HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-11-06, Page 8PRIDA,7t, $O`EMIIER, 8, .1991 .c
T>aPlfM/UO.4,, has a fall lice pf Fa11
qnd Shoes ;s$ 'cry low
tio0 .ass is 4nr specialty, and we
caller some flue Oats very. cheap,r4OHN•
!MON* 04
Oz Tuesday, evening November 1pth, the
Veit Women'eGuild, of St, Paul'elChnrch
wtlil hold a Rain bow Social, in the school -
xoom.. There will be fine seleotione in road-
Inge and intrsic, and refreshments will be
period, ADMISSION 15 •Cts.
grr,LTan,--A large, dark red milch cow,
s4toirhorne, with a white present shaped
smirk ;on forehead, Any person knowing
her ww,hereab9uts, Will please notify the
• unde'reigned. EvANS BROS, Flour and
Feed; Clinton.
44140 NOTICES.—All notices in these
colunms ofineetings orentertainments,
previous to holding of the same, at
which an admission fee is charged, or
*On which a pecuniary benefit is to be
derived' Will be charged at the rate of
ten,cents per line,unless otherwise at
tiie discretion of he publisher.
gatvix 401ltrL.
KR. GEO. EMERSON is an authorized
representative of the CLINTON NEwERA
GONE HUNTING.—Yesterday morn-
ing Messrs James Howe, C. Wilson
and B. Tomlinson, Clinton; R. Ellis,
tgaltford; and S.Scott, Westfield, left
fir a few weeks' sport in Muskoka.
FALLWnEAT-Theweather has been
:y1, admirable for the growth of Fall
wheat, and there has dust been enough
rain to keep the ground fairly moist.
.As a.consequence thereof fall wheat is
looking splendid, some people say they
ever knew it to look better.
STALLIONS SOLD. — Tennent Bros,
`Veterinary Surgeons of Lucan and
$ondon, were here last week and pur-
chased, at good figures, two stallions,
which they. purpose shipping to Indi-
ana. Of Mr Ben Churchill, Hullett,
they bought one, and of Messrs G and
J W Elliott, Goderich township, anoth-
er. Roth were fine animals.
»Qiil'ATiON. -Mr S Hill, of this town,
recently +icontrilauted $10 towards the
Dh•i"sionaiRelief Scheme of the Salva -
Mon Army, which is acknowledged in
a very kind letter by Brigadier Spoon -
et, of Loi don. Mr'Hill• is a generous
supporter .o the Army, and does not
hesitate'to help any 'good cause' by a
judicious use of his wealth.
day a Wawanosh farmer came here
with a load of hogs, but not liking the
pijee%ofs'ered,, said-he�would go to God-
emich and -'spent nearly the whole day
in trying to dispose of his load, but
could not get a solitary bid, and at a
,,late hortrhe returned to Clinton, satis-
%a that'this was the beat market.
6Ai, PROPERTY CHANGE. —Mr H Cantelon
has bought the brick house owned by
Mr J H'Combe, at the end of• Raglan
St, together with,. two acres of land.
for the sum of 41300. The property
is well worth the amount paid for it.
r 11�xs_;S.;lHolmes,I of,i:Holmesville,7has
bought the house and lot on the cor-
ner of the salve street, owned by Mrs
Preston; the; price is something over
TEA:CHER ENGAGED.—The trustees
of Mie Collegiate Institute have engag-
ed Mr John Heusten, of Brighton. High
School, to succeed Mr Turnbull as
principal. of the Institute. Mr Hou-
ston is a specialist in modern languages,
and was for six years teacher in Lon-
don Collegiate Institute in this special
department. He comes to the Board
very highly recommended indeed, and
will no doubt prove an admirable suc-
cehSor for one who'has so long stood at
the head of the Institute here.
COMMENDABLE.—Mrs Hitchcbx, in
the course of her address on Monday
evening, paid a tribute to the generosi-
ty of the Grand Trunk and shows how
fully they appreciate her temperance
Nabors. Pointing to the Cabinet Organ
that accompaines her everywhere, she
said "Let me tell you how kind the
Grand Trunk people are. Mr Edgar,
the General Passenger Agent, said to
k 1 ne,' Mrs Hitchcox, in view of the good
Mork you are doing, we will carry your
an for you, anywhere you want it,
�,. a of charge, and I'm only sorry that
agreement with the C.P.R. will not
`w us to carry you free also." Such
f action on the part of a great railway
coniinendable, indeed.
ARBITRATION.—One of the cases that
7�1 to have been tried atlthe recent
dision court, but which the parties
cony .reed have consented to settle by
arbitration, is of a somewhat unusual
natur . After the burning of Moore's
tanne , Messrs S S Cooper and Geo
Hanle went around with a subscrip-
tion 1' to solicit fonds to help Mr
Moore *build. When the list was re-
turned to Moore, the name of 8 S
Cooper was on it for $50. Cooper
claims that the sante was put down to
represent his time as collector, and some
work, being so put down (,with con-
sent of Mr Moore, who, Cooper claims,
understood it so at the time. Moore,
ori the other hand, denies this, stat-
ing that there was no arrangement
whatever, nor did he so understand it,
and he claims payment of the subscrip-
tion. The arbitrators have taken con-
siderable evidence in the case, but have
not yet reached a decision.
TowN Co[TNc1L. —The regular meet-
ing of the council was heldon Monday
evening. A request from the council
of Niagara Falls, asking the co-opera-
tion of the council in securing an
amendment to the Municipal Act, as
regards the time of making official re-
tinas, was signed on behalf of the
council. The Finance Committee re-
commended payment of the following
c -e unts:--Davis & Rowland, supplies,
$25.44; Jno Soruton, sundries, $o.69; T
Cottle, street work, $6.20; Jno Han-
cock, work, $1; J H Combe, truss for
Folland, $5; For salary, 8 Pratt, $18.r
75; Jos Wheatley, $102; Jos Rider, $9;
W Coates, $60.25; R Welsh, $62.50; for
rent of Miss White's room, $2.50; wo-
man at Follanct's, 75c; Miss Kennedy,
taxes wrongfully assessed,1; receipts
of hall, $20; of weigh scales, $19.70.
'erne conversation regardinggthe open -
Ing of William St its full width took
lace, but it seems evident that it can-
ot be opened wider than it is at pre -
Mr Arthur Tierney, of Blyth, leaves.
on the 14th instt, on a tri to the old
country, by.bhe Dominion Line steam-
er Labrador, having been booked by ., I
P Pattison, Clinton.
err ow Tnwxfsuex UIaTlxciuzgaann,
—In Rosedale, on Oct 90th, the annual
athletic sports of the University of
Toronto were very succeasfully com-
pleted before a large and enthusiastic
audience, In these sports, Mr. Thomas
Agnew, .now of Toronto Medical
wool, and formerly of this town, dis,
tinguishedhimself in three events. In
puttingg the 19 lb shot Mr Agnew car
ded at the pa lin, with a put of 38 ft
9 in, thus breaking the University
record, and surpassing his own record
of last year by 2 ft 4 in. In the high
Pimp he took second place at 5 ft 2 in,
and in the broad' jump; thirdlace at
9 ft 5i in. In the evening the Hon G
W Ross presided over a mass meeting
of students and others, at which Miss
Wilson, daughter of the President of
the University, presented the prizes to
the successful corn etitors. Those
secured by our.friendp are both hand-
some and valuable, and will be for him
a pleasant souvenir ofjthe Varsity
Athletic sports of '91.
NOTES.—Mrs Coop, of the 2nd con.
of Hullett, intends to leave the, farm,
and will reside in town. The morning
train on the L.,H.&B., which has been
running through to Kincardine for the
summer, has been discontinued, and
now runs only to Wingham. Mr John
Croll intends to fix up the skating rink,
and will open it as soon as the season
commences. Mr J. T. Wilkie has rent-
ed the house of Dr Dowsley, Rotten -
bury street. Geo. McLeod, otherwise
known as "one -eyed Riley," spent
Monday night in the lock-up; when
George comes to town, the sidewalk
will persist in sliding around so much
under his feet, that it is impossible for
him to retain his equilibrium. There
was quite a heavy fall of snow on Sun-
day- last, and the weather presented
quite awintry appearance. Although
Constable Wheatley was on duty until
a late hour Saturday night, the boys
got in some of their usual mean hal-
lowe'en pranks; it is a pity that a heavy
fine could not be imposed on some of
them. Mr Thos. Glew, who has been
working on the other side, has return-
ed to reside. Mr Albert Seeley, for
some time employed with Mr Oliver
Johnston, has left town. Mrs Thomas
Connell, of Hamilton, Dak., who has
been visiting friends in this vicinity,
left for home this week; her husband
has been one of the fortunate ones in
that State, having ', done well. Mr
Stephen Taylor, son 'of Mr W. Taylor,
Clinton, was married in Manitoba, on
Tuesday ; Mr Taylor's large family are
nearly all married now, and it is likely
that more will be taking French leave
before very long. The Dinsley proper-
ty, advertised to be sold on the 10th
inst., has been withdrawn from sale.
Mrs Andrews, sr., of Queen Street, is,
we regret to say, in declining health,
and finds it necessary to be under medi-
cal treatment. Dame rumor states that
a popular young lady who resides nota
thousand miles from the NEW ERA of-
fice, will, in a few days, becamne the
wife of an estimable young man of the
neighborhood: While a business man
was passing: along Albert Street, one
evening last week, he received a very
uncomfortable crack on the head from
an awning bar that was to low. „Mr
Haywood is building ahandsome baggy
for the professional use of Dr. Turn-
bull, to replace one he lost in the last
fire. Mr Donald Junor, of the Bayfield
road, we are sorry to say, is still con-
fined to the house, and does not im-
proveas fast as his friends wouldlike to
see him doing. The apple trade is now
nearly. over, and has been a fairly good
one. Cantelon Bros. are turning their
attention to the export of butter, of
which they have shipped a considerable
amounit. Mrs H. Stevens was called to
Behave, on Tuesday, by a telegram
stating that Mrs Timmins ( Miss Carson)
was at the point of death; we are pleas-
ed to learn that though very low there
are hopes of her recovery. Mr R.
Chown has 'rented Mr Werry's cottage
on High Stret, and will go to house-
keeping. Division Court was held last
Friday, Judge Doyle presiding ; the
sitting was of a short duration,aa there
were no cases of importance. Mr R.
Heywood has completed all the brick-
work of the handsome house he was
erecting for Dr. Milne, of Blyth. Mr
ances Badour, formerly of Ashfield,
b who has been living with his family
here for some time, was taken to the
London Asylum; on Tuesday ; he has
been out of his mind for some time,and
was, before, an occupant of the same
place, but was taken out with the hope
that he was better, which, it seems was
not so. Mr and Mrs James Jackson, of
Seaforth, were visiting old friends here
this week. Mr Ed. Dinsley, of Chicago,
is home on a visit. Mr W. Wheatley
has the contract for excavating the
cellars for Mr Whitehead's new build-
ings. • Mr James Taylor, from Seaforth,
has taken the position of assistant -
book keeper at; the .Doherty Organ
Factory. The weather for this season
of the year is magnificient,and farmers
have a good chance to finish up ,their
fall work. Reeve Manning has -been
confined to the house for several days
by a severe attack of lrunbago, and is
still unableto attend to business. Miss
Mulloy. of Clinton, is visiting the Miss-
es Barnette, at 146 Fullarton street,
London. Rev. J. W. Shilton was an-
nounced to addreks the Orangemen of
Hills Green last (Thursday) evening.
Mrt11. J. Nethery, of the Collegiate
()wing tel a severe sprain he received
while playing foot -ball Thursday even-
ing last, was unable to attend school for
several clays. Mr's H. Andrews will re-
turn home this week. after visiting her
friends in the east. Wednesday even-
ing two parties from Goderich drove
down here, and when they went back
had four robes that did not belong to
them, and also a horse picture;the own-
ers of the articles went to Goderich at
a late hour, and secured the return of
the articles. Customs Collector Irwin
has been confined to his room by a se-
vere attack of chill fever. The Grand
Trunk has succeeded in recovering Mr
John Lapier's trunk, which he lost two
months ago, returning from the old
country. A representative of the Do-
minion Provident and Endowment -As-
sociation was in town this week, in the
interests of the company. Thursday,
Nov. 12,, thanksgiving day, will be ob-
served as a general holiday. Mr D. C.
Taylor, of Grey Co., a most highly
esteemed farmer, was instantly killed
on Tuesday, by falling from a loaded
waggon, the wheel of which passed
over his chest; deceased was a brother
of Mrs Edge, now of Acton, and the
distressing accident comes with a
heavy blow upon her, so soon after the
loss of a child. Guy Bros. Minstrels
made extensive purchases of Jackson
Bros. and the Palace, while here
eason Togethe.
Our business is to sell Dry Goods.
You will have to buy Dry Goods,
Is to keep only valuable goods, goods that
it will pay you to buy ; that will give you
satisfaction and induce you to come back
Is to have you try our house and be con-
vinced that for the Newest Goods, the
most desirable Goods, the best Goods, the
Goods it i, money in your pocket to buy,
We Lead the Trada
5 per cent off for Cash.
Estate John Hodgens
We are now showing
the finest stock of high
class Furs in the Coun-
ty. See .our stock be-
fore buying.
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters.
. re i oving right along, because they are the
Best qualify, Newest Designs, Lowest Price,
With Rings, Ends and Pins, all complete
for 35 cents each. See us for Bargains ' in
Book Store and News Depot,
Weir's old stand. opposite the Market, Clinton
Our stook isitoo ebeavy, and to reduce it we will give for one month a
Cash Discount of 10 per cent on all Cash pur-
chases over $1.
This discount off our low prices means the cheapest goods in
town, and we have the largest variety of goods to be found in
Clinton. Come and bring the cash and we will give' you the
best bargains to be had. We can sell you good new staple --
goods as cheap as you can buy old shop worn goods that have
been out of date for yeais. We have almost everything in
stock, but our specialties are
Satisfaction guaranteed. All cloth purchased from us -will be
.,ut free of charge. If you want to save money come and buy
From ue • weshave about $8,000 worth to:clear out We will
sell them cheaper than any other house in town.
Carpets, Hats, Caps, Furs and Groceries.
Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs and Tallow.
Plumsteel - & - . Gibbing
Nov 61 91, CL=NTON rt
Strcc t.
A firm may advertise cheap goods and low prices as much
as they please, but you may
i .
On it that such advertising is a
Every time if they do not carry out what they advertise, and.
people soon lose confidence in such a firm. When we
started our sale a month ago it was no
On our part as we knew exactly what we were doing, and.
how it would result. We kept faith with the public, and have
the goods and at just the identical prices advertised.
Of many a business failure can be attributed to a lack of
juditrious advertising. The wide-awake merchant of to -day
uses this medium of' telling the reading public what he has to
sell; and the man who does not read the papers in this en-
lightened age should not be allowed out alone.
This week we put special stress on
Dress Goods, '
Mantle Cloths,
Cut Free
MILLINERY—New novelties this week.
as usual.
Hosiery& Gloves
• U nderwear,
Hats done over
12333111S1J311"2" & CEO's