The Clinton New Era, 1891-10-23, Page 2hte
tly her& oiljo�ei rIRby. 'end bi-
eyeatibar pain she wa. certain alkt
104 ii011361110W 'OAK love of hive WO to be
attthor enter of nee, itir all reel love bound to
ta or wholly under. i I* Site ritoodeor some niontas at
se and bkterioas t the open window?' a bird Wag:parch"
iteatn than be °mild , ed on a tree close by?, and the
dace, for even I watched, it And oot*l°
.how when
Iy thoao vie lore, amidst:11y it Self 8W41410 bra/1011i
41441rUe 441kt %livered and trembled,
Writ* Oen and range I 'It is atter all only natural to feel •
• this going away?abe reflected. -.—
very different I *Like the tree, I sball soon ,grow'
egid gave him mirage teteadragoin,'' And then she heard
ey were acontinual Lace's yoke calliog her, and, ring
't that lowered Side 0E1 tbeOntserY, felted a childish as;
'At BimochQ Pete Peed of eettling, and
. One Wonieti hav- arms to cling 0014 her, and Oft
_Or beet to VOW the health ktesee to comfort her,
hi hedy and tam), it re- Meanwhi e, Frithjof 11114 Sigrid
•r those tnxt ceiluter-' bad reached the model' 'thtlginge,
bad' -influence and to do and, key in hand, :were toiling iip
*11 that can be done.bY the long flights Of sterie Salta: All
love and pure unsvIfisb hnd been arranged On the preview:,
day, and. COW AO they unlocked
is ono thing more strik, their,door, the moment pone. to
Pbeerver of life than any tkenia grave one, for they Wino
il,4s tlI,0 Strange- JAW Of 0Q03, ' 0bOot to begin a now and unknown
.1; 'OW its *1104 unoxeeet; life. Sigrid's heart heat cedeklY as
ing.' W, a" l'e°140 ,whese theY'Onterd the little Sitting room.srasota and essY rendered, The door opened straight into., it;
10' by liPme saUse- which' was a draWback, but lAre
• ain, we see people whits° Penifaee'is present of a four -fold
d,Wrenge are heartrending„ Japanese screen gave warmth and
old in spite,.of their sorrows privaoy, and pictareecitien*, by
take pleasure in some ehetting .0fe that corner from ivisw;
41)?'otensotnent, whivh seems and, in spite of extreme eeontneY in
into thoir rkened lives furnishing; the place looked Very
eke* brh1IL1hss. enheuc- pretty. A cheerful mimSon. carpet
coterql the 'floor; ' the buff colored
wells Were bate nidetelf far there
was a ruleagaiust knocking in nails,
but the pictOrCof Bergen stood on
the mantle- piece'betwe,ett the /-.1110
tograplis of their father and mother,
serving as a continent remembrance
of home and of a countryman's.
kindness. Facing the Are was a
cottage piano, lent ify Mr Bonitaoe
for ab long aa tlieflikoci: to keep it,
and on the 'open shelves above a
corner ;cupboard were ranged the,
blue willow pattern caps and sau-
cers which' Sigrid had delighted in
2 "They were much too effective to
he banished to the kitchen, were
they'nnt?'"ehe said. am sure
they are far prettier than atreat
deal of tbe rare old china I have
Been put in drawing rooms.'
• 'How about the firei' said Frith -
'Yes; do. 'W„.o. must have a little
one to boil the kettle, and Swan-
hild it; sure to. come in cold after
that long journey. I'll just put
thei3e flowers in to Cecil's little
Vases. How loyely 'they are! Do
• ,
*rest,. lIt . was thu
He!' tie ,tered;• men -
,tibler, emse yes to . enter,
i.the„Minntees of ilio 'rereish.
.. Itey'S workshop
nb the ,patiientor',i bench over
`thingwne •-Could. "be made or
d�d, and .6,1,40,4 heartily the
Ott•.attangi4, 'which
bare Toted an
044 :
• 00„&l:.th02.:.deY come, when
J4/00 4t0 ineie Rowan t Tree
en10. 'Every one WaEl 80117 tO
,thein, and they fell., genie very
r.b;for it was iropessible to ex -
':110* JA411,:th9.8g;estfui weekR::
clone:f04,' iti-oin,:..1)411. _TOO'
tried -to say • lannething of the•
itertvie and. Mrelionifacei but
not very- ,imeeestifully, for ,.•Sigrid
b'eake'; tleVvriatinti.cried, and Path;
that to Put very deep. Wit."'
heti° the readiest
speaker: ,.::• Ito wever,.there was little
4144,1'9i -0P :oePh nn Other side. ,
you want,a.ohange Or,
ireSh'faaid Mrs Boniface, shaking
ad wanriily,'4ouhiive only gotto-
oolt up your rooms and come down you know, Fnthiof, I think our
ere,:to,es.• "There will always boa new life' is gein,g . to be like the
come ready for the three of you. smell of ese chrysanthemums—
't forget that.' • healthy an good, and a sort of bit -
Let it be your second home,: said ter sweet.'
r Boldface.•• "I never knew they /had any
001," who L was the one• to feet smell,' he said, still intent on hie
ost Sheinerely shriek fire,
ianda made aceiiit trifling' 'Live and learn,' said Sigrid,
Mark about. the'thee offitranhild's laughingly holding out to him the
raln,and ,wished him geodrbye; basket' of beeutiful flowers—red,
heni.I.Wrik Sem hear4Watclied the white, crimson, yellow, russet, and
brotliiirland 'Big* is they etapped lunikery variety. .. "
UtetelOrriagean ro e .ay.. Ale awned that she was right..
Tbat thipter other, life Was over*. .4Da,„juat as with the eoent of eio-
ata.slie"Was quite;well aware that lets.theee always rope before him
•the.oext',-ohapter•vionld ,seern ihe picture of the crowded church
hiy, dolt and . insipid. ;For a moy. and of Blanche in her' bridal dress,
giint thought Alarmed her.
•,‘"What 'have I been doing,' she
alcirtoher"Self; 'to let this love get
eagreaC a hold onniel Why is It
'ttet,(no• other linen in the world
"eeetes,ta ine Worth: a thought, even
thouli, hemay be better, and may
a nObler life than Filthier V
" he conla not. hoeeatle • blame
eiSelf„ :•for it seemed to her
lia(TthiS' Stranger have had, as the
• 4)60' Says, -?Slid into bet ,soul like
'Ontanecieeelpithad begun
-firet .meetii:.* on the
jateiriter ,at Bergetipit had cadged
Oat Vagee• troubleand uneasiness.
-"Whieli_ had 'seized, her at -Belhohn,
•aia. had sprung into conscious ex-
istence when Frittiof had come 45
' id.••• toglitiid; poor, bioken
hearted, and;desnaiiind. The faith-
leSauess 'of :another 'Woman had. re-
Yealed,to her the passionate dere-
4(6 which sergedin hot nth) beak,
and , these -weeks .43f close
coninaidenahipher love had deep-
enetritiexpreseiblY, She liteed these
factshOeestlY, With whit' hue 1.1or.
. *et' would, love termed an entire
• ttbkded of. maidenly propriety:—
Per luckily Cccil WAS not in. the;
-'6it of nuIrshoing her thoughts
into the, prim •iontineiipretanibed by
the World in general; too had liteper
P.OticiPiP 40' fall ,thadk, , upon than
.uke:ponvoitionstitkesof. such women
ilf„."11Sik Ilareer, and Rho' not
thinkit.$ofelt either wilfully to blind
Jiersolt' to tile trutb, or to 'cheat ter
bait , 'into believing a lie, qiiite.
, glaketliebe admitted to lierSelf that'
1016 leVea •Prithier; • With a pain;
which it was impossible to ignore,
She 410404 that'he did , not hive
'heti and it wus quite
bighly. rittial)164411a6 She' might
Beloit be fie to be More to him tlitifir,
Here Were the, tree teetsi„and she
snug &eh° the heat she eteuld or
there. .The thetight kininhOW,braced`
Lr up. Was' .theheat' ti sit there
er room sobbing as inter' heart
.hreald TIOW *cola her team
0 Ilk:Mori • Idow could
starving oried . Voine.,and
take your Wog* off viola". ,Sbe
really leek* Oita thin and pi:les
cletta illbeftkok Fritbietr ;
Ito glen*at the Mil merry
little face smiling at blot from 1M,
der itefringe or golden heir.
• 'She doesn't. ieel 0.e,very 4014;
be seta), laughing. ' •
: 'Oh, eO4 Laid eitc eOrnathieW
explained Swanhild. 'There wee
811 OK lady Who gOlyit *0 We: sand.
•wiettesi, but they oo dreadfully
:full fat, 1 do 'really think there
..e),04 to be a lawageingpirtthig,
tat in. Sandwiches an that you bite
.1.kwilele 0(44041 of it.
• They alt laughed, and • E.'rithiof,
.whnviatt ouetrappingthe box which
he had carried up, 19010d, ee cheer -
fu I and bright that., Sigrid heffue to
think Swanhild miobt prove' .1! 'irefy
valuable compauion
'What de you think of your new
hetirOOMT 110 00ked. •
-114 level:yr cried Swanbild.
'What a • funny, round bath, and.
SBA a tiny tie washing stendjost
liko tbe We in the old doll'e, lieose
00 three iegs. And oh,
snow, has tient pa three 10 Voly eider
down. quilts as a Qiiristdias present,
only she thought 1 might as Well'
bring there nor,*
It WAS a very 'merry Meal that
first tea in 'the model lodging*
Swanhild had 90 innah to te.4.'Penr
and so inueb' to bear,: and they ling
•ered at the table with....4,:pleaseet.
donscieu.snessthat actual" Work did
net begin till the.follewieg day.
'There is one thinpvlii3Oh 'we had
_better make up , our at
once,' said Sigrid, when at length
they rose, 'Since tva have got toWait
on ourselves, we may- as well try to
enjoy - it and get what fun WO can
out Of it. Come, Swanhild,. I will
wash the tea things and you shall
dry there.' -
• %a for me,' said Frithjof, sudden-
ly appearing at the kitchen door
in her shirtIlleeves, am shoeblitok
of the establishment.'
Teal oh, Frithigr cried Swan-
hild, startled, into gravity. There
was 'something incongruous in the,
idea of her big -brother turningto.
this sort of work.
assure you it is in the bond,'
he eaid, smiling. 'Sigrid is cook
and housekeeper; you. are the lady
help; and . I am the man .for the
coals, knives, and Bbota. , Every
respectable leasehold has a man
for that part of the work,you know.'
'Yes, yes,' she -hesitated; 'but
'She clearly &ain't think me
competent,' ,he said; laughingly
threatening her with his brush.
'Order I order! you two, or there
will betea cups broken,' said Sigrid,
laughing. 'I believe he will do the
boots quite scientifically, for be has
really studied the subject. There,
putZthe china in the sitting roam,
Swanhild, on the corner shelves,
and then we will come and unpaole
By nine o'clock everything was
arranged, -and they came back to
the sitting room'where Frithiof had
lighted the pretty little lamp, and
was writing to Herr Siversten to
say he would be glad of more work.
• 'Come,' said Sigrid, the evening
so.. ever idler the scent of chrysan- swill not be complete without ,srime
theniums brought hack to him the RII1SiC, and I am dying to try that
bright little room and the flicker- Piano. What shall be the first
itig light or the newly kindled fire, thing we play in our new home,
and Sigiid's golden hair c.ntl sweet Swanhildi'
face. So that, in truth, these flow- "'For Norge,"' said the little
ers were to him a fiOtt of tonic, as girl promptly.
she hat: said, 'healthy and good.' 130. you know we had quite a dia-
. 'I should like to 00111 to King's mission about diet at Rowan Wee
Cross too,' said Sigrid. ,,'But per. House the other bight.' said Sigrid.
baps it isbetter- that I , should stay 'They were all under the impression
here arid get things. quite, rea4y. I that it was. an Eoglisli air, andcialy
hope ,Sweithild Will turn up all knew it as a glee called "The Ilardy
Tight., She seams ,such a. little Norseman." Mr Sonifeee calls
thing to travel that witr. alone.' Frithjof his Hardy Norseman, be -
When he had set off, she began cause he gob well so quickly.'
with great satisfaction to. lay the . .'Come and sing, Frithjof,' do
table for tea; the white cloth was come,' pleaded Swanhild, • slipping
certainly mune, but she had bought her hand caressingly • into his and
•:i.t and hemmed it; and declarti that drawing him toward the piano.—
fine damask would net havatenited And willingly enough he consented,
the willow pattern plates nearly so and in their new home in this for -
well. Then ,after a struggle, the
Lin can of premed. beef was opened;
and the loaf and. batter and the
vases of chrysanthemum e put in
:their places, and the toast made and
.standing before the fire to keep hot:
After that she kept putting a touch
here and a:touch there to. one thing
and another, and, theft Winding.
back to See how it looked,' welch as
an arthit does When finishing, aide -
tete.' .00.won1d, etrche Swop,
hyritS the,i,thottiglif which iiwas
alwaye with her.•..,,She OVOII-4,
tlibiglidy. the hare little kitehen,
Whetedn truth, there was net One
minetessity .Attootfurnitnreo.' 8))4)
to0)0,860* thingtf out
or hie poettrianteati, andreade bus
• narrow little bedroom ,leele More
habitable; and she litiored lotig30
thereeni With the •tWO beds _side
hy, side; tidying end arranging IASI,
hat, running hick' ink) the sit,.
titig 400in every few minutes to ace
Lhat alt wait Well there. ,
At lait'illaeleardthedoor.hattaie.
tone& .00-'01.1thlept
'Y�n will find her • OW ". Ao.
Thattleated .0)aractet,' lid was
iiigond enethoty,toinnte;SWentita
verle in her arras, ;ions' tile *Clifitt'Of
her journey,bot Very glad to
eign land, they sung together the
stirring national song—
'To Norway, brother of the brave,
We crown the cup Of pleasure,
And dream our freedom come again,
And stoop the 'vanished treasure.
When once the Mighty task's begun,
The glorious race is swift to run;
To Norway, mother of the brave,
We orovni the cup of pleasure.
* • *
"Then drink to Niirway'a hind %Mind,
Rooks, snows and glens profound;
!Snoods horribonsand erilmeriateti,
Andthank nti With the sondale
Old Iloilo mingles With der gleet ,
Addieine Our shout* with three 'Innen
three. „
Then drink to Norway's hills sublime,
Boas, !MOWS and glens profound.
roo t. awn**.
elier'Qe4no and • tgt
Ptvamis I /Pox Bet tui by
lleaur0 yon, SWAttlitliti will ids it Jog toast, little Swenhild in
EROS,UtiOle getting the tablefor after.
won toa,. ligbting the lamp, end
drawing the ourtelne.
nail" liiirsreten found himeolf
drinking * bureau he know whet,
was about and the nevelty of
the little household quite shook him
out of hilt gruff Burling*. Strange
by -gone memeties 041130 fleeting
he* to as be 'listened to the
two girlie merry talk, watebed tbew
as suddenly they broke 1110- 014
proMptU dance, and hogged them to
meg to, him the old- tunes which for
rat -rate little!, teterber, and I 441
lighted to have her. Thera is no
logger our llesifor her lo ;ow to
mo Pvori. 'morning, for 'have taught
ilat:411 got. 440 at, ltrefent need,
00000 0000 you are in a harry for
her to go OA with 1101'' OraillarY
8°114:L®41a% arranged for her to go to
VOA ishool in tho mornings, after
Dittietaiali,''• attic) Sigrid, lied see
Dust, tilt then, work well at her
Engiahor ehe will not take a good
pike. It wibi*bea very 1/1113Y, life
°P tgander'i4t'a• tkhtfle,t9V40Catthroughre all
pod deal.' ' • •
'And her work with me is numb'.
hyeleel and wilt will not overtaak
gicirmadame glancing with apprav,'
gg eyes at the pretty little figure
t the etal-of thermal, .9)ear"4ttle
out ! she bas the most perfeet Man -
ere I ever SW' in a child I ffor
harm to rae is. that elle is so bright
tid einaffeeted.. What is it, I won-
,erit, wegire00
otrentr,. ,
Eagland,' said Sigrid, !people
eem to me to have two aides, ' a
opgh home side and polite 110-
iet7 ,sicie. • The side,
he order, and keep their •heautitul
idefor home, and a rattle' shy side
or -society; but still they; like all
English peoPle I have met,whave
idinetly two manners. In Nor-
way 1 herd is nothieg of thet.
bink perhaps we think %mahout
he impression tve are making; and
think NOrwegiima niore naturally
espect each'othee.'
'She waa claim right; it Was thia.
eautiful respect, this reverence for
he rights and, liberties of oticy otli-
r, that made the little home in the
model lodging§ 80 'open while her
wn sunny brightness and sweet-
ness of temp& madethe atmos-
phere wholestaile; Frithirif, ewe
more amidst congenial surroundings
eemed to regain his native. cour-
tesy, ; and though Mr Horner
till disliked him, most of those
with whom he daily came in con:
sot learnt at any Tete to respect
him, and readily forgave him his
past pride and haughtiness when
hey learnt how ill he had been
and saw what a change compete
recovery had wrOught in him.
Swanhild prospered well on that
firat 'Saturday afternoon, and Ma,
dame Lechertier was quite satisfied
with her- little idea as to the Nor-
wegian costumes; the pretty for-
eigner at the piano, and the dainty
ittle Norse girl who danced. so
bewitchingly, caused quite a sensa-
tion in the class and the two shi-
ers *eat home in high spirits, de-
ighted to have pleased their kind
hearted employer. They had only
ust returned and taken off their
walking things when there canie a
oud knock at the door. Swanhild
till in her Hardanger dress ran to
ee what was wanted, and could
hardly help laughing at the funny
ooking old manwho inquired
whether Frithjof were in.
'Still out, you say,' he panted:
very provoking. I specielly want-
ed. to see him on a matter of Ur-
'Will you not come in and wait?'
said the child. :Frithjof will soon
be home.'
'Thank you,' said Dict Herr Slyer -
sten. 'These stairs are , terrible
work. I shall be glad not to have
to climb them again. But houses
are an, alike in London—all alike;
Story after story, till they are, no,
better than the tower of Babel.'
Sigrid oanie forward with her
pretty height greeting' and made
the old man slit down by the Are.
gleithiof has gone for a walk
with a friend ef she said. But
he will be Wine in a few minutes.
I always persuade him to take a
good walk' on Saturday if possible.'
'In consequence of 'Which he does
not get thriongl, half aamuch work
for tee, eauldlerr Sivertsen. 'How-
ever, youlere glutei right: He need-
ed more elsereifle: Is he quite well
again') • , •
€Qiiite well, thank you; though I
suppose he: will never he so strong
at he ,:ofieci she said it little
Von% a‘nrilcIplioo4relei; ilivrintrkst inare
)0.nd inn injure mien a strong
• 'There litb no drat*. Men nowa-
days, itneninit toAne;n8a41 the old
author goiraY.4 'They, all, knock
Up Sonnet er.latter--a degenerate
tace,,,4 worthless generation.'
'Well, the doeter says he MOSt
have had a very, fine constitution to
have recovered 80 fast,' said Sigrid.
/feel rather afrealleinetintea
or his doing toe tench .•Sgalin WOO
on; going 46,,suggest tOma Mere
workfrithiml" •
iyi)e *Whin; 00140 it is *irk
in which youcould help him, said
nor "SilTertsoni and lio explained to
her "I$TOjedi ' ,•
OiSij, 1 ockuld, Make Mute for
le,?` 'she cried?, you ise we
hive very. hney lives. I-41440 to
See to the hoiist? tiniest* entirely'
and there, is alWityii either mending
0k:bulking in Ilia,. And gWatia:
hilVand.1 are !WOO aftertledtt at
attAllgit =It• •.•
• 'My dear, ebe is Aarmin#0 ItiOr
littlo ilWitahlid 'I, ;She 18 ii..htirit
dander, and teittehea up • everything
with the greatest Enda Jititie.
LethettiOr one autoniii afternoon,
*heti Sigrid 'at the usual time eh, -
tared the big, bare mote: Where the
alas:ice werohehl. She watt'ilresoet
at inadintei'leqiietit in her pretty
peeeittit 009tumc. and Stdaiiiiiid,
alt10, had for the first time 'donned
here, Which; unlike' Sigridok, wee
Made with the, thori;est of altirta,
tad, 80 Utile. teetered Saiti,"Wettlii.
ae many years be had not heard.
'4I am ,00rry to say,' observed En -
grid, laughing, 'that our next" doer
nftighber; 'Airs liallifieid, Mlle me
the; general belief in the twee is
that wet belong to the Ohtietylifirt-
etrels.; koglish people do not seem,
to undaretantl that one can dance
44d. dug at home" for pure pleasure
and not professionalt
After that the old author often
,paid them a visit, and they learned
to like him very much and to 'an -
joy his tirades agfttoPt the degene-
rate 'modern race. And thee with
hard work, enlivened now and then
by a visit to Rowan Tree gaUSei or
by a call frem the Sonifaces,• the
winter slipped by, and the Wee
grew green once more, and they'
were obliged to Owl that eves this
smoky London had a beauty all its
'Did you ever see anything SG
loyely as all thia pink may and yet.
low 'laburnum it cried Sigrid, as one.
spriog evening she and Frithjof
walked westward to fulfill one of
the evening engagements to which
they had now become pretty well
aguatomed. k
To an ecarritruze.
The other day a Small, harmless look-
ing man entered a New York etreet oar
and Redden*, trod on the toes of a big
eix-footer, He apologized, but the six-
footer wasn't satisfied. Efe talked for
eome time, and finally invited the little
man to' leave the oar and settle the
matter on the sidewalk. Greatly to his
astonishment, the latter accepted.
Those who witnessed the contest say
that itdidn't last long, but that the big
• fellow had to be carried home in an
ambulance, While his diminutive antag-
onist walked away with a smile. And
so it is with Dr Pierce'Pleasant Pel-
lets, They're not half as big as most of
their rivals, but they do their work
quietly and thoroughly. For sick head-
ache, billionsness, constipation, dyspep-
sia, ete., there is nothing like them:
They are the only Liver Pills absolutely
sold on trial! Your money back, if
they don't give satisfaction! -
tadies, clean your Kid Gloves ith
Mather's Qlove Cleaner, for sale only be
Beesley & Co. Paso a full line of dress-
ed and undressed Kid Gloves in all the
most desirable shades.
Vratonsaal and otureardo
Barristers,. Solicitors
o mnessioners for Ontarioand Manitoba
Orinoco Next Dooa To NEw Rae. OtniTori
IL Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT,
Office over J Jaokeon's Store, Clinton:
LIL the undersigned itt the Library Rooms,
AIL SCOTT, Clinton*.
.111 undersigne at residence or drug store.
13.1. 81111411sums on good mortgage security,
modereterateofifiterest. H LIALE.tlinton
Proyinoial Land Surveyor, Draughts'''.
man, etc. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Bwok,
Clinton, Ont.
A., nonce on Ontario street, Clinton, 'op-
posite English Church. Entrance by 'side
Ilk. 8.11, ELLIOT, 111. 11., L. R. (P.,
IJEdinburgh, 8, It. 0. EL. Edinburgh, Li -
**Rate ofthe Midwifery, Edinburgh. 3face
at Brueeneld.
W. GONE. fd. D., I.i. E. C. P., RIME-
R.O.S4 Edinburgh, Licentiate
of the didwife_ry, Edin. Moe, on oorner
of Ontario and WIlliorci Sta. Clinton.
Accotteheur, eto., office in the Pelee°
Bldok. Rotter.buty St. formerly occupied
by D. Reeve, Clinton Ont.
,, 4 tot 114411141n*- '-'1,04141,41 Sty
Yurilt- pi *, r windy old ,,
(Moe itatkeebery Et,. Enten. tiigha calla
anavenal it tue ewe placte4 ,
vfONEY'l *Mgr AlUNgti
We Can Make* tOW)1004110.414 trent PrtfAte '
"4Y4 441/311aliggrAgenr',
moiv.wolotiootr, ' Olsten
combo Hail t saidik4 00 to **sit-
tabiltb Visiters B.
STOtial344/tM.W. *Tio4n.itrioerear. , •
A COOK.13(/0K..
Theetthacriher woold futimete to
the publicgenerally that he bert
added to his business that:of
.4„4.t.prvarea. to septily all fon.,
, prig netiesettrimt at ehtirt notice
and in a satisfactory mapner.
Collins Caskets
bliroudS,- ,
Mameent meg.
Be has also:purchased a first-class
'Heat'sseand can 'therefore Meet all
rpuiroments in this line. Night
o ls answered at resident)°, Isaac
Street, Clinton
, •
.1"in1ertaker aiidd�aier in
rturnitureo Clinton,
we Licentiate of Dental. Surgery, Honor Gratin
ate et the Totouto School of Dentistry.
Nikrone Oxide Gas administered for the
painless extraction of teeth.
•Office in Smith's Block over Emerton's
Bather Shop, 'Clinton.
Sr Night bell answered 7.1y
Holds the exolusive right for the eonnty for
the Hurd process of hdinimetering chemi-
cally pure Nitrogen Monoxide, whiukis the
safest and best system yet diseovereA lot
the painless extraction of teeth. Oho jes
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Office.
ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Rance% Tailor
'Shop, Marcia Street.tkinton.
A generaBanking Business
ti ansaeted
DraRs issued. Interest allowed on
• deposits.
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes, at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Businees transacted
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDAtt, Manage
The Molsons Bank.
' Incorporated by Act of, Parliament,1844.
CAPITAL, - - $2,000;000.
REST FUND, - $1,000,000
irN H. PORTIA/1, nmilianati AUCTION -
AY.' non and Land Valuator. 'Orders tient
by Mail to my addreSS, will t'eoeiveistompt
itutoentitionMeto.r,,TBe4tafteordod, (note. D.11.1'ORTEn•
nits 1314.N.ISt/RY11411.011.Alls %%via
Medloal .1)0Partitent of Vietarlit UM -
Verdi% Totobtot fornierlyAittlie
and•Dispensittles, IletteTork,„ Coroner for
liDinifityof:Huron. llea,field, opt,
rirt .0. nittrtnt,:ri.D.84 ii4DITI5t. gratin'.
kitte 140Y41 C011egii of 'Dental.Surgoono
ot Onte.*10 4,11 ttperatiOni ot niedern den.
tintrYeateftilly lierfitrined: AnthoLj08 &d
'minietereci• for the Willits* extraction of
•tettat Eeefeetv:cild atand, °Otte
Block, Clitintin.. Will vielt Blyth, otereeiton,•
snyoverystonchtv,,strhfeeen!h#ntel., .„
f" D1CICISO, TI1111 OM & it
.; Auctioneer *till the Bold. able 80(1*ening to conettot any 88105 ebtrtieted td
him, 'and tikilits pewee/Wendt" Of thanking
iiIs nrattOils for Peet favome. Alko'ohettel
mortgagee &need and:tenni oOilOdtiid; Ohnr.
gellitedIttate: '',110:1110Xnt8tiffirtitiented AOC-
tiro:Met hit the COMO hf Huron. " II/addend es
Albett Street,
DioiltOlt*ItOtOrOlto Pitri,064st
,Sitreemitaeretether, Licehtiitte.. ofdi
ooneee or Tn74101$041:, and SprAeons
senate bar Irhw4ttiooti.rOka Wet.
.tutattAt. • „Owe. •.
AttiLESds TZSTAiitg*tilkii(1014",
iusionntin Vt./atoll bible :Society heveft
738 Albett Street, Attie itliffiltlinien -
.tftlitARItStri FADS( te
Lome 41aliaditi, and PrOVilielft. Oentlate
and 00ffilIter for the If/titbit. Ot.
lietiand resifteitege-The banal§ 'forme:tit
OT,INT0n uneRANrors mix
Library and, 'teethes Rooms, Town.
Mai, down, stairs. About 2,400 'Imitate
tthe LIbterj and ahl tbe LeOdllift NOW.
PaPere and reriodicale of the day on IS.
table. Membership ticket si per annum
Open from 2 to 5 p ma And f rom 7 to
nt,„ , Applications terleemberehipreceive
1)3, the LibtOrhiffi In theroeino
Clinton Post Office TIM, Table
n'en,i:_settlestor 4011YerY end also flit despite*
t tee Viintpri Post Otilee as toilette
01,08X1 DVS
Ilainiltep:, %MIA°. SOU.
ford, Beareeth. ' Grand '
Trio* Mod and'Intenne-
dlifo 40100s .7,00 1,50p.nn
Toronto, Stratford, SAir
forth. T. sled if. east.. 1,56 pm. 4 ii•PI
Goderloh,./Joiniefirrille and
Grand Trunk west 1 p.m. 8,10 p.m
Cloderieb. .. 8.4Ap.m. 2.01p:1u
Hamilton Toronto,.,4.15 p.m. 19,26
.London, IL 4 li;11.1;1iii aol. P-131. A.m. p.m
end Ints;inediate adieus 7.00' 4.14 10.257,00
Myth, Wingbarn,
• north and intermediate m. a.m: p.m*aces . . ., 9.80 6.15 8.106.00
neadai, 'rhursdat" 0.1.4 -
&Wield, Varna, Herbison,
daily .. 2..3opon. 12.45pini. '
Summerhill. Tuesday ,
Friday, LSOp.m. 0.sop:in
• Money orders issued and Deposits receivedfrem
one dollar upwarde.
Office hours from 8 a.M. to 7 p.m.
Savings Bank and Money Order Office clotie
at 8.80 P.m -
THOMAS FAIR, Postmaster,
Clinton, April 29, 1889.
J:11. R. MOLSON Pres.
F. WOUERSTAN THOMAS, „General Manager
Notes diacounted,Collecticms made,Drafts
isbued, Sterling and American ex-
ciange &ought and sold at lowest
current rates,
Interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposits.
tioneyadvanced to farmers on their own notes
with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re-
quired es security.
H. 0. BREWER, Manager,
January Ise. Clinton
• AND, ASTRA.01/AN ram..
Tim nevem or sluice we Matt Alivadaan
LAnou STOCK' 914.
Tso abOye ornamental tiees aird.tbiabborhwi
be sold at very low prices, ancl.those:wantIn
anything in this stonneCtion wilimy. inenii
• • hes.
0,616.• 4j/foto-all ite protwitiattool
ed to. Addrese,....
Iticliillop Mutual Tire
Insurance Company.
Thos. E. Bays, President, fleaforthZ. O.; W
J. Shannon, Seey-Tretts., Sear orth 0.; In°
Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P.O.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross
Clinton: Gabriel Elliott,Clinton; Watit.„
Harlook; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; F. 8W1E4
non, Walton; Thos. Garbert, Olintorn
Thos. Eellans, Earloolt; ROL Madillan,
Restorth; Clarnochan, Seaforth; john
%duvets and Geo. Murdie, anditorr.
Potties desirous to effect Insuraintee or
rennet other business wir be promptely
ttended to on application to any of the.
boVe °Meese, addresSedto their retVeclkire
titilltiotir :AND Atiti40#
Ignin & 10041110M :Cei.
1,6 ZoOsning Jto)ier eft
.Farni AVe•Citt,44/ at Lototat hales, of
da 1 phi Cot Iintilorat ittPotool
le•.'n Depokataittin0 towitosni
*44 ifnid reth
0/101017.41ontertir Mi
The best -Embalming Fluid used
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
RIC1.11.YrhrItletfae mivAchittirti .
honorable employment th:r will not take
them from their homes and families. The
profits are large and sure for every industri-
oue person, Many have made and are no
making several h undred dollars a month.
is easy for any cretin to make $$ per day
and upwards, w o is willing to work. Eithe
sex,young or ol ; oapitalnot needed.we Star
you. Everything new. NO special ability
required; you, reader.oan dolt oh Well 86003
one. Write to us at once for full portiotilers
which we =tail free. Addresi Stinson .Te Co
Portland, Maine.
Planing Mill
pat kl*,101t,
mak SUBSCRIBER HAVII4010ST ffir),ffi '
.11 Wane 'aiiilfutniehed hie naw 'Planing 104 ,
Withpiaohinety Of the imeetnaprovea psuokti r
Is now preparedto attend to all'orders iniiii, '
IMO in 4116'4101S prempteedektfiraetorritrotier • ' '
and et ram Atehie 'fetes. 11eReuld,afg4 rititotti., _,,,
thithke 10 ,11 whe'patronised the old ni WAWA,
they were burned out, and new being in X bet,'
ter,: 'Mon to °zeolite order* tikpeditle ist i
feels Onfldent he cent tire iiitlefiietion tO "
„ .
' d'OlAiir-,m1V.ift** I 4 i 04441
ItaviE.q,6 q!43•,16•4 '''lli 0/tlid '141)i'f'itii
Ifieltfidtitatiad Ttoprioto rid alb beet***
'llitilt DOte'd*'4011. Agent for the Odd -*lid
,applitatibli cif the PatitittAtitOtait.
flitettr*Ontalian. STEAM FIVTINGElf Oblate
aild'APplieit OnhIlairtnotI�.:
nateruneity•veratioreet elelayett•tt
And !#'11 Antioifikt leo tunnel
iiiiplehielits Matiafantikted and tti4
rot govrilw,..,:14-rrigkg-tAlittuive,,,