HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-10-02, Page 5Z•11gto 'blow, but ,all that We ,oak io for you to come to our store
' 'bon you vlsi!it tbo Raton 90004 F'akr! awl 800 oar boautiful
Dew nock of
E W*TC�E$.
v710,0ll i 3 pot aprpasoed .in tbo oo>lnty for price, worklli?a14ebip,
quality and beautiful cleeiges,.
BALL . &. V C VI/'' RSI'
Noted Cheap Jewellery store
Should Come
To the Fair next week,
n, you do come and see what We can do for you.
e a fine stock, and we can suit you whether it is
ered°Suit or a Ready Made Suit. We are open -
this week another lot of NEW GOODS that we.
offer at very low prices. Come and see us when
you are in
Huron Street, Clinton,
Huron Central _Exhibition
'When you visit our Exhibition, or at any other time, do not leave town without
Willing at our store and seeing the bargains we are offering. We are reducing oar
,'' stook and CLEARING OUT SOME LINES AT COST and under
We quote a few prices :-
$2.50 Boilers, No. 9, our own make, reduced to $1.75
1.25 Tea Kettle, No. 9, our own make, reduced to .75
.50 Dish Pans, our own make, reduced to - .25
.50 Pails, our own make, reduced to - .35
.35 Pails, our own make, reduced to .25
.25 Wash Basins, our own make, reduced to _ .15
.1.35 Oil Cans, our own make, reduced to .25
.20 Dipper, our own make, reduced to - .10
.50 Teapots, our own make, reduced to - .25
.50 Coffee Pots, our own make, reduced to - .25
Grindstones, PIatform Scales, PlowCastings,
�T Window Shades, Ready Mixed Paints, &c
", To be cleared out at cost and ander. In fact we have several lines of goods we
are closing out at cost. Call and see us.
They have been bought in the best markets, and will all be sold at
reasonable prices, such as
;.Cutlery, Scissors and Razors, Gold Medal Carpet Sweep-
ers, Table Lamps, Brass, Hall and Hanging Lamps,
Also the celebrated Pittsburgh Lamp, equal to
Electric Iight, and at less than half the cost.
Scoop Shovels, r v Improved Lanterns, Pumps and Sinks, Clothes Wringers.
Tri our FLINT CHIMNEYS, only 8 and 10c.
'ONE CAR ROCK OIL Why use common oil, that will explode,
when we can give you Rook Oil at the
same price.
'We have a full line of all the Ieading Stoves in the Dominion, and we intend to
run them off at reduced prices.
We can furnish the BEST SCRANTON COAL this
..ica.�i..i month at reduced prices. Give as a call.
11"o KumbugHere
SHIRTS 25 Cts. DRAWERS 25 Cts.
X12 dozen of Glass Fruit Jars
arrived this week
MANTLE CLO'1E very beautiful,
at 80 cents per yard.
COALa I L � 5 gonlyallonOr s oifif CoalbuOil for 80c. cashO. you y one of our il
L'ans at $1.25, will give the 5 gallons for .75 cents.
See our $3 per dozen GRAIN BAGS.
ta"We don't pretend to sell cheap. WE DO IT.--.
3ighest price for produce in exchange. A fair trial re-
quested; it will benefit you.
Re". Dr. Carman presided at
the annual' session of the General'
Missionary Board of the Methodist
Chareh in Canada hold at St. John
B, on Tuesday. The secrot-
;try'8report says: "The reports
f'tom our own mission fields' for
IP, the past year are not devoid of
oneetlragenaent, although the net
grain does not seem to be com-
raen trsitu with the agencies ors-
pt�oyed and the money oxpoudod."
Tho flnarldiat statement showed
the income for the year was $243,-
015 43 an increase over last year
of $22,9s9, and the expenditures
$219,980 78 --an increase of $8,-
498 over last year, leaving a surp-
lus of $23,034.05.
Edge, the bicyclist, has •br�olton'
the record from London to Edin-
burgh, covering the 897. utiles in
38 hours 44- minutes
Dr. James, ox•ehall•lnan of the
'Wesleyan Cc,nfore'r,co;• diad sud-
denly at Plymouth Monday,
The hoose ;hK i been Al toawion Ave:
!nonthe and Imo day,
Jam, eq 7.'' 41404 R will .be tont ,
area publllo ,tooeptien ill , iia no
0At4b0r 10.
Atocomy hat been expell from P:ar•
figment and a writ *OA fora new
4t0ecl;that M0401ywbo made Mr
3uettce of the S4prome court;
It hyla been dooided thatthe menbere
Of both Houaea rlwre to get 1500 apiece as
eztraindemnity ter UM long session,
b been filled n 6100 and senteor ofoed to 24
bonne in jail for duplicate voting at the
late general election.
Sir geotor I.angevin'a hoose in Ott:}-
lieved thata is whenthe for sessioale, n is yi r he
will take his departure from the capital.
Jett% Davidson and ab
have agccepted the eol;nraiaeione for; the
investigatzoni into the Bale deo Cholera,
boodling business. They will commence
work at once.
Wednesday afternoon the Governor-
General formally prorogued the first
session of the seventh Parliament
of the Dominion of Canada in
the usual way, reviewing the various
matters that have Dome before Parlia.
meat during ite pant five months',
The report is current in Winnipeg
that Mr Hugh John Macdonald is tore -
place Mr Carling as Minister of Agriogr-
tnre. Mr Carling has long been credit-
ed with a desire to emulate Sir Leonard
Tilley and drop out of political turmoil
into he quiet of a Leiutnant•Governor-
snip. Hon John has probably heard of
rats deserting an unsafe ship.
One of Sir Sector Langevin's friends,
speaking of the sale of his residence at
Ottawa and hie retirement from public
life, says : "Sir Hector is all right.
He is in good oiroumstances. His
wealth I estimate at half a million dol-
lars. He has property here and in Ot-
tawa, and he and Mr McGreevy jointly
blockown:a of
He has also the22,000 testimonial
fund intact.
To secure its majority of fifteen for
the whitewashing of Langevin the Do-
minion Government had to sear the
consciences of a *motion of its follow.
ing with whiskey in the Ronan restaur-
ant and send for the party bosses in
several of the constituencies to bulldoze
realoitrant M. P.s, who knew that it was
wrong to condone the offences of which
the Minister was proved guilty.
The developethenti3 i,n in the recent Ot-
tawa investigations give the public a
peep into the methods of which Sir
John A. Macdonald obtained and re-
tained power, and to which policy the
present administration is pledged. Only
the corner of the curtain has been lifted,
but with an honest history of Canada
the people need spend no money on
monuments. The record of the period
of reckless riot, of rule by bribery, of
piling up debt, of ptodigally inoreasing
our expenditure, of taxing the people
for party ends, will in anything worthy
the name of history sufficiently per-
petuate the memory of him who gave
all for office.
The Coaseevatives cordially hate Mr
M C Cameron ; no wonder. Ever since
Confederation, when he defeated Mr
Hood Ritchie in Huron as it was before
it was touched by the knife of the as-
sassin of the popular will, he has been
a thorn in their - side. When the ger-
rymander was entered upon special ef-
forts were made to get rid of him, but
without success,. A second effort, re-
sulting in the necessity of consulting a
map before the citizen of Huron could
be sore whether he was a voter in South
Huron, North Middlesex or Perth, fail-
ed likewise. Then they gave him a
"hive," carving old Huron with its
1,000 Liberal majority so as to provide
two safe Conservative constituencies.
Cameron wasn't after snaps of that
kind, however, and leaving South Hur-
on to a new man he went to redeem
West Huron. He was defeated at first,
but was successful in the last contest,
and it is not to be wondered that
success and the part he has played in
the House have embittered the Conser-
vative thogue. Cameron, however, like
Lister, has a large experience in pro -
scouting crimnials, and he is not likely
to spare a wrong -doer because he and
his sympathizers are past masters in
the use of Billingsgate. The yells in-
dicate that the lash is doing its work.
-Hamilton Times.
Rev. G. II. Dav18, a noted
Methodist divine,died 'at Peterboro
on Friday, at the age of 72 years.
the daily shipment of grapes
from Winesor, Ont., has reached
nearly (10 toils. The growers are
getting 21 cents for their crop
A Chicago despatch ars it is
reported that the Wrench Grovel n•
merit has been for three weeks
quietly picking up an enormous
amount of grain and meats in the
United States
The united States crop pros-
pee'.ts aro such' as to lead the Cin-
cinnati Price Current to estimate
a corn crop of two billion bushels,
and a wheat crop of nearly six
hundred million
A Shanghai letter states that
recently in a northern Province
a native Jew, -'a. banker, who bad
made a large fortune by lending
money, pressed his debtors with
too much severity. Because of
this a mot. of debtors killed the
banker and 38 of the latter's
of D Haan McDonald,' deputy reeve o,after the f
Matilda, near hlorrisbnrg, had retired,
Miss Jessie McDonald was disturbed
by' a 'slight noise coming from
under a toilet table in her room, and
fired a pillow in that dircotion, suppos-
ing that amonee Was there, when a man
jumped from ander the table, with a
other. nTha bion made nd and a revolver
knocked the for Miss Drevolver ouonald, t sof his hand
and grappled with him, The chairs,
tables, lamps, etc., were turned upside
down, but still Miss McDonald never
lost her nerve. The brute got Miss 1$14 -
Donald by the throat and pounded her
unmercifully for a time, but it did not
have the desired effect, so he bolted down
stairs, and passed the servant girt on the
way. Both Miss McDonald and the girl
recognized the scoundrer ma young man
who had previously worked for ilfeDon-
ald. .He left his sloes revolter and
knife behind. Barry Gale, the, young
man iii g11e1stion, was captured at Mad-
' N. Y., and brought to Morrislareg,.
Gale ecnteaed everything and was conn-
mated for trial,
'f#lu".dlfYr 001-1r 001.
Wh34, old or nO1lt• ,,.,, 0 00 a g R
ONA iitring „e,.R 4R!#•.0000.025
.4•4:44.41.,,,44,444.444 0.07 a 0 80
fli.rh.M�s,r.r.+rvMR'0.4yl R 0 45
PeitsIl'lonr perhal.74S,;.,4.,4. ., 550 of; op 0 0000
EgDaEr,.•,...:,,. •.x,,, M 014 +>a nor ry1g6
Wool" 0 016 o a a �s
0 1t3
Polls,, ., 5 n
Ha�+ {.,•.M,•ttei,.•,,,, 8 00 A d 00
Rides, No. 1 trimmed,6 00 a 6 00
Hides, rough; 3 00 o 3 25
Sheep mane....,,.;R; :5500za 060T'imeethy seed • , 00.a 2 50
Cloverseed ,0?00
Apples, per bag • 0 30 a 0 50
LrvrarooL, Sept. 20. -..Three hundred
and ed here to - seventy-five Canadian Sus �ttle offer -
cargo missed the market. Demand
was brisk. and prices ruled .Arm at last
week's advance, ranging as follows on
the basis of 4.80 to the P: Finest
steers, 121o; good to ohoioe 12e; poor to
medium, 11c; inferior and bulla, 8.t to
There were about 700 head of but-
chers' cattle, 150 calves and 350 mutton
critters offered at the east end abattoir.
Trade in cattle Was very dull as Bick-
erdike was not buying any stockers,
and prices had a downward tendency
all round. A few head of the best
beeves were eold at about 410 per Ib.
Pretty good fat cows and thrifty steers
sold at from 31 to nearly 4c do; com-
mon dry cows at from 2t to 310 do.
with lean stock at about 2o per Ib.
There was a brisk remand for good
calves as there were very few of this
kind on the market. Common seals
sold at from 23 to 06 each„ Mutton
critters were scarce and good lambs
brought pretty high figures. Sheep
sold common
lambstat from
22 2510 24.26 05 each. Fat
hogs sold at about 5to per lb.
East Wawanosh,Belgrave, Oct 6 and
East Huron, Brussels, Oot 1 and 2.
Stanley, at Bayfield, Oct. 6-7
Seaforth, Oot. 1 and 2.
Blyth, Oot. 8 and 9.
English Spavin Liniment remove
all hard,. soft or calloused Lumps an
Blemishes -from horses, Blood Spavin
Curbs, Bplinia, Ring Bone, Sweeney
Throat, Coughs, etc. o Save 250e and SbyIus
of one the mos
onderfultBlemi hWarranted Cureverr known
Sold' by J H Combe.
Agency at CLINTON
Are doing a splendid business,
the line is noted for quick despatch
and prompt delivery;
Once at Cooper's Boot Store
Lobb's Stares Enamel
This is an article worthy of every lady's
If you want to save time and labor, buy a
If you want your ironed clothes to look
neat and Olean and to last much longer, buy
a box.
in the
clot thes on the liou want ne ihe n spite oftarch orai or frost,
buy a box
youif such shirt ,bosoms. Dollarto % cuffs, k like new,
curtains, etc., buy a box.
£'Ever' Storekeeper keepe it now, and
whore the merchant does not keep it we
want a lively agent to repersent us.
Manufactured by
Butchering Business
To the Public.
Subscriber having bought out the business
so successfully conducted ' by Mr Couch,
solicits a continuance of the liberal patron-
age bestowed on his predecessor. No pains
or expense will be epared to procure the very
best meats, and orders will be promptly and
carefully filled. The bueinese will still be
conducted at the same stand as heretofore.
Highest price paid for HidesSheepskins, &c,
Clinton Collegiate Institute
At the last ineeting of the Clinton Co11eg.,
fate Board it was resolved that the Yews for
the Counand those
resliding in town shallebe the same as those
fixed by the County Council for County
pupils. viz: •
.Fall Term : 22, 95R, and $1, according to room
Spring Term : $2, $2.20 and $3, "
Midsummer Term: $2, $2.50 and t3"
According to School law Fees ,oust be paid
in advance.
New subscribers can get the NEW ERA
for the balance of the year for 25 cents
ash. .
G ricE
To talo the place
of the old-fashioned corded
corset, try the B. & C. corset.
This is just what you can
do. You can try ft, and even
wear it for two or three
weeks, if you wish. Then, if
you're not satisfied, you can
return it, and get your money.
Ask our Dry (loads dealer for it
For Salo by Estato1in0 Not din%
Xaa oourpa.
TIN Forest City Dimino College.
Q 3:.0N'ZIQ, rT
O,iTALO 2 Fn4n.
J. W. We$te> volt, Principal,
For 9aIe
A good business stand, on, easy terms,
Apply to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton.
�1� � Rouse to Rent.
11. n. Evsn$,sHo me.'illpresent Good laccomrmo-
dation for ordinary -sized family, Apply to
3. C. PIC$ARD:
House to Rent.
splendid brick house,on Rattenbury Street,j
with every convenience. Rent $9 a month, i for you by buying of us. The newest
ifs' ?ofell ever,we. are tole, TOP
wisk we, a few cords ,. of the ;
stfad of waging. time wishing.
pie watch their expe/2.
The immense bargains we are
upon exan>it ation convince you a
ey is
To Let.' and cheapest goods in the Market is w t
A large room, , si taire, suitable for at -
the market in Searle's block. Rent moderate.
we want you to look at, and since scarce
most any purpose, situate directly opposite
Cottage to Rent.
Tile comfortable sad convenient cottage on
Rattenbury St. west, now occupied by Mr W.
/fennel. It contain, accommodation for or-
dinary family, with all desirable convenience
and will be rented at reasonable rate. MRS
PORTER, Albert St. Clinton.
For Sale.
The cottage o
the estate of the latte Time CooStreeper. at present
occupied by Mr Wm, Robb: containing 5 bed-
rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen
oral woodehed. Hard and soft water, stable,
carriage house, driving abed also the three
lots adjoning will bo sold on reasonable
erme, apply to MRS THOS. COOPER.
Farm for Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale that exeellont
farm containing 100 acres, being East half
lot 12 and. North half lot 11 on 12th con. of
Hallett 1}} miles from Harlock P. 0. 6 miles
from Bfyth,11 miles from Soaforth,1i miles
from Church and School, about 5 acres hard
wood bash, balance all in good state of cul-
tivation, well fended spring creek running
close by buildings, never failing well, good
bearing orchard, Bank barn 60 x 60 stabling
and root -house ose 18 x 9good fro nue Boase near-
ly new, 8 acres fall wheat. For particulars
apply on premises or Mr Joseph Lyon, 10126
13 con. Terms $2,000 down, balance of pur-
chase money can atop on a mortgage if de-
sired at 6 per Dent per annum.
Farm For Sale.
100 acres North half of lot 5 in the 8th con-
cession of Morris: -Two Miles North of the
G�oldar's idiinng on thf Blyth, S Rand RailwaMile East y.
Good hewed log house and new frame barn
86 x 60 thorongl,lyy finished throughout.. '60
Well fenced andad aboutfree
oTitlemfront the
Y BEATING, Sit Catharines, Ont.ars 6 w
For Sale.
The Lo°ndesboro Steam Saw
. Mill.
w �The be offered by auctioeily of the n a onac the Hat of
pOpctober at 2 p. m, o'clock sharp. The pro-
housecandastables, Saw land,URI, storey frame
buildinrg SOx70 feet on good atone foundation.
BehCapacity of millhouse lfrox30. m 8 x600 to 10,000 feet od repair.
day. Yearly average of custom work 350,000
feet, with shingle and heading machinery in
connection; plenty of lumber to do a Largo
business. Located on the London and
Wingham gravel Road and mile from G. T.
R. Station six miles from the thriving
Town o1 Clinton.
Terms and particulars will be specified on
day of sale:
Executors S. B SCHNEIDER
Boardersw teen d.T.
accommodated three tadies or with good boardandlodging
Rates reasonable. For particulars apply at
NEW ERA oface,I pd 2i
Teacher Wanted.
For 6, S. "No. 5 Mullett, holding 2nd or
third class certificate, male or female.
Duties to commence let of January, 1892.
moniab, Ants pply toothet Secretary W. forward and CoI,
Treas. Londdeeboro. 2w
To The Public.
The undersigned in returning thanks to bis
easterners for their liberal support in the
past, desires to state that he has turned hie
business, over entire to his son Robert, who
will continue the same, He is empowered to
collect all outstanding accounts and settle all
claims. Chopping 5e a bag if clean. THOS.
R. McLennan having started baking on his
old premises Victoria St. would like to see
his old cuatomere and as,in;uny new ones
as would favor biers with their custom. All
goods ordered will bo promptly delivered. lm
The undersigned desire's to intimate to
so the people of Clinton and vicinity, that
the has commenced Dressmaking, to the
rooms over Stoep'si food Store, Elliott's
block, where all orders will receive prompt
and careful attention. /1138 POW ELL. 2w
, Pig for Service.
The undersigned keeps for service, at his
promises. lot 12, 2nd con. of Hallett, a
thorobrod Cheater White hoar, of first-class
pedigree. Terms, $1, at time of service with
pvJooked, HENRY FREgEMANss
osaty. if
$9b0 S A L A 5'9 and Commlaaiop to,
• Agents, Men and women, Tosoh-
era and Clergymen to introduce a new And
popular' standard book.
Testimony of 19 Centuries
to Jesus of Nazareth.
The moot remarkable religious book of the
Eo y Chisiwants tEx-
clusivo territory given. Apply to
the best and earliest Winter Wheats
grown. Price 22.
VELVET C1•IA.''P, another new va-
riety of wheat, price 22. ,
Plenty of GRASS BEIM) oil band,
Seed Dealer,, Clinton
we have marked them down to bed rock
figures, content to make a small profit it,*
can turn our money over quickly. By
honest dealings we hope your continued
patronage will be
W. L. Ouimette,
I..41.1Tv"DF.RI3401 0
Tbe Haron Central Fair
will bo here nest week. Wa ask
you to visit the Hub Grocery in-
stead of the grounds, and weshow dilll
at to buy in the shape of BEDROOM SET and ou hGLASoSwARB,.-•
bey have just arrived from the old country, and are the best vabto
for the money we have ever kept in stock. Also, ask for a sample of
TIGER TEA, as we have ten pounds to give awap4in samples.
GEO;SW .A.11.-4 11_40W , CL.I1i-T01N'
The very Iatest authorized Text Books, &c., for Public;
and Model Schools and Collegiate Institute_ '
Full Stock and
Lowest -Prices
Our FALL STOCK is complete. We have the best
goods in the market, and prices are low
Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for ciall
3r -Or di; Stitt
1g. "bN.: AND HeNSdt,L