HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-10-23, Page 1caiusivo.N; ONT,, ocToiiEy 2$1 1891, FRIDAY a mentioned below- will be sold RIPAY, at a Discount of 20 per cent. LOVES, HOSIERY, „ COLLARS, ',C91,tSETS,. „ IIANDIXERCIOEFS, *WITTED 1100DS, KNITTED . CLOUDS,' • KNITTED 'SHAWLS, SILK 44.N.MtE1.R/Clal(EFS;', PitAiPS;14if9701g$,.. FAXLX4NOS.' erdember tliis paeans §1 worth Of any or, all of 'these gocSiS ler 80c. Don't Mies this chance. Onr stock of these goods is large and well 'aosortd, and , we are:bound to melie, a iitirseri,Friday. •' Come with the crowd.. ara Red rlag; Ito'hertson'13,Old Stand, CLINTON NEWS, NOTES. StiediAcropii of strawheirieitindraep- •-'belrielfWerelielrettretlielarimilton,'0ritte market Saturday Snider, of, Gienfeby. : • „ . Ohio .coMes to • the front with a --jeouncl and a half baby, having a blind,. t,',3omo heal of.darklair and a face the sige Of a silver dollar.. Mre Jas Stewart, of "Grayson, Ky., has given • birth to a baby weighing Only aenty-Othieed. Sim:weighs' 140i pounds, and her husband is Much heavier: • • It is officially stated that Chief Sec - 'rotary Balfour ,will take the 'place of •. the late ,Right ytr a. Smith as ,First Lord of the ThTeacieurn carrying with it the Conservative leadership in • the Bouse of "Commons. • A",brutel crine wet perpetrated by. ngineer 3atti&e: A Bradshaw, of the • :Eagle Loch Company,Perriville,Oodo., • iSattirday.*Afternoon. As he was -going „through the shop he approached W. Hough, - aged 17 years, who was at vverk cleaning locks at his bench, and ordered him to. • go tonnothet part of 'the shop on an errand. ,I$radsbaw has - no authority over . themen in the fac- tory, and the boy, acting on the advice ^ of the men in the room, • refused to obey. Bradehatv •repeated the coin- - mend; tuidori a second refusal; picked • theboy up in his arms . and carrying birn to .a -vat of vitriol' in the -room, dipPed him in; head downward, several • times before tbe other employes of the • rot*, toolierrified to stir at first, could 'Interfere: . The boy's sereams were egoniiing. His hair was all burned off, ' -hie scalowas raw, his lace and ;neck wcra horribly burned and both his eyes Were '-butned: out, His recovery is 13radelnivr rammed to the 'ertginercom and was at once discharged, " lie Walked ont of the slow uninolested, atid his not Yet ;been arrested. The 'OroplOyes of the Whop, among whom idotigh Was a' gederal favorite, threaten to lynch the brute if they find him. .,Bradshavais 'Married and is 35 years .10*+,!, INTERESUNG1. , NEWS FrOM .64 0.44s, of 'the. Counfy7by wi4e4withe And lveIy PO.rretSittnad,eutsi . • WO Wawa:400i, IsTOine,—Bilryfavid UcP111 intends going to Louden alertly, and make music his study; be has a grand velee and Will trndeohtecily be a Success, Mr John CQuitie, who is undoubtedly one Of the bestjudgee on sheep and ca410, inlieron, tiled that position at oai of the shOwek elotoog with Dungannon, the laid show of the year. Mr Wm Stonehouse seld his bleed mare for a good :figure last week. Mr Wm Hallehan has been tumble to be around for home time. Mr John Ross is unable to ' 9r be is enfraring with a sore hand. Mr as Itebt McGowan is •expeeted horne frOrn the Northwest, shortly. 51r jea,McGili hav rentecb the horn j i4,3,0 WS:Owned by ElamLivingstene; JEeatheld "Prittat tea. Meeting Was a success toi anal, Proceeds amounting to WO."' Wet Watson, of Colborne, is engaged as teacher in $,S.,.No, 10, fer. next year. Nilo The ham of the threshing machine and the whistle of theengine are not. heard so often- in .this, neighborhood now, as they Were in the weeks that have passed since harveet! The rea- son is that the threshitigni nearly all "clone. .S Fear and wife, of Brussela, and Mr Jackson and Wife. of Morrie, were theguestieof Rev PI A Fear dor. ingthe Close of last week and the beginning qf thie week. Mr Wm Morro* went last Satur- day to Asbfield to visit his nephew, Ur Sohn lifeWhihney, who a short time ego *as so unfortunate as to receive an injury from an axe falling on -his head from a building at which he and some other framers were Jpbn recovering, . but 'Fir of ^danger yet. . Mr W 0 Jones, of this plebe, cap - tared several red tickets at the fall fair% for his roadster mare. She is a good one and is not easily beaten. 13B. pole —TIIIS WEEK— ew Designs oods. oille anal see th841. .,, Goderich Township , Elam SoLD.—Mr Fitzallan Sprung has sold his farm of 55 acres, on the base line, to Mr John Sheppard, his neighbor, for the sum of $4,000. The farm has excellent buildings thereon, and is in extra good shape. Mr Sprung will likely buy again. The old adage "that true love never runs einooth,'!*seenis to find an il- lustration in the case of a certain young man who resides on the Mali. land concession ; for some time he has been trying to pay his attentions to an estimable young lady, who has so far ignored his efforts, but the young man has lately resorted to a novel ex- pedient in order to try and gain her sympathies. Borrowing a gun he goes out shooting, and the result of his , efforts are turned over to the young lady's father. It is hardly likely that this will have the desired effect, either NoTES.—Mr James Hiller, who has been in Manitoba for the past few niontbs, returned, on Saturday last, and reports good crops ; Jim in. tenth returning in the spring. The Thanksgiving aervice conducted in the English church by Rev Mr New- ton, of Hayfield, last Fridag: was well attended, the church was nicely de- corated and great credit is due to the . members who took part in the decora- tion. Mr Henry Cook lost one of his' horses the other day, death being caused by lockjaw. Mr Thomas Wigginton has been engaged by Mr. SamuelSwitzer to finish the stabling. underneath his new barn. Mr John 0 Elliott has built a silo, and has kat finished filling it with corn. Mr • Robert Mennel, who for the past sunimer has been engaged with Mr 'John Middleton, is lying in a very low condition; he had -been Away with the volunteers and it it; suppos- ed caught cold. which settled on his nerves. Mr Wm Currie, of the 7th con, is, we are gladtosay, recovering after a severe illness. • Kippeti, • NOTES. Bet.' Mr Needham, of Egmondville, preached in .the Prea- byterien church Sunday last, and delivered s very interesting sermon hntli inetning and evening./ Miss tatrreturned home from London. Mee 1'. Young, from Man- itoba, is at ptiseent visiting in ibid. neglibetinuid. Me James Vithiteman islalso :home *drifting his parents.— Miss S A MeOlyniont Is IMMO frein London., The hall h3 r4Pidly tear- ing completion; Mesare Kyle and Mo - Kay are ItiStiers. Mr' 060 Pick has beetled, tip shop ' in. Our villegtilfresh meat can be had At any time, Gib Understands his bileitiesis and we treetwill be patronized: Het 11 triiiiiii'inisfor oto.ltiPpen who has been attending the Eettniete, teal Conferettee at Watiiiington,,1. eapee'ted bailee, this week and will fill hie' own .Intlitite on Sabbath next; We twat the change And rest will prole of benefit arid that the HO gentlemen will return refreshed and invigorated both in body and 46-464. SenfOrth Slittratn AV LAO. 4,,,The now tam - MIS Salt between Dia Campbell and Scot•Oente up at the Perth Week on Monday and was amicably settled t• 4 toe 1 eft, on both *OW .$40ittere'r0..* MO Of in- tereet to the peopielof this -section was decided At the Perth Aseless, this week, It Was that of AtinieRainee againet lame* Hatotie- Their nee live inibe township of Hewlett and are engaged in farming. The plaintiff is itigood looking woman of twenty-oue years, and the defendant is a little older. The young ,wenian arst• became acquainted withthe d& .fentlapt when he pante to her father's house in February 1888, to get her to go to work as a servant for his mether. The plaietilretated that in -about two woke after she Neat there the, defen- dant began to make love, to her, and about the end of May she stated, he wilted her to he his wife, and she pro. trileed to he About the Orst of Solie following improper intercourse commenced between them, and on 9tii. of January thereafter she went to ZolfaOrk, and after winking therd , a while she went into a Home and be. came a mother: Wnen she was leav- ing for London, according to her tes- timony, the defendant again wombed to marry her at the time of the Lon- don tair. Severel letters froin.,the defendant to the plaintiff ;were, geed, in width occurred suchexpressions, as `I think as much of you as eyer,' do not think anything can part us but death,' 'If you are not mine it wilt not be my butt,' 'I am as true to you as ever. The plaintiff wrote, she stated, several letters, to the de- fendantafter she left the Home in London, asking if.he did not intend to keep his promise, but had *never received any from hint. in June last he got married to another Person. The plaintiff' net having received an answer to any of her letters, an action for the seduction ifirliiitifretbrirerfiltheengreinet-the Alefendent, and sealed by the pay- ment by the latter -of -S375. The de- fendant denied that he had ever pro- mised to, marry the plaintiff, and Stated that all his lettere to her were written by him Merely as a Mend. He denied too that he ever drove,with her, except. once when he took her home. Beteg asked by her counsel if he did not care, at the time sheiteft her father's house for London, where she went, whether out on' the street or not, he replied that he did not, that it made po difference to him. The defendant's brother Egid that it , was he, and not the deferldant, who was frequently out drivingwith+the girl. Verdict for the plaintiff, for the full amount Maimed by her, viz., $1,000. Mr HaNing, Q.C., for the plaintiff. Metiers Mabee and Gearing for the defendant. Ashfield NOTES.— Farmers are taking up their roots, in most places they are an excellent crop. The apples must have been a better crop than was ex- pected as a great/number of barrels have passed here on their ' way to 'Lucknow for shipment., Mr Wilson'e mill! 12th con, has undergone_ex- Waive repairs; he nnaken sweetWitr on Tuesday and Saturdays of each week. Mr Wm Ritchie, of the 18th con, has been seriously ill, but we are glad to learn that be is somewhat better at this writing. The fall Wheat looks fine in this vicinity. there is a large acreage of it sown; farmers have been encouraged to sow agarge extent by the good crop this year. Bayifeld. crtHAT DeowNIXO MYSTERY.— There has been considerable specula- tion here ooncerning the man whpse body' warifound floating in the river a few weeks age, and nett a feW have expressed their belief that his death was not the result Of accident, as sup- posed at the time. '01 course there is nd-possible way of proving it at the 'present time, but some go so far as to say that he Must have been inurdered for his money. It • does seem very singularlthat a well-dressed man,wear- ing the bait of clothes, and evidently in eartyc'reunietaimes, should commit suicide, and while it is quite -possible for him to hat.° mot an accidental death, there are mumbera hoe, judg- ing by the gossip' heard, Who do not think so, . , NoTise.—Mr 'ironstone has igot a situation in the Blyth rails, and left With his faintly for that pitice this Week. , Mith Lou Beheetio OfLetidoni has WA relatives here dur- ing thepast: nittnight.. We are glad' to ode Mi Seifert around ,again after bis severe ilium& John and .jiiints Pollock have atrived.hothe froini fish.. log in Lake ',Winnipeg. Mr John Merge:m.4as' returned frOni Detroit aecompanied by.hie sister, Mrs Clark,- Morgan,jr, is henie Is lloektmg 'quite manly about the face. Make Mary °emend and Abele Er, *14*re:home ODA viit. Mies Kate Ohretiel who has bean • *Wait . in has returned. . Brigadier 'Stikiner and wits held *Meeting in. the • ,Salvation MeV barracks, on • Tuesday evening lett; and had *Very good tune. lUv -1104grOe, of 'WintheoP, exchanged pulpits last :Sabbath With itet allintdereeit, And. preached both morning, and everting giving tern inintemive •sernitinq he Wee neeteOpinied by bit Wife, and they: Were guests At the residence of De Sumba .•Mr Veal of Goderich row• alter Mrr *pirates, • i.ieelhurn Goerar, AISETOree.ss-The, Gospel temperance Meeting, On Sonde, was well attended. The epeaker Mr NV Armstrong, of goderieb,. gave an in- tsreeting address. Next 4unday Ee Father West, Of averieh, wilL address the meeting 08.04 P. to. . N0TRE1.0Y,0 A gertee,, g gertep, and 11 Gordon, visited relatives in Haw, hist wock, and also attended the District Meetitift held at, Kin burn , The sellout mei increased. A little oranger arrived on Satnrday, laid to glades the hearts of Mr' and Mrst•P Stewart. It is a ,80n. We under- atend' Mise N Potter bee egaie been eugaged to teach at S $ No 5, for 1892 with an Increased salary- a Helton and daughter Mary, returned hone s on Friday, haYing spent fortnight with relatives in WIndstie. ?dr 0 jefferson'who has been Sojourn- ing for the peat year,* Parry souud distrie#L8Perit Sunday friends here. Charley • was, formerly a resi- dent here, and his old friends -were glad to ego him looking so well. He intends going north again shortly, Rev W Black, of Hamilton, _occupied tbe pith* here, and at Tinton very acceptably on Sunday. He will like4 ly remain,* kW Sabbaths, ' Tuckers mith. Neves, —.41r joiieh White has routed she place knowa' as the Sin- clair farm for a terre,ortwo years at the anneal rentat of three hundred dollars; Josh has secured is)good place Wad will likely Make. rationing_ suocese.i , Threshing s aloshat finish- ed in this vicinity, ,and the farmers are wearing smiles' which speak as well at words that the grain has yielded well. Ur Abner tOosene has commenced all work on the farm of his father, which has been leased to Mr John White during the former'a sojourn in the Australian wilde," he having concluded that farming is not eoly a healthy but profitable occupa- tion. WU Jeannie Grant has been engaged at -teacher for S 5 No 4.inext year in place of Miss J. Brotherston, who has resigned; the people in this section may .consider themselves fortunate in securing the services of, Maud, Beadle. of St Augustine, paid a flying visit to friends bete last Week-. Mrs Horton, of Goderich, is -visiting Mts.' Geo Crich this week. , Myth NOTES --N Morgan, who has been in Chicago for some time, arrived home Friday morning. Miss Huck - step was the guest of her brother T J auckstep. j A Brownlee is borne from Beigrave on • the sick,list, being at present confined to his bed we are sorry to say: Mr Ashbury and wife returned from a two weeks' visit in Chicago, on Friday eventing. James Davis, jr, was severely hurt on Fri- day night, having been kicked in the chest by his Broncho, he had rather a narrow escape and lay for some time unable to speak, but is now on the mend. Mr Geo Stewart returned from kis trip to the land of heather, ou Saturday, and reports a very stormy passage. Chief Davis, Dr Perdue and Mr Metcalf were in the circular town on Saturday; on busi- nees in connection with our three, burglars of a short time ago,*who were brought before the Judge, Pro- nounced three tramps and allowed to go free; that same evening they Nol8. ed through Blyth again, bound for parte unknown. The Rev Mr Law preached in St Andrews ,church, on Sunday. T Gundry, Sheriff Banff, Goderich,- was in town on Saturday. Mr Mathers and wife, of Lucknow, spent Sunday With friends in this vicinity. Miss M Taylor left this station en Monday, for a short visit with friends in St Mares. Mts Wilson, of Chicago, is tbe guest of Mrs Moffatt at present. On Sunday next there will be a special sermon preached to the C 0 P, 111 Wingham, it being their anniversay, a .number of the brethren intend going from here. Mr Ruhuke and wife, nee lilas L Drummond, are the guests of parents here at present. T Thomp- son hat been fortunate enough to secure the position which ?dr M Dougherty has been obliged to resign on account of ill health, that of fore- man on this section. Mr Geo Phil- lips, of London, is speeding a week or two With Mena here, for his, health, J Wilford shipped apples from this station on Monday, lorlhe old country. Reeve Hamilton is in Goderich this week, attending a meeting of the County Connell. An extension of the twitch, at sta- tion, is being made, which will no doubt be A great convenience, and ImPrtivement—Inspetitor Tiffin,Of G T g, was town on Friday, inveetb gating some Charge; which ,enni bfought against M H Haninientl, agent here. I Meeting of the Lib. &al Consereadee Aeecieiation was hem in the Orange hall On Wednes, .00,0%0010g, for the purpose Of !tp- „perinting delegates to the convention to he held JO Brussels, on Saturday. , *.eStite144 VialtAtiThe Antlierithaeyeeriletii. and. tea Meeting bold at j, Westfield.' were all that cettiti he, the proeeede amounting to 8 Wile! over $100. The. Ref - Mr Bonnie. engaged Inheitlieg special SOniees at Weetfield at preSiStit. The rnitny friend's of the Rile Mr 0E0**,014 OM ListOWell, ,Weendellglited. to bite° OM in their -Midst for a few days last: week, • ,litr John Hedger hasdeirw plated tli,rs erection Of a now free*, Stable. Mr John Mack has returned, from hie Vbit to the NOrthweat, tabs., er Of the opinion that it a fellow has a home here he had better Ma „with it. Mist Bill Met. aleof e is vialtin o ' CSAn• NEW Haugse Jas Clarke has started *new harness shop in. Heaven. ,1310ok 4 100W,Ilytt$X41.--44,certalo per-, frallt touorne, who thinks he can Bos WeZZ, baB, been. going around throughout thla 414010 offeringto teach scheol at a 'salary On which working man could not live, (Pet WO Nor.--49Wing to the henry down pour ofraiu, the meaclog;of the Lit- erary eaelety W4s postponed !Mother week, Oct.'261h. Dr •.Stetebler is , at present vltitiug Buffalo. and New York, we wish him Seeger's., 'Mies 4, Street, who has been vitilitieg 114 parents, has returned to. lanid.orr. [NOTE TO gorron..e. ,questiort Ives askedme. "What jo Lactopep- tine,” hi there such a word? If so pies* expiate,' Con1:—NOT.0—`Lao- topeotitte' is it medical terni, sidt,- us. 'ually .found in the dictoriary, and means "a medicine for the stomach." —Ere - • Ille10110.0 NOTES.—Mr Arch McGregor, sr., is Very ill at present, andhis recovery ie not expected. He is a very old man, being ever ninety. Me James Wiltee's littlebey, whq was angering. from an alnieet'S In the leg, iO'reCOVer- ing nicely, afterbavieg it- lanced. :.The ladies of the True' Blue Society, of WARM]; intend having an enter- tainment 'Wanly: 'The Winthrop Royal Teraplars intend holding an open, meeting about Thankegiving time. ROE Ur Henderson, of Bay-- fielp,.preached: very impretisive Per - mon in Dun; and Cavan churches; on Sunday last. " • Auburn ItscovEntso. -- Mr Searles, who received such a Severe injury some time. ago here, is progreseln favor- ably, and his entire recovery is con- fidently looked for in the near future SHOP Ctosari.--Oar butcher ehop is again closed up, as Mr Wetlitufer has Tilt. We trust some one will soon re -open its doors, as a great want is telt when we have no meat J11102 In the village. niktentlayeve ing a large number of the members and adbetente of Knox church gath- ered at the home of Mr • Alex. Mc- Kenzie, and tresented him with a handsome purse of money, accompa• nied by a well worded and beautifully -written address. The folloWiug is the address :— Mn. A. MoRmizin—Dem Sin,—The friends now assembled have taken the liberty of meeting hereto spends sooial everting, and to converse about matters of general interest to our congregation. As Christian workers we desire to be- come better acquainted with each other, and to profit by suoh soolal fellowship and 3o -operation as our meeting affords us: Aotuated by such motives, we confidently ask your and Mrs DifolEcin- zie's forbearance with our peaceful in- vasion of your home. 'We have for some time felt our indebtednessto you for your long and efficient assistance as our leader in the service of praise, and as superintendent of the Sabbath school, which, under your direotion, is in a prosperous condition. Though in this address we can but inadequately convey our obligations to you for the services so cheerfully rendered, we wish to as. dare you, by our presence to -night, of our continued sympathy and support in all your labors for the Master, and hope and pray that you may be long spared to carry on Ilis work. On be- half of the members and adherents of Knox church, Manchester, we ask you to accept this purse as a token of our appreciation of your valued services, and as an earnest of our good till. Signed, litareella AND ADRERESTs OF leivox CRIMOIr Mr McKenzie replied in a few words to the address, and conveyed to them ell his heartfelt thanks for this tan- gible manifestation of their good will towards hint, and hoped that they would all enjoy themselves while spending a eocsial evening together. After spending an hour . or t'Wo in social chat and Innocent amusement, the company dispersed to their re- spective homes, but not before they had partaken of a splendid supper generously provided by the ladies. From moonstone], Correspondent. Mare Coakley is visiting her mother here at present. James Carter is on the sick ilet at present. Ho is suffering from inflam- Atkin of the lungs. • Our village Istdesber left last Friday for the land of the free; aapiring. to a higher position answered an advertise.• tnent lest week, regarding the gale of a foundry, in Millbank; the price Wag $4000, an.offer of $2700 •Wris re, plied to; by a telegrarit; tbat his offer was accepted,: wishing to Withdraw his,offer and meeting With Opposition to that point, he 'took the Visit shift 'dated, Mr Alex ,Iiiaettzle, prectiotor,in the Ptesbyterien Church here, was the'recipient of a purse non telnitig 10.00, hist Monday evening. Our bridge across the Maitland WA enlarged Wet week, by the eddition of it new approach on -the karat ; side of the river. The cenre of the beni, be- fog eirmotinted bye new tie cap; an inspection scion diacloisee the reason why this portion of the bridge Was treated boa covering. • kullett. 'Tnitosa Exam:OM-4h° trustees of 13011001 sectiotelio 8, have 'engaged Mr .NNt,;Doig, notv teething in, Perla, to succeed Mr McFadden,. It is no reflection Whatever. Upon the (Abel' teachers who applied for the siteetimi, to say that ME De/ , Is first ORM ;teacher, one who will give, unqualified satisfaction; and prove himself war - 'thy of the confidence reposed in Wuxi Ile le A Tuckers ith boy, rd 1i he does net have a t tes detailing 111 ' XOTna.,,-Afr bole Ibileren0,, of ..t.Vettl, Wool and Mt sister of Kip- Peo,yeld a Ann vieit to out burgh oa Tuesday. Milie Lo- Oparlie, of Tockersmith, was visiting'..._ftiends bete this ,week. Me MeLau spent Sunday evening with "friends here. Mrs W. Lobb la visiting friends in Tuckersmith. Mr G-4 A. Evans 18 packing ttPPietg WW1 gr. •33f EtitOtt. Mr McRoberts, teacher, etit . Con., was in tue village Wednesday evenieg; Mr John Muds is getting upa. shootinKmatelr here on Tnnpicss -giving day, Nev. I.2th, when A large number of ' ducks, geese turkeys ; will he abet for. Uro W loohu is improving and is expected ere long to, be around again. rd*, A Scott, our shoemaker, 18 again pegging away at the boots, after his recent, illness; he Was veryinid for a time, but soon rallied to his usual streugtb. , The cows of thie. village are a .contempt- ible indisputable.deMoralizing nolo. t-anceL ask W1:11.AU10111 if they aturt7 Harry and Willie Williams, had quite a runaway latatiday; the twee shied and took tbe''Shafta away from the eart, leaving the two wheels and the boys on .the road, who Sustained; no serious injury. Itobt Lawaon.,Alex. Osbaltieston Albert Halstead W B Forster, and others too numerous Of mention, are in The weed businesse="- We are pleased to learn thee' the youngest child cif Thomas Lobb, who has been very sick, is regaining its; wonted health, though slowly. We learn . that it is the intention of the Methodists • to imptovethe later041 appertfarige of their church by moire-, peting, re-peintieg, 8ce. 5. Eifera has, been of late exceedingly busy in "doting hiteilo. Rev. A,1,14,Courtice and family, of. Dundee St. 14Iethodiat Cantrell, London, spent a fete days amongtkiends here,Urs S. lielmes willhave a sale on the 291h, prier to removing to Clinton to reside. Deamf—On Wednesday 'Mr H B Evans received the intelligence that his brother-in-law, named Armstrong, who reeided: in the vicinity of St„, Marys, and who had been ailing fn't some time, Was dead. Some of the -family-will-prebabiy-ttteed-the-fune- ral. Zurich. . PROMOTION EXAMINATION.—The following.is a correct list of the pupils who passed the recent(' promotion ex- amination, held in the Zurich public school. on the 15th and 16'h October: Entrance to senior 41h,Lydia Koeh- ler. To junior 4th—Rosa Lippert, Ida Lippert; Andrew Hess, Norman Buchanan, Ida Well, Leslie Williams, Garnet -Steinbach, Tillie Kiblerrifill Geiger, George Lippert, Jas John- ston, Sam Faint, Annie Hess, Laura Kibler, Mary Randall. To Sr. 3rd— Ezra Heist; R Strempfer. To Jr. 3rd —Wee Miner, Hilda Strempfer, Lou- isa Wu rm, Vict Johnston, Alf Pfaff. To Sr. and—Beatrice Steinbach,Clara Buchanan, Louisa Lippert, Mary Demuth, Clara Deichert, Helena Koehler, Clara Peine, Mabel Hardy, Willie Deichert, Oscar Koehler, Dan Koehler, Henry Brown, Arthur Kib- ler, Maggie Zimmerman, Amelia Azt. To Jr. 2ad—George .Hess, Hartman Steinbach, Clara Wurro, Nettie De- muth, Tillie Foster. To Sr.. part 2nd —Susie Johnston, John Brown,Ethel Williams, Mary Weseloh. , To Jr. part and—Alf Peine, A. Well, Nel- son Reichert, Eldon Seigner, Molvina Koehler, W Bekver, Oliver Geiger, George Smith, Theresa Ast, Bertha Quigley. SAM.J. LATTA, Principal. Evucefield: SERVICE. —The revivalfeervioo, conducted by the Misses Hall, in the Methodist &arch here, are aeons; plishing a ' great amount Of 'good, their being about ,thirty manifesting a desire to flee from the wrath to come, and these are almost -all enjoy-- ingthe blessing ot peace and pardon. Tee church has been quickened And awakened up, and believers are being built np in God, and although there has been grand work done • for God, Ile has been pouring His spirit out on the people and blessedthee° two aeryanis of his most wonderfully in opening the .0criptureer so that the people are ledto feel the necessity of a preparation to meet their God. They have 'a lined wonderful power in .their songs, as they 'ling the word of Godout in sting, people are being cotivinced of sin, and Mane seeking pardon.: and peace,. and no 0,ne goes, away :from these meetings without feeling that they ohbuld collie to Christ and be saved..; God has o .henOteri. these ,two Bettina* that. all - are led teetitiy,thae, theletelarrieliteit indeed, 111 whom, 19 80 guile,. and We .hope and pray that they may Int spar- edlong lives to win' Otlitt for the Master, and we feel"Wee:an nOtOtinfie there etiqdith.. for thekehtithittiftertk to bring the people rioOkris4.' They wihrindenhalitive*grand.,learvest at thejudgment. All tho good that has :been dtirie. Will .otit bo known until • Fnou MAntecitle...,,,--- Mr • Duitaith Vialkcr and Miele Pole 'Welkes. ar- rived from Winnitek:00,Mottdoklatit, 'atr Outtettti.•.Witi et went-ont last spring, but has had poor health'idnee he Went thither, and; ,returned to oPatidthe winter lu Ontario.' VOTIne-144it Dritieen McKenzie Went -berth on Ttleadatt, to 'hilt' .frientle at, Atwood. Mr zittgh itentile,' Of Path ce, te parole)* • Mt* 1.) w week, to ho is. in us and rbtA ,Wirtgitawl• Is trrirtTt -01,11140.4--0,0 ight tiomeperson went into Mr garden and te0, bead of eabhisge, but lot pipe, the owner can have the Calling bor it. routitieurs-p—We„hear that one our merchants, who hal been in habit of-10041pr his shop while dinner, fot-got hinseelf and lock easterner In; that7e, the way to them. Acerosstx.—The many friends MoDenald, N. P; will he sorry bear of the .aeeident that.heppened Into oat on.aatu last to gee a patient, the, -40 of his buggy broke, and his hones away, tlifewleg him nut, the Wia. struck -his leg with 'retch force, thAt broke it a little below the lincte;•, t bone was set by Dr Meldrum and. McDonald, his son be ie ,filolog as well aft cart be expected. - NoTgs.,7s.In the Absence of t *sr, 11 Rev Me Sellery„ the Rev Mt Laughlin, of,,,; Teeetveter,preached here in the Se* „ °dist ehnrcit nsoinbag and evening, Bus John Ifelpenny was visiting friends near Brick eherch het week. After an extended visit in • ()blear*: Mr and Mrs, R„M Robinson -returned .:,- home on $atnrday , last. XISS, Ilati .PermY is spending a few : days its ., 0.141evale, thia.week.' Mr 'Itiibt Orr, ' Wife and children left 11 ere on ' Tues. day last for New " Mexico, 'to' , speni " the viititer in hopes that it_ma,y, belles at his lieelth.' - . : • ' SeCtiii. ,s -,The social 'held last- Yds clay evenbig in the Methodist parsons age, was in every way Asuecess, ' The : program was aft follows.- The Mists , Sperlinggave a' . couple itif learns mental pieces. Mies Winnie Sellery,, a recitation ,• Music by the Methodist -' re. S. Orchestra; a reading by 'Mr : B ,. Gtacy ; music by the „orchestra. ; a -. reading by. Miss Reynohle ; solo by ' Mia ti Winnie Sellery ; music- by the r heetra,. Much praise iif due to the' ' aboveartkes for their choice 'aelec-; tions. The refreshments. furnished ' by the 1ndie, were of the ...best! quid. ' lt,ca iv, and muc redit is duet() Ur arid Mrs SellerV, an \ladies for the men... ement,otthe-edeninfea.enjrrient. „ CaNVICTED OF teltSERT.—The fol- . from the Toronto daily papers has ' special interest here:-:-Dptective;', Lu- -, cas, of Texas, who is here pressing the extradition proceedings' againet Harry 0 Garbutt, td -day received, ins -• telligence from hcone informing him that Conover, the father=iii-law'ef. Garbutt, in Kansas'hii as been . con- victed of forgery. There were, t s, undersood, 32 cases against Coriover,.., . and lie was convicted ontliadrst'ooe for which he was tried. The ledge sentenced him to nine years' 'melds-, °unseat. 'popover formerly lived la ;. Wingham where his wife now: Mall. ages a hotel. It was billet house that Garbutt claims he made the bets ort .., the day of the last general Dominion . elections. The lawyers engaged by .. Garbutt to keep him, if possible, - from being taken from the Dominion -, into Uncle Sam's territory, have ex-. , perienced considerable diffickitY in . getting their hands on ,the eecurity., for their 'heti. Mr Murdoch had to - give security in a replevin suit before Wingbain parties would deliver ` him -three home' which Garbutt aasigned to secure the endbmer of a promissork note for $600. Mr Moyer, QC.,,:ef Wingham, is after . a bored named ' Guido; that Garbutt assigned to him. It is being kept away from him by friends of the prisoner who have hepn -' informed that the Texas 'peittert- are '3. after the horse. • . - Morris ' NOTES.— Miss Bertha Istivrence spent Sunday in Wingham. Mrs if Clegg spent Sunday with her eke Mrs W tegg in *Wingbarts. Mr Bains is slowly recovering from hit .recent attack of paralyais. Miss ti Halliday was home from Goderich Collegiate Institute, a few days ago. Mr Jas Russell visited his brOtherin Greenech, last week. ^ Bay.. Coutron...-:Council Met on 004 17t 85,50 was retreaded to lac* Couriti, charged to him on an ItWard,the Mete having been *ovine* paid: The clerk WAS instructed to 'atitertise for - tendees iOr the ebn8trtletzba , of the.; Hay SWAMP &tine: The' teeiir''vra.'.' instructed to purchase 100 chairs ler." the tOvro hail, the pricenot to exceed' 32c each. Arrears oflaXea.fOr 1.888; E against lot15, con 5,Was'eancelled.',. Ootteeil adjourned till Xov, 21,„ at 1.#, A.M. - s. 3. LATTA, Clerk ,Courer Or HaVramit.,-.The Court, Of Reilslait Met on the 17th leet., Whim the -t011ovvitt,g ' Changes .Were Made in the araiesainent, Of the.,Hay'' dirtitness*Con, W422, reduced , $1r : W423, do $ii; Wi24„ do:$11; X Hi„.e.ssessed .fer1115;..V06; *Bilk , tedeeen 465; 14,, do 1160; Wilat asSeSS' ea. $2; Sil8 '&43.• 6, • 'F;Pii' rased • $24 NE21, 00, $15; WOn. do 5; E22, dialot,,W422,:recluod $0; 28, ite$45;, $1.2,4 .aerega-0420-e.$04, do s20..i, coo, do, lot 15, flood 'cod 1,11, part 22,„antifferiedV4.41. and, 5 Drab 22, do for $1130; ,13._retitiCed 422;14, 40$'25t,25,teduoed $40;4420, do Oil N2ti ad7, d6 $35; 8, do :061,8,4fkraised $06; 22, reduca 480t '28'i 40 $40; 24r do$48;..g5;;do#481' an'149; tio ,do fe5„ ks1 !Joe, 9, part 21, E IIsle, atallialled SI& ,n 2411 0 .3 1: Vtl” ri d1,4 1:80 ( 241 04; 1Y416°2 26402;iirzu$441„, 26.do 01; SOT; do 49t, t 4, 151.28i do $24 amount reduced mi Oa north of the Zurfeh read. (aid zeta over all the compaoy's The hittittfit tetitleed AU all other hods WAS aliped over *JUNI lartas warklk,61,11,1 callAtimmk