HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-11, Page 711111/trirrt? /Areas , old r LOST or FA MIR/ :MANHOOD, Elms rel and NERVOUS 1EMLITY, Weakness of BODY AN1Q MEV% Effects of Errors. or Excesses in Old Ar Yowng, Robust, Noble W- HOM) fully. Restored. HOW to en- large and strengthen WEAK VN- »EVLLOPLD ORG,¢$S and mos OF "OODY. , Absolutely unfailing I$0•1IE TBEA,,TA ENT—Benet tb a day, nen testify from fifty ,States and Foreign Countries. Write gent. Hook, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) FBEE. Addresse Emig MEDICAL 001,. BUFFALO, N.Y, �LA*SEED EHIUlSION COMPOUND ONCHITI S d 1:: Lexie gton Ave. New York City, Sept. 1T9,1 1 have used the F1ax-Seed'Emelsion in several rases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results, • JAMES K, CROOK,.M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th 1889. I have used your Emulsion in a case of i'hthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patiear: could not ust Cod Liver Oil in any form. J. H. DROGE. M. D. US PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th. lean strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpfulto'the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung, Bro, chial a>id Nervous Affectious,.and a -good gel end tonic itt physical debility. JOHN k„ TALMAGE, M. D. �i�FRALDE ,��t1pqnn.. N. Y.. vet. r'regdrd Flax 5et+d > mnlston as greatly seceder to • th$ Cad.Iaver 011 amultions drift ggeenerally1^rn iise.' ' D.A. 'GORTON, M: D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West fifth St. New hork, Atig. , I have used your Flair -Seed Emulsi6.1 On Com ouad in a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than' hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- t Cattails. 1 recommend itcheerfnlly to the profession and humanity at large. rAl H. GILBERT, M.D. . AT Bald >by Druggists, Prlco S 1100. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New York. For e by J. H. Combe moom.elivps rietrio }fair Restorer • Re$tores Grey Hair to Its Original Color. Beauty and Softness Keeps the Head Clean - Cool and free from Dandruff. Cures Irritation and Itch- ing of the Scalp I fr Alves a beautiful gloss and perfume to -the hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out in a few days. Will not soil the.skin or the moat delicate head-dress. Ftii.L DERECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. Try it and be convinced. Price Fifty Cents per Bottle: Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENT FOR OE NADA 1..- SPENCER CASE "Chemist, 1TNamo. ilto50nlg Streetio. West , Oinntar For sale J H Combe. UM a nertnh: an.. Goldin the Read co,`i:u., stages SOOTHING, CL1EAN.i. HEALING. instant Relief, Permar. ro: ,Cure, Failure lmpossibrr. ]finny so>callei diseases n. '•i.• symptoms of Calan L, .'• ache partial dot -, smell, foul brand., ting,nausea, t c• Nay, eta If >•'. any of these •, your here Ceti,. time in prucarit , ' BALM. Ito wan„'.' cold in bead+n'.,d . lowed by coutoc Nesnr, BALni is ' or Will bo sent post p. toriescs0 cents and $1 ,,,si FULFORD E, Stec.— E FITS! When I say r cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a tine and thea have them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a Ilfe-long study, I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving 9 cure. Send at once for treatise and Free Bottle of my Infallible remedyy. Give EXPRESS and POET-OEF10E. Ci ROOT, M, C, 186 ADELAIDE ST. FiT, TORONTO, ONT. 'Alien Baby was sick, wa gave ber Caster% When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Oil lien she became Mies, she slung to Uat,teria, Whin elle had Children. she gave them Castor 108060 ell n rent IA being made by.Telm 1t. rtlodwIn 1 r+ y,N.Y.,at work for us. Reader, n May t t In ne much, but wu elm hy u, t4i1y row to own *cm tri te• AGO any AT rl,t nn rt1, 1 marc ne you t(t Oa Nora egos. In any part of Aninrltn t ,r, lilt rommnnrn At hnlno,ft iv. Ing nal your ,,,,,mute o ler, : eOry nN •,1 t t, Ornt n Mt:t,fr .'!Vera x , tl rnr( yea,�ylbrnhlilny dvOryyfin ,sti vtl`f.1'iN+rwo Man :;e y1;1.F. Address at SIENig n + UJ., tti>4 LAdll, 1HAi:,f.. TRAs NWT SUo1,t. 'lYPNA&$# CUP ART on Iano a'r stmt 1' 311 T4LY.. It hosts eatnparath'ely nothing to live in Yeniee, Two trances and a :half ($Q cents) a day will keep a lean and his family veryy. decently, all things consider provided'his family is not unlim sled. Vish and macaroni 'aro plentiful mad cheap; and .he Can get lodgings' for a song. Beef QneQ a -.veek is 'all he .requires by way of special feast, and, alto. gether..-„.with a beneficent slay above him the daily #resh w Ate x s of the cural flowing around him and affordipg hit his nightly invigorating bath, with spacial drinks that he can get fur two mills a liberal glass, and the na- tive and popular cigar selling as cheaply, with shirt, trousers, hat and sash costing five francs, all told, and good fora season's wear --altogether there are worse lots in life than that of the poor Vene- tian, and few men seem happier. I went through a. lace manu- factory that is under the direct patronage of the Queen, receiving an annual subsidy from the royal exchequer. It is the largest in Venice, and is claimed to be the finest in the world. Certainly its work is unsurpasged. The establishment has a total of 5,- 000 employes in its various branches, the great proportion being young girls who may be said to be in school learning a trade. Everything is hand made, of course, there being scarcely any machine labor in this thor- oughly old fashioned, royal mis- tress of the Adriatic. I was shown some wonderful articles—scarfs, shawls, mantles, speeds, handkerchiefs, etc, some of which required six months in the making, offered to me at what I thought were ridiculously low prices. When I expressed Iny as- tonishment and askod how it was possible to dispose of so exquisite a fabric for such an insignificant sum the manager of the depart- ment—who has been in America and knows something of its con- ditions—looked sidelong at me and said, with an eloquent smile: 'well we pay our girls seven cents a day.' was St Mark's builded, the marvellous edifice that is one of the world's prodigies, with its glorious mosaic pictures—tnose subtile, variable, luminous chrom- atic triumphs are greatly beyond the coloring skill of the sublimist painters—its delicate sculpture, almost miraculous in fineness and grace; so was builded the Palace of the Doges, that mysterious perfection of Gothic art; so was builded Venice herself, with her unparalleled magnificence of churches and palaces, her masses of marble, her labyrinths of canal over which beauty stands guard through the centuries—builded on the principle of 'seven cents a day'for the labor that has made her the paradise of cities, the de- votional shrine of the. world's art revering pilgrims. ONE-HORSE SHAY. The peculiar feature of the "one-horse shay ” was, that it was "built in such a wonderful way" that it has "no weak- est part. " The "weakest part " of a woman is invariably her back, and "fe- male weaknesses" are only too common. With the use of Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription, this may be avoided, and women may be comparatively as strong as their brothers. Prolapsns,inflamma- tion, ulceration, periodical pains, leu- corrhea, dragging -down sensations, de- bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, de- spondency, are only a few of the symp- toms of weakness of the female organs which the "Favorite Prescription" is warranted to remove. ... NEWS N€TES W. L. Graham, a well-known London merchant, died last Thurs- ni,.1ht. A fine bed of salt has been struck at a depth of 1,540 feet at tiArnia. Woodstock Electric Light Works were partially destroyed [i fire Thursday morning. Mrs Mary Butcher, aged 104, died at Atlantic Highlands, N. I., on Wednesday night. The corn crop in •yr isconsin and Minnesota has boon practical. 1y ruined by frost. The Grand Trunk has declined Stratford's offer for the construc- tion of car shops. Minard's Liniment 'cures distemper Harry Bonldrick's left arm was shattered at Jdarmora by the ac- cidental discharge of his gun. William Bonter was helping kill a sheep at Marmora, when the knife slipped and cut out the young man's eye.' Melvin Turnbull, of Dresden, caught his foot in a frog on the Erie & Huron .Railway at Wal- laceburg, Friday. He was run over and instantly killed. The body of Fireman Couch, of Point Edward, whose train fell in- to tbe Burlington Canal on Sun- day night was found Friday three miles from the scone of the accident. The entire right .leg of James Groenwood,of Chippewa, was found in Niagara River at a point be- tween Queonston and the Falls. Tho man was missed last week, and a persistent watch for his retnains has been kept below the Falls. -.W.....til... Oce in a while a light occurs, says a S1;, Ionia oQrxespolint, spealripg of the Indian form of finish :light, and, it is a IiOVeI Bight to witness. One book eballon'ges another,- .to combat, ;and aocorn- ppanied by their friends to the battleground, each buck ie. strip. ped; to the nudity so pleasing in high cultured ,art schools among the palefaces and made to confront the other. ,,Between them lies a war club --a smooth, 1Qng piece of hard wood, seasoned by yeara of service, and regarded as a sort of mascot a Qt because oft lie. blood stains on it received during war. Tbo seconds of the , burly -looking duelists toss up a piece of bark on the wet or dry principle, just as boys long ago chose sides in'play- ing town ball. The winner picks up the club, and his opponent, folding his arms, sturdily plants himself, bending his head. It is the elub-bearer's privilege to whack his antagonist jast as hard as he can, and with all the vigor- ous pure maliciousness.- he can command, on the. bask. It is a foul blow to strike above or be- low the back. One blow is struck and then the man who has endur- ed it picks up the club, and his opponent is subjected to all the force he can command. So the whacking' goes on, and almost every blow is a knockdown one until the duelist last knocked down rises to his feet and refuses to accept the club from his op ponent. He has had enough and the party breaks up. The sever- ity of the punishment inflicted and endured by these duels is marvelous. The club used has a egged edge, and every blow brings blood, making deep cuts and fearful bruises. I have seen two such fights, and they are brutal and nauseating in the cool- ness of their proceedure and the appearance of both contestants after victory is won and defeat confessed. TOO CARELESS WITH THE ENG- LISH LANGUAGE. A clothing dealer, in Boston, adver- tised all -wool pantaloons for $2, adviq- ing the public to make haste and secure the great bargain, saying : "They will not last long. " Probably they would not. Neither will your health last long if you don't take care of it. Keep Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellette in your house. They are indispensable to every family, as they positively cure biliousness, with its endless train of distressing ailments— sick headaohe, irritability, constipation, dizziness and indigestion ; a marvelous specific for liver and kidney troubles, and a pure vegetable compound. They are sugar-coated, the .smallest'pills made, and the best, because tbey do all they promise. All druggiets sell them, and the proprietors guarantee them, and refund the price if they fail. M inard'sLinimentlumborman's friend STILL ANOTHER S WIN ULE. A swindle is being practiced upon farmers of Hancock and ad- jacent counties of Iowa. A couple of men acting 'as agents for a Brooklyn, N. Y., insurance com- pany go to the county records and procure a list of good farms encum- bered by mortgages. With this list they make themselves familiar with the circumstance of the per- son they have singled out and ap• proaeh him with the information that he is paying too much inter- est on his loan. They offer to lift his old mortgage and put him on a new one at a very low rate of interest, but to do that it would be necessary to take out a policy of insurance in their company on his buildings. If the victim bites the buildings are written upon for an amount generally exceeding their value at a very high rate. They get their pay in cash or in it bankable note in advance. The application for insurance is ac- cepted, but "owing to the failure of the company with whom they expected 10 obtain the loan' they are unable to get him the money. As a result the man has been in- duced to insure his buildings at perhaps double the usual cost, -Ind may have cancelled a better policy. New subscribers can get the NEW ERA for the balance of the year for 25 cents cash. A young man travelled in the hold of the steamship Colina from Glasgow to Quebec, and was with- out food for twelve days. 11 is physical condition is alarming and his mind is wandering. Mrs Lizzie F. Dodge, Secretary of the Helping Hand Association of Lynn, Mass., took umbrage at some disrespectful remarks of a certain Dr S. B. Andrews, and last Sunday morning deliberately kicked him through the streets. It is evident that Mrs Dodge has mistaken her calling in life. She should be the Secretary, instead, of a Helping Foot Association. William Carter, of McGillivray township, oqe of the most repected residents of the neighborhood of 'Clandeboye, was on Tuesday even- ing so terribly injured by his horses running away that ale lived but a, few hours, and died without having regained consciousness. He had hitched up a span of young horses with which be had boon ploughing during the day to a waggon, and was driving to a Y ne th Or b s when t got bot boy and his control, and as they ran into the cdi.tolf be lost bis .balance and fell betweot2 the wheels and wag- gon box. Ond leg was broken in many -places aild skull fractured. At Rochester Etre wonderful ?alloy Hanka lowered her relpprd to 244, 4n4 now .stands third' among trQttiag pietas Jt is stated that L. J.. Baldwi:n's horse farm in California is worth $11000,000 for the and alone,, there being about 8,00 acres ill the tract. YQU. an got the NEW EISA tO the end, of tiie, year for 25 eezits, cash, A, gentleman near Amite, La,, bas a horse that will not drip" from i the watering t e r. i cable n g of the mules drink first. He does not seem to object to drinking after other horses, but be draws the line at the mules. It begins to look as though Mr Bonner's $41,000 mare Sunol had "gone wrong," and it may yet turn out that the prospective, "queen of the turf, cost him too much money, or at least that he did not get what be expected. A man who claims to havekept track of the matter says that the chief reason vr?by a mule can always wear out a horse when it comes to a trial of endurance is because the former will always lie down to sleep, while the 'arses in a large number of cases sleep standing up. Oppressive headaches, partial loss of vision, hawking and spitting, are cer- tain symptom of catarrh. Nasal Balm never fails to give immediate re- lief and effect a permanent cure. Easy to use, pleasant and agreeable. It has cured thousands of others and will cure you. Sold by all dealers or sent on re- ceipt of.prioe (60c. and $1 a bottle) by addressing G T Fulford & Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Kentucky Stock farm: 'If there is any one thing demanded in horses now it is quality. The want of an outlet for the _poor and middle-class horses has sent prices for this kind away below the cost of production: but the increase in wealth and business has enlarged the market for pleas- ure horses—saddlers, drivers and coachers—and those which draw the loads on city streets, Those who want the former want the style, finish and gaits that go on to make fine horses, and those who are after the latter want only horses that can work every .day in the year and work a good many years; so that for whatever market we breed we mast strive to produce 'as good as they make em' to avoid the competition of the great mass of medium and Inferior horses.' S. A. Lane writes as follows to the New York. Tribune. 'I have tried many ways in my half -cen- tury of horse dandling, and I find this to bo the most convenient and expeditious of unharnessing and harnessing. First, I draw the lines through the near saddle turret and secure them with a single turn of the central loop; then, having unfastened the hold- back straps, I unhitch the traces and secure them to the breeching rings with a oosesingle knot;•hen after lowering the tbills, I un- buckle the throatlateb and belly- bands, unclip the crupper, and raisiud the breeching with the right hand carry it forward. gather up thf saddle and shoulder straps, and with my left hand hold of the beadstall, strip the entire harness off together, over the horse's head, and hang it on the proper peg. In harnessing I simply reverse the order, rest- ing the breeching and st.ddlo for a imam nt on the hoi .e'd neck, trhile placing the bit in the moutb and hue I:ling the thmatlateh, Pall the h:(rue.s, t,t the ruler, IOW— el I.)reech i.; to place; adjust the cl npper• hnekle the bellyband:: nil t he Joh is done. a IfT:11r.. lYlagi o," THE effect produced by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Colds, Coughs, Croup, and ore Throat are, in most cases, im- mediately relieved by the use of this wonderful remedy. It strengthens the vocal organs, allays irritation', and pre- vents the inroads of Consumption; in every stage of that dread disease, Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral relieves cough- ing and induces ..i �trefreshing rest "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for thirty years and have always found it the best remedy for croup, to which complaint my children Bhaverooklyn, Nbeen su. Y?bject."—Capt. I.T. Carley, "From an experience of over thirty years in the sale of proprietary medi- cines, I feel justified in recommending Aypr's Cherry Pectoral. One of the beat recommendations of the Pectoral is the enduring quality of its popularity, it being more salable now than it was twenty-five years ago, when its great success was considered marvelous."— R. S. Drake, M. D., Beliot, Kans. "My little sister, four years of age, was so ill from bronchitis that we had almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man and of large experience, pronounced it use- less to give her any more medicine ; saying that he had done all it was pos- sible to do, and we must prepare for the worst. As a last resort, we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly say, with the most happy results. After taking a few doses she seemed to breathe easier, and, within a week, was out of danger. We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely well. This has given me unbounded faith in the preparation, and I recommend it confidently to my customers."—C. 0. Lepper, Druggist, Port Wayne, Ind. For Colds and Coughs, take Ayer's Cheri'y ec oraP t !, plum E) ET De. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, trice ft1 : eta bottlt+s, $G. Worth $G a bottle., gentleman desiring' to teat the endaranee ora 'Yalta one 1,000 miles to a do( Qftrt, the cart; passenger sad: baf'ag'Q weighing over 800 pounds, says au exchange, The journey was clone in nineteen consecutive days, art average of over Iifty-two miles 4 day. The longest distance, sixty- eight miles, was covered on the last day. The road was selected at random, and led from London to York, Edinburg, Glasgow, Carlisle, Nottingham and London again. The horse was fifteen hands high, what is called 'well bred,' and returned home, ac- cording to the report.of the vet- erinary, no worse for the journey.' Sallow and leaden -hued complexions soon give plane to the lovliest piny -and white, when the use of Ayer's Sarsapar- illa is persisted in, and cosmetics en- tirely abandoned. Nothing can co-nn- terfeit the rosy glow of perfect health, which blesses those who use this med- icine. You can get the NEW VBA to the end of the year for 25 cents cash. Minardte Liniment the is best. ALL MEN. young, old, or middle-aged, who' find themselves nervous,weak and exhausted who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms ; Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of eight, palpitation of the heart, emis- sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headache, pimples on the face or body,itclung or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz- ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, ' ashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby musoles,de. sire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dulness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit- ability of temper,sunkeneyes surround- ed with Leaden Cirole,oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous de- bility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost it tentio t every function wanes in consequence. Those when through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cared. Send your addreav for book on all diseases peculiar to man, Addresd LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the bead, do pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positive- ly be cared. No cure no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LIIBON, 50 Fron Street East, Toronte, Ont. IMPLEMENT AGENCY subscriber having severed his connection With the Massey Company, desires to inti- mate to his many friends hat he has been FROST agent�Pfor thewell-knownfirm of Smith's Fans, and wiimplement libe pleased to flu all orders in his line, as heretofore. Will also keep on hand a stock of Wilkinson PLOWS, Colter & Scott DRILLS, Diso HARROWS, and articles of like nature. W. STANLEY, Mrb 20. —8 Holmesville and Clinton A�pIR� n 1 smmo;Li mem nqa Omni:91PS% yEa`-6115181- 2E 11;749 ScO ALLP�APER and Paint Shop Is stocked with a Select Assortment of American and Canadian all Papers WITH 'BORDERS TO MAT 1H, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Flaying bought my Papers and Paints for Sp3t Cash, and my rrnctical experience justifyy mein saying that all n ,.nting to decorate tiit•ir houses inside or paint them outside will liud lt.to their ad- vantage to give me a call, 3TShop, south of Oliver Johnston's black- smith shop, and directly opposite Mr, J. Chidley's residence. JOSEPHCOPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter. Rochester Starlungrio: Canadian Office—PETERBORO, ONT WANTa few good pushing men to sell man aaanx Nursery stook in the Counties of Perth, Huron and Bruce. Our facilites for growing too FINEST Slid HARDEST trees are ,now unsurpassed, SALESMEN and CUSTOMERS are sure to be de- lighted with our square dealing and ane 'Dods Write for terms AT ONCE, and secure your choice of territory Sales for fall 1891 and spring 1892, begin May 1st. Address THOMAS W. BOWMAN, Poterboro, Ont. Over 30 rears in the boniness) THE RIGHT The new model of the Rockford Watcb,when placed in a screw betel ease, will an a Ion felt want among farmers, as it is not dux proof only, but very strong. Tho plate which the wheals work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But bythe bottom plate being u p a o qq turned otic of a sold[ piece of metal, with the .edge loft for the top plate to rest on; it also being pond. ant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, making in all a good rong watch For a Farmer J. B.1 DDIiECOMB.1+ ic, is r. Sal O stor_ $ mrze>S Pittchees prescription. �pa�btp and Children'. It colataina neither Opium, 2Iw'phinea other Narcotic substance. It is 4711 3iaranless subatituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Csrstol It is Pleasant. its guarantee is thirty years* use 3Tilllioas of Mothers. Castoriu. destroys* Worths andi414,10,1 feverishness. Ost:storia prevents vomiting Sour O cures IDiarrltwa ::,ml Wind Coli;.. Castor:! relileyept Fr teething troubles, Cares constipation and flatulenlcV„ Castoria assimilates t;v Pod, regulates the stone** and bowels, giving I'ealt:Iy n-s:i natural sleep. Val toric is the Childrenl's. Fatiaca;.,:,--;:xx :,Iother's •Frieucl„' , Castoria. "Castorin is an eaeellcnLmdtcino for chil- dren. lliotheoahave repeatedly told aloof its good effect upon their children." Da- G. C. Osecon, Lowell, PZa.s. "Castoria lathe best remttIy for ch!ldrdn of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day is not far distant whenmothers wiitconsidcr the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of thevariousquack nostfums which tun destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other but -trek agents "down their throats, thereby scndiuu them to premature graves>" Da. J. F. Km/canton, Conway, Ar The Ce>atter Company, T7 M Castorla.. R :., "Castoria fssowell adapted to I 1.cc-cominend it as superior toany pre 1:COWG to File-" H. A. Ancusa,1f, rye;,. 111 So. Oxford St., BrookISTI.A , ,,, " Our physicians in the children's depl,ekn'C meat have spoken highly of their e>1iwfi:, c y enco fn their outside practice with Castatio4.. and although we only have among err.., medical supplies what is known as rem*, products, yet we aro free to confess ,th 4 Usk merits of Castoria has won us to lookwiti,, favor upon it." UNITED ):loseITAL . ND DISPrt Boston, At.I.uir C. $,ecru, Prea., array Street, New York City. ,C7--1R,Y' IDA:,, Of the year save Sunday, we present strong attractions in ever '',d partment of our establishment. These'attractfons are two -fold, bein of superior value, and sold for very low prices. Men's, Boy's & Children's,l' Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods Highest in quality, lowest in price. We carry products of the best manufacturers; we have no old googl3„ everything is of to -day, fresh and iii the Latest styles ; we never fail to fit and please. We welcome "lookers" as lookers, and seek to have our goods inspected and our claims investigated. �• G'L.ASCi-OW, CLINTON{ tee. a PAINTING The undersigned is now at liberty to do .anything in the way of C. �.1 1 ► r 83 and Sign Painting Graining, . Paper Hanging,Kalsomining, &v: At reasonable rates, and on short notice. Sattion• faction guaranteed. Shop on Rattei bury St.` LARD1NE MACHINE OIL. rhe famous'heavy-bodied Oil made only bg %1°UOLL TORONTO UO'YI1 USE IT ONCE AND YOU: WILL USE NO OTHER. McCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER OIL IS THE FINEST IN CANADA FOR ENGINE CYLINDERS. .A.S1C POR, LARDI:N- D ? --FOR SALE BY -- Ali Leading Dealers in the Dominion, COME AND TAKE - This Va lua b le Present Away with You The subscriber of -Teri one of Doherty & CO's 'ustl cel bratecl ORGANS free, with one Package �of Janne Watson & Uo's CHARM BAKING POWDER. price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing al Organ worth $196, for fifty cents C heorgan will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store Saturday next. A. call solicited from visitors to Great Huron Central Exhibition • Boors AND SIIOES' • AT TA,,, Lowest Possible Prices for Cash My stock is very complete in all the latest styles or sea sonable goods of the best quality, which I am selling' cheaper than ever to all cash customers. ' T-f,gu-i taken in .xehtitncre. Chas. Cruiekshan 4