HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-11, Page 6► , Poonted l axity '
fl'i?m St, Qatbarlpe,
With ve�y weep
the • i ehti,,party is deomedh
rk It will soon be wiped out
it+ten e% The Standard lips
lfi ,out,« -ons paper --and
but the most fertile
'ttatloll, and, the, ignoring of cerc-
facts could have' lead any
Pape to euoh a conclusion as this
.,salted by the Standard;-
fi' he' gotlet'llmont nQi't ha>g
t. Majority. bf 0, The by-oke'etibns
, will. aesft'elly increase that 'ma.
jority to 40'0 '50. iteilstributiou
neanit some ' o or 40 more Con.
t rvativ0 aeni arm A general-
'+ eeti0'i! tatti t'edIsrl'ibation takes
41ae$ tiova thdbubtly yield the
even)titerAttlee enormous majority
'of 90'Or0►)
"`i"il}lapis fret that the govern-
V'?hCfh has not a majority of 80 of
g'Atsellitlais.neither here nor there to
the Standard editor, and a better
illuetr4tien of counting chickens
before -`they aro hatched; could
bardly�'be'furnished than is sup-
iie' . ,,an t'he above quotation,
did tbo Standard stop at a
inajerliy , of 00 br 100 '(purply
iinaginar ) why not go on figuring
' Until it was shown that the coun-
t**, was 'so 'thorongbiy, satisfied
�yi*ltll'time (present administration,
" that it oleoted all Conservatives
01)01,119 -Grits Whatever. ' It would
liitebeen just as sensible as the
Ignyes''t'hat are given, and would
not•have indicated that the editor
Vas larger are ass than he
' 1
'Quite Unnecessary.
An Orillia paper contains the
fallowing advertisement
The undersigned having discovered
Unmistakeable signs of salt on his farm,
in, the township of Mara, is desirous of
treating with men of capital and expo.
, dance, who might undertake to make
per tests and develop the industry.
pply personally or by letter to Thos.
Murphy, etc.
We have no particular desire to
'prevent this gentleman selling his
farm at a good figure if he can do
'so, but the discovery of salt is no
inducement whatever to capital-
ists, for the simple reason that
any man who has money to invest
°'can come over into the salt pro -
t cing region and buy wells that
are already in operation, at about
'25 per cent of their original. cost.
!,Where are already too many wells
for the consuming capacity of
this Country.
Sola i insect r$ in a state of
mbiaturth,rity thirty initiates after
no. shell; •of Indian cern is be -
in used for the mapufaotnre' of
A flix ngae leews epet'!Vhasbed
in .Slrn Orallo soQ liar been at}ed
for libel by au, Indian.
: The Colgnibian' T ver is sQ
elep rat low water that salmon
lasing -:Can Qply be sueccaafully
conducted at. night,
It was. so hot in Mots in the
early part ()fleet Week that it is a
fact that apples were roasted on
the trees in some orchards,
A new mineral has been dis-
covered in Texas which is said to
be seven times stronger than any
other when made into wire.
A fruit merchant in New York
sold to one restaurant 18000 pine, l
apples for making pineapple syr-;
up for soda water.
Arcturus is 250,000 times as
large as the sun, and 11,500,000 I
times as fttr away from thesun as
the earth. Its diameter is 70,-
000,000 miles.
Lizzie Arnold, of Penton, Mich.,
weighs only 18 pounds and is 27
years of age. She has received
overtures from circus managers,
but her parents prefer to keep
her at home.
Mr Fredril;k K Rindge, of Cam-
bridge, Mass., bas within the last
three years given to charitable,
religious and municipal institu-
tions more thah $3,000,000. He
inherited his money.
The average skeleton is about
14 pounds.
The brain of a man is twice as
large as that -of''any other animal.
A.man breathes about 20 times
in a minute, or 1,200 times an
A man breathes 18 pints of air
a minute, or upwards of 7 hogs-
heads in say.
The average of the pulse in in-
fancy is 120 beats per minute ; in
manhood, 80 ; at sixty years, 90.
The average weight of an
Englishman is 150 pounds ; of a
Frenchman, 136 pounds ; a Ger-
man, 146 pounds.
A man gives off 4. 07 per cent.
cal bonic acid gas of the air he re-
spires ; respires 19,666 cubic feet
of carbonic acid gas in 24 hours,
equal to 125 cubic inches common
•le... -
Current Opinion.
. It looks as if Mr Mowat is the only
politician who can stand proudly for-
ward and say, "No boodle or crooked-
ness here,. "-Toronto News.
Best thing Hon John Haggart can do
is to take train at Ottawa, travel due
east until he comes to the edge of the
'Dominion and then fall off, in the beat
interests of his beloved country. -Tor-
onto Telegram.
'It is a singular and significant fact
that 'every public department. which
has been attacked by the Publio Ac-
counts committee has been found "sat-
' "ii ated with corruption. " And every
official against whom charges have been
preferred has been found guilty.-Ot-
• tawa Free Press.
Sir John Thompson, your genius can-
not invent a mixture that will be at once
white enough to suit Sir Hector and
black enough to suit the country. The
facts call for a thick coat of sable paint,
and the Government need not try to
dress knighted. sin in the white duster
,.:of' innooenee.-Toronto Telegram.
The Weekly Despatoh, an English
Radical paper, keeps a sharp eye on
Colonial affairs and just now is taking
a deep interest in the Canadian scan -
dale. In its issue of the 16th alt., The
Despatch says it is clear that "the
whole system of government as worked
by Sir John Macdonald and the Con-
servative party was based on fraud "
that Sir John has paused loyalty to be
"a badge of dishonesty"; and that "the
vote against commercial reciprocity
with the United States was evidently
got bybribery of the coarsest descrip-
tion." This is severe but true.
After• being roundly abused by almost
•every Conservative sheet in the country,
because he insisted upon an inquiry in-
to the Printing Bureau iniquities, the
Montreal Gazette's acknowledgement
that 111r Lister "has done a public ser-
vice in ferreting out and exposing the
boodling that has been going on there
for years, 14 comes as a tardy but de-
served compliment. But it is no more
complimentary than the savage abuse
which the defenders of the boodlers
pour out upon Sir Richard Cartright,
Mr M C Cameron and others who have
at various times exposed the dark doings
of the Ottawa boodlers and bunglers. -
Hamilton Times. '
Sir Hector could riot but have known
that, to put it in the beat light possible,
his management of the Publio Works
department has been inexcusably weak ;
yet with that knswl'edge and the know-
ledge' of the exposure that awaited hien,
he aspired even to the Premiership on
the death of the late Sir John Macdon-
ald. ' He 'obtained, we regret to say, re.
cognition for a Woe as a leader of the
,iparty in the House of Commons, but
soon found it necessary to resign fromthe
mitiistty, and Sir John Thompson now
shares the leadership with Premier Ab-
bott. The Conservative party can well
apace Sir Hefter and possibly some
'others as`well,-Stratford Herald Con-
If yon could see your own scalp
through an ordinary.m•agnifing glass
you'tvould be amazed at the amount of
dust, dandruff, and dead skin, thereon
a urn a]lated.
Thebest and most pop
at t) tiroparatio four oleanei tbs.,
jjP1BAYer,.flair "iiig6r. s . ..
Any person whohas used Poison's
Nerviline, the great pain cure, would
not be without if it cost ten dollars a
bottle. A good thing is worth its
weight in gold; and Nerviline is the best
remedy in the world for all kinds of
pain. It cures neuralgia in five min-
utes; toothache in one minute; lame
back at one application ; headaches in a
few moments ; and all pains just as
rapidly. Why not try it to day ?
Large bottles 25oents, sold by all drug-
gists and country dealers. Use Pol.
son's nerve pain care-Nerviline.
A small dog of Griffin, Canada,
is rapidly developing into a has.
itual drunkard. He pays . daily
visits to a bar and greedily. laps
the drippings from the beer kegs
until he gets so fall that he can
scarcely walk. He is a fat chub-
by little fellow, and staggers with
a good humored grace.
A Concord (N C.) mule, finding
its neck so gyvollen by some affec-
tion that it could not reach the
ground to feed standing, laid
down, and after eating all the
grass within reach on one side
rolled over and finished its meal
on the other.
A cow near Thompson, Ga.,
got her tail caught somehow in a
tree, and made trouble worse by
going around the trunk until she
wound up like a clock. She then
became frightened, and giving a
lunge palled the tail out bythe
roots. Afterward the sail was
found as described by the animal's
A valuable bird dog owned by
a Grass Valley (Cal.)' man was
recently shown a parrot. He
immediately 'pointed ' when polly
marched up in front of him and
said, 'you're a rascal.' The ter-
rified dog turned tail and ran
away, and is ruined for hunti ng
as he cannot now be indnced to
'point' at any sort of bird.,
A remarkable somnambulistic
feat is reported from Bath, Mo.
A young man of that place went
to bed with the idea of rising
early and shaving. Iu the night
be suddenly awoke and found
himself standing in the middle of
the room. He went to bed again.
When he arose in the morning•he
went to his dressing case and pre.
pared to shave, when on looking
in the glass, be found that he was
already shaved as neatly as any
barber could have done it.
Pxoffssiori is not godliness.
The devil has no flowing wells,
Pad .habits are great bars;, lo tha
devil's prison,,
fieevea's stairs M.@ ppvecl With
13ible promises.
LQVQ neper oorplains that itt.
burden is too heavy..
If you want to be a happy
Vhf le'tian be li l}aefl;l one.
itn xs not lost by doing wrong.
but by being wrong.
People who never look lip are
not much at lifting up..
It is hard to get people to look
themselves squarely in the face.
Anybody can feel religious
when they get in a tight place.
The man who entertains good'
thoughts opens the door for God
Trials do not weaken us. They
only show us that we are weak.
"What a pity it is that his face is all
pimples ;
He'd be very fine looking if "twasn't
for that.
Said pretty Miss Vere, with a smile at
the dimples
Reflected from under the nobby
spring hat -
As she looked at herself in the glass,
softly sighing.
That she has for the young man a
tender regard,
There wasn't the least need in deny-
for every one knew it. "His beauty is
marred by the frightful red blotches all
over his face. I wonder if he couldn't
take something to cleanse his blood,
and drive them away ? He • heard
what she said about his looks. It hurt
his feelings, but he couldn't deny she
told the truth. He remembered a
friend whose face used to be as bad as
his. It had become smooth and clear.
He went to him and asked how the
change had been brought about. "Sim-
ply by using Dr Pierce's Golden Medi-
cal Discovery, " was the reply. "Take
that, and I'll warrant you to get rid of
your pimples."
He did so.
His face became healthy and clear,
And next week he'll be married to
pretty Miss Vere.
a ton
II s•
The most efficient advertising in be.
half of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that
whioh comes from .the medicine itself.
Thace, those who are cured by it,
speak to friends suffering similarly,
who in tarn derive benefit and urge
others to try this successful medicine.
Thug the cirole of its popularity is rap-
idly widening from this cause alone,
and more and more are becoming en-
thnniastio in behalf of Hood's Sarsapar*
lila as'it aetually demsiistrates its ab-
solute merit. All that is deiced for
I3totsd,rs Sarstparilllt is that it he given
a fair trial. If you need a good blood
purifier, etheilaitig iin re5edie e, trir
Boa's BdrsapariU . '01
Miss Antoinette Knaggs, a
college educated young woman of
Ohio, owns and manages a farm of
200 acres. She carries on her
work according to the theories of
books rather than any ancient
traditions, and, contrary to the
usual impression about book far-
mers she is making a success of
her undertaking.
A Buffalo girl of an original turn
of mind has papered her room
with envelopes of letters she has
received during the last two years.
Envelopes of all shapes, sizes, and
shades, addressed in all manner of
hands, and with postmarks from
all over, with associations ranging
from grave to gay, from lively to
severe, surely form an unique wall
paper. But if that young lady
should chance to fall ill of some
nervous disease it is to be hoped
that her bed of sickness may bo
placed in some other ruom in the
A peculiar disease is, prevalent
among the horses in Colchester.
The symptoms of the disease are
inability of the animalto swallow,
followed by tcda1 paralysis of the
oesophagus, with stiffening of the
joints. The most disagreeable
feature of the case is the horrible
stench arising trona the diseased
animals for sone time previous to
their death. The doctors made an
examination of some of them,
and found that the oesophagus and
coating of the stomach were in-
flamed and the liver slightly dis-
eased. The tongue on being cut
open was found to bo in a highly
decomposed condition, and mor-
tification must have begun sorpe
time prior to death.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
IS the "ideal" Hair -dressing. It re-
stores the color to gray hair ; promotes
a fresh and vigorous growth ; prevents
the formation of
dandruff; makes the
hair soft and silken;
and imparts a deli-
cate but lasting per.
fume. '
"Several months
ago my hair com-
menced falling' out,
and in a few weeks
my head was almost
bald. I tried many
remedies, but they did no good. I final-
ly bought a bottle of Ayers Hair Vigor,
and, after using only a part of the con-
tents, my head was covered with a
heavy growth of hair. I recommend
your preparation as the best in the
world. '-T. Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky.
'I I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a
number of years, and it has al :aye given
me satisfaction. Itisaner.••‘;i,ontdress-
ing, prevents the hair fi.,. i turning
gray, insures its vigorous pi:'wth, and
keeps the scalp white and clean."-+
Mary A. Jackson, Salem; Mass.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
promoting the growth of the hair, and
think it unequaled. For restoring the
hair to its original color, and for adress-
ing, it cannot be surpassed." -Mrs. Geo.
La Fever, Eaton Rapids, Mich.
"Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excel-
lent preparation for the hair. I speak
of it from my own experience. Its use
promotes the growth of new hair and
makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor is
also a cure for dandruff." -J. W. Bowen,
Editor " Enquirer," McArthur, Ohio.
"1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past two years, and found it Wilt is
represented to be. It restores the nate
ral color to gray hair, causes the hair
to grow freely and keeps it soft and
pliant." -Mrs. 3k. V. Day, Cohoes, N. Y.
"My father, at about the ape of ,
lost all the hair from the "top of hWhe .
After one month's trial of AyHair
Vigor the hair began coming, and, in
three months, he bad a fine growth of
hair of the natural color." -P. J. Cullens
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
�W 71. 04CflC04T uFE�V SOIR
. $" dluaranteee: or 'Q .halo, M1 .
d' .ion •,cfc or $on,, 1
Brnpl ear tiha 5 MIH'S BLOCK. CLiNON
Opposite Q9o1.1er's
l)'Avignon's Cream of Wltcih-Hazeil
Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions anti irritation fromthe face tie
hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion,
t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistithe thissnperior pre•
aaation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion
tions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col -
ores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In
ehort D'AYIGNON's CREAM or WIToH-HAZELis at once a remedy and a preventfor
very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai"-
Manufactured by
JAMES H. CO1%113E,
Clearing Sale- .,.eay. Disco=t
. ughter of a lot ot STQNEW.4R4 ,
Slaughter of BOOTS &° 0 S'
� � SN . E
Slaughter of Paper. Collars, oc• per box
Slaughter of SUMMER HATS
Slaughter of SUMNER PRINTS
GRANULATED SUGAR 18 lbs for $1
CQF'EE SUGAR 20 lbs for $1
BROWN SUGAR 22 lbs for $1
These prices for cash or trade
Eggs 11c. Butter 13 to 14c.
Binder Twine 1
cc3i � F.. Binder Twine
CP OWINT 3 Ply F+ la,x
RED CAP Silver Composite
BEST PRICES -Call and get your supply in good time
Pico's Remedy for Catarrh. Is the
Beat, Realest to Use and Cheapest.
Sold by druggists or sent by man,60o.
E. T. Iiaseltine, Warren, Pa., 17. S. A.
lyer's ilair Vlgor,
MidWAltitn n'r
Dr. dr 0. 'Ayer tic 00., 1,oweo, oast.
f;<oi, 41:M4 tts Add 1'elitti418wii:
"How are yon?"
"Nicely, Thank Yon."
"Thank Who?"
"Why the inventor of
Which cured me of CONSUMPTION."
Give thanks for its discovery. That it
does not make you sick when you
take it.
Give thanks. That it is three times as
efficacious as the old-fashioned
cod liver oil.
Give thanks. That it is such a wonder-
ful flesh producer.
Give thanks. That it is the best remedy
for Consumption,ScroJula,
bronchitis, Wasting .Dis-
eases, Coughs and Colds.
Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon
color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at
Soc. and $1.00.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville.
Children Cry tor
Pitcher's Castoria.
Issued June 28th
The departure of trains at the several
stations named, is according to the
last official time card:
Grand Trunk Division
Going East GoingWest . •
7.43 a.m. 10.00 a.m.
2.33 p.m. 1.28 p.m.
4.55 p.m. 6.40 p.m.
9.32 p.m.
London, Huron and Bruce Division
Going North
a.m. p.m
Wingham ..11.00
Belgrave ..10.42
Blyth 10.28
Londesboro 10.19
Clinton 10.05
Kippen 9.34
Exeter ... 9.16
Going South
a.m. p.m
6.45 3.20
7.00 8.46
7.14 4.06
7.22 4.19
7.40 4.45
8.15 5.04
8.24 5.12
8.32 5.19
8.50 5.33
10.15 6.45
ATAny time
No. 10 Spruce Street,
An old physician, retired from prac-
tice, having had plaoed in his hands by
an East India missionary the formula
of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of Consump-
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and Lung .Affections, also a
positive and radical cure for Nervous
Debility and all Nervous Complaints
after having tested its wonderful cura-
tive powers in thousands of oases, has
felt it his duty to make it known to his
suffering fellows. Actuated by this
motive and a desire to relieve human
suffering, I will send free of charge, to
all who deeeire it, this recipe, in German
French or English, with full directions
for preparing and n`sing. pent by mail
by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper. W. A. NOSES, 820 Powers' Block
hochester, N. Y. June 19-91-y.
Sanitary Pumbing
epairing Promptly Attended to
- '0 --
Three trains daily. Telephone No 28.
correspondence solicited
Insect Stings
Sore Eye
Sore Feet
• w ,
rripvi its
Os u o. l3ites
Sole Agent for Ram Lal s Pure IndianT
Spectacles and Eye Classes are the only genuine English Ar titles inrthe Canadian market an
ar) recommended by and testimonials have been remised from the Presidents of the 'Medical As 'r
uiciation of Canada, College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Quebec and scores of the best physioians..i
a 0,nraino. The B Laurence patent teat card used in all cases and guaranteed. to At a accurate/
any machine We guarantee satisfaction. For sale only at.
Rumball's Carriage Factory,
Huron Street, Clinton
Do yon want a first-class COVERED or OPEN BUGGY, got up with the
very best material and finished in a workmanlike manner; or do you wanted
dnisy, easy.riding ROAD CART; or even an excellent, well-built LUMBER
W GGON or DEMOCRAT; because if you do, come and see the subscribers
'w ho will supply your wants on very reasonable terms. We do not allow any
sit uoh work, or poor material to be used, so that people may rely on getting
an article jest as it is represented to be. FINE BUGGIES our specialty.
REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended to.
Yo. RUMS t L4I.4, CY.4I1NTON
`i ThAr4GrAanfdrr 1i$i.Y V
PQ't16'S EX"il'iAcT GOMjiAt
� J�f'tt;1'It�lf:,'L'iN'ir1iHs,.
Pli ,•. ARVETt
The monarch of the pea field
Its succ ess proves its mer-
its. Thousands of them ill
use all over the Dominion.
In 1891 the New YorkCan-
ins Company purchased 20'
of the Harvesters, for cutt-
ing gree n peas for table use
and they gave perfect sat-
isfaction. All orders left
(Successor to T. Tipling,) or ,
will receive prompt attention
T. BROWN, Agen
Order your printing at
the New Era office, where -
it is done in city style an
at the lowest m pr. ices.
Extra, Value • Will be given in all
Lined for the month of May.
'0=-, CA.S1-11
And all 1890, or previous accounts, not otherwise agreed
upon, that are not settled during May, will be placed f k.
other hands for Collection,
(leap NEWTON 7 l„ONDL S IORt