The Clinton New Era, 1891-11-06, Page 7is 4 tic RBDUOED IN PRICE Printed From New Type, Filled with Home News Commencing with the 1st of h � _.e t e price of New Era will be $1 a year in advance. This big reduction in price means a heavy loss to us, but we ex- pect to make it up in part by a large increase in our subscription list, and plac- e� i p i. a .. fang it on a prepaid basis. ,At a heavy expense we have �,1 b..q,9 ,p i t . sr put on a new dress of type, slightly smaller than what we. have been heretofore .s- 1 'tv.h.ch will e ' a' b le us to Igni`ve_more news .7t... .than eve r about the same amount of space. THE NEW ERA, week in and week out, ..gives a ..large amount of home ne ` d `e i •tend that at $1 a year no hotter value will be given. .i, real r ,r �11110111. As an inducement to new subscrib- O res, we offer the balance of this year free. Or in other words, for $1 cash, we will send the New Era, from now till the end of 1892, to new sub- scribers. REMEMBER, our terms are $1 a year, strictly in advance, and $1.50 per year when not so paid. Money may be forwarded to us through the mails, by registered letter. ROET. HOLMES, Publisher New Era, CLINTON, Ont Literally mean' badSir, Poisonous germ; arising from' low, marshy land;or from decaying vegetable matters; are breathed into the lungs, taken up by the blood, and unless the vital finid is purified by the use of a good medicine like Hood'sSarsaparille, the unfortunate victim isogon overpowered. Even in the more advanced oases, where the terrible fever prevails, this suooessful medicine his effected remarkable cures. Those who are eine/11414o malarial or other poisong + should k , the luded pare by takthg Hood'+; StFrs1►pari1• A. KIND SEARI'ED MAN. "Yes," said the station agent to the preacher, who was waiting to take the train for Atlaista, "talking about kind- hearted men, there's none of 'ern kite beat Lawyer Jinkins." ":Ya°oPd man is. he is" "You'rerigght he ?. I can tell you a little story,which'll show what a heart he'sof in him." "I'd like to hear it," said the preach er, looking at his watch. `r` r Well," said the station agent, whit- tling CASE. a corncob, "you see, it wef e d this 1 way : Bill Jones wuz a mighty poor I Ur James Wright, No 1291 Bay St man, an' the railroad took an' cut off north, is another of the great army of witnesses. For a year he suffered from diabetes, but was restored to health under the care of Dr Anderson. The disease however left behind it a fearful state of nervousness, debility, lack of appetite, sleeplessness and ring- ing noises in the ears and head, which at times drove Mr Wright fran- tic. From; weighing 180 pounds he came down to 118. He was well ac- quainted with Mr John Marshall and knew of his trouble. Hearing of his cure he decided to try Dr William's Pink: Pills and did so in. Siam last. Af- ter taking one box, all these troubles began to vanish and eleven boxes com- pletely cured him, appetite returned, and sweet sleep was Ilo longer a Stran- ger to him. In two months he recov- ered eighteen pounds of his lost flesh, and is still gaining. Mr Wright is con- fident that the remedy will have the same effect upon any one who is afflict- ed as he was, if given a fair trial. In connectisn with the wonderful cures resulting from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, it must be grati- fying to Canadians to know that they are the discoverers of a Canadian doc- tor, a graduate of McGill College, and post -graduate of Edinburgh Universi- ty. .Hitherto the great discoveries in medicine have come to us from abroad, but Dr Williams' Pink Pills have con- quered diseases hitherto declared by the works of specialists as incurable, and have shed a new lustre -on Cana- dian medical science. What is claimed for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is that they are an unfailing blood builder and nerve tonic, supplying the wants inci- dent to over -work, mental worry, or excesses of whatever nature. They stimulate the system, build anew the blood, and restore shattered nerves, re- moving the fruitful, causes of prema- ture decay and ihsanity. They are also a specific for the ills peculiar to wo- ;irngn, r.; each as suppression, bearing atoWnpains, displacemelnts,ulcerations,. etc. They are a certain remedy for headaches, dimness of vision, palpita- tion, shortness of breath, and by re- storingthe blood to -a healthy condi- .tion, bring back strength and the glow of health, where had been pale and h'ollovi cheeks and Broken down con- stitution. That these claims are not exaggerated is borne out by the re- markable cures- investigated by the Times, as well as by hundreds of testi- monials,from all parts of Canada, in the ppssessionof the proprietor. On4 thin imeongection with the use of D` Yt Wilfta ' Pink Pills is the com- paratively light cost of treatment. They are sold•'•1n boxes (never in Milk or by the hundred), at 50 cents a box, and may be had of all dealers or direct by mail, postpaid, by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Morristown,N. Y. want +ou to take -a box of Pink ht 0'744 0447 them put ry'Take thein for my sake, Will,' he Hsieh el I.>Aid 1 would;. da . aauything for him, though I had no faith in them --`Thep are not worth that,' I said, snapping my fingers. I took the box and really felt better.. They gave me an appetite, at any rate, .and lessened' the pain. So I resolved to coutinne .them. After using three boxoe 1- "Mopped. That is over three. weeks a o, and I afn now well and etruug.•.: The pain is all gone and I do my work like a new man, I am now working over -time until 10 o'clock, and stand it well. I have gained in weight and feel better every way. It was no case of faith`cure with me, for I had ,no faith in the pills at all." "Yes," remarked Mr Clark as the Times Reporter was withdrawing, "you may use my name, and if you see any one who has any doubts as to the cur- ing properties, of .pr -Williams' Pink Pills just send him to 'mel" his leg." "Well?" "Well, he got Lawyer Jinkins to sue the road, an' the road compromised with him for $200. "Well?" "Well, sir, what do you think Lawyer Jinkins did?" "Have no idea." "Well, his charges in the case was $250, but as Jones only got $200, blam- ed if he didn't let him off with the odd $50, takin' only the $200 himself." "The train's coming," said the par- son. And he was klad of it. fi:,All the way to Atlanta he mused on -Lawyer Jinkins' kindheartedness, and preached a special sermon from that text the following Sunday. —Atlanta Constitu- tion. DON'T MONKEY WITH THE SNAKE ! It is stated that a rattle -snake cannot bite if held by the tail. Would you like to put, the statement to a practical test ? Probably not ; but how often do you take far greater risks ? A snake -bite is not the only means of introducing poison into the system. If your liver is sluggish,it fails to remove the impurities from the blood which passes through it, and deadlypoisons ere,thss thrown into theoironlation,all the raore;dangerous because theyare insidious. If your`' blood' is impure, if your liver is out of order, if you have blotches, pimples, boils or eruptions, "don't monkey with the snake!' Take Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the only blood specific' against all blood -poisons, no matter what name or nature. It is sold under a positive guar- antee that it will benefit or cure, or your money will be refunded. LIFE WORTH LIVING. Is life worth living_? Yea, to him that lives; Whose soul hath caught the music of the spheres ; Whoa o'er all earth jars, heavenly; 'lnusic hears, And to attune luslife thereuntostrives. Is Life worth living ? Ay, to hifii that 1Ijs e'to toil tthrough few or many I,; airs Come talefito one or ten ; come faith ortfears; ., Come freedom's glorious strength or pri11.0u gyyes.. God gives thy sons to live love -leaven- ed lives, To lift themselves to thee by lifting others, '" tr To know that charitythespiritshrives, That selfishness the fire from` heaven smothers Tn To know that he that lives is he who gives, Who counts the world his home, all men his brothers ! CURED AGAINST, ITIS WILL AFTER TEN YEARS OF SUFFERING A HAMILTON MAN IS RESTORED TO HEALTH. A CASE RIVALLING THE MARVELLOUS CURE OF JOHN MARSHALL. Hamilton Times, Saturday, Oct. 94th. "A good name is more to be desired than great riches"' The truth of this scripture quotation is proven every day. Once a person or a firm or an institution achieves a good name its road to success is short and sure, but to achieve a good name is quite a dif- ferent thing. Not many months ago the Times brought to light one of the most marvellous cures that has ever been effected. Mr John Mar- shall, after being for years afflicted with locomtor ataxy, supposed to be incurable, and after having been paid $1,000 from the Royal Templars as be- ing totally disabled for life, was per- manently cured by the use of Dr Wil- liam's Pink Pills. Mr Marshall may be; seen on the streets anyday, astrong healthy man, with no trace of his old trouble. The case gave Pink Pills a name, 'throughout the length• and breadth of the land, and vastlyincreas- ed sales of the remedy followed. The results are to be seen on all sides; now in Wonderful cures wrought. ; r1,; F A ' r %t The•Timea Cameacross two yester- day. At No. 196 York street Mr. J.W. Clark, who is employedinMessrs. John Calder & Co's Clothing manufactory, was seen at Ids residence andwas pleased with the opportunity of saying a good word for the remedy that had put hint in a position to enjoy�life, after ten years of afhiction. MrClark is ayoung man of intelligence, acid told the story ofhis;case in an interesting manner. "Ten years ago," he said, "I got a very heavy cold, which settled in the small of my back and has ever since, ii4�p to' a short time ago, defied 'all the remedies I could hear of and the skill of many doctors. At times I was so bad that I could not work and was seldom free froim pain, whether standing, sitting, walking or lying. The only thing that gave me relief was an herb I got from an herbalist. For two weeks it reliev- ed me and then the pains returned. I got more herbs, but whether they were the same or not, or whether they sim- ply ceased to operate I cannot say, but I got no more relief from herbs. Tur- pentine applied on hot clothsand. taken internally gave me relief for a little while, but I gave them up too. Sev- eral :doctors examined me and said, }it'!3 .nothing 1" They gave me tu&dieines which they said would make it all right, but which didn't. After al- most ten years of doctoring I came to the conclusion I would never be cured, and tried to resign ,myself to my lot., Some months ago I went into the country to see my father. He said to me, 'Will, i have something here 1 During the performance of Orff's circus at Neu-Ruppin, Mme.., Borchardt, a favorite equestrienne, galloped into the ring bowing and smiling toward a group of young officers who had testi- fled their admiration by loud applause. Her husband, the clown of the circus, became wild with jealousy, and, draw- ing a revolver, shot the woman dead in the ring. The murd erer was quickly removed by the police, and the show stopped for the night. Poople ¶�uder WHEN they find how rapidly health is restored by taking Ayer's Sar- saparilla. The reason is that this preparation contains only the purest and most powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of life Mrs. Jos. Lake, Brockway Centre, Mich., writes : "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered un- told agony. I was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself `about': 'All` kinds of food distressed me, and only the moat deli- cate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated. me without giving relief: Noth- ing that I took deemed te'do any per- manent good until I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pro- duced wonderful results. Soon after commending to take the Sarsaparilla I could See tin Improvement in my condition, my appetite began to return and with it came ,the ability to digest all the food taken; my strength improved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, 1 found myself a well Woman, ale to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given me a new lease of life. and I cannot thank you too much." "We, the undersigned, citizens of BrockwarCentre. Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to full credence."—O. P. Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, C. A. Wells, Druggist. "My brother, in England, was, for a long tune, unable to attend to his occu- pation, by reason of sores on his foot. I sent him Ayers Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained induced him to try4yer'a Sarsaparilla. After using it a little while, he was cured, and is now a well man, working in a sugar 'Mill at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia"— A. Atte'Qveil, SharbetiLake, Ontarkg Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase. Prico $1; Six bottles, $5. Worth $b a bottle. i, . ala refs 'ill i` I k t (lI •d t i [ r Pp € , a a ;• • ..l d, ,e a, a 4 d t=a CM0,r1 is "»r. 'Sanrano'l pitther's prescription for In>i►ut*F' and Children. It copta`'ns neither Opium, Morph1ne nor other; `Nar'ootio suit Co. It is a iiaumless t�ulbstt for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups, and Castor GR. It is Pleasant. Its guf anteo is thirty years' wet by Millions of Mothers. Ci4toria destroys Worms and Wiwi teverisllness. Castoria i prevents vomiting Sour Ctii'ia cures Tlarrheea and Wind Colis. Castoria reileji is teething troubles, curs constipation and flatulcsicf. Castoria nssiimilateo t' -i3 food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cams toria is tho Children's i'anacea--the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their ch:ldren." D. G. C. O'0000, Lowe; 1, mass, "Castoria is the best remedy for c:::I ir,;t r which I um acquainted. I hopo tho day is Lot far distant when mothers will consider tho real interest of their children, and use Castoria in- steaA of the variousgtack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other 1:'artful ageute down their throats, thereby a:ndino them to piematttre graves." Du. S. F. Errcur..t.or, Couwa; , 4r' Castoria. " Castorla is so well adapted too'.Vldren that 1 recommend it as superior toauy pi.;3criphloq known to me." II. A. Annex, 51, A., 11180. Oxford St., Brooklyn, "Our physicians in tho children's depart- ment have spoken highly of their experi' encu in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regtitflr products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look With favor upon it." UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPLNSi3T, Boston, Mase. ALLEY C. SMITH, Pies., The Centaur Company, 'Irl Murray Street, Now York Cit.". ,r+ O. GLASGGW, Gents Furnishings, &c, Has removed his stock into the more comamoAious premises in Searle's Biock, Albert t. Cali and See Him. P-A.1N11'Ilq CA -I The undersigned is now ,at liberty to do anything in the way of .Hous$ and SIGN PAINTING GBAINING, PAPER HANGING, KAL- SOMINING, &c. At reasonable rates, and on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed Shop on Rattenbury St. C. WILSON, - Painter WE STILL LIVE ! AND- LARDINE - - OIL Still Leads Where Good Machine Oil is Required. McColl. Bros. & Co., Toronto Are the sole manufacturers of it. Bear this in mind. McCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER OIL Needs only to be used once to be appreciated. McColl Bros. & Co., - Torinto. D'Avigno.i's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the akin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation from the face and hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. It is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake this superior pre- paration for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion lotions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, cold sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. lin short D'Aviowow's CREAM or Wrrcn-HAZELia at once a remedy and a preventative of every form of snrfaoe inflammation 9r irritation. Price 25 Dents per bottle. Manufactured by JAMES H. 40OMI3F. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. LAC) O - 3 Extra Value Wi11 be given in all Lines for the month of May - FOR CASI3 And all 1890, or previous accounts, not otherwise agreed up- on, that are not settled during May, will be placed in other hands for collection. GEO. NEWTON ' - - - LONIDESBORO