HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-10-30, Page 7tj Mit• aroma Itrea ;ahs etµp; to Cala** i+lad Oifn rat x11 t?tem 0400000, 141000011 ifl the toile. of the fatal iter- petits was not l=ore heli as 'ban is the Then who pines under the of., Tecta of dis- ease, ezcessee, overwork, worry, ' etc. Rouse yourself, Take .heart of hope agal.n and BE A KAN 1 We have cured thousands, who allow us to refer to thee. WE C4 - 1'r CURE YOU by use of our exo1;113ive methods and appliances. Simple,. unfailing treatment at home for Lost or Failing Htanhopd, General or lieraqus Debility, Weaknesses of ,Body and Mind, Effect's of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Mt.NHoop fully _Restored. Improvemant seen the first day. 'Rory; tet, enlarge and..etrengthen, WEAE, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS AND FARTS DF BODY. Men testify from '50 States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., ,y • BUFFALO, N.Y. ST402tE.A-M9 s9 Electric Nair R@stur8r 'Restores Grey Hair to Its Original Color, Beauty and Softness Keeps. the Head Clean Cool and free from Dandruff. • Cures Irritation and Itch- ' ling of the Scalp! Or Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the :hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out in a few days. WM not soil lite akin or the most delicate head-dress. y , FQLL Dnss crsor d WITH EACH BOTTLE. Try it and be convinced. Price Fifty dents per Bottle. Refuse all Substitutes. BLE AGENT FOR CANADA H.._ SPENCER CASE "'Chemist, No. 50 King Street West Hamilton. Ontario For sale by J .H Combe. tt.L NOT a Fut gative Medi- cine. They area BLOOD BtriLnpa, TONIC and RECON- STRUCTOR, as they supply in a condensed fore, tt a substances ruail., needed5o9n- .!: t.' re Blood, curing ail diseases coming from Pools and \'a. rr BLOOD, or from r, Humana it ' n•.n, and ate to and Burne O F t:1 I BLOOD an,. • TAT.e„ when broken. tei: by overwqrk, a e•nttl worry disease. -,x'e,a.ts and indiecre- cimis. They have a 5mccIPIo ACTION on ttkt he SEXUAL SYSTEM of both nen and women, restoring LOST VIGOR •,•art correcting all ,. r1G:ot'LASITIE8 and vt'nrnEiSIONS. ;EVERY NAN vt ho a� .; his mental fac- ulties dull or failing, pr hts physical, .powers flagging, take these Paras. They will restore his lost energies, both tttysical and mental. EVERY WOMAN should take them. They cure all sup pression and irregularities, which inevitably monocled Sir Adolphe,who always entail sickness when neglected. looks bored, but who can make a YOUNG should take these Pa La. w,- 'fifes t.a cure the re- rattling good speech when that sults of you del laid habits, ,ed strengthen the laziness of his is conquered ; there system. is that evergreen old man,Mac- ' YOUNG. WOMEN mese !take them. , ' These Pa.Ls will a kenzie Bowell, who is ready al- ways to fight latterly or to bandy witticisms with his friends of the Opposition ; there is D'Alton Mc- Carthy, who .seldom applauds, but always listens intently, and there is Mulock, ' no is ready to talk' ton any tonic, and usually talks well. When these men are not speak- ing their attitudes are dharacteris tic. Laurier seems most comfor- table when he can rest his head on his hands ; Foster sits half -turned from the Opposition side, with bis hat pulled down over his brow; Sir John Thompson is as stiff as a ramrod, while Mackenzie.. Bowell usually cocks one leg jauntingly over the arm of his chair, and talks in an undertone to his neigh- bors. Young members almost al- ways signify their newness to Parliament by keeping their hats on all,,the time, but the old stag- ers have a regard for their hair, and accordingly sit bareheaded. There are many men in the house who are voters, not speak. ers, men who are never heard of except when they figure in the yeas and nays. These are the men who are valuable to their parties, at least one would think so to witness the lordly manner in, which they distribute tickets to the galleries and receive their visiting constituents. : alear —,-,a. } tiaottavit, *Wei) le :by Psi mead can unp}'o9ercwis city, xtastin there lyd be dtte front them a vote of tbankti to tho Dominion at large. Whop, wintry Winds drive.`o the ca i. tai's streets all who aro not b cruel necessity obliged to forsake. the genial shelter of 'shop and house,, the Stranger's Gallery in the 'House of Cammans is always filled, There sit men'wiict. care little for what the legislators talk of. To them warmth, is more than oro uonoe and they dozingly listen tot he speeclies of their ; ers. Not unvaried are these speech - I es, The rendition of them is esu, ally indicative of the tempera- trent of their deliverer. Sir Jahn Thompson speaks slowly, Oloos- ing his words, twiddling his glass- es between his thumbs, and never raising his voice during bis im- passive periods. Should he be speaking upon some subjeet ig which his opinion, as leader of the Commons, outweighs that of himself as a private member, he often begins a sentence in his plane in the vacant. row .of bench- es, and,,, elill...speaking, walks slowlydown the aisle to the seat now vacant, but nine occupied by Sir John Macdonald. As he walks down the aisle, there rises in the mind of some who see him an ir- resistable connection between his manner of walking and the incom- ing to a church of a surpliced choir. Good English Sir John speaks, but his precise manner in a great measure detracts from the fire of his often powerful periods. Not so Laurier. His French blood is not easily heated, but when his angor is aroused he is a fighter. He seldom forgets him- self. His is not the desk -pounding style of oratory, but he can send forth stinging sentences the like of which even that master of in- vective, Sir Richard Cartwright, cannot produce, Somehow, Mr Laurier's French accent seems to make even more forcab;o his deliverances. Foster is unlike either of these men. He has naturally 'a quick temper, but by the exercise of a tenacious will be has it under al. Most ` thorough control: But sometimes anger outweighs pru- e'ence, and then from under his hat -brim come a few words which inflame the already heated minds of the Liberals. i... crybody knows Cartwright ; bis nassal accent, his uncontroed temper, his lashing sentences. tiapptlythe knight sits in his chair his slouch hat pulled down over his eyes, his shoulders drooped, his chin on bis chest. The care- less observer would thiuk hint to be the most uninterested man in the, House, but when his turn comes thorn is a change. Bolt upright he stands, shaking that prehencible finger of his at the Government which he so much distrusts. No soft words aro his : out he rasps sentence after sent- ence until he has had his say,and, that finished, he again becomes that bundle of clothes, heaped in a chair. These are' most notable of the House's speakers,that is,of course, speaking of their most salient characteristics. There is the y' unemployed, won make'' em•regular. Fon sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt:of price (Sec. per bcLx), by addressing THE 'DR. i6'MED. CO. Brockuiiic. Ont FIAX&ED EMULSION COMPOUND !MONO HITIS 186 Lexington Ave. New York City, Sept. i0,1 I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several -eases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early sthges of Phthisis,and have boon wellleased with the results JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn. N.Y., Feb. 14th, 1889. I have used your Emulsion in a mise of ihthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patient could not use Cod Liver Oil FinsyySanDRO. M. D. NERYOusPRosTRATIoN Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th I /can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen tral tonic in physical debility• . F.' TALMAGE. M. D. ENEFAL DEBILITY' $roaalyn'N. Y., Oct. 10th, n. I regard Flax heed Emulsion as greatly superior to the Cod Liver Oil Tritbi tons so generally in use, D. A. GORTON, M. D. *ZTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St. New York,,46 0,1 1 have used your.Flax=-Send EiitttTsitn Compound A sot re case of Mal-dutrition and the- result was 11 hoped f6r--it was marvelous, and ben- s. recommend it cheerfully to the profession and iihnMnity at laze. M. 11. GILBERT, M.D. �E 'Stili•by ibrtigglists,•ATI� Price *1.00 FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35$ Liberty St., New York. For sale las H Combo F CURE FIT. M tVbett I sat I enue Ido not mesa merely to stop them for a time and'then hard them return a &1n, p p tadloai cure, .I hate 'rads tho (Unease or lira, '55 or FALLING SICHNESts s IIfo•tonq study. I wsrrsnt Thr ri1ddy kn.eurd the 55,55 Cs5en'• BceenSo elbord have ate. Send `��� e5 b Vti(to s roika Sot ndt BOR eeCEl'a C Yf�de tot �s ttt»ttfle Lhd,R. Free Dottie 6t my Infauible raeaes . oire axrnisss :no ro -orates. (.,R dir.M.C. 186 ADELAtda Sr. Wi t3T,o ORONTO,. Lira. to - AN AWFUL TRAGEDY I Thousands of lives have been sacri- ficed, thousands of homes made deso- late by the fatal inistake of the "old - school" physicians, still persisted in .by some, notwithstanding the light thrown nponrthe subject by modern researt;h, that Comenmption is incurable. It is not. Consumption is a scrofulous dia. ease of the lungs,and any remedy which strikes right at the seat of the complaint must and will care it, Such a remedy is Dr. Pierce's Goldef ZMedieal Discovery. It is a certain specific for all scrofulous complaints. It was never known to fail if given a fair trial, and that is why the manufacturers sell it under a positive guarantee that if it does not benefit or cure, the money Plaid for it will be re- funded. The only long reinedy iios9es- sed of such remarkable durative proper,. ties as to Warratit its tnakors lit gel itig it on trial t A will itaormo4 cor n of the Country Gentleman -. Southern Michigan heaiily stew ed with horses. and predicts low prices. The CanadianLive Stook Jour nal says that fully one -'halt" t 'hgrnes shown n so' . of the lit; 0l46ses .az the Toront s°i4 wou have been better left ✓,owe. dons. not specify Whit „classes, *The Moi'gan°horse; has the go habit of entering into :consolati s t,, t{iate Wesget or we e-, dfrtlit _ ei'o4n4 all day". in- aaktoo. parson could add, breech, rirpo-rto, n and other ott'aps to a Riadk- !Arnow*. And mak it suitable for or driving before, vehicles, Zt ire plain to bo seen that one Ode would be gained here. In baekin he ,a bail with leather harneen on th ht tram, the Ora two or three step Id the end of the tongue .flies up .a It far as the straps "`will permit i and this irritates a nervous team od With a steel harness and strap on added the vehicle would comments ,4tt^, *me bniad°red porno)** burnt out of their homes in, York on Thursday. Ten prairie, :buffalo have boon brought by A Liverpool banker and .are .now on thein way toEogland Hot and cold springs have been: (started in many parts of Califor s ilia, the result of the recent earth. Wilk the driver whenever the is any trouble.' President Marr son, in a speech during his rece visit to New England, used' t above quoted remark, and t enthusiasm which; it provoke showed that it was well apppreei ed in that home of the nOrga The Farmer's advocate fin that the Hackneys are fast gene in g in • with Canadians g tavoi rad ns a urges that they receive more eo sideration in the fair prizes in t future. The trouble with tnos,t:: them is that they are uudersize an opinion held oa the subject no less an authority than 'W.j Bu dett-Coutts, who says the avers height is barely 15.1 hands, whe for the driving service require of them they should be at lea 15.3. re, to back as. soon 541 the: tea4tr does i-, W,, int $Lockman. and Farmer nt ' .horses foot is so'nethinglike h0 a piece• of leather, full of pores e No better comparison of the effect on horst:tar feet eau be given than t. the condition of a pair of boots s, that have been worn during the day through the slush and snow e water until thoroughly soaked .through. When taken off you could almost wring the water' out, ' and they areas soft as a rag, as e the pores have become filled with water ; but set them away until they are thoroughly dry and you Y will find them hard and badly shrunken,, Take your horse's feet ° ' up and examine them after a day's n work in the snow water and you will find them in the same aondi- t tion as your boots, soft and spongy, but the next morning, al- , ter the water has dried out, they d are like a piece.pf stone, and pre - h sent a dry f ozeap� pearance. You will grease and oil your boots to © make them soft, otherwise they would pinch your feet and hurt, in many cases nature is left to overcome the abuse and neglect of the poor dumb animal's feet and every time nature is called. upon for this task it finds her in a more weakened condition, less compe- tent to perform the labor, and gradually the feet are ruined.— Kentucky Stock P arm. quake. t, H'O4'81111s act especially utiojq the, hver'rlousing,it tip from torpidity, tette. Q natural duties, pure constipation assist digestion, n d w n n h of d b r g ed s At a dairy «near Edinburgh Scotland, there has recently die a graycbarger which rode throug the 'Valley of Death' along with the immortal 'Six Hundred.' H also went through the Indian mutiny. At a charge of Balak ava he received a bullet in the neck, the mark of which ho car- ried to the grave. The old horse always retaineda keen sense of Military diseipline, and up to the ast, at the trumpet's blare he would cook his ears and come to attention. He repeatedly with- stood the thunder of a local bat- teryof 08 and 32 pounders with. the most perfect composure and indifference. A writer in the New York Sun gives the following method of dealing with a puller: For a puller, or one that has the habit of bearing too bard on the bit, start him slowly with a loose rein, talk coaxingly to him to keep him going slowly as long as you can. When bis. pace gets too fast pull him in gently, whether you have gone a rod or a mile, but never hold with.a heavy hand while driving, for the harder he is to hold the more he will pull. If he is restive and nervous at being hitched up, and in a hurry to go, back him oat and drive in two or three times, then tie and let him stand an hour or two, then drive to the door and tie, leaving a while, then drive back to the sta- ble and take him out. Men differ greatly in the amount of work they can get out of a team of horses, and the ani- mals know this as well as the drivers. Some will fret and sweat a team when only drawing an empty wagon, while others will drive the same horses before a heavy load and not wet a hair. Tnis difference is more easily seen than described. Mildness in manner and in tone of voice go a great way toward making the load draw easily. The owner's handling of the reins is frequently far different, from thatofthe hired man. We have seen teams keep poor in flesh by an almost inces- sant worry from an ill-fitting harness, an inhuman jerking up- on the bits, or a frequent and in judicious use of the whip. Boys are not exempt from these stric- tures. Many teams have had their usefulness impaired by a disregard of the feelings of the horses. It is not the well fed horse only that does the most work and keeps the best condition; he must also have a kind master - with a just regard for equine sen- sibility.—[Rural Kilo. ON THE THRESHOLD. Standing at womanhood's door is she, Clad in her virginal purity, A creature fair as the lilies be. And, like the lilies, alae, how frail ; They are borne to earth when the storms prevail, And their life goes out in a summer gale. Whip we see a frail and lovely crea- ture, standing on the threshold be-- ) tween girlhood and womanhood, we shiver with -afear what may be,beoause we have seen so many succumb at this critical period of life. What is needed at this time is a tonin and invigorant— something that will promote proper functional lotion of the female organs. The only remedy to be depended on is Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This unequalled medicine, which, cures dis- eases peculiar to women, is especially valuable at the period when the girl crosses the threshold of womanhood. Used at such slime, it never fails to produce a most beneficial result, and fragile girl has been tided over one of life's most trying periods by it. Much may be learned, says Prof. Liautard, from the accurat, study of the action of a single leg. Normally, its movements will be without variation or fail ure. When at rest it will easily sustain the woight assigned to it without showing hesitancy or betraying pain, and when it is raised from the ground in order to transfer the weight to its mate it will perform the act in such a manner that when it is placed again upon the ground to rest ;it will be with a firm tread, indica- tive of its ability to receive again the burden to be thrown back up- on it. In planting it upon the ground or raising it up again for the forward movement while in action, and again replanting it upon• the: eat'th, each movement will be,tbe game for each leg and for each biped, whether the act bo that of walking or trotting, or even of galloping. Having seen a steel harness in use 1 consider it very dosisable in some respects., Itdoes away with tugs, traces and. whilotreos. One can . plow nearer trees, stumps and fences, and it is a re- lief not to have whiifletrees to bother. As a harness for plow- ing and harrowing, the team can turn shorter 'and there are no traces for them to step over and get in a jangle. In pulling the plow back at balks and corners the plowman is not handicapped with the dead Weight of whiffle - trees also to haul back, which aro continually catobing on roots, atones or any titieVettnein. ,And `{ then -the Team Ts roliered of` drag. l The latest reports from Bussu# indicate a frightffil Condition of affairs in the famine stricken dis- triets. The Indians of Sarnia Reserve held their first Agricultural show on. Thvraday It was a great success. uferers FROM Stomach and' Liver derange. ments—Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick - Headache, and Constipation—find a safe and certain relief in Ayer's Pills. In all cases where a ca- thartic is needed, these Pills are recom- mended by leading physicians. Dr. T. E. Hastings, of Baltimore, says: "Ayer's Pills are the best cathartic and aperient within the reach of my proles - Dr. John W. Brown, of Oceans, W. Va., writes: "I have prescribed Ayer's Pills in my practice, and find them ex- cellent. I urge their general use in. families." " For a number of yearaI was afflicted' with biliousness which almost destroyed my health. I tried various remedies but nothing afforded me any relief until I began to take Ayer's Pills."—G. S. Wanderlich, Scranton, Pa. " I have used Ayer's Pillar for the past thirty years, and am satisfied I should not be alive to -day if it had not been for them. They cured me of dyspepsia when all other remedies failed, and their occasional use has kept me in a healthy condition ever since." -T:. P. Brown, Chester, Pa. "Having been subject, for years, to constipation, without being able to find much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills, and deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have derived great ben. efit from their use. Fur over two yearfl past I have taken one of these Pill% every night before retiring. I would not willingly be without them."—G.8W. Bowman, 26 East Main at., Carlisle, Pa. "Ayer's Pills have been used in my family upwards of twenty years, and have completely verified all that is claimed for them. In attacks of piles, from which I suffered many years, they afforded me greater relief than any med- icine fever tried."—Thomas F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. Ayer's Pills, PBEPAaaD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Told by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. vignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face no hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. ttis an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thissnperior pre• nation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion Mons. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col. ores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In ehort D'APIGNON'S CREAM of WITCH-HAZELie at once a remedy and a preventfol very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by JAMES H. CCPALEE, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT- Extra Value Will be givrenit iii all l..ineer for the month of J L t FOR CASH And all 1890, or previous accounts, not otherwise agreed upon, that are not settled during May, will be placed ft other hands for collection. GEO. NEWTON - - LONDESiOF,O GMO THE RELIABLE flRGA1VaPIANO DEALER G. F. OAKES, ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave SELLSPIANO--CASED ORGANS IRS' makes of PIANOS /Second hand ORGANS to rent RENTSPIANOS for rent K PIANOS Carefully moved ,PIANOS packed for shipping 'Organs repaired and retuned RE' PA RS' Piano Tuning attended to - ,Sheet Musie&Books ordered Shop on Main Street d Residence on James Street Box 11, Clinton Send for catalogue C. F. 0.4.11ES, CLINTON .. curets"F+1 ih'F:,C :. tai i, . .,.n. ,taco c. q I1 1 r'. , eastoriia fa Dr. Samuel ritcher'n prescrip'tfolt ror`]Clgt and Cl,:Uldrlen. Itcottaius eat cr'Opitlm,.,4o p1il,no nor ,either Narci tfc substance. It Is a• ltarmtes,* sn>bstittito, for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, auc>i. Caflto1, It is Pleasant. Its Hnururrtoa 13 thirty yieara' use b Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys'Worlt* an I ,fli feverishness, Castoria prevents vomiting' Sour Qq cures Di..,rrliaca rand Winsd . Castoriix reiltqr4 teething tro.a ins, Ct:rey constipation' and flatulllency*, Castoria, assirc; flatten the #seta?, re u.l\tea «t9 ,e• stomach. and bowolai, grin :healthy and natural sleep. toric is the Chililirs aa'w 1'a::ax;ry a -;t_i© Z.:othaer's, Friend Castoria. "Castortalsanexcellent mod!rino for chil- llren, Mothers have repeatedly told moot its good sftect upon their children." Da. G. C.- Oscroe, Lowell, Curteriztothe bent ra111c1'7 for'oh.ilrfern of whL..1 i am ...quainte.i. I hope thad_y far itis, ant' hin:nnth rz tei:iconsi,Ierthemat interest of their children, and use s us:o;i..n:- stead of the variousgaack nostrums.whlchare destroying their Loved ones, by torcingopinm, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, therebyasending them to premature graves." Da. J. P. Er:ent:toe„ Conway, Ar - The Centaur GEO. GLASGO. Gents Furnishings,&c3, Has removed his stock into the more commodious premises in Searle's Black, Albert St. Gall and, See Him. Castor/a., '0'Oastoria b scwell adapted toohlIdretithal I recommend It assuporiortoasty progcrip5, known to me." H. A. .4 a ntaa, M. 0,, 111 80. Qisford St., Brooklyn, N".ii'. " Ors physicians; in the children', depat't, . went baro spoken' highly of their expo' once hs their outside practice 'with Castotiei, and. r..thou h wo only hero,' among,ou medical,-supplles whist is known as regalia+ products, yet we aro free. to confess that merits of Castoria bas -won us til look IOW !,j favor upon it." U)wrrn HOSPI9j1.IND DISPegaPslq Boston, Hain ALLart C. Some, Pres.,, Company,. "I, Liurray 5Lreet, hear York City. I"AINII' INGT The undersigned is now at liberty to do anything in the way of . HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING GRAINING, PAPER HANGING,_KAL- SOMINING, &c. At reasonable rates, and on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed Shop on Rattenbury St. C. WILSON,Painter WE STILL LIVE !. AND • LARDINE - OIL Still Leads Where Good Machine Oil is ttequired. McColl Bros. & Co,, Toronto: Aro the sole manufacturers of it. Belix this in mind. McCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER. OIL Needs only to be used once to be appreciated. McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. COME AND TAKE This 'Valuable Present Away with YOU' The subscriber offers one of Doherty tC Co's ,justly ce! bratetl ORGANS free, with one Package of James Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing to Organ worth $196, for fifty cents fheorgan will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store R Satllrtla,y next. A call solicitoI froxri visitors to t Great Huron Central Exhibition N. ROB•SON. CHINA HALL FOLLOW THE CROWD TO Walton & Morrisojfs: TAILOR SHOP • Where you will find everything clean and new to select a SUIT or Winter OVERCOAT From. We have a few more Scotch Tweeds at 516 a Suit. Iteniember war 1i' going to give you a fit or no sale, and also give yon five per disco tt Via' for ten clays following October 9th t • /,�+�/ 4 W alto * V tt, lstfirt ,�b 41 MIN'S BLOCK. CLINA lop t�ite Coa,ra0t 0 t JtkeolC riot@ s .ai •