HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-07-31, Page 5• Coale and see my FINE, LINE OF WATCHES In Hampden, Elgin, Waltham Columbus, Springfield, Swiss and every high-grade watch you want, at prices that will ' sell them at sight. Also, JEWELLERY, SPECTACLES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, &C Rumball&Co CLINTON GROCERY T 1-3 Ts E—+ jT 2 Ag— Gall for a Trial Sample and get our Prices Kllpaton><ers will find our Teas equal to any in the market, both in flavor, quality 'Writes. Our Tea. trade has steadily increased during the past two yeas, !vlpipb is a good guarantee of thelsatisfaotion our Teas give. We sell Teas at V Vary close prioes. Great reductions for 5, 10 or 201b lots. Just give us one trial *lid be convinced. We would also invite you to Dome and see the large amount 0rfght Sugar we give you for $1. We are going to give you the very best value that can be had. Kindly call and see what we are doing. ►:§10 w ALI�1C*W, CLIIiTTOIV e are offering the balance of several lines of. SUMMER GOODS at cut -away prices to clear. FIRST CLASS GOODS and CLOSE PRICES 'Eggs taken in exchange. 5, per c. off for cash . Taylor & Sons CLINTON. AND 1.4 ENSALL Illy 1891 Voters' List for 1891. MUNICIPALITY OF TILE TOWN OF CLINTON, COUNTY OF 'HURON. Notice is hereby given, that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Clinton, on the 7th day o: July, 1891, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors correct- ed according to law. Dated this 7th day of July, 1891. Wlf. COATS, Clerk of the Town of Clinton. Voters' List for 1891. MUNICIPALITY OF Tne TOWNHHIP OP HULLNTT COUNTY OF HURON. - Notice is hereby given, that I have trans • The above crit represents the interest taken by a large proportion of our read- ,•ers jun Canada's Favorite Exhibition. '.,'flus the Directors deserve for their un - efforts to keep it at the front of Live Stock and Agricultural Fairs: Its `•'','growing popularity is due greatly to the ,attention given in revising the prize list, making such alterations as are re- gllired: to the improvement of Live took; encoura ging the better classes of, nrand Seeds for cultivation„ and ing out and fostering new inven- tions of all kinds. Special Prizes are `Offered for the cow making the best ;butter on the grounds the test to be ':'•under the supervision of experts from the Agricultural College. The Machinery in I motion in the Main Building was of such an interesting , and instructive ohsraoter that special efforts are being , made to eclipse former years. A sight of these alone would well repay a visit to the Western Fair, but when they add each special attractions as the Wilu West Show. Trapeze Performances Fancy Rifle Shooting, Fire Engine Contest, Cross -cut Sawing Matches, elaborate Fire -works Displays, Balloon Races by lady and gent, Bands of Music, etc„ where can we go that we . will receive so much solid instruction and enjoyment at such little expense as to the Western Fair in London, next September 17th to 26tH ? fl ALL MEN. ydung, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous,weak and exhausted who ere broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms ; Mental depression, premature old age, lose of vitality, loss 'rot memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emis- sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headache, pimples on the face or body,itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz- ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muso1. s, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles,de- sire to sleep, failure to be rested by lee constipation, dullness of hearing, voice, desire for solitude, exoit• of temper,snnken eyes surround - •Leaden Circle,oily looking skin, i all symptoms of nervous de- 1 t less nred. The spring or vital force ; :;:having lost its tention every function I Wanes in consequence. Those when through abuse committed in ignorance I may be pern%anently cured. Send your addreea for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LIMON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flnshes, rush of,blood to the dead, du pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positive- ly be oared. No cure no pay. Send for -book. Address M. V. L1'.FBON, 50 i.+ron Street East, Toronto, Ont. June '20, 1890. matted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' List 9.00bestransmittedsor derive by dsof the list made f Searing by the last reviseuant to said d all of Assessment Rs oll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Londesboro, on the 10th day of July, 1891, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or anyother errors are round therein, to take imediate proceedings to- have the Said eYrorh correct- ed according to law. Dated this 10th day of July, 1891. JAS. CAMPBELL, Clerk of the Township of Hullett. lead to insanity and death The Coming School of Medicine The Hislogenolio System This system, is complete, having different med- icines for all the different diseases, The theory is entirely different from that of the old schools. The medicines are perfectly pure, containing nothing of a poisonous nature whatever, and are m quite tasteless. For throe years thesemedicines have been given away free and thoroughly test- ed in the most hopeless cases, before being placed on the market. The result has exceeded the most sanguine expectations. Hundreds of once• supposed to be incurable have been cured, and abundance of proof can he produced to con- vince t4,e meet skeptical that Histogenetic Med- iri.ieshave cured and are curing to -day DISEAS- ES at a later stage than any other system of medicine in the world. In ACUTE Cages the medicines act like magic. Chronic troubles re- quire a longer time, generally from one to three months, aecorrli4' to the nature of the cem- plaint. In FEMALE IRREGTA,,ARiTlEs, WOMB TROUBLES, etc,the medicines have hren especially successfu. Private EXAMIN- ATIONS in these troubles aro almost, if not quite, absolutely unnecessary Call or send for one of our free hooks explaining the system. They should be in every house in the land. Itllennnatism and Sciatica. Loenote, April 20, 1891. i am happy to acknowledge, and nnw testify, to the efficacy of your medicines in curing Rheu- matism I have suffered with this painful dis- eeee in my shoulders, knees, and hips, for 21 years, oleo with sciatica for some time. I de- cided to try Histogenetic Medicines as a last re- sort, as nothing ever Hemmed to give me any permanent relief. Tho first week's medicine gave me relief, and in two weeks thi sciatica disappeared and has not returned. I took the medicines for six weeks, and am cured of my rheumatism. i feel better in every way. I ane sixty years of age and Leel gnite smart and act. ave. I can cheerfully recommend these med- icines to the public, and will be glad to tell two months since t1 ceasedetaking the medicines, and the effect is permanent. MRS. PORDE, 1022 Mable Strdet. Will be at Clinton "Ratten- buty House" Tuesday 18th of Aug, 10 A. I. to 4:30 P. M. At Hensall, Hensall Hotel, Monday evening,' 17th, 6 P. M to Tuesday morning, 9:20. CONSULTATION FREE $istogenetic Medicine ASSoo'n Rooms and 3, Albion Block. Riehmnnd Street, London, (lend Office ferWestern Ontario. Heel ntilec for Canada, 19 Yen,ie Street. Mar. I. et, Toronto. 'i)I+INTAIrI' BUTS 4artecte.darery, xllurtday ltttornoon, Thur;iday, a41y,,30,1891, Wlieatiall,,,s}1«,,,,,,, 0 94 a 0 9$ Wheiyt sptirlg 0 95 a 0 '98 Dare 0 48 a 0 50 Barley. , , , , 0 40 a 0 55 Peas 0 05 14 0 90 Flan;r per bel , 5 60 a 6 00 Butter 0 12 a 0 16 011 a 012 018 a 018 500a525 enirrf 11.1"7.4; ." ,:yrte..,- i ;- Eggs Wool Pork gay 800a800 Hides, bio. 1 trimmed6 00 a 6 00 Hides, rough 3 00 a 3 25 Sheep Skins Timott'*y seed 1 25 0 40 Clover seed •3 75 a 4 00 amaaasaimiammisamaaminam BRITISH CATTLE MARKET ' 1 The market was easier, and ruled all day with a very weak demand.. Prices were off about •a oent per lb. and ranged about as follows: Fine steers, 13 to 13tio;_good to elioioe, 12 to 13o; poor to medium, 11 to 120; Inferior and bulls, 8} to 10,}g. The supply of sheep was heavy, and more than the demand palled for. Prices averaged 12o for best sheep; 10 and 110 for the secondary E9f to 10i for merinos, and 7 to',8io for inferior and rams. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET The live stockmarket has been busy enough for the past week,with unusual- ly large shipments for the season. The only reason for the rush was that shippers wanted to oatoh the good markets, but it is doubtful if their hopes will be realized, as the cable note a general deoline, with no hopes of any immediate improvements in Glasgow on Wednesday. There were 450 at the east end market, about the same number of sheep and lambs, 280 calves and 50 lean hogs. The best cattle sold at 4&ci while the lower grades varied from 3 to 31o. The latter price was for young cattle, what the dealers term "stockers." Lean cows sold at whatever the owners could get for them and that was extremely low, being less than 2c per Ib in some instances. Sheep sold at from $3.50 to $7 each and lambs $2.75 to $4.25; calves $3 to $10 each, and fat hogs in demand at from 5} to 5}o per lb, very few remain- ing. The lean hogs above alluded to are usually bought at low prices and fattened for the market by dealers who make a business of it. The same plan might be adopted with the large number of lean cattle that come to this market and have to be sold, but it is a question if it would pay to buy feed for them. The feed for the hogs is ob- tained from restaurants and large board • ing houses free of charge and should be profitable business. Dr. Henry T. Helmbold, of New York, who was credited with having piled up a fortune of $10,- 000,000 by the sale of his patent medicines, is once more in a mad house, chained at the wrists and with shackles on his ankles. He is a raving maniac. Competent physicians have pronoul. . d his case hopeless. It's easy enough —the Ball corset. That's be- cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give", but they come back. So does your money —if'you've worn a Ball corset two or three weeks, and find that you don't like it. Askyour Dry Goods dealer for.it For Sale by Esta'o Jno Nodgens MISS M. A. FERGUSON. Teacher of painting in Oils. and Crayon, drawing. VICTORIA ST. Clinton. To The Public. The undersigned in returning thanks to his customers for their liberal support in the past, desires to state that he has turned his business over entire to his son Robert, who will continue the same. He is empowered to collect all outstanding accounts and settle all claims. Chopping 5c a bag if Olean. THOS. TRICK. Thoro-bred Durham Bull for Service. Subscriber has for service the thorn -bred Durham bull Cameron, sired by the famous Vice•Consul.owned by Snell Bros. Cameron is a prize animal. Terns $1.75 at time of service, or $2 if booked, with privilege of re- turning ; money refunded should animal prove not to be in calf. GEO. SHIPLEY, ENT ERN FAIR LONDON. September 17 to 26th 1891. CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural, Industrial and Art Exhibition a Established 1868, LARGE INCREASE OF EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR. 1890 was good, but 1.891 will be better, $25,000 IN PRIZES ! Attractions, Ste., which are being arranged tor, will snrpass any get propuoed. • SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. Entries closed September 12th. For Prise Lists and information apply to CAPT. A. W,PORTE, THOS A. BROWNE, President. Secretary Lobb's Starch Enamel This is au article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If yon want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the olothosbn the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box If such as shirt want everything collars,to klilre cuffs, In o curtains, etc., buy a box. PRICE 15 CENTS. where the Storekeeper chantl'does keepsi not keept it a tWe want a lively agent to repersent us. Mannfacturotl by W. J. LOBB, Holmesville • NEWS NOM, »,1?, ,ever ardn,, for sus uy roars registrar of Welland pon,nty , died Tueadayt aged .11e41y 00, , Stanley, the explorer, while walking near Murren, Switzerland, slipped end broke his ankle. Practical grain mon estimate the Manitoba wheat yield this fall at 30,000,000 bushels, barring mishaps. Last week 6,8941head of cattle and 5,441 sheep were shipped from Montreal --the heaviest week this season. Riley, an ox -Manitoba hotel. keeper, has been sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment in Missouri for train robbery. Samuel Newell, a wealthy farm• er living near Honeywood, in the vicinity of Shelburn, committed suicide by taking opium. No reason is known. Cattle in Iowa are dying of a mysterious contagious disease. The knees of the animals swell and death soon follows. From- Illinois come similar reports. A hailstorm In the Cheyenne Valley, S. D., in ten minutes wholly ruined a promising crop. A destructive fall of hail is also reported from Kennebec County, Maine. The wife of Capt. H. Bradshaw,a prominent citizen of Paris, Ky., drowned herself in one foot of water Tuesday. She tied a stone in her apron . to hold herself down, Domestic trouble is the suppo d cause. A eclat train of five cars com- posed ntirely of steel, has been constru ted in Chicago. It is said the car neither cost nor weigh more than the old style, while being practically indestructible. Mr John L. Ulch, of Kingsville, Essex county, has raised this year 41 bushels• of wheat to the acre, 65 lbs to the bushel, and sold 100 bushels of the first threshed for $100. Tne Ottawa Free Press pertin- ently inquires: "Can the Langevinites place their finger upon a single states went made by -31r O. E. Murphy which' has not been cor'r'oborated by irrefutable evidence? The authorities of the eastern townships are a good deal exer- cised over a case of abortion that has been recently practised upon an Ontario woman with fatal re- sults. Some days ago Alice Men- der, formerly of Woodstock, Ont., but living in Notre Dame ao Stanbridge, died from the effects of malpractice, and now the pol- ice are on the look -out for the party who performed the oper- ation. A severe hailstorm passed over a large district west of. St.Thomas on Saturday afternoon. At Rod- ney and Taylor some of the hail- stones were larger that walnuts. Much damage was done to the crops, windows broken, poultry killed and thousands of dollars worth of fruit of all kinds is lost. A despatch says that all the crops between the town line between Orford and Aldborough for over seven miles and almost a mile wide are destroyed. Saturday afternoon aserious ac- cident occurred at the building of a carriage shed immediately be- hind the Sydenham Street Meth- odist Church, near Brantford. A number of men were engaged on the roof of the building, when it gave way, precipitating three men to the ground. Edward Brierly had one ankle broken and the other one put out of joint. James had a serious injury to the spine, and Thos. Ridley had his bead and arms severely lacerated. rhe injured men wore removed home and medical assistance sent for. The statement that Russia is always buying grain where it can be got nearest to band tends to confirm the gloomiest report of the failure of the crop in the czar's dominion. The tone of the des- patches from England, to some extant perhaps, in view of the wheat combine in the 'United States by the leadei-s of the Farmers' Alliance, woulu indicate keep looking to Canada already and if the combine should bold on', we have expected a movement to direct the export or. our grain through New York instead ofMon- treal. 13111 it i -s as yet too soon to depend upon crop reports from foreign countries which, likely as not, are made up by specnlators. Tho barque Guy C. Goss, with a cargo of $200,000 worth of tea, dropped anchor at Tacoma, on Friday, 44 days from Yokohama, long overdue. When 15 days out, "Tom" Hiskiaski, a Japanese sailor, mounted to the topsail to reef it during a gale. A lurch of the vessel threw him headlong into the sea, and he was seen sud- denly to disappear. The lifeboat was put out, but no trace of the missing sailor was found. When return.ng to the vessel, a whale rose to the surface. The crow then suspected what bad become of Hiskiaski. The whale seemed to be in great distress. Suddenly after a violent convulsion,Hiskias= ki was thrown from the whale's mouth onto the crest of a wave and upon the dock of the Goss. He was unconscious and badly i njured. Careful nursing brought him around, and ho is now in his normal health. C 1pt Mulletto vouches for tho truth of this story, and the sailor was pointed out. 1 1 4•, si#ooking .c°Il#8iozL lxocul•red;,. between two brains, ip . 'ran? o,: on Sunda,y t 'whereby 43 parsons' were killed, .and I,O4 Waxed. AA investigation. has , disclosed .the startling; fact that the disaster was intentionally caused by some 11047,10wn .miscreant who deliber- ately altered the signals so as to bring the two trains into collision. •Jlrs J4arge, widow of the Meth, °dist missionary who was mur- dered in Japan, is in Winnipeg After spending a year in Ontario, she is now returning to resume her work as missionary teacher for the christianizing of the Jap- anese. She is accompanied by Miss Shoults, who is also to en. gage in missionary work in Japan. BORN. RITEa.—In Clinton, on the 25th inst., the wife of Mr J. W.Riter, of a son. Doi:mu .—In Clinton, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr J. L. Doherty, of It son. Alios.—In Exeter, on the 25th inst. the wife of Dr Amos, (sister of Mr A. H. Manning) of a daughter. Biaoixs.—In Hullett, on the 26th inst., the wife of Mr John Biggins, of a son. McLEon.—In Seaforth, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr Kenneth MoLepd of a son. WiLsoN.—In Seaforth, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr. Alex. Wilson, of a daughter. SCOTT.—In McKillop, on the 23rd inst., the wife of Mr Wm. Scott , of a daughter. MARRIED FRENCH—GIB8ON.—At Wingham, on the 22nd inst., by Rev H. McQuarrie, Mr George French to Miss Ellen Gib- son, both of Wroxeter. SHEARER—MONT001tERY.—At the resi- dence of the bride's father, on the 15th inst., by the Rev W. Torrance, Mr T. G. Shearer, teacher, to Miss E. J. Montgomery, all of Howick. MosaRAvs--MoCoy.—At the residence of the bride's mother, Evergreen Villa, on the 22nd inst., by Rev Joseph Mc- Coy, M. A., of Chatham, New Brune - wick, brother of the bride, assisted by Rev J. L. Campbell, B. A., of Chelten- ham, brother-in-law of the bride, Rev P. Musgrave, of McKillop, Ontario, to Miss Susanna, eldest daughter of the late John ktcCoy, Esq., of the township aforesaid. n_IED Story. ---A t Brandon, Man, on 10th inst., Elizabeth. R. Miller, wife of John T. Story, formerly of Goderich,aged 37 years, 7 months. BRowN.—In Hullett, on July 30, James Brown, aged 77 years, 5 months and 29 days. - TO RENT OR FOR SALE To Rent. The excellent new house, occupied by Mr James Jackson, on Victoria St. Splendid location,every convenience. Rent moderate. Possession immediate, JAS. TURNBULL. For Sale. Frame House and lot occupied by Wm. Me - Ivor corner of Orange and Dunlop streets, Clinton. There is on these premises good frame stable, well, cistern, woodshed, fruit trees. fie. House contains 5 bedrooms, par- lor, dinning room. Kitchen and pantry. Stone cellar and good furnace. Terms easy. MANNING & SCOTT, .1.50 Vendor's Solicitors House to Rent. The premises at present occupied by Mr H. B. Evans, Holm esville. Good accommo- dation for ordinary -sized family. Apply to T. C. PICKARD. Cottage for Sale Cheap. On Mill street, containing parlor, dining - rooms, three bed -rooms, kitchen, pantry, wash-room,and Wood -shed. Well in the wood- shed,aquarter of an acre of land and lots of smallfruit. Could have it on easy terms by paying part down. Apply on premises MI28 W. J. MOFFATT, or MANNING & SCOTT. pd 4 House for Sale. A snug house on Frederick edericic street, at pre- sentocoupied by the undersigned, and con• raining -'goad accominodatton for a small family, with splendid garden, quarter acre lot. is offered for sale on very reasonable terms, as the proprietor intends returning to Manitoba. J. J. SCOTT, Clinton. Farm For Sale. 100 acres North half of lot 5 in the 8th eon - cession of Morris:—Two. Miles North of the thriving town of Blyth, Half Mile East of Coldar' asi Biding on the L. H. and B. Railway, Good hewed log house and new frame barn 36 x 50 thoroughly finished throughout. 65 acres cleared and about free front stumps Well fended and drained. Title from the crown. For further particulars apply to M. Y. KEATING, St. Catharines, Ont. 6 w Improved Farms for Sale. West part of lots 72 and 73, Maitland con., Goderich township, containing 101 acres, 75 acres cleared, remainder good hardwood bush, unculled, 6 acres of orchard, choice fruit in full bearing; good buildings and well fenced. Also lot 16 in the kith con. of Gode- rich Tp.,7'' acres cleared, well improved,good Barn and necessary buildings. Com- fortable House, good Orchard. Parties want- ing good favus Should see 1 hese, Possession after September 1st, For particulars apply to H. BAKER, Clinton P. 0. °11)1_ Farrar for Sale. Stin,,riber offers for sale his excellent farm or 125 acres, being lot 36, 11th eon, of Hullett, 2i miles west of Londesboro. About 10 acres hardwood bush, balance all 10 good cultivation: brick dwelling,bank barn 3) x 10, another, with stone foundation only :13 x also stable and shed 30 x 4k. (.o:ni orchard, plenty of water. One of the .lest Eurus in Hullett, close to churches and school. Two- thirds down balance to remain on mortgage at 5 per per cent. THOS. :HOU STAIN, Lon- desboro. pol t f. Farrel to Let That excellent grass farm at presentoccu- pied oy Mr Isaac Rapson, well known as the Dodsworth farm, being north half of Lot 36, 9th concession Hullett, containing 85 acres. It is situated on the Base Line, 2i miles from Summerhill and 6 miles from Manchester. Ie well watered and partioularly adapted for pasturage. Has good dwelling house, barn and shed. The lessee can have privilege of plowing atter harvest, with stable and house accommodation. Possession March, 1892.— Apply to MRS. JANE DODSWORTH or C A. HARTT, Clinton. Stray Calves. Came into subscribers premise., lot 10 4th con. Hullett some time in April or early in May, throe yearling calves, two heifers and steer, blank and red and white The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pa charges and take them away. GEORGE , pd 4 Auction Sale of Steam Saw Mill The firm of Donaldson and Perdue having dissolved partnership, !have been instructed to sell by Public Auction en SATURDAY, AUG 22nd, at Charles Wallis' farm, Lot 29, 2nd con of Goderich township, the portable steam saw mill belonging to said firm. The mill Consists of a :10 hm•se p»Wer boiler, 25 horse power engine, and sin wing machine all 1n running order, which may be seen on the above farm. Terms made known on day of , sale. T. BROWN, Auctioneer „haiikilot .., . ,' � _ •. sir a1 The greatest day in OiiuUn, Last Saturday was a natal day in Dry Goods for the people of Clinton. Our store was packed with purchas,. ars eager to secure the bargains, and thousands were compelled to go away from the store unserved. Had to close our doors from 6 to 8 p.m, to put back stock from off the counters, The rush still continues. Bar- gains for everybody. Wonderful is the verdict of all. Craig & Co's Mammoth Stock Of Petrolia, bought at 56-c. on the $, did not arrive in time for our opening on Saturday. Is now in and open, and ready to be slaughtered. Also ROBERTSON'S STOCL Tho Poor lads Rid Containing DRY GOODS, MILLINERY and GENT'S FURNISHINGS, bought at a great sacrifice, all going for mere nothing, at ROBERTSON'S OLD STAND. Everything marked in red ink, at devastating prices. Prices for One Week, Commencing Wednesday, July 29. Beautiful Dress Goods at 8c Hosiery, Gloves, Undel•weaf•, But - A large consignment of Lustre, tons, Ribbons, at terrific prices. plain and figured, 10c all to be swept away. Pongee, in cream, pink, blue and A good Corset, 25c black, 12; Gent's Silk and Satin. Ties, 2 for25 Henrietta Cloth, 44 in. wide, 350 Another case of those large Linen Levantine Parasols, large size,50e Towels, 12 Remember, the Petrolia stock is composed of CUSTOM' MADE CLOTHING, and must be sold at once. We can give you a goad pair of Pants for 75c, Splendid • Overalls for 40c. per pair. SEE OUR SHOES, all solid leather. Ladies polished C'ilf Button and Lace Shoes, $1.25 per pair. Ladies Slipp_'is 20c. per pair. MILLINERY GOODS—Hats, Ribbons and Feathers, all to go. We have still our Milliner, who has instruc- tions to sell goods at less than cost. Store open until 9 p.m. each evening. Eggs taken the same as cash. MARA 8z CO_ Dealers in Bankrupt Stocks, Berlin, Woodstock, Galt and now Clinton 'here's no patent on it. There's no patent on our method of doing busi- ness. Anybody can do as we are doing -give the most and best for the money. But it knocks profits That's why it is we have no followers, but stan, 1. alone in the one -price, spot -cash business. Credit pays the dealer More profit than cash, so he clings to the system but CASH SAVES THE CUSTOMER MONEY Look out for self, And you'll look in on us. Our prices save you t pocket. 0 i. r profits save your purse. Our good are the best you can buy or the best that can b sold for cash. 000 We have all regular sizes in Glass Preserving' Jars and Granite Iron Preserving Kettles FRENCH CHINA TEA SETS, beautiful stock.. good in shape, rich in decoration, fine thii. transparent body, equal to that in sett•. double the price. WHITE DECORATIVE TOILET SETS Good range ofTea, Dessert & Table Spoons and Cutlery. We pay cash for Eggs and Butter. W. L OUIMETTE, >F THE CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO --1