HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-18, Page 7all Jaen of n't be
*polka strength
areal tom,. bat all
may have robust
health and strong
nerves and clear
zpiucls. OAF treat,
mint makes each
Ipcn, methods.
' our own exclusively, and where
yang is left to build upon, the
�p� 1a a asily, quick. '
iKe o
ry nsnesli'
Debility, and all the train of evils
from early errors or later excesses,
.the result of 'oyer -work, sickness,
i orgy, etc,, forever eared, Fu,_
letrrength development, an t
p � d., one gig-
en to every organ and portion of the
body. Simple, ,natural methods; Int.
mediate improvement seen. Failure
impossible. 2,000 references, Book,
explanations and proofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address,
For le Jas H Cpmbe.
186 Lexington New York City, Sept, Ave.19, 1888.
I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several
tases,of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages o6
Phthisis, and have been well teased th the results
Brooklyn. N. Y„ Feb 14th 1889.
I have used your Emulsion in a case of 14th,
(consumption) with beneficial results, where paneaP.
could not use Cod Liver Oil in anyform.
J. H. DROGE, M. D.
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dec. 20th.1: s:
Icattslrougly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
helpful to the relief d possibly the cure of all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervus Affections, and a good gen'
eraltonicin physical debility.
l #YU �1 t aa,00, is
Irregahi t Seed mlij'sioa as gr. suptoot to
the Cod Eider Oil Enfii1ztoitsw eneral' in'tise.
D. A. GORY, N, M. D.
187 West 84th SL
New •York. 1:;'
I have used your Flax•Seed Emulsion Aug.Comppauad
in asevere erase of Mel -nutrition' and the result was
more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con-
tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession
at(d buntanily tlarge M..H, GELBERT, M.D.
Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00.
35 Liberty St., New York.
For e by J. H. Combe
Electric air Restorer
Restores Grey Hair to Its Original
Color. Beauty and Softness
Keeps the Head Clean
Cool and tree from Dandruff.
Cures Irritation and Itch-
ing of the Scalp!
r JMves a beautiful gloss and'perfume to the
hair, produces a new growth, and will stop
the falling out in a few days. Will not soil
the skin or the most delicate headdress.
Try it and • be convinced. Price Fifty
Cents per Bottle. Refuse all Substitutes.
Chemist, No. 50 King Street West
Hamilton, Ontario.
ARE NOT a Pts '
gative Medi-
cine. They are a
Tonic and RrcoN-
supply m a condensed
'1,•^.1 tl o substanoos
t;�.�lp nbededtoen-
Y t,u Blood, curing
1.i u •^nes coming
1 colt and 'WA,.
1.L )OD, or from
J..1':D HlmsoBS it
n i i on, and cls'
V:• •, tete and BUIL;
o lb.00n ant
,lore n by overwork,
;.i�•:1„d worry, disease,
'ex.• �:.ses and indiscre-
icv,e. They have a
both mon and women,
lrostoring LOST VIGOR
e nd correcting all
EVERY TEAR ` fl, cls his mental fact:
dull or failin
his physical power„ 1 ,, : •.•Ig, should take these
Pima. They will r; . -,.. :,:, lost energies, both
,hysieal and mon d:l.
EVERYWer: l� [.Toned take them.
1�C. '1'aoy cure all sup
'ressiona and ir1 =. which inevitably
entail sickness wb c d.
YOUNGYOUNGRE t` l :alae these PILLS.
d aK 11 cure the ro
stilts of youthful bac. na 1,... , thud strengthen the
Yshould take WOMB u d t tie them.
ONO.®i�d These PILLS will
make them regular.
- --rem tale by all druggists, or will bo sent upon
receipt of price (boo. per box), by addressing
Brockville. Ont,
• When I say I cure I do not mean merely to atop: them
for a time and then have them return again, I mean a
mdteat cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP-
SY or FALLING SIoaaasS a ilio -long study. I warrant
my comedy to cure the worst Caere. Because others have
fatted Is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send at
truce for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my tnfalblo
Mundy. dive EXPRESS and POST.OFFIOE.
1�1I:G. RooT, M. C. 186 ADELAIDE ST.
When Baby was tick, we weber Castoria.
When she was a Child; she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Coterie.
When she bad Children, she gave them Castorla.
,A i t ip i Pik.
78Mi's` 1 eery Wtwlyd' Beecher is
It[r Lowell left a $49,000 4/4.
ray Gould ,hasn't. read a news-
paper sines May. -
Mis Mo$ay has stringof
flawless diamonds tw vyards long,
Henry Irving's throat is again
as clear,as a ^whistle and .be is'
having a good time at Malvern.
lames R Garfield,of Mf'ntor,
0., son of the late President is a
Candidate for State Senator this
Miss Elizabeth B'
is . b _ . island is about
to be married to Mr Charles W
Wetmore, Secretary of the Amor-
lean Steel Barge Company.
Wendell Phillips' memory is to
-be honored in Boston by a publio
hall bearing his name. It is well
to honor such men.
Miss jeans, who bas won the
Cobden Club prize for anessay on
political economy, seems to be
true blue and a blue stocking
James G Blaine, jun., will con-
test his wife's appeal'for divorce.
It is said that counter charges of
the gravest character will be pre-
'The young Prince of Naples,
heir to the throne of Italy, is said
to be a model Prince, intellectual-
ly and morally. He is an only
child, and -idolized by his parents,
and a scholar and a gentlemen in
every sense of the word.
In England the woman doctor
seems to get along very finely.
Princess Christain employs a
woman as her -'physician when
her nerves trouble her. Her at-
tendant at such times is a well
known specialist, Dr Julia Mait-
The Queen of Italy is near
sighted and wears spectacles
sometimes, but her husband does
not like to see them on her nose,'
and he says now and then : 'Mar-
aret, if you don't take those things
off 1 shall sing.' The unhappy
woman,; ho heard him sing once,
tears them off with cries of ap-
prenshion. -
The whale blows water while at play ;
Trees blow in every clime ;
The sweetest flowers blow in May,
But wind blows all the time.
There's lots of blowing in this world.
Sufferers from catarrh blow their noses,
and quacks blow about their "cures."
Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy is the only
infallible one. Its proprietors back up
this claim by offering 0500 for every
case they fail to onre permanently.
This is an unanswerable blow at hum -
buggery, coming from men -of sterling
reputation and ample capital. Nasal
Cataarh cannot resist the potency of
this Remedy. It stops discharges,
leaving the senses acute, and the head
clear, and the breath normal. Of all
druggists, 50 cents.
[ie that 'does not think at all
upon what he. has to do, will nev-
er do anything. well ; and he who
does nothing but think, bad as
good do nothing at all.—Earl of
He who prays as he ought, will
endeavor to live as he prays. He
that can live in sin, and abide in
the ordinary duties of prayer,
never prays as be ought. A tru-
ly gracious praying frame of mind
is utterly inconsistent with the
love of sin.— [Owen.
It is the bright day that brings
forth the adder. Think of God
when the tempter says 'All this
will I give thee.' Trust not the
insolvent world ; it bas cheated
every creditor that ever trusted
it; ana it will cheat you.—[llan-
nab Moore.
. You will meet new conditions
through new men. New condi-
tions will not make old rnen young
men, with fresh, glad life within
them. This is the groat achieve-
ment of Christ. He makes men,
nYl through the men he makes be
-ac'eri the world.— [Principal
1' al fbalrn.
The strong life is the life which
gathers up all its forc9s to live in
the present The burdens of the
past and the future weaken by
taking away from the concentra-
tion essential to full activity.
Leave the past with the sovereign
grace which loosens us from its
disheartening weight. The fut•
ure belongs to God, not to us. To
day only is hours.—[Zion Herald.
New subscribers can get the NEW Ens
for the balance of the year for 25 cent
That daughter's purity is safe
whose Christian mother shares
every secret of her heart; that
son's character is.hedged about,
who has for his most vonfidential
friend a Christian father. They
are in danger who wear a mask
in the presence of kind parents,
and uncover the heart and inner
life only to those who have no
right to receive such confidenc-
es.—[United Presbyterian,
Pale, droopinggirls, worn weary with
a burden of disease almost greater than
they can bear shotild take heart and
suffer no longer. Dr Williams' Pink
Pills aro a certain cure for all thode
disease's peculiar to womankind. They
restore the blood,build anew the nerves,
and leave happiness and health when
used. Sold by all dealers or sent on re-
ceipt price (Sec n box) by addressing,
Dr 'Williams Med, Co., i3rockville, Ont
111 ,i
fie was about five ieet tM14
11,Cht , l el looked n oe
was mak 'gig atreuuolti and toils
ooeafuleffor'ts to rea4 A knothole
is *high board fence on the ',Outs
ckirtil of dew fork. A tall man
was posing, and the shall man
glided op to hips, ducked, bine
timidly by the coat and said ;t.
'ITate to trouble, sir, but would
you mind doing me a favor x'
'Notat all ;would ba happy
to, The small rear took him by
the arm and led him over, to the
'You see, •' said ho,. I promised
my wife I'd be home four hours
ago and beat a carpet, and well
rP , ,
I just want you to stand on that
rock, look through that knothole
up there ,and. tell me what is. go.
Ing on inside. '
The tall man looked rather stir•
prised, bat complied, while the
other leaned up against the fence
to await developements,
'What do you see ? asked the
meek man presently.
'Why I see a woman—'
'Scll ! not so loud ! Tall wom-
an with auburn hair, red face,
and wart on her cheek?'
'That's her. '
'Beating a carpet, isn't she ? '
'Look warm ?'
'I should say so. '
'Kinder excited, too, ion'
she ?'
'W ell yes. '
'Um, got her skirt up around
her knees, and the sleeves rolled
up to her shoulders ?'
'Exactly. '
'Has she got on a black bonnet
with a white feather, -stuck hind -
side before and tied underneath
the chin in a double hard knot?''
'That's just the way she's dress-
ed, '
'Was she using a carpet beater
ora broom ? '
'A hoe handle. '
'Lord 1 She's worse than I
thought. '
Just then from the other side
came a crack, a rip, and a snort.
The fence shook, and the tall man
almost tumbled from his post.
'Gee whiz I ' said the other,
trembling ; 'but she's got 'em bad
this time. Did she smile when
she hit that wrack, stranger ? '
'Smile I She sniggered, '
'That's all right. Much obliged
to yon, sir. That will d. I
guess I won't go in yet. Good
day, sir. '
Kinard's Liniment cures dis' emper
' 'tthtA g� eel* iced Ili^
rot hole it elemel+l. be o editf.
Ltt[ initel'1'igenna*ad tootedft"
The rapid introduotialn of elect-
ric street railways isleese�aing tl
demand :tor that papticular type
of horses used in that service.
They are having races on Sun-
day at St tiouie, 'wbicb is Ole sur-
est way to kill the sport, says the
Breeder and Sportsman. Baa
Francisco bad -a dose. of this for
twenty years and never'had a day
of turf prosperity' until. Sunday
racing we''s abolished forevei.
The utter heartlessness of many
horses r
b sown six _subject a of
u ec fre-
,s f e
quest press comment. The Horse
Worldi of .Buffalo, touches one
phase of the question as follows :
'Tbe frequency' with hick some
horses are run, says an exchange,
amounts to positive cruelty; The
case'•of old Mr Batchleder and his
horse. Woodcutter is in point.
This capital youngster has run 4t
races since the season opened, an
while. Colt of rare speed his phy
sical condition is such he has no
vim left. The Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ought to take this old man by the
throat. He raced Princess and
others the same way. There
seems no mercy in his heart.'
�bla4 trw gip, 1y 1111 tU
or the same plago, IA the Qourt o
justice ,for $1,000 damages for
flirting, In lanation of tilt.
strange laliit r Turner say's
'This la not a breach of pro
ease, but a case for damages.
don't like flirting, and Pm- ,goip
to show people that this 'eoantr
is a: very' unhealthy one for that
kind of business. I have been
fair with the girl, I told; her that
I detestedlrting, and when I
oommene(d keeping company
with her Ii told her. that I did' it
with the intention, of marrying'
her, awl 1 had every reason to
believe that she intended tomarry
e . y
me. Now she has gone to flirt-
ing with other people, and 1 in.
teedto punish- her for it' We do
not, know if Mi' Turner has the
'Rw on his side or not; but we are
afraid it would puzzle a Philadeh
phia lawyer to tell what statute
Miss Etta has broken, young
'men, however, will watch with
t Canadians investing in Hack-
neys would do -well to be on their
guard, as we have in previous is-
sues intimated, and the following
from the Breeders' Gazette is con-
firmation of this warning : 'Hack-
neys made to order ' is the sign
finally hung out by the English
Hackney Horse Society. It costs
just seven guineas now to registar
in the Stud Book of that society
any mare of any known or un-
known blood which happens to
suit the fancy of an inspector. It
officially declared that the Hack-
ney horse is not yet entitled to be
called a breed; it is merely a type,
and blood lines have little or
nothing to do with it. Regis-
tration upon this basis will of
course be estimated at what it is
worth, and this in many cases
will bet nil. '
Is it right for a man to work
for his pleasure on Sunday the
horse which has labored for his
profit during the week ? The
pampered horse that is kept for
pleasure alone is left out of the
question. Bat the ordinary work-
horse is as tired and worn on Sat-
urday night as is the average
workingman. He is entitled un-
der the divine ordinance, to one
day's rest in seven as much as his
master. Tbe owner of a horse is
the trustee of that horse and in-
vested with authority to use the
horse with fairness and modera-
tion six days in the week, resting
him on the seventh. When upon
that excepted day he compels his
horse to labour for his own recre-
ation is he not, though perhaps.
unwittingly, guilty of cruelty to
his faithful servant ? ' 'A merci-
ful man is merciful to his beast.' ---
[New Yol k World.
The most efficient advertising in be-
half of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that
which comes from the medicine itself.
That -is, those who are cured by it,
speak to friends suffering similarly,
who in turn derive benefit and urge
others to try this successful medicine.
Thus the circle of its popularity is rap.
idly widening from this cause alone,
and more and more are becoming en-
thusiastic in behalf of Hood's Sarsapar-
illa as it actually demonstrates its ab-
solute merit. All that is asked for
Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it be given
a fair trial. If yon need a good blood
purifier, or building up medicine, try
Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 m
A distinguished Egglishman,
returning to his own country af-
ter a careful study. of American
institutions, on being asked what
he had seen that was most unlike
England, answered: 'The wine -
less table of the great .middle
class.' -
Every saloon in. North Dakota
is closed, the result of the su-
prome Court decision that liquor
in original packages cannot be
sold in that State.
Kansas, with 100,000 more
people than Texas, has only one
penitentiary with 906 prisoners,
under prohibition. Texas, with
loss population and a liquor traf-
fic, has two penitentaries with
300,000 convicts.
There are now five Free
Churches in Glasgow which re-
fuse admission to membership to
anyone engaged in the liquor traf-
Of the 30,000 cr•nina's in Ger-
man prisons, 14,000 were arrested
for crimes committed under the
influeoceirnf intoxicating drinks.
And yet it is continually asserted
that beerand wine do not degrade
the Gentians.
Coffee-houses have been edtab-
lised in Eogland by business mon
on business principles. Sixty.
five such rostaturantsare successs-
fully operated along the docks in
Liverpool. More than 30,000
mon visit those houses daily, to
the justified detriment of the ever
open saloon. The receipts a-
mount to $150,000 a year, paying
10 per cent. dividend to the
I believe there is such a thing
as taking the pitch of Christian
in the morning and keeping it all
day. 1 think we might take sono
of the dullest, heaviest most dis-
agreeable work of our life and set
it to the tune .of Antioch and
Mount Pisgah. A.vi'olin chortled-
and strung, if something accident•
ally striked it, makes music, and 1
suppose there is such a thing as
having our•hearts AO attuned by
divine grace that even the rough
collisions of life will make heave
only vitll-ations,—T De Witt Tal-
Alex. McKee, one of the oldest
and most respected residents of
Windsor, is missing, and his
friends and relatives fear foul
The Canada Health Journal
says insanity is increasing alto-
gether out of proportion to the
population in Ottawa. This may
explain the reign of boodle atithe
You can get the NEW
ERA to the end of the ; year
for 26 cents cash.
"Lige Mag!o"
THE effedt produced by Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Colds, Coughs, Croup,
and Sore Throat are, in most cases, im-
mediately relieved
by the use of this
wonderful remedy.
It strengthens the
vocal organs, allays
irritation, sad pre-
vents the inroads of
Consumption; in
every stage of that
dread disease,
Ayer's Cherry Pee-
, total relieves cough-
ing and induces
refreshing rest
"I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
in my family for thirty years and Have
always found it the best remedy for
croup, to which complaint my children
have been subject." -Capt. U. Carley,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
"From an experience of over thirty
years in the sale of proprietary medi-
cines I feel justified in recommending
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. One of the
beat recommendations of the Pectoral is
the enduring quality of its popularity, it
being more salable now than it was
twenty-five years..ago,..when_its_great
success was considered marvelous." -
R. S. Drake, M. D., Beliot, Kans.
"My little sister, four years of age,
was so ill from bronchitis that we had
almost given up hope of, her recovery.
Our family physician, a skilful man•and
of large experience, pronounced it use-
less to give her any more medicine ;
saying that he.had dobe allit was pos-
sible to do ,and we must prepare for the
worst. .As a last resort, we determined
to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can
truly say,'with the most happy results
After taking a few doses she seethed to
breathe easier, and, within a week, was
tint of danger. We continued- giving tlio
Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely
Well. This has given me unbounded faith
in the preparation, and i recommend• it
confidently to, my customers.' -C. 0.
Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind,
For Colds and Cotiglis, take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ma:
1 Price *1 ; six bottles, Rb. Worth $5 a botti,
interest the outcome of this suit.
You can get the NEW
ERA to the end of the year
for 25 cents cash,
Minard's Liniment the is best.
young, old, or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous,weak and exhausted
who are broken down from excess or
ovefwork, resulting in many of the fol-
lowing symptoms ; Mental depression,
premature old age, lose of vitality, loss
of memory, bad dreams, dimness of
eight, palpitation of the heart, emis-
sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid.
neys, headache, pimples on the face or
body,itohing or peculiar sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz-
ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching
of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere,
aehfulness, deposits in the urine, loss
Of will power, tenderness of the setup
and spine, weak and flabby museles,de-
sire to sleep, failure to be rested by
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,
loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit-
ability of temper,sunken eyes surround-
ed with Leaden Circle,oily looking skin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous de-
bility that lead to insanity and death
unless oured. The spring or vital force
having lost its tention every function
wanes in consequence. Those when
through abase committed in ignorance
may be permanently oured. Send
your addreav for book on all diseases
peculiar to man. Address M. V.
LUIION, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease,
the symptoms of which are faint spells,
purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip
beats, hot flnobes, rush of blood to the
head, du pain in the heart with beats.
strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart beat quicker than the first, pain
about the breast bone, etc., don positive-
ly be cared. No cure no pay. Send for
book. Address M. V. LIMON, 50
Fron Street East, Toronto, Ont.
subscriber having severed his connection
with the Massey Company, desires to inti-
mate to his many friends that he has been
appointed agent for the well-known firm of
FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of
Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all
orders in his line, as heretofore. Will also
keep on hand a stook of Wilkinson PLOWS,
Colter & Scott DRILLS, Disc HARROW,
and articles of like nature.
Mrh 20. 6 Holmesvilte and Clinton
'Tested Remedies.
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St.Vitue'
Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen-
eral Debility.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
and Paint Shop
Is stocked with a Select Assortment of
American and Canadian all Papers -
cent rolls to the finest gilt. Raving bought
my Papers and Paints for Sip it Cash, and my
practical experience justify I ,e in saying that
all wanting to decorate their houses inside
or paint them outside will rind it to their ad-
vantage to give me a can,
:'0p, south of Oliver Johnston's black-
smith 'hop, and directly opposite Hr. J.
Chidle)'o residence.
Practical Paper Hanger and Fainter.
Rochostor Starlassirill
Canadian Office —PETERBORO, ONT
WANT a few good pushing men to
801[ elan GRADE Nursery
stock in the Counties of Perth, Huron and
Bruce. Our facilites for growing the FINEST
and HARDEST .trees are ,now unsurpassed
SALESMEN and CusyomERs are euro to be de-
lighted with our square dealing and fine
:oods Write for terms aT ONCE, and secure
your choice of territory Sales for fall 1891
and spring 1892, begin May 1st. Address
Peterboro, Ont.
(Over 60 years in the business)
Tlio new model of tbo Eookford Watch,when
placed in a screw betel Case, will fill a eon
Nit want among farmers, as it is not dux
proof ohly, but very streng. The plate
which thy wheels work between, not being
operated by pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plata being turned out of
a solid piece of metal, with the edge left for
the top plate to rest on; it also being. pend-
ant or lover sot with +intik balance to prevent
breaking, making in all a geed tong watch
For a Parser
J. 131DDI. .CO11 H•
Castoria iiia Dr Sam el, I/tc ter a reserlptitog pili: z w
� P
and Children. It contai s,neithgr Opiltilu,, MQ JIJ
other . th Nart%oiia substai¢pe,, fib' Is a hu4,roj .
eaa slue
for karegorlos Drops, Sooth;ut t y>ritps,,a1i l Caatoir
It Is I'1eaaant, TO _gunman's_ Is, thirty:, >!., ...
Millions ofMothers. C foria,destroys 'Worms.111c:
feverishness. ,Castoria, regents vomiting- Son; • C.
coxes Diarrheen, and in;(itcastor.,
tQ.ethiing trotibkis, cure
Castoria assImlk ice eta
and bowels,
toria is the Cisiidacu'a .3?'
"Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil.,
Iren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of itci
good effect upon their children."
Iowel[, Deans.
"Casaria is the best remedy for eh' ldreu of
which I am acquainted..I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria
Stead of of tbevariousquack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby SencLaa
them to premature graves.,'
De. J. F, Snioaayoe,
Conway, Ar
"Ca: toric is so well adapted toe'.Slitjragl
rect ramend it as superiorteanyprpsiert
known to me." h ?a,
tr. A. AttetISR A.
111 Co. Oxford ¢t Brooklyn;!
" Our physicians in the Children's ¢rte
meat have spoken highly of their
once in their outside practice withC'.
and although we only have moong Pur
medical supplies what is known 'as mow-,
products, yet wo aro free to confess} oak es,
merits of Castoria has won I8-O:tQok.'oilijt,..;
favor upon it."
Boston,• MOIL
AIL,IN C. Burrs, Pr.o,
The Centaur Company, T8 P+Imrray Street, New Fork City.
Of the year save Sunday, we present strong attractions in every de
partment of our establishment. These,attractious are two -fold, bein
of superior value, and sold for very low prices. ,
Men's, Boy's & Children's
Clothing, Hats and
Furnishing Goods
Highest in quality, lowest in price.
We carry products of the best manufacturers; we have no oldood
everything is of to -day, fresh and iii the latest styli',, ; we never fail ?'
to fit and please. We welcome "lookers" as looker., and seed to have
our goods inspected and our claims investigated.
0-3330. C31-1.IASGOW, CLINTON
The undersig sed is now at
liberty to do anything in
the' way of
G. N/\11 -1'S
H01I:89 and
Sign Pa4utiiig ,
Graining, Paper
Hanging,Kalsomining, eke
At reasonable rates, and on short notice. Sation
faction guaranteed. Shop on Rattenbury St.
The famous heavy -bodied 0i1 made one
.A.SK FOR 1.1AR3DIN'E1 ?
Ail Leading Dealers in the Dominion,
This Valuable Present
Away with You
The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's,justly cel
braced ORGANS free, with one Package of Jame
price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing ar
Organ worth $196, for fifty cents
£heorgan will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store
Saturday next. A. call solicited from visitors to t
Great Huron Central Exhibition
Lowest Possible Prices fin' Cask
My stock is very complete in all the latest styles of sem,
sonable goods of the best quality, which I am selling
cheaper than ever to all cash customers.
Fg,a-si taken in exehansre.
Chas. Cruickshu
r' -