HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-04, Page 6-..4-..-••,.r.rR., A1;0103434 INI,h1110 001101o11, Tho•Caaadial4 Gazette, i4 fijoudon, 1E144 11. janraaakWtilioh ktillerte has b1,4 •riktong lesniagBa tewar a the present Ottiewa. Goverlsmett, than refers to'xe, ,peat develaappmenta at Ottawa,: Bat whatever be the olFtoomethe itopAty� so far as concerns Sir $eof, 0' Wr li age ► kersonally, there can ne. longs N IlnF grleatipna as tp the ho leanly $di opt ainietratio)} o Oa eparl'- nient'ever which he has presided con. tinuonsly oh:tee the aCeesson Of Sir John Macdonald to power in 1879, and for which he, and be alone, is responsible to the Canadian I'arliaz eat. The tale of'political tmeleannees which has been slowly dragged to light at Ottawa dur- ing the. past few weeks has done more -.-than anyother eventin. the whole hie- toxv of Oanadatc make the Dominion �a,ye-word among civilized nations. ,rr'th Ilolitoal corruption in the United N,,tatts the old-world has lozig been fa- t;ailiar, but the inquiries of such train. +sd Critics as Sir Charles Dilke and Dr *you had spread the comforting assnr' avarice that in Canada at least there was .little to whioh the political moralist "seinld take serious exception. Those "tvhese business it is to go beneath the ee of Canadian affairs knew better, ;. wen they never dreamt that the :ger of corruption had so eaten into a 4 iso public life of the country. Nineteen :.oars ago a grest, _Canadian party was ignominiously turned from office and 1,ept in the cold shade of Opposition for half a decade because its Ministerial ieaiiers allowed those interested in a 'Government oontract to fill the party treasurey with campaign funds. To 1 he Governor-General of that day the transaction wasotbing less than an "atrocious crime.How shall we now rlesoribe a series of, such frauds upon the public exchequer -frauds not per - imps involving a like gigantic 'amount a ut extending over a mach longer period, -percolating through more than one de- artment, and contaminating officials gh and low, from permanent head to lowest clerk ? In some oases we have' 1 he confession of civil servants that hey and their wives received from con- t, actors or would-be contractors private eats snob as might well dazzle the eyes of a millionaire. In another instance a olitical friend is shown to have been ormitted to make a 25 per cent. charge . ',esi all contracts on a certain public Landing ; wbile in the evidence last -week, we learn, on the admission of those incriminated, of railway enbeidies t. ppropriated to private uses, of huge some paid to party funds by contractors v ho were honored as "friends " of the •department. As the result of these and ss miler admissions, suspension has fol - ].•wed suspension in the department oncerned, and there are probably more m come. The whole tale is a most grue- some one. The Weed Crop. '4iT0 N UD TUE MAX t takbs salad to run ah engine ;. 1 o it -does •to Mu, a'woman, There is usually a great hustle abogit an engine; so there is .about a woman, p: ak$s a, fe1lQW mad to get left by an engine; so it ,does by a woman. An engine is an object of much wonder and admiration to men and of fear to horses; so is a woman, When an engine goes off the track it usually takes a man along with it; `so does a woman, An engine is known by its comp- any ; so is a woman. An engine will sometimes blow a follow up if he puts on ton mach pressure ; so will some women. It is feared the potato crops in County Cork, Ireland, will prove a failure. Hood's Sarsaparilla has a steadily increasing popularity, which can only be won by an article of real merit. Give it a trial. Mr. Dalton McCarthy has re- turned to Ottawa from his trans atlantic trip. William D. Ross, aged V, a for- mer Londoner, died at Denver, Col., the other day. Dr. Sinclair, chief of the Con- sular Bureau of the United States, is seriously ill at Kingston. The bill allowing United States cattle to be slaughtered at Three Rivers passed its final stages in the Senate yesterday. Some time ago Queen Victoria presented the Sultan of Morocco with an elephant. Now it tran- spires that this elephant is utiliz- ed to tramp the lives out of the prisoners captured by the Sultan's troops in the late rebellion. The unfortunates are laid in a row and the elephant made to step on their bodies. If all the money squandered in recent military displays in Europe were added to the vast product of the military idlers, if put at use- ful work, how much of the world's suffering might be relieved 1 Hun- dreds of millions for the machin- ery of slaughter ; vast multitudes of men in corroding idleness, while women and children toil and starve ! The man named Grahm, who was sent to penitentiary for life for throwing vitrol into the face of Mr Sievert, of Toronto, four years ago, attempted to escape on Sunday night but was detected and recaptured, alter having got through a window, the bars of which he sawed with an old table knife. Mrs Edward Blake, who is spending the summer at Point au Pi; Quebec, met with a serious accident the other day. In driv- ing up a steep hill the traces be- came detached from the vehicle, which started down the slope with a constantly accelerated vel- ocity. Mrs Blake was thrown out and when picked up was un- conscious. Her injuries were for- tunately not serious and she is re covering rapidly. The natural causes that have been ',reductive of the season's splendid . tops in Ontario have also promoted • !,e growth of weeds. In many sections ',tnada thistles, ox -eye daisy, mustard sod rag weed have never been more o,rIpaht, scores of grain fields being actically rained by these intruders, i.d pasture grass choked out of exist- nce. The thistles are perhaps the most general curse. That they 'can be ercome has been demonstrated over clod over again. What can be accomp- Nhed on one farm and hundreds of arms is surely possible on the rest. It a. simply a matter of determination *, o,d intelligent persistent effort. Farm - ..s cannot afford the losses inflioted by ,weeds. In some townships what the p,.,ople call a "thistle inspector" is ap- pointed by the council. Early in the ,mmer he drives around leaving a inted notice at each farm, warning 4 c:e occupant or owner to have all thist- „ etc., cut before a certain date. his seems to be the last that is seen of 1:,m. Some heed the mandate at their owvenience as to time; others pay no uention to it whatever, so the good s..:omplished by the said inspector is i• actically nil, for the careful farmers v, bo destroy the weeds on their farms se sold probably do so anyway. Just i.•'w we have in mind one township •-s. here such an official is employed, and • o the farm of one of the councilors ,+ res of Canada thistles this season nt to seed. When those occupying ,tial positions in municipalities set • h an example what can be expected vi the rank and file? • : OW MUCH HEAT CAN WE ENDURE? 'The living human body is cap• 'e of bearing a very great •,unt of external warmth. In t, it can; under proper condi- ' ,s, endure a degree of heat that old thoroughly bake a loaf of ad, and still go on living freely. 11.e late Caron Alderson,in a letter ilia son, explains in a popular v the scientific reason for this iurance. He says: -'I have been aged at last to send for Sir Ben- s nBrod;e to see me for my sciat- and to -day by his order I have n stewed alive in a vapor bath. .'adfully hot, I can tell you - "1 'f degree (Fahrenhiet), while a t water bath is only 98 degrees. �. it was not unploasant,after all; hot air dons not burn like hot er, as it communicates its beat • ,foully to you, air being what p call a bad conductor of heat. • by the time the hot air makes „ warm a perspiration breaks and cools you again. People e been known to bear 400 de , of heat without much in- venienco. Sir Francis Chan+ told me once he had gone into ,, oven where he baked his ,. •olds, which is heated by nearly • hot plate at the bottom. He o thick wooden shoes to pro- ,' i, his feet,; and a flannel dross, u was able to bear it very well. was a dead heat that would o baked pie, and yet a man o would not be heated much .ve the .iormal blood -heat, ..bout 98 degrees. Is not this ions'? Life is able, you see, to .r heat which would roast a d body." 1 Who tle$ 1Sf agau*sr tips, )fn`s abort of ahjrti, taa rtntor time bs's short of coax. HQ makes a doe/ilia" 4tarte sad sakurtas Balt 01111*4 always to tht hole. nerve notking to the widow }rmr ?41ska1. M7 sympathetic pulgas 000 'Like Mm wise in the *ado* sheime, The rasa who hasn't got a coli. i3e'6 always.late.-an hoot ago . Another worker got the place. They send him en to So-and-so To find he ain't in the race, lilt goes to yon, be Comes to me, We recognize the grglydess cob. To Wei It must be hard to be .A. man wire bung got a job. "Why dent you try fife farmer -meal" His trembling Moe repress a groan; "I ain't desert my babies when My poor sick wife it all alone. 1,13" children sit would cry for me," And in bts breast there swells a sob; "Ob, stranger, it as kard to be A man who hasn't get a job!" and so he wanders on and on; The pe'er-do•weS has goat his grip, With faltering prayers for work, upon His trembling tongue and ahakiig Up. At home his eheep are ahepherdless, And wolves the ruined shelter rob; Hay fortune once again caress The man who hasn't got a job. -The Khan in Toronto World. THE ARIZONA KICKER. ',Cali ou FOR 11r oirigi sit Goon -By, BILL! -Two or throe weeks age Bill Throckmorton, the well-known mule - whacker, raised a great fuss witilsbedtiuse we didn't publish more murders andMp gs, and he gave w1a a fortnight to make a ohlooda of hese. As we didn't do eo his eopy el the Kroner comes back to us with a great big " 1Zdused" marked on it, and Bill is now ° go- ing around asserting that we are on our last lee: and must go ander. Olood-by, Bill! While we hate to lose a subscriber, we never did run to murdess, sod we are too old to begin now. We have pith- 1k*bed one each week especially for dont piety arum delectation, and if you are atW O Hats► flail we shall have to regretfully part With yo e. We owe you about twelve eumbere on yet. year yet, maws will send theta to ere edit* asylum up in Iowa with your compli- ments. * * * • Henry Knapp, a well known Anderson farmer, was horribly beaten by footpads while on his iiay home from Windsor. When found Knapp was. lying in the bottom of his waggon"unconscious and one mass of cuts and bruises He is in a critical condition. He bad in his pockets the proceeds of a load of oats which he had sold, which way stolen together with a silver watch. There is no clue to his assailants. A Fact la DON'T LAST. -We understand that Hum- ble Jim, the so-called evangelist, is Walks up here from Denver to look after and things in this town. We warn it will be a dead waste of time. In the aft plain, our boys have no confidence hi the snorters travelling wound and pretendia� to be inspired, and in the next he can't bfiig a religion here that will stick for a wank. It% been tried a dozen times, but ewe pg'tem out. We've seen Bloody Tom, Bowie -Knife Sam and the rest of weepinglike ohik ren and print Cher to good to future` lino e. it • they vr4re slsahing oth.D• Store wlpltlud then before. m$*rnhie Jets Maes along the 1411 bio only too • . bat ws a4.Y n, , "'r•AYlike ling mom. '"'MM11 r • , ," ..+...,.aIf he gad tip • tome of oup. loots/Maps, 1 ts/M pS g »dgoo4 .s . ootsr all, a bis pt ap`tiT" jade ire- w.e Scripturem 4Ihie op lv+�e of tiMs see nave 4 falYrdhow iy we have' 'tEi for it. 41,1..:: is V' Fit Guaranteee or No Sale. Walton .' & Morrison, Reember the } SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON {°pipBookeetoreer'Remember place A'A vignon's Cream .of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET 'LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face nd hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mietako thissuperior pre - elation for any paints, enamels or injurious eosnietios or inferior complexion otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col. Bores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In. sehort D'Avzesoil;s Ouzels orWirou-Hezitnis at once a remedy and apreventfor very form ofsnrface inflammation or irritation. Pride 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by JAMES H. 404.)3133E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. 4 Binder Twine • 0 1,.:* -- ,.64') Binder Twine E Cit OWN 3 Ply Flax RED CAA:" Silver Composite BEST PRICES -Call and get your supply in good time HARLIND aBRO. IRON `& HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE, 4 CLINTON, ONT. Paso's Remedy toeCatarrh 1e the Deet, Euleit to Ilse and cheapest CATARRH Bold by druggists or sent by mails. + •. HT. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., u. s. A. *� * $ A. Saaraisn "Wirt .-,-Our eon Own the strerA tame mit with au au teiday and' managed to work on copies on tbe unseapes patine bit newt bubble was pr4ek lady t�i`f r, atante., ahs, es sunt, lie inside out in his apzdety tw hoTd gg�tII up to public ridicule and contempt. What be made mach an ado about Wad really imp/ a trifle, and we will give the facts es they • ocenmed: We have oontracted thebabit of emitting on a man'p beets When standing and with him. It may be i$Il$ea people, but there 11 no oonallioa to feelings, as we do it. iolonsly ant weds willing to npologlze. We were with the mayor the other evening ineAt the Boat -Office, and naturally ono on h' ' oAtu tae didn't wait to ask we Ismill by pleb conduct, but hit us on chin with lift left and knocked us down. We scrambled np to pull our gun on him, but mutual friends interfered and satisfactory explanations were made. We afterwards drank whisky with His Honor, and he sub- scribed fop two copies of the Kinker to be sent to friends in the East la was simply a misunderstanding-snoh a one as is likely to occur between two gentlemen at any mo- ment, but of course the old hyena down the street thought he had a good thing and waist- ed to make the most of it. WORTH knowing is that blood des, eases which all other remedies fad to cure, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla! Fresh conlirma- tion• of this state- ment comes to hand daily. Even Mich deep-seated and stubborn com- plaints as Rheu- matism, Rheuma- tic Gout, and the like, are thorough- ly eradicated by the use of this won- derful alterative. 'Shen the blood is out of condition ase is the inevitable result. Dr iiam's;Pink Pills supply the'constit- .its necessary to enrich the blood and •;d np the nerves. They cure sup- ssions, irregularities, debility, etc. d for mon and wpin en, young and Sold by all dealeiis or sent on re- . t of Brice (50e. a boa). Dr Williams +.•''. Co., Brockville, Ont. Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th street, New York, certifies :- " About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having, tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took It regularly for eight months. I am pleased to say that it effected a com- plete cure, and that I have since had no return of the disease." •Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H. writes: "One year ago I was taken ill with rbetu idtism, being confined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debilitated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once,l gaining irystrength and soon re- covering my usual health. I cannot say too much in -raise of this well-knowir Medicine." "I bave taken a great deal of medi- eine but nothifig has done We so much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I alt its beneficial effects before I had nit° finished one bottle, and I can eicethat.t tbloods medicine knowof"-L.W.WaSr. Woodland, Teilas. * * * Pr is Tema -We are almost daily in receipt of litters fro1 i the overcrowded Eastern States asking: "Do you think I can get mar- ried if I come out theme' These lettere are writta:g by widows, old maids, cross-eyed girls and grass -wives, and we wish to state here and now that this town offers them greater advantages in this direction than any other in the West. Out of a population of over 4,000 we have only thirty-three women, and seven of them are over eighty years old. We'll bet a dollar to a cent all day long that 500 Eastern females can find husbands here in twenty-four hours. If it was known that the c was a consignment on the way one - ha i'' s ur pdpulation. would ride fifty miles on mule back to get the first pick. Women are not asked to come out hore to be criticised and elbowed around. We don't believe there is a man in this town who wouldn't jump at the chance of offering his heart to a red-headed girl with a cataract in both eyes and a wart on every finger. We have contended all along that what tis town wants most is not a boom an real estate to benefit a few, but ten car loads of women from Boston to benefit the many. Their in- fluence would soon be felt here, and there would be a moral backing which we can never secure without their presence. We say to all inquirers: Come right along. If you are not stopped and married 1,' re you get here, we guarantee you will s Ithin efteen minutes after your arrival. * a: * 'itou Call get the NEW to ,the end of the ieatc: coats eatsb. ildaisetaneosta.. A FINE SrECDIEN.-Two months ago, when an Iowa man came here and bou;: ,t out the Star drag store, we asked him for an ad. He •;urtly informed us that advertising didn't pay, and he likewise refused to subscribe to the Kicker. We bave- been watobibg the tenderfoot ever since, and When the sheriff dosed him up yesterday it was no surprise to as. Without asking anybody's edvile he bougtt a carload of Fpi'is green to 1511'tater- bugs, and had ri,ceived it wli fin he eta dental - Ly learned that the nearest 'ta r-vinknow* to our people rr4S ninet;' miles '�11 0,0 Ire glad fie dideilip tip busIpos dittl tiQ. !+ be lad, we should tee felt steal far i read probably lent birlyf'� td..14 :� ppa9'4 11 to t Istb of tarns oil. -M. K id Me* York grid. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rliitPARitti >S4' Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Valet Al; six bottled, $5, '[per .rah tt a bade., 714011111 C. C. RiCIIAIIDS & CO. GENTS -I have used your 4iINARD'S LINIMVA1T in my family for some years and believe it the best medicine in the market ae it does all it is recom- mended to do. Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. ItSI•;nsTEAP. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs tis that he was oared of a very *Severe attack of rheumatism. by treeing MITT. dlln'S YLI l" ltNT. Some Children Grouting ---Too Fast become listless, fretful, without ener- gy, thin and weak. Fortify and build them up, by the use of SCOTT'B MULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPNOSPHITES Of; Limo and Soda. Palatable as Milk. AS A PREVENTIVE 0R CUBE OF COUGHS. 011 COLDS, 1N BOTH THE OLD AND 'DUNG, IT 1S UNEQUALLED. Genuine made by Scott &. Borne, Belleville. Salmon Wrapper; at all Druggists, 60c, and $1.00. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori3. CLINION RAILROAD TIIIE TABLE . Ieaned June 28th The departure of trains at the several stations named, is according to the last official time card: CL scree Grand Trunk Division Going East GoingWest . 7.43 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 2.33 p.m. 1.28 p.m. 4.55 p.m. 6.40 p.m. 9.32 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Division Going North a.m. p.m Wingham ..11.00 7.50 Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 Clinton 10.05 6.50 Brucefield9.42 6.26 Kippen 9.34 6.17 'Jensen9.28 6.09 Exeter ... 9.16 5.57 London8.05 S.25 t, Oleariug Sale -sea Disco Slaughter of a lot of STONEWARE ,a Slaughter of BOOTS "& SHOES Slaughter of Paper Collars, Oe per bob Slaughter of SUMMER HATS Slaughter of SUMMER PRINTS GRANULATED SUGAR 18 lbs for $1 COFFEE SUGAR 20 lbs for $I BROWN SUGAR 22 lbs for $1 These prices for cash or trade Eggs 11c. Butter 13,to 14c. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from' prac- tice, having had planed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for ; the speedy and permanent cure of Consump. tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical care for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints after having tested its wonderful cura- tive fiowere in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A, NoYES, 820 Powers' Block Rochester, N. Y. June 19-91-y. Going South a.m. p.m 6.45 3.20 7.00 3.46 7.14 4.06 7.22 4.19 7.40 4.45 8.15 5.04 88:3224 . 8.2432 5.125.19 8.50 5.33 10.15 6.45 If YOU WISH "Advertise Anything Anywhere AT Any time WRITE TO GEO. P. ROWELL & CO No. to Spruce Street, NEW YORK. Sanitary Pumbing AND HEATING -o- ALECK SAUNDERS GODERICH LATEST'gMETHODS. PARTIC- ULAR ATTENTION PAIL) TO SANITATION AND VENTILATION. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS CAREFULLY PPEPARED epairing Promptly Attended to -o-- Three trains daily. Telephone No 28. Correspondence solicited F0,12 Insect Stings Sore. Eye_ Eruptions Sore Feet Soreness Chafing" Cata���- N B r u 4t'.' Sop �•aaN ‘, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORt C ASI 1 HAVE GROCERIES YOU EVER THOUGHT WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU? Glassware Crockery, AT HARD TIMES PRIG' FOR CASH OR TRADE J. W. IRWIN�9 THE NOTED GROCER. Sole Agent for Ram Lal s Pure IndianTi' THE B. LAURANCE.SPECTACLE Spectacles and Eye Glasses are the only genuine English Articles inrthe Canadian market an arc recommended by and testimonials have been received from the Presidents of the Med' " ,Aa'4. ociatien of Canada, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec and scores of the beet pby ciano Ontario. The B Laurenco patent test card used in all cases and gaaranteed to fit a ne tel ', of any machine We guarantee satisfaction For sale only at. s COt.&PER'S BOOIK STORE. CLINTON. Rumball's Carriage Factory;: 1E3uron Street, Clinton Do you want a first-class COVERED or OPEN BUGGY, got np with the very best material and finished in a workmanlike manner; or do you wanted daisy. easy. riding ROAD CART; or even an excellent, well-built LUMBER WAGGON or DEMOCRAT; because if yon do, come and see the subscribers who will supply your wants on very reasonable terms. We do not allow any slouch work, or poor materiel to be used, so that people may rely on getting an article just as it is represented to be. FINE BUGGIES our specialty. REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended to. F. RU 3113A LL, CLINTON TOLTON le 11111V, � U itO ites J'n tion HEFU_ IIISiTUI'ES EI Orf LE kVL H B U it PER Cii`OKS Lila:_ HIS Y Mnf,urAcrusro`• okly eV-_- POND'S EXTRACT COMPAN , t 70 FlFTItAtf .,Ni:Wi0RK , The monarch of the pea flold Its success proves its mer- its. Thousands of them in use all over the Dominion. In 1891 the New YorkCan- ing Company purchased 20. of the Harvesters, for cutt- ing green peas for table use and they gave perfect sat- isfaction: .A11 orders -1611 with J. FLYNN, CLINTON (Successor to T. Tipling,) cir J. DORSEY, SEAFORTII will receive prompt attention T. BROWN, Agen. remeemsammen Order your printing at the New Era o'i.ce, wh it is done in city style at the lowest price is Ca.< lelE..E VE. Extra Value Will be given in ala Lines for the month of May FOR, CASA And all 1890, or previous accounts, not otherwise agreed , upon, that are not settled during May, will be placed i n other hands for collection. GEO. NEWTON " - - LONDESBORO'