HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-11-20, Page 7f F .... Six* iWai rasps, -- star. Brox t=Mta' �,�,�Y.rter .: tat apt asisioe owe the *Vett Soft --rotkert mat ar. Fawn' for net now Avid %rem Au i. R�pr, M. C; 1134 ,ADEI.altfR'8T, . L8T. TORONTO: 44N -r.. •� r'w ti.AN All men can't be 4pt)llos of strength and form, but all may have robust health and strong nerves and clear minds. Our treat- ment makes such men. The methods are our own exclusively, and where anything is loft to build upon, the VIGOR OF NEN 18 ly, permanently y restored. Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, and all the train of evils .from early errors or later excesses, the result of over -work, sickness, worry, etc., forever cured. Full strength development, and tone giv- en to every organ and portion of the .body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) free,, Address, ERIE MEDICAL CO., 3 BUFFALO, N.Y. rLAXSEED COMPOUNDEMULSION EIRONC S 186 Lexington Ave. New York City, Sept. 19,1 I have used the Flax -Sea! Emulsin in several es of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been wellpleased web the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. a.: CONSUMPTIO Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th 1889. I have used your Emulsion in a case of 14th, (Consumption) with beneficial results, where pada,. could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. HERVOUS PROSTRATIE Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 26th, 1888. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as belpful to the relief and possibly the core of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gear eral tonic in physical debility. \ JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY I regard Flax Brooklyn, n as great 10th, 1888. ricr the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally y Sri se.. to D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St. New York, Aug• 6, 1t. 1 have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Com�tound in a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEU MATIS Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 3Fr Liberty St., New York. For•sale by J. H. COMBE, Ciuton. SOOTHING. CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, each as headache, losing sono of smell,foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility, etc. IS you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring_ a bottle of NASAL. B,aae. Me warned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Bold by all druggists, or sent, ppoost paid, on receipt of price t50 Dente and $1) byaddrossing 1 ULFORD a CO. Brockville.Ont. ONECAI N POUND A Day. A GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE OFA MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, SCOTT' 1 OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVRR AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILK. EN- DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS PUT UP ONLY 7N SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD DV ALL Dauer - GISTS AT 50C. AND $r.00 SCOTT t' AOTFNI?, Belleville. . FAQTI'PON VACTi . There,are already l0 000 hteamshipa to the, Vxorld. Ju I4ondonthere is one doctor to everyy, .880 pep 10 Near y a quarter of all cases 01. sanitY are hereditary, l'ia9 as" trete , on the average, 98 times in every 1,000 nauzee, Gipsies came came froFm India, not from Egypt, as•is usually supposed. ;;;;;The average length of life is consid- erably longer iii England than in Prance. Tea is very cheap in China ; in one province of the empire good tea is sold at lid. a pound. The entire -coast line of the globe is about 130,000 miles. All the world over at 'leapt 35,000,000 people die every year. Directors of the Bank of England re- ceive salaries of £500. Sandwich in Kent, Eng., was once a seaport, though it is now two miles from the shore. London postmen are said to walk on the average 12 miles a day. About 300 deaths from accidental poisoning occur in England every year. More than 200,000,00Opounds of tea are consumed in England every year. The largest known moth is the Giant Atlas, a native of China, the wings of which measure 6 inches across. The first steamship to cross the At- lantic was the Rising Sun, in the year 1818. Theatres are most common in the United States, whc re three are about 65 to every million inhabitants. The best of all ways To lengthen our days, Is to use Pierce's Purgative Pellets, Sir! For nine -tenths of the diseases of the body begin with constipation or the clog- ging up of the sluice -ways, through which the impurities of the blood escape, so that they are reabsorbed into the system. The Purgative Pellets act gently but thoroughly upon the stomach and liver, and are the best laxative known. Without racking and straining the organs, they open the bowels and restore a natural, healthy digestion: Unequa.l:d in dyspepsia, oonstipation, bil- lionsness, piles, or any of the resulting diseases. A SOVEREIGN REMEDY. A young physician commencing practice had among his first patients an uncommonly unclean infant brought to his office in the arms of a mother whose face showed the same abhor- rence of soap, Lookingidown upon the child a mornent, hesolmenlyremarked : "It seems to be suffering with hy- dropathic hydrophobia," "Och, doother, dear, is it as bad as. that ?" cried the mother. "That's a big sickness for such a mite. What- ever shall I do for the crathur ?" "Wash its face, madam ; the disease will go off with the dirt." Wash its face -wash its face, in- dade !" exclaimed the matron, losing her temper. "What next, I'd like to know ?" Wash your own, madame -wash your own.' r•. -hen Baby was Nick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Whoa she became Mise, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, ebe gave them Castorla. CHILDREN'S CORNER. , HOW A BOY BECAME A COMMANDER. There lived in a, Scotch villiage a little .boy, Jamie by name, who set his heart on being a sailor. His mother loved him very dearly, and the thought of giving him up grieved her exceedin ly, but she finally consented. As, the' left home, she said to him : "Wher- ever you are, Jamie, whether on sea or land, never forget to acknowledge your God. Promise me that you will kneel down every night and morning, and say your prayers, no natter whether the sailors' laugh at you or not." "Mother, I promise you I will," said Jamie ; and soon he was on a ship bound for India. They had a good captain ; and, as some of the sailors were religious men, no one laughed at the boy when he kneeled down to pray. But on the return voyage, some of the sailors having run away, their pia - ccs were supplied by others, one of whom proved to be a very had fellow. When he saw little Jamie kneeling down to say his prayers, he went.up to him, and giving him • a sound box on the ear, said in a decided tone, "None of that here, sir!" - Another seaman, who saw this, al- though he swore sometimes, was indig- nant that the child should he so cruelly treated, and told the bully to come up on deck and he would give him a thrashing. The challenge was accept- ed, and the well-deserved beating was duly bestowed. Both then returned to the cabin, and the swearing man said, "Now, Jamie, say your prayers, and if he dares to touchyou I will give him another dressing,' The next night it came into the little boy's mind that it was quite unneces- sary for him to create such a disturb- ance in the ship, when it could easily be avoided if he would only say his prayers quietly in his hammock, so that nobody would observe it. But the moment that the friendly sailor saw Jamie get into the hammock with- out first kneeling down to pray, he hurried to the spot, and, dragging him out by thenecl he said : "Kneel down at once, sir ! Do you think I am going to fight for you, and you not say your prayers, you young rascal ?" During the whole voyage back to London the profane sailor watched over the boy as if ho had been his father, and every night saw that he knelt down andsaid hisprayers. James soon began to be industrious, and during his spare time he studied his books. He learned all about ropes and rigging, and, when he became old enough, about latitude and longitude. Several years ago the largest steamer ever built, called the Groat Eastern, was launched on the ocean, and carried the famous cable across the Atlantic. A very reliable, experienced captain was chosen for this i.nportant under- taking ; and who should it bo hut little Jamie. When the Great Eastern re- turned to England after this successful voyage, Queen Victoria bestowed upon him the honor cf knigthood, and the world now knows him as Sir James Anderson. -Mail and Express. Children Cry:or A'S W9 VOWS. Sir John Vhomp8OJ yrs; 47 yet~ri old, on Tuesday.. " According to the census just taken by the police authorities tie popula, tion of"lorQnto on Nov 1 was 188,014, A farmer vat' Harriettsville, Ont., is said to have recently deeheroned. 35 diary cows, with the result of a.lar,'gely decreased yield of milk. The highest praieebas been won by Hood's Pills for their easy yct efficent potion. Sold by all druggists. knee 25 Dents per boa. Edward McNab has been released from the New Hampshire State Prison after 13 years imprisonmentfor a crime of which he is now proved innocent. The protest against the election of Mr Thomas Baine, M. F., for North Wentworth, Reformr was dismissed on Wednesday, no evidence being offered. The result of the Local election in East Wellington on Tuesday is not yet known, but the returns from fourteen divisions give Craig a majority over Kirkwood. Both were Reformers. Rev Mr Neilly, Presbyterian minis- ter at Schreiber, Algoma, left home in a canoe several days ago, and as he has not been heard from it is believed that he is drowned. Easy to use, pleasant and agreeable is the verdict of all who hav used Nasal Balm, and better still, there is no case of cold in the head or catarrh that it will not ours. The celebrated U. S. cavalry horse Comanche, the only living thing that escaped alive from the Custermassacre, has lust died at FortRiley. The horse was 25 years old. A Cincinnati travelling salesman for a jewellery house left $20,000 worth of Diamonds in a car at Dayton, 0., the other day while he went to lunch, and the gems were stolen. Many women suffer in silence from the troubles peculiar to their sex rather than consult a physician. Let them try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilus and they will no onger feel life as a burden. Mr James Kirkwood, reeve of Erin township, has been elected in East Wellington over Mr Craig, the nom - nee of the Reform convention. As both were Reformers it will not effect he standing in the House. The Lady Godiva must bave had exception= By along hairsinee;it completely conceal(d er lovely person. Since Ayer's Hair Vigor ame into. usesnch examples are not so rare s formerly. It not only promotes, the rowth of the hair,but gives it a rioh,silken exture. The young lady at Shelbyville, Ind., who egan living on a diet (1 dog flesh is mak- ng fair progress with her task. She says he rather likes the diet. It is white meat nd she says it tits et scm hing like lamb. he takes it three times a day. 1 1 t a h 0 a b a a s Strathroy Age: The Conservatives after fourteen years in office have moved the farmer's home market three thousand miles away. When the N. P. was first discussed every farmer was to have a mat - ket near his own door. Now the conser- vatives ask him to be content with the market which England offers as a substi- tute of the McKinley closed United States Market. This is the difference between protection promise and performance every time. English Spavin Linament re moves all hard, soft or callous Ltia°mpe and Blemish- es from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, RingBone, Sweeny, Sthies, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat. Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J H Combe. Barley rules low and will continuo to do so until closer trade relations are established The Empire's reports of Monday quote No. 3 at 45 cents and No. 2 at 48 t e its in that city. The same paper gives the price at Buffalo as 80 to 85 cents for good to best Canada. The farmers in the Markham district, who had taken to horse -raising, complain bitterly of the McKinley duty of 880 specific for horses under $150 in valve and 30 per cent, ad val. on horses valued at or over that sum. This tax hits many farmers besides those of East York. It :s curious to find the Tories accusing those of ua who proffer a remedy for this state of thugs of •'.tinning down the country." Mnard s liniment is used by physicians Coliingwood Bulletin: The executors of the late T W Fair sola lot 30, con 8, Not- tawasolca, 220 acres, to Wm Stewart for $8,000. Ten years ago the property chang- ed hands at $12,000. Six years ago, when Mr Fair died, it was valued at $10,000. Two months ago a bid of $9,000 was re- fused. Now the executors, Conservative s, are forced to recognize the drift of the country under the..„National Policy, accept $8,000 and are glad to get it. The pro- perty for a homestead is everything that could be desired, soil, fences, buildings, orchards and location, and with a lower tariff and freer trade relations, would be worth the highest price named above. Edward Schnadell, a workman in Tuttle's planing mill at Jamaica, L. I., made five deliberate attempts to be- head himself by putting his head in front of a buzz saw, but failed. While obscured from the sight of the opera- tives he bent his head'to the saw and had his neck grazed. He winced with pain and . withdrew. Once again he moved his head towards the saw. This time it grazed his scalp, and he again Itlrew back with pain. He made the attempt thrice more, until the surface of his head and neck were horribly torn. Unsuccessfuland desperate with failure, he then rushed towards the railway tracks at Floral park and placed himself in aposition to be cut to pieces. It was here he was found, un- conscious and bleeding. Schnadell was able to say that he attempted to kill himself, as people were after him and tryingto kill him. He was a man of consierable education and able toy speak six different languages. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having bad placed in his bands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive• and a desire to relieve human suffering I will send free of charge, to all who deli^e it, this recipe, in Gorman French or Engli lI with full directione for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with atemp, naming this paper. W. A Novae, 820I'cw- era'Block, hochester, N.Y. June 19-9]-y. Pitcher's Castorlaa 'YOU ,GAN ]HELY Upon H'ood's l '4r&sparilla as a positive re, lmedy, for every.lorr ofscortul.,sait rheum, boils, pltnplea and all other diseases cagsed byr apareblood. It eradicate every im- p y at the N me time tones and T1talizeq, th. whole system. Mrs. Ma$i9, Halloran, of Woburn, Mass., young woman who Has been only five. weeks a wife, was arrested the other day charged with attempting to kill her hue- band by mixing poison with hie food. She claims It Wagloveppwder to increase her husband'a affection, but he suspeots Paris green. The unprecedented lowness of the water in the St,Lawrenoe this fall is due to the faottthet the rivers two great feeders have shortened their supply at the same time. It usually happens that when Lake Ontario ie very low the Ottawa river is not, and vine versa. This year, however, both have failed to do their duty, with the result that at Montreal and in the ship channel below the level is lower than ever before known. FOREST City Business Collc@ AND- - Shorthand. - institute, London, Ont., Is without doubt the most THOROUGH and rRAc- TIOAL institutions in Canada. Giunu 'rEe of both sexes ASSISTED To soon POSITIONS. °Ver 50 of, last season's students in positions. CATALOGUES PRFE. J. W. Westervelt, - Principal $I4026LA►1(I't51 Electric }{sir Restorer Restores Grey Hair to Its Original Color. Beauty and Softness Keeps fhe Head Clean Cool and free from Dandruff. Cures irritation and Itch- ' ing of the Scalp! M Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out in a few days. Will not so' the akin or the most delicate head-dress. FULL Dram -nous WITH EACH Borns. Try it and be convinced. Price Fif y Cents per Bottle. Refuse all Substitutes, f SOLE AGENT FOR CANADA 1-1... SPENCER CA E "Chemist, No. 50 King Street West Hamilton. Ontario. For sale by J '.H Combe. HAVE YQU. EVER - THOUGHT WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU? GROCER J" Glas$ware Crockery, AT HARD TIMES PRIQE► FOR CASH OR TRADE J. \AT. I R -VST I N THE NOTED 'GROCER. Sole Agent for Ram Lalis Pure IndianTea ADAMS' EMPORIUM Fall & minter Goods Our stook is well assorted and of superior quality. Our prices are low, compared with others. We have =t OVEROOATS for Men and Boys Good material and well made: Try them. Our stook of rLANNELS and FLANNELETTES is excellent. DRESS GOODS, MANTLE CLOTHS, MILLINERY, TWEEDS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS and TOPSHIRTS, All of good quality for the price. GROCERIES as usual are all A1,prices equal to any. Our stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, Full and of good material. We have a fine stock of Whips from 15c. up. We sell 5 gallons of Coal Oil for 80c. cash. Telephone Matches 13o., Telegraph 15c. We have the Boss Baking Powder -ask for it. To be in shortly, a fine line of Crosscut Saws. Call and inspect the goods and compare prices, as we are not afraid of any competition. We pay spot cash for all goods and get the very beet terms and prices. Highest price for produce in exchange. Will ray cash for Good Tub Butter.l ADAMS' EMPOIIIUM, -p ADAMS. LONDESBORO 1 . CLEAR2NG - SALgE_ Stoop's Feed & Sed Store OAT MEAL - 10 pounds Relied Oat- meal to the bushel Oats in Exchange. Flour, Bran and Shorts at Mill Prices. Bogs Wanted _dead or alive. JAMES STEEP, Seed Dealer, Clinton CLIN1 Ola RAILROAD TI PIE TABLE Issued June 28th The departure of trains at the several stations named, is according to the last official time card : CLINTON Grand Trunk Division Going East Going Vest. 7.48 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 2.33 p.m. 1.28 p.m. 4.55 p.m. 6.40 p.m. 9.32 p.m. London, Huron And Bruce Division Going North Going South a.m. p.m a.m. p.m Wingham ..11.00 7.50 6.45 3.20 Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 7.00 3.46 Blyth 10.28 7.12 7.14 4.06 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 7.22 4.19 Clinton .l't10.05 6.50 7.40 4.15 Brucefield9.42 6.28 8.15 8.04 Kippen 9.34 6.17 8.24 5.12 Hensall9.28 6.09 8.32 5.19 Exeter .., 9.16 6.57 8.50 5.33 London8.05 '.25 10.15 6.45 If YOU WISH TO Advertise Anything Anywhere AT Any time WRITE TO GEO. P. ROWELL & Co No. Io Spruce Street, NEW YORK. Sanitary Pumbing AND HEATING -0- THE Ba LAURANCE SPECTACLE ALECK SAUNDERS GODERICH HAVING DECIDED TO QUIT KEEPING ( flA )CL ETZIC Sr GL SS�PA , Owing to lack of room; I will, if possible make a Olean sweep by Newyears, if prices will do it. I cannot give prices of everything, but quote a few and guarantee every thing in proportion. Full Tea Set, No. it White $1.80. Full Toilet Set No. 1 White $1.60 Full Tea Set, No. 2 White $1.25. Full Toilet Set No. 2 White $1.20 Full SatsGlass, 25o. LargeCovered PreserveStands 35o. Large extra fineCake Stands 20 a I have a full stook of all other goods in the Grocery and Harness lines. The best as sortment of Robes ever shown in the village. If you ever expect to want anything in this line, don't mise the chance. All produce taken, from a pound of scrap iron to a load of wheat. Thanks fur past patronage and call again. GEO. NEWTON - - - LONDESBORO LOOK OUT FOR A DRIVE IN O'CoatsTweedSuits Just look -Good Tweed Suits at prices that defy- competition. We will start from Nov. 13th, and sell Overcoats at $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19 and $20. Scotch Tweed Suits at $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21 and $22. If you will call before ordering, we will show you we are telling the truth. Walton : c ; Morrison, Remember the t place f SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON {°p`solts cooker's SCHOOL - SUPPLIES The very Iatest authorized Text Books, &c., for Public and Model Schools and Collegiate Institute. ull Stock and Lowest Prices W. H. SIIVIPSONt CLIA TON -0-- LATE l T METHODS. PARTIC- UL t. ATTENTION PAID TO ' ANI'PATION AND NTILATION PLANS AND SPE01F''rl\Ti0.43 halt: FULLY PrEP.tRED Repa ring remptiy Attendc d to Three trains Ily. Tole/show, No 28. Curren indotoo euiloitol r-" SpuetsolessniRye rl sista art thi si'v re 01 Rrrn+h 1 -"cis, rsvkot an r:Pae,nni,lal•oy,,i1te+ttm,i tl4,itvi hitt ri,ev.51tr.1nahi Peat+uta of the it;adioal Ae e v,iotref ,),111r• /,na•t .t Pt:d,h,, tit ii•••,1+ M14t1111041•191ir0.ref' the h„stphysicians 0,tsrtn. The 13 t,anreno' pstont tact curd need In all ctwos and gaarauteod to fit a accuratel maehlno We guarantee satisfaction For sale only at. Ci&)l'In.`S $0O STC)I,E cLY�v�rc.>,rv. I /1 V 5