HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-10-02, Page 8i_0e4_._. 4.,• •t�_h*•�:-'::y^�h�►.�,.reit,�___..:.y..;._:._;�_t�..�_�___-__..__- let) ADVEUTISVits. Niki"e es" e :advertiae- d be tient in by 7 nooxe of eaelyweek PS, s Of -the greatest flet' LOCAL rumens. LOW Notes OUR V1TTESOX .. Council pteeting,on 1104(1ay night )44°NEl.GGU v. iW3 C}A. HOLIC• float. kir �+iail t Is�now olerltin.R in Iv the Editor of Cle .iVew Bra. Ostitis. ! Sia, --Tho name of W.IA? bnaid in A new roof has been put on Beat- connection with as ohurali, 1:111ivetSary ties new liver]'; here, ip alwayai cure to ori w a orowu. } We .are fond of the boxleaqua ane the Miss f E Robinson is'':away on a sensational. We ere: alwayp:fond, in a plait to Detrelt, genefal way, of hearing the Catholic pest of Mre $iddleoom . ` M*Sineliar, of Rhine town, is the 1 oat tarn denounced, but on the oocasio>s of s last visit bora we uoceived a 1 deal more we bargMrined Mr 10124011011 front a slab pile tor, and a great deal more them pus apo sprained his ankle. ' money's worth, Mr Thos Oliver, who him been laid On Sunday evening he preached to na i?"secfiiss, at Cnninghame's'to-day, for up sick for several sveekee le now able that we eihoul ges of anot l constitute onstiitta aofourselves '14* Wit.•to be out. ' others, On Mondry evening *Woos Ill Panted, Plums, Pear', and Apples, Commencing with the let lust., onl oonetituted himseyf judge of the C,dITrrzloQN BRAS- , the Bayfield mail goes by way of orthotics but prosecuting Oonnsel and Doable send Single.Harneea,finestool>. Seat`orih. ' .. jug aa well. Harrrai sod, 0oasvioted, TWITCH -ELL Clinton, and sentenced to the infernal region; forever. and forever, RO t Mr Horace Foster was one of the judges in the ural department of the itch °sow as wee. i ie who is ttendin the Model sere, has been en for Bnttep d School Ogee, Grey,for 1892x. Mr loman a convey Jew, forthe Brethren, on Sun- day; he will be here to night (Friday) also. • We are sorry to hear that there is no improvement in the condition of Mrs Whitehead, who is sty confined to her room. o er travelliq passenger andH. freight agent of the Flint and Pere arqu t<e , a wAyf was in wn OD Monday. Al the tin of the Ontario Unudertakera last week, Mr J 0 Stev- enson was appointedone ofthe vice - pr eet eats, Mrs George Nott,of Tuckeremith, captured any number of prizes in the ladies department O the Mitchell Show last week, Messrs R Agnew and G A Newton leave for Toronto in a few daye, for the purpose of pursuing their studies in dentistry, Rome, Bemanism • ' p„ -A good general servant, to M ell h 1 t k end all her devotees. According to geed wages will be paid. Mas. J. this gentleman's view the Catholic HgOsmarls. Mise Srp i1 , h a is not a Christian religion, it is pagan- ga ism; idolatry, nay, worse. The Brah• orae H,eaxase is our specialty, and ' S b I H mins, and Buddhists of India are •*wet offer some fine este very cheap.— Christiane in comparison, it in devil- alVANidOi!i & ARMOUR. M S ted ism, nothing more or lase. And be Miran M Worm, Huron Street, who preached o devoted the greater part' of the evening d to the demonstrating of these assertions. over Strew and Felt Hats, has Now of what use is a tirade of abuse „„110001 sane',derable experience, and feels is directed against the Catholics. Does ;fl ytopgi ly competent to give satiefao- the Rev, gentleman think haat the E aq every case. Orders respectfully Protestants of Hoimesville and vioinity h d h 11 fi ed are in danger of forsaking their religion, NO.r'ICE. or did be think to convert from the _ H F. 6r illi g g faith of their fathers the Catholics who All parties Indebted to us ter Binder' were present, by ridiculing and anath- Iferiue will please take notice that M it misusing those tbiage, which they Twine accounts become due on the let have been taught from their infancy etOot, and we -will thank them for a M d to hold as sacred. In either case the pugrapt settlement. — HARLAND w e g course which be adopted would defeat the pbjeot which he had in view; Prot _,,, h estante are in no danger of forsaking their religion, so long as the ministers d of that i iligi0n aro cOnsastent with the Parties in arrears to this g doctrines which it teaones• :o teaohes us meekness, humility, charity,—thi 4e d Q f h M'tch 11 things which were conspicuous by their office, will oblige us very absence in Mr MoDonagh's epeeoh: It teaches us not to lose sight of our faults and failings, in our diligent search for the faults and failings of others, and not to wantonly wound their feel. ings, becausethey chance to differ from th it Y 1'gloue opinions- and be - ;featly if they settle the andna without At w tame at ono __. a recent meeting of. the Orange `Society. a resolution of condolence was passed concerning the death or the late E. Corbett. further notice.. Er • on loom, 1 The News -Record has rented Mr R !mins store in the brick' block, and Mr Glascow pas rented one of Mr Searle's stores, HIll' FACTORY.—Mr Jail Fargu- The respective Millinery Openings son bee rented the premises known as drew out quite a number of people on Rose's Pump Factory for a term of Saturday night, who were repaid by Ave years. We believe he intends to elegant diaplays of goods. carry on the business.. Mr II B Marcey has accepte% the Twenty imported sheep, bought by position of general traveller fo the Mr Malcolm McEwen, of Stanley, Uxbridge Organ & Piano Co ; this and which had been in quarintine at will necessitate his removal to Tor - Montreal for several days, arrived onto. here last Saturday. Mr W E Landsborough, of Tucker - HOT WEATHER —The month of smith, brought to town this week a September has been an exceptionally pear that measured 13x16 inches and fine and warm month, in fact it has weighed 29 ounces. This beats any - been warmer for a few days together thing yet. than during any other month of the Mr Murdock McMurchae, and year. It has given fall wheat an wife, now of Harwood Dak, are vis - unusual growth, although on the iting their old friends here. It is Mr other hand it has dried up wells and McMarchie's first trip back ; be has small creeks. Now that October is done well out west. leached, it is not likely much more Mr T C Doherty has accepted a warm weather will be experienced. position under the Bell Piano and WELL SOLD ---There is no difficulty Organ Company; he does not know experienced in selling first class yet whether it will necessitate his re- stock at good figures, as there is an moval from here or not. •aneatisfied demand for breeding ani- M C. Cameron, M. P., and daugh- mala at high prices. At London ters were among the visitors to the Fair Mr Jas Snell sold to the Pro- Huron Central Fair, on Wednesday. rincial Government Stool garm of He is looking well, and was warmly New Brunswick nine Leicester sheep, greeted on all hands. • receiving the following prices, for 4 Mrs J. W. Green, of Wiarton,-is elrearling ewes $110; 2 ehearling rams down on a sit. We understand that $70; 2 ewe lambs $4 arlin ram lamb an effort is being made to persuade pert He sold a shearling ram to a Mr Green to engage in -tire newspaper party lambsfrom for 4at $6 i an ind two bnainess in Huron again. ram for $40. Making all $850 for 12 sheep, which is a vary The concert given in the town good price indeed. hall, on Wednesday evening, by Pro- . MARE. BIGTnteeseiIxa:—There.has. Scott, was attended by a large andi- ence, and all were delig' hted with the been considerable talk lately about entertainment provided for them, big threshing and in your last issue I Mr Jones,the gentleman who has notice an account of some extra w rk,‘done on the farm of Messrs charge of the Edison Phonograph that Goidgn, Gemmill. I think I can b' d irons to l you of something that beats any- thing I..bave yet seen reported. When Mr Chas Murray takes off his coat•and settles down to work he can just` Make these fellows look small. One day last week Mr Murray thresh- ed with a Monarch machine, on the farm of Mr Anthony Tyndal, cones Bion 4, H R S., oats at the rate of 15 bushels per minute, and Mr Tyndal and Mr Robert Doig carrf;,i.away the boxes. Mr Murray was threshing on time when he did this work and was trying to break his former record of 14i bushels per minute.--Seaforth Expositor. [The Monarch, made by Ferran, Maepbereson & Hovey, is ev- idently the machine for fast and good work, ?yr B, GOSPEL F¥ 'Not f t s, • without exception the finest . we have ever shoe. In this d�e. , p partniex t we lead the trade with, the newest and nobbiest goods obtainable, We aim to keep the best, and have now m,stock some veryStyiishCostumes and Fancy Goods that we have imported di- rect .-from Great Britain. They are the newest things shown this season. Trimmings to match all ,shades. Mantle Cloths Mantles and Have you seen our Ready-made S�� E E'�` 1V.�U��IG i��1C? For sale at ROBINS BRO Book Store and News Depot, Weir's old stand. opposite the Market, CI na in e e l • and calla forth a limited atanount o Mantles this season? They have applause from the depraved and the fanatical. On the other hand Cathol- three qualities that commend cause it snits the whim of the w9uaen ; ios are not going to be convinced of the fallacies of their religion, by a man whose almost every sentence is incon- sistent with the doctrines of his own. I have sometimes wondered 'Why Mr MoDonagh should have enuh an antip- athy toward the Catholics. He seems to talk as if he had a personal grudge against them. * There .may be some people amongst them whose conduct is such that they deserve to have those 'berme applied to them. There are certainly somo such people who olase themselves in with the Protestant denominations. But a religion, that has, and has had, as fits -adherents, those great and good men that we read about, cannot be wholly evil. A religion which influ- ences men to give up everything that they hold dear, home, friends, civilized life, and to oast in their lot with the heathens, in order that they may preach to them the Gospel of Glad Tidings, as commanded by their Mast- er, may not, according to Mr Mo- Donagh'e views, be a Christiafi reli- gion, but according to the views of othersless predjudiced, it is at least deserving of milder terms of reproach than that gentleman applies to it. A religion that influenced a young wo- man (the daughter of rich parents, and who might if she so pleased, move in the highest society, and enjoy all the comforts, and luxuries, and pleasures, of civilized life) to deny herself all these and to be content with the coars- est fare and a pallet of straw, in•order that she may be inured tb those things, when she casts in her lot with a leprous colony in one of the islands 'of the South Seas, may, according, to Mr Mc- Donagh's views, be a religion of the devil, but according to the views of others less predjudioed, it is a religion of Christ. And I would sooner far take the chances of these so called pagans than I would that of the loud - tongued Christians,who, surrounded by all the comforts of oivilized life, and in a suit of the finest broadcloth, and on PRIZE TAILERs.—Aa the prize Bet of the Industrial and Western Fairs are not now published in the daily papers, it is difficult to find out who. really are prize winners. The fol- lowing is a partial list of those tak- ing prizes from the county of Huron: —4 yr old H D Stallion, 3rd, T Woodley, Brucefield, 4 yr old shire stallion, let, Dorr & Willis, Exeter; 2 yr old H D stallion, 2nd, James Snell, Clinton; yearling gelding, 2ad, T Woodley, Brucefield; 3 yr old El D Canadian stallion, lot, T McMichael, and diploma; team geldings, 2nd, R Ross; Rodgerville; 3 yr old Durham bull, 3rd, H W Smith, Hay; Durham bull calf, 1st, T Russell, Exeter; Derham cow, 3rd, Jas Snell, Clinton. We ,understand that quite a number more prizes were, captured by Huron popple, but it is impossible ,to get at the correct list until they are pub- lished. is be ng exhibited atthe venom fairs, is an old Clintonian, having attended a carpeted dollars platform, anda year,and ap- plause h to the tune of the Collegiate here several years ago. plause from the rabble, denounce as Mr C R Commander,. of London, paganism, and idolatry, the religion Was in town last Week, and for a man which makes such men and women as growing up near the eighties, hethese. What is all this howl about the looks well. In the days of old he f Catholic hierarchy, and the grasping was one of the most successful busi- ness men of the place,and he had the pleasure, while here, of shaking hands with many of those who were cotemporary with him. them to buyers :--THEY FIT WELL, LOOK WELL, and ARE GOOD VALUE. In Mantle materials we show an assortment hard to equal outside the cities. Sealettes, Beavers, Heavy Serges; Diagonals, Plain and Fancy Ulsterings, an endless assortment. 5 per cent off for cash. FILL ANNOUNCEMEN Getting Beady for the FALL Trade New & Fashionable Goods arriving daily - We expect to have the best -assorted stock this' fall we have ever bad:., DRESS GOODS & SILKS, new shades and qualities.. SEALETTES, Mantle Cloths, all the different makes. CARPETS, FLANNELS, COTTONS and staple good TWEEDS, CLOTHS, OVERCOATINGS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, FURS, BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS, FELT GOODS, Prices as low as the lowest for good goods. Some have low pricese and poor goods; we have good goods and low prices. sista John iodgouhs Full stock, all new goods. No old stock, as this is our first fall seasonk, This department is in charge of MISS ,DAVIS, who understands the-. business thoroughly. See her work. DRESS and Mantle Making. Which we have carried on so successfully during the past year, will be under - the management of MRS. LESSLIE, of Toronto, and London, England. She has had large experience in first-class work. We expeot to do the fine work for the town and country. 91C-A.D1EpAE1.TM'T. for work by the 20th of Sept. We have made an engagement with a first-class Cutter. We expect to be ready " See our stock and get our prices. Smart boy wanted to learn the Dry Goode trade - - & - Gibbhigs1?lumsteel, Sept. 1191, C�IIINITIO �T Street.Alert SCARCITY OF FRUIT SASE.—There is almost a famine in fruit jars in this place. The cause is attributed to the abundance of the fruit crop this sea- son and the consequent cheapness. This fact combined with the cheap - nese of sugar as compared with last season has led the thriftyhousewife to go into fruit canning on a much larger scalethan heretofore, with the result that quart fruit jars are hard to get. Some dealers in fact are sold out en- tirely and it is hard to get orders filled in Toronto and other points, as the demand far exceeds the supply. JUST A LITTLE S8LA1tl--On Fri- day of last week a younk lady, who floras not line far from here,wae going down town and her sister said to her, "While y'Gn are getting ready I shall write a note that I want yon to take down town for me." So the young lady went to get ready., harrying at fast as;she could, and in a' few min- utes again appeared on the scene. She said to her sister "Where's the note? Of course, you haven't got it ready! Well, I wont wait" So off she went with her head high in the air, saying doesn't take salute, lf "Remember to get ready." She went down town, did somo shopping in several of the stores, then called to Bee a friend on the way home. While talking to her friend ehe discovered that while try- ing to show her sister bow smart she Was she had, in her haste, put her blouse on?.wrong lido out, with the ravelled edges of the BeaRIS all ex - tabbed to view. We'll not tell �rti nig �ia9raon Who the Dung lady Is, but het feelings niay be imagined. Church Notes. On Sunday next Rev Mr Fear. of Nile, and Rev Mr Shilton exchange work. The regular monthly fellowship meeting will he held in both Ratten- bury and Ontario St churches, on Snnday morning next. Rev Mr Osborne, who for twelve months has been pastor of the Bap-• List church here, preached his fare- well sermon on Sunday evening. He has received 'a call from the Bap- tists of Howick,but has notyet decid- ed what he gill do. ThaSalvation Army hada big jub- ilee and banquet on Tuesday and Wedneeeay. Brigadier Spooner, and wife, from London,, were present; the latter being instructed directly by Mre Booth. Other officers and sold- iers were present, and a big time en- joyed. A band of arched men invaded the little village of Sari Antoine, Mo„ on Saturday and looted the poatoffice and a number of stores. At the post - office all mail matter, money and stamps was carried off. Two hard- ware stores and a blacksmith shop in addition were found to have been looted. Tho directors of the South Welling- ton Plowing Match Association have held a meeting to arrange for the Pro- vincial plowing match, to be held on the Expermiental Farm on Thursday, Oct. 22. A..number of handsome do- nations have been given as prime b various implement manafaetnree in dif- ferent parts of the country. It is now certain that more than $600 will be of- fered in prizes. Everything indicates .hat this will be one of the best attend- ed Matches ever hold in Canada. for power, anyhow? If the Catholics are getting power, who is it but the Protestants who are giving it to them. And are the Catholils to blame for ac- cepting the favors granted them, and of extending by all lawful means, that religion which they honestly believe to be the true one, and the spreading of which is therefore their duty? If the Protestants are going to sacrifice their religion and their country through an insane love of partyism, are the Catho- lics to blame for accepting that country, and substituting their own religion for the one that has been sold so cheaply? Surely not. And this howl of the Protestants against the Catholics is the very quintessence of foolishness. How is it on the eve of a general election? Why, we sce.the Orang•Pro- tliatant cheek -by -jowl with the by no means green Catholic. Nothing is too good for him. Ile is a peaceful and law-abiding citizen. We meat increase his favors and extend his privileges.— How is it should the Catholics throw their weight in with the other side? Why they are the Roman hierarchy, seeking to undermine our religion; striving to substitute their own, and endeavoring by every mead in' their power to grasp this fair Dominion of ours, and add it to the dominions of the Pope. If Mr McDonagh wants sub- ject for ridicule, here i is. What is more ridiculous, mo-, •;nicidal, and more insane? And 1 si<<,nld like very much to hear that gontle:wan take this question of party politics up, and deal with it in his inimitable style. But I do not wish to hear him launch out against the Catholics anymore. I had quite enough of that on the last occa- sion: His language then was wholly out of place, and altogether uncalled for. When you come t0 the great -Iuron Central Show next week, Come and see our Show ONE wnO RESPECTS OTnEna' F5RLIN69. En. NOTE.—Our correspondent has, we think, fallen into an error, or we are wrongly informed. Mr MoDonagh did not attack the Catholics, as such, for he expressed bis sympathy for people who, be claimed were misguided. Hedid as- stheail the hierarchy, however, planing blame for alleged ignorance and false teaching there. Our correspondent may say that this is a distinction without a difference, but Itis well tb bo preoiee. We fail to sec, ourselves, what good is ever accomplished by severe strictures on the religions views of others,who differ from us, who have as much right to their own opinions as any other sect or de- nomination. Whore eters are need in the above letter, we have omitted a por- tion that was a personal reference that would only weaken the general argu- ment of the correspondent, who is as good a ProtSattiint as resides in Harem En. iiw Erin, EXPLANATION We will have our FINE- STOCK open for your inspec- tion, and we will be pleased to see you whether you are buying or not. We claim that we have the largest and finest stook of TWEEDS, CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS in this section of the country, and we want you to see for yourself whether we are right or not. Our READY-MADE CLOTHING is our own make, and is no higher than the ordinary cheap goods that are on the market, and for fit and style there is no comparison Our stock of HATS is complete, with the newest styles to be had We will have some SPECIAL LINES for next week that will pay you to drop in and dee Some people say that we cannot sell goods at our present prices and make any money, - and they are perfectly correct in thinking. so. We are not looking for profits, and are willing to sustain some severe losses.. during this DlGMiN660Day'sSalc Here is the explanation - we want to raise $5,0Qc in hard cash, and we are busy at it, so never natudl, the profits, so long as you get GOOD GOODS at the wholesale prices or less We are giving GREAT BARGAINS, as the crowds ladies leaving our store every day, with their crowds, faces and large parcels, all testify. Everybody else sharing in these SPECIAL VALUES, and if come and secure some of them, it's your own fa we herewith extend to you a most cordial invitattll, promise you a hearty welcome. JAOKSONBROTHERS THE FAMOUS Clothiers, Fnrnis .ors and Hatters. CLINTON' 000 ........111/01%•••••• OW.* -- r'-.* Millinery. Millinery-.. The finest display in the county. Don't miss seeing it, for seeing is believing. No trouble to show goods. iiKe•�-� .�•�� -L-.iS.-t.J 33-7 8t . W. A. MMIERVOXfl, f 1