HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-25, Page 7f the ,coilsof folio #atel top* pcmtll was >nQt more 110109e0 than IS the w,antwhoPiinee under the ef. leets o4 di@- Vie, excesses,• Ove r W Qfik, try, oto.. Rouse yourfself. Take of hope again and DE A NA N :1 e aur ed, thousands, who to, refer to them. Iffx QAIi' v by use, of our uaclueivo and, appliances- SiMPle, g treatment at home. for 'ailing Manhood, General or Deb�llty, Weaknesses of od Mind,'Effects of Errors or ees in Q1d Pr Young. Rob:nst, 1lfi 1 OOD fully Beatored, ovemant sem—the first (day. to enlarge and strengthen, Ax, UNDEVELOPED ORGAN$ AND RTS DF BODY. Men testify from States and Foreign Countries, rite them. Book, explanation and p+ofs mailed (sealed) free. :Address, ERE ,MEDICAL' o .,, 'BUFFALO; N.Y. FLAXSEED "EMULSION COMPOUND BRONCHITIS 1861exington Ave. • New York City, Sept. 19,1 h have used: the :lax -Seers Emulsion in several eases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, mid have been well pleasedwith the results. JAMES, K. CROOK, M;D. • CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. l4tb 1:':9. I have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patient could not use Cod Liver Oil in as form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. - -- DOSPROSTRATION '" •�Bettnpokly II,rATI [>.',i ee:20th.1888 bi�i$tiiFtottieitr ei E d ogibl nib d •be eV! Bronchial and Nervus Affecti ngfp4d a good gag erattoaic in physical debility', 0,10yN F. TALMAGE, 11.1-, D. ip hall, 111 1t`t,'CfaAotit', 7... t 1°v T�flegatd Ela: SeedtEmui'siots*aii"t ell* saperlor to the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally m use.' D.A.-GORTON,:M. D. CASTING DISEASES • 1ST West 114th St. New York, Aug. 6, 1 [.have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound In a severe case of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than Eloped fpr -71t was marvelous, and con- tinuous. r%ecoptmebd tf� cheerfully to the profession 41.nd itulim#tt§ at ler e.'; M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEU'MA►TISN Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED .EMULSION cg 35 Liberty St., New York. For e by J. H. Combe Electric ]fair Restorer An ogle l} trade' Partial ono q.., nested -a pu rber Of eta largeet aadvartieers to give their opinion. concerning the best time to atop,• advertising "and the following re- plies were received;. When population ceases to ,ln►e1. tipsy ard the generations that crow; on after yon,• and never` heard of your, stop conung on. When you haveconolnced every- body whose life will touch yours that yonhave better goods and lower pricesthan they can get an where else, When yeti erceive it to be the .. . y p rule that men who .diver - never a • tise are outetrippiog their neigh. bors in the same line of business, When men step making for- tunes ortunes right in your very sight solely through the discreet use of various languages which men this mighty agent.speak. To have made a good ;;,'VPhen you can forget the words translation is service and honor of the sb,rewdest and most sec- with which scarcely any other can cessful business men concerning be compared. To add one item the main cause of their prosper- to the knowledge of the world Up. about, the Bible, to improve to When every man has become' i any smallekt extent its translation, MAXIXO 'TIDE MST F TM4,111RL If the Bible is the beet of books,, the meet useful,; the Most important, the one book which Comes from God, which has divine inspiration and which io the guide of human life" the boob which has authority and which it is more important to study than any other book that was ever written; if an ;importance attaches to its doctrine, its history, its forth of utterance and kto every least al- lusion in it such as attaches to no other boob in existence, then it is matter of unquestioned impar The proper time to hell a horse is when yaa can pet aAtgood pricier Where was not a,. largo displa Pf t►orees at the Detroit Fait tb Tear* gaCh was the 11P "z a 1$90 araC, , ' The .B eederet GitZette thinhe. that Western farmers. who have been breeding their ordinary working lunares of heavy type to the light -legged trotting and CQachi)og horses instead of to good draft heroes will . soon discover that they' have made a serious blunder, LIVING QUESTIONS. tante that we should .havethat ere 'Most esteemed b ery intelligent th bear in e cernnletest and .exact„ man andwoman. �angementa ,of est form rpstahle.` tttq,,l ,ver, stemaoh end, bowols speedily ora i" present to.t1atrillUviztg question of ob- The be) t f i#i,rlltian st:h .. rsh Il tMning relief,' It'` i0 at,onoe found in of the world ,has devoted at4elf tQ ' Dr Pieree'sPleseent Pellets, 'which cure the translation of this book into eioltheadaohe, bilious headache, consti- pation, indigestion, bilious attacks, eto. so thoroughly a creature of habit that he will certainly buy this year where he bought last year. When younger and fresher houses in your line cease starting up andusing the newspapers in telling the people how much bet- ter they can do for them than you can. When you would rather have your own way and fail, than take advice and win. Whet nobody else thinks "it pays to advertise." THE MILK TURNED SOUR. 1 will not tell you her name, but one of the neighbors says that diming her brief visit the other day the milk .turn- ed sour. Her countenance looks a yard long. She sighs. perpetually. . The Cloud on her brow is deep. If beaten out thin, I believe it world Dover the sky. Her voice is doleful, and her eyes show no radiance. Her wrinkles are numberless. She is a sorry picture, and all because she is the victim of one of those complaints Common to women. Her system is deranged. She needs a Course of self -treatment with Dr Pierce's Favorite. ,Prescription. This xwil ,er ciioate thoroughly- those excru- oiatzng periodical pane and fdnotional weaknesses incident to her se8, and at the same time build ,up and invigorate her whole'system by,its health impart- ing influence. A trial bottle will con- vince., • Restores Grey Hair to Its Original ..., Color. Beauty and Softness Keeps the Head Clean Cool and tree from Dandruff. Cures Irritation. and Itch- ing 'of the -Scalp 1 dives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the :hair, produces anew growth, and will stop the falling out in a few days. Will not soil the skin or the most delicate head-dress. FULL DIRECTIONS wrra Egon Berme. °• Try" it and be convinced:' Price ' Fifty Vents per Bottle. Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENT FOR CANADA 1.1.SPENCER CASE. ~Chemist, No. 50nKi ntaStr-eet West Hamil e For sale Jas H Com»be. Itis a Certain r • Cold in the dealt w.:' •. :• • stages • SOOTHINGCLEANu:f,w. HALINO. •fnstant, Relief, Permanc r '•• Cure, Failure /mpossrbl. tt 11 Fumy so•called dizeasos ire :.it .symptoms ot Catart:+, .paha', partial d. a,t,e •r. emeiUonl bre..t RM. nausea. - • biaty, etc, I= any of these r your have Carat time In proaad coldArds, Be wart Cin head r • towed by covet .,. Nasi l BALM is to!,. orwinbesent, p s+• i •. Floe use cen•ta and �S.o. FULF0t C C STR &NG FACTS ABOUT ACCIDENTS; The collection of large groups of facts about accidents which has been trade necessary by the de- velopment of accident insurance has made a contribution to one department of social science that is by no means uninteresting. For instance, it is a curious fact that a man is much more likely to lose his left hand than his right hand, or his left eye than his right eye; statistics show, too, that when a. man • insures -himself against accidents he thereby greatly dim- inishes the risk of accidents—and this is probably explained in this way—when a man's attention is called to a danger he fixes his mind on it, and thereby conscious- ly or unconsciously makes unusual effort to avert it. It therefore happens that a man is moi% likely to be a victim of an accident of a kind that he never thought of, than of the kind against which he insures himself, A man, for instance, w io handles sharp tools will insure himself against an ac- cident scident from the. use of them, and the first thing he knows be will ke drawing pay from an insurance company for an injury done by getting a cind r ifs his eye. Not only are such odd and curious facts as these brought to light by the development of accident in surance, but a great many impor- tant groups of facts which bear upon the habits of men and the development of civilization. For instance, accidents aro n uch more common in the sparsely -settled portions of the country than in the densely -settled portions, and they happen more frequently in 1 he middle of winter and the mid - die of summer than In the other retfsons of the year, An interest- ing stun'y of these facts, which is perhaps the first study of the kind ever published, is contributed to the Forum for September by Mr Jiimes R. Pitcher. When Baby was sick, we Welter Castoria, when shows s Cltiligdte cried for Castoria. rhea ale ibeeelasa Was, else eland to Castor'le. hf!►en shelled Mimi*. gave them Cantons. 1 CARE FITS.! when 1 say I Carm e I de not momerely to stop there tot a time and then bate Mom return stain. I mean a mdicat bore. I have made the diseibe of FITS. EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a 816.1on5 study. I warrant my tnnedy-to Mare the worst eaitb., Became others have fatted le no reason fir not�now recetvm s orae. 55ad-st M1 dC} . MvtQeOpE%PREBS in PO ��my iafaetbta H G. RTO , M. .186 ADELAIDE Si. • Plso'e litetmldy for Catarrh fe tho attest, Easiest to trinearia 0hespeet. CATARRH' d by druggllits et, SW by inatl,5Oo.. tiagaltinti, Warren PM., tt,'s.A. to correct one error or apprehen- sion in reference to it, is a ser: vice which renders any man's life worth living. Most honorable then, and most useful was the work of the English and American scholar's who prepared the Re- vised Version which has now for some years been in our hands. The translation has received general approval. It is very largely used by students and tea- chers. It is always referred to (is authority, but it has not yet of general acceptance. The reason is probably partly because of natural conservatism and part- ly froin the fact that it cannot be obtained as easily and as cheaply as the old version. The Bible societies cling to the old and re- fuse to accept the new. Of course this is in accordadce with their charters, but it is a violation of their moral obligation. "Get the best," should be the first rule about the Bible, the best version tha can be •had; and the Revised Version is far better than the old. Let us impress upon ministers the duty of reading in tbeir Sab- bath ministrations and in their prayer meetings only from the Revised Version. It is not right toread from the poorer when yon can get the better. Let us impizess upon Sunday-sehoolteac'lh- ers the obligation of persuad i n g, as far as possible, their scholar's to use the revised New Testament. Let private Christians use the Revised Version for their house- hold worship and their private devotions. Let parents, when they give a Bible to their children, always give the Revised Version. Let this be emphasized with re- peated and unwearied persistence until our Bible societies shall un- derstand that this is their duty to have their charters amended and and so made. themselves servants and not masters of the Word, and to give us that which shall best set before the reader what is the inspired • utterance of prophets and apostles. Joseph Liitle, blacksmith, was moving fromRichmond to Aylmer, and a load of household goods bad been brought and left in front of the residence he was to occupy on St. Andrew's street. Mrs Little had repaired to the home of her sister, and while there a boy came along and informed her that the goods on the waggon were on fire, at which she started for the scene of the conflagration, but had gone only a short distance when she dropped dead. Deceased was 4S years of age. THE BEST ADVERTISING. 'the moat efficient advertising in be- half of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that which cornea from the medicine itself. That; s, these who are cured b it, speak to friends suffering sinptkly, and" . who in tarn derive benefit b Be others to try this successful medicine.' Time the Circle of its popularity is rap- idly widening from this cause alone, and more and more are becoming en- thusiastie in behalf of Hood's Sars'apar, ilia an it actually demonstrates its ab-" solute merit. All that is asked for Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it be given a fair trial. If you need a good bleed litirifiert or lhuildfhg up medicine; try H'ood's Sarliaparilla. 1 THE RAW CUTTING WINDS. Bring to the surface every latent pain. A change of even a few degrees marks the difference between comfort and pain to many persons. Happily, dis- ease now holds less sway. Science is con- tinually bringing forward new remedies which successfully combat disease. Poison's Nerviline—nerve pain cure— has proved the most successful pain re- lieving remedy known. Its application is wide, for it is equally efficient in all forms of pain whether internal or eater nal. 25 cents a bottle, at druggists. Three hundred and fifty-four houses have been destroyed and 600 persons killed and injured in the recent floods in China. Rev. Principal Grant,of Queen's University,is home from Cape'Bre- ton. He is •shocked ".by the dis- closures at Ottawa, and declares that a clean Government must be secured at any cost. Every col, ruption, high and low, must be punished. To redeem Canada's name requires tb9 exhibiton of patriotism, and this can only be secured by the best men of both parties facing difficulties, sacrific- ing policies and forming a coal- ition Government. The country needs something grander than party triumphs. it needs the tri- umph of higher ideas and of pure patriotism. Surely we might unite to get a triumph of com- mon honesty. 1' If YOU WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere AT Any time WRITE TO GEO. P. ROWELL & Co No. to Spruce Street, NEW YO1U Lk ..i�aa. J�iC lltiaJtiy:: • ,ii . - . iutri�il ..• ... Purely vegetable and perfectly harm- less, theyare unequaled as a specificfic for the complaints named. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet a dose. In vials 25 cents. Carrythem in your vest-pocket. Gold water? is the best remedy for dry and feverish hoofs. It may be applied by means of wet bandages in the day time, and in the stable by providing a puddle of wet clay for the horse to stand in. I have known horses to stand is a small tub of water fitted for the purpose and seem grateful for it. An excellent plan is to pack the forefeet with a think paste of flaxseed meal.—(Farm Journal, The Canadian Sportsman edi- torially remarks : 'Mongrel bred horses by the thousand can be found throughout the country and since the passage of the McKinley Bill farmers find it impossible to dispose • of them at any price Prior to the erection of that Chinese wall they were saleable at a low price for street car use, but that day has gone by and now their owners find them about as marketable as a last year's bird's nest.' George Forbes may be a thoroughly honest man, says the New York Herald, but if he does not want his reputation sullied he will have to sell Arab. That horse is altogether too intelligent to remain on the turf. If Mr Forbes does not sell Arab he should brook him of the habit of looking the bettingring ng in o t r g be- fore going to the post. Some of these fine days Mr Forbes may get into trouble on. account of this pernicious habit of Arab. Buffalo Horse World : 'The horses of the United States are worth more than all our entire cattle interest; horses are valued at $941,000,000, cattle at $890,- 000,000, and sheep, hogs and poultry about $450,000,000, or a grand total of $2,500,000,000, and for the next ten years the value should be doubled without materi- ally increasing the numbers. Let the quality be improved, grade up by breeding to the best sires, and also get and keep the best mares as well.' The American trotter is getting a strong foothold in England. Late advices from London state that negotiations aro now in pro- gress for the purchase of a large farm in Kent, on which the breed- ing of American trotters will be carried on. It will be under the ownership of Budd Baldwin, of New York, and W. R. Arbuibnot, of London, England. Trotting races are becoming every day more and more popular with Eng- lish sportsmen, and every nieet— ing at which this spot fermi a part seems to attract a grt:uter crowd. It has, therefore. been found necessary to erect a new and larger reserved stand at the Alex- andria Palk. ufferers FROM Stomach and Liver derange- ments—Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick - Headache, and Constipation—find a safe and certain relief in Ayer's Pills. In all cases where a ca- thartic is needed, these Pills are recom- mended by leading physicians. Dr. T. E. Hastings, of Baltimore, says: "Ayer's Pills are the best cathartic and aperient within the reach of my profes- sion." Dr. John W. Brown, of Oceana, w, Va., writes : " I have prescribed Ayer's Pills in my practice-, and find them ex- cellent. I urge their general use in families." " For a number of years I was afflicted with biliousness which almost destroyed my health. I tried various remedies, but nothing afforded me any relief until I began to take Ayer's Pills." --G.- S. Wanderlich, Scranton, Pa. "I have used Ayer's Pills for the past thirty years, and am satisfied I should got be alive to -day if it had not been for them. They cured me of dyspepsia when all other remedies failed, and their occasional use has kept me in a healthy condition ever since."— T. P. Brown, Chester, Pa. "Having been subject, for years, to constipation, without being able to find much relief, I at last tried Ayer's tills, and deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have derived great ben• efit from their use. For over two yearn past I have taken one of these phis everynight before retiring. I would not willingly ..be without them." ---G. W. Bowman, 26 East Main et., Carlisle, Pe. "Ayer's Pills have been need in my family al•,ptvadds of twenty years, and have e'ompletely verified all that, is claitned for them. In attacks 61 piles, from which I suffered many years, they afforded me greater relief than any med- icine I ever tried."—Thomas F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. 1t haaascertain_ .been.asc ed. by :Pare aw- ful observation that a: warm ot .flits: cannot travel at any greater pee than eleven milds en lour. so > Hugh the better far the eyoliet, who hats only^ to put on a spurt:to got at any time clear away from this intolerable pest of the high wank warm weather, F'or tho untortunnate outside passenger by`' drag or chaise there is aro help in- leesit is that patent flyvell which. enabled the ,A.inerican; editor to look forward ,to -tile time when whole Congregations would be able in August to listen to; a ,ser- mon in comfort while the flies in church, "united,as rine fly,",were', "taking it outof the preacher in the pulpit."' Minard's Liniment the is best. aha NisiugOic Systom All diseases bticcesefully treated by a new 81,/5te710 of non poisonous and tasteless medicines. Send for free book explaining system and testimonials of the most remarkable ) cures on re- cord. Paralysis Curable at last. I have been paralyzed In the loner limbo, tougue and eyes for two years,also memory very much impaited,lose of muscularppower,great de- bility, unsteady gait, accompanied by dizziness and general derangement. I could not perform work of say kind most of the two years. Would frequently fall, striking upon my head, owing to sudden complete loss of power in my limbs and nerves. Ire San Fran:tsoo I was treated by two skillful physicians of the allopathic school with- out any good result whatever. I then tried out of the beat physicians in Winnipeg, and he did me no good. I began to feel that all hope was gone. I happened to be passing the Histogene• tic Medicine offices in the llenderson Block Winnipeg,and seeing the sign, I thought I woukl enquire into the system, and although I had spent so much money with no good result, I re- solved to try the new system, as any sufferings were every great. I took the remedies about two months there and continued for three weeks longer in Toronto, getting the sante medicines at the head office Per Canada. I am rtidically cured, and have resumed my business, and am able to work all day as usual. These beautifully- pre- pared, tasteless remedies are better than dia- monds or gold, and I hope all affected as I was will try them. They are the only sure and safe remedies. yp JOSEPH PERRINS, 135 Tecumseh Street, Toronto. Our representative will be at Clinton "Rattenbury House" on Wednesday, Oct. 7, from 1.0 A. M.to4:30P.M. At Hensall, Hensall Hotel, Tuesday evening, 6th, 6 P. M, till Wednesday morning, 9:20. A. M. Biogenetic Mediciee Assoc'!" Rooms and 3, Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, Ont, 19 Yonge Street Market, corner Gerrard and Yonge Sts, Toronto. Mention Clinton New Era. IMPLEMENT AGFNCY subscriber having severed his Connection ,elth the Massey Company, desires to inti- mate to his many friends that be has been appointed agent for the well-known firm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his line, as heretofore. Will also keep on hand a stock of Wilkinson PLOWS, Colter Ait Scott DRILLS, Disc HARROWS, and articles of like nature. W. STANLEY, Mrh 20. 6 Holmesville and Clinton Ayer's Pills, PBE'PA13iltD Bt Dr. J. C. Ayer & 06., Low6111 Man. Sold by ell Dhtggiel$lied Betide fiiluau* McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, $ronohitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St.Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities 'and Gen- eral Debility. LABORATORY, CORRIN, ONT, J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton AI"P.ER and Paint Shop Is stocked with a Select Assortment of American and Canadian Nall Papers WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers and Paints for Spat Cash, and my practical experience justify nie in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them outside will find it to their ad- vantage to give ins a call, inti"shop, south of Oliver Johnston's black - smite shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley's residence, JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter. Ilochntorlurscrics Canadian Office—PETERBORO, ONT WANTo few good pushing men to sell HIGB GRADE Nursery stock in the Counties of Perth, Huron and Bruce. Our facilites for growing' the Panier and aennEs'rtrees are ,now unsurpassed, SALESMEN and CUSTOMERS are sure to be de- lighted With our square dealing and fine roods Write for terms AT ONCE, Sled sooure your choice of territory Soles for fall 1891 and spring 1892, begin May lat. Address THOMAS W. BOWMAN, Peterboro, Ont. (Oder 30 years in the business) THE RIGHT - The now model' of the RoekfoiSt Watob,When p luded in a sorew bezel Case, will 811 a.lon Want among farmersas i Salt w n t is no due proof (any, Mitt8very Strong. 'The not 'which the wheeltt work between, net being separated by pinata MO in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of instal, With the edge left for the top plate to rest on; ft also being pend- ant or lever set with sunk balance • o prevent breaking, making in all a good rong watob For a Farmer �. EIDDLECOME �i.. • ..�1�.Aa..r' ' � in • 4 t Castoria is, Pr. Samuel Pitelier's plreser.ptiAa'ror and Qbildren. It Contains neither O,pluin, *oirpiaiiilyq other Narcotic substance, It is n :ar n1eas. sµi for Pareg. o ; Soothing Syrups, and castor. Q Crit ,�rpps It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty year*? 1M0..:' Millions of Mothers. Castorladestroys 'Worms and j foverishno"ss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour C /4114; cures Diarrhoea and n1 C l . Cas ,malre lie teething troubles, cures constipation and fiatulencru Castoria assimilate. no £.):)<l, regulates the stpman and bowels, givin; lloa ti:; .:.:•i r.,atural sleep. QIP toria is the Children's Paioa,00a—t._ c Jiother's Friend: Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicino for chil- dren. hitdren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." • Da. G. C. Ostrom), Lowell, Macs. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the d :y Le not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of thevariousquack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by fortis;; opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Enrcumoa, Conway, ir The Centaur Company, 77 11 Castori94' " Costoria Is so well adapted fn'cl ll4r I reaommer.-.1:.Isouperiortoatiyps+C6Ceipi40,s. known to me." 13. A Anosza,ll .* r 111 So. Oxford St., Brooiclytl, N.*. -A " Our physicians in the children a dem• ment have spoken highly of their a e. enco in their outside practice with Ctig64tr and althouz b we only have. medlcml supplies what is known as -solar" products, yet we are free to confess{ that,ij I merits of Castoria bas won Us to leallr wa..> favor upon it." M UNITao HOSPITAL AND DrsPAsa *,; T!;. Boato,, alill Alt= C. SMITH, fares„ array Street, New York City.:' ,, IITN7"EDR7527 1:1A6:27. Of the year save Sunday, we present strong attractions in every, de partment of our establishment. These'attraetions are two -fold, beia of superior value, and sold for very low prices. Men's, Boy's & Children' Clothing, bats and Furnishing Goods Highest in quality, lowest in price. We carry products of the best manufacturers; we have no old good_,• everything is of to -day, fresh and ih the latest styles ; we rover f ii.. to fit and please, We welcome "lookers" as lookers, :ted seek to have; h -. e. our goods inspected and our claims -investigated. - GL.ASG-OW, CLINTON PAINTING The undersigned is now at liberty do anything in the to way of 0. t Sign PaintingGraining, Papal` Hanging,Kalsomining, t Co: At reasonable rates, and on short notice. SSatiG •; faction guaranteed Shop on RattenbnrySt. LARDINE MACHINE Olt. 1'he famous heavy -bodied Oil -made only MOLL BRO. UO'Y., TORO USE IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. McCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER OIL IS THE FINEST IN CANADA FOR ENGINE CYLINDERS. ----FOR SALE BY -- All Leading Dealers in the Dominion, COME AND TAKE - This • Valuable Present Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly eel:",,' brated ORGANS free, with one Package of Jame Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING PO WDE ` price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing ail Organ Worth $196, for fifty cents fheorga 1 will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store I Saturday next. A. call solicited from visitors to t Great Huron Central Exhibition N. ROBSONI CHINA HA OOTS AND —AT THE SHOE Lowest Possible Prices for Cask My stock is very complete in 41 the latest styles of sea sonable goods of thle best quality, which I am self lig cheaper than ever to all cash customers. Eg taken in exehian ,e 1 has. CruicksI I ..,vCr�.`a a)' i4...,.., rA._..1 ...1,: a. .,....