HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-11, Page 5DO .QT'. Like to biQw,; but all that' we ask is far Toll to come to our stone when you, visit than Enron Central Fail,; and see our .beautiful new atgck of SILVERWARE 116 WATCIIE hicb is not surpass in the copnty for price, workmanship, quality and beautijll:l designs, OpkTi CO's Noted 'Cheap Jewellery store Ain" OENTIt4.14 TELEPHONE ENCFIANGE, Clinton AFINE IIT OKAREADIMADE NIT CAN 13E BOUGHT FROM Thos. Jackson, Sr Merchant Tailor, Huron St. At very low prices this month. We have a fine stock that we want to dispose of, and'you should come and see us for anything in our line THOMAS JACKSON, SR. Huron Street, Clinton • t Lnf'rOU M,a.B$l, Ta Qarrgeltiduvory Meadow Wimps. Thar eda ', Sept. 10,1.89*. 'Beit, OA or new,,,.*. 0 08. i1 .0 'OT :Beat lip;lil ' .,,........0 02 a 0.05 flaliif.•.........,.w 35 a 045 Tdnaprle ,...*..,, .,..,..,0 tii6 u.0 4$ Pea:.,.,*.,..j„,.f*fi/.R 0 6ii a 0 60 Fleur pea!laal,.,...,.,,t, 5 60 1 6 00 Butter ..... 999..........T 0 1a a O 14 +:1gg.,.,,..,, . ,,. ,....♦.4 11 A 01,0 r,Wool*. •.. .., .�.... ...,0!/11$ a 0,{1,3 nay . ,.49,1.11•,1,. pV, 00 a,6,.0(6 01) Hides, No, 1 trig tined..., 6 00,e 6 00. Sides, rough.....,,,.,., 8 00 a 3 20 Sheep Skins ..._ 0 50. a 060 Timothy Bead .. 2 00 a 2 60 Clover send, , , . .. 6. 5.4 a 7 00 Apples, per bag., ,. 0 80 a 0 00 MO, .- , NTRE.MARKETAL LIVE STOCK blentreal, Sept. 7—There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle, 600 sheep and lambs and 150 calves offered at the East End Abattoir to -day. There was an active demand for the best cattle, and anything moderately good bsonglit higher rates than on Thursday, bat thin scallawag dry owe and stirks were very dull of sale and,were rather lower in price than for a couple of weeks past. A few of the best animals were sold at 40 per lb, with pretty good fat cows and thrifty steers at about 4o per lb. Common dry cows sold at from 3o to 3to per lb, and the thin stock sold down to 20 per lb. There were no stockers bought at this market, but there were some sales made at the yards. Calves were in good demand at slightly higher figures, common calves selling at $3 60 to $6 and choice veal: at from $8 to $14 each. There were not many mutton critters on the mar- ket to -day, but the butchers did not re- quire many, as they bought liberally last Thursday, when there was an over- stocked market. Sheep sell at from $3 to 0550 each and lambs at from $2 26 to $4 each, Fat hogs are not very plentiful and prices are again looking up, or from 5io to 6o perlb. FALL FAIRS. *Northwestern, Wingham, Sept 29 and 30. Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept 22, 23 `and 24. Canada's Industrial, Toronto, Sept 7 Western Fair, London, Sept 17 to 26. North Perth, Stratford, Oct 1 and 2. Northern,Walkerton,Sept 29 to Oot 2. East Wawanosh,Belgrave, Oct 6 and 7. Huron Central, Clinton, Sept 28, 29 And 30. East Huron, Brussels, Oct 1 and 2. Stanley, at Bayfield, Oot, 6-7 Goderioh, Sept. 16 to 18. Palmerston, Sept. 28 and 29. Seaforth, Oct. 1 and 2. Zurich, Sept. 14 and 15. Hensall, Sept. 15 and 16. Blyth, Oct. 8 and 9. Seed Wheat for Sale. For sale a quantity of Early Red Clawson Wheat, said to be the champion winter - wheat; yields well in =safe Is well '. cleaned: Gall and see sample at Stee s FDe TON e; also Velvet Chan. JOHN4MW To The Public. Butchering Business To the Public. Subscriber having bogght out the business so successfully Conducted by Mr Couch, solicits a continuance of the liberal patron- age bestowed on his predecessor. No pains or expense will be spared to procure the very best meats, and orders will be promptly and carefully tilled. The business will still be conducted at the same stand as heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &o. JAMES A. FORD. WESTERN FAIR LONDON. September 17 to 26th 1891. The undersigned in returning thanks to his customers for their liberal support in the peat desires to state that he has turned has bu.iness over entire to his son Robert, who wi 1 continue the same. Ile is empowered to collect all outstanding accounts and settle all claims. Chopping 50 a bag if clean. THOS. TRICK. Lobb's Starch Enamel This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If yon want the starch to stay in the clothes on the linein spite of rain or frost, buy a box If you want everything to look like new, Ouch as shirt bosoms. collars, Duffs, lane curtains, ate., buy a box. PRICE 15 CENTS. l4Every Storekeeper keeps it snow, and Where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to repersent us. Manufactured bi! . J. LOBB, Holmesville CANADA'S FAVORITE BRITISH CATTLE MARKET Liverpool, Sept. 7.—There was a heavy supply of Canadian and -United States cattle in the market to -day, but., the general supplies were only fair. Prices were unchanged from those of last week, but the demand was weak. The range of prioes were as follows, cal- eulated at $4.80 in the pound : for fin- est steers, 12c ; good to ohoice, lino ; poor to medium, 10ic ; inferior and bull, 8 to 9,}o. Live Stock, Agricultural, Industrial and Art Exhibition Established 1868. LARGE INCREASE OF EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANOE EVERY YEAR. .1890 was good, but 1891 will be better. $25,000 IN PRIZES' Attractions, etc., which are being arranged for, will surpass any get propuced. aurt SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. Entries closed September lath. For Prize Lista and information applyto CAPT. A: W. PORTE, THOS A. BROWNE, President. Secretary —TH&— Standard Life ASSURANCE CO. Established 1825. Total Sum Assured., ..$104,655,491 Invested Funds , . 36,444,640 Investments in Canada, over..,. 6,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN CANADA. Jamas A. GILLESPIE, Esq., Chairman. SirA.T,Galt G.C.M.G, E.B.GreenehietdS Esq Hon,J.J.C.Abbott,Q.C. Sir Joseph Hickson. W. M. RAMSAY. Manager, CHARLES HUNTER, Supt. of Agencies. E. W. BURLEY, Inspector, Stratford District CLINTON ONT, The Exeter Fall Show. —0 -- PRIZE MEDALS, —0— At the South Huron Pali show to be held at Exeter on Monday & Tuesday Sept. 28-29, The following Prize Medals given by the 'Ontario Agricultural and Arts Association, will be offered for competition in addition `to the premiums mentioned in the regular published prize list, viz: For the best herd of cattle any breed, said herd to consist of 4 ielnales and a bun,—a silver medal. For the ;beatpen of sheep of any breed,—pen to eon- Bist of one ram, pair of aged ewes, pair of Shearing ewes and pair of ewe lambs.—a bronze medal. No special entrance fee re- ,quired to compete for the above. • IS f. Y. MoLEAN, JOHN KETCHEN, Secretary. , President. For Sale.. Choice 5n1IVIoat EARLY RED CLAWSON, one of the best and earliest Winter Wheats grown. Price $2. VELVET CHAr'F, another new va- riety of wheat, price $2 Plenty of GRASS SEED on band JAMES STEEP, Seed'Dealer, Clinton The Londesboro Steam Saw Mill. The property of the late Jacob Huber, will be offered by auction on the let of `October at 2 p. m, o'clock (3harp. The pro- perty contains 5 acres eland, with dwelling ;ykhouse and stables, Saw Mill, 2 storey frame building 50x70 feet on good stone foundation. Boiler house 15x30, all in good repair. Capacity of mill from 8,000 to 10,000 feet per day. Yearly average of custom work 350,000 feet, with shingle and heading machinery,in connection; plenty of lumber to do a large business. Located on the London and Wingham gravel Road and 3 mile from G. T. 'It, Station Six miles from the thriving 'Town of Clinton. Terms and particulars will be specified on ..day of sale. Excoutors 18 B SCHNEIDER j A bI SCHNEIDER Auction Sale. OF A Horse and Buggy. "!enure will be offered forale, on the mar- ket ar- k tSqudtie, Clinton, on SATURDAY SEP- "MBER 19th at 4 o'clock p. m„ a good Driv- , Top Buggy, as owner has no fur- oprvfitntsOshinapoedto months pal McLeod'e System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Fol Impurea Wda ImpoverishedSleeplessness,ndPpa- Bloild, D.ysp O p tati0llof the Heart, Liver Complaint, l'Tetiralgia .Loss of liemory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, tidney and Urinal;y Diseases, St.Vitns' 1lat1de Vereale Irregularities and Gen- eral Debility. U LABORATORY* 0O0tRiCN , NT. 8, M. uotiv,OD, Prep. and Manufacturer. Sold hy S. g, 'Combe, Clinton Tho ll!siogoneiic SVsteM t of Medicine I have been a great sufferer from a female weal: ness of loKf standing,and have been treated by several physicians, and have also been under treatment in the Toronto General Hospital, and all fade 1 to cure me. I saw a medical book ex- plaining the Histogenetic System, and resolved to give if a trial. I consulted Dr. Roar, who pre- scribed these remedies, and assured me they would cure me. I ha'd my doubts, but was de- termined to try once more I took treatment two weeks, and am utterly astonished at the re- sults. I am nearly well, and no language can describe how thankful I am that my life is spared. This testimony is voluntary, and I give It hoping that hundreds of my sex may try the medicines and receive the same marvellous good that I have. They are good to take, rind, un- like any medicine I ever took before, leave no bad effects. MRS J. FAWCETT 102 John Street, II'oronto, Juno;5th,1890. SALE REGISTER. Farm stock, &c, of Johrf Frazer, lot 75, Bayfield con, Goderioh township, on Monday, October the 5th. Thomas Brown Auot. Michigan Correspondent STEaLlxavILLE, Mion., Ang, 25, '91 To the Editor . of the Clinton New Era SIR:—Would you kindly allow Iris a little space in your valuable paper for a few remarks from .this part of the country. This has been a very dry season in this section of country, we had three months of almost continual dry weather, from April the 23rd, till July 23rd, as a result the hay crop was light, grain crops are light straw, but a good sample of grain. This place is largely settled by old Huronites, a great many from Goderioh township, and quite a number of them•Conserva- tives, who spared neither coal oil nor old pine stumps to make a bonfire when the news came in the spring that Sir John was elected. At a pionic a short time ago Mr Blair had the picture of Sir John A at the head of the table. I don't know whether it was to make the people eat hearty or to take away their appetite. Mr Blair used to be an agent for the Goderioh Star, but since the recent revelations at Ottawa, he has given up the job, and is now agent for the life of General Sherman. Now, Mr Editor, I am proud that old Huron had grit enough to send the right men to both houses, and with great pleasure I look on the Mowat government, little tyrant though he was, well might he hold up hie hands and exclaim, 'these hands are clean. ” Though a natural- ized American citizen, and loyal to my country. I still have a warm feeling for Canada, and hope soon to see the day that she will have a pure undefiled Parliament. DAVID HILL Sterlingville, Michigan. Additional Local News. PREaENTATION,—On the eve of hre mar. rage, Miss Reynolds was the recipient of a present from the members of St. Joseph's .Church Choir, accompanied by the following address, read by Miss Brown. We, the members of the choir, as- semble here on the eve of your wedding to express to you what we have always felt, namely our gratitude and sincere thanks for your many kind and efficient services to us, during the time you have acted as organist of our church. To each of us individually your freendship has ever been coiistant and true. You must not thfik it flattery when we say that you have endeared yourself in the hearts of all with whom you came in contact, by your honesty and amiabilty and genial demeanor. We know that your services were always given to the church cheerfully and without any hope of reward, so you will not consider the accompanying gift, a silver fruit basket, which we beg of yon bo accept, in any other light than as a souvenir of the good will, friendship, and gratitude, of the members of St. Joseph's choir, Clin- ton. Wishing you many yearsf hap- piness and prosperity we remain y gratefully. B. DALTON J. REYNOLDS A. O'BRIEN A. SNttcxr,r T. REYNOLDS M. 11nowN °1 I was attaeked with congestion of the liver and inflammation of the kidneys, attended with ex- cruciating pains in my aide and back. Could not Ite on either aide, could scarcely breathe. The slightest movement caused agonizing pain. No- thing gave me relief. I sent for Dr. Rear, know- ing he had cured my daughter of a dangerousdll- nese with Histogenetic Medicine after she had been given up by four skilful physicians. In one week my pain was gone and liver and kidneys acting as well as ever. The cure incomplete. It sets the most like magic of any medicine I ever took. I sincerely hope chat the suffering ladies of Toronto and elsewhere may try the superior merits of these pure and tasteless medicines. My object In giving Chia teettmony is purely through sympathy for the sick and dying. MRS. McCUL LOUGH, 60} Adelaide Street, east, Toronto. All diseases successfully treated by a now system of nonpoisonous and tasteless medicines, write or call for free book explaining System. Our representative will be at Clinton "Rattenbury House" on Wednesday, Sept. 9, from 10A. M.to4:30P.M. At Ilensall, Ilensall Hotel, Tuesday evening, 8th, 0 P. till Wednesday morning, 9:20. A, M. fisto ellelc Medicine Assie'li Riohnmttma Street Londopnl,ob t, 19 Yongo swat Market, Toronto, Mentfotl Olintron NOW Era, ELIICf 'V.E To tcdce the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you Can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. . Ask year Dry GOOds dealer for it For Sale by Estate Jno Bodkins Ins MI And the Co* '.fr JQPOO, late tenant Qt t1t4 ,(to .al IIotel',Wa1ton, haaremoved, tp 4Qx't14, where• h@ has utarte(l a butolto' shop. , . 4:o7E1uwiak .rtutuallnawrana.e • Pireetoo phot at t of ,ie ge• SLI}glast 'T 29th, iley passed 24 appliaa* tlonis•amoiiiiting,' to $359,556. Floranee owtled by Coleman B* os.. of Sea%rtb,took (Qurth place at the }'aces held in independence,. Ill,, this week. ger time was, pn Friday last Mr, A, McCor- mick hauled a load of flag to Messrs Witzel..& ]3artleiu'13 flax Mill, Zurich, whi•chiweighed 4 ton 635 lbs. Atir.W. H. atewart, of Bluevale, formerly Principal ofBtyth school has accepted a situation at Forest, as teacher in the Model School there. The new school house in section No. 9;Tuckersmiih, is finished and ready for occupation. It is with- out doubt one of the best school houses in the county. James Forhen, of the 9th con- cession, of West Wawanosh, is suffering from dropsy at present, and very slight hopes are enter- tained of his recovery. Geo. Parker has purchased from Richard Adams, of Londesboro, the Rogerson Farm, at Sunshine, 95 acres, N lot 11 Con 6,Morris, for the sum of $3500. Neil Campbell, of Wawanosh, who was assaulted by an angry bull a few weeks ago, and had a close call, is so far recovered as to be able to walk around. Brown. Bros., of Urey,'thrashed one day this week.for Chas.,Rozell twelve acres of pease in three hours and forty minutes. There were four hundred and twenty-five bushels. One more of the old residents of this section has passed to his long home. Mr. Andrew Mont- gomery died at his residence in Turnberry, on Monday morning last, at the age of '72 years and one month. The contract for the erection of the county bridge on the bound- ary between Morris and East Wawanosh, about half a mile south of Wingham, has been awa>i`ded to Mr L Hardy, of Exeter, for the sum of $760. A large circle of friends will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. J. h Wright, wife of the well known proprietor of the Point Farm, which occurred on Wednes- day' morning last. Mrs. Wright. has been a painful sufferer for several months past. Saturday last, while Mr. Ed. Eollins,Centraliaw,as riding along the road on a milk waggon he accidentally fell from the same. The fall was a severe one, result- ing in the knocking out of his teeth and causing concussion of the brain. He is in a low state, but will recover. B. K. Allen, of Dunlop, has re- turneca from his trip to the Old Country, bringing with him three entire horses for stock purposes. One of them, which seemed to stand the voyage best, took sick after passing Montreal, and after reaching here Friday night died on Sunday morning. Mr. John Cudmore, of Exeter, met with a serious accident Thurs- day last in a somewhat peculiar way. He ---was leading a horse along the street, when the animal, with playfulness jumped, into the air, jerking Mr. C. with great force and causing him to alight on his shoulder, which was badly dis- located. The wheat, potato and barley crops in Western Ireland are rot - tine on account of long -continued rain. The wheat yield of Minnesota and the Dakotas is now estimated at 125,000,000 bushels at least, as• compared with .9,000,000 last year. • 1 A sixteen -year-old son of J Hill, Mayboro' Township, became en- tangled in a reaper Monday after- noon and died in a few hours from the terrible Injuries he received. The little son of Mr John Harrison, of Minden Township; accidently stepped within reach ofa'scythe his elder brother was -using in cutting weeds. inflicting a cut on his heel, which bled rather profusely at the time, And the hemmorbage continued until the child bled to death. Aboutll a. m. on Monday, at the barn,of H. M. Garver, a far- mer, one mile from Walsh, Ont., the threshing engine boiler of IL B. Palmerston exploped with tre- mendous force. The machine was in action at the time of the explosion and the engineer had just atepped into the barn. The threshing hands were thrown about in all directions, but no one was seriously injured. The en- gine is a total wreck. A very sad accident occurred Saturday afternoon, at Latona, in Glenely township, by which Jas. Young lost his life. Mr. Young bad driven to a neighbor's, a dis- tance of a mile and a -half, on a road cart, and when ready to re- turn drove over a little knoll with one wh bl"of the cart, upsetting him and landing him on his head. The shock produced concussion of the spine, which caused his death in two o minutes. The h deceased u years was about 61 y ats 'bf d,gp, and leaves a' wife and large tinnily, all of whom'm eta** up. , ETTHAN LF GO xeco a arae is TMM Forest Citi C siaass Coil CATAI,0Q0II e W. Westervelt, Parllneipal, TO,RENT OR FOR SALE Cabinet Photogr House to Rent. -, The premises at present °coupled by Mr H. B, Evans, Helmeeviile. Good aocomm4- dation for oral:way-sized family. Apply to T. O. PICKARD. House to Itenit.° Splendid brick bouse,on Batten). ury Street, with every convenience. Rent 89 a month. MISS FOXTON, To Let. A Large room. up -Stairs, suitable for al- most any purpose, situate directly opposite the market in earle's block. Rent moderate. W. C.SEARLE, +. .Given Away Free To Let or for Sale. Frame dwelling house pleasantly situated on the east side of King Street opposite. Foundry every convenience. Terms easy, apply to A. EWING. Cottage to Rent. Tne comfortable and convenient cottage on Rattenbury St. west, now occupied by Mr W. Mennel. It contains accommodation for or- dinary family, with all desirable convenience and will be rented at reasonable rate. MRS PORTER, Albert St. Clinton. For Sale. The cottage on Albert Street belonging to the estate of the late Thos Cooper,, aa present occupied by Mr Wm, Robb; containing 5 bed- rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen and woodshed, Hard and soft water, stable, carriage house, driving shed also the three tote adjoning will be sold on • reasonable erms, apply to MRS THOS. COOPER. Pump Factory to Rent. The Factory lately in operation by Mr John Roes, Clinton, is offered to rent on reason- able terms. The building and •tools can all be secured and operations commenced at ally time. Good opening for a live man. Apply to JOSEPH ROWELL, Clinton. Cottage for Sale or to Rent. On M111 street, containing parlor, dining - rooms, three bed -rooms kitchen pantry, wash-room,and wood -shed. Well in the wood- shed a quarter of an sore of land and lots of emallfruit. Could have It on easy terms by paying part down. Apply on premises MRS W. J. MOFFATT, or MANNING & SCOTT. pd4 For Sale. Frame House and lot occupied by Wm. Mc - Ivor corner of Orange and Dunlop streets, Clinton. There is on these premises good frame stable, well, cistern, woodshed, fruit trees. ,&c. Rouse contains 5 bedrooms, par- lor, dinning room. Kitchen and pantry. Stone cellar and good furnace. Terms easy. MANNING & SCOTT, *1.50 Vendor's Solicitors TO LET. Two stores in - the brick block, Albert Street, Clinton,_ fit 'for any business good stands, .rent low, apply to HARLAND BROS. 6 Hardware dealers. Farm For Sale. 100 acres North halt of lot 5 in the 8th con- cession of Morris: Two Miles North of the thriving town of Blyth, Half Mile East of Colder's Siding on the L, H, and B. Railway. Good hewed log house and new frame barn 36 x 50 thoroughly finished throughout, 60 acres cleared and about free from stumps, Well fenced and drained. Title from the crown. For further particulars apply to M. Y. KEATING, St. Catharines, Ont. 6 w Improved Farms for Sale. West part of lots 72 and 73, Maitland con., Goderioh township, containing 101 acres, 7.5 acres cleared, remainder good hardwood bush, unoulled, 6 acres of orchard, ohoice fruit in full bearing; good buildings and well fenced. Also lot 16 in the let on. of Gode- rioh Tp.,75 sores cleared, well .. proved,good Barn and other necessary buildings. Oom- ortable House, good Orchard. Parties want- ing good farms should see these. Possession after September let. For particulars apply to H. BAKER, Clinton P. Cl. *lm Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers- for sale his excellent farm of 126 acres, being lot 36, 11th con. of Hallett, 2;} miles west of Londesboro, About 10 acres hardwood bush balance all in good cultivation; brink dwelling,bank barn 50 x 40, another, with atone foundation only 35 x 55, also stable and shed 30 x 48. Good orchard, plenty of water. One of the best farms in Hallett, close to churches andsehool. Two- thirds down balance to remain on mortgage at 5 per per cent. THOS. MOUNTAIN, Lon- desboro. pd4 t f. MISCELLANEOUS We Want your trade and are willing to bid high fel' We want every buyer in the county to know that tlIltey can do better with us than elsewhere. Buying and selling for CASH gives us a decided adz i vantage over all competitors. ,We have made a special arrangement with the best ..:. Photographer in the Dominion—you all know him—.Mr,.' Horace Foster, Clinton. You buy from us $25 worth of Dry Goods and Boots.' and Shoes. We give you a certificate, You present: the certificate to Mr Foster, and get half -a -dozen Cabl et, Photographs, absolutely free of charge. Don't you think this is worthy of your attention? If you do not care to have your picture taken, you can, present the certificate to a friend. You are not required to purchase $25 worth of goods at once, but may extend your purchases over a period of four months, if you wish, as this offer will remail; open until January, 1892. Our stock is now complete in all lines. W. L. Ouimette, LON1DFS'BO1:.0 UB . GROCERY the Key Note of havinogeg good Pickiest is tt soof our PURE SPICES, such as Ginger, Cloves, Allspice, Mace -- Pepper, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Mustard Seed, Celery seed Timnerick Powder, then add some of our extra WHITE WINE VINEGAR,and we guarantee the pickles all right We we era Vales ID Crockery and Glassware ALLOW , CLIlaTTON Sr Girl Wanted. 1 IRST-CLASS GIRL WANTED, TO DO 12 general housework, apply to MRS W. DOHECTY, Roses Cliff, High St. Bor-ders Wanted. Two or three ladies or gentleman can he ccommodated with good board and lodging ates reasonable. For particulars apply at NEW ERA office.] pd 2t Baking. R. McLennan havin3 started baking on his old premises Vietorla St, would like to see his old customers add as many new ones es would favor him with their custom, All goo de ordered will be promptly delivered. 1m OOJIS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES The very latest authorized Text Books, &c., for Public and Model Schools and Collegiate Institute_ Full Stock and Lowest Prices W. H. SIMPSON, MISS M. A. FERGUSON. Teacher of painting in Oils, and Crayon, drawing. VICTORIA ST. (Clinton. 0I.II1\7T0N Pig for Service. The undersigned keeps for service, at his premises. lot 12, and con. of Hallett, a thorobred Chester White boar of first-class pedigree. Terme, $1, at time of service with privilege of returning,if necessary. $125 if booked, HENRY FREMAN. Clinton Collegiate Institute Notice. At the last meeting of the Clinton Colleg- iate Board it was resolved that the fees for pupils residing outside the County and those residing in town shall be the same as those fixed by the County Council for County pnpils, viz: Fan Term : 32, $3, and $4, according to room Spring Term : $2, $2.50 and $.9, ' �� Midsummer Term: $2, $2.50and$3" According to School law Fees must bo paid in advance, W. H. HIKE, Secretary. $9oOSALARY and Commission to • Agents, Men and women, Teach - ere and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. Tho moat remarkable religious book of the ago, written by 806 eminent scholars, Non. sectarian. Every Christian wants ft. Ex. olueive territory given. Apply to THE HEORIH,PBHTNG 60..NWCH, CONN. 6m. Neto atbaoribers can get the ldnw 111A for the balance Of the year ter ''25 celnte if6ireilli, 2 We will.se_id the New Erato new subscribers for the balance of the year, for 25 cents cash. As it is the largest paper and gives more home news than any other here, this is a big chance We are offering the balance of several lines of.StTMIViTp.. GOODS at cut -away prices to clear. FIRST' CLASS GOODS and CLOSE PRICES Eggs taken in exchange. - 5 per c. off for c ash,' 1 ttyl'8111. Taylor CLINTAN$ EN' , 1 , Y n3.aeik.• ia.:rl.;a.,aaar..' I 1 -