HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-08-22, Page 4Page Pour
xnjtiam IttrillUTtt
JOHN 3oyf1W, Proprietor
.A. GftManager
(Written by James I3eattie)
Continued front. page 2
• .1918. A VGU$T 1918
do other kinds of less productive
luny. Morn. Tvm WED Wu, FHA SaT.. '1'1Th FARMI71tS' F IRTIT,1M 11 L!I17. work. There must be no Iced motion.
• 1 2 3 Every lick must be made to coni in
A Now Industry for Wingham and answering the call of our nation and
4 1a 17 0 10
One That will be of Great Benefit lies, allies, who are calling out to the
11 12 13 14 ,to the Farming Community, 'Give '
18 19 • 20 21 22 23 24 farmer Give us bread; Give us bread
25 19 27 28 29 30 31 t The Farmers' Fertilizer Limited is The best way to economize labor
an established fact for this go ahead on the farm to -day is to produce more
t t
TI-IURSDAY, AUG. 22nd, 1918.
Germany has now officially admitted
that Lieut.. C',ontmarider Schweiger who
commanded the submarine which sunk
the Lusitania was himself lost with the
U 88, which was destroyed by British
mined last September.
• * * *
Imagine the•ire of -the Kaiser when the
money which he had invested in United
States was seized and used to purchase
• Liberty 13onds.
• * * *
' ; Whether the enemy contemplated
shortening his lines or not, Gen. Foch in
his new drive is giving him good cause to
think•of doing 5o.
. , * * *
It may be somewhat inconvenient for
Winghamites to have been denied water
to pour on the lawns and gardens for a
few days, but that was no great hardship
compared to what other places are endur-
ing, with scarlet and typhoid, fever
epidemics, and the necessity for boiling
the water. So let's not grumble over-
much. ous in its favor.
The Mayor then called a special
meeting of the Council when it wax
Belgrave • agreed—with one desenting—that a
W. J. Armour will receive poultry at by-law should be submitted to the
'rate payers authorizing the loan. The
desenting voice in the Council was
the regular kicker in all such and
sundry things, who's forseeing eye
could discover nothing but loss and
ruin to Wingham if such a by-law was
adopted, and the kicker practically
stands alone in his objection, for with
all the force at • his. command he
fought the matter to the .last ditch
and inet with• such. a 'defeat at the
polls that he may -now have a chance
to think if there is really anything in
that hard old scull of his—By the
way The Kicker -puts the writer in
the mind of the old Darkey away
down South. One day a train was
town per acre. The farmer will act mos
A few weeks ago Messrs. A. O. Par- unwisely if he tries to cultivate
er and T. Taylor of Ingersoll paid a less,
visit to Wingbarn in their search of Another authority says, 'Ho not
a good town to locate infor the manu- waste labor on unproductiove fields.
facture of Fertilizer, after a thorough The same crop can be grown en few -
survey of the large surrounding er acres, at lesslabor cost with fe;til-
country and a closer view of this pro- iter,
gressive and industrial town, these Another authority say 'Fertilized
gentlemen quickly concluded that crops are always of better quality,
Wingham was the ideal spot they which :leans an extra net profit for
were hi search of, providing such ar- the grc wer .'
rangements could be made as to en- A voice from one of the leading
able them to start this very needful dairy men says `Despite the fact that
industry. top -dressing with fertilizer is, in
After an interview with the Mayor America, a practice almost unknown,
and the Board of Councilman the it is highly profitable and is perhaps
matter was formally laid before them one of the best ways thru which the
and forwarded to the Board of Trade milk flow can be stimulated without
who were unanimous in their a'pprov- the purchase of high priced graln.s,
al, to watt that the town should loan Fertilizer as produced by the Far
the company Seven Thousand dollars mers' Fertilizer Limited, Wingham,
for a term of ten years with interest Out, are the product of long exper-
t at six per cent. lance and much research, and it is
At a meeting of the Council it was acknowledged by thousands of men in
agreed that a Public meeting should this country to -day that this Company
be called to submit the matter for
public approval. This was done and
the meeting was practically una,nim-
Belgrave on Wednesday of each week up
' till 4 p. m,
The Ladies' Patriotic Society are hold-
ing a• Field day of sports in Mr. Mc-
Clenaghan's farm adjoining the village"on.
Labor Day, September 2nd. The ladies
are preparing for a bazaar and any dona-
tions will bg thankfully, received. Keep
the date in mind, Monday, Sept 2nd
Oil Saturday evening, July 27tb, friends
of W. J. Geddes and family, unannounced
took possession of their home to do
to their son, Cameron, who has been
' training 'for overseas,- service for some
time at •Carling 'Heights, also Gordon
Stonehouse, son of Robert and Mrs
Stonehouse of. the villager who is en.: rumbling along, On one of the little
gaged in the aviation service at. Toronto. .short line rail roads that are so much
' The' gathering was informal: ..Mr. G W. in vogue down there. Suddenly the
Nicholson who ie always behind the boys train carne to 'stand still, no power of
. in khaki was invited to the chair and in a the engine could be Made to move
few'Words explained the' object of the it forward. The train men got to in -
gathering,. Mr. Dave McGill, whose
vocal selections are always of a high
order, rendered two, numbers. The sot=
Bier- boys were presented each with a
,signet ring. The presentations were
made by Tate and Vivian Munro, . while
the addresses were read by Louise Mc•
Kenzie and ,Mary Armstrong. The gifts
were appreciated by the .boys who in a
few brief words expressed their appre-
ciation for them, Mrs. Geddes.;on behalf
of her son 'whom she said was not gifted
in public to express himself and though
• .many gifts had been received by him
since entering military service yet none
would be so highly valued as that which
had the community spirit with it and
bore testimony of the fidelity of the home
people with it. The gathering was dis-
missed by all joining in the National
Anthem. The rings were beauties and
displayed the good taste of the pur-
chasers, G. W. Nicholson and John
Stewart, ,
Anniversary services will be held in
Knox • 'church September 15th. Rev.
Calvin Fletcher, moderator of General
Assembly and pastor of Thames Road
congregation Will be the preacher. This
wilt be looked forward' to with special
interest as it is considerable honor to
have the privilege of the highest official
' of the Presbyterian church in Canada at
frilE NGRAM Afir,; AJ
I,hursday Aug. 32nd 1918
e' that l'c« has nil'ise'f sori.ttv'tion for the composing reams ]:lack, giving him ways well tilled °with e,11 that isbeau•
t ii' 0.'ng+ r or malls. :alis pboue nmub- a fine store in front, which he idled `faro] and novel in the many attractive
er Is 1.0 with a splendid stock of Books, per, things that Compose a .department of
iaclicals, stationery of all kinds, fancy this kind.
011110)M04 °ARR. goods etc. The Toy department is an unique
In 1912 lie was appointed Town feature here, one can find almost any
Ticket agent for the Grand Trunk kind of a toy for the deiigbt and
hallway and General Steamboat and , pleasure of the little ones,
China Hall Is a department by it-
self This takes In the whole second
floor of the block and the lovely
things in fancy China, glass warn
and fine out glass, needs only to be
Merchant Tailor
The above named gentleman is
known tar and near, by scores upon
scares of young hien and old hien who
have been buying their clothing front
hiin, for the last twenty tlu'ee years.
:Now then, don't it pay you to be
excels in the 'manufacture of fertiliz-
This wonderful plant food is com-
posed of various ingredients among
thrifty, don't it pay you to pay enough
and get the right style and quality in
'your clothes—of course it does—It
re your duty in these times to make
every dollar count. Carr's clothes are
In keeping with the thrift and spirit
of the country. You will dress Well
and matte your money go to the limit
by buying your clothes at George
Carr's. Try him for your next suit.
Steamship Lines, where you may buy
your tickets for all points and places
the traveller is allowed to go these
war -times.
Mr, Elliott takes o very great in-
terest in fraternal societies being Fin- seen to be appreciated,
aneial Secretary for the C. 0. P. and If you have not yet visited China
S, 0, S. and Treasurer of the I. 0. 0. P Hall be sure you do so on your next
If you are not a subscribed to the visit, it will repay you.
Times, subscribe now, if you want a All the leading periodicals of the
nice job of printing done, or anything day, stacks of fancy post cards and
in the book or stationery lines, jusel
t thousand of useful things will be
drop In and investigate things in Tile found in the store of George Mason
Time Office. and Son.
-- Barber Shop Ftu'nitnre and Undertaking
To all intents and purposes the a-`' The above named gentleman has • This old reliable Furniture and
above hotel is the oldest commercial conducted a Barber shop in the Me- Undertaking establishment has merits
(house in Wingbanel There have been Kenzie Block, directly opposite the /that well deserve the notice of the
seine changes in ownership since this Clinto Knitting Works on Josephine . general public.
house was Asst built, but it is quite St. for upwards of eight years and I It is upwards of twenty years ago
safe to say that none amongst then has won the esteem of a hos` of pat- 1since Mr. Walker first commenced in
all, won the confidence and esteem, runs, not only for the nice easy and :Wingham, and right in the stand he
was more competent, nor better un- 'clean way in which he performs his to -day occupies, next to the Canadian
clerstoond the needs and how to eater work, but, also for the courteous , Bank of Commerce , Since that time
to the travelling public than did the gentlemanly, and quiet manner accord however some changes have been
late John 1.. Swartz. ed while rendering his services. The made, not only in the store, improve.
About ten years ago Mr. Swartz shop is comfortable and appropriate- ments but in the general conduct of
purchased this house and made manY ly fitted up with all necessary ap- the business, so it is in keeping to
!necessary and badly needed improve- pliances, plenty of real hot or cold assert that few establishments of its
meats. Ho added a large section to water as the patient wishes, keen kind anywhere can out class this In
one wing and added another storey on edged tools, a light hand, makes shave any way.
the other wing. Besides this added 'ing and liair cutting easy for Mr, Som- In 1905 his son Mr. A. 3. Walker
accomodation, the house was thor- ers and a pleasure for the patient entered into the business as an assist -
mighty renovated thruout and refitted .while undergoing the operatinn. ant to his father, and this young
them is Phosphate rock, Acid Phos- and furnished. Shampooing, Head Rubs, Massages, man has certainly brought spirit, ins
phate, Suphate, or Ammonia, Potash, 1` 'The Queens' to -day is still doing and all the rest of it may be had here 'telegence and wim into the business.
Tankage, Cyanimid, Limestone, Driedbusiness on the late improved system to the King's taste. One visit to this As Mr. A. J. Walker has never been
blood, Bone, Nitrate of Soda, ete..etc, /under the, careful care of Mrs. Swartz, up -to -date -shop would be sure to in my other line of business but furni
All these and other condiments in•Guests are always assured of being make you wish to go again. tue and undertaking and as he has
component quantities are so milled ' provided and cared for to the best, in
that a plant food of the highest order ;every. respect. The rooms are most
is the result. !comfortable in every way
It would be well if farmers intend- I The dining room is not excelled.
ing to use fertilizer would place their anywhere for its service and the ex -
orders early so as to be assured of I cellence of its menu, while cleanliness
having them filled in time, while the is a prevailing element t.liru all parts
output will be of considerable bulk, of the house:
the demand promises to be of huge Fine large sample room,, for the
dimensions. commercial man, bath and toilet,
Consult Mr. Taylor, the manager ithorough comfortable heating and
who is an authority on fertilizer and lighting along' with almost every other
who will be pleased to give you every conceivable convenience, courtesy and
information. attention, has won the atisairation of
its large host of patrons.
Farm Implements
If there is one firm better or more 1'i 'was just t.'tirty ,years ago last
reliable to deal with indthe matter of Z tuuary that Robert Elliott, along
farm implements of every possible eta; his son, 11. is thee pos•-ession of
kind, that firm is the one represent- Iti,is clean etp-to-tba Minnie news-
vestigating.: °Suddenly they heard a ed by William Grey. Tho Internation !parer, At that tini•the office was
Voice from underneath the stalled al Harvester Company. This firm haslocate t up stairs over its Present a -
train, the Conductor 'looking tender been represented by different agents bode, noving to the Beaver Block in
std.}q the beefy 'of the old Darkey with since its first advent into Canada bat'1890 and there made its home until
his head wedged under one of the Mone have devoted the care and at- I ti,l 0 when owing to the large increase
:wheels.. In .a pleading voice he said, tendon to its best interests as has its to ttusiness, larger and more suitable
`I say boss, will ye please back de present representative, he is a man of
quarters had to es freed, and while
train up till I get my naid out from business. and keeps himself thorough- I
under ;dis. wh^ ;1'=or. 'course I:.ickcr,s it took a fall—as it moved --to lower
ly aoquainted ah to the needs of the uartersJournal itself took a
haid may not be tee hard as the '-''i farming community and is prepared q
leap say btheosand has continued to
D rltey's but it. is quite evident that ata moments notice to deliver any of
it doesn't contain the necessary qual• the innumerable farm implement
sty of brains that an alderman of from plow or cultivator up to the cele
Wingham should be possessed with, brated McCormick Harvester or Mog-
Poor old Kicker you have lost your ul Engine. A large number of farm
pule ers to -day can tell you of the immense there never has been printed in its
The by-law was passed and submit-' values and splendid results they have
ted to the people for their approval columns any thing but what was pure
had from using the Internatioanal ly clean and healthy good reading,
by a vote for or against on Monday Harvesting Co'y machines and imple-
the 29th of July. At the close of the , and since the present owner and Edi-
ments . These machines while being tor H. B. Elliott has been in charge,
Poll, it was found that the by-law had internationally known the wide -world
tatried by 223 for and 46 against, ,5o rover, have the advantage in many the same lines have been strictly ad -
tiered to. While ye Editor is politic
that one 01 the best and most neeiled'ways, especially to the Canadian Far- ally a true eformer, of the old school
manufacturin; industr es for the 1 ar-
i , in that, they are MADE IN CAN- and firmly adheres' to his principles,
mer and gardener and all tillers of IAmerDA. 1lyet while in the heat of elections, he
the soil, will be put in operation as you may want a mowing machine has never yet so forgot his ideal, as
quickly as possible so that a large Ito successfully cope with the big fin- to throw 'mud' at his opponents, but
has always made his appeal in a man-
ly fair fight, and took Victory or de-
feat in the same loyal spirit.
H, B. Elliott has always been a
factory has been purchased by the to buy it. You will want a Hay rake fair square fighter in every contest he
Farmer's Fertilizer Limited and Mr. or a hay loader, be sure you investi- has been in, and that quality has won
• Belgrave: Taylor is now on the job with a staff gate the rare qualities of the INTER- for him many, many friends, in both
'The hum of George Jordan's new of workmen putting the place in NATIONAL, and if it should be a political parties. Mr. Elliott while
threshin oteffit 'has been heard in and shape for the installment of the neves Binder you are in need of, then the not neglecting his own affairs, too
around the• village during the past week. sary machinery of which the best and McCormick is certainly worth wihle. much, has taken a very active inter -
The grain is all•an extra good sample and most modern improved will be placed The McCormick grain drills are a est in the welfare and progress of the
turninaout unusually well: The machine After the installation of the machin feature not to be overlooked by any town, always lending his best services
ery Mr. Taylor will have an.
worked good and is under good manage- efficient means, Then if it is a Cream Separa- in any matter brought up for its bet -
mint, the owner having had considerable staff at work manufacturing a fertil-tor, it is said with a truth that the terment.
that will bring comfort and'LILY CREAM SEPARATOR insures • The lion's share of the credit is
keep a pace of the times.
There is one thing that can be said
of Tehe Wingham Times—and that of
a surety,—that is, from the first day,
that Robert Elliott took possession,
supply of the best fertilizer will be
ready for early spring use.
The large factory just north of the
G. T. R. track, known as the old chair
pending crop of hay. Just see 'the
new 4 Mower, made in 4% and 5 feet
cuts, or the big 4 made with 5 and 6
lend 7 foot cuts, and you will be sure
•...•experience in .this fine having run the
chopping mill here for years as well as a wealth to the farmer or tiller of the more cream, and a steady cash in- I due to H. B. Elliott for the splendid
sawing outfit which he disposed of in the soil who uses it—and they sure will come. And then for the power to l rural telephone system that reaches his line in this section of ,County, so
.spring in order togive all his attention to be plentiful, when they become aware .drive any and all kinds of machinery, all points for many miles around that to -day George Mason & Son is so
p g • of the great virtue and value it :pets-
investigate the Mogul Oil Engine Wingham, where with this system
well and fovnn,•nht., lr,in,x,n +hm,n„+
hex few months. sesses• re also handles the famous farmers and others in the rural,
country is just beginning to litter carriers and water bowls made I fritts are always in close touch with ern ' Ontario that that the name is a
wake up to the groat benefit to the by the Beattie Mfg Co Fergus. Also 1 the outside world and under the household word.
Automobile Garage
The Messrs Dobin and Leppard are
the hustling representatives in Wing -
ham of this perfectly perfect auto- one fionr most har'esnt'tely !!fled up
mobile. in tow compartnie.ds, one fie- the
The wonderful success attained by display of the upholstered furniture
The McLaughlin is an evidence of of which there are some magniflcient
its superiority by the knowing ones and beautiful things in Parlour Suits
n chairs and
The Valve -in -head is the feature pre -fine large comfortable art
dominant in the McLaughlin, rockers and many of a more dainty
kind. Of course one wants to visit
this department to appreciate the
goods and low prices.
The other apartment is tastefully
fitted up as a casket room and funeral
The handsome designs and the
devoted his whole energies to his
work, the past twelve years has inade
him the efficient man he is to -day.
Ieir R•sn ser se'e:.s: mot.tr.4 ago
ereatr 1 practicaliy n n.,w •'enatntent
In tee :tore. He ass the .e:• of a sec
Its beauty in lines, elegance in fin-
ish, luxuriousness for cofort -and all
the newest and best appliances for the
driver along with the very best mater-
ials to be had in its make -up pron-
ounces The McLaughlin automobile
the car par excellence and unique in
feautre of being purely a Canadian nicety of the upholstering and finish
Car. Ito these goods are very satisfying.
Messrs. Dobie and Leppard are also /These are in stock in numbers and
agents for the Saxon Six and H• to sizes so that the need be no unnecee-
mobile as well, and are doing a good sary delay when one may be required.,
business in the way of .making sales. I' The first floor of course is well
They have also taken out a license stocked with all kinds of household
for an Auto Livery and are prepared furniture suitable for any room in the
and fully equipped for the tourist, the : house and one will find the many
traveller, of the excursionist. as they t beautiful styles, quality and prices
say no roads are too long no weather I just right.
too hot; no hour too late for them In the undertaking business com-
One is always assured of a good corn- ment of Mr. Walker's qualifications
fortable car a careful and trustworthy by us would be superfulous as he is
driver and at modest charges. 1 •so well-known thruout this part of the
Mr. Leppard is a man who most l country as a qualified success and a
thoroughly understands the 'innards'
ofalmost any automobile and any
wounded car he is called upon to docs
'tor will certainly be fit only for the
scrpa-heap if he is unable to make it
do its duty as a car should
When you want a new automobile
your old car repaired, or to go for a
driver be sure you call at the Mc-
Lauglin Garage. Gannett's old stand
Josephine St. or phone 10.
Books, Stationery and Fancy Goons.
Nearly fourty years ago since Mr.
George Mason first commenced busi-
ness in Wingham, coming liere from
London Ont, where he was born he
commenced business in books, Stet -
theory and Fancy Goods. In 1879,
he erected the fine block on.the cor-
ner of Josephine and John Sts, known
as the Mason block.
Fitting up the store he has since
occupied, with all the modern con-
veniences for a large growing trade,
be soon enjoyed, the privilege of con-
ducting one of the best businesses in
threshing' nu we bespeak for ,nut a busy
season for thet f Mr. Grey arm a large district in this part of North -
NEWS FROM HOME land and the immense profit to be some very fine harness at bargain 'splendid management of Mr. Elliott The firm provided large separate
gained by the use of fertilizer. It is 1
prices. ,
is providing a good investment department for their various lines. A
The following bit of verse was written also one of the great labour saving Just call and see Mr. Grey at his IThru hard work, thrift, energy and large department Por wall papers, in
by a Huron County lad who has served problems largo showrooms opposite the Lep honesty of purpose, Mr. Ellett, has I which lines they deal extensively,
to-dayas well,as is proven
for some time in the trenches and ' be- by some of the greatest authorities on pands Hotel. • won well deserved s u c c e s s 'carrying a large and magniflcient
speaks for all the boys "Over there.” soil cultivation. He owns the fine Stone Block in which stook of all kinds suitable for anykind
Send us a line from Canada; A'short review from. an article by , BUS AND TRANSFER LINE., the Times mares its home, on the cor-
i of a room or hall, from the low pric-
Think bf u's fezaway, J. N. Harper, Director Farm Service This. important branch for public ter of Josephine and John streets, ed to the finest and best quality made
When the night shadows are falling, 'Service, and 'and by the large volumne of trade
g g,
., Remember us dear and say— ,
is in the careful and trusted publishes one of the brightest,
hands of Mr. Alex Reid who for the cleanest and ttp-to-date newspapers of
past en years has been the 'Johnnie the day, while the job printing dep-
Review, Atlanta, Georgia applies as
well to farmers of Ontario as to the
U. S.
Good luck to. the boys who are doing Ile says, 'Common labor is to -day on the Spot Boy' every time. There is ailment of his office Is perfection in fin keeping and satisfactory to their
their bit the most sought after commodity in no More competent to be found, or a every particular. In 1914, Mr. Elliott. hundreds of customers. The Books
In the far off battle lines, America. it is scarce thruout the roan who is more to be trusted in greatly enlarged the whole of this ;and Stationery department is also
done in this, one is naturally led to
understand that tthese prices are fully
devotee to his work. In this he spec-
Mr. Walker is also an Embalmer of
the first order, having qualified and
won his diploma from the Champion
College of Embalming in 1899. and
also gained the Government certificate
for his high standing and proficiency
His hearse and equipment for fun
' eral's is one the nicest order of things
to be had for this service.
Mr. Walker is agent for the Singer
Sewing Machine.
Of course when you mention "Sing-
er" in the sewing machine line, that's
'nuff said.
The above lady carrys on one of
i the most popular grocery stores in the
town. Her many customers acclaim
the choiceness of her goods, one will
always find it easy and pleasant to
buy their supplies here. Finest
brands of Teas and Coffees, a spec-
ialty. The freshest of all kinds of
canned goods and a full and com-
plete stock of general goceries for
family use.
Mrs. Cummings buys your butter
and eggs and other farm produce for
which she pays top market price in
trade or cash. Just give Mrs. Cum-
mings a tial for your next order and
'you will be pleased.
Tobacconist and Pool Room
Pour years ago the above named
gentleman purchased the Pool Room
1 and Tobacco o,r:in,.,ss for many
!years carried on by Mr. A. M. Craw-
' ford next door to the Canadian Bank
of Commerce, Mr, Dyer came to
IWingham with the highest credentials
as to good citizenship and capable abil
ity to properly conduct such a busi-
ness. Since residence here he has
Per there are lots from dear old Canada, country. Farmers of the South are this all important business than Alex, fine block, building a large and sub- well stocked, with the newest and beat won the confidence and esteem of all,
And lots from other -climes. especially worried over the situation. 'C'p to a month ago, two fline busses stntial addition, in the rear, moving I The fancy goods department is al-
We are giving our 1311 for honour, owning too much land for the along with a baggage dray, were used
To keep dear Canada free; present supply of labor. A better in the service, now he has added an
While our thoughts are forever turning plan would be not to increase the up-to-date auto -bus, which adds zest
To our dear ones over the sea. acreage devoted to cultivation crops, to the transfer of passengers front
but to ;produce more per acre, by the station to Hotel or where ever thee
Vor nothing there is like the home news; use of FERTILIZER, manure, good may wish to be taken. This fine auto
]Prom mother, sweetheart, or wife, seed end unproved machinery. all of 'bus is so arranged, that parties on
As it lifts our minds from the horrors of which will save labor. One ton of pleasure tent, can. be carrictl away in
war, good fertilizer will do more good in Iiomfort and safety. Cnminercialmeri
To a better and happier life. growing crops than will six times this i with their trunks ca:1 b'aspeedily telt,
And a3 we read year message, amount of money expended i1. labor. en front t(iwn to town as they wish,
A picture in fancy we see • The from the authority of a man do their business and return in half
who knows the value of fertilizer, is the time of the old fashioned waggon,
Of si weicoine.home that awaits us, worth paying attention to . In war' and at a moderate rate of e: pease.
In the happy days to be. times the farmer should be doubly The baggage transfer iu direfully look
So signal, dear, You are waitingt economies] of so valuable a commod', I ed alter with dispatch. Mr. Reid has
Say to your trust you are true; ity as labor. It must not be wz.r•ted. I been the carrier of ti.l mails from
And nothing will keep the victory 14ow is net the time to elmpioy i Pust Ofllce to trains during this time
]];rein the old Red, White acid Blue. labor to clean out fence Limners and ;and the drat tithe ball yet to be count- ,
The Macon Block,
by his affable and courteous manner
and the honest and upright style in
which he conducts this business.
He carries a large stock of 'rob -
ate os, Cigars, Cigerottes and Smoker's
Sundries and does a large business
both wholesale and retail.
The Pool Rootn is equipped with
five p ool tables and their necessaries
ample number of comfortable chairs,
'or the players and onlookers, are.
p'ro`vided, and everything essential for
the onjoyment of this splendid game
is tiroeided. N4 obsenty, loafing or
anything to dist IA the harmony of
this popular place is allowed.
Mr. Addie Sheridan Who for over
twenty years has helped to keep
things In order, still occupies his place
're -War
Prick r
That Paeans something to
you rnen who find it hard to
keep up with the rising cost
of everything. Through close
co-operation with a leading
maker of men's clothes, and
by being satisfied with a
small margin of profit we are
able to offer you the well-
That is several dollars less
than it usually takes for a
suit of equal value.
Drop in and see these
suits now, while our stock is
still fresh and complete.
Highest Cash Price Paid For
" •1 'f"'.`•,I ` ' 'tis
"3 Ri £ w
Gunns Fertilizer Always in Stack.
Warehouse will be open Saturday evenings from.
7till 9p.m.
E.111. Branch (Manager
Phone 2.5 Wingham, Ont.
W hit+• Church
Mrs, James Middleton of Molesworth
is visiting her mother, Mrs Mirehouse,
Misses Mary and Sarah Sharpe of
Teeswater are spending a few days with
their aunt, Mrs Hendnrson
Miss H. Gallagher of Lucknow spent
the week -end with her cousin, iVirs.
Andrew Fox
Mrs O. M Chowen and Miss Bessie
Chowen have returned from a few weeks'
holiday on the Georgian Bay.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Mac Viillan of
Alpena, Mich., Miss Christena Finlayson
of Chicago and Miss Elizabeth Finlayson
of Detroit were guests on Saturday at
the homes of Mrs. Mac Ross and Mrs.
Thos Moore.
Miss Edith Campbell of Toronto visited
at Mr. John Campbell's last week
Miss Irene Taylor of Wingham is visit-
ing her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Jas.
Mrs Charles Gillespie of Toronto was
a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Gillespie.
Miss Nora Falconer is visiting her
sister, Mrs Elgin Wellwood, 'of Orange-
Miss Evelyn M. Gaunt spent a few
days last week with her cousin Miss
Jean McIntosh of Teeswater.
Mr. and lits. D. H, Martin spent Sun-
day with St. Helens' friends.
Miss Freda Coiling of Ripley visited
her sister, Mrs Duncan MacTavish, 'ast
Miseks Ada Clubb has retuned from St
Marys, where she spent the past three
months with her aunt, Mrs Wm Dow,
Miss Greta Fox of Wingham General
Hospital is home for two weeks' vacation.
Miss Millie MacGregor of Toronto
and hire, James MacGregor of Langside
visited relatives here last week
Miss 11 Peddle spent the weekend
with her friend, Miss L Ilctherington,•of
Margaret Gillies, who recently
graduated from Wingham lettcineai Col-
lege, left this week to take .t position in
M re, B Sperling i:t visiting her friend,
Mist Stefle Kirke, of Dungannon.
Rev. ,T Henry Martin with Sire Mar -1
tin and children Sieve come from Strath-
clair, Manitoba, on a visit to +he former's
mother, Mrs. Wm Martin, of East •
Rev lit•, 1V1a:Lean of Ripley preached.
in the Presbyterian church on Sunday
On August 25th Rev. James Scohie of
MacIntyrc, Ont., will preach.
Miss Lillian Longman had charge of
the guild meeting on Friday night.
Misses I{. Terriff and Evelyn Garton
sang a duet. The leader for this week is
Mr. Frank Ross
Mr. and \Irs Calvin I Clubb of Lon-
don are visiting the tormer's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, John Clubb,
Threshing operations began on Satur
day when Mr, Gibson Gillespie moved
his outfit to Mr .Walter Marshall's in
Cutross. Messrs John Craig and John
Eglestone are with the machine this
The storm of last Tuesday tore off part
of the roat of Mr A 13. Pardon's har
waro store an did considerable of
damage to the building.
Miss Anderson of St. Helens, spent the
weekend at the home 0f her sister, •%ars.
Robert Pardon.
Mr. R W Simpson motored to Kintail
on Sunday an i spent the day with his
brother, Dr, Arthur A Simpson.
Miss Olive Clow has accepted the posi-
tion of teacher at No. 14 school. West
The trustees of No. 9 school, Kinloss,
have secured Miss Campbell of Proton as
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casemore received
the sad' news last week al the death of
their second son, Pte. Roy Caseniore, in
France, 'l'hc cause of death is unknown.
Pte• Casemore enlisted with the Bruce
Battalion in the winter of 1916, went
overseas in October and remained in
England until a few weeks ago, when he
crossed to France. His elder brother,
Pte, Alex., enlisted with the Buren
Battaiion acid is on active servica%tu"
France Ile was twenty-two year* Al
Dynamite Bound At 81. Marys
A sensational find of fit) pounds of dyn-
aniitr was unearthed by workmen at the
Horse Shoe Quarry. It is 1 itiOno •d to
have been ]ridden by some Austrian work-
man, about two yearl ago, when , +1
pounds of dynamite was 'nti .cd. it 'a
not known what tx'carne of tite balance,