HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-11, Page 1MrilIZZIWO QL1 WON, ONT,,, SEPTEMBER 11, 1891.
LOTPliTNTa Our ,Bucl. get
OF magnEsTIN4 -141ws
From all parts of the County --By VeldeaaWal0
and lively CorrespOndente
t 'feature of this week's
ill be our Clothing Sale:—
EN'S PANTS. 75c.
MEN'S PANTS, $1 aiid up
$11.50 Suits, $8.40
Men's $10 Suits for $6.90
Theo goods are the newest styles for
fall wear and many patterna to choose
from. A lot of BOY'S OVERCOATS
to be oleared at a bargain.
Small Wares.
Our stook of GLOVES, HOSIERY,
RIBBONS, eto., is immense. See the
l• Counters loaded with job lines in all
• these goods.
'Mantle Cloths
Onr stock of MANTLE Cloths is very
large, and at the prices wehave mailed
• them they will go with a rush.'
• $1.75, now $1.20.
price was $1.25, now 70c.
price 85c. now 60.
Our DRESS Counters
Are always busy. See the specials for
this week in SUITINGS, HENRIET-
Another lot 'of those wonderful WOOL
SOX, 2 pair for 25o.
No more room to quote prices in this
issue, but come direct to the GREAT
BARGAIN STORE, and don't be de-
ceived by the advertisements of jealous
would-be competitors, whose prices and
goods have been weighed in the balance
‘. and found wanting.
ara & Co
CLINT.011Issase;""'.- - •
Hill's Green.
NOTES.—Mr A J Style, of 'Blake,
preached with peat acceptance in
the Methodist church here • on Sun-
; , ,day evening last, he is e promising
ACCIDENT.—On Friday* last Wm.
Northcott, son of Mr Wm. Northcott,,
sr, met with a bad accident. They
were engaged drawing in peas,. and
when about to lift the load into the
mow, something was found to be
wrong With the fork. The young
man went to the peak of the barn to
adjust one of the ropes, when a loose
brace. onto which he held gave way,
precipitating him to the barn floor a
distance of 38 feet. He sustained
serious internal injuries besides break-
ing the thigh of his left leg and dis-
locating bis right knee.
SRIPPED.-Mr William Orns, who
bas been running a "temperance house"
at the station, absconded one day last
week. Mr. Wm. Ballentyne, License
Inspector, of Seaforth, having received
several complainta frora this village
of the man in question violation the
liquor law; arrived here on Tuesday
and visited the place, finding several
...bottles of liquor, which he took in his
possession, and sobpcenaed the land-
lord to appear before the Justice of the
Peace on the following Friday, but he
not wishing to come in contact with the
magistrate made good his escape before
that date. The family will soon leave.,
NOTES,—No trouble is being spared
•to make the Hensall Fair, on the 15th
and 17th a success,—a large numbr of
entries have already been made. Mrs
,,-• It Livingston 16ft on Wednesday morn-
. ing for Manitoba to join her husband
arid sons, who have been there for some
time past. Rev II 3 Fair and 3
Stoneman attended the financial dis-
trict meeting of the Methodist church
at liolraesville on Tuesday. The ser-
mon to the children in the Methodist
ohuroh last Sabbath, by Rev Mr lac -
Gee, was v317 instructing and interept-
, i,ng, Mr McGee succeeded in accom.
plishing a very difficult task in in-
etrneting and entertaining both gtown
, folk and the children. Rev E A Pear
of the Nile, • formerly of thie place,
spent a few days with friends here.
TER FAIR.—Lvery thing is now
r for our fall fair, and nothing
left ndone to make it the
' 'Meet &Wn show of the seam,
' weather pro sin favorable. The
following ettracti ne will be worth
seeing by • everybo , those who do
not see them e ill ' iss a treat, the
foot ball match to b played on the
grounds between th Revers, of
Brussels, and the Seaf rth team will
be one of the grandest etches ever
• witnessed. Also the frmers trot,
lat prize $6, 2nd prize 4, 3rd prize
$2, Stallions and all ho ses having
competed for pubiic noney and
horses having been han led by any
ptofeesionai man, are barred Out of
this trot, four horses to OW and
three to stait, and a very exciting
•tag of war is expected to take place
betWeen a numbr of tecima. The
fobt ban Match will start at 12.0
o'clock en the show grounds,
Porter's Hill.
Mies Nellie McDougall, ofEginond.
ville, is visiting relatives in the
neighborhood this., week.
TEA. MEETING.—The tea meeting
held at Bethel church, on Monday
evening, was in every way a success.
Addresses were given by Messrs
Ayers, Neilly and Henderson, music
was furnished by the choir, and every
one present seemed to enjoy them-
selves thoroughly. The proceeds
amounted to about $35. A notable
feature ot the evening was a collision
between two of our local -apple mag-
nets, but we are happy tn state there
was no blood shed.
ANBrivEnsAnY.—The anniversary
services in connection with the
Bethany church will be held on
Sunday and Monday, Sept. 13th and
14th. Rev Mr Stewart, of Clinton,
will preach at 280 and 7 p m. A
tea meeting will be held on Monday
evening. Addreases will be given
by Reve Stewart, Ayres, Thibadeau,
Simpson, Anderson, Newton,'Neilly
and Mr J T Garrow, M P, excellent
music has been secured.
NOTES.—Mrs W B Cook, who has
been spending a fortnight in Toronto,
returned home on Monday last. Mrs
J Stapley; went to Toronto, on a vis
it to her brothers, and again visit tbe
scene of her childhood, Mrs Gord-
on,• of Stratford, was this week the
guest of Dr Cooper of this place.
We understand that C F McGregor,
V 5, is about to take in the Indust-
rial next week. Miss Bell Schoales,
is visiting friends in Seaforth this
week. Miss Ida Britton, who has
been for some time confined to the
house with a burned foot, is again
able to be around. We are pleased
to see that Benjamin Snell has secur-
ed a situation as bookeeper in a large
mercantile firm in Chicago, he goes
to that place in a short time. Mr J
McMillan & Sons, made their last
shipment of cattle for the season, to.
Glasgow, on Saturday last. Mr Robt
Armstrong, of the Medd Farm, sowed
one acre of White Chaff spring wheat
this season. from which he -thrashed
45 bushels of good clean wheat. We
understand that Mr A Rapson is
about to quit farming to enter the
ministry, we wish our young friend
every success in -the good work which
he is about to undertake, we predict
for him a brillant future as Mr Rap-
son is a young man of more than or-
dinary ability.
SocuAL.—A eocial will be held in
Turner's church, on Monday, the
14th of September, at 7.30 p m. Re
freshments served until 8.30, after
which a program will be rendered,
composed of singing and a lecture on
"Manners and customs otf Australia,"
by Mr Abner Cosens.
NOTES. — Mr Cbas Crawford, of
Londesboro, spent Sunday last with
friends here. Miss Tilt, of Clinton,
is visiting friends in this neighbor-
hood. Itis rumored abroad that the
town's -end is shortly to be paint-
ed white, but it must be remembered
that white is not color in this case.
Wonder what attracted so many of
Clinton's youths to Turner's church,
on Sunday, but somebody wbispers
you must not tell.
met at Kyle's hotel, September 2nd,
after passing minutes of last meeting
a number of accounts were presented
and paid. Claims for damage were
presented by Jas Blair, Robt McLar-
en and Jas Bell, each having had
sheep worried by dogs, for the good
conduct of which the council is now
held responsible under the amended
statute. The claims were allowed
and two thirds the amount of damage
sworn to was ordered to be paid.
The chief business of the day was
making estimates and striking the
annual sates for the year, with the
folloviing results—The amount re-
quired by the county is 83327.25, and
the rate is 1 6-10 mills on the dollar.
The amount needed for ordinary ex-
penditure in the township is $2059,
for township school grant,$1097, total
for township use $3156, and requires
a rate of la, mills; for railway oinking
fund $1103.88, requiring a rate of
.55-100 mill. The amounts called
for by the estimates of the different
boards of trustees together with the
amounts required under provisions
of former by laws were ordered to be
levied and collected. A by law was
passed in aecordente. Assistance
was voted to the parties named as
follows:—To Wm ,Tones, $10; to
Comber, $10; to J Miller, $15. The
council will meet at Egmondville, on
Friday, September 25th, at 2 p m.
New subscribers can get the NEW Ens
for the balance of the year for 25 cents
• 41.
NOTEEL—George Parker purchase
the Rogerson Farm, Sunahine, pay
ing for it $2600 and some property in
Brussels. Mrs Parker, of Brussels,
has Mend into the place lately occu-
pied by her son,George Parker. D.
Russell is in SThomas doing duty
ai a volunteer. Apples most be
searcesen the 5th line this season at
three young worthies from that vidti.
ity were found among 'the branchea
ot a tree on the 4th, the other Sunday
New subsoribers can get the Nrok,
for the balance of the year for 25 Cents
fliallATEt SCHOOL PWNIC. — The
Preabvterian 5 5 picnic was held in
Mr Cooper grove, and notwith-
standing the busy time among the
farmers it was quite a success.
HARVEST HOME. — Last Wednesday
was a beautiful day for the Methodist
Harvest . Mime. The was a large
gathering on the grounds and all Ream-
ed to spend an enjoyable day. The
proceeds were not so large as last
year, otherwise the Harvest Home
was a greater success. Each church on
the circuit was represented, and the
ladies provided a grand dinner and tea.
The event of the day was a lecture on
o Cant, in Science and in Religion,"
delivered by Rev Wm MoDona6h, of
Exeter. It showed the speaker to be a
large minded and large hearted man.
For over an hour he held the attention
of the audience, most of whom were sit.
ting in a hot sun, and some of whom
had no seat only the grass. His leoture
was a moral and mental inspiration to
many who listened -to it. It ought to
be hoarder' every circuit in Methodism.
NOTES.—On Sabbath last Mr Mul-
drew, a student from pollege, occu-
pied the pulpit:in St Andrews church.
Rev S Acheson, pastor of St Andrews
church, has been granted a few
weeks holidays; Rev 5 Acheson, of
Toronto, will occupy the pulpit in
his absence. Mre Butt has returned
from her trip to Manitoba, Mies
1' :iicNevin is at present the guest
of her bother, Mr John McNevin.
Mr Robt Munro, of Blyth, paid a
visit to his relatiyes here. Mr John-
ston and family have returned .to
their home in St Louis after spend-
ing a few weeks holidays among
their friends. Rev Mr Barnby has
been visiting ,friends here, and on
Sunday a:ening preached a very
acceptabl&sermon on the subject of
missions, he returns in a few days to
Wesleyan Theological College to
spend another year. Miss McMordie
has taken a situation in Kincardine
school for the balance of the year.
— Chiselhurst.
NOTES..-.- Mrs Richard Meeters
presented her husband with a young
daughter lest week, mother and
child are doing nicele; congratula-
tions. Geo ,Mitchell seems to be
improving tittle, thopgh still very
weak. 2i.t.r..41c1.4aughlin
proving, no bones were --brokTir
Mrs R Meetera ia in Toronto con-
sulting a physician about her 'eyes,
they have been causing her anxiety
for some time.
East Wawanosh.
NorEs.—Miss Ida Stewart is visit-
ing friends in Lucknow this week.
Mr Fred Rath is in Clinton this
week. renewing old acquaintances.
Mr W Ross, B A, of Knox college,
Toronto, is home on a week's holi-
days. Mr James Ross and George
Stewart sr, left on Saturday, 5th, for
the old country, in charge of four
car loads of cattle. A picnic party
• consisting of a couple of loads of
young folks made a trip to Point
Farm on Tuesday last. Inspector
Tom has been his round visiting the
schools of Messrs Gregory, Ross,
Sellers and those of Messrs Reid and
McCallum last week. The Presby-
tey of Huron met Tuesday, at St
Andrews church. Owing to the bad
weather Much of the harvest remains
to be gathered in. Mrs Brecnon and
son, of Toronto, are the guests
of Mrs Wm Hallahan. -MiBE3 Elder,
of Eden Mille, was the guest of Miss
Maggie McGowan last week. Miss
Keith, of Chicago, and Mrs Dodds,
of Blyth, were visiting at Mr Wm
McGowan's last week. Messrs Pot-
ter and Toll, who went to Manitoba
with a carload of horses, returned
home, having disposed of the entire
lot to good advantage.
New subscribers can get the NEW .EEA
for the balance of the year for 25 cents
evening last a meeting for the pur-
pose of organizing a literary and de-
bating society, was held in 55 No 2,
After a few preliminary remarks by
some old members, the election of
officers was proceeded with, which
were as AilloWsl—Pres, Mr J Thom-
son; Vice Pres, Miss E Lawson; Sec
Trees, Mr W Sweet, Managing Com-
mittee, Metiers Lawson, Eseery,
Thomson and Chambers and Misses
Lamport and Lawson. It was de-
cided to have a debate next meeting,
the subject chosen was t'Resolved
that fire is more destructive than
water," the captains are J Thomson
affirmative, and J Chamberfsnegative.
Meetings to be held every two weeks
on Monday evenings
NOTES.—Miss Dorah Giser has
had a relapse, and is in a very criti-
cal eondition. Mies Annie King is
also on the sick list. Miss 13 Tre-
vethick, who has been visiting friends
in Exeter, returned home on Sunday
last. We are pleased 'to see Mr A
Clark round again. Miss Ray Sweet,,
of London, is at present visiting her
NOTES.—Mr Thomas,McDonald of
the police force, London. Ont, has
few days furlough and is 'mending
them with his friends here. Mr nos
Higg.ins, of Toronto, paid a flying vim -
it to his people last week. Mise Mary
Gibson is enjoying herself on the
prairie* among Old friends eround
Moose jaw. The new Ilene° Of Mr
Btitehart, is now beginning to present
a good appearance. 1618 titivr
lcd and thecarpentere are buoy inside, -
: r
0440e0Year tn alaVertee
: ' On Sunday' l'eeveabnuf al4g41 alit, . a i a tg e
crowd assembled at the temperance
hall to listen tQ the inotructive ad-
dress given by Mr Moore, B A, of
Goderich. Next Sunday'themeeting
will be addressed by *a I Strang,
teacher in Goderich high OC11001.
DIIATIL--lhe stern -Visitor of death
was m our midst 9.11TUereleY etntonin5
last, and has taken from us a ueve
partner in the person of Mrs J J
Wright, of Point Farm, Soon after
the new year she was 'laid low with
a severe attack of pleurisy, from
which she recovered but a short time,
to be taken sick again 1th cancer in.
the stomachafrom whi elm has Buf-
fered for about four menthe. She was
in her fiftieth year. Her funeral on
Friday lie -largely attended.
CHER,* NOTES.—kfr D Cumming
and John Horton were in Blyth, on
Tuesday to attend _the Presbytery
meeting held -there. 4'4
At the Congregational meeting
held here last week, it was decided
that a caretul count of the contribut-
ions be made to Bee how much could
be raised, also, that a delegate be sent
to the Presbytery meeting to see
what they could give us. The dele-
gate who went reports that this and
Goderich Tdwnship charge will be
taken up as a mission field,and will be
accordingly eupplied during the win-
ter months.
A tea -meeting is likely to be held
here in the latter part of this month.
NOTES.—Miss Lilly Kaake was
iting friends in Clinton this week.—
Business prospects were never bright-
er than they are now in this busy
burg, for a big fall trade. Mr George
Powell is recovering from his recent
illness. The firm of McKinnon &
Powell is to be dissolved. Mrs Jen-
kins is indisposed. Mr and Mrs Geo.
King returned from visiting friends
in Detr3it, on Friday. Mr Perrin, of
London, was here on Friday. Mr C.
Saunders, of London, was in town on
Wednesday. A. W. Wright, Brant-
ford, and Geo. Barton, Toronto, were
here rote Tuesday. Miss Green, for a
long time dressmaker here, left for
Detroit this week. Messrs J. Wilford
and J. Denholm are packing apples
in this vicinity. Mies V. Smith, of
London, is visiting friends in town.
Jemmy Watson, our general shoe-
maker, is doing a rushing business.
Rudoff ,looks young thie *week, ria
doubt on account of that drive. Are
you coining to our fall fair, it's going
to be a dandy. '
New subscribers can get the NEW ERA
for the balance of the year for 25 cents
SOCIAL.—The Cadet e gave a social
and Concert on the grounds of Mr W.
McLean, on Friday evening. The
grounds were beautifully decorated,
and although the evening was cool
there was a good attendance.. Several
pieces. were rendered by the band, in
whose aid it was gotten up.
FALL Snow.—The great North-
Western Exhibition will be held in
this place on Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, Sept. 16, 17 and 18.—
Every effort is being put forth to
make this the most succesaful ;yet
held. Several new attractions have
been secured, among which are the
new Cadet Band, under the leadership
of Prof. Blackstone, who will give
selections each day; .the Cadet Corps,
who are engaged to parade. and give
exhibitions of fancy drill, and a band
of Tuscarora Indians, who will be on
the grounds and give war dances and
show. other Indian customs. They
will also play lacrosse with a picked
team from the Hnrons. Everybody
come and attend 'Vie best and most
popular fair in Huron.
NOTES.—The fall assizes are being
held here this week. Mr Wm Brown.
of Blyth, was in town on business, on
Wednesday. Miss Hattie Irwin, of
Clinton, is the guest of Minnie Prid-
ham. Mr Walter Green, of Wing -
ham, representing Gilchrist, Green &
Co;furniture manufacturers, paid a
flying visit to his sister, Mrs R. Hen-
on Friday last. Mrs Turner,
who has summered in town, has' re-
turned to St. Louis. The steamer
Monarch was in port on Wednesday
morning. The steamer Todman ivas
in port with a cargo of lumber, on
Saturday, sailing again the first of
the week. A nuinber of improve-
ments are in contemplation on North
street Methodist church, and not be-
fore needed. •
C01:11401L.—Council met tit Londes-
boro, Monday, 31st August. The
petition of Thomas East was read
respecting the bad condition of side
road 20-21, con 7, caused by . people
digging holes • for bttilding. land.
Councillors Brittoli and Churchill
were ordered to etamine the road at.
that place and haye it .repaired if
necessary. The report ot the Om -
ship Engineeratbout the Cita Drain,
was read, end the Olerk asked 'to
notify the Engineer to'Proceed•with
the work of cleating and repairing
the sai&drain pursuant to his report
and sect 15, Ditches and Water-,
course Act. The full amount of the
township assessment roll for the year
is $2,238,925, and on the suM,itome
found necessary to levy a tate of one
mill and seven tenths of a mill on
the dollar for county purpooes, and
obtainer rate for township and tail.
way debentures, oinking fund pur.
peso, and in order Writhe a, general
public nchool fund in purstlent.Of
mama 109 and sub section 2 of the
• YELL /*OE Lmig
What a live13! Pei4OR,P
deputy reeve- of Goderich township,
was in town on Sunday eiening; they
asarYeitenJoohinunpisar' abueriemdingqglebaynitye.spert
Frins6ret, Poon. -,Mr Sas Craig, of
Detroit, the man who owns all ,j,bee
trap nets, was here last week 1pokitt.C,
after the buffinese. We understand
the hauls are-very'light at present;
but, notwithstanding, the bumnese is
being carried on as mai,
The following registered at ho
hotels during the past vseisk.),R#er.
hotel, Meows Jeckamr, Wlitterful
Markle aud Switzet, 'Lend* 'and
Bert Perry, of Hamilton. , Queen's
hotel, Mrs Waters aud far& y and,
Mies Horn, of Stratford. Albioni
hotel, Mr Parkinsoli, of London.
When the Record correspondaf
returns from camp we will expeceln
item not on the corruption at' 04 -
ml, but on the corruption on Swart's
hill. The pen is stronger than ,the
sword, and we are longing for him to
throw off his regimetrais, as we fear
the contagion is epreadlog.
withstanding the nununcement of a
pretentious local journal to the con-
trary, Mr Thibadeau., brother of Roe.,
Mr Thibadeau., is still in town, an
taking an active interest in tber
vival 'meetings, where he woulcli
glad to meet such es the correspo- d-
ent of the paper referred to.
for the Bayfield show are now4in
circulation and present a fine p1aze
list, The special attractions this
year are the races on the new track,
which has beenteade in the apse us
grounds. All the farmers in he
neighborhood should crown the beau-
tiful harvest with a day of rejoicing
by the lake, and take in the show.
Remember the date Oct 6th and 7th.
Mr Stringer, B A., who has been
taking the place of Rev G Newton
dining the latter's absekce in Europe,
will leave here about the end e..f the
week foe Clinton, where we trader -
stand he will preach for a couples of
Sabbaths, -:W r Stringer has -,=,'Inade
;many friend:: .sle07747,ho
wish him well in the rest (IR his
• • 4 tlr, 4113'01taT1 Men
in this neighborhood intend holding
a grand picnic at Mr Jewett's grove,
011 Sept l6th. A procession will be
formed on the grounds and march
through town and then back to the
park, where the following speakers
are respected to address the crowd,
Revs Ayers, of Homlesville; Irvine,
of Hensall; Hodgens, of Seaforth;
Henderson, Thibadeau aud Newton,
of Bay field.
EV.41•.0ELIST5,—The Misses Hall
have been having crowded houses
every night, and seem to be doing
much good. On Sunday evening
they procured the town hall, and even
there the crowd was so large that
many went away unable to get in.
Only once before was it filled to such
an extent and that was at the open-
ing concert some years ago. The
ladies will be here every night this
New subscribers can get the NEW ERA
for tha balance of the year for 25 cents
exuberant effloresence of t capillary
substance on the facial regions of the
juvenile members of this community,
our tonsorial artist, Harry Hemp,
has tried to provide for the conveni-
ence of this class of the public, by
purchasing a beautiful chair in which
be guarantees to reduce the spurious
growth to an ephemeral existence.
Though Harry does not believe in
self, laudation
it is quite appar-
ent to all that he is an artist of the
Lake school,
A Km) WELCOME. — Rev Mr
Newton returned last week from an
extended trip in England, where his
relatives live. His reception by the
congregat'on was very cordial, and
shoWed the esteem in which he is
held. Mr -Newton was in the great
metropuliff of London for about a
week, where he had the privilege of
seeing Her Majesty Queen Victoira,
and of being within arm's reach of
her. He also visited in York and
Scarboro, spending most of his time
iu the latter place with his parents.
The sea voyage seems to have done
Mr Newton good, though be was very
ill both on crossing and recrossing
the ocean. On Sabbath last the
reverend gentleman filled his own
pulpit,and will do so with invigorat-
ed energy during the coming year.
Mrs Newton and children, who have
been visiting friends in Canada, have
also returned.
NOTES.—Xestirs Kenny, Moore -
house and 'Andrew Elliott, stecom-
panted by some sports from London,
left on Wednesday morning for a
trip up the lakes; We wieh them a
safe. voyage. The alluminous blaze
'ef torches on the lawn of our post -
Master, on Wednesday evening last
was the foestdation for a cry of 'fire,'
but it Was soon discovered to be a
faahionable croquet party iven the
P 8 Amendment Act 1801,". there friends'of the family. Mr unwell,
will he requited a rate of 4 a Mill
en the dollar and the other asum'otthe Goderich township wield,
necessary for the several.' school dor, eft,i.s.i4,-,Atehs6 boairgeb'ilawyaslatsbte wgusesItt4t, °fTlfaist
potations for School purpose.
ell adjoinned until Thursday- Oeto's
Conn* Selvitifon Army -'welcome to Brig.
ber lit, 1891, ' ., . . ,Spoo2ter, last Friday evening, was
not Boy largely attended, Mrs tied
Neer ettligeribers can gekhe fX Efts Miffs Archer, of, Geduld. township,
for the balance of tile year fel' 2tw *ere •in teem otte day last week, and
e afternoon ea the
' apent soeiab
*tailor can see and hear
residence of Mr F Edwards. We
are informed that the mail route hay
.been changed back to the old way
svia Seaforth- and Brucefielcl and will
be operated -about the 1st of October.
Metiers Hugh McLeod, W Ferguson
and A Fowlie returned from the
fishing grounds, up the lake last
week; Will Ferguson intends leavfhg
Again soon, but the other two will re.
main here. Mrs Reid and two child-
ren, of Goderich, are visiting her
mother, Mre Ferguson of the Queen's
hotel. The Goderich Signal boasts
of its local correspondence sheet; sure-
ly, it would hide its face if it had a
glance at the fron t page the NEW ERA.
Makes. Mrs Hutchinson, of Toren -
t�, is visiting her nephew, Thomas
lHurd at present. Mr Symons and
wife attended the funeral of their
neice, Miss Elizabeth Shannon, who
was buried at Goderich last week.
Rev Mr Aylward, wife and family, of
Stratford, returned home last week
alter spending a pleasant vacation by
the lake; they stopped at. the Com-
mercial hotel. Misses Whittaker, of
London, and Holmes, of Barrie, who
have been the guests of Mrs Hewson
for some time, returned home last
week. Miss Dousley, of 0 wen Sound,
is the guest of Mrs T J Marks at
present, Mrs Doween and child, of
Ahe Babylon line, Stanley, are visit-
• ing here for the sake of their health.
Mies Ray Dickson, of Seaforth, is
visiting at the residence of Mr S
Haunah at present. Miss B Stone-
house and Mr Louis Wild are stud-
ents from Bayfield at the Model
school, Clinton. Mrs Stuart, of
Island Home, Bryson, Que, left last
week after visiting friends here; she
returns by way of London, Belleville,
Trenton and Kingston making short
calls on friends at these points. Rev
Robt Gardiner and wife, of Niles,
Mich, and the wife and family of
Rev, Prof Scrimgour, ot Montreat, re-
turned last week after spending most
of the summer in visiting here. Mr
Mason, of'Zurich, was in town on
Sunday. The teameeting at Bethany
church. 6th con, Goderich township,
will be an attraction for our young
folks on Monday next. Mr John
McNah has been very ill during the
past week, but we are happy to learn
that under the treatment of Dr Stan.
bury, • Ire is improving '"nicelYzs-,11,1,, •
Geo and Mrs Thos King, who aVe
been visiting friends here for some
weeks, returned home last week. Mr
Albert Townsend is becoming a re-
gular adherent of the church of
England; a good singer Albert.
GOSSIPY GET-UPS.—"Are you,sor,
the mon that writes news fur that
Clinton paper, the ERA," said a good
oid Irish gossip to your coreespiin,!-
ent the other day; a wink which I
ituni$1/Cd Copious material for specu-
lation being the only reply, she con-
tinued. `And if y'are and if y'aint,
Ivhats the odds, seems tbot you kape
the space e nd regard His Majeity
King Islieorge, the Rave, with all due
riverence. He's the dacentest mon
outside av auld Oirland, and mark
me word, he's the wide's friend, fur
while all the others were cryin blue
murther on our geese and goslings,
he stood up furnent them and defoid
them d'y' moind, and now he'll have
some of the foinest, rarest geese in
the counthry for bis Xmas dinner.
Och,,,Oi wish St Patrick himself was
here till Oi'd introduce him so°0i do.
But that Record feller kapes harpin'
away at him about somethin all the
toime, and tells him he ought to do
this and that till the poor mon is no
bewilthered loike that he thinks
himself he ought to do it. Sure Oi
know you yourself would'nt think of
botherin his auld mind with such
frivolities.' An inquiring look at-
companied this remark, which gave
us time to draw a breath, but the
question 'who is the Record corre-
spondent?' gave our loquacious con-
versationalist a fresh impetus. `Oi'm
none of you're Oirish blarnies, but
he does'nt `correspond' with yourself
at all, at all. In faith there's some
tell me he's a shelas sure as the world.
but the idea of a decent married
woman doin such gossipin is dumb-
foundin to a moild home—abidin
lady loike meself, and thin they tell
me that some av the items have all
the loikness of Expositor counter-
feats,,but to apake frank, Oi dont be•
lave a word av it, fur the Expositor
niver in its loife said a hard word
agin His Majesty, but others agin
would be afther blamin the clerk of
the town fur it all, but a milder,
more respectable mon niver dug turf
in an Oirish bog, Now if you give
me a promise not to put it in yur
paper Oi'll tell you what Oi was
tould to day, and it is meself that
belaves that same. You moind they
have been runnin the cider mill for
some toime, and since the apples are
not over plenty jug yet, they have
used the spare atame in turnin -out
news fur the Record, but mark me
word, if they turn out much more rit
this rate they will be afther destroy -
in the dame with the quality av the
fruit, moreover the captain av the
Dauntless, is overhaped with blame,
but he swears he does'nt know a
hap'eth about it. Oeh it isn't meself
that would bother me brains gadin
about gossipit such atuff. Now
Mister, Oi must see that clipin in the
Record from the good auld Dublin
paper, and it is yourself that knows
there is only Otte rale Oirish gentle-
man bookie taaself in the town that
takes that Seine. But 01- Must tell
yob before 01 be riff that Some poor
igtforitet OW has had the impedence
to license the Rave himself of havin
a linger in the poi,and that be reNea
at himself •marely co look humble
loike and decetwe the( public, Bat
Oi wouldn't dorty me ears listenin to •
ouch filth, and it you tolke to do** -,
with His.Majesty at Xnaite on a good.
Btf hut): tgSo°0o1186.4t Yui ludtdi 1 lybociht bi nit 1,r tiot vore iPnel ell vs am rt
there." This eharp foaled° ended,
we retraced our steps homeward, re.
fleeting by the way that probably
some of the old Leda's erudite rework,
concerning these esoteric matters,
bore a vein of truth in them.
Winghant.- ,
in population, while other towns are
decreasing, but it is quite reasonable.
The railway facilities. and, manufstee.
turing industries are thu. cause of its
progress, and not because we are any
brighter or better looking people than 1
they are anywhere else.
SPRAINED ANKLE. — One of our 1,
volunteers by, the name of Thomas
Groves :had the misfortune, ou Wed-,
nesday morning of last week, while,
preparing to ge out to drill,to wrench
ankle so badly that it is thought
some of the bones are broken. He,,.
returned to town on Thursday, Mr
Jas. McGuire, of the same company,
having charge of him.
DEATEL—The children of Mr Dore
and Mr Sutherland, who have been
suffering from an attack of eiphtheria,
were thought to be almost out of dan-
ger, when, on Sunday evening het,
Mr Dore's little girl, about tour years
old-, died in her mother's arms. The
remains were interred in the Wing -
ham cemetery on Monday morning.
Messrs Dore and Sutherland are tak-' •
ing every precaution tp prevent the
spread of the disease. Mr and Mrs
Dore have the heartfelt sympathy Of
the community in their bereavement.
CHURCII.—Rev Mr McHoocl, of the
United States, preached in the Metho-
dist church on Sunday morning, tak-
ing his text from Lit Kings, 10, 1.
He is a clever young man, and gave
a very practical discourse. In the
evening Mr Sellery, pastor of the
church, gave a very able sermon, tak.
ing his text from the same chapter'
and the seventh verse. If the mem-
bers of that church will work heart
and hand with Mr Sellery as they are
doing, .their church -will soon be far
too small.
oge evening last week, about half
past nine, a boy about six years old
was found ten or twelve feet front
Victoria street, with his feet tied t,,-
gether, his hands tied behind his
back, and tied with a rope by tha
rock to.4...waggon. Such a trick, as,„
this is rather barbarous,
for a toseh
like Wingham, and should be looked
after, and parents that have any re-
spect for themselves, should see that
their children are in bed at such
hours, instead of roaming all over
town until nearly midnight.
NOTES —A camp of the Sons of
Scotland was organ zed hare on
Thursday evening ot last week. Oa
Saturo ay last Mr A. J. McTavish, a
young and enterprising merchant of
Exeter, passed through Wingham 011
his way from Toronto, intending to
visit his parents at Verdun, Huron
township, but the unpleasant weather
caused him to change his mind, and
he took the train for Exeter. Chil-
dren should be taught to remember
the fifteenth verse of the twentieth
chapter of Exodus, so that when they
grow up they would know that
meant plums. Mrs Allen died very
suddenly on Sunday last, in her sixty
second year, heart disease was the
cause of her death. Mr W. Johns,
bookkeeper of the Union` Factory,
was in Goderich on Monday, on busi-
nese. Rev Mr McFarlane, of Pine
River, was in town this week. Mr
Shinboine returned from Listowel on
Monday, where he had been for a
week, waiting on a sick child, Mr
W. Green, of the Union Factory, was
in Goderich Friday, on business. Mr
'Robert Mainprize was in Galt last
week-, on busine4s. Mrs Elliott and
Mrs McLaughlin were visiting friends
in Listowel Friday and Saturday of
last week.
NOTES. -Mr Geo. M. Kilty, our tea-
cher, is attending the ToPPtin, of
Teachers' Associa t -"triton, Olr
T. Wallace is still on the sick list. The
new organ purchased by the peOple of
St. Peter's Church here gives good arat-
isfaotion, it was made by the Clinton
Organ Co,
AccrnENT.—While returning from
Clinton on Sunday last, Mr and Mrs
H. Murphy wore thrown out of the
buggy, the horse shying at some objeot
on the side of the road. Mrs Murphy
had her arm broken and Mr Murphy
received a bad shaking up, he being
dragged for a considerable distance
along the ground. Both had a narrow
5. of Rattenbury Street Methodist
Church held a missionary tea on
Thursday evening of last week, and
though the evening was ,‘ et a goodly
number was present there being a
nice attendance from the societies of
the sister churches, and all enjoyed
themselvea. Rev Mr Shilton Wen
pied the chair. Mrs (Rev) Osborne,
of the Baptist Church, gave an inter-
eeting address on mission work in old
London, Mrs T. Fair,of the Presby-
terian Church, gave a reading which
much appreciated. Mrs Shilton gave
a short addrees,and Mien M. Waahing-
ton a reading. The Orchestra of the
Ontario Street Church aided very •
materially in the musical part of the
progratn, and the singing was taken
part in by Mrs Macey, Mrs Chown,
Miss Ida Bolo, and Messrs Sibley .
and Jones with Mrs T. /seinen it
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