HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-10-09, Page 5AlitAirK '> ika to Mow hut'ell th*t WO s4 ill for you to oar to our !store when you 'visiting' to our town, and , � bona. '. a * wItlf.t YENWANE So, WAiCNE: which it, not silrpaeeed in the t Ou$y for`prion, workmanship, ,.ualitp and, �eaetifti de>iigne6 i']t pQD ''4ND:" ALL M -�f�•� L L s •& wCCYS Noted' V1teap Jawelie^y store I4.L Mg1411ONE WWI -LANG E, Clinton Should Came To the Fair next week, you do came and see what we, can do for you. e a fine stock, and we can suit you whether it is erect Suit or a Ready Made Suit, We are open - this week another lot of NEW GOODS that we offer at very low prices. Cafes a,ad s4e us when you are, inM THOMAS JACKSON SR. Huron Street, Clinton, 1oct Rodociog Sal HARDWARE ,l, aredgCall'L'I1�'� ✓ _ a Raw try t, ti set", /-0ter L�ItQ i?,�`"llg%1'f?Mf,a�lt� Ltli4 w q,lps ;iWMil.. `t (ICE? �} ort0%xpgp to minora bas �r,r.rt.4 `li9at Jo 4_54. 13ew,M.e., t ' f16 the 11104400 (Uity council,. ' k+xat sNr111ff r • e K«...., 001465 An :sit well in Wlshing..In 1),(11.v .tR+3..•.R•'i4 hR. tf ,$ blrrel8 daily, this largcott flow oar x '•al l,ej las! 6... «,,., .. record 1i3itttt �4wM1. • . ....RA..I..lii •T. +'A.� �otcalfe,, +HFr+ P. !,9 in 1'o�xtc�, �#thefieldor the Conservative Wuol...«..6.*..1• °• 4, • 1$ilOmatignin thepproacbDoon e(tipnin ul Piton00g 0.0 No court balls are to .be given Hideo, roagh. r, ....,.. 8 00 in l$t. Petersburrgg this winter, but T Ihy inp k «..,.... 0.50 the esoney usually devoted there. Cloverhys .... .,; ...... 650 C10veraeet.13 R .•......650 oo to l go to relieve the famishing --Apples, per bag.......... 0 30 are a steamships from Montreal `.fh having a very bad time of it at prosont in crossing the Atlantic, and several serious losses of cattle are reported. It the Belleville Assizes Wedn- ellday Geo. Colby, of Toronto, was convicted of personation at the lust .Dominion elections and sea- tenced to one month in jail. Andrew .Easton, a. prominent farmer residing on the 10th cvn- Ceasion of Blenheim, was 1, and dead in bed Monday mor„ i og, apparently the viotitn of heart disease. He had been ailing for some time past, and was in very poor health, but bis sudden taking os' was unlooked for. He was for many years a resident of Blenheim township, and was one of its most successful farmers and stock raisers. He was 68 years of age. MONTREAL LIVE 8 Q MARKETS. ere' cattle, 1,000 were about and lambs and 100 calves offered at the east end abat- toir to-rldy. Trade was very dull, as Bickerdike was not,wanting any stock- er and the commotler kinds, of. atoek Woes very low in price, The highest price paid to -day slid not el�eeed 410 Pei lb, but a few very choice animals were held for rtlore than that. Pretty common drood stook y cowsat ,om And rough to 4o steersr , from 21e to 3 'o do: and lean cattle at from 2o to 2t0 per ib. There is a very brisk demand for good calves, which sell at from 33 to 36 each, Hutton is plentiful and pretty low in price, except- ing for good lambs which sold in lots at from 33 50 to 34 each. Fat hogs are plentiful and sell from 5o to 510 per Ib. TORONTO CATTLE MARKET. 1 TlaAC1ERl3 WAIvTEilt I eaobllr Wante41,*:... 0 00 et 0 sl AIO teeoher wanted a classuertifle,lta, foritoh ofs„etioaata:A R,a .6a 0 5A Cache plioatfona:willbe reoeivefi .p to5a :0, 50i31iunn.:uta xau7�. trglei a a1, 'W. a.a0pr r._-.�,a15 '1'eac er: `ilV.lantcd. a Q 80 rlf anted• for 8pheol Heotion No 8, AM 0' i'u Bnllett,forth@year1Q04,1l�ila' eaotrerhoid, Al 6 a5 a lent alsos emiloit aq 'y r{ h a 9raeoll�s ' ti 8:00 Certlttegte, far fufLQ1 4egaxtme4t, a 8: 00 cations reoetvgd u to Uotgber. ' od s itiMt713gag asc. ' s. s. -. fti $iii �+otrdeaboro. 414 a �a 'fiaoher 'Qvnutci. a�5a ' 00 For S B. ,To, `"• ° a °721 5o third e.lit oelrt1f oatelet aioeldora f2:40 slur Autiea to commence' 1st of January 1882. CIi monlicants to stats salary and ferwar'd testi- , ApPlyto the eoret w, llioOool, �' eas. 7lou esboro, � a�'y 2I MI8VEI,LANEOUS Last week's reoeipts at the wester* cattle market were considerably less than the preoeding one, being -3,055 cattle, 1,787 sheep and lambs, and 1,651 hogs. Cattle—General receipts were light and quality was also below the average of the past two weeks. Butchers' cattle were in good demand, but owing to the light run holders were firmer, especially on the better grades. Bnyere were not inclined to pay the figures asked, and trading was slow. For picked lots 4o was readily paid, and very few pur- chases were made below 30. Sheep and lambs— Run was lighter. Sheep were not wanted on either butch- ers' or export account. A few sold with lambs. A bunch of 11, averaging 150 lbs, sold at 83.371 per owt for export. Hogs — Run light, and quality was not good. Demand better on more favorable weather, and prices were firmer. Real thick fat wanted at $5, but none offered. Weights ruled from 100 to 200 Ibs.which sold at $4.40 to $4- 80 per owt. The export trade was dull owing to the scarcity of apace. Heavy fat oat. tle were light and quality poor. Lower cables, scarcity and high prioe for freight made buyers indifferent. Values easier and very few bought. For the quality offered prices ranged from 4 to 4fo. Only one export purchaser was noticed; he took about five loads. Richard Upton, aged 80 years, a well-known resident of Strath- roy and Adelaide, -Friday evening entereflthe Western hotel, Strath. goy, kejlt-by- Peter Fitzpatrick. While there he met Wm Wilson, Of Metcalf, a powerful young man of about 35 years of age. They were drinking together, when an altercation arose between them, and it is said Wilson pushed him away from him causing him total' and strike his bead on a large spittoon, and causing his death. Wilson was arrested. Mrs Penny, of Orillia, is at present the victim of a stran,,e fatality. When a little girl ,.he fell and broke her arm below the yelbow, but at the time it was thought the limb was only sprain - I" 4 ed, and no physician being within available distance it was left to L.� heal itself. Thus the bone never set properly, although the lady did not experience any trouble 4:). from it till lately, when a physi- cian on examination found the bones to he decaying at the old break,.and fearing -blood poisoning, says itis possible 'Ile arm~ may have to be amputated. At pres- ent it is in a plaster paris sling, and the lady feels rather inconsol- able over it, Winnipeg Church circles were startled on Sunday upon learning of the arrest of James Chisholm, a prominent member of the Con- gregational body. A week ago he was engaged, as has been his cus- tom for years, 'ushering church- goers in their seats. Now he is pacing a felon's cell. He is ch:irg- 20 ed with ruining girls under four- teen years, the penalty for which 20 under the Thompson Act is life imprisonment, with a whipping. 50 It is alleged that he has been 2seducing girls under age, and the 5 police authorities claim they have a straight case against him. Chis- holm is owner of a barb wire manufactory here, and is thought to be worth considereble ,money. It is said that the poilce know at least half a dozen girls who have lost their virtue through this man. A Pinkerton detective from Chi3- ago assisted Chief of Police Mc- Rae in gathering evidence upon which the warrant was issued. Chisholm offered any amount of bail but was refused. In the first case the detectives testified that by secreting themselves fn Chis- holm's warehouse they bad seen him in the act of outraging the child. The evidence is of a most disgusting character. bme Lines at and Under Cost No, 9 BOILERS, - $1.75 regular price $2.50 No. 9 TEA KETTLES 75 1.25 DISH PANS - 25 " 50 DIPPERS - - 10 " DUST PANS - 10 LARGE PAILS - 35 WASH BASINS 15 GIVE US A CALL TRY OUR ROCK OIL and FLINT 'CHIMNEYS. Same price as the common Si ti fE crb if HARLND BRO. IRON & HARDWARE, STOVES do TINWARE, CLINTON, ONT. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO Walton & Morrison's TAILOR SHOP Where yon will find everything clean and new to select a SUIT or Winter OVERCOAT From. We have a few more Scotch Tweeds at $16 a Salt. Remember we are going to give you a fit or no sale, and also give yon five per cent discount for ten days following October 9th Walton : & Morrison, liemember the MIN'S BLOCK. CLiNON {Opposite Coopers place Book ,tore G. GLASGOW, Gents Furnishin , der,, Ea* removed his stock into the more commodious premises in Searle's I3lock, Albert St. pelt and See Him, BfriRN. Jowns,—In Seaforth,on the27th Sept., the wife of Mr. Robt, Jones, of a sots," Leas.—In Goderieh township, en the 2nd inst., the wife of W. H. Lobb, of the Maitland, of a son. CI,Axx,—In Seaforth,on the let Sept., the wife of Mr. Joseph A. Clark, late of Clinton, of a 80n. CANrEaoN,— In Clinton, on October 2nd, the wife of Mr Peter Cantelon, jr., of a son. MARRIED. KENNrnY—NURSE,—By Rev. Mr. Mu - lock, on Sept. 29th, SIr Joseph Kennedy to Miss Kate Nurse, both of McKiIlop township. GARVIN — WI itrkitg- — At Plymouth church, Buffalo, N.Y., on Tuesday, 29th Sept., by Rev D. G. Sutherland, D. D., Hamilton, Ont. assisted by the Rev. J. E. Williams, brother of the bride, Fred- erick William Garvin, barrister -at -law of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, to Caroline Ogden(Carrie),youngest daughter of the late Rev. J. A.Williams, D. D., general super intendant of the Methodist Church of Canada. Ctsnx — Sum. -. M St. Andrew's manse, Kippen, on the 23rd nit, by Rev Stuart Acheson, B. A., Toronto, Mr. Albert J.Clark, to MitieMatilda J. Shea, both of the township of Stanley. Solomon — 8anasson. — At the resi- de*ae of the bride's father, Goderieh tewnskip,on the 38th Sept.,by the Rev. W. Ayers, Mr P. J,.Jeyneon,of Stanley, to Mise Harrxat Sheppard, daughter;ef Mr. Jokn frhejlpard. SALE REGISTER. Household furniture of Mr. E. W Burley, Huron Street,Clinton, 011 Satur day,-Oot "loth. James Baiveen, Aaot. Minard's Liniment is the best. STRAY CATTLE Stray Sheep. Strayed into subscribers premises, Iot I9, con 8, Hallett, about the middle of July. Owner can have it an proving property and paying eharges,BENSON TYREMAN. pd illi Stary Heifer. Came llth con. of Hullett. twos remises, monthlot s since, a white yearling Heifer.' Owner is hereby notified to prove property,pay charges and take take it away. RICARD BRIGHAM. 3 ins THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH Agency at CLINTON Are doing a splendid business. WHY? BECAUSE the line is noted for quick despatch and prompt delivery. Once at Cooper's Boot Store Lobb's Starch Enamel Thin is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If con want to save time and labor, buy a box. neat and clown and to ironed clothes longer, buy a box. If yon want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite ,of ram or frost, buy a box such as shirt 'bosoms. collato rd look like new, curtains, etc., buy a box. PRICE lfi CENTS. wh�etheymerchantpdoese otlkeepwitand want a lively agentto repersent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, Holmesvil le New subscribers can get the NEW Ens for the balance of the year for 25 cents ash. .Breaking in isn't needed with the Bali DIED corset. It's easy from the TniL4i:I.,- Cl(e, en the Sid Oat start. Coils of tiny wire F. J. M. Ti tal1l,, (father of il[r. J. P. Tisdall; aged ,27years. springs in .the sides make it nOTI gross s. -•-1n Clinton, on the Oth Oot., Fran is Laura llfountoastle, so. Try it, and you'll like it. relict of thel Sidney H. Monntoastle, aged 87 years' nd 8 menthe. If you don't, after a few cuteeee.-.-. -j Clinton on the 2ad weeks' wear, just return it Oot., Aotetiii lire, infalat son of Mr.. fl. Cndtnere a 2 months and 8 da),. and get your money. yrtit:.--. lx 'tberxo, ea this 8rd Oat,, Atk ylltit'tlry Ooocle (lager f r it daniee i'ory, ,i $2 years, 3tesattia. For Solo to Est>itii Jot ilodoos' Baking. 11, McLennan having started baking en hie old premises Vioteria at, would like 41 pea as would favor him and hptheeirr cust m. °All goods ordered will be promptly delivered. im Dressmaking, ° The undersigned desire's to intimate to so the people of Clinton and vicinity, that rosrmeesein the feed SemEio' and careful ttentl orders will receive Sw Pig for Service; The undersigned keeps for service, at his premises, lot 12, 2nd con. of Hallett, a thorobred Chester White boar, of first-class pedigree. Terme, 31, at time of service; with privilege of returning, 1f necessary. 0125 if booked, HENRY FREEMAN, To The Public. The undersignedin returning thanks to his customers for their liberal support in the psidesires riren turned oveenteto his shohas who will continue the same, He is empowered to collect all outatanding accounts and settle all claims• Chopping 50 a bag if Olean, THOS. TRICK. WANTS. Wanted.—Pnrohasers for 150 tons No. 1 Coal.—Stove and aheenut. Orders lett at Swallow's grocery well re- ceive prompt attention. Wanted, -1000 Cords wood delivered at the Clinton Salt Works. JOHN Mo0ARVA. '900 SALARY and Commission to . Agents, Men and women, Teaoh- ers and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most remarkable religious book of the ago, written by 300 eminent scholars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Ex- clusive territory given. Apply bo TH13 HENRY BILL PUBLISHIING CO., NORWICH, CONN. On,. Stoop's Food &SociiSlaro OAT MEAL— 10 pounds Rolled Oatmeal to ttie bushel Oats in Exchange. L Flour,- Bran _ and: Shorts --at' Mill Prices. JAMBS STEEP, Seed Dealer, Clinton Butchering Business To the Public. Subscriber having bought out the business so successfully conducted by Mr Couch, solicits a continuance of the liberal patron- age bestowed on his predecessor. No pains or expense will bo spared to procure the p very care meets,ln d.° The businesswill be willpromptly labe conducted at the same stand as heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &c, JAMES A. FORD. Clinton Collegiate Institute Notice. At the last meeting of the Clinton Colleg- iate Board it was resolved that the fees for pupils residing outside the County and those residing in town shall be the same as those fixed by the County Council for County pupils, viz: Fall Term : $2; $3, and 94, according to room Spring Mldsunimemr erm::52 a$1 50and $3" " According to School law Fees must be paid in advanoe. W. H. HINE, Secretary. TO RENT OR FOR SALE House to Rent. The premises at present' occupied by Mr H. B, Evans, Holmesville, Good accommo- dation for ordinary -sized family. Apply to T. C. PIOKARD. House to Rent. Splendid brick house,on Rattenbary street, with every convenience. Rent 39 a month. Miss FOBTON. For Sale A good business stand, on easy terms. Apply to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton. Cottage to Rent. The comfortable and convenient cottage on Rattenbary St. west, now occupied by Mr W. Mennel. It contains accommodation for or- dinary family, with all desirable convenience and will be rented at reasonable rate. MRS PORTER, Albert St. Clinton; For Sale. The cottage on Albert Street belonging to the estate of the late Thos Cooper at present occupied by Mr Wm, Robb; containing 6 bed- rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen and woodshed, Hard and soft water, stable, carriage house, driving shod also the throe lots adjoning will be sold on reasonable erms, apply to MRS THOS. COOPER. ` Farm For Sale. 100 acres North half of lot 5 in the 8th con- cession of Morris: -Two Miles North of the thriving town of Blyth, Half Mile East of Coldar's Siding on the L. H. and 13. Railway. Good hewed log house and new frame barn 36 x 50 thoroughly finished throughout, 60 acres cleared and about free from stumps, Well fenced and drained. Title from the crown. For further particulars apply to H. Y. KEATING, St. Catharines, Ont. 8 w Farm. for Sale. Sabsoribor offers for sale his excellent farm of 125 acrea, being lot 36, llth con. of Hullett, 21 miles west of Londesboro. About 10 acres hardwood bash balance all in good cultivation; brick dwelling,bank barn 50 x 40, another, with stone foundation on11' 33 x 55, atao stable and shed 30 x 98. Good orchard, plenty of water, One of the best farads in Huilett, close to ehxrehea and schen]. Two- thirds down balance to remain on mortgage at 5 per per cent, TlftO3. MO0NNPAIN, Lon- desbero. pd4 t f, Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale thnt exc15111n t farm containing 100 sore* being Hast half lot 12 and. North half iqt 11 on 12th con. el Hullett 11 miles Iron, Harleok P. 0, 5 miles from Biyth,11 miles from Seaforth, li} miles from Church and School, about 5 atres`hsrd wood bush, balance all in good state of Ott11 tiration, Well fenood, spring creek rnnilithg close by bnildingg never failing well, Hoed bearing orchard, Batik barn 60 x 60 stabling end root -house underneath,eonorete hog pen and hen- 'nae a� lto lex 40 cod frante House near- ly 'nen, 8 aerel fall ,dist. For Artiettisre apply Tpremises3 »awn, b Ia ± 01 pi26 eliatb *money dart atop en *mortgage it Ile. sires et G ser dont per arm tug. We hold that to be well dressed is a duty', owes to hhnself, his family, algid his friends, It is Car; well invested. The most successful nen in every' of life, are those who are careful of their persona, pearanee. The well dressed man always Makesi. fa able impression. Is it not so? Yes, and it is n w w in the reach of all to be WELL DRESSED at �,` ton*' small cost, by securing some of the FINE ref WEED4,, WORSTEDS and OVERCOATINGS that are new selling so freely over our counters. They must be cilia good value, else we would not.have so great a della' for them. Suppose one suit sells another, and that'e1- other, and so on till it reaches the crowd. High-grade Cloths and an A 1 Cutter, are a geed, combination. WE HAVE BOTH, and the res ,Is that every Suit or Overcoat we turn out, is a caritas' advertisement of our business. i READY-MADE We show a large stock of rea t,' madeClothing. Suits in Chlir C LOTH r N G Youths, Boy's and Men's sine& Overcoats in all sizes, with or without capes. We want your trade, and will do our best to convince you by our low prices that it pays to deal at a cash share W. L. Oliiinette, LU►PB;DE S130RU RUB GROCE 'will be her Mast week. We 111117011 CLftr Fait yon stead *0 of vitshite the Hing aGnd wr®sery rounds g ,e show you something to your est to buyi u T in the shape of BEDROOM SETS and GLASS WAR They have just arrived from the old country, and are the best vale, ,- for the money we have ever kept in stock. Also, ask for a sample of TIGER TEA, as we have ten pounds to give away in samples. GEC. ;SW ALLOW. CLINTOn (10) 00 SCHOOL SUPPLIES The very latest authorized Text Books, &c., for Puiblio - and Model Schools and Collegiate Institute. Full Stock and` Lowest Prices W. H. SflV[PSO aLrivTIoN oster's Ins otografs or ortunate olks Our PALL STOCK is complete. We have the best: goods in the market, and prices are low w Eggs taken in exchange. . 5 per e. off for each gent 1RAI . ,r ! ayilp..r Sent oL.IpitAN AND HENSA 6. t