HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-25, Page 60,1r hand of one ap kind, I rain oulc aigl t, ilpgthirtly bore awaY. >' OA* Writ bright. W beyol2d ou,r p.ort$1 sight; hwe almost see, l there will Jesusour bleat Zord, Pain and d atb:eet tree,. little brother misses you, • With toys ,you used to play, man3ala'e gathered•yortre all up Azd laid them;; s�4e` ae we. -think of yon just now, "Tae tears do gently flow, V by: and b we'll hear him call, lnrl'(W, our will to show. i when we, reach the city wall, !"; Tta pearly gates unfold, • „W`e still believe that saored truth, The ba bas not been told. 'We shall net gee our Edla's face, ',.'ill sobered home are we, .thorn in spotless robes of white, We Pined again shall be. Pa and ?Ma's kind remembrance of their daughter, Ella who died on Sept eth, 1891, aged three years and four Months. WM, AND ALICE E. DORE. Household Pets. There is a French proverb, which, translated, says " So many men, so many minds," and one might add, so many WW1, - Whether a person's choice of a house. q'ld pet gives any indication of the 'character, or not, is a question. Take the,,,oase of a person whose particular retis a monkey (this is not a freak of imagination). A Darwinian might see in this more than charaoter—signs. The person in question mast admire some of the rednkey's qualities; in fact •' -he has for it a fellow-feeling—there is something in common between them. a sInw let us note some of the other diets. There are birds, cats and dogs of all" sizes and desoription. We might end also ehiokens, lambs, mine, frogs, ; Vacations, and sometimes even children. f3tit the kind :most fashionable in the ppresent daps ;div:,; the pug, is almost a tinct species. True, , in form, it re- nemlilea- the dog, but its qualities are a conglomeration of the common every tray dog's bad points, with a large leav- '`ening of stupidity. No doubt the pug was made for some purpose --even the rattlesnake was—but it certainly was ,not created for the purpose of filling the position of a human being, and yet, ;loolt:at-tbe.etate of "society" (as regards pugs) to -day. How far can ono travel these days without seeing a pug carried earefully in the, arms of some woman .whom, froth her appearance and appa- 'ent age, one would expect to be pdssess- •ed of some sense ? Only the other day, Irbile going to the city, I noticed a case „of this kind -a pug -laden lady traVell- ing with an elderly person, possibly her mother. The latter received little at- tention, -the pughad precedence. It was one of the ugliest specimens of its =snugly race, but -that mattered not. Pro- k,;bably a pug's beauty consists in its ,nglinees. The passengers were all en- tertainetl by the conversation (one-sided o1 course) between the pug and its owner. "Where are you going, Beauty?" ans- wered by a sniff at her face, and a look of .great (?) intelligence. "You were a good doggie,weren't you ?" "Sit down, ,Beanty dear; here's something to play with," etc. Fancy a woman of limited income spending $80 for the purchase of a piece of such dog flesh ! How much more good would she have donerto hu- manity—and herself—had she spent the money on some of the many poor little waifs• of our cities and towns, giving them 'the much needed clothing, or an .opportunity to escape from their vile surroundings, and breathe pure country air for a time! An outing which would .•give them for life a pleasant recollection. '',And then 'the pug must be fed on dainty .:food. It must be wrapped in perfume blankets. It must have its little har- ness or chain, forsooth. And this in an age when we men hear everywhere dia- • ';oussions on "wpman's right to stand on 'the same intellectual plane as man." What men would yon find spending a quarter of a dollar on a yard of ribbon for "little Beauty's" neck ? I grant you he may squander many quarters on himself, but he can appreciate the extravagance; the pug cannot. How can we be expected to admire and respect the many women who lav- ish their affection on a pug? .&onosxci 7 SMITH. • The Toronto fair would lose much of its attraction were the Hamilton exhibits withdrawn. In the stove. fruit and other sec- tions, the Ambitions City leads the way, and in ladies fancy and other Work it is away up. Among the many pretty things shown among the latter the quilt exhibited by Mrs. J. G. Buchanan, wife of the city editor of the Times, is per- haps the most attractive. It is composed entirely of press badges deftly sewed into a quilt, and is described by Hamiltonians who . have visited the fair as a rare spb0imen of ingenuity and need- lewtirk. The Toronto World says of it : Mrs. J. G. Buchanan; of ' Hamilton, has a quilt of a very novel pattern on exhibition. Of all the quilts displayed it attracts by far the most attention on ac- count of the originality of the de- sign and the careful workmanship. FETTER AND BETTER. "Better '• than grandeur, better than gold, Better than rank a thonsand fold, Is a healthy body, a mind at ease, And simple pleasures that always please." To get and keep a healthy body, use 1)r t'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a remedy designed to not only cure all diseases of the throat, longs and chest, but keep the ' body in a thororghly healthy condition. It eradicates all iinpurrtrot frena tile blood, avid over- oon es Ii{digestion and Dypepsia. Blotoheii, t'iaiplee and eruptions . ttplfdot, Eider Its nee, and your mind .Saw be "at cisme as'fo year health. 1 I ARA:'P•TRIITiI1 .s. A. bad clan is worse wen he potenda to be a saint. _ Thosa strike the ; a> ors. nee of their tipple moat Complain of Its shortness. Few, people are Mere virtuously ins .ignant than the cheat When he d e ed fin s himself' out -Witt , Fortune has often been °blam1ed, for her blindness ; but fortune is not'fit! blind, as men are, The more one endeavors to Bound the depths of his ignorance, the .deeper the chasm appears, The best way to live is to ,cast away 'troubles and contentions Which cannot be cured'by frett- ing. The history of 'the past is a puppet show,little roan comes out and, blows a little trumpet and goes in again. • CURIOSITIES IN FLOWERS A wonderful flower has been discovered in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Its chief peculiar. ity- is the habit of changing its colors during the day In the morning it is white, when the sun is at its zenith it is red, and at night it is blue. The red, white and blue flower: grows on a tree about the size of a ggava tree, and only at noon does it give out any perfume. A flower has been discovered in South America which is only vis- ible when the wind blows. The shrub belongs to the cactus fam- ily, and is about three feet high. The atom is covered with dead, warty looking lumps in calm weather:; these lumps, however, need but a slight breeze to make them unfold large flowers of a creamy white, which close and appear as dead as soon as the wind subsides. The fashionable enthusisam of the hour is a new perfume from a marvellous lily that grows in African jungles. Mr Stanley found this flower, and brought back a large jar of its leaves to his bride -elect. Mr Stanley says that the natives call this flower Kanonga, and that botanists call it Anona oderatisima. Those who have caught a whiff ofits won- derful perfume say that it is a mixture of jasamine, liliac, lily of the valley and rose, and is alto- gether intoxicating. - The smallest flowering plant in existence is wolffia microscopia, a native of India. It belongs to the duckweed family. It is al- most microscopic in size, destitute of the proper stem, leaves and roots, but having these organs merged in one, forming a frond. There are two species of the genus found growing wild in the Eastern United 'tater. One of them wolffia co ' 11 biana, is about one - twenty -fifth of an inch in diamet- er, and the otber,wolffia brazilien, is somewhat smaller in size. Tho manufacture of the little Swedish matches which are sold everywhere so cheaply forms one of the greatest industries of Swed- en. Some idea of the extent to which these matches are sent abroad may be inferred from the fact that 6404 tons were exported during tho first six months of this year. An Episcopal church at Hamil- ton has reduced the salary of its minister to $1 a year, because the congregation wish him to leave, but the Bishop desires him to re- main—hehce they are at logger- heads. Is it any wonder there are so many unbelievers ins the world, when professing Chris- tians—not only in this but in many other instances and other churches as well—get so far away from true Christian .principles. (CUT THIS OUT) "The FiresideWeekly's"Grand Fall Prize Contest. The Greatest Price List Yet Published— Read the Poetical Puzzle as it A p- ' pears Below. For the correct reading of the above Pictorial Verse tho following prizes are offered every weak beginning Monday September 21: FIRST PRIZE g1f.6 SECOND PRIZE 71 THIRD PRIZE f 0 NEXT FIFTEEN (55 each) 75 The first correct answer received by mart at the olllCe of THE FIRESIna WEEKLY cub week will be awarded first prize the next the eetertt1 pe1re, and so on. In addition to those a daily essit prize of FIFTY DOLLARS will be gives to trim first cerroet answer rocetvtd each day throve/matt entire contest. Every lath eermet' Notation mf those not obtaining cash prises will be awarded a prfro of an elegant envoi. gypsy kettle with stand valued at six dollars. Thaws w1Y,ml will bo awarded each and every weak and every day from September 21 to Novtrilhor 00, and avert prize winner will bo notified at ones, OS well Nil the entire prize ilat being publithell. INSTRUOTIONS.---our Poetical i'iuele must be correctly read to obtain a prise, and $1 far six months subseriptlotl moat Accompany each aelutise Answers must be lent by Mall. Sample ooploa may bo obtained from 411 newt - denten; or from tjte office nt five dent, coif, Maneddreo to any addrem. T118 PI12ts1DN WEE11t Y, 0 Adelaide -St. 'Mat, Toronto, Ont. t ?rho B:t'itiAomsooter 'rens al, who died recently, Ia said to have lulled hi>xieelf with over- work, There is no fear of 11Ir Thwart dying of that diaeaae. • The Toronto World wants Can- ada to have the power to make own treaties. When Mr Ed., ward Blake as14 ed the same oriv t lege for Caaada he wasdenunced as inn auliiexatibniet. After all, the beat way 16 know the real merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla, is to try it yourself. Be sure to get Hood's - A, London Cable says : Sir And- rew Clarke has just leltUawarden after a visit, durrpg which he ex- amined Mr. Gladstone, and an- nonnces that the aged statesman has not yet fully recovered from his recent attack of influenza. 0 Hill,Kingston, aged 80 years, committed suicide by hackine his throat and wrists with a dull razor. For 20 years be had been an in- mate of the House of Industry. He suffered for hours before re- lieved by death. He was an ex. soldier. Dr Wells, for 21 years pastor of the American Presbyterian church in Montreal, has announc- ed his intention of accepting a call from the Plymouth Congre- gational church at Minntl4tpolis. Stipend $5,000. A despatch from Whitewood, Manitoba, says:—'A settler named Westerlund, of New Stockholm, near Whitewood, chopped the head off his 3 -year-old daughter last week with a broadaxe. He went insane after the death of his wife. According to the Lunnon Free Press Sir Hector Langevin 'was able to grasp all the details of the Public Works department' In- deed he could, and he seems to have been able to grasp pretty much everything else that was moveable also. --- Toronto Tele- gram. 1'tnlby Olark,t of Seioth Marys*' bit , naar 'Qjdr died on 'rims- day from t e feffeets of injuries received while tending a thresh. hag machine,. A rate of 22 initis on the dol- lar Las :been levied by the Harris, lou ToWn COuncill. 4l0ou b. bigb, it iaethe lowest rate impos- ed; since Rarriaton was ;iuco-rpor. aced aq a town. A. Ane agricultural filly,, aged. about, l,6 months, belonging 10 Mr Jas .Elmslie, farmer at E,nnotville, was so injured by lightning in the pasture field that she died. ,the following evening. Mr 3 F H Gunn, Town Trea- surer of Walkerton, died sudden- ly the other day after a brief ill- ness. He was .{buried with Ma- sonic honors. The Workmen, of which he was also an active mem.. ber,attended the, funeral in. a body Near Dracon last, week, while Mr Bowley's daughter, Elizabeth, was passing through the field she was attacked, by their bull, Luck- ily rho wasnear the fedee, which she managed'to,get over, bat ;lot before she got a few very bad bruises by the animal's hares. 'Rev. W. H. Gane, pastor of the Methodist church, Amberstbnrg, and an old Huron boy, has - been admitted to a course of post -grad- uate study in Otterbein, Univer- sity, Ohio. Mr Gane takes the course in philosophy and science, and passes the examinations in the university. A baby about 13 months old died: on board train at the Strat- ford station Thursday afternoon. The parents, whose name is Mat- thews, were on their way from New York State, where they had been visiting, to their home in Dublin. The child had been ailing about a week previous. Burglars armed with axes broke into the residence of Noble Tuf- ford, a farmer living 15 miles from St Thomas, Thursday morn ing. They took $50 from bis pants pocket. V4 hen chased one of the burglars fired an axe .through the window -at the in- mates. Samuel Osborne, a respected farmer near Carrolton, south of Brandon, met with an untimely death on Monday evening last. It appears he was driving a bind- er, when his horses took fright and he got entangled in the ma- chine, the knife severing one reg at the knee. Deceased only sur- vived the accident a few hours. The dead body of John Barring ton, farmer, of Templeton, was found lying on the roadway be- tween Waterloo village and Templeton. Thursday morning. The exact manner in which Har- rington mot his death cannot be ascertained. Deceased was " 47 years of age, and the sole support of his widowed mother. He was a bachelor. The general opinion of his friends is that his team bolt- ed and he was thrown'off. A ver- dict of accidental death was re- turned. The death is announced of Wal- ter, second eldest son of Mr Saul, of Mitchell. Dakota, grandson of ,Mrs R Saul, of Strathroy. From the information gleaned from a private letter it is learned that Walter, after a six years absence from home, had returned for a holiday, anti removing a gun from his buggy on the 1st inst., the weapon discharged, the charge lodging in the right side of his 1 head. Among the miracles asserted to be authentic as resulting from the exhibition of the Holy Coat at Treves are the curing of the withered arm of an abbess, the restoring of the sight of blind per- sons and the curing of cripples. Each case is declared to be sup- ported by medical testimony, but the details will not be published until the exhibiton of the relic is finished. Awl so it turned out that the cry of 'Yankee gold' raised by the Conservative heelers against the Canadian Reform,-' at the last election was merely :t scheme to disguise the fact that t is Chap - loan committees in Montreal had secured supplies of the aforesaid 'Yanked gold' from the New York firms whose presses were purcbas-.. ed for the government bureau. Intelligent and patriotic . Cana- dians will know what the cry of American money means when it is raised hereafter.—Ottawa Free Press. One of the strangest of mal- forrned human creatures has ar- rived at the barge office, New York. He is the son ofa Hun- garian named John Ginsler, an immigrant, who arrived with his wife and five children yesterday. , The boy's head is remarkably like that of' a monkey, having all the peculiarities of that animal, of teeth, nose, oyes, hair, etc. Ile is said to bo 10 years old, but his body is no largos than a child of 0, with short arms and extremely long. legs. The boy is absolutely, without intelligence ,tihd chatters The last act in conneetion with the Central Bank liquidation was performed on Tuesday, when the assets of the defunct institution, amounting nominally to nearly a million dollars, were sold for $45- 000. This enables the liquidators to -pay an additional 24 per cent., making a total dividend of ninety- nine and one-third cents on the dollar. Mr David Ferguson, of Napier, was severly injured the other morning by his bull. It appears he was out in the field where the animal was, when the animal made a rush at Mr F., pitching him several feet into the air, and after his descent began attacking him again. The man's cries at- tracted the attention of one of his neighbors who came at once to his assistane, thus, no doubt sav- ing Mr F's life. The majority report of the Cochrane Committee presented to Parliament on Tuesday exonerates Mr Cochrane M. P., from comp plicity • in selling Government offices, holding that bis connection with the a::o.ea has not been pro- ui.nu; it report ve,l. They po con- tends that 1;,0 Conservative organ- izers of the riding would not have negotiated these sales if they had not been inspired by Mr.Cochrane, and contend that the charges have been proven. Sooner or later political rascals must come to grief. Time is not on their side. The future does not belong to them, and why should good men in the Govern- ment try to conceal truths that might hurt unworthy colleagues? If the truth can hurt Coapleau or Langevin they deserve to be butt. Public rneu who try to vent the expos.;re of high crime bring upon themselves, the cen- sure that might be monopolized by rascality. Canada wants to see political sin punished. If the Dominion Government chooses to go down with Langevin hod Chap- man rather than help shove them into the gulf alone, tbut is its lookou .—Toronto Telegram. Noplo Wonder .' (1I 1 HEN they find how rapidly health V Y is restored by taking Ayer's Sar- saparilla. The reason is that this , preparation contains only the purest and most powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of life Mrs. Jos. Lake, Brockway Centre, Mich., writes : "Liver complaint and Indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered un- told agony. I was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed me, and only the most deli- cate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving relief. Noth- ing that I took seemed to do any per- manent good until I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which bas pro- duced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsaparilla I could see an Improvement In my condition, my appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength improved each day, and alter a few months of faithful attention to your direction% I found myself a well woman, aide to attend' to all household duties. The medicine has given me a new lease of life, and I cannot thank you too much." "We, the undersigned, citizens of Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs, Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to full credence." --0. P. Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, 0. A. Wells, Druggist. "My brother, in England, was, for a long tinge; unable to attend to his oceu- nation, by'reason of sores on hie foot. I sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained induced him to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 'After using it a little while, he was cured, and is now a well man, working in a sugar mill at Brisbane, Qileensland, Australia."— A. Attaawell, Sherbet Lake, Ontario. Ayer's S PItztAitzt i,v Dr: J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ,,r1,1,0•111; cit bottles,$5. Worth 46 a bottle. coatintlalry. • Muss" "vie Ileth The „ _ of tritint► t the *oval irtaticall sal ' AI ilo0or4in$ 19. tl>A list 0101 fid. tta>r Cf Tlca? kP!.tigioi2 deltag batt . ' GotngWegt 7.4a ,a.m. ..i.9.OQ, aura.. 2.89 P`,tr;.,:i . , ;1.28 p.m. 6 P 4.6 pini. 0.40 p,in. 9-112 p.m. London, Urt and Bruce Division. floing North . 0o4,g.11otlth ate. P.M,atim., ,p.m Wingha +.1.'00, 7.50 , 0,45 °3;20 Belgrave:.0 10,42 7,2''. 7.09 8,46; . Blyth,,., .10.2.8 7.12 7,14 4,05 Londesboro.10.19 7.03 7,22 4.1.9 Clinton .., .10.05 6.50 '/.40 4,46 8racefielel, . 9.42 6.26 .8,15 .5,04 Sippers ,,,, 9.34 6.17 8.24 5,12 Hensall. , .. 9,28 6,09 8.32 .6.X9 Exeter .,. 9.16 5.57 8.50 6.38 London.... 8.Q5 4,25 10.15 6,45 CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from. prao- tice, having had placed in his hands by an East" India mresionary the formula 'of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat. and Leng Affections, also a positive and radical erre or Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints after having tested its wonderful oura- tive powers in thousands of oases, has felt it hie duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Atitnatod by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all whodesire it, this recipe, in German French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. News, 820 Powers' Block hoohester, N. Y. June 19-91-y. Sanitary Pumbing AND . HEATING A LECK SAUNDERS GODERICH --e e LATEST METHODS. PARTIC- ULAR ATTENTION PAID TO SANITATION AND VENTILATION. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS CAREFULLY PS EPARED tiLext epairing Promptly Attended,to Three trains daily. Telephone No 28. Correspondence solicited B7'4?R11:1J'7VI Clearing Sale -Heavy Disoout[ Slaughter of a lot of STONEWARE Slaughter of BOOTS & SHOES -Slaughter of P - aper Collar c A, per b Slaughter of SUMMER, HATS Slaughter of SUMMER PRINTS GRANULATED SUGAR 18 lbs for $1 C.: APFEE SUGAR 20 lbs for $1 BROWN SUGAR 22 lbs fo These prices for cash or trade Butter 13 to. 14c. Eggs 11c. R. ADAMS. LONDESBOR ASH! HAVE You EVER THOUGHT WHAT THIS MEAS TO YOU? GROCERIES Glassware Crockery, AT HARD TIMES PRICES' FOR CASH OR TRADE J. W. I R -VVI N 9' THE NOTED GROCER. y �fsg Sole Agent for Ram Labs Pure IndianT THE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLE SCOTT' 8 ULSIOI of par 6 Cod Liver 011 with Hypo- phosphltea of Lime and Soda Is almost aa palatable as milk. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It le Indeed, and the little lads and Wastes who take cold easily, may be fortified against a cough that might prove serious, by taking Scott's Emulsion after their meals during the Writer season. Be,oare of subs.{tutions and imitations. SCOTT & DOWSE, Belleville. FOR Insect Stings Sore Eye Eruptions Sore Feet Soreness ChafiL;-1g;`' /./�•�^.� .:,- Vit.• VVBrfr1. i'�•r•�:' Sp,4:4 yt Bei r Cu P1 tetsst ernaie 1:rc`r..�Q • osjjujto Bites 5tr' , t* a'rni'mation R FAEllieSX_ITUTES BCi UR to 'Oa[Ti.S ,ftA W0113 j, ��1NR 1phEit tl[f KS.I,IWIN I8 I t11 MANUFACtesato ONLY e POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY, FIFTNAVE4NEw'1i0Rlt. ' .-• Spectacles and Eye Glasses are the only genuine English Art icier iurthe Canadian' mbtket sn d been reed v r an recommends by and testimonials have odfrom the Presidents of the Medical As ciatien of Canada, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec and scores of the best physicians. Onrano. The B Laurence patent test card used mall cases and gaaranteed to fit a accurate] any machine We guarantee satisfaction For sale only at. COt.)Il'ER'S 13001KS9Ir+C>t1�IJ++ CLINTON. Rumball's Carriage Factory. Huron Street, Clinton Do you want a first-class COVERED or OPEN BUGGY, got up with the very best material and finished in a workmanlike manner; or do you wanted daisy, easy -riding ROAD OART; or even an excellent, well-built LUMBER \t'AGGON or DEMOCRAT; because if you do, come and see the subscribers who will supply your wants on very reasonable terms. We do not allow any slouch work, or poor material to be used, so that people may rely on getting an article just as it is represented to be. FINE BUGGIES our specialty. REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended to. F. RUM$ 9`L11_4, CLYNTON ca"°n Walton & Morrison FOR A �6W TLL avoAT NIL MT Fit Guaranteee or No Sale. Walton : & Morrison, Remeplmaceber the } . SMI H'SCBLaCK. CLINON Opposite Cooper's Book rtoro D'Avignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face nd - hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. ttis an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thiseuperier pre- aation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion aions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, 001- ores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In ehort D'Avroxor's CREAM or WITCH-HAZELis at once a remedy and a preventfor very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Pride 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by JAMES H. cot irn , CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. Order your printing' at the New Era office, where it is done in city style and__ at the lowest prices. CD0 11-101:ROM i I xtra, `Value Wi11 be given. in all lAines for the month of May 1'43I3, CASH And all 1890, or previous accounts, not otherwise agreed upon, that are not settled during May, will be placed i h other hands for collection. 0E08 NEWTON 6. • LONDE$CtioRo