HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-09-04, Page 5A • 1 Walked dewa Broadway -St.,, Clinton, 1 heard a man, E , `°WHRE: CAN YOU :$13Y A FIRST-CLASS RING, G, WATOH OR CLOCK, And the people answered haul in chor>lts, why at 3 f,ilM 1A.LL . & w CO'S Noted Chea -jewellery store And CENTRAL, TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, Clinton . Thos. Jackson, Sr MerahantTailor,.-Huron St. This is the time of. the year for a new Suit and Overcoat. We have • a fine selection. Come and see us. Special Prices will be given this month THOMAS JACKSON, SR. Huron Street, Clinton . FALL FAIRS. Northwestern, Wingham, Sept 29 and 30. Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept 22, 23 and 24. Canada's Industrial, Toronto, Sept 7 to 19. Western Fair, London, Sept 17 to 26. North Perth, Stratford, Oot 1 and 2. Northern,Walkerton,Sept 29 to Oct 2. East Wawanosh,Belgrave, Oct 6 and 7. Huron Central, Clinton, Sept 28, 29 lid 30. �1 East Huron, Brussels, Oct 1 and 2. Stanley, at Bayfield, Oot. 5-6 Goderioh, Sept. 16 to 18. Palmerston, Sept. 28 and 29. Seaforth, Oct. 1 and 2. Zurich, Sept. 14 and 15. Hensall, Sept. 15 and 16. Blyth, Oot. 8 and 9. Seed Wheat for Sale. For sale a quantity of Early Red Clawson Wheat, said to be the champion winter wheat ; yields well in any soil. Is well cleaned. Can and see sample at Steep's Feed e; also Velvet Chaff. JOHN4MID DLETON. To The Public. The undersigned in returning thanks to his customers fox their liberal support in the past, desires to state that he has turned his b iness over entire to his son Robert, who I continue the same. He is empowered to lleotell outstanding accounts and settle all aims. Chopping Se a bag if clean. THOS. RICK. Lobb's Starch Enamel This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. boxyon want to save time and labor, buy a If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the slothee on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box 11 you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms. collars, cuffs, lane curtains, etc., buy a box. PRICE 15 CENTS. arEvery Storekeeper keeps it !now, and where the' merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to repersent us, 12anufaotured,by W. J. LOBB, Holmesville Standard Life ASSURANCE CO. • Established 1825. Total Sum Assured. 6104,655,491 Invested Funds.. 36,444,640 Investments in Canada, over.... 6,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN CANADA, JAMES A. GILLESPIE, Esq., Chairman. SirA.T.Galt G.C.M.G, E.B.Greenshields, Esq Hon,J.J.C.Abbott,Q.O. Sir Joseph Hickson, W. M. RAMSAY. Manager, CHARLES HUNTER, Supt. of Agencies. E.. W. BURLEY, Inspector, Stratford District CLINTON ONT Chin So:11111mi ..EARLY RED CLAWSON, one of the best and earliest Winter Wheats grown. Price 32. VELVET CHAFF, another new va- riety of wheat, price 22 • Plenty of GRASS SEED on hand JAMES STEEP, Seed Dealer, Clinton Can a'tia'5 Gre-.'t a n L FAIR ® ONT Sept. 7 to 19 ,es, °water and Better Than Ever SCIENCE, ART AND INDUSTRY cOMSIllEo WITH INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT NEW IDEAS r Latest Inventions s'. J Superior Attractions OSCAR EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILWAYS W1Tastow lt. ,1. *u.7. . widsr►t NLl.ncr.t, Torroafto Butchering Business To the Public . Subscriber having bought out the business so successfully conducted by Mr Couoh, solicits a continuance of the liperal patron- age bestowed on his predecepsor. No pains or expense will be spared to procure the very best meats, and orders win be promptly and carefully filled. The business will stall be conducted at the same stand as heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &c. JAMES A. FORD. WESTERN FAIR LONDON. September 17 to 26th 1891. CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural, Industrial and Art Exhibition Established 1868. LARGE INCREASE OF EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR. 1890 was good, but 1891 will be bettor, $25,000 IN PRIMES 1 Attractions, etc., which are being arranged for, will surpass any get propuoed. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. Entries closed September 12th. For Prize Lista and information apply to CAPT. A. W.PORTE, THOS A. BROWNE, President. Secretary Candi Pacific Ry, 'MUST EgCUflSIONS From all Stations in Ontario Return Rates to METHVEN HARTNEY MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH DELORAINE REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON $28. $30. CALGARY PRINCE ALBERT $35. To leave all points in the Province of Ontario on AUGUSTIITH,Rtember2Utln,'189. AUGUST I8TH,Rtembeetnrn auntie Sep. r 27th, 1891. SEPTEMBER 1ST ,oct. loth, u1891'. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange tQ arrive at Toronto in time to con- nect with the 11 p.m. train leaving August lith, 18th, and September 1st, 1891. For full information apply to any ticket agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Hislogoneiic System of -Medicine i have been a great• sufferer from a female we:d<r:ess of long standing,hnd have been treated by seseral physicians, and have also been under treatment in the Toronto General Hospital, and all haled to cure me. f saw a medical book ex - phi fling the Histogenetic System, and resolved to give it a trial. f consulted Dr. Rear, who pre- scribed 'these remedies, and assured me they would cure me. I had my doubts, but was di.- termined to try once more I took treatment two weeks, and am utterly astonished at the re- sults. I am nearly well, and no language can describe how thankful I am that my life is spared. This te-ptlmony is voluntary, and I give it hoping that hundreds of my sex may try the medicines and receive the same marvellous good that I have. They aro good to take, and, un- like any medicine 1 ever took before, leave no bad effects. MRS J. FAWCETT, 102 .John Street, Toronto, June 5th, 1890. I was attacked with congestion of the liver and inflammation of the kidneys, attended with ex- cruciating pains in my side and back. Could not he on either side, could scarcely breathe. The slightest movement caused agonizing pain. No- thing gave me relief. I sent for Dr. Rear, know- ing he had cured my daughter of a dangerous ill- ness with Histogenetic Medicine after she had bean given hp by four skilful physicians. In one week my pain was gone and liver and kidneys acting as well hs ever. The cure incomplete. It acts the most like magic of any medicine I ever took. I sincerely hope that the suffering ladies of Toronto and elsewhere may try tho superior merits of these pure and tasteless medicines. My object in giving this testimony is purely through sympathy for the sick and dying. MRS. McOUL LOUGH, 601 Adelaide Street, east, Toronto. All diseases successfully treated by a now system of nonpoisonous and tasteless medicines, write or call for free book explaining System. Our representative will be at Clinton "Rattenbury House" on Wednesday, Sept. 9, from 10 A. M. to 4430 P. M. At Hensall, Hensall Hotel, Tuesday evening, 8th, 0 P. M. till Wednesday morning, 9:20. A. M. gistogelletic Medicine Assoc'll Rooms and 8, Albion Block, Richmond Street London, Ont. 10 Yong(' Street Market, Toronto. M6fttien Clinton New Era, Q fllTON W1MrBTS 09rreotedsvafT2hr}r$s I ottoman. `•1'h 7, too. S, 1891, WWeat, old ar new.,,,., 0 9Q' 0 94 Wheat oprulg ; .►,,.,..AAO a. 0 04 QIta,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 006 1 0 $5 .0 48*Q 48 Peas ............... ... A ,65 a. 905 Flour perkal,;,*,...••*,, ti 00 0 6 00 Butter.:.., ,.- 013 4:0 14 Egg'. .....,..... 0 11 a,0 3,2 MO.:" 0 18 .a .0 1$ Pori; 5 00 a 5 25 Hay 800a839 gifts, Na. 1 trimmed600 a 6 00 Hides, roagb 3 00 a 3 25 050 a 0 60 200a260 650 a 700 030 a 050 El OOP 8kina Timothy seed Glover seed ' Apples, per bag MONTREAL LIVE STOCK - 'MARKET There were about 450 head of butchers cattle, 500 sheep and lambs, 200 calves and 60.young pigs offered at the east end abattoir to -day. The best cattle sold at the same price last Thursday. Fair conditioned dry cows and stockers sold at from 3t to 4o per lb ; common dry cows and rough steers at from 3 to 34o do, with lean beasts down to about 20 per lb. Common calves sell at from 03 -to -06 -each, and choice weals -bring -up -to -- $14 each. Fat hogs sell at from 5} to 6o per lb, and young pigs at from $1.50 to 23.50 each. Receipts at the C. P. R. yards for the week were 1,976 cattle, 1,645 sheep and 360 hogs. BRITISH CATTLE MARKET Liverpool, Aug. 31.—The market to- day showed a little improvement over that of last week, but there ie still a tone of weakness to be noticed. How- ever, prospects are brighter and there are strong hopes of better markets and higher prices. The general supplies as well as the receipts of Canadian and States cattle were fair. The range of prices, calculated at $4.80in the £,were as follows: Finest steers, 12c per ib; good to choice, 11 }o : poor to medium, 10ic ; inferior and bulls, 8 to 9to. BORN. RUIIDAiL.—In Clinton, on the 29th of Aug., the wife of Mr J. B. Rnmball, of a son. McLEAN.—In Goderich, on Aug. 26th, the wife of Capt. Wm. McLean, of a daughter. WALTERs.—In Tuokersmith on the 23rd Aug. the wife of Mr Edward Wal- ters, of a son. MARRIED BENNETT—MCDONELL.—In Exeter, at the residence of the bride's mother, August the 26th, by Rev S F Robinson, Mr E A Bennett to Miss Alma M B MoDonell, all of Exeter. BRAUND—SPicER.—In Exeter, on the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev A L Russell, Mr Edwin Simpson Braund to Miss Maggie Victoria Spicer, all of Exeter. MED JEFFERIES.—In Colborne, on A ug.26th, Jas. H. Jefferies, aged 72 years. SIrARP.—In Seaforth, on Aug. 26th, Sarah Jane Livens, wife of Mr T. A. Sharp, aged 52 years and 11 months. MULDREw.—•In Egmondville, on Ang. 24th, John Muldrew, aged 72 years. PRATT.—In Grandin, Dakota, on Aug. 22nd, the wife of Mr J.W. Pratt, (daugh- ter of Mr J. T. Anderson, Goderich townsha�li aged 29 years and 10 months. The Western Fair. The Secretary and Directors of Can- ada's Favorite Exhibition are busy ar- ranging all preliminaries for the com- ing Fair, and we are informed that the exhibit promises to be larger, of better quality, and more instructive than has been heretofore shown. In considera- tion of the requirements necessary to make a successful show, Special Attrac- tions havelboen secured at great expense and trouble, to amuse and delight the great number of visitors who annually flock to this great Exposition. Among those already secured may be mention- ed,an Immense Wild West Show, Grand Display of Fireworks, Balloon Races and Parachute Descents, Fire Engine Contest, a Palace of Illusions, a Troupe of Wonderful Performing Seals and Trotting Pig, A Monster Street Parade by the different Orders and Societies be- longing to London, a Marvelloug,French Gymnast, Cross -cut Sawing 'Match, Edison's Phonographs, Fancy Pistol and Rifle Shooting, Band Concerts,and a host of others being arranged for. London has the reputation of holding one of the best Fairs in the country, and we are thoroughly satisfied that all who go to see their show, will be well repaid for any trouble and expense con- nected therewith. SALE REGISTER. Farm, stook, d•c, of John Frazer, lot 75, Bayfield con, Goderich township, on Tuesday, October the 6th. Thomas Brown Auct. On Wednesday evening at the res- idence of the bride's father, J. Brown, Brownsville, Rev Chas. W. Brown was married to Miss Ida Brown, by Rev Geo. Brown, father of the groom, who was assisted by Fred Brown, bro- ther of the bride. The bridesmaids were Miss Lottie Brown, sister of the bride, and Miss Edith Brown, sister of the groom. Mr and Mrs Browntre- ceived valuable wedding gifts from all the other Browns, and have gone on a trip to New York,—This was a Brown affair. MISS M. A. FERGUSON. Teacher of painting in Oils, and Crayon, drawing. VICTORIA ST. Clinton. EL110EN Uf•ri E. HELz To take the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even 'wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. Ask your Dry Goods dealer for it For Sale by Estate Jno !tokens 1 yr • N WO NOTES. tvE no wheat crop inst harvested rix North Dakota exceeds 4000C , 000 bushels., H. Talbot, Public Works .De partnient clerk at. Ottawa, hk d peon suspended, Oauel Thornton, a •fo rm ogeton ion, was drowned Sato da 10 Now York, The harvesting of the big .whea crop in the Northwest continuoo. to be `favoredtl with goad weather, A horse belonging toOleophas Routhier, living near Ot to kicked its owner in the head an killed him.Boports of the live atoclt mark- ets in Great Britain show no signs of improvement and Montreal ox porters are gloomy. At Brookville Tuesday morn- ing Mrs. Wm, Dowell, aged about 60, took a dose of carbolic acid and died in the evening. Aeronaut John Hogan fell half a mile from a balloon at Detroit Saturday, and was instantly kill- - :d; — Fire burned over a stretch of country 50 miles long and 20 wide in Faulk County, South Dakota, night. The farmers ar ruined. A locomotive and nine oars of coal plunged into the oanal at Burlington Beach on Sunday night, The fireman and brake- man lost their lives. John Callahan, who systemat- ically robbed the Hamilton Street Railway Company, was sentenced to two years imprisonment at Kingston Penitentiary. Charles Ross, a New York but- cher, was on ,a ladder trying to hang up a side of beef on a hook, when he slipped and was impaled on a lower hook. He bled to death. London has 134 secular lodges and other societies. The number was ascertained by Secretary Browne of the Western Fair Board in making preparation for a com- ing street parade. Burke Braemat, Embro, sustain- ed a very heavy loss during the recent thunder storm. His young were pasturing some distance cattle from the buildings and for two or three days after the storm they were not looked after. One of his neighbors then found five of his best heifers lying side by , side dead. ,a ;Any ietantioil of taking ' U3NNESS COWIMETills SEANQN a0 z •Qa, e Ktx The Forest City car Business College ar ac.c�1vz 02XsT t would like to correspond with yea. 4;34TAL0013E 'REEF,. J. W. Weaterveit, Rrilneipal. d RENT pi; FOR HALE The Berlin Telegraph announc- es the resignation of D. Macdou- gall, county registrar, who was appointed to the office by the late Hon. Sandfield Macdopald,.over_ 25 - years ago. Mr Macdougall is ad- vanced in years,in impaired health, and has crippled •himself financial- ly in order to pay back to the county the moneys which were found to be due it during the late inquiry. Mrs McBean, sr., an old lady about 80 years of age, residing near Clyde, met with a most ser• ious accident on Monday morning last. She was going out to feed the chickens, when she stepped on a damp board and slipped, falling in such a position as to fracture the thigh bone. As soon as possible medical aid was obtain- ed from Galt and the fracture re- duced, but at Mrs McBean's age the accident is serious. Joseph Gray works the slabber in the Victoria Harbor Company's mill at Garden Hill, and was standing in his place when one of the other men threw an apple towards him. Not seeing it coming in time to catch it he dodged back and stepped into the, hole beside the saw used as a trimmer. As he fell he threw his arm on the saw, the teeth of which cut into the flesh and quite a way into the bone. A silver and bronze mectill, given by the Ontario Agricultural and Arts Association, will be offered for competition at the South Hu. ron Fall Show, to be field at Ex- eter, on the 28th and 29th of September. These medals are of- fered ffered as follows; A Silver medal for the best head of cattle of any breed, said herd to consist of four• females and a bull. A Bronze medal for the best pen of sheep of any breed, said pen to consist of ram, pair of aged ewes, pa'r of shearling ewes and pair of owe Iambs. Those prizes are offered in addition to those in the regular published List. About three years ago Mr. Jas. Keefer, of Flesberton, was mar- ried in a Toronto chilrch to his cousin, Miss Nettie Bennett, of Tara, who was for several months previous a resident of Owen Sound, and was well known in that town, especially in Division Street Ohara, of which she was a mem- ber. Immediately after the cer- emony Miss Bennett refused to consider the contract binding, protesting that marriage with Mr Keefer was entirely against her wishes, and that she could not imagine what had made her con- sent to enter the church for that purpose. They parted at the church door. Mr Keefer after- wards attempted to come to a bettor understanding with his bride, but she refused to consider him as her husband, and by her wish her friends bavo continued to call her Miss lennett. Both tho young people are estimable and in- telligent,and the set tinge situation has been a source of much Brief to their friends: Mr Keefer applied for a divorce at the present sea -- sten of Parliament, he has now, after much trouble and expense, succeeded in'legally undoing lh3 compact. 1 House to Rent. The pproanieee at present ocoupied` by Mr H. B. Diane, Holmesville. flood accommo- dation for ordinary -sized family. AppIy to T. 0. PI:MARE. Rouse to Rent. Splendid brick houee,on Rattenbury Street, with every convenience, Rent 69 a month. MISS FOXTON. To Let or for Sale. Frame dwelling house pleasantly situated on the east side of Kii�n�e. "rt'gQ Street. opposite, Foundry `s-ver--conveniencerma easy, apply to A. SWING, Cottage to Rent. The comfortable and convenient cottage on RattenburySt. west, now occupied by Mr W. Mennel. It contains accommodation for or- dinary family, with all desirable convenience and will be rented at reasonable rate. MRS PORTER, Albert St. Clinton. For Sale. We acre showing Attractive linea in IR :-S c+. oL•. ggINGS SIIITINGS ._ OVERCOATING 000 -- The cottage on Albert Street belonging to the estate of the late Thee Cooper, at present occupied by Mr Wm. Robb, containing 5 bed- rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen and woodshed. Hard and soft water, stable, carriage house, driving shed also the three lots adjoning will be sold on reasonable arms, apply to MRS THOS. COOPER. Pump Factory to Rent. The Factory lately in operation by Mr John Ross, Clinton, Is offered to rent on reason- able terms. The building and tools can all be secured and operations commenced at auy time. Good opening for a live man. Apply to JOSEPH, ROWELL, Clinton. Cottage for Sale or to Rent. On Mill street, containing parlor, dining - rooms, three bed -rooms, kitchen, pantry, wash-room,and wood -shed. Well in the wood- shed, a quarter of an acre of land and lots of smallfruit. Could have it on easy terms by paying part down. Apply on premises MRS W. J. MOFFATT, or MANNING & SCOTT. pd 4 For Sale. Frame House and lot occupied by Wm. Mc• Ivor corner of Orange and Dunlop streets, Clinton. There is on these premises good frame stable, well, cistern, woodshed, fruit trees. &a. House contains 5 bedrooms, par- lor, dinning room. Kitchen and pantry. Stone cellar and good furnace. Terms easy. MANNING & SCOTT, *1.50 Vendor's Solicitors TO LET. Two stores . in the brick block, Albert Street, Clinton, fit for any business good, stands, rent low, apply to RAILAND ,BROS. 6 Hardware dealers. Farm For Sale. 100 acres North half of lot 5 in the 8th cor - cession of Morris:—Two Miles North of the thriving town of Blyth, Half Mile East of Colder's Siding on the L. H. and B. Railway. Good hewed log house and new frame barn 36 x 50 thoroughly finished throughout. 60 acres cleared and about free from stumps, Well fenced and drained. Title from the crown. For further particulars apply to M. Y. KEATING, St. Catharines, Ont. 6 w Improved Farms for Sale. West part of lots 72 and 73, Maitland con., Goderich township, containing 101 acres, 75 acres cleared, remainder good hardwood bush, unculled, 6 acres of orchard, choice fruit in full bearing; good buildings and well fenced. Also lot 16 in the 16th con. of Gode- rich Tp.,75 acres cleared, well improved, cod Barn and other necessary buildings. Com- fortable House, good Orchard. Parties want- ing good farms should see these. Possession after September lst. For pparticul6rs apply to H. BAKER, Clinton P. 0. lm Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his excellent farm of 125 acres, being lot 36, llth con. of Mullett, 2,1 miles west of Londesboro. About 10 acres hardwood bosh, balance all in good cultivation; btick dwellang,bank barn 50 x 40, another, with stone foundation only 35 x 55, also stable and shed 30 x 98. Good orchard, plenty of water. Ono of the best farms in Hallett, close to churches and school. Two- thirds down balance to remain on mortgage at 5 per per cent. THOS. MOUNTAIN, Lon- desboro. pd4 t 1. Boarders Wanted. Two or three ladies or gentleman can be accommodated with good board and lodging Rates reasonable. For particulars apply at NEW ERA office.' pd 2a Baking. R. McLennan having started baking on his old premises Victoria St. would like to see his old customers and as many new ones as would favor him with their custom. All goods ordered will be promptly delivered. im Notice. Having disposed of my business it is disrable that all accounts be paid up. The books will remain at the shop until the 15th of Aug. after which they will he placed elsewhere for collection. AR THUR COUCH. Clinton Collegiate Institute s Notice. At the last meeting of the Clinton Colleg• iota Board it was resolved that the foes for pupils residing outside the County and those residing in town shall be the same as those fixed by the County Council for County pupils, viz: Fall Term : $2, $3, and $4, according to room Spring Term : 62, 62.50 and $3, " " Midsummer Term: $2, 62.50 and $a " According to School law Fees must be paid in advance. W. H.HINE, Secretary. et9OO• SALARY and Commission to Agents, Men and women, Teach- ers and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular ste,ndard book . Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most remarkable religious book of the age, written by 300 eminent scholars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Ex- clusive territory given. Apply to THE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING 00., NORWICH, CONN. 6m. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St.Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen- eral Debility. LABORATORY, OODERICN, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J, 11. Combo, Clinton We will be pleased To have you look Through our stock. J We pay cash for good Butter and Eggs We sell Goods for cash Prices are lower here than else -- where W. L. Ouimette, I-401NDF.S•$OR () ] HiBGROCERY the Key Note of having good Pickles is to get Some of our PURE SPICES, such as Ginger, Cloves, Allspice, Mace Pepper, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Mustard Seed, Celery seed Timerick Powder, then add some of our extra WHITE. WINE VINEGAR,and we guarantee the pickles aright' We have extra value 111 Crockery and Glassware CEO. mowALLOW, CLIN'roN OC1 1'/ h X .AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES The very latest authorized Text Books, &c., for Public and Model Schools and Collegiate Institute. - - Full Stock and lowest Prices H. SIMPSON! 2 We will se.1d the New Era to new subscriber& for the balance of the year, for 25 cents cash. As it is the largest paper and gives more home news -- news than any other here, this is a big chance - We are offering the balance of severallines of SUMMER" • GOODS at cut -away prices to clear. FIRST CLASS GOODS and CLOSE PRICES Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for cash W. Taylor & Som:,# ttly 1891 CLINTON AND H NSAL , d a