HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-25, Page 5f , . . / ' 111r r il1r Wheat pry . r Q 851 A 05 to blow, but All that wo. ilk iA tar yn to oomo to ourr,tore .ti"r►t+r.................... 0 Efi it 0 $6 'ben you, vet too Burda C3etltral Fair d a-rr�7'''''.'''''"'":::'„ Q !1r A /I� Al '� �oaOnrbeiautiful�•, ....,...R.l,..4 66. 0'. fitOAlz of 0 per bal..... • ...... 6 b0 A 6 O0 " : Bnttar•................ 0 14 A 0 10 } , . r ..:............ ...sR 01x 14 o s ..w..,..r...,,..,..,....0 18 l~ 0. 16 wll Pork ..•...,,•*., • ...t6006626 , Re�y.,.,.,,.,....., ...-'9 00 r 8.00 wkl" be countyfor rj a Rf4rlf mansi� Hidea, No, 1 trimmNl ... 0 00 a 000. .. ioh is not ;iu t. Aa111,y ap4'beailti udesigns,t ldaa, xQn�h.,..�.....,. o 60 s $ `d!i Sheep OpSkims• ,,.,,...,,, 0 60 a 460 dl P er ayeed ALL .4it co ... " � Ali lea, per�besg. . p 30 a . 60 -° ' English Spavin} Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused. Lampe and geed Cheap 4e. 'eltery ,store,- Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, ' Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,'TEI4g11IQWF �', ,� C 4N ,° C 1c u rbs, 11ton Stifles; 8prsins, Boyo and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc, Save 350 by use' of one bottle. Warranted the most vivJu i, i S i/f7 ii W ; " ran► , -.., s- rS.,1I OU1d 01 To the Fair next week, n you do come and see what we can do for you. e a fine stock, and we can suit you whether it is ered Suit or a Ready Made Suit. We are open- this week another lot of NEW GOODS that we offer- at very low prices. Come and see us when you are, in THOMAS JACKSON, SR. Huron Street? Clinton wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J H Combe. FALL FAIRS. Northwestern, Wingham, Sept 29 and 30. . North Perth, Stratford, Oct 1 and 2. Northern,Walkerton,Sept 29 to Oot 2. East Wawanosh,Belgrave, Oct 6 and 7. Huron Central, Clinton, Sept 28, 29 and 30. Bast Huron, Brussels, Oct 1 and 2. Stanley, at Bayfield, Oct. 6-7 Palmerston, Sept. 28 and 29. Seaforth, Oct. 1 and 2. Blyth, Oct. 8 and 9, Butchering Business To' the Public. Subscriber having bought out the business so successfully conducted by Mr Couch, solicits a continuance of the liberal patron- age bestowed on his predecessor. No pains or expense will be spared to prooure the very best meats, and orders will be promptly and carefully filled. The busineae will still be conducted at the same stand as heretofore. Highest price paid for Hies, Sheepskins, tiro. J fMES A. FORD. uron Central Exhibition en you visit our Exhibition, or at any other time, do not leave town without g at our store and seeing the bargains we are offering. We are reducing our k and CLEARING OUT SOME LINES AT COST and under We quote a few prices :- 2.50 Boilers, No. 9, our own make, reduced to $1,75 ,,'x,.25 Tea Kettle, No. 9, our own make, reduced to .75 .50 Dish Pans, our own make, reduced to - - .25 50 Pails, our own make, reduced to - ;'`; .35 Pails, our own make, reduced to - - .25 Wash Basins, our own make, reduced to .35 Oil Cans, our own make, reduced to - :x.20 Dipper, our own make, reduced to - .50 Teapots, our own make, reduced to 50 Coffee Pots, our own make, reduced to .35 .25 .15 .25 .10 .25 .25 Grindstones, Platform Scales, ?lowCastings, Window Shades, Ready Mixed Paints, &c Vo be cleared out at cost and under. In fact we have several lines of goods we are closing out at cost. Call and see us. W GOODS we have JUST RECEIVED ,They have been bought in the best markets, and will all be sold at reasonable prices, such as Cu lery, Scissors and Razors, Gold Medal Carpet Sweep- ers, Table Lamps, Brass, Hall and Hanging Lamps, Also the celebrated Pittsburgh Lamp, equal to Electric light, and at less than half the cost. ;coop Shovels, new Improved Lanterns, Pumps and Sinks, Clothes Wringers. Try our FLINT CHIMNEYS, only 8 and 100. DNE CAR ROCK OIL SPLAY OF STOVES. Why use common oil, that will explode, when we can give you Rook Oil at the same price. • SEE OUR DI I ;4 We have a full line of all the leading Stoves in the Dominion, and we intend to run them off at reduced prices. BOT AIR :FURNACES A SPECIALTY 00ALWe can furnish the BEST SCRANTON COAL this month at reduced prices. Give ns a call. HARL.L&ND, BRO. IRON d; HARDWARE, STOVES & TIN `Vali E, CLINTON, ONT. C.,..S) .�2� a iiia aY.2l _ala 4Gi• 46i. 6i 40.G4 ra Via 're `U'' -ZD- i9 - - Z s--i%G514 a i2 lit: THE RELIABLE ORGANIIAM OEALE G, F- OAKES, ., x:417.-.,4,. ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave SELLS PIANO -CASED ORGANS Best makes of PIANOS:,'' 'Second hand ORGANS to rent RENTSPIANOS for rent PIANOS carefully moved PIANOS packed for shipping i .,..; Organs repaired and retuned AIRSPiano Tuning attended to Sheet Music&Books ordered Shop on. Main Street Residence on James Street Box 11, Clinton Send for catalogue C. F. 01410Es, CLINTON NEM G,,9 a' e.) 6:. 61. 61 0140 .4 Clinton Collegiate Institute Notice. At the last meeting of the Clinton Colleg- iate Board it was resolved that the fees for pupils residing outside the County and those residing in town shall be the same as those fixed by the County Council for County pupils, viz: Fell Term : $2, $3, and $4, according to room Spring Term : $2,12.50 and $3, " Midsummer Term:, $2, $2.50and $3 " " According to School law Fees mustbe paid in advance. W. H. HINE, Secretary. Lobb's Starch Enamel This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. H you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and Olean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box If yon want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, Duffs, lace curtains, eto., buy a box. PRICE 15 CENTS. to -Every Storekeeper keeps it Mow, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to repersent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, Holmesvill e Ckic ZiedWheat EARLY RED CLAWSON, one of the best and earliest Winter Wheats grown. Price $2. VELVET CHAL,F, another new va- riety of wheat, price $2 Plenty of GRASS SEED on band JAMES STEEP, Seed Dealer, Clinton WANTS. Wanted. -Purchasers for 150 toes No. 1 Coal. -Stove and ohesnnt. Orders left at Swallow's grocery well re- ceive prompt attention. Wanted, -1000 Cords wood delivered at the Clinton Salt Works. JOHN McGARYA. —THE — Standard Life ASSURANCE CO. Established 1826. Total Sum Assured. $104,655,491 Invested Funds ....... ..... :1........ 36,444,640 Investments in Canada, over.... 6,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN CANADA. JAMES A. (JILLEsPIE, Esq., Chairman. SirA.T.Galt,G.0.M.G, E.B.Greenshields, Esq Hon,J.J.C.Abbott,Q.C. Sir Joseph Hickson. W. M. RAMSAY. Manager, CHARLES HUNTER, Supt. of Agencies. E. W. BURLEY, Insppector, Stratford District CLINTON ONT The .Exeter Fall Show, PRIZE MEDALS. —o- 48 the South Huron Fall show to be held at Exeter on Monday & Tuesday Sept. 28-29, The following Prize Medals given by the Ontario Agricultural and Arts Association, will be offered for competition in addition to the premiums mentioned in the regular published prize list, viz: For the best herd of cattle any brood, said herd to consist of 4 females and a bull, -a silver medal. For the best Pen of sheep of any breed, -pen to con- sist of ono ram, pair of aged ewes, pair of Shearing ewes and pair of ewe lambs, -a bronze medal, No special entrance fee re- quired to compete for the above. M. Y. MCLEAN, JOHN KETCHEN, Secretary. President. - _ Canadiall Pacillc Ry. LAS'C HARVEST EXCURSIONS From all Stations in Ontarioiteturn Rates to METHVEN HARTNEY MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH DELORAINE REGINA MOOSEJAW YORHTON 28. $30. GALGARY PRINCE ALBERT $33a. EDMONTON $40.0000 To leave all points in the Province of Ontario on SEPTEMBER 22nd Return until' Nov. 1st, 1891 Patties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to con- nect With the 11 p.m. train For full information apply to nay ticket agent of the Canadian Pacific Rahway. oW214414 the a' lirleitart 4'O%a a WON 104 0114 "44 - W ux.--In C113ntan, on the 1.13 the wife of ¥ Jobs Wieenlan, fit on the 10tb inst., the wt at r W�`5, Plewek ofAX13. PLUFt..,-Iu Brawls, On Sept. 18111,the wife q# Rev. W, T. Ohlff, 07 A • Elumxa:. - - Tn Sayileld, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr Robert. O. -Ellie**, of a on, MoLeup, Ia Bayfield, on the 22nd inet„ the wife of 10 Hugh McLeod, of a daughter. di� HAMPO STEvz ;sox--Maxrs.---In Bayfield,' on the 23rd inst., by Rev Mr Newton, Wil- liam Taylor Stevenson, of Oberlin, Ban. Sas, to AUss Marguerite E,, daughter of 1FIr Tudor -J, Marks. Divas— FTAarn.ToN,--Sept. 16, at the Methodist parsonage, elenallan, by the Rev. C. Hamilton, mitred by Rev Messrs Livingstone, Listowel; D. Moir, Alma, and A. E. Smith, Moore- fleld,•Mr Willian ;Irwin, mathematical teacher in the Listowel high school to Miss Ida Hamilton, eldest daughteti of the Rev C. Hamilton,, ohairman of the Palmerston district, and formerly of Londaeboro. McEsaoaan--Gulsox,-At the resi- dence of the bride's mother, on Sept, 9th, by Rev John Ross, B. A., assisted by Rev Joseph Mahood; brother-in-law of the bride, Mr Wm. 8. MoKeroher to Miss Isabella Wilson, second daugh- ter of the late Robert Gibson, both of Howiok. BALBTON—DAwsoN,—At the residence of thedbride's father, Seaforth, on Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 16, by Rev Mr Hodgins, rector of St, Thomas' church, Mr Chris. J. Balston, of Exeter, to Miss Georgina E. Dawson, daughter of Mr Edward Dawson. DORRANClt-HILLEN.-A.t the residence of the bride's parents, on the 15th inst., by Rev. P. Musgrave; Mr James Dor- ranee to Miss Ella Selina, second daughter of James Hillen, Esq, all of Moiillop. W ILxrxsoE-WALsn- At the residence of the bride's father, on the 16th. inst., by Rev. J. H. Dyke, Wm. B.Wilkinson, of Morris, to Miss Mary Jane Walsh, of Beigrave. TIED CALLANDEa.—In Hullett, on the 24th inst., Alexander Callender, aged 53 years. Funeral on Saturday, at 2 p,m. LOYALTY AND COMMON SENSE. A Winnipeg despatch says: Mr Henry W. Darling, ex -President of the Toronto Board -of Trade and ez•bank president, who is visiting here, talked pretty plainly in re- gard to annexation, to the Tribune reporter. Following is an extract from the interview : 'But what about our superloyal citizens who at any cost want to retain their citizenship and will consent to nothing likely to impair British connection ? I do not wish to discredit or minimize the impor- tance of sentiment in the slightest where it is sincere and honestly felt,' said Mr Darling. 'The Eng- lishman, I take it, is royal to England. He holds tenaciously to free trade because it is the beat policy for England: To Canadians he offers nothing he does not with equal liberty offer Hottentots and Russians. I understand it to be the truest form of loyalty that adopts this precedent and seeks out that which is beat for Canada. To the Mother Country we owe everything, and we shill always glory in her history, her tradi- tions, her service to civilization, and her mighty power. But if it is a condition that I am to man- tain a policy that has doubled my share of the public debt in ten years, that is depressing every industry not directly enriched by the enforced contributions from my earnings, that is compelling my children and the children of my neighbors to seek more favor- able conditions for improving their circumstances across the border, and that is generally re- tarding the settlement of this new land and the development of her boundless resources, then call me sordid if you will, my loyalty is certain to be strained. To those who prefer to remain poor but loyal, as it is here implied I give place, although 1 have very deep-seated conviction that my loyalty is quite as patriotic and consistent as tneirS." The United States Commission reports that polygamy is dying out in the Territories. The probability of famine in Russia is becoming more pro- nounced as the season advances. It is rumored that Mrs Birchall is in Canada for the purpose of se- curing her busband's body. The convicts in Havana gaol have subscribed $2,800 towards the relief of the sufferers in.the re- cent floods in Spain. Eu10ENI,F UF.rrcE 11Y1, -PED To take the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C; corset. This is just what you can do. You can try. it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. Ask your Dry (foods dealer for it For Salo by Estate Jno bodgens GOLD I.rcomae ilt The Forest citj, Business C011g OATALOC{t1BFBgua. - J. W. Westervelt, Prf41c1p4, TO >tEiT .OE FOB HARE For Sale A good business stand, on easy terms. Apply to W. O. SEABEE, Clinton. House to Rent. The premises at present o5opppled by Mr H. B. Evuns, Holmesville. Good acoomwo, dation for ordinary -aired family. Apply to T. 0. PICKARD. House to Rent. Splendid brick house,on Rattenbury Street, with every convenience. Rent $9 it month MISS FQXTON.` To Let. A e for al- most largeyy purpose, itus a directly opposite the market in Searle'e block. tient moderate, W. G. SEARLE. Cottage to Rent. The comfortable and convenient cottage on Rattenbur St. west, now ocoupied by Mr W. Mengel. 1E contains accommodation for or- dinary family, with all desirable convenience and will be rented at reasonable rate. MRS PORTER, Albert St. Clinton. For Sale. The to the cottage estate on f the late Thos Cooperert Street at belonging eent occupied by Mr Wm. Robb. containing 5 bed- rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen and woodshed. Hard and soft water, stable, carriage house, driving shed also the three lots adjoning will be sold on reasonable arms, apply to MRS THOS. COOPER . Pump Factory to Rent. The Factory lately in operation by MrJohn Ross, Clinton, is offered to rent on reason- able terms. The building and tools can all be secured and operations commenced at any time. Good opening for a live man. Apply to JOSEPH ROWELL, Clinton. For Sale. Frame House and lot occupied by Wm. Mc - Ivor corner of Orange and Dunlop streets, Clinton. There is on these promises good frame stable, well, cistern, woodshed, fruit trees, da. House contains 5 bedrooms, par- lor, dinning room. Hitchen and pantry. Stone cellar and good furnace. Terms easy. ,1.G0 MANNING & SCOTT, Vendor's Solicitors TO LET. Two stores in the brick block, Albert Street, Clinton, fit for any business good, stands, rent low, apply to HARLAND BROS. 6 Hardware dealers. Farm For Sale. 100 aures North half of lot 5 in the 8th con- cession of Morris: -Two Miles North of the thriving town of Blyth, Half Mile East of Coldar's Siding -on the In -H. and B. Railway. Good hewed log house and new frame barn 36 x 50 thoroughly finished throughout. 60 acres cleared and about free from stumps, Well fenced and drained. Title from the Drown. For further particulars apply to M. Y. KEATING, St. Catharines, Ont. 6 w Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his excellent farm of 125 acres, being lot 36, llth con. of Hullett, 27 miles west of Londesboro. About 10 acres hardwood bush, balance all in good cultivation; brick dwelling,bank barn 50 x 40, another, with stone foundation only 35 x 55, also stable and shed 30 x 48. Good orchard, plenty of water. One of the beat farms in Hallett, close to churches and school. Two- thirds down balance to remain on mortgage„ at 5 per per cont. THOS. MOUNTAIN, Lon- desboro. pd4 tf. For Sale - The Londesboro Stearn Saw Mill. The property of the late Jacob Huber, will be offered by auction on the 1st of October at 2 p. m. o'clock sharp. The pro- perty contains 5 acres of land, with dwelling house and stables, Saw Mill, 2 storey frame building 30x70 feet on good stone foundation. Boiler house 15x30, all in good repair. Capacity of mill from 8,000 to 10,000 feet per day. Yearly average of custom work 360,000 feet, with shingle and heading machinery in connection; plenty of lumber to do a large business. Located on the London and Wingham gravel Road and i mile from G. T. R. Station Six miles from the thriving Town of Clinton. Terms and particulars will be specified on day of sale. Executors S. B SCHNEIDER A M SCHNEIDER morass MISCELLANEOUS Boarders Wanted. t Two or three ladies or gentleman can be accommodated with good board and lodging Rates reasonable. For particulars apply at NEW ERA office.. pd 2i Seed Wheat for Salo. For sale a quantity of Early Red Clawson Wheat, said to be the champion winter wheat ; yields well in any soil. Is well cleaned. Call and see sample at Steep's Feed Store; also Velvet Chats. JOHN MID DLETON. 4 Teacher Wanted. For 0, S. No. 6 Hullett, holding r,$nd or third- class certificate, mate or Yemale. Duties to commence 1st of January, 1892. Applicants to state salary and forward testi- monials. Apply to the Secretary W. McCool, Treas. Londesboro. 2w To The Public. The u:i dersigned in returning thanks to his customers for their liberal support in the past, desires to state that he has turned his business over entire to his son Robert, who will continue the same. He is empowered to collect all outstanding accounts and settle all claims. Chopping 5o a bag if clean. THOS. TRICK. Baking. R. McLennan having started baking on his old promisee Victoria St. would like to see his old customers and as many now ones as would favor him with their custom. All goods ordered will be promptly delivered. lin Dressmaking. The undersigned desire's to intimate to so the people ofrOlinton and vicinity, that the has commenced Dressmaking in the rooms over Steep's) feed Store, Dressmaking, block, where all orders will receive prompt and careful attention. MISS POWELL. 2w Pig for Ser'V•ice. The undersigned keeps for service, at his premises. lot 12, 2nd con. of Hullett, e thorobred Chester White boar of first-class pedigree. Terms, $1, at time of service, with 0 oked ege HENRY FREgof EMAN oessary. $125 if $900. 8AgentsAg Ln A R Y andandwomenColnmissio�t to , Men - ers and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book. Testimony of 19leenturies to Jesus of Nazareth. Tho most remarkable religious book of the ago, written by a00 eminent seholars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Ex- clusive territory given, Apply to • TEE HENORV9IUH, OONN ISHINO CO stn. '4144 with M.h A grand assortment DRESS GOODS MANTLE CLOTHS LADIES Waterproof CLOAKS GENT'S Waterproof CLOAKS TWEEDS V EEDS TROUSERI NGS. Prices lean in buyer's favor L. Ouimette; I.UNDFBORO HUB GROCERY ' will be here next week. �4 a ask you to visit the Hub Grocery in- Do Te HuronCollirolin- stead, et �'II afe �l� d h grounds, and we will show you something to your inter- est to buy in the shape of BEDROOM SETS and GLASSWARB.-- They have just arrived from the old country, and are the best value for the money we have ever kept in stock. Also, ask for a sample of TIGER TEA, as we have ten pounds to give away in samples. -EO,'►�W ALLOW, CLIINTOJNN SC (ntQL • 1 00 S AN'� SCHOOL, SUPPLIES The very latest authorized Text Books, &c., for Public and Model Schools and Collegiate Instituto. Full Stock and Lowest Prices W: H. SIMPS011TS CLINTON This Is' H, Foster, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. 4131111111112. You could not very well tell that it is him, unless you could see his face, but you can tell his Photographs anywhere by their being so true to life, beautifully fin ished, and genuine works of art. Orders for any -class )£ work promptly filled,aual: at reasonable rates. t.la.�l�,a�aaaatt� g Our FALL STOCK is complete. We have tho best goods in the market, and prices are low Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for cash W • Taylor. & So* CLINTON AND H ENS4I► ;.:.: s. opt 1891 11 4 f