p your wants and are preps will be sure to sell. W put the best of mittenf Satisfaction, and sell a a Cy ere when you will be needing either ssibly both. We have anticipated ng some splendid Cutters which anufaeturo the very best articles, in them, and guarantee them to give the closest prides. If you want either tter or Sleigh, call at HAYWAR 'S Carriage Factory, Opposite Fair's Mill, Clinton. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. There was about 660 head of butchers' cattle, 450 mutton critters and a few calves offered at the east end abattoir to -day. Trade was fairly brisk, but there was no advance on former rates, the best beeves selling at from n to 4o. per ib, with pretty good stook at from 3f to 3.6o.; common dry cows and rough oxen at from 2,I to 3o., while some of the leaner beasts sold down to nearly lie. per lb. A very fine young bull, weighing 1,880 lbs., was sold at 4o. per ib. The few calves brought to this market on Monday were of indifferent quality, as the butchers pick up all the good veals be- fore reaching the market. Prides are get- ting pretty steep. There is a brisk demand for good lambs at about 4,10 per ib, at which rate a lot of 20 lambs, averaging 83 lbs. were sold here to -ay. Common lambs sell at about 4o per lb. and a good old sheep at about 3}o do. Fat hogs are not numerous and sell at from 4f to 41o. per lb ; dressed hogs from a distance sell at from 5} to 6o per pound, Christmas GOODS OF ALL KINDS A splendid stock of Choice Goods suitable for Christmas Presents. Also all the usual Christmas Holiday Papers, including London Illustrated News, Graphic, Saturday Night and the Dominion Illustrated .t� W. H. SIMPSON, CLIN-TO T Bt ` 15 to 16 dB. Old Old Fowl and Chickens, alive 25 cts. dressed,per pair 30 oto. Geese, dressed, per lb 5 cts. Turkeys, dressed, per lb 8 oto. Ducks per pair 50o to 60 cts. I prefer having all poultry dressed. Starve the fowl 24 hours •before killing. Please observe this. I give goods from the store at these prices. Any quantity taken at the East End. -W J. Lobb, Holmesville NOTE THESE PRICES. Tuition in Music. 16 eta. f Mise Galloway, who holds an honor Certificate THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH ve direct linea to Now York, Boston, Montreal Quebec, Cbioago, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Hand ong Kong. n Prompt diisspatch and qniok delivery at Cooper's Book Store Dice from the Alma College Conservatory of Music, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils. House for Sale or to Let. Also for sale cheap one Doherty Organ. One large Mfg sewing machine. Several good second hand sewing machines, at you own price; new machines sold very cheap. Old machines cleaned and repaired. J. H. WOIt8ELL, Clinton. jou Rotes dna the Couto. , Oouduolor T . bn•brooke, of 00derioh. will build a new rasidonee ne>rt. Isar, The rod4suos of Mr B.1300. Gorda, was ,entirely detltroyed by are last Thursday. Wm. Robb, 6th line, Morriss, has about 3,000 bushels otturnip• t}s >:.he,reanit` of acres of Waled Dropped. Itis altogether likely that the Oddfellowe of Wingham, will erecta Nook of storea. and a hall for themselves overhead. There is very little change in tbeoondition of Dr. Holmes, of Brussels. The fever is gone but other troubles have taken its plane. Morris township fathers have paid off the balance of thew G. h B. railway bonne amounting to 513,064. They still have the London, Huron & Bruce debentures to pay. The bridge on the 13th of Hallett, and Robert Munson's dam were destroyed by the floods on Sunday evening. The combined looses will amount to nearly 0600. Mr James Burgess, who has carried on a restaurant and confectionery Business in Seaforth for a number of years past, has disposed of his buisiness to Mr W.G. Glenn, of St. Marys. Mr Robert Wallace died at the -residence of his cousin, Mrs C. Peters, in Seaforth, on Saturday. He has been a resident of Seaforth for several years, and wou the re- spect of our citizens generally. The many friends of Rev. Mr. Dunsmore, of Kalamazoo, Miohigan,will regret to learn of the death of Mre Dunsmore, whioh took place on the 23rd inet., and will extend him their sincerest sympathy. Mr T. R. Mitchell, the well known im- porter, of Westfield, has recently sold two of his finest animals to Dakota parties, viz., King Fisher (11,708) English Shire, and Lord Howard (1390) Yorkshire Coach Horse Stud Books. Both are exceptionally fine animals. On Saturday night last Mr Wm. Wade, of 5th eon., Howiok, met with a bad loss. Some time during the night the floor of his graivery gave wav, killing a valuable horse andinjuring a Dolt in the stable under- neath, abouts 1,600 bushels of oats falling through into the etable. SALE REGISTER. Farm and farm stock of the late A Oallander, lot 24, Con 13, Hullett, on Wednesday, Dec..l)th, at 1 p. m. C. Hamilton, Auct. New Delivery Business. The undersigned desires to intimate that he has put on a Delivery Waggon, and will be 17leasod to fill orders in hie line. Promptness, combined with very reasonable rates, will be his motto. Orders left at DAVIS & ROWLAND'S Store or at the house will receive attention. JOHN COOK, Vwtoria St. Clinton. Farm for Sale or to Rent. A first-class grazing farm, bait lot 22, con 11, Goderich township, containing 80 acres, about 40 acres cleared. A never failing creek running through the book of the farm ; frame house with stone cellar, frame barn and stables near new. and a good well near the house. Situated of a mile Also arom Was ShBgoplood and Dand welling Clinton.miles from elling in hevilpllage business etand. For ticuulars apply ar- of to E. C. POTTER, Holtnevill0. . House to Rent. Comfortable house to let on Dunlop St., containing every accommodation for ordi- nary famil plenty of water.pPWill be rented Scowmor 0 JOHN 0, )CLLtOTT Mamma & BORN MITCHHLL.—In Goderiob, on Friday, Nov. 11, to Mr and Mrs Mitchell, of the Star, a son. Knvo.—At Bayfield, on the Nth Nov. the wi foot Mr Geo. King, of a son. Mailman—In Wingham, on !the 1st inst., the wife oillr James McGuire, of a dtughter. MARRIED. HAcKETr—WEBSTER.—At the residence of the bri�4a't father, John Webster, lith concoeslon of Atihlleld, on Nov. 25th, by Rea. J. Kenner, A. Hackett to Miss Webster. MOLHOD—OAYPBYLL.—At Goderich, on the 28th of Nov. by the Rev Dr Ure, Angus McLeod, of Ripley, to Mies May Campbell of Colborne town. ship. LAiTawerra—DMURrlY.—At the residence of the bride's father on the 2nd inst„ by the Rev W Craig, B. D. assisted by the Rev L W Diehl, Geo. C Laithwatte, of Clinton, to Adeline B. eldest daughter of Mr Henry Murphy, of Goderich township. KLBIN—gm5a—In St. James' church, Seaforth, on the 24th Nov. by the Rev Father Cook, Mr Cornelius Klein, to Miss Nora Shine, all of Sea - forth. ST1Nsoe—OAssoN.—In Detroit, on the 18th Nov. Mr Frank Stlueon, of Detroit, to Mise Elizabeth Carson, formerly of Wingham. MoKNNZIA--HBLM.—On the 25th .Nov. at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev 8 Sellery, M A, B D. Mr John McKenzie, of Culross, to Miss Mary Jane Helm, of Wingham. BaLL—WOKS.—At Owen Sound, by Rev Dr' Waiter, Mr Ronald C Bell to Mise Nellie E. Hicks• youngest daughter of Mr Jas. Hicks, formerly of Brussels. DIED. Township of Hullett. MUNICIPAL TARES. The undersigned tax collector for thoTownship of Hullett wilt be at Londesboro, on November 30th, and December 14th, and at Kinburn on De- cember 11th, for the purpose cf .receiving money due the Township for taxes. ell taxes remaining unpaid after 14th December; will bo be charged at the rate of 5 Dents on the dollar extra. THOS. NEILANS, Collector. For Sale. The cottage on Albert Street belonging to the estate occupied by f Mr Wm, Robb. the late Thee containinat g 5 bed- and double parlor, dining room, kitchen `.fid woodshed, Hard and lett water stable, TENDERS F0ll SUPPLIES,1892 jots ad9oning' will be olddaonls reasonable erms,apply to DIRK THOS. COOPER Stray Rant. e into subscribers premises, lot 28, acne. 12 :.;'i etc, on or about Nov 2nd, an Aged property, The r Korea notified to prove ppHphayySY, es i and take 0 away. GEORGE LiAIT +4i OLcvnn.—In Clinton, on the 26th Nov. Mrs A. E. Oliver, aged 72 years. EVERETT.—In Turnharry, on Nov. 22, the wife of Everett Everett, aged 44 years, 10 months. YOUNG.—At Zetland, on the 24th Nov. James Young, aged 72 years, 8 months. GauMMa•rT.—At Leeburn, on the 25th of Nov. Emma Grummett, wife of the late John Grum- mett, aged 79 years 4 menthe and 9 days. H i ane sox.—[n Brussels,on Nov 25th, Elizabeth, relict of the late W. G. Hiugston, aged 75 years. NSLKSR.—In Stanley, on the27th inst., Duncan G. Walker, aged 23 years, 4 mouths and 7 days. WaLLAce.—In Hallett, on the 90th Nov. Thorn- ton Wallace, aged 57 years, and 9 months. O'Rouna,—In Goderich, on the 1st inst., Mary wife of Peter O'Rourke, aged 59 years, 7 mcnthe and 26 days. BONT Dispute with your wife when she says. Ouimette's goods are the proper ones to buy; because she mows what she is talking abo,t, III Argue with her when she says that Ouim tter prices are money savers every time. She taiks: like a sensible woman who knows what's whatt DON'T Try to excuse yourself for going to some other store instead of Ouimette's. You knowthat you can offer no reason that can be- sufficient and satisfactory for passing the store where the best and. cheapest go together. DO N.T to go there. Expect your wife to meet you with a pleasant smile, if you have gone to some other store than Ouimette's when she expressly told you Ikir Henry Koehler has:purohased the 100' sore farm of Mr Andrew Johnston, Hay, paying therefor the sum of $6,300. He intends to move about New Years. Mr Peter Koehler has purchased the 100 acre farm of his neighbor for 88,500. Mr Koehler has now a fine farm of 200 aores of as good land as can be found in the town- ship. A good many Canadian -bred stallions have been shipped from this vicinity to the United States within the past few weeks. Among others we learn that Mr Charles Glew, of Huron Road, Hallett, sold a very fine three-year-old to Messrs. Tennant Brothers, London. This animal was raised by Mr Glew, and realized a good price, although horses of this kind donot bring as large figures as they did a few years ago. There died in Turnberfy, on Sunday last, Mrs Everett Everett, in herforty-fifth year. Dc :eased has been on a sick bed for some time, suffering from a lingering disease, but lot such as would have been sufficient to Daus: death under ordinary circumstances. Had the woman received proper nourishment and Dare she would to -day be living and perhaps well. The husband is a shiftless, neeleessort of a epeoimen of humanity, too lazy to work a sufficient length of time to keen the larder supplied with the bare necessaries of life for his wife and family of small children. THE TEAcnEas.--Mr W. J. `McKay has been engaged to teaoh insohoolNe,1, Usborne, during the ensuing term, making his sixth year in this section. Mr McKay has given satisfaction and the trustees have increased his salary to $500. Mr Boyd has been re- engaged at an advanced aaleryfor the ensuing year, at Belfast. T.G. Ratcliffe, of Ethel, has been engaged for another year in Donegal school. Mr T.'G. Allen, M. A., whohas for the past two years been Science Master in the Seaforth Oollegiate institute, has resigned his position for the purpose of resuming his medical course in Toronto after the Christmas holidays. The trustees of the Collegiate Institute have secured the services of Mr F. J. Pope, M. A., a gold medalist of Queen's University, Kingeton,in Natural Science. Miss Mary Govenlock, daughter of Mr Robert Govenlock,Seaforth, who has been teaching school in Virden, Manitoba, for the past years, was offered re-engagment by the trustees for next year at the increase of one hundred dollars to her salary. She accepted the offer. Mr Andrew Scott has been re-engaged for next year as the teacher of school in the Tucker - smith side near Brucefield, at the same salary ae last year, viz., $500. Berkshire Boar for Service. aebscriber keeps for service, at hie premiaes, Line, Hullett, a Tt.oro-bred Berkahire Boar the herd of G. Green, Fairview. Terme $1 at time of service, with privilege of returning. J.0tOLAVGHLIN. Imported Berkshire Boar for Service The undersigned keeps for service at his pre- ., lot 41, Base Line, Hallett, an improved hire Boar, with good pedigree. Also a Y shire White Boar tram imported stook. 8--$1 at time of service. JOHN GOYIER, rn. .• :r Berkshire Boar for Service. The subscriber keeps for service, Gravel Road Hullett, a thoro'bred Berkshire Boar, imported Snell & Bras., of Edmonton. Terme, Si, pay - Ie at time of service with privilege of return- ,. if necessary, or $1.25 It booked. WILLIAM LL. `4i Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor's. NEWS NOTES DON'T Forget that when the dealer pays cash for his goods and all customers pay cash is the place where goods eau be sold at hard pan prices. 0 ' Forget that this, state of affairs is to be found at THE CASH STORE, LONDESBORO. DON'T Forget to call and see us. W. L. OUIMETTE, LUNDT: S$ORO • Rev. Dr. Griffith, of the Sydenham street Methodist church Kingston, on Sunday asked for $12,000 towards liquidating the oburch debt, and $7,200 was subscribed on the spot. The Chinese Government has acknow- ledged its inability to protect Christians and missionaries in the insurgent districts and counsel flight as the only possible means cf escape. Adiplomatic communication from Russia states that over 30,000,000 of human beings are literally dying of hunger. In some; of the Russian provinces bordering on the Volga the people are keeping themselves alive by eating the bark of trees. The jubilee celebration of the Queen Street Baptist Church, of Toronto, was held yesterday, when Bro. John M. Tinsley led in prayer. The remarkable thing about this item is the fact that the good brother WW1 108 years old. WANTS. Wanted.—Purchasers for 150 tone No. 1 Coal.—Stove and ohesnut. Orders loft at Swallow's grocery web re- ceive prompt attention. ClintonSalt Wo0 ke. JOHN MoGARVA.ords wood delivered tthe WHEN YOU TRAVEL Consult the undersigned about tickets and all information referring to travel, W. JACKSON, Town Agent G. T. R The undersigned wl:l receive tendon; for sup- plies up to noon on Wednesday, December 9, 1891, For the supply of Eutchere' Moat, Butter, Flour Oatmeal, Potatoes, Cordwood, eto., for the follow- ing institutions during the year 1892, viz.: The Asylum for the Insane in Toronto,London Kingston, Hamilton and Orillia; the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto ; the Reformatory for Boys, Penetangutsheno ; .the lnetitutions for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind, Brantford. Two sufficient sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of each contract. Speoieentions and forms of tender can only bo had on making application to the bursars of the respective in- stitutions. N.B.—Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the Asylums in Toronto, London, Kingston and Hamilton, nor to the Central Pri- son and Reformatory for Females, Toronto. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- copted. R. CHRISTIE, T. F. CHAMBERLAIN, Inspecter of Prisons and Public Charities, Parliament Building!, Toronto, 23rd Nov„ 1891 Mrs. James Martin, of Stratford, Ont., committed suicide yesterday with a razor. Mr. O'Hara died at Merriokville, a,ar Kingston, Ont., a few days ago at the age of 108. Mr C. H. Mackintosh, M. P. for Ottawa, states that it is his intention to resign his seat in the House. BUSINESS CHANGE AND A BUSH TO BE MADE. 3O0'T'S & SHOTS 0 AT LOWEST PRICES. ALL TO BE CLEARED OUT IN SIX WEEKS. Having bought out the Boot and Shoe stock of Mr C. Cruickshank, Albert St. Clinton, at a low price n the dollar, I intend to dispose of the same at once, and have reduced pricespozordingly, as the stook must be cleared out an sig weeks. It embraces FIRST -CLADS BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL HINDS, And also a quantity of first-class goods of Mr Cruickshank's own make. Come and see us. We aro bound to sell and prices will do it. This is a genuine sale of first-class Boots & Shoes TO SHOEMAKERS—Four Sewing Maohinea, other shoemakers 'Machinery, a lot of Leather, Shoe- maker's Findings, &c., to be disposed o1 Cheap. G. A. - Cruickshank's Old Stand. 0 Mr James H. Metcalfe, M.P.P. for Kingston, has lost a child by diphthe- ria. Hellas five other children down with the same disease. Itch, Mange and Sorathes of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. H. Combe, druggist. &fearful accident occurred at Petrolia, on Friday. It appears that some young men were shooting at a mark in Windover's bakery and by some means missed the target, the ball going outside into the adjoining yard, where a little girl named Ethel MoKay, aged 5 years, was playing snowball. The ball from the rifle struck the child in the body near the lung. She oelylived about five minutes. Thojnry ap- pointed to inveetigate the death rendered a verdict against Robert McWhorter for manslaughter. Mr Chao. Pedden, at East Williams, has returned home from southern Manitoba, where he has been since April last. Mr Pedden says that he would sooner have forty acres in Western Ontario than a whole section in the North-west. While there was a good harvest in that country this year, snow and 'frost in the middle of Ootober spoiled it. Most farmers around where he was lost from one-third to one half their orop from being frozen in the field. One neighbor of his set fire to a hundred -acre wheat field to get rid of it after it was frozen. A Detroit despatch says that the report that Clarence Gould, of that city, who was jilted by his fiance, MisslPeroy, of Napanee, Ont:, on the eve of their wedding day, is in that place for the purpose of bringing suit for breach of promise, is in all probability erroneous, and that if he brings suit at all it will probably be to recover certain moneys which he is credited with having given her to prepare for the wedding. It is claimed that Mr Gould gave Miss Percy a ohcgtie for $500, and it also alleged that he furnished her with a letter of credit for $2,006. Children Cary for The report comes from Quebec that the Royal Commissioners report to the Lieut. Governor will exonerate Premier Mercier and his Cabinet from all blame in connec- tion with the Baie des Chaleuri Railway transactions. The Commission will make its formal report on the 10th of December. OC Xmas is near here—Our stock of Fruits is here Brea,king in isn't needed with the Ball corset. It's easy from the start. Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so. Try it, all you'll like it. If you don't, after a few weeks' wear, just return it and get your money. For:sale by ESTATE JOHN HODGEFS. Pitcher's Castorla. New Layer Raisins, New Valinoia Raisins, New Sultan Raisins, New Currants, New Figs, New Dates. We are opening out to -day a very fine stook of German Chinaware for holiday presents. Cups, Saucers and Plates, Mugs, Salads, Celery Trays, &o. Take a look at our table before you buy else- where. We Dan give you good value for your money. Something good and serviceable. G4:0. '% A ' ALLOW. CLII4T9r ON - e FOSTER A Suggestion • In planning for Christmas Boxes have you thought of a PORTRAIT of yourself What is there that your friends would value so highly ? 1 (FELT BOOTS, " SOX and RUBBERS, OVERSHOES and RUBBERS, . LONG RUBBER BOOTS in Gents', Lakies' and Children's First HOES at andass Stock ' fspeciald Close Prices. A few below cost to clear. 5 percentlines of BOOTS and discount for cash. W. Nov. 1881 Tay10 1tr=rem Qh fir Sons CLINTON ,AND HENSALL