The Wingham Advance, 1918-08-22, Page 90 Thursday, Aug.:: anil 1918 Pringle's Glove & Leather Works THE WINGUAM A 1) V A N O Iii. XXXXXXXXXXXX.VXXXXXXXNX...x 0 0.00 PRIIES,, I GIVEN AWAY IN CASH 5; . ,....„........_„.,,,...„ , '',''''M•. -',92;;I -es ----"'r"--.: - — )111/: EX Who is going to win these Cash prizes' A y X. splendid offer for school students. Nov is the time F. ri to get busy. A chance for everyone of 17 years C .14 IN DUSTRIAL WINGHAM Continued from paste 5. W. M. AI)AIR. Plumbing and Tinsmith. Wingham has been badly in need of another practical plumber for some time. Mr. .Adair has stepped into the arena and is fully prepared and cap- able to attend the wants of any who may need the services of a first class workman. IIis shop is located at the north end on Josephine St, opposite the skating rink, where he keeps hi stock a full line of all necessary sup - 'station and since that time he has ,put thtu its various processes thous- 'aands of tons of flax. Each year he has grown from one hundred and fifty arces up to six hundred acres. This year he has under cultivation some three hundred and ilfty acres hi the country surounding Wingham, and practically all shows promise of be- ing a splendid crop. In the harvest- ing of this crop each year Mr. Tiplint, is always assured of the necessary help as he has the Indians from the Southampton reserve at his servieea and they look upon Chief Tipling as too boss. 'Hi -ass -close' man and per- form thtir work in a very aatisfaei.or,, The Beautiful Horne of Mr J. A. McLean plies. He makes a specialty of Furnaces , and can supply you with any kind you need, in hot air, hot water, or steam, for the home, the church, the school house or any /place required, and he will instal the sante to your entire satisfaction. Eave troughing is an other line in which he excels and is preparedto eontiact and leave you a first class job.' Lt plumbing , installing nosy pipe- ing or repair wore of any kind you will find Mr. Adair an expert. 'rinsinithing of all kinds and gen- eral repair work receives prompt at - way. rite mills it is expected will he Kapt: constantly running this asason until 1.;ce whole of the season crop is made scady far the spintce 4,r will need a large number of hands employed for the purpose. I The demand for Ma. this year is enormous and it will 1.,e a question it the sU;.piy will be etir.ai to it, Mr. Tipling has ,tIwpys taken a. !very personal interest in the welfare !of the town and ,iaa ally filled a iCo' n•-. ,rr n chair For several years 'This yesi he ms ele •.d to the Reeve lship by a nice majority In a three eor- fner contest which is an evidence of The Handsome Residence of A E Smith, Esq. tentson by leaving your orders with him, and chiefly you w••.i find his p. .c es and charges very moderate. Give Mr. Adair a ^.a'l, AMOS T1P.I,ING. The Max. Peodueer. One of the most essential articles of production at the present day is flay and if there is any man, we atk. )night say in this conutry who knows how to produce that article, that man is our esteemed citizen and Reeve, Amos Tipling. For about twenty -five years Mr, Tipling has been a devotee to the the esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens. MR. THOMAS b'.ELLS. • and under t() win a nice amount of pocket money. 7 y It cost:; you nothing but a little cf your spare time. ), ..; hp x rd 41 vv' To the hoy or girl 17 year's and under who will Ix 1 write the best essay on � ah rii A 6.11x A 1st. Prize . . $40.00 :t 2nd. Prize . . . $25.00 3rd. Prize $15.00 4th. Prize * . . $10.00 5th Prize . . . $ 6.00 eiri 6th. Prize . . . $ 4.00 aig Rules Governing the Contest. NkT All persons entering this contest must send in their name and Post- 7 e ice address to the Wingham Advance, Wingham Ontario. Each candidate must send along with his or her article on "The Work X of the Red Cross" three or more subscriptions to Trim Witamtaar X Aiwa:sew accompanied with the m'iney, Post Office order or cheque for 1 �e same. 1. s'- Tht written artrcle in Contest will count 100 per cent, each renewal nt subscription will count 150 par cent and each new subscription will count x 200 per cent. 4 Each candidate in the contest must send in the names and amount of 1 lekt subscriptions once a week so T tire: A OVANce can be forwarded to the X Ike The time limit for this contest ieol) en up to the 31st day of November la !.\ inclusive. '"s vi X sa contest as th" Judges can complete their work. ' 4 Vi Throe resp aa.sibla man will a::t as judges and their decision will be final. "The Work of the Red Cross" Article to he 200 Nvorels or over and send in the largest nurill)et' of paid up .subscriptions to the Wingham Advance for one year or more at $1.50 per year. wewewereweesonr • • Mr. J. J. Cunningham's Pretty home. niers and stock men in a large range of this part of the country, and the high esteem in which be is held al- ways assures him a hearty welcome lwhen and where ever lie pays omit a visit. Here's to Thomas Neils, the pop. alar live stock ratan. FRANK .HILT, Music Store. It is just a few weeks ago that Mr, Hill opened up business in the ]arge store in the McDonald block, re0ent- ly occupied by P. A. McLean. Mr. Hill is Choir Master of the Methodist Church and is a classical musician, 74 .4, rc subscribers. Prize will be paid not later than Dec. 15th., or as soon after the close E AlsoS2IO to Every Contestant not receiving; a prize avho sends in at least four newclifi 74 subscriptions to The Ade ance. Watch for the '4 1 *A coupon votes which will appear in this paper from time to time. For further particulars write or phone ri The iogharn v XPhoene 34 wingharo Box 473 The Live Stoat Man. Eighteen years ago this gentleman became a citizen of Wingham and it can be said with a truth that he ass made a good one, ha: ing always taken an active interest in all things pe.i •• taining to the town's welfare. He commenced business for him- self in his prof' :tonal trade as that of a butcher and up to two years ago he conducted one of the best, most clean and thorongn all sound n.e.at Mr. Frank VanStone's Pretty Home. flax industry and his given alntoat Mil entire attention not only to pro- duction but to the caring and pre- paration ready for the spinner, ;and it is conceeded by the leading flax men of the country that Amos Tipling ]news more about Flax, how to grow it, and how to care and mill it, than any of their bent experts, and these )sten ashoatld know. • Over twenty years ago Mr. tripling rreetod a large mill near the (l, P. R. The Beautiful !and this it undoubtedly was. Mr, Fells only bought the very best quality of beef cattle, Hogs Lambs, 'Veal and other meats that was to be had, nothing but the very beat, 'was the watchword ,and in this he excell- ed. After catering to a very large and appreciable patronage for sixteen i years he sold his business two years ago to Mr. A. .1. Nortrop, who is eon- tinuinsg it on the same lines. Mr. 'Fells is very grateful to his ninny old Home of Mr. A. E. `market to be foune anywhere, and has often been highly complimented ,by visitors to town, for the clean saati- 'tary condition of his Establishment, !and the splendid quality of the meats ihanging on the racks. 1)r. McNally, Chairman of the Vrov- inelal hoard of Health, and many 'others In authority frequently rein'.u'i( ,ed that Thomas Fell's Meat Market. was the best kept of anything of its lkina to be found in this Province, Fothergill patrons who so staunchly stood by Whim while in business, and who So 'splendidly backed up their good opin- ions and confidence in hien, when they elected him to the Council board last January, For all this Mr. Fells is 'indeed very grateful. EMr. Fells is now doing'business in ibe wholesale line. He is buying and whipping hogs on a large scale, and also buys the good quality of beef cattle as he can find them, With his `large acquaintance among the far - Mr. R. A. Currie'b Iland:>oine Itrsidence. large store he now occupies fitted up and provided with everything in the way of comfort and convenience for all ('onceled. A larger and more replete stock of the choi('est of grocer'ie's and china ware 'was put in and a steadily Ire ereaaeil trade has been the outcome. It is it well known fact by all his customers that Mr, Christie stands for good straight, honest dealing in every particular. If one cent is due you, you get that one cent and along the line of his trading, lila custonIera; beat in- terest, are most carefuily protected. Mr. Christie luta always made it his particular hobby to buy noticing but The Pretty Bungalow of Mr. Van VanNorman hence he is in a position to know a good musical instrument. He has had this large store handsomely fitt- ed up especially for a music store and among his choice of instruments is The Gerhard Heintzman Piano's and Gramophones. This feature is his choice. is alone a r ulfialant guar- antee of Mr. Hill's knowla(.ge of a .good musical Instrument for the name Gerhard Heintzinan is a warrantee that any Piano or other instrument bearing that name is the Acnie in the Piano world, so tr,e lover of a GOOD Piano will be sura to get the best if i they consult Mr. Hill. Besides Pianos awl Gramaphone's large clientile and controlled the major part of the Fire Insurance busi- ness of the town and a large section `of the surrounding.country. tt After the death of his father which, occurred in 1894, Mr. John Ritchie who had, during his service with his father gained a thorough knowledge of the business and a personal ac- quaintance not only with. the large number of clients, but had won. a host of friends besides—took over the af- fairs and continued the business by himself in a very successful and sat- isfactory manner to all eonscerned up the very best goods that the markets of the world can afford and in this he has accomplished his ends, so that one is always assured of the best to be had anywhere when they deal with Mr. Christie. Another speciality made here is in Teas and Coffees. In these goods Mr. Christie is an expert, having the knowledge of the blending process, and the natural—not an acquired —taste in the demonstration. One therefore is assured of getting some- thing just a little better for their money than otherwise would be the case. So it's n.p to you to try Chris - tie's for your Teas and Coffees. The Handsome Residence of Dr. R.C. Redmond. Mr. Hill can supply you with anykind of a musical instrument you may want, Violins, Mandolins, all of reed. string or brass inst,u)nents The Victor Rec'v cls are practically acknowledged to be the best. One will find all the newest In songs or in- trumental on the Victor at this store. Sheet music of .iia old and new songs will he found he.'.,. If not in stock just leave your order and Mr. Hill ill see to tho coat. J. HENRY" CHRISTIE. The Leading Grocer It is a pretty well known fact that In this fine store one will find a large and well assorted stock of all kinds of the choicest and freshest canned goods and it is needless to say a very ]arge and well assorted stock of everything to be found in a first-class role to grocery store. Some very nice things are also to be had in crockery and chinaware. Mr. Christie also buys your Butter, Eggs and other farm produce always paying the high price in cash or trade. We might suggest that if you are not a participant in the good things to be had at this store it would be to your advantage to get in lino on a trial trip. The Cosy Home of Mr. A. J. Ross. the name of J. Henry Christle is a %ynoatotu). that carries respect and weight into every Household in Wing • Ilam and the surrounding country. Upwards of twelve years ago Mr. ,Christie commenced business In :a small store several doors from itis present stand opposite the, hotel Brunswick. Tu a very short mace of time his liminess had so expended that he found it iateperattve to move Intolarger • quarters in order to accomodate and meet the demand( of itis dont of c'nntomern. Six years ago he had the Rl`I'CHIla AND (1()1S14NS. Page seven gain, better than.. be: With caro and good tante he puts on tho patch, the sole, repairs any and all defects and the Job is so nicely done and the cost so small that one really wonders, how it can be done, but Mr. Haugh knows. A short decade ago Mr. Haugh add- ed to his buaines4 a fine stock of Men's Boots. Overshoes and Rubbers where one can get booted just to the most satisfying point and with a very slightly perforated bank roll. Just try Mr. TTatrgh for you next job. • Main Street looking South from the Queen's Hotel. to eleven years ago when he took in- to partnership Mr. Abner Cosecs dis- trict agent for the Mutual Life Assur- ance Co, of Canada. Then was added to the business , Life and Casualty Insurance, collect- ing of gents, ticket agencies, Real Es- tate etc. These gentleman have made a splendid working team during the partnership and have added many new clients to their long list, so that to -day they are prominent in this see - tion of the country as Insurance and 'Real Estate' men of undoubted cred- ibility. Their word is their guaran- tee bond, that any business entrusted to them will be faithfully done to the A. J. ROSS. Hardware It is about four year sago, that the above named gentleman bought the good will and business as a first-class going concern of this fine hardware establishment from the late Alex Young, Esq. Of a surety it has made a few rapid strides for the betterment since then Mr. Ross is a man well versed in the needs of the general public. Just so far as his lines of goods are concern- ed and to that end he most systemat- ically sees to it that his customers can readily get their wants supplied The Beautiful Residence of Richard Vanstone Esq. best interest of the client. Through their long intercourse with the public they have attained a. thor- ough knowledge of Real Estate and its values and have also a knowledge of where property can be sold or bought as one may desire so that pro- perty placed in their hands for sale generally brings quick results or an order for the purchase of property will he equally so. The firm are re- presentative agents for some of the leading Fire and Life Insurance Co. and one can rest assured that a policy taken from them will be always safe- ly protected. Ten years ago Mr. Ritchie built the !from the immense stock he always carries . Besides one of the best assorted and tastefully arranged stocks of shelf and heavy hardware, he features strongly in the Sherwin-Williams Paints of which such world wide fame has been attained that anything we may say would be superfluous. You can find these paints here in all colors and shade, put in the wee pint tin up to the largest sized cans, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Coal Oil, Gasoline,—right from the pump in front of the door—Granite ware, Tin- ware in all kinds of useful articles to the housewife or other' users The Pretty Residence and Offices of Dr. W. R. Ilambly fine little block on. Josephine St next to the Presbyterian Church where their office Is located. JAMES A. H UGH. Boots and Shoes For the past twenty years or more Mr. James Haugh so widely and most popularly known as the reliable shoe doctor—for many and many a one have had their crippled boots repaired by him—has done business in the old J stand on Josephine St,. As a doctor of the sickly boot or shoe, none know better just how to 'make that sick old boot look new a- Insuiiance and Real Estate It wito in the soar 1883 that the late Solon IUtelcle first commenced buss- ness in the Fire Insurance line in the +. town of \Vinglaam. As assistant in the ofliee he had his son John who at that 11100 was a boy scarcely past 8011001 days, For the following thirteen years up to the time of ilia (leant, ttr. Tat ; vibe cuudu(•trd ids buoinews in such a' clean thorough manner that lie soon W011 rite confidence and esteem 'of a I. Beaver -Board Wall Plaster, Chnrns, Washing Machines, Refrigerators a - iso with Farm and Garden. Tools of allkinds may be had here. A spec- ialty is made in stoves for cooking and heating purposes among the lead- ers - the Happy Thought Doherty high Oven, Jewell, Othello Range made by D. Moore—Coal Oil stoves of the best makers and of the most satisfactory kind for the housewife. Clarke's Jewell and the New Perfection aro the leaders. It will be interesting to the visitor as well as to the buyer to visit this store. Continued on page S. Mr. Wm. I,epard's Ideal How.