HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-10-09, Page 8t lQ , ,.I.)V XIMIS>41 . tigitietl g.es 'o advertise, t should, be sept In Uy day ltl,00n of eaOli'we.* 1.11. Oases :of the greatest y'. LOOM.1SIOTICU$ Want44, Plums,SPeara, 044Apl'lea, "soot; aea Single Rareees,fteestool ltow prices J,TWI TCIJEi+ a, (Minton, Warm -A good general servant, to bom,'geed voyages will be plaid. Mso. J. $Awes. limaLn RhgNEss ie• our specialty, dnd. we offer .tome' fine Pets 'very cheap.- zol NSQI3. ,& ARM0t* tae M, Mooxa, Raron Street, who oYar Straw ar-id. Felt Rats, has sot ioiderable experience, and feels ohly .competent to give satisfac- in every gs ee, Orders respeetfuily ted t ►tier' xi 'at. (gqrrip Fenton Hartley, formerly of town, la new tleaohing school pear Emerson.' Man. Mr Andrew Carter, late with J. B. ; Runaball dr Co., has taken a situation at Peiubreke. Mr Charles Coats; left for Chicago on Tuesday, at wliicli place I e ban Wired a •aiituation. , 4 Miss Clara )iountoastle, we are sorry to learn, is dangerously ill With. congestion ql the lungs, Mr Thos Run boli has returned to file peSitiOn at Clinton station, pre°^ ,erring this place to Goderich, Mr E Tebbutt and wife. left for San Diego, Cal, on Wednesday, being ticketed through by W Jackson., N[Ic 0 Irlounadq,. :yrha has been outfoxing from hernia for sometime, went wader an operation last week.. A horse owned by Mr Thos. Hill, of Bullett °ravel Road, dropped dead OR the street, on Saturday night. Mr James Snell disposed of a pair of Leicester ewe lambs, at a good figure, at Seaforth show last week, •z ,Parties in arrears to this tate, will oblige us very greatly if they settle the same' ;at once and without farther notice. gown vlopicp. To CORREenormENTs.-We will be leased to hearfrom some of you little more regularly in future.-- eople like toread the district news i etgts every week, .and the oftener n write the easier the work becomes. FAIR NOTES. --We omitted to men. Um last week that Mr Henry Cole was associate judge on fruit at the ?S,uron Central. In the prize list last who is an old resident and property week, Mr G Dale was•Credited with a holder in as accepted a prize for two year olid Canadian heavy good situation at Clinton,Greenville, Minais- draught . gelding, that should have sippi, to which place he has removed. been credited to Mr John F Delo. Mies Lough, of Toronto, daughter, At the fair last week Mr Hayward of Mr M Lough, formerly of this O!4 sed of his Gladstone carriage place, is here on a visit; her father, Anfid.two. covered buggiee, to Mr Jae. we regret to learn, is in very poor : Beattie. health, and fears are entertained that FoaGm FULNFSs.-Saturday night he will never bo much better. 4oung man who visited the Armory Mr G F Emerson, who has been re- in the Market Building, left a light preeepting the Goderich Organ Co, in burning there, and it was not diecov Eaatern Ontario. returned home on ... r oouused he cartil one etaker from his en slum- shook epeone Wednesday, ae runaway accident been so badly hers, and he came down and put it Smith's Falls, that he deemed it ad - out.,' An Albert Street business • man visable to lay off for a time. had also forgotten to put out the Mr P B Sibley has returned from lights in his shop window, until some his home in the west; his mother, one went to his residence and inform- who is about 78 years of age, recently ed him of it. underwent an operation for the re- S13iCIDE OF A FORMER CLINTONIAN. 11.1°°°1 of a large tumor, and he had the satisfaction of seeing her about -Thomas Champion, an old man of ?0, was found Thursday morning restored to health before he left her. • Mr W Thornton has left us a stalk of asparagus seven inches long, taken from the garden of Mr H C Brewer, Mr Arthur Couch pis erecting a frame house on his farm, on the Huron road, where he is feeding forty head of cattle. Mr W Young, ex -reeve, Colborne, and wife, were in town for a short time on Saturday, and shook hands with a number of old friends. We are sorry to learn that, Mr Alf Goodwin, who was just recovering from a severe illness has suffered a relapse. His wife is also down with the same ailment. At Ottawa county fair last week the first prize and diploma. was awarded to the Doherty organ over all others. The Doherty usually "gets there" every time. Mr Charles Coates, of Seaforth, but axe +without n0013.440^t . . »9tr Nturo,1 , of Htalaaasville, eon; ducts aervioe In the $rtptdrt aaurcb1 Clinton, on Sabbath morning next, Miss Eliza McDonagh, sister of Rev W McDonagh, died in Toronto on Sun+lay. .She bat been ailing for some time. Rev James Feign on, of i oldeaM boyo, returned from his, trip to the old country last week, and has re'. Burned his work. AIr Pickard,, of Tdolmeaville, °Ceti. pied the pttlptt of the Baptist church last Sabbath morning, and Air U X,e73 Hartt, in the evening, Rev Dr Briggs, of the Methodist Book Room, Toronto, will preach in Ratteebury Street C;lurch, Clinton, pn the 15th of November. Anniversary services in connection with Ontario St. church will be held on Sunday, October, 18th, when Rev A 0 Courti;e, of London,will preach. At a late meeting of Stratford Presbytery Rev A. H. Drumm, of Avonton, (sen of Mrs Williams, of Clinton,) was elected Moderator for the current aiir months. Rev J S Cook. of Ripley, late of Remit, and wife, and Rev'Et Irvine, of Kipper. Circuit, have _gone on a trip to Washington, D 0, where the Ecumenical Council is in session. It was a mistake on oar part last week, in announcing that Rev Mr Galloway would take Mr Ayers' work, on Holmesville circuit, last Sunday. Mr Galloway consented to fill the ap- pointments some Sunday in the fu- ture. Mr Jae Young took the work, and he goes to Kippen circuit on Sunday next. flanging by the neck on a child's IN MICHIGAN. -Under date of the owing at White c hnrch, near Wing- lst inst., Mr W. Shier, formerly of ham: When found life was extinct, Hullett,writes frons Marlette, Michi- though the body was warm. He was gan, as follows :-Crops in Marlette ender the influence of drink when township were very good this year, last seen. Champion was some years with the exception of hay, which was ago a resident of Clinton, a plasterer very light. At present the farmers by trade, but moved up north to go are cutting a fine crop of hay. Au - into hotel business somewhere about gust was a very wet month, and dam - Donnybrook. He kept hotel at aged barley and oats considerably. • Holmesville at one time, and also at A good acreage of fall wheat is being Granton. ° sowed and is tooking well. We re- ceived � a Very pleasant visit from the LIBRARIES. -Rev Mr McDonagh, venerable John Rudd, of Goderich formerly of Clinton, has one of the township, who was at Marlette to see finest libraries in Ontario, and said his brother William, who was sick fo be by far the largest in the Ion- but is now recovering. dog Conference. It weighs over four tens, and cost over $8,000. It em- YUM-YUM.-On Sunday after - braces all the works of theology in noon the residents of a certain street 'various languages. If we mistake were witnesses of an amusing° exbib- not Rev G F Salton, of Brussels; also iton of epooniness. A young man has a very'extneive library,said to be who is paying his• attentions to a one of the best in this section. Revs young lady, was leaving the house in A Stewart, and J W Shilton are also question and she had accompanied said to have large libraries. In fact him to the front door. With his arm ministers, in towns particularly, now around up-apparently ound her waist, see ifhe urn turned her face End it absolutely necessary to keep,g g an extensive stock of he best stand- to rain -and he boldly planted a kiss and theological and literary . works, on her rosy lips. This was repeated and it does not take long, to pick out several times, and it was only when the minister who reads and the one the laughter bliss that the onlookers disturb - who does not.young man i�.. tore himself away. PERSONALS. -Mrs Carline spent a couple of days in Seaforth last week; COUNCIL MEETING. -A special she had been at Toronto for several meeting of the County Council ie call.- weeks allweeks undergoing medical treatment,ed for the 20th inst., "for the tran- and returns much improved in health. action of general business," so the Mr John Smith and wife took a trip announcement atatee,but it is not un- to Detroit last week. Miss M E likely that the general business will Gregg, of Toronto, sister of Mrs (Rev) be limited to the appointment of a Stewart, was married last Thureda . enccessor to the late Peter Adamson. Miss Maggie Bay is enjoying, herself There are quite a number of applica- at; Detroit. Mr D McDonald (son of tions to be considered, but it is alto - O. McDonald) who is a conductor on gather likely that these will be quick - the Cl P R, Fort Wiliiam section, is ly sifted down to a few. There has down on a visit.. Mr McQueen,• of been considerable wire -pulling by $rucefield, who is taking his final expeetants, to what purpose remains year's course in Toronto University, to oe seen, but it is to be hoped that left therefor on Monday morning. whoever is the fortunate choice of the Mr Will Tedford returns to Chicago council, will be a worthy successor ot to morrow. Rev R bicCand a remarkably faithful and efficient wife, of Petrolia, have bee n the public servant. guests of Mr R Irwin, for several days. • Mr Thos Jackson, sr. , and wife, who have been visiting friends in the Northwest, are back, after an enjoy- able trip. Mr David Moore, who 'holds an important position on the staff of the Salvation Army, is home On a visit. Death's Harvest. r a 4 "r7Iiir r r� This -fail? Cheap ColUrt Wiudow SilAJL-IR W e•'eeu suit you in color, in length, in, brea. in prise. MRS lioUNTCASTLE. Our death column shows that an- other of Huron's old pioneers has passed away, in the person of Mrs Mountcaetle, relict of the late S H Mountcastle, who died on Tuesday morning. More extended notice con- cerning her will appear next week. F. J. M. rrsoeLL. Mr F J M TisdalI, who died at the residence of his son, J P Tiedall, Esq., Rattenbury street, on Saturday morn- ing, was known only to a compara- tive few of our townspeople, though he was well known and very highly esteemed at Strothroy and other places,where moat of his life had been spent. For some time past he has been troubled with cancer in the throat, and specialists at Toronto not giving him any relief he came here several months ago to reside with his son. He enjoyed the best ot health generally, had no constitutional ail- ment, but found it difficult and pain- ful to take eves liquid nourishment, and while he eat reading on `Saturd ay his breathing became restricted, and before any relief could be afforded him, he had died. He was 'lige ly educated, being a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin. Born in Clifton, Bristol, England, . he came to this country and settled in the township of Adelaide,where he resided for some years, finally taking up his residence in Strathroy. A short service was conducted at the house, on Monday morning, by Rev W Craig, after which the body was taken to the sta- tion, and thence to Strathroy for in- terment. The following gentlemen acted as pall bearers here :-Messrs R and J Ransford, H C Brewer, F Macpherson, W S Harland and W W Ferran. He leaves two daughters and two sons. TOO MUCH OF IT. -A number of business men have complained to us of a nuisance that is growing worse every'year ; one which they do not like ,to complain of individually, but which they thinkshould in some way beCetopped at once. It is the soliciting of subscriptions, net for objects that are really deserving of help, bttt for objects that should be started without private aid. For instance the people of Silver Hollow want to form a fife and drum band, and they start a subscription among the business men, any one of whom don't ciireth cent whether Silver Hol- low hag a fife and drum band or not, but they ata afraid to offend some of their customers in Silver Hollow by refusing, and 'consequently they be- come unwilling contributors. Or some youngsters want to form the Nip -and -Tuck base ball team, and they, too, think they have a perfect right to bleed the business men; and so the thing goes on during the year, until the average business man has laid out enough in this -way to keep a family for a month, to say nothing of his feelings towards this kind of im- position. Business men , are quite willing to help worthy objects, but they think it ie time to draw tho line at the objects} abet have no claim Wlultev'er upon their help. LrrTLE LoCALs.-Bicycle riding is evidently a thing of the past for this season ; the roads have been good all summer. Grain has come down slightly in price, and the opinion of experts is that it will be lower. Mr Whitehead is getting the material on the ground for his new buildings on the corner of Ontario and Albert Streets: Several car loads of apples have left here this season. The rain this week, though disagreeable, will do a great deal of good ; the ground was very dry and the wells were get- ting likewise. To -day is the last day of Blyth fair ; this is usually one of the best shows in the county, and weather being favorable, there will likely be a large crowd. By-the•way, Kaye you paid your subscription for the Nr,w ERA yet ? because if you have not, we would be glad to get it. The members of Clinton Court of 0 O F; expect to visit -Varna, on Mon- day, whet -a-1 e'is to be given by the High Court will Mr '9W H Montreal hum in wards Chrietmaa, Oliver ohnson's blacksmith shop bas been re -shingl- ed. Fall wheat is looking well ; it has had a fine chalice to grew, but needed rain. Reynolds & Son are now running the Commercial Hotel bus. Mr James Miller has been laid SHOCKING CRUELTY.—For several up sick. We know of two or three eat Chief anger. Division le held o he -8 th inst. errin is buying pea for a xporter. The year is self along ra idly to - days a horse has been standing at the rear of Johnston & Armour's store, exposed to the inclement weather, unable to get away from its position, and without fond or water. As soon as Constable Wheatley dis- covered it, he took several people around to lee it, in order that they might be used as witnesses. The an- imal at once became the object of a good deal of curiosity, and as soon as the people heard of it any number went around, and were loud in their denunciations that the poor thing should be so "heartlessly' exposed, though they took good care not to let on that it was a large wooden horse that couldn't move if it wanted to, and they felt like thumping the party who sold thein. ~SONS OF SCOTLAND BENEVOLENT SooxnvY.-A cabtp of this order was opened in Clinton on Friday evening b organizer R. Nimmo, of Toronto. Thereywas a large attendance, there being over 80 charter members and over 20 initiations. An invitation is extended to all Scotchmen and those of Scotch descent to join the Camp, which bas been named Camp Murray in honor of Mr Wm. Ilfurray. The following officers were installed: -Chief, T. L. Fortune; Past Chief, Wm. Murray; Chieftain John Mc- Murray, Rec. See,, W Chieftain, Spalping; Fin. See., N MeL. Fair; Treas., W Morrison; Chaplain, John Oroll; Marshal, Serail; Standard Bearer, J .,McDonald; Inside Guard, T Robert- son; Outside Guard, J F Milne, V S; good situations open for servant girls, if seekers will apply here. Mrs S Coates was orie of the judges, on ladies work, at Blyth fair. Mr E T Holmes, of St Catharines, will winter in Clinton. The Young Peo- ple's Association, of Willis Church, have re -organized for the winter. The burly form ot the tax collector now darkens the doorway of "cottage and palace;" what a relief it would be if we did not have to pay any tax- es -providing the benefits remained the same. The Dinsley property, corner of Albert and Rattenbury Sta. will be offered for rale on the 7th of November. Mr Nightingale, of Brus- sels, was here this week, with a view to going into business; he came to no decision, however Mr Albert Mor- row has taken a situation in a Wing - ham drug store ; this necessitates the removal of his mother to that town. Mr J P Doherty has gone back to Toronto University. Mr George Glasgow has got his stock moved in- to his new promisee om the west side of Albert Street; he has now a much more conemodious store, and will be able to push his lousiness for all it le worth. Mrs Beckwith has gone on a few day's visit to Wiagham Mrs J Scott and son, of Inglewood, who has been visiting at the home of t+ W Cooper, returned last week. An exchange tells of a printingoffice in Kentucky being openewith prayer. Thio is a rare exception to the rule, as from time immemorial it has been the custom for printing of. We are. showing a finer range of -HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1 than ever before. Our as- sortment of CARPETS is the largest and finest in.theCoun- tar. Our patterns are new and our prices as low as any in the trade. LINOLEUMS and floor Oil- cloths all widths. ROBINS Bald.. Book Store and News Depot, -Weir's old stand: opposite -tlie Market, Lace Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, ChenilleCu rtains, Piano & Table Covers FALL ANNOUNCEME Getting Beady for the FALL Trade New & Fashionable Goods arriving daily 0 We expect to have the .best -assorted stock this fall we have ever had. DRESS GOOD S & SILKS, new shades and qualities. SEALETTES, Mantle Cloths, all the different makes. CARPETS, FLANNELS, COTTONS and staple goods TWEEDS, CLOTHS, OVERCOATINGS. - READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, FURS BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS, FELT GOODS, Prices as low as the lowest for good goods. Some have low prices and poor goods; we have good goods and low prices. 000--- - 5 per cent off for cash. Estate John Hodgons 1+ all stock, all new goods. No old stook, as this is our first fall season This department is in charge of MISS DAVIS, who understands the business thoroughly. See her work, DRESS and Mantle Making. Which we have carried on so successfully daring the past year, will- be under the management of MRS. LESSLIE, of Toronto, and London, England. She has had large experience in first-class work. We expect to do the fine work for the town and country. TA.ILORI�TG 1:0TPAR.TM'T. We have made an engagement with a first-class Cutter. We expect to be ready for work by the 20th of Sept. • See our, stock and get our prices. Smart boy wanted to learn the Dry Goods trade Pluinsteel - & = Gibbing sept.191, CL2N1270N Street s Physician, J.W Shaw. M 1); ripens, flees to be opened by the devil and • Donald Rose, Jaynes Ress. closed by the !sheriff. Waterproof Garmonts and Umbrellas ! In advertising, the most effectual way to get people to read what you advertise is to talk common sense, and the commoner the better. We ask this week to be permitted to dwell in a common' sense manner,, on and about the common sense requirements of this kind of weather, namely:— R ubberCoats&Umbrellas It matters not whether a man be in a healthy condition, physically, he undoubtedly requires the very best obtainable protection from the inclemency of our shilling; fall rains. We hare in Waterproof Garments an assortment that is practically unequalled, ranging from $2.50 to $20. Further, we advise all to avoid the unpleasant necessity of walking a mile or so in a rainstorm without pro- tection, by calling and purchasing a good Umbrella from our stock. 'Twas Mighty FunsBut we don't .ApoI�gize.. To those people who made the mistake on. fair day, for we warned them beforehand. We are credibly informed'' ' that some people who did not know where the show wag' being held, and naturally thinking that if they followed the crowd they would be led direct to the grounds, but instead they were landed in the Great Dry Goods ,and Millinery - Emporium of BEESLEY 8 CO. - They were not seriously disappointed in this however,. for they thus saw Two Big Shows for one Ad- mission. PERFECTLY SATISFIED. Is the universal verdict of all who have visited our store since the- GREAT SALE began, two weeks ago, and we don't wonder at it --for• when you can buy Good Staple Goods that are in demand every day at much Less than regular Wholesale Prices, it's like finding, goodmoney-Ain't it ? You don't need to take our word for it as - prices speak louder than words. We buy Good Goods. We buy no - trash. We sell Goode Cheap. We sell for Cash. We open out on:, Saturday 100 Jackets and Meters all sizes at just Ball' Price. vL 0 (n JACKSONBROTHERS THE FAMOUS Clothiers, Fuurnishei and Hatters. CLIN TON 0 m su,' 0 P. 5 4a ra 0 O U � 5 a CS .34-7 5 -, p a m -a rw c, DaEt mi 2L & 00.. W. A. itUTII.. FORD,