HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-10-16, Page 8117i.-iy,-1!-.7y ^meq "9 :71111777 9� f AY, OCT013ER x6,189;` ivo tut LAI LQCATs bTOTICIES Pluses. Pevae, and 4pplea, N PROS, TWI°,1'CHRT,L has ,a 1011 lire of and whiter Boots and shoes at w prices. A good general ;errant, to wages will be paid. 1us.1, li'.axasa, is our specialty, and" some lane sets very cheap.— BON a nteRMQUII, ingpbold Furniture •— embracing pets, ,Kitchen .b'urniture, es &o., vall. in good order, Will be seld privately on easy terms. . Also a iaby; larriage, MRS H. B. :Q'posite the foundry, Clinton:*2i r ': ''a*wn 4,3111 0. E& s, --The following persons nted certificates by the. Edit Usi .. • Department : — Mies Fer. uegit, B Y Ferguson; and F. D. TTtargbu! ,° 2ode , and Miss Eadie end Milu►.Jew,wa..ldcslmear&rds. Dram. -..Mr aJQhn, Picket was i� i • died ta'Op rings',: last Thursday, ao•attend` the-fnneral'of his youugeat sister, who bad died at that place. Sia mother is also in poor health. Mr J A Morton, barrister, of .Wing - ham, went south by the same train to Flint, Micb, to attend the funeral of bin, hrether, , , *hose&OrrNG.—Mr Enos Hull, of Mallett, left on Monday morning on &trip to Michigan, where he goes on eitproapecting tour. He bas a brother residing there, and as Mr Hull's lease of is ullett farm is nearly expired, , his' ;visit west is for the purpose of aeeipg how he would like it there. While we have every desire to see l![r Bull get on in the world, we hope he will not like it in the west, for he ,; as too good a citizen to lose. WI1;L COME BACK.—Mr Henry Stevens, who moved to Bluevale last spring, thinks of returning to Clinton to reside, and it is altogether likely that he will come back. He spent eo niauy years of his life here that it ie like conueencing life over to reside elsewhere, and he thinks, correctly no doubt, that he could do better liere at his trade than elsewhere. ,.We shall be glad to have him back. MARRreGEs—A wedding took place at Detroit a few days since, in which two former Clintonians were the hap- pyp, participants, Miss Minnie Mason, who for three years was one of the most valued assistants at the Rattan- bei'jt House, being married to Mr Ed Cotton, also late of this town. Mr Benj Spindler, of London, a Clinton boy, , Was also married to a young lad sof town last week. And on W dnesday Mr Thos. Rumball, oper- ator G. T. R., and Miss M. Walker were united in the holy bonds of : smatritnony _. _ -,._._ .__.. _ _ ROWDYISM.—On Friday night . six Seaforth y$utbs, in a state of he11dees intoxication, went down Albert Street, making all the noise that their hinge were capable of. It aashappened that just at the time . Constable Wheatley was at the station Mr Pattison having telephoned up for him, and when he got up town, the disturbance had ceased, although they yelled at the top of their voices again, when they got started in their - buggies for home. A fine of KO each would have been light punishment for the offence of the disorderly youths: WILL BE TRANSFERRED. — The 'Superintendent of the Grand Trunk, appreciating the evangelistic work done b Conductor W.K. Snider, has decided to place him on a run where he will be in a position to engage in this work riven more fully than he does at resent, without at all inter- fering with hie duties as a conductor. He has, therefor, promised to place him on °the line between Toronto and Stratford;; with his home in the former pllsce. • This will very greatly widen his field of usefulness, and it is a fore- gone conclusion that Mr. Snider will do his beat to fill it. We are sorry that he is to be removed from his run on the L. H. and B. and yet pleased that he will ' have an opportunity to do more good work. TErcm;Rs.—The Trustees of S. S. Nb. ;2, 'Hallett, (near the eemetery) have'tshown their appreeiatioa of the services of their excellent teacher, Mies 11,feCallum, by increasing ber salary$25 ler next year, making it $400; this is the second increase that the board has given her, so they are bound to keep her—unless some young man files claim papers.—The trustees of Blyth Public School bave made a conditional offer to Mr A. H. Plummer (son of Mr S. Plummer) to accept the headmastership next year; he has not decided as to what he will do, but should be accept; Hullett will lose a first•class teacher, and Blyth will be the gsiner. lie has, given extra good satisfaction where he is, and personal acquaintance with him enables us to testify as to his excellent social and other qualities. It01"ITA>ftLl4ARRDINr?8(3a"... jfr PI H Way, of the are Zine, Who vor sella ardea produce, in town, is a particu- G larly careful cultivator of tomatoes, and grows then for profit, he baying disposed of nearly $09 worth from about one ninth of an acre,of land, Peal WREAK, —Ia almost all sec- tions of the county the fall wheat is looking splendid. It' hashad re, markably favorable weather for rowin g ti;, and there seems to have beep a very large arFreon put in. Freon Clinton to Exeter it looks better than it does from Exeter to London. I meectemN.—Dr May, inspector of Meobanice' Institutes, called at the reading room here the other day,. and made a careful inspection of the same. Although he came in quite Unexpectedly, he found everything in ouch clean and satisfactory condition; that he gave Mr Scott a written testi- monial expressing bis pleasure at the order he found. armee Nous. --• Last week Mr James Snell sold a Shropshire ram lamb to Mr W Grieves. of McKillop, for a good rum. Mr James McFar- lane, of Stanley, sold sixrize Shear- lings—Shropshire--to Jr Andrew Dunkin, of Varna, at good prices; he also sold a ram to Mr M. McE.wan, and'a pair of imported shearlings to Mr Wm. Snell, Monaeeree. The following Mod - elites attending Clinton School have been engaged for next year in the schools mentiened: Mr. Rea and Miss Kirkby for Walton. Mr Jervis, for No. 8 Goderich township. Mr McDowell, for one in West Wawa - nosh. Mies Smillie, for No.9 Morris. Miss Thompson, for assistant at Var- na. Miss Lizzie J McLaughlin, No. 8, Hullett, assistant. FISH BREEDINo.—gr 11 Cook, of the Huron road, Goderich township, has gone , into the raising of fish on his farm. A natural pond about a quarter of an acre in extent, was stocked some time ago with carp, and these have increased consider- ably. If food is thrown into the water, the fish will scramble for it like so many chickens; they have ,attained considerable size, but are difficult to catch. The Grafton, Dakota, Adeocate, contains these two items of local in- terest:—Robert and James Lands - borough, of Tuckersmith, Ontario, were in the city last Saturday on their way to visit their brothers and sisters in the vicinity of Park River. They had been for some time with their sister Mrs Ingraham, of St Andrews. We had a very pleasaht surprise last Tuesday, in the shape of a visit from Mr Percy Mackid, with the Wilson Theatre company. He spent the early part of his life in the county of Huron, and was for some time in Brucefield, with Dr James Stewart, and afterwards in Clinton, Ont. WE KNEW IT—When the NEw ERA predicted that W H McCracken, of Brussels, -would cabbage nearly -all -the vegetable prizes at the northern shows we felt satisfied there would not be many but what he would carrot away. Just go through the prize lists and see bow he has beat other exhibitors, and if his mind should not be in a state of peas, then we know nothing about it. He must have early rose to have succeeded so well, but there is satisfaction in knowing that he has not a white elephant on his hands.— He'll turnip at the shows just as faith- fully next year, and although he may not make very much celery by doing so, he manages to squash other exhi- bitors. He has bean at it so long,vou see. It he said that his knowledge is so great that he can cauliflower by its right name without, seeing it. MEDICAL — The regular quarterly meeting of the Huron Medical asso- ciation,was held in the CouncilCham- ber, Clinton, on the 13th inst. There were present Dre McKay, Bethune, Armstrong,Gnnn,(AilsaCraig) Amos, Graham russels) R Graham (Tor- onto) Holmes (Brussels) Elliott,Stan- bury, Thompson, McLachlan, Fergu- son, McDonald, M P., Whiteman,Mc- Faul, Smith (president) Whitely,Tay- lor, Worthington, Turnbull, Shaw, Gunn. A good number of interest- ing and rare cases, especially of ner- vous and skin diseases, were presented by differept members, regarding the diagnoshr and treatment of which there were discussions. Dr J G Gra- ham of Toronto, delivered a lecture on the common form of disease called eczema, and explained hie methodeof treatment in different cases presented at the meeting. Before concluding a vote of thanks -was tendered Dr Gra- ham for his lecture and presence•, and he was elected an honorary member of the Hurn,, Medical Association.— The next meeting will be held in Seaford]. CONCERT—OD Friday, Oct. 23rd, the people of Clinton and vicinity will have the privilege of listening to Ca- nada's favorite soloist, Mrs E. G.Cald- well of Toronto;since she sang here last epring,our people were so deligh- ted with her,that she been Induced to come again under local auspices. Mr ohuson C. Bane. the guitar soloist of horn we spoke last week, will also ve his recital on that evening. Last hurs,i:se evening Mr Bane rendered is selections at Stratford,aod the fol - wing is a clipping from the Beacon, Friday: — Mr Johnson C Bane, itherto an entire stranger, won his y by a bound into the good graces a Stratford audience. Such a per- ct mastery of the guitar, that musi- 1 instrument much abused and rought into disrepute by players who nnot play it, was never witnessed ere before and the yety difficult usic played by him, was remarkable d surprising. His Old Black Joe d Home, sweet Home, with varia- one, were master- pieces of finger- ork, and his more difficult selections ere eimply unbelievable, unless ad." The balanee of the program ill be given by more local talent, --1 he Clinton quartette will give two lections, and others are being ar- nged for that will make this con - rt the best of the season; in fact it uld not be otherwise, when such ex - tient artists have boon secured; a eked ball will no doubt welcome em to the hub. eNor,Es —The fall fairs are over for is season, and no oris will be better eased than the patient reader who s had eo many prize lista thrust fore his gaze. We hear it stated at Miss M Trewartbe, of QuA,p- lle, N. W. 'r., will return to Olin. to reside, Mr Geo Cox, house -- w gi T h RETURNED—Mr Alex Correll, who 10 went on a trip to Manitoba some of weeks ago, has returned, having h travelled pretty extensively while w away. He gives it as his opinion of that fully 50 per cent of the wheat fe crop of Manitoba. has been frost bit- 'ca ten. At Carberry the grain was b badly frozen, also at Manitou, Pilot ca Mound, Crystal City and down to h the border ;i nto; Dakota, There wan m a slight touch of frost at Brandon and an the'Portage, but generally the grain an is good at these places. At Virden, ti Morden. Thornhill, Woolatey, Indian w Head, Clearwater and several other w small places be found the grain he unfiltered, Ant] ' all along the ry Souris branch it wan first class. T Where the grain is not injured it will se yield about 40 bushels to the acre, ra Thuile, he states, a large amount ea of excellent grain in the country, co but there" `is also muchthat is Only ce fit for feed. He brought samples pa badle with him, the good grain being th especially good and the bad about worthl se, Mr Correll states that til Annie of those who have been in the pl country for years without getting a ha good crop naturally enough feel dis- be )5irited, dile othera are y t hopeful th Co of ati* through all right. Saintee a number of. settlers, he says, are j du totting in from Delete.. I d eater, ie trying to secure some h byre. The l alrattQn Jat+taq�r a.a4lta to has bean repainted. We ere _< , see that Mr Alfred Cdwlu able to be oat, alter a revere inner; we bopa to anoounoe the speedy recovery of -hie wife, " The other day a man tied his barite to a shade tree, and allowed the borne to, mutilate the tree, although there was a tie, pot not eight feet distaDt, Potatoes at 25 cents a bushel, and tomatoes at Mc, make good living cheap, Tile slight froaexperienced duringtbeAat two or three nights will give good coke- to outstanding fruit. ' Mr W. Jacksoa left ,gilt Wednesday morning for Montreal, to purchase stock. ffise Muriel Holmes, of the Huron road, has gone to a . Homeep ethic inatitutign at Toronto, where she goes into training as a , nurse. Mr Johp Wiseman took a run up from Brantford this week; he may move his family to that place, though it is not yetfinally decided.. Some one stole from the premises of Mr D. McCuaig, a box containing balfa- dozen axes. Mr Jame/ Scott, barris- ter, has got moved into the house he recently purchased from Mr Glasgow. Mr John McMillan, the sterlingre- presentative for the South Riing, was in town on Wednesday, and while referring to the exposures of the past session, expressed the opinion that there is a great deal more to be un- earthed than bas yet been made pub- lic. Mrs G. T. Hieeox, of°Londen, is visiting her mother, Mrs Wm Ratten- bury. Mrs S. W. Perry, of Kincar- dine, is visiting friends here; Mr Perry was down also last week, but returped for his school work. Ma: Chilton, TY, S. -Consul, Goderich, was', in town on Monday. MI and Mn( John Govet took a drive down as far as St.Marys the other day. Mr E W Burley acd family, left for his old home in Prince Edward Co. on Thurs- day; from there he will proceed to Calgary for the winter, Mrs Bur- ley remaining in Ontario. County Commissioner Ainley was in town on Wednesday. Reeve Manning has been suffering from a severe cold that has confined him to the house for several days, but he is now much better. Advertise your strayed stock in TnE;Naw ERA. Conductor Aus- brook was taken ill on Thursday, but be is on his run again. Mr Smith Kitty, late of R,at Portage, has taken a situation with Jackson' Brbs. The Mayor, Clerk and Assessor were busy on Saturday evening mak- ing out the jury list, as required by law. We are glad to hear that Mrs W. Murphy, who has been ill for some time, is improving. Cooper & Co. sold a safety bicycle to Mr Smillie, teacher base line, on Satur- day. Messrs J. Hearn, Joseph All- anson and Oliver Johnston were jud- ges at Bayfield show Mr D. B. Ken- nedy now occupies the house next to where the livery stable stood, having rented his own house to Mr H. LeB. Hartt. Mr D Graham, of Inglewood, was in town last week, arranging for the erection of a dry Kiln for the Clinton Organ Co. Mr Lack Ken. nedy has just got a fine young trots fug colt, sired by Texas Jack. Mrs johns had. _tha.-iniiiforWife " a sc her arm on Friday, while doing some house work. The Canadian Order cf Home Circles meets on the 20th inst. (next Tuesday,) so dues the County Council. A Clinton lady who recent- ly visited Detroit, says there is quite an extensive colony of Clintonians in that city. Mr John Raisin has gone to Cleveland to reside, Tbanks- giving day has been fixed for the 12th of November, not the 5th as first an- nouced. We regret to hear that Mrs Whitehead shows very little improve- ment in health. The Football Match on Saturday, between the Collegiate Institute and Goderich High School clubs, resulted in a tie. Mr Arthur Look's house will soon be ready for occupation, and will certainly make a very material improvement to that portion of Albert Street. Mr James Howe has sold his cartage outfit -and business to Jesting Bros., and Mr Harry Joaling, who has been away fr om town, will look after part of it. Mr J. W. Riter has closed up his business. There was a slight fall of hail on Wednesday. Mrs W Far- quhar has been confined to her room for several days, by an attack of ill- ness, but is improving. Mr Richard Johnaton has been engaged', by Mr Arthur Couch to look after his farm, and will move thereto as soon as the new house is ready for occupation. Mr W. Farquhar has rented Mr Car- ter's house on Victoria Street. Mr W Wise went east on Thursday, for the purpose of purchasing a thorn - bred bull. liar James Sheppard, of Edinburgh, Dak, Bon of Mr John Sheppard, formerly of the Maitland con, Goderich township, arrived here yesterday, on his way to Toronto, where he purposes attending the Veterinary college; he states that Daaotats wheat crop is so large that sufficient threshers cannot be secured to thresh it. Church Notes. The regular rhonthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the school room of Rattenbury Street' church on Thursday afternoon, the 22nd lest , at three o'clock, a full attendance requested. Next Sunday at the Catholic chnrct. the Goderich choir will sing „t high mass which will be at 10.30 A. M. and also at vespers, which will be at 7 p. m. A silver collection will be taken up at both services. Mrs Blatchford, representing the Woman's Missionary Society of Rat- tenbury street Methodist church, and Mrs S. Crich, representing that of Ontario St., are attending the annual meeting of the Western Branch,which is in session at Ingersoll. The officers of the Y P 0 E Society of Ontario street church, for the en-' suing term, are as follows:—Hen. Prete., Rev J Galloway; Pres., J A Giffin; Vice -Pres., A .S Manning; 2nd Vice, Miss S Moore; Sec•, Miss N Galloway; 'Ureas., Miss E Walker; Musical director, W Harland. ANNIVERSARY. The Ontario St. Methodist church celebrates its anni- versary next Sunday, and have been fortunate enough to secure the ser- vices - of Rev A 0 Courtice, M A, of London. Mr Courtice is one of the vary best preachers of the Methodist Church, and has filied some very important stations. He was to have followed Rev Dr Staf'ord, at Sher - bourne St,, Toronto, this year, but the Transfer Committee refused to transfer him. On Monday evening Mr Oourtiee will deliver a lecture, Special collections in aid of the Trust Fund will be taken Illi Ob each bcce. vrseB stop, a� -e you, _rppt. hip fall r We are showing a finer range of HOUSE FURNISHINGS than *ever before. Our as- sortment of CARPETS is the largest and finest in theCoun- ty. Our patterns are new and, our prices as low as any in the trade. LINOLEUMS and floor Oil- cloths all widths. Lace Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, ChenilleCurtains, Piano & Table Covers 5 per cent off for cash. 000— • ri-41 state John Hedgens oys Suits Overcoats We claim to be the largest dealers in Clothing in the County, and have the finest class of goods. We have built up our business by 'the superiority of our goods, the neatness of our fits, and our low prices. We manufacture our own Clothing and pay great attention to trimming. We are al- ways on the hunt for bargains that we can make up and sell for the same price as lower grades in readymades. You will find our method and sys— tem of doing business is straight, and when we offer you a Bargain you may depend on it. On looking over our stock of Boys Suits and Overcoats we find a lot of/lines that we want to clear out. Styles in these goods change so rapid- ly that we do not want anything that is not right up to the right style for the boys; and if price will do it, these goods will not be long with us. If you want a Suit or an Overcoat come and see them Boys Suits from 51.25 Boys O'coats from S2 We are busy making up new lines in Over- coats that you should see. We can give you of our own make, a Big Long Cape ULSTER from $10. That is a big Bargain. This is a time of the year in wholesale houses that big bargains can be picked up, and our Mr. Wm. Jackson is in Montreal on the hunt for bargain, . Now that the weather is cold, come and see us for an OVERCOAT and we promise you that you can buy as cheap as you want. JACKSONBROTI[EES THE FAMOUS Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. CLINTON From now to the end of the year, nearly three out FREE. Subscribers for any of the Weekly Papers for nextyear, will receive the paper tQ the, end, of this year free. ' Toronto Weekly %LOBE, MAILPIRE, or Montreal Weekly WITNESS. to the e , of x892, only $1. Subscribe now for any weekly paper and get all you can. for your money. Papers sent to any address, • RQBINS BROS, Book Store and News Depot, Weir's old stand. opposite the Market, Clinton NOW REAIW We. are now ready for the fall trade with the largest and best select- ed stock we have ever had, and at very low prices. 1VIILI1\T Y We have a first-class stock, all new goods—no old goods out of date, but everything New and as Cheap as the Cheapest. Remember we have one of the best Milliners to be found in the trade. O Dress&MantleDe artmen p t Fnll stock of DRESS GOODS, all the new makes and colorings. MANTLE GOODS in all the diflet-ent varieties, and we can make them up equal to city work. Prices according to amount of work put on. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Full stook of Tweeds Sufings, Overcoatings, &c. Our cutter, Mr W. Watson, is bound to take the lead. See the work he turns out. rwo Apprentices and Two Paid Hands Wanted at once. CHEAP BOQ.S_a>d SHOES as usual-- , oys sual-- Plumsteel - & - Gibbings oI IN roN sibs t. Oct. 16 91, GRAND SUCCESS Our Showroom crowded with ladies admiring and buy- ing the latest ideas in Millinery. This has proved to be the best opening we have everhad in re- gard to sales, and we are bound to make this far surpass any previous season by doubling our sakes, and that is saying a great deal. We are showing the correct styles, as shown in the large American Cities. WE ARE We lead and others follow in this branch of our business. Offering 6roat Soaps Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Cot= tons, Flannelettes, Flannels, La- dies, Children's and Gents Under - we or, Kid and Cashmere Gloves; Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Hos Etc., and every line a Bargain. NOVELTIES ArrivingDaily at, t BSIr & CQY W. A, . irT1111RT'0'f .1' 6 x iyi