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The Clinton New Era, 1891-10-23, Page 5
"Ilir gr 1"111,11111-1) r is It a.ai Patne a iter filer; .vor,A.Tcs 34.1S1 when Yea have thfga rd their SPAWN ;au d da eepind,gnaolden, Taxon lure $c bey �1ea� tep{oa. EM U cLQ Titer are gotten up .in the i:.teei atylee m ftatlaaft 04 1114 WAIntik all WO beautifn1, and st prate yon need ter bay the- moo gammon, °lecke at. Come: one lynd all to oar a(lore and impact our belt itifal.tock of ItTe vellerar Watellies, Silverware and Meeks,, fill of winch will ba. aold'c1'ieep. • 0 -WOOD liVANUO. . RUME3ALL. 1 Torted- Cheap irewelicry store' . ... And . CiNT.Ii�,�ITET,EF�iQNE`RX(fANGA :tlinto B Von 8hoUId Come To tate Fair next week, And .h when youdo come and see what. we can do for you. have a fine stock, and we can suit you whether it is an .ordered Suit or, a .Ready Made Suit. We are open- ngup this week another lot of N V COODS that we will offer at very low prices. Come and see us when r;. You are m M� JAKs0N SR. Huron, Street; Clinton, tock Reducing Salo OF HARDWA 'fit . ....r. 27'g0r1� *•r+d,.r#,....k.Y.,.'y, 0 299 11554:1:w4i- Ir.,rr.rr..sr 5 he% s 0 •1.,'laer..,l,*,•�,e, 0°1145 :0 16 LoWoe r.Y,..r Q ft(Ito 4eLl,d.•,ar,t,,'.,.*,*ee ,e 0 1$,:a „s0 le Pork..,..y..r.-d, este. eat, ids fill:!!,IS 045 Rides, M.7 o. 1 an' 6666 64 ki' WJinod'... r R6 00 11 8 1 so mug, rough......d...,• 3 00 . 8 /0G Sheep Soho. ,....+r..,.. 0 60 a 0 60 Timotbyaaod.t.,.,.....0 .2 00 n 2 5 Oloveraeed....n, .,..e. 6.00 M 7 Ohiake Viper rig........, ./ 0 30 a 0 5 0 AO Creolpere •'x/. }...... 0 25 a 0 7 NOT11 TfESE� PRICES* E�pa....../. /.f..., .• ,......•16 iltter.,..,,,.,,, ,x,,,.14 to 1 e Old Fowl and Chickens, alive or �" dreased,perpair 30 ata. {been alive, per lb.,, 6 eta, Geese, dreeeed, per lbQ ata. Turkeys, alive, par lb 7 eta. Turkeys, dressed, Per lb Ducks per pair, .... 60e to 60 eta Cull Apples per owt.....25o to 35 cte. Any quantity of the above taken at the East End. care •Ger if fty, Archibald. , MQMurehy eon et McMurooy,, copal' of the Jarvis Street 4. !l • , late Inatitete, Toronto, had his lefR<foot ehn*fered by as *Ogden. while , tint t ,' at .uunnville, en W.edoes.' 00 day. Rev. Sain I nd*il iii in trouble,. ` e bas been,. arrested on a civil Bait.brought by Rev.:h;Mr. Munro, p of Newton, who sayB he Sent *le OP i l dirge of his sun ,000 to Small. a year .ego to invest 0 in Ogden, Utah. He' is not saga.. lied with Small's report ofhis stew. ardehi ., and borne the eharge elf Swindling. The Western Qatari() Dairy.-. men's Assoolation Fill hold (their anneal Convention in Brantford, in the soeoad week of January, 1892. Tbo association is corn- posed of the members of all the dairies in the Province west of Tdronto. Tboy represent about 300 cheesie factories. There will probably be several hundred del- egates, moat of them men of wide experience. The subjects discuss- ed w'll be matters of interest to the ate dairying world,and will inolud addresses °by many of the most meat experts in the United States as well as Canada. J. W. Lobb, - Holmesville MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. MoznitsAL., Oct. 19.—There were shoot 400 head of butchers' ovale, 100 calve and 300 sheep and lambs offered at the Feast End abattoir. The were noof goodcattle, offfered very to days nearly all having been held over from last week. Trade was exceedingly slow and very little was done in the cattle line, excepting that Mr Bickerdike bouglit 60 head of 'Ambers, for which be paid abort 3o per U. Non. of the sales made here to -day exceeded 34o per lb, yet good beeves would have brought from 4 to 4io perib. The few sales made were at ' somewhat better prices than on Thursday, but the but- chers .has about all the meat they re- quire for some time, as the liberal supplies of poultry which are being brought to the pity will greatly dimin- ish thesales of butchers' meat. Good calveare in vestfoeach,and common at from atrom 33 to 25 .each. Shippers are paying about 31,c per lb, for geed large sheep, but few of this Common lambs sell at 22 25e to to-day. each. Fat hogs are not plentiful, and sell at from 54o to a little over 5io per lb • - TORONTO CATTLE MARKET There was a lot of stuff Wes- tern Cattle Market tin Wednesdayand business was dull. This market was bad all round. There were a few loads of fat export cattle, but not much of this stock was wanted. Prices for these animals ranged at from 3fo to per lb, according to quality, it drop of fo in quotations. Stockers were mostly in demand at from 3c up to 3f ; 34a and steerso ere the for feeding. paidures for of 1,300 lbs brought 24o, to feed up for a future market. Butchers' cattle found ah et0 slow sale and the sapply was Some Lines at and Under cad of the demhe g oA lot rofi i t ok offered: The general price -range was from 24o to 34o per lb, acoor quality. -c 1 No. 9 BOILERS, - $1,75 regular price $2.50 No. 9 TEA KETTLES 75 " DISH PANS - 25 DIPPERS - 10 DUST PANS - 10 LARGE PAILS - 36 WASII BASINS 15 ei " it 1.25 " 50 20 20 50 25 ii [E ii GIVE A CALL TRY OUR ROCK OIL and FLINT CHIMNEYS. Same price as the common RLi&ND BR IRON do HARDWARE, STOVES di TINWARE, CLINTON, ONT. ti Baking. Matennatorag daketooldpremisesViciSt.would like see hid old customers and as many new ones At# *'iifild favor him with their custom. All S'Qod$ ordered will be promptly delivered, lm ltehering Bus1ness To the 'public. 8sbseriber having bought but the business .o Sneeebafully conducted by Mr Couch, schools a continuance of the liberal patron* 'Age bestowed on his predecessor. No pains llrr teepees° will be spared to pro0nrotbe very beet meats, and orders will be promptly and oareft ley -filled. The business will still be o0nsueted at the same stand as heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides She skins, &c, JAMES A. FORD. nBQS Qd&WISIAPB okt MEAL --10 ponnds Rolled 4 :Oatmeal to the bushel Oats in . lkehange... '16Lilr, uttiii and Shorts at 1lTi11 Prlees. litAgs•'Wstrnted—_ddad or alive. JAMES STEEP, Seed Dealer, Clinton '4, n Wheat. William Pattenden was tried at the Winnipeg Assizes, for the murder at Marquette last Spring of Mrs Rodney, who was house- keeper for James Fogbell, a far- mer. During the farmer's ab- sence Pattenden, who was also employed on the farm, quarrelled with the woman, acid shot her with an old gun,afterwards throw- ing the body down •an old well, where it was found next „day. Pattenden was suspected, and bis arrest followed. The evidence pointed clearly to bis guilt and a verdict of guilty was returned. Chief Justice Taylor then senten- ced the prisoner to be hanged at the gaol in Winnipeg, on, De- cember 18th. Pattenden is a young Englishman, aged sixteen, and takes the matter coolly. Hon Oliver, Mowat has express- ed the opinion that the abolition of grand juries is a matter of Provincial jurisdiction, and not within the power ofthe Dominion authorities. The freezing apparatus of the steamer Paramatta broke down on her voyage from ll ustrali$ tO England 'and 20,000 carcases of sheep were spoiled. Minard's Liniment is the best. nferior Lobb's Starch Enamel ding to ( attention an article worthy of Query lady's If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you ant the starch o stain clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost buy a box If you eto verything cues, new, as shirt booms. collars, cues, la curtains, etc., buy a box. The United States Government report at Washington points to the wbeat yield of 1891 as ag— gregating 590,000,000 bushels, which is 78,000,000 bushels more than the great crop ,of 1884. Ac- cording to the latest advices the available stocks of wheat in Eu- rope on the first of this month were 95,300,000. The approxi- mate American supplies (includ- ing Canada) on the same date was about 59,990,000 bushels. Ac- cording to the above figures the stocks of wheat and its equi- valent of flour were 155,000,000 bushels. This would seem to indicate that the short crop sup. ply has been exaggerated, says the Trade Bulletin, and of course the bears are using it for albs is ' worth. It should be remembered, however, that this increase bas arisen largely from the flush of harvest marketings on this side, which has helped to swell the granary accumulations of Europe. Needy farmers in Great Britain and on the continent have been compelled to realize upon a con- siderable portion of their crops, and this has been an important factor in piling up stocks on the other side. But it must not be Inst sight of that only six months of the cereal year have been pro- vided for, and that within the - ? �nlne`nnof lis the s e s rn store in Europe may undergo a considerable shrinkage. , For the present, however, there are many signs of 'a plentiful supply of breadstuffs, and as long as these c conditions last, the 'bulls' will have a difficult task to lift value - - SALE REGISTER. Farm stook, of Mrs E Yungblut, lot 82, con. 14 Hullett, on Friday, Oot. 23, C Hamilton, aunt. Household tto DReeeothe maket square, belonging n n Saturday afternoon, Oct 24. D. Diokin. son attot. Perm stook of Mr John Soanlin, lot 21, con 4, Hullett, at 1 p. m, on lironday, Oot. 26. T Brown, snot. Farre stock of Mrs John tennan, lot 4, con. 9, Ashfield, at 1 p. m. on Tues. day, Oot. rJouFarnstook of MhnRasier, lot 6eltsniusday, bo27. Colborne. kin , n2. on amt. Perm stock of Mr E Roush, lot 1 eon. 2. l!toKillop, at 1 p. m: on Wednes- day, rffitOct ook, furniture,&c,ef Miss M. Linn, lot 10, con. 8, Morris, on Wednes- day. Oat. 28.0. Hamilton, aunt. Varna o , Goof deoh t township, 1 pact. on Thursday, Oct. 29. T. Brown, amok oster's ine otog rath or ortu nate olks 1 Lzsten to plain facts about the B. & C. corset. You can't break the bones ---for one'thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get- your money. Ast bar Dry Goa sealer tot it For SSAl v Nb Wati A Hodge PRICE 15 CENTS. NJ—Every Storekeeper keeps it ;now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to repersent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, Holmesville STRAY CATTLE Stray Heifer. Came into Subscribers premises, lot 28, llth con. of Hullett, about two months since, a white yearling Heifer. Owneryypp is herebyharggeand take tnotified ako e it prove property, BRIGHAM. 3 ins Stray Horses, Straed fro Mlot 12 aitland Concese on,Godenoh Township, abotfi'the 5th of October, two Fillies, and a Grawith white face; the otherof the s is a is black, sTht he mare is about 9 years old. Any one giving information that will lead to its recovery will be suitably rewarded, THOS GINN, Benmiller P.O. MISCELLANEOUS Dressmakinge soThe the people undersigned Clinton .and°vieinnity, that roomsthe as o ermStep's. Dressmaking, sStore, Elliott's blockand ea eful awhere ttentions wMIISSYPOWE prompt m2w WANTS. Wanted,—Purchasers for 150 tons No. 1 Coal.—Stove and ohesnrit. —Orders left `Swral p Kyo- atfi Weirre ceive prompt attention. Wanted,—loop Cords wood delivered at the Clinton Salt Works. JOHN MCGAR VA. PIGS FOR SERVICE ff hester WhiteHog for Service S' 1 lot Subscriber Road, Goderivob Township, the - splendid thoro'bred boar, Yankee Bo He was bred by W.Esaler, Huron County, Mich., and is a No. 1 animal. Terme, 81 and no grumbling. OTTER B. WILSON. l'ardware, dry goods, &o., in Store opposite Cardno'e hall, Seaforth, at 7 p. m. en Saturday, Ont. 81.W. Menzies, Prop. T. Brotvrt, aunt. Patin Of 100 antes, being lot 35, oon. 1, tad Wa `v7ei11abh. 'at Commercial Adel, 1, Blgt11, on Saturday, Oot. 81, C. lxamilteti, aunt.. Berkshire Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service at his',rppemi- improed Berkshire) l3oar, blaok,rieh with an oroap of Poland China. This is a splendid animal to breed from. Terms 31, with pri- vilege of returning, if necessary. JOHN 0. ELLIOTT, lm Pig for Service: prem ses. lot. 12 2ndpcon sofvRullaett,tla thorobred Chester White boar, of first-class. pedigree. Terms, 31, at time of service, with privilege of returning,if necessary, $125 if booked, HENRY FREMAN. Boar for Se rY,iCe. young Berkshire Boal bred by the oe eb Ante . ed breeder, George Green, $1 at time of service, with the privilege of returning it Mammary. THOS, CABBERT, Gravel/load, Hullett.• rim X90- S a L a. R sr and Commission to . Agents, Men and women, Teach. ere and Clergymen tet introduce a new and popular standard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries, to Jesus of Nazareth. The most romarkabl ' iigioue book of the age, , wYlt b ten g 800 y Dia • ant echelon, ora ra Non- sectarian. ctari an. E 'Vek Christ st Peery n elusive territory wants it, Ex- giV t. Apply to Tlltd' 11htNRY 33ra.. 13L18i'IINQ ,. 17oR'61+3 Ageno r ,at Cro Ore doing,ale di r!. d husineea, WRYBECAUSE the line • is noted for qquick, des>.atoll and prompt delivery. Oboe at Cooper's Boot Stun '-t'1�Af1$FY,R)3 W.>�TTED 'eavher Walgted , Mabe teacher wanted,ust hold second claps certificate, for School Sootion No.9 Rul. let. Applications will be received op to October 26 1891. State salP BRIEN, Auliary, W, ura. Teacsher,Wan`ted, For S S. No. 5 Hallett holding and or Dthird class certificate, male or female. uties to commence let of January, 1892. pplisants to state salary and forward testi. menials. Applyto theSecretary W. McCool, Treas, Londesboro. 2w Teacher Wanted. Teachers wanted for Sobool Section No,e, ngl2ud clasr s cehe rtificate for Senior dep°art. meat also female teacher holding 3rd class certificate for junior department. Appli- cations AABARR See. ived P.8 13°1 °ndesbordross o. TO RENT OR FOR SALE To Rent or for Sale Cheap. That et'oocd°beevty St West, now RMr Osborne. Apply to J. 8. WORSHLL, dealer in new and second-hand Sewing Machines, House to Rent. witthleverryyy conven encs n R Rent 89na month. MISS FOXTON. House to Rent. Comfortable house to let on Dunlop St., containing every accommodation for ordi- nary Apply tMAari50 a Soon or to JOHN 0. ELLIOTT. Cottage to Rent. Rattencomfortableurtwest, now nd coup ed enient by Mr W. Mennel. It contains accommodation for or- dinary family, with all desirable convenience and will be rented at reasonable rate. MRS PORTER, Albert St. Clinton. ag For Sale. The to the estatcottage of the late Thos Coopertreet e1 at present occupied by Mr Wm, Robb, containing 5 bed- rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen caarriage hone, driving Bl edHarandtalso watethea three iota adioning will be sold on reasonable erns, apply to MRS. THOS. COOPER Farm For Sale. 100 eons North half of lot 5 I the 8th con- cession of Morris;TTwo Miles North of the thriving town of Blyth, Half Mile East of Coldar's Siding on the L. H. and B. Railway, Good hewed log house and new frame barn 36 x 50 thoroughly finished throughout. 80 acres cleared and' about free from stumps, Well fenced and drained. Title from the crown. For further particulars apply to at. Y. HEATING, St. Catharines, Ont. 6 w Farm for Sale. farm of 125 acres,r being lot for sale 36,hllths xcon1eof Hullett, 2i miles west of Londesboro, About 10 acres hardwood bush balance all in good cultivation; brink dwe111ng,bank barn 60 x 90, another, with stone foundation only 35 x 56, also stable end shed 30 x 48. Good orchard, plenty of water. One of the best farms in Hullae to °urches nn°ggtthirdedownbalance to remaischool. at 5 per per cent. THOS, MOIINTAIN, Loist- desboro. pd4 t f, Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale that excellent farm containing 100 acres, being East half lot 12 and- North half Iot 11 on 12th con, of Hullett, 11 miles from Earlook P. 0. 5 miles from Blyth 11 miles from Seaforth, 1a miles from Church and School, about 5 acres hard wood bush, balance all in good state of cul- tivation, well fenced, Springcreek running close by buildings, never failing wen, good bearing orchard, Bank barn 60 x 60 stabling and root -house underneath,concrete hog -pen and hen -house 18 x 40 good frame house near - apply on premia s oall r Mor Joseph Ly on, to 26 13 eon. Terms $2,000 -dawn, balance of pur- chase money can stop on a mortgage if de- sired at5 per Dent per annum, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. David Dickinson will sell by Auotion, on ' TUESDAY, OCT. 27th, 1891, ----ON---- Lot 8, Maitland Con., Colborne, (About 3 Milos North of Holmesville Bridge) 4 The following articies, via.: -1 bay Gelding Colts 2 years old;old; 1 r2 Yearlinolt 3 g Fillies• 3 Geld- ings 1 year old; 1 Gelding 7 years old; 1 fine Stallion, Huron Chief, 6 years old, bred by =Middlesex;•�alara ggeary-olw=good--Milch= Cows; 2 Heifers 2 years old; 3 yearling Steers; 1 Cider Press with two iron across, would do for pressing flax seed, being a -powerful ma- chine. all complete, and opher articles. Sale to commence at 1 and reserve as the proprietor has n0 use forhout the articles. Tnrtn[s.—Ali sums of 5)0 and under, cash ; over that am unt twelve months' credit wi:1 be given on f rnlshiug approved joint notes. JNO ROISSI p. D•DICKINSON,Auet MORTGAGE .' SALE - --OF VALUABLE-- o TOWN PROPERTY There will be Bold by Public Auction, at the Rattenbury House, CLINTON In the County of Huron, ou WEDNESDAY, October 28th, '9I, At one o'clock P. M„ the very desirable property: (Under power of Sale contained fn a eer- tarn Registered Mortgage made by Bertha and William Jackson, sr,, to the vendors). Subdivision Lots 7 (on Albert Street) and 20 (in rear of Lane and of said lust mentioned Lot) being a part of T'oWn Lots Nos. 262 and 253 in the said Town of Clinton, as laid don a upon a map • or plan thereof and Register d in the Registry OOfiice in the said County 1 Huron. Tera is situated on this property arrfirsg- dition.wSime of store 25x9, brick store also a frame barn In rear of same. terms easy and made known 013 day 01 Sale. For further particulars apply to M. J. HENT, London To The Public. The undersigned in returning thanks to his customers for their liberal st pport in the peat, desires s to it ate thata th e has tamed MA over entire toason Hebert, i will continue the bane. He ih ompotyert;d it* dolleet all eittatending aceoltlits and Nettle all °lain e. olioppipg 5o a brig if Clean. Taps,` s±Ii o1i;« ....•T . ' e, are oiretteg *iv week Boma 1 BOOTS,. SitIXES, ITBDER,S, ,Every pair wet. to be the: ver" best to o, lar of' -:Quake and Mg yWe sell only the best is ..easily .:• plainer. The 'best • bergs pect 'noir, holds custom' L. makes 110 friends and aro establishes our tragi 1! . You want BOOTS or SI43,y° dad ns waiting ---Monday, $a,tt' 11 Tuesday, Friday, Thursday, Wiedne day, any day but Sunday. 1('IIERE NO We do business is the head quarters: of the shoes trade. Perhaps we litad better say first quarters. Why. -not t. We can afford to sell thit best.at A> low or lower prices than other deal, ers ask for common goods, is becaalse we buy at bottom prices and we sell' te,- every pair for hard cash, being con- tent with a small profit and takiao no risk. L. Ouiniette, LUN"DT_: gOg,a. HUB GROCER' The HuronCentral Fair will be here next week. We ask you to.viait the Hub Grocery ie stead of the grounds, and we will abow est to buy 1n the shape of BEDROOM SETS ndou hGLASSto WAinter- est E� , They have just arrived from the old country, and are the best value ' for the money we have ever kept in stock. Also, ask for a sample of TIGER TEA, as we have ten pounds to give away' in samples. GEO, *74 AL1Lg W.4CLIN''CION' .. ©oe e --.A 1\T 11C3M I have on hand- a full stock of Boots and -Shoes for the Fall and Winter, which I am selling very' cheap. Caill. and be convinced. Chas. Cruickshank Se Q014 00 S lIi 6.46,4 .AND CHOOL SUPPLIES 13rs�e'�1uthoi'iied`T'esl oo szc.,or u and Model Schools and Collegiate Institute. Full Stock and Lowest Prices W. H. SIMPSONs CJLiNTON ,Our FALL STOCK is complete. We have the best: goods in the market, and prices are low Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for cash Befit 10 •»t Taylor *LITH Adreav �4 .:r