The Clinton New Era, 1891-11-06, Page 1V ROBERT$QL11fES,, Editor .and Proprietor. fl - t• leaden With us IS Fine Black Worsted Suit Y.EM,BE ' 0 1891, At 822. Well made. Well Trimmed. Well Finished. NOTHING BETTER IN THE TRADE 5 per cent off for cash Thi Zitatg John !giii CLINTON Morris NOTE$. -W. Wordrow, of the 2nd eon., has returned from Algoma. Miss Mary Caldbick leaves for Manitoba next week, to visit her sister. Mr Jos. Ilegg took a shipment of lambs to Buf- falo this week. Miss Jennie Baines has returned from an extended sojourn in the land of Uncle Sam; she prefers the Union Jack to the Stars and Stripes, and will try Manitoba next. Consider- able excitement was caused on the 3rd and 4th lines last week,by the appear- ance of a mad dog, or what was suppos- ed to be one; it is feared that serious resnitsenay follow, as a number of ani - meals - w.ere._-lbitten.by it.ainLseaseasay three or,four people as well. 3elgrave NOTES. -The Bodman bridge is fin- ished and 'it.is a credit to the township, Hoes and knives are playing havoc with the tops and tails of. turnips, as every farmer is anxious to house them before the hard -weather. We are glad to know that J. A. Brownlee, our good natured tinsmith, is so far recur ered as to be able to show up again. We understand the shooting match in Belgrave had=not the best of a finish better keep square boys. TEMPERANCE -The temperance lodge in this place is in a prosperous condi- tion, and good times may be expected -there this fall and winter. Next'afon- day night is election of officers, when a large turn out of the members is spe- cially requested. Wingham. - NoTEs.--The boys of the Union F tory will be pleased to hear • of the s cess which Mr Alfred Rose, formes of Wingham, but now. of Woodstoc has,achreved; after his long and unt patience he has succeeded in hag a moustache. The concert, Thursday evening of last week, in town hall, given by the Rankin C was highly spoken of by those w keard it. Rev Mr Geddes, of Whi church, conducted the service in Presbyterin church here, last Sund evening, and those who heard hi were highly pleased with his sermo in the morning there was no servic Rev Mr McQuarrie being away f three or four weeks' holidays. Hallo e'en passed off quietly here, and mac credit is due to the young people for i we are pleased to see that the boys an young men are giving up such mi chievous tricks.. The --members of th Canadian Order of Foresters here i tend to have a court of juvenile Fores ers organized shortly. Last Sunda ' we had quite a blustery day,:with win and snow.. We are very.sorrrryy to h that Mr Wm. Cooper is Al with quinsy The lovefeast was held, and sacramen of the Lord's Supper administered, i the Methodist church here, last Sun day morning. Mrs Duncan McTavis was in Ripley_ this week, seeing he mothee,,,Mrs McTaggart, who has.. had a cancer ,cut out of her hand; she 1 over 70 years of age, and bore the ope ration without the aid of chloroform The Orangemen had a celebration of the 5th of November, in the Tempe- rance Hall, last (Thursday) night; we will give particulars next week. A few barrels of choice apples were ship- ped from here. this. week; to Messrs (leo. Gilchrist and David Thompson, Caithnesshire, Scotland, by Oliver Gil - Christ and James Cochrane. The Guy r Bros. gave a very pleasing and interest- ing concert, in the Town Hall, on Tues- day evening; the attendance was large. In the absence of Rev Mr Walwin, Rev Ei. Sellery, Wingham, conducted the 'service hi the Methodist church, Nue- -vaU, last Sunday, at 2.30 p.m. ac- uc- tir- grow- on the o., ho te- t he ay n; e, orw- h s- e n- t- ear Porter's 11111. NOTES. -Rev Mr Forrest, wife and little daughter,= of Walton, have re- turned home after a very pleasant visit among their many friends around' here. A very successful entertainment was ,held an the hall here ; the urogram. consisting of readings, recitations, dia- logues, vocal and instrumental music, &e.; the recitations were given by Miss Mary Paisley, of Clinton, being espe-, daily well received, and every one seemed satiefled that they had got the worth of 'their money. Charlie Mc- Phail intends leaving next week for Wolseley, N. S. W. This week will finish the apple packing in this section for the season. Thorn IS McDonald has purchased the farm of Mrs G.Canteion, 8th con., and takes possession imtnc- biately. Our Weekly JB OF INTERE$TINQ•NEWS Frons all parts of the County -by wide.awahe and lively Correspondents Usborne, WEDDING.- A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr Rich- ard Harvey, Thomas road, on Wednes- day last, when his daughter Mary (first cousin to Mr John T. Hawke, editor and proprietor of The Moncton Transcript, Moncton, N. B, ) was married to Mr Robt. Downs, eldest sen of Mr John Down, by their pastor Revs. H. J. Pharr and H. S. Magee of Beneall, The bride was dressed in cream cashmere, trimmed with cream vandyke lace, ornamental orange blossoms, with semi -train, and was given away by her brother Joseph S. About forty of their immediate rela- tives and friends were present to witness the ceremony and present their good wishes and tangible gifts, which were quite numerous and costly. Mr and Mrs Downs left for a wedding trip to the United States. Stanley SIonNE$$.-Mr Jas McGregor still continues in a low state of health. Mr Duncan Walker has not been out since his return from the Northwest, but keeps closely to the house. Mr Joseph McCully has been confined to bed since Friday last, by a severe cold. Mrs McCully is improving in health and is now able to be up and around. FIRES. -On Wednesday evening last; about 8.30 o'clock, the barns and sea- son's grain and implements on the Morrison farm, 9th con., now occupi- ed by Mr William Armstrong, were destroyed by fire, • and on Friday even- ing, about the same time, Bennewie's sawmill, on the 10th con., was also burned. - The cause of the fire is un- known. Both buildings were insured in the McKillop Mutual Insurance Co. DISPUTES, -Mr A. McIntosh, teacher near Brantford, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. He was called to Seaforth as a witness on the McPher- son vs. Henderson case, in which Mc- Pherson, of London Mfg. Co., sued John Henderson for .da ages tubusi- ness, on account of Henderson's refusal to keep a binder sold to him last sum- mer, and on which the judge, after hearing the evidence on both sides, re- served his decision. NOTES. -The Orange Society of Wal- ton, are preparing for a grand enter- tainment, on the eventing of Nov. 5th, in commemoration of ' " Gunpowder Plot." The Royal Templars, of Win- throp, have made arrangements for an open meeting, on Friday evening, 13th inst. Miss J. Govenlock, teacher of the Fordyce school, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents and family, in Winthrop. Mrs McEwan,who keeps the a post office and general store ,in J•ohhnnbDriscoll, and purchased tends building a new store, as soon as possible. Westfield. SCHOOL REPORT FOR OCTOBER. - Fifth class - Bertha Coventry 1270,' Josie Buchanan 1044, Fourth class- George Buchanan 283, Ethel Carter etceChrliieRedmond 546, Eta McDowell 522, David Patterson 489, Jas Redmond 376. Junior III - Jennie Armstrong 892, J. H. Buchanan 885, Harvey Mc- Dowell 487, Willie Henry 227, Annie McDowell 224. Second class -Annie Redmond 1033, Bertie Carr 985, Phoebe Jackson 809, Louie Campbell 803, Frank Carr 582, Rosa Coventry 367, Annie Buchanan 316, Gordon Johnston 309, Josie McDowell 308, Eddie Armstrong 285, Etta Vlhitmer 268, Rosanna Whit - mer 234, Christianna McClinton 129, Wesley Stacknouse 104 - NOTES. -Mrs Amos Challenger is visiting with her sister, Mrs Clemson, at Hespeler. Miss Simpson,from Wol- verton, is the guest of her sister Mrs Wm. Stackhouse at present. Mrs Thomas Fowler spent a few clays with her parents, Mr Hoover and wife, this week. The sale of Mrs J. Stackhouse, on Friday, was well attended and everything sold, the stock bringing a pretty fair price. Summerhill. OPEN LoDOE.-The I.O.G.T. intend holding an open lodge meeting on Wednesday evening: the Ilth inst, and a splendid program is under process of preparation for the occasion, and those who attend will surely be well enter- tained. There will be a silver collec- tion taken at the door. Come one, come all. We would be pleased to see all the neighboring lodges well repre- sented. OFFICERS. -At the last meeting of the Templars the following officers were installed,viz:-C.T., J.. H. Lowery; V.T., Lena Nesbitt; P.C.T., R. Draper; Sec., Cora Laithwaite; Asst. Sec., Bert Murphy; F. S., W. Lowery; Treas., W. J. Nesbitt; Marshall, W. Wallace; D. Marshall, Em. Watkins; Chap., H. Mc - Brien; Guard, Emma Potter; Sentinel, D. Burns. NOTES. -Mr and Mrs McGrattarn, of Goderich, spent Sunday with the But- ter's uncle, Mr Robt. Miller. Misses Gibson and Sheeler, of Toronto, are at present visiting at Mr H. Murphy's. After next Sunday then passed off euserlvice ineual. the church here will be held in the morn- ing, at 11 o'clock. We are informed that Mrs ti„ Draper has been on the sick list during the past few days; we hope for her complete recovery ere long. Mr T. Wallace still continues in very poor health; we would be much pleased to :state the event of his re- covery. The New ERA Ito end of 1892, to new rob- koribcre, for $1 eaab, et BIBLE SOCIETYFarnMEEa TING, -On last Thursday evening the Bible Society held their annual meeting, in St. John's church here, which was fairly well at- tended. Rev Mr Newton occupied the chair. Addresses were delivered by Revs Messrs J. H. Simpson, of Brnce- fleld, and Henderson, or Bayfield,whieh were very highly appreciated. Rev J. $. Simpson, agent of the Society, de- livered a very able address, laying down the workings of the Bible Society, which showed that it was a great bene- fit to the world, especially foreign countries. The following officers were appointed: -J. B. Second, Pres.; resi- dent ministers, Vice Presidents; James Armstrong, See.; Wm. Clark, Tress; Board of Directors, Jas. McClymont, John McAsh, J. B. Balfour. Novas. -Mr Thos. Delgaty was visit- ing friends in Exeter on Sunday last.• Mr Frank Keys, who has been attend- ing the Business College of Stratford for some time, is home on a short visit, and all are glad to see his smiling face once more. Mr Walker, of Boston, is visiting friends in this vicinity. A number of our boys attended a dance at Mr Craig's last week, land report a good time; Slugger went well supplied with candies to sweeten the smiles of the fair ones. Mr Balfour, our village dominie, is quite a wrestler, but he got his match last week, when he challeng- ed two Exeter boys for a contest. Mr Joseph Morrow, of the post office store, is taking in the sights of the forest city this week. Apples have ' been rushing in to the evaporator during the past week, and the enterprising proprietors are kept hustling, in order to get them all dried before the cold weather sets in. The stage team ran away on Saturday evening last, but fortunately did not get far before being captured by Mr Cook. Our Methodist friends intend holding a tea meeting here on the llth inst, and the commit- tee is sparing no pains to make it a success; should the night prove fine, we predict a grand time. Goderich Township CHANGING AROUND. -Mr Edward Wise, who has resided on the Bayfield road, for several .years, has moved back to the old homestead, occupied by his father, Mr William Wise, and Mr Albert Wise will take up his resid- ence on the farm vacated by his brother. NOTES. -The members of the Metho- dist church (Cole's appointment) in- tend holding anniversarif services, on Sunday, the 13th, and a teameeting the Monday following; Messrs Shilton and Galloway, of Clinton, and other ministers will take part. Miss Maud Toronto. Middleton is spending Misserthaa few weeks Scott, of the Huron road, has returned home after spending a week at Mr Edward Wise's. Mr Brownlee, of the Bayfield line, is on the sick list. WHAT THE PEOPLE iiillev.--That Saturday's rain last an was just the thing for this section. That the Harrison gang and the had a half little day sahol day last wef man from ek, b t Angie says they wouldn't have got so, only Dack drugged them; however they could hear the grass grow going home. That the Beaty line and Cow- boy round up Friday evening resulted in a draw. That the law providing that all bulls over six months old shall have a ring in their nose, and that the same be not allowed to run at large on the Sunday, mors estriictlyPenyforced, aecially s people hate to be pulverized on the titch oficloth s they rn off and ike to vhookee d from Porters Hill to Bethany church. That the threshers have got pretty nearly to the end of their tether in this section of the country, and report crops fairly good. East Wawanosh. CLOSE CALL. -While threshing at Mr Stonehouse's last Friday, sparks from Mr J. Johnson's engine set fire to the wood shed and wood pile several times, had the wind been blowing towards the barn at the time nothingould ge nectethaving doecannot careful n seeing that the sparks arresters are n proper order to insure protection rom fire. NoTEs. -- Mr Walter McGowan's orse, that has been laid up with in- igestion,for some time, has recovered. r James McGill has leased the farm wned by E. Livingstone, adjoining is own, for five years. Mr T. Ross isposed of five steers to C. Dale, of inburn. Mrs .lames McGowan went Halend her iother, wholast wasweek strickenawith par- ysis. of Mrs D. McGill Blyth, �daylast eek. A few friends gathered at the sidence of Ft riday evening, tor rcellebroge at the anni- rsary of Miss Janet's birthday; after her ending amusements, ntsa few rsof alls social tel for eir homes, satisfied that they had spent a very pleasant evening; may ss McGowan have many happy re- ars of the same. The weather is fa- rable for the iugathering of the tur- ps, which prove to be a good crop is year. The sale of farm stock and FIB.E elements, at Mrs Steakhouse's, on ing 11 idawroom e fair.asRobert Kirk,,(lofand tl the1411e,operate as the guest of J. Rath, last week. assistiin . Stewart, of Lucknow, was visiting consisti onds in this vicinity this Week. Mr factory drew Taylor, of Clinton Mociel save th nt Sunday at home, he has not yet of en successful in getting a school. su i rani omas J. Ovens is expected home th wh fro Manitoba this week, he has been Thea ri with typhoid fever, and is coming The tote me for the w titer. and the f Ir d M 0 h d K to n al g w re VP 0 th to vo ni im Fr w w frie spe Th fr 111 ho z ,Ored �oii. Cii melt NOTES„, --The regular erly meeting was held in the Me church here on Sunday'last+ largely attended, ,On Thursday Meeting.of the Sunday, Schoo was baeld, and a few changes we posed and adopted, - MerrRlazoNInL„-On Tuesday 1 other of...those pleasant even place at the residence of Mr We refer to the marriage of M Chambers to Selina Doney; aft? knot was tied the happy couppl the train for Woodstock. We them long life and prosperityy, has re ORANGE his farm t o M Q blei a term of five years; Mr J. Salte assist Mr .Cobleigh in workin farm. Mr A Nevins has purcha acres of the Hooper estate for th of $1200. Messrs R & F Sims, o 6th con, have rented 50 acres fro Colter. Mr Robt Flynn, who h misfortune to have his buildings their contents burned, removes sh to Clandeboye, where he has pure a farm greatly to his advantage. NOTES. -Mr Leary, son of A L of the llth con, who has been t old sod with live stock, has retu home safe and sound. Chief Cons GI11, of L "xeter, arrested some fel on the charge of stealing chi they go to Goderich to await The apple packers finished °their on Saturday night last, and a blo concert at the close. The sulky agents are sellin several plows thr *his district. Mr R Essery parch at the sale of Mr A. Rice a thoro bred Durham cow, for which he p handsome figure. The shooting m n the farm of W. Yearly was a access, many carried off their riumphantly. Hallowe'en passed ery quietly in our village, of co here are still a few coming from ackwoods, Messrs R. Walker an `a�ndford have returned from Man o, Mrs Greenway, wife of Pre reenway of Manitoba, who has b isiting her relatives and friends, eturned home. We are pleased to yrs J. Edwards again in our mi lady has been going around taki rders for the enlarging of pho �r. Staebler, who has been on a v Buffalo and New York, has ret one on eral of a trip to Muskoka, for urnrr heavyose of laden. hunting Mr deerEd. Trevethi ho has been at California for the p w years, is home visiting his paren Th people are busy preparing anksgiving. Hayfield WEDDING. -A very pleasant ev carred on Wednesday evening, 0 th, at the residence of Jas Erwin fe, their daughter Emma was join the holy bonds of matrimony to arles Stewart, of Goderich townsh e bridesmaid was Miss Annie Erwi d the groom was supported by usin Mr F Stewart. The bride ry becomingly dressed in crea hmere trimmed with cream s d ribbons. The presents were mi us and costly, which testified to polarity of the young couple. R Thibideau performed the cert. -anon OTES.-Mr A. Cooper, of Clinto s in town this week. Rev Mr Ry Florence, was visiting friends her Joseph Brown has moved from are to the house lately occupied b s Simpson. Mrs Strother, of Cli has been visiting for some tim 'lives in this villagge. We h iced that Mr John Sta.nbury, of th idon road, has been paying visits village pretty often lately: we a� ndering if there is any �iarticula action this way. Hallow en passe very quietly here in the old fashio. way, looking into the future b erent ways known only to th sated, ducking for apples and taffy s; the spirit of mischief seems t e been too busy in Toronto an. r places to have ever though s. OVALLY RECEIVED. -The followin the Oberlin, Kansas, Herald ch refers to Mr and Mrs Stephen son-in-law and daughter of T. J ks, of this village, will be read witl rest by many of our readers. I : "The reception given by Ober odge No. 42, Knights of Pythia eir hall, Tuesday evening, to Pas ncellor Wm. T. Sephenson and his on their return, was the event of eason. At 8 o'clock the hall was with lordly knights, invited ts, handsome ladies -a• gay and ant throng. After the bride and in were escorted to the hall by the comm for that purpose and con - dated and welcomed. all the guests seated at the tables which were ad with flowers and dainty viands, ight of which ,would excit the of a dyspeptic, the appetite of a and the delight of an epicure. was then furnished by the male tette, after which ' Grand Vice cellon Tully* Scott, in his own ng and masterly way, presented ewly wedded pair with a fine sil- ater service, which was accept - a cheerful response by the groom. rt musical program was rendered all joined in indulging their can proclivities until the fear of remorse that overtakes the vor- appetite caused them to resist. upper was fine and reflected credit on the fair Pythiau ladies. supper all repaired to the s itc, Dome of the Coiuniereiar /tote] ipped the light fantastic' until 'P sma' hours of the morning."' quart thodist and was 1 Board re pro- esti Mee is teelk. Sweet,. rTh s. er,the e, took 'wish Essery gh for r is to g the tied 25 e sum f the m Mr ad the with ortly hased eery, o the rned table lbws, chic trial. work ominy plow ough ased ugh - aid a etch grand fowl over arse the d T. ito- mier een has see dst. ng isit urn - ave the re- ck, ast ts. for ent ct. and' ed Mr ip. his was m sur m - the ev y. n, Rya to ed tu fe Th oc 27 wi in Ch Th an CO ve cas an ero wa of Mr Bus ton not Loi this WO attr off ed diff pull nay othe of u from whi 13011, Mar inte says lin L at th Cha the s filled gues brilli groo grati were covei the s anger negm Music guar Chan pleasi the n Ver W ed in A sho when epicur guilty acious The s great After and "t the 'we e. the y n - e ave toe Fordwieb re broke out in the engine of the saw mill owned and by L. C. Dicks, and, before cp arrived all the braidings, ng ofsaw mill and sash and door , were in flames. All efforts to e building and machinery were vail, Ile the flames spread with ole structure was consumed. 1 amount of the loss $3,500, insurance $2,200. QUA Staeley, mother of James Stanley-, is still very lea, andlbut faint hopes are entertained of her re, covery,*Mr Georse Nilson, eon of Aft Davidltfillson, is indisposed since com. ing home from Clevela,nd, but we hope soon to see him himself again. We are pleitsed, to be able to state that ail those who were lately afflicted. with diphtheria and scarlet fever are full re- covered. Mr R Taylor, Wholhas been confined to bed for a short time past, is now convalescent. Nargs.-Mr Benj Snell who has been in Manitoba and the Northwest during the past summer has returned home. He travelled aa'far west as Calgary within fifty miles of the Rockies, visit- ing the cattle and sheep ranches and is highly pleasedwith that countrY• The farmers in this vicinity: have all their roots about housed and a nlOpe beauti- ful crop has seldent been grown. Some of our farmers are about dispos- to American buyers. We hope they may realize _good prices. One of our merchants, Mr I F Staples was in Lon- don for a couple of days this week. CArirsEs.-Our town is well favored, with representives of the canine race; we have them of all sorts, sizes, colors, and breeds, and could veritably almost organize a local bench show. Our show would comprise all classes from the majestic lookiog, burly, sleek -hair- ed Newfoundland to the tiny, tinahl lap -dog, that is .petted. brushed and combed by its fair mistress withal! pos- sible care and gentleness. Nowthese canines being not always employed, they congregate daily during the sun- ny hours of the afternoon on the 'alp - land lawn" adjoining the public school, and there dance a curanto to the mu- sic of the gentle zephyrs, occasionally ruffling the equanimity of the youth- ful students by a reverberating Bow : vfow; and making the pedagogue de- sire for a moment that he were in close proximity to a blunderbus and some (Alt. We have as varied, odd and beautiful a lot of canines within our burgh as there is to be found in the RENTED. -Mr RobertLawson left the "Levis" farm for the "Sibben's farm" east of Clinton, which he has leased for a term. Mr Phranier left a few days ago by train for Sebringville. RETURNED. -The cattle (4 head) im- pounded here for several days, and ad- vertised for sale by public auction on Saturdarwere Claimed by Mr R just before the sale was to commence. IMPROVEMENTS. -The trustees of the schbol talk of replacing the seats and the desks of the school in order to im- prove the health of the pupils. This is as it should be. It is well to select men for trustees wile are interested in the wellfare of the youth. OFYICES.-The following officers were elected at the semi-annual meeting of Court Selwood No 87 C 0 F, on Friday W H Jervis. J R. --A Halstead. STOLEN. -We are informed that Mr George Tebutt had two fine geese sto- len on Saturday last,and on Monday night it is reported that Mr W Murch, had two fat ducks stolen -this ought not to be. The period will come when the thief will be sorry for the course pursued.' "Be sure your sin will find you out." NOTES.- Mr George Snell, of Londes- boro, spent a few hours here visiting his cousin Mr Thomas Lobb. Horses were a dull sale at the auction sale of Mrs S Holmes, on Thursday last. We regret to learn that Mrs W H Lobb, of the Maitland, is not recovering as ra- pidly ae could be desired. It is under- stood that Mr .1 R Holmes is about to make a trip to Manitoba. Mr Thomas Britton spent Sunday in our village. Holmesville has undoubtedly a special attraction to certain young men. Mrs Gravell and daughter, who took an outing to the neighborhood of the Aux - sable, returned on Wednesday, the chief object being to attend the wed- ding of a sister a Mrs Gravel. Leebufu THANESoiviNG-A thanksgiving 'ser- vice will be held here on Nov. 12. Rev J. Black will occupy the pulpit; service to commence at 11 a.ni. NEW WELL. -A good deep well has lately been dug in the yard belonging No. 9 school house, which will be much more convenient than carrying water. The work was done by A. Horton and Jos. Cook. spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Mary Cook. who has been living near Holmesville lately, spent Sunday with her parents, and was accompanied by her cousin, Miss A. Gliddon. Hallow - en passed very quietly here; the custom is dying out, and not before it is time. GOSPEL TEMPERANCE MEETING. - The rneetirN on Sunday night was well attended, in spite of the bad weather. The addreis was delivered by Mr F. Blairaof Goderich, which was very in- structive and interesting, and it is to be hoped that the people of this place will take good heed of the splendid ad- vice which has been given, The com- mittee has not yet succeeded in aetting a:speaker for next Sunday. Rev Jr: Black will address the meeting on the 15th inst. Bib Com.ncriox.-The Methodist Church here has had a red letter day.. A few weeks ago the newly appointed his congregatioe by announcing that $1,000 (sorely needed to reduce Ike large ehurch debt) would be asked for hi cash collection on the 1st day of November "One thousand dollars or nothing," was his terse way of putting the matter. Sunday was 4,he day an.. flounced. The Rev. W. 8, Griffin. D. D.. of Galt, preached twb admirable sermons, and the highl delighted Ople gave cheerfully d ovlates overflo ed With the ot TO CarrespoUd044 clay, Nov. 12, (tne nay npon "whloh awe go to press), it will be negeElearY PC4 P__„.4b*' .1 fah 4 day earlier then usual nenS Avoca/ Will our emTeSnenclents please hear this in mind,and fiend hi their we/come contributions one daylearlier than RENTBD.-Mr Of the Tru0ea road, hap rented his' farnito,Mr0,LnyFi., Sound, who had been visitingfriends, to her home on Thursday. og, 140; We 014 Mr Albert Connolly, of Hurcaaaa dence of her son, 6th con. of Ift11-10Pf was the mother of Mrs FeliialantOn, of '' Clinton, and was recently visitingadth: her. The remains were interred;11/ 1,t11/4/ • • Roma,n Catholic burial ground. . FARM SOLD. -Mr Fitz Sprung, 4;4'014 ' base line, has purchased the farm, ottlfea- 12, on the 12th con.; we did not'lients;-: thej price paid, but can say thet Sprung has secured a splendidePeapertr.ir-',.' iimitplheinmsetn. ts by auction on WedneadaYA,' OCTOBER. -5th class -Minnie Brickena den 706 4th class-Allie Watt SOlattetae?' nerd Weir 572. Senior 3iii-Lattra; Connell 404, Zeinnia Cornish 349., ior 3rd -Maud Hull 281: Senior' 2nd -H`;., Lizzie Churchill 967, George Akins' 906;., Lena Pope 864. Junior 2nd -Lillie - Watt 671, Jennie East 662, 2nd part- , Ida Murphy 783, Eva Noble 712, Willie Brown ft18. 1st part -Effie Hull 519, - Eddie Heneay 230. OCTOBER PROMOTIONS S. S. No. 2, " Leonard Weir. Into Jnnior 4th-Zem- ma Cornish, Annie Noble. Into henior 3rd -Maud Hull. Into junior 3rd - Lizzie Churchill, George Akins. Into ' senior- 2nd -Jennie East, Lillie Watt,. 2nd -Ida Mmphy, Eva NOblejererniah Noble, Archie Weir, Wreaths, !Snell, Hattie Sullen. Into part 2ridtagflie now making things hum. Mrs a ph Cooper, of Cleveland, is Visitina er sister Mrs George Milian. • A. 'few f the young men and boys, who •have een accustomed to loutwing on the ,; oadside on Sunday evenings, will be - ompelled to stay home or seek shelter • sewhere as the inclemency of the eather will not allow theria to lounge n the roadside. SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is e report for S. S. No 5, for the mout1C. October, based. on punctualitn eon- uct and diligence. No on roil* aver- ge attendance 33. Fifth clas&--431eo. unningham. Fourth class-Efita J. arter, Alice Manning. Sr 3rd-':.Tas. ompson, Arthur Smith, Thoa,M_Ita- ng. Jr. 3rd-Violetta Thompson, R. cond class-Jeesie Thompson, Lily cCool, Jno. Cunningham. Part If ass -Cecilia Eidt, Amelia Eldt, Rob- e Youngblut. Part I class -Lily rter, Charlie Hoggart, Albert Rad - rd. DEATH.-111:icfnaention was fast week ade concerning the death of H. R. ok, eldest son of 'Widow Cook, of the d eon. He had died so suddenly, a -a - at no particulars were known at th me, but it has since been learne at he died of typhoid fever. He h en working for some time in Ba y, Mich., from which place the rif ins were brought for interment. A -aa., uple of months before he died he had ned the Ancient Order of United orkmen. TheBayeityTimes refers to death as follows: -"The remains of' bert Cook, who died at the Farmer's - me, in Bay City, Wednesday, was t to his home at Clinton, Ont., in rge of his brother-in-law, this morn - his city last August, and in conse- nce carried an insurance of $2,009, n tvhich he had paid but two asgeee- nts. Th, policy is payable to his owed mother, a lady feeble and aliced in years, bst, to whom this oust will 'N., an incalculable ble,ss- Mr Cook was a worthy young of eXcellent charaeter and repute- . West Bay City lodge A.0.11.W. Mr Foster, who went after the ains, states that the kindness ot Workmen, and others, could not 758. Nellie Van Bridger 719, Joh.n ell 601, Thomas Adams 534, Fred iston 480, Henry Lennox 404, Dan onnell 38.3, Bertie Gray 281, rgeh. • 253, John Me( 'onnell 242. Senior -Leonard Whitely 819, Ida Riley Mabel Bell 728, Elva Adams 715, h Hill 667, Lorenzo Brigham 592, i Brogdon 768, Thos. Wall ee 761, Moore 702, Cora Nevvton 645, lay You'll 612, Alice Brigham 572, y Allen t 2, Jennie Roberton 495, Cunningham 308, Robert N. Cole Vincent McConnell 278. Senior Minnie Nelson 675, Lou. Ouiinette Alice Mountain 643, Lydia Shah - 446, Bernice Moore 379, John nson 351, Willie Townsend 332,' Brigham 320, John Crawford 397. ed Crisp 240, Charlie Watson 51. DEPARTMENT. --Senior 2nd -- Oliver 958, Dillia Oliver 854, Car- awford 760, Ethel Barr 050, Fred enson 641, Rose Riley 612, Amelia I 520, Robe Townsend 407, Rose 145. Junior 2nd---.Tessie Willis • Iva Wallace 867, Willie Day 80, ice Lawrence 712, Harvey Long - t 510, Tounny Lee 804o Wesley' Hull, Eddie Henery. 135 el th of a Th ni Se cl bi Ca fo Co 2n th ti th be Cit ma co joi his Ro Ho sen cha ing in t que upo ine wid ad v ing. nun Mon esco dela rein the be g ham R. B Johi McC 770. Sara Susa John Harr Bella 208, 064, Jfrook Steve Ada Wilfr JuN Alice rie Cr Steph Browi Cole - 024, E nerve 816, man 0 Garret Lee 2,31 Marto