HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-07-17, Page 5antra
•'vltr'y re
CLINTON nougat)
0grreatedeverit Thursday adtPrnOOf.
Tliursdayi, July 16, 1091.
W11teit,tall•.,,....,,• 0' 97 a 1 00
p 8 • 097• 100
/-Wheat .s rin r. t.. n
a(•!�'y,,�t. R...f.R.... , 0 479 PA (0 50
e and see
BaIy.lRR...a.R......„ 0 48 Aa .00
u•," pe1Fp .......
rte? :;-` ce.
it Hampden, Elgie, Waltham,
IC`i01o,P4bies, Springfield, Swiss,
and every high•grade watch
you want, at prices that will
sell thele at sight.
1sT W--
2 o'
ca for a Thad Sample and get our Prices
Coatomere will find our Teas equal to any in the market, both in flavor, quality
and prices. Our Tea trade has steadily increased during the past two years,
which is a good guarantee of the'eatisfaction our Teas give. We sell Teas at
rrery close prioes. Great reductions for 5,10 or 201b lots. Just give ns one trial
and be convinced. We would also invite you to come atkil see the large amount
of Bright Sugar we give you for $1. We are going to give you the very best
value that oan be had. Kindly call and see what we are doing.
( EO, AW ALA >1_ ()W. CLIl\TTOl'1
n ,
To Rent.
The excellent new house, occupied by Mr
James Jackson, on Victoria St. Splendid
`Iocation,every convenience. Rent moderate.
p0s8cesion immediate, JAS. TURNBULL.
For Sale.
Flpurperbel. ,5 50 * 6 00
Butter. 0 12 a 01,3
Egg„ 0 11 a 0 12
p k1 500a525
Ha 800a830
U1 ea, No. 1°trimmed6 00 a 600
Hides, rough 3 00 a 3 25
Sheep Skins 050 *0 60
Timothy seed 1 25 a 1 40
Clover Beed 3 75 a 400
LIVERPOOL, July 13.—There was a
fair eupply of Canadian and United
States cattle on the market to -day.
The demand was steady and fairly
brisk, at prioee ranging from 140 to
I4i}o per lb for finest steers, 13i to 14e
for good to choice, 124 to 13o for poor
to medium and um etc) lite for inferior
and bulls.
Thoro-bred Durham Bull for
Subscriber has for service the thoro-bred
Durham bull Cameron, sired by the famous
Vice -Consul owned by Snell Bros. Cameron
isra prize animal. Terms $1.75 at time of
turning or mone$2 ify refund d privilege
aof re-
prove not to be in calf. GEO. SHIPLEY.
Frame House and lot occupied by Wm. Mc-
Iver corner of Orange and Dunlop streets Voters' List for 1891.
retests good
frame stable, well, cistern, woodshed, fruit
orBBg'n contains
lor, ohenand pantry.
Stone cellar and good furnace. Terms easy.
.50 Vendor's Solicitors
Clinton. There is on these p•
Notice is hereby given, that I have trans-
mitted or delivered to the persona mentioned
in sections 5 and 6of the Ontario Voters' List
- Act -1889 the copies required by said sedt1Ons'
to fie transmitted or delivered of the list,
Rouse for Sale. made pursuant to said Act, of all persona ap-
_ peering by the last revised Asaessment Roll
A sung house, on Frederick street, at pre- 1 of the said Municipality toyy� be entitled to vote
sent.occupied by the undersigned, and eon- inMthe
h ea i said the nicipalitr, at
1ec io and ar
d accommodation for a small t Municipal Elections; and that said list was
first posted up at my office, at Clinton, on the
7th day of July, 1891, and remains there for
Electors are called upon to examine the
said list, and if any omissions or any other
errors are found therein, to take immediate
accorrddiinsgto to law. the this 7tcorrect-
July, 1891. W M. COATS, Clerk of the Town
of Clinton,
famaau„ 6-•
fily, With splendid garden, quarter sore
lot. is offered for sale on very reasonable
Orme, as the propriedto intend SCOTClT, to
To Let
A splendid Dwelling House. containing
nine rooms, large cellar, wood shed ,hard
and soft water, and all other conveniences.
Good Stable, Driving Shed and Garden• In
one of the best situations in town, on Ontario
street opposite the English Church, within
one minute's walk of church, school or post
office. Possession et anytime. Also first class
Mitch Cow and Churn for sale, Apply on
the premises. T. TIPLING, Clinton
T. Improved Farms for Sale.
West part of lots 72 and 73, Maitland con.,
Goderioh tdwnship,.containing 101 acres, 75
sures cleared, remainder good hardwood
bush, uneulled, 6 acres of orchard, choice
fruit in full bearing; good buildings and well
fenced. Also lot -16 in the 16th con. of Gode-
rioh Tp.,75 acres cleared, well imjroved,good
Barn and other necessary buildings. Com-
fortable Houde, good Orchard. Parties want-
ing good farms should see these. Possession
after September let. For particulars apply
to H. BAKER, Clinton P. O. "lin
Farm for Sale.
Bubscriber offers for sale his excellent
farm of 125 acres, being lot 36, lith• con. of
Hallett, 2j miles west of Londesboro. About
10 acres hardwood bush balance all in good
cultivation; brick dwelling,bo;nk barn 50 x 40,
another, with stone foundation only 35 x 55,
also stable and shed 30 x 48. Good orchard,
plenty of water. One of thebest farms in
Mullett, close to churches and school. Two -
ds down balance to remain on mortgage
at 5 per per cent; THOS. MOUNTAIN, tLf n-
Standard Life
There pile about 250 bead of
butcher& tattle, 150 calves and 400
sheep and lambs offered at the east
end abattoir Monday. Trade in cattle
was unusually dull, excepting for young
thrifty beasts to ship to Britain as
stackers. About 55 head of these were -
bought to -day at from 5} to 5io per lb.
There was nothing very choice on the
market, and the beet butchers' cattle
sold e,t from 4i to 410 per lb. With
common stook at from 3 to 3-10 per lb.
Some of the leaner beasts would not
bring over 2}c per lb. Common calves
sold at from 92 to 55 each. Good ship-
ping sheep are still in demand at from
4f to 40 per lb. There was an active
demand for lambs to -day and higher
prioes were paid, good lambs selling at
from $3.50 to 54 each, and common
Iambs at from 52.50 to 53.25 each.
Fat hogs were much less plentiful than
on last Thursday and Bold from 5 to
5c per lb.
° Established 1825,
Total Sum Assured .$104,655,491
Invested Funds 381,444,640
Investments in Canada, over.... 6,000,000
JAMES A. GILLEBPIE, Esq., Chairman.
9irA.T.(Ialt,G.C.M.G, E.B.Greenshields, Esq
Hon,J.J.C.Abbott,Q.C. Sir Joseph Hickson.
W. M. RAMSAY. Manager,
CHARLES HUNTER, Supt. of Agencies.
E. W. BURLEY, Inspector,
Stratford District CLINONT ONT,
Lobb's Starch Enamel
This is an article worthy of every lady's
If you want to save time and labor, buy a
tyour ironed clothes to look
If you wan
neat and clean and to last much longer, buy
Farm to Let 1 a box.
If you want the starch to stay in the
That excellent grass fame at present oceu-clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost,
pied oy Mr Isaac Rapson, well known as the' bay a box
Dodssrorth farm, being north half of Lot 36, If you want everything to look like new,
9th concession Mullett, containing 85 acres. such as shirt bosoms. collars, cuffs, lace
It Is situated on the Base Line, 21 milds from curtains, etc., buy a box.
Summerhill and 6 miles from Manchester.
Is11 watered and particularly adapted for ! PRICE 15 CENTS.
Manitoba farmers expect the
largest yield on record from theirlands.
Speculators attempting to cor-
ner gain in Russia are to ire pro-
George Francis Train has reach-
ed the end of his journey around
the world in 62 days.
The physicians in attendance
upon tbe Rev Charles H Spurgeon
announce that he now has a
change of recovering.
James Burke, of Per,lh, Ont,
fell from a freight train while
riding into Montreal on Saturday,
and his leg was run over. Am-
putation was ,necessary.
Forest. fires are raging in the
vicinity of Escanaba and St
Ignace, Mieb. Crops and timber
have been destroyed to a large
extent. In the northern penin-
sula the destruction is particul-
arly great.
Another dairy case was tried at
Listowel Wednesday,when Robert
Forest, a patron of the Elma
Cheese and Butter Co., Atwood,
was fined $30 and costs by Police
Magistrate Terhune, who found
him guilty of the charge of adul-
terating milk sent to the factory.
A novel race took place on Sat-
urday, Gaudaur and McKay, the
double ecullers, rowed against the
steamboat Orilla, which has a re-
putation for fast travelliug. The
race was from the Narrows to
Strawberry Island, eight miles.
The oarsmen won by a length and
a half. Time 32 minutes.
wo g 1 Every Storekeeper keeps it snow, and
pasturage. Has good dwelling house, am
and shed. The lessee can have privilege of where the merchant does not keep it w
plowing after harvest with stable and house want a lively agent to repersent us.
ommodation ^n March, Manufactured by Posaesei M b 18.
— i
A. HARTT Olinton. Holmesville
Came into subser'
eon. Mullett some time in April or early in
May, three yearling calves, two heifers and . t
steer, black and re and white. The owner i 1►I,n rttl Am
is hereby notified to prove property, pay 1 1 n �is i n rnnn nl 1 n ❑ \t 1 11 f f i
charges and take them away. GEORGE
Calves. 1
Tile UMW School Of Medici
premises, lot 10, 4th
havingdifferent med-
icines for all the different diseases. The theory
ILARTr,—In Clinton, on the llth inst, to entirely different from that of the old schools,
the wife of Mr H. LeBaron Hartt, of a The mcdteinos are perfectly pure, c.aitaintng
nothine of a poisonous nature whatever, and are
daughter. quitetasteirss. For three years these medicines
PINNINn.—til Clinton, on the l lhh have been given awhe most ay free and thoroughly teat-
inet., the wife of Mr John Pinning, of pieced in inn the market.leThe result has oexceeded
tn, s¢ngutnc expecffiLials. Hundreds of
MbLEAN.—At Riverside,Tuckeramith, end abnases uclan etof p�oof can be produced to coni
on the Sth inst., the wife of John Mc- ,.Ince rho mostekeptical that [itetogenetie Med
j,�u, of a daughter. icines bare cured and are curing to -day DISEAB-
ES ata later stage than any other system of
Baowv—In Hulle.t.t, ,in the 15,h medicine in the world. In ACUTE casae the
S. 11 O1' A t1t6 fi Chronic troubles he
Tins s,etem,acomplete,
town, mechemesac emat c.
teat., the wife of Mr quire a longer time,gencrally from one to three
gOn, months, according to the nature of the Com-
-Aenexles—Ln Clinton, On the pith pplaint. in FEMALE IHKEGULARITTEB,
inst., the wife of Mr S. J. Andrews. of WOMB TROUBLES, etc , the medtoineg have
been especially successful. Private EXAMIN-
a 000. ATIONS in these troubles arc almost, if not
1 I IA.RRIED rialto, absolutely unnecessary. Call or send for
t:�ameRELL.—At the residence one of our free books explaining the system.
C'R Cam ball, Westfield, They should be in every house in the land,
on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr Swan, Rheumatism Loand Sciatica.
April 2tica,
Mr W Carr, VB., of Kirkton, to Miss
Emma, youngest daughter of Mr Camp t the happycto your medlctnes in curing nam-
I oe, arid now' u
bell. mutism I have suffered with this painful din-
_ t SrEEP--0030001 On. At the Parson-.. nee n years, areae 1der ,ok for and knees, hips, for
Ir 26
de -
age, Keay'B St., July rat, by Rey. cided to try with Ciaenette Medicines ass last re -
A. Strongman, L L. D., Mr Nelson sort, nothing ever seemed to give me any
�, Bleep, of- G0deriah township, to permanent relief. The first week'a medicine
of Goderioh: gave me relief, and in two weeke tht sciatica
Miss E. COIOIOUgh, disappeared and has not returned" I took the
AUSTIN --In t3RobderiF Father rheumatism. 1 to l be tar in eve y'ew y I am
Monday, St. 6t P, by Peter sixty year, of age and feel qnite smart and act -
West, at Peter's church, ive. I can ebeorlully recommend these med-
Austin. Kingsbridge, to Ann Teresa icines to the pbubllc, and wn1 be s glad to toll
Cann nn, second daughter of Peter Mc any sufferer
nths ince 1 ceased taking the medicines,
Cann• and the effect is permanent.
ri I.ANRRARn.— Alin IERanN, — At the MRS. PORDE, 1022 Mable Street.
Rattenbury St. Methodist Parsonage, Will be at Clinton "Batten -
Clinton, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Tuly,House" Friday 24th M.
J. W. Bbilton,Mr William Blanchard,
jr to Mrs Elizabeth A. Anderson, both At Hensall, Hensail Hotel,
of Tarnberry. Thursday evening,.23rd, 6 P.
nl EU M to Friday morning,'tJ:20-
LIUHPIMIE6.--In Hastings, on the 6th
inst., Mrs Thomas 5: Hum7hres, and CONSULTATION FREE
merly of Winghani, agedyears
8 months,
In view of the revelations made
at the meeting of the public ac-
counts committee on Wednesday,
Mr A M Burgess, Deputy Minis-
ter of the Interior, bas tendered
his resignation. The sensation of
Friday was the suspension of
Messrs K J Henry and H H
Turner, ot the Interior Depart-
ment. Both these gentlenen, it
will bo remembered, gave evi-
dence before the public accounts
committee on Wednesday, relative
to alleged irregularities is the de
partment. No reasons are assign-
ed for the suspension, but itis sur-
mised that Mr Henrys adlnission
that he bad certified to certain ac-
counts for work done by extra
clerks in which permanent officials
of the department bad participated
contrary to the provisions of the
Civil Service Act, and Mr Turn-
er's acknowledgment that he had
drawn money in another person's
name, are good arid sufficient
reasons fitr inducing the Govern-
ment to take thin step. •
o appreciate a gp o thing
they see it, we wish to re ter t
statement that we are ofterin:,
favorable inducements on the �a. �.�►'e+
of our Summer Stock during months.
Mr Donald Fraser, Presbyter-
ian minister of. Victoria, B. C., is
Wm Moffatt, of Pembroke, has
been appointed sheriff of Ren-
J A Clark of Blenheim, who
accidently shot himself in the
woods near his home, has since
Mr C W Lount, stipendiary
magistrate for the district of
'Muskoka, died at Bracebridge on
Reisman crop reports indicate
that there will be no grain for
export, and that• corn will have
to be imported.
Lizzie Harvey, living near
Woodstock, was terribly burned
as a result of accidentally setting
her clothing on fire.
Mr Owen Fathers, sr, a wealthy
farmer, of_South Cayuga had his
foot cut off by a mower the other
day and is very low.
Burglars blow open the safe in
the store of A Beatty Jr Co, St
Mary's, on Friday night, destroy-
ing the -safe door, but getting
nothing. No clue.
George P Buchanan, late man-
ager of the Bank of British North
America in Paris, Ont, who ab-
saonded,laat November, is report.
ed to be in Mexico.
F Mahlon Swain, of St David's,
Ont., was arrestedSunday night
in Buffalo, on a charge of stealing
a horse and buggy from James
Doyle, of St David's, Ont., taking
it to Buffalo.
The body of a man was seen to
go over Niagara Falls on the
United States side on Tuesday.
A despatch from Rochester says
there is little doubt the body was
that of E W Snerman, of Clifton
Springs, N Y.
Estate JOSH 11Q33GE1
Mr Gladstone has written to a
personal friend that he has not
now nor has he had any intention
of abandonding the geld c!politica,
and that he intends to take an
active part in the coming general
The 44 -year-old daughter of
Thomas Kentes, a farmer, near
Eastman's Springs, was scalded to
death on Tuesday by falling into
a cauldron in which the potatoes
for the men's dinner had been
boiled. -
At Admaaton, Renfrew county,
Ontario, the youngest daughter
of John Ferguson, M P, was play-
ing on the upper flat of a new
addition he is putting to his
house, when she dropped through
a stovepipe hole and through,a
hole in the next flat to the cellar,
a distance of 25 feet. The lateat
accounts are that she is still un-
Wm Hanlon, one of the famous
Hanlon Brothers, was instantly
killedwh ile performing with Fore-
paugh's circus at Lyons, Ia., on
Monday afternoon, By the break-
ing of a trapeze bar he was thrown
thirty feet through the air, break-
ing his neck. Once before he fell
60 feet at the Academy of Music,
in New York, and escaped death
Somebody hoisted the Union
Jack on the Buffalo City Hall
on Saturday morning, and the
Buffalonians went into hysterics
until they found out that the
building was not in possession pf
British troops.
Crop reports received from all
sections of the province show that,
with tbe exception of bay, there
will be a good average yield, if
present' indications can be relied
on. In some sections even bay is
turning out good. In some parts
wheat was winter -killed, bat 'ek-
ing the reports all in all there is
every reason for. congratulations.
The count of the money and
bullion in the vaults at the treas-
ury at Washington consequent
on the transfer of the office of
treasurer from Mr Hudson to Mr
Nebeker, began April 27, and bas
involved the actual handling and
counting, piece by piece, of $614,-
511,582,32, of which amount $26,-
048,000 is gold coin, and $139.-
902, 000 silver coin. Not a dollar
is missing.
James Wilson was arrested at
Essex Centre, on Monday, charged
with attempted assault on Louie
Greenway, the 11 -year old daught-
er of a farmer living a mile from
there. The wretch was Shameless-
ly daring in his attempt, throw-
ing the child down shortly before
noon, in a ditch on a much tra-
velled highway, within a short
distance from a dwelling. On the
approach of Joseph Serry, he fled
to this place, where officers were
put on his track. He pulled a big
knife and prepared to resist ar-
rest, but was overpowered and
locked np.
Sold by John Robertson, Clinton
Part ot lots 23 and 24, Maitland con..
Goderioh township, being 87 acres, at
ltattenbury House, Clinton, on July
25th. D. Dickinson Amt. Manning,.
Scott, Vendor's r'8 4 licitor8.
— abci.
,,ir(rer broken
The "bones" in the
B. & C. corset made of it
—warranted for a yeas, too.
It's a corset you can wear
a few weeks, and then get
We give Credit
A Hamilton despatch says:
Kiss Myra 1 urrell, who a couple
of years ago received a verdict of
$3,000 against Thomas O'Callag-
ham, of London, for breach of
promise, has been married to
William Stevenson, of Winnipeg.
Over a year ago, by some eoipcld-
once, the two repaired on the
same evening to the establishment
of a colored necromancer in Hugh -
son street. There they met. It
was a case of love at first sight
for the groom. Ile secured the
young lady's address and called
upon her shortly afterwards.
Whether or not Stevenson was
the one pictured ,by tbe fortune-
teller as to the custodian of Myra's
affections is not known, but in a
short time be became so. And
so they were married.
To the man who makes two blades of grassglair'
where one grew before
Why not give credit to the merchant wlp make*-'
two bargains where others make one? -
We give Credit
To the maa who makes money for himself.
Why notgive credit to the man who makes lnene;:
fcr other people?
Our Cash System
Enables us to make two bargains for one, and to,
save money for other people.
WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH, and we buy be
ter and lower, and sell better and lower, than alb
Burgess and Perley must go, and if
there are any other practices of this
kind known they have got to stop right
now and a better morale be introduced
into the public service. While on this
subject the World does not make fish
of one and flesh of another. Sir Hec-
tor Langevin, in taking a testimonial
from contractors, committed more than
an indiscretion and set a bad example
to his subordinates. We cannot expect
the inferior officers to he highly con-
scientious in a matter of this kind,
when it can be said that their chief has
laid himself open to even a suspicion of
doing the same—Toronto World, Con-
Bogie Etheine Asian ` your money back if it doesn't
Room.2 and s, Albion Mom,I
But it's pretty sure to suit
Richmond Street, London,
Tread Office for western Ontario. i —else it wouldn't be sold- so.
Head 0100e for (!:.lin dn, 19 Voters Street :Nur Ask Tour Dry Gotfds dealer tor it
For Sa a by Estate Jim ftodgens
. 6.9,ltrikM-vi-...,-JS.9--9...- -. ......L.i,.. t'Jf, 9
Come with cash, . and see what.;.
advantage. it gives in prices
and quality of goods.
Note these prices for Glassware.
Your choice of a half -gallon Jug, a Cake Stand,*
seven-inch Preserve Dish, with cover, or a six-pit.,;e Tea
Sett, for 2.5dcents. •-
The wheat harvest is finished in
many and is in full blast in other
States across the line. In{Indiana
andIllnois the grain is in the stock.
In Michigan and Northern Ohio
cutting is in progress. In those
and other States it is found that
owing to the Spring drought, the
wheat as it comes o:it of the
thresher iv c.Znt;iderably lighter
than it looked whilst growing.
The crux, however, is a goad aver
age. Irl the Northwestern States
spring wheat is looking remark-
ably well, and with fine weather
during the next few weeks the
yield will bo the largest on record
in that part of the country. The
agricultural bureau at Washington
says the crop throughout the Un-
ion will be the heaviest reported
since 1879 with one exception.
The averages of the principal
States which have finished har-
vesting or are engaged in it are
as follows, ' 100 representing a
high average :--Pennsylvania, 98,
Ohio, 97 ; Michigan, 89 ; Indiana,
99 ; Illinois, 98 ; Kansas, 94 ; Cal-
ifornia, 98 ; Missourt, 98. The
fruit prospect is flattering in Now
England and the North Atlantic
States and west of the Missouri
River to the Pacific coast. The
crop in Ohio and Michigan was
materially damaged by the frosts
of May. In Ontario there has
been a marked impl'ovement in
the outlook, and the crop as a
whole will be up to the average,
though it may be light in the
northern counties. Hay was
light all over. In Quebec the
prospect for cereals is not as
bright as in this Province, but
everything prorrliees well in the
A new insect has appeared on
the wheat in partsof Essex county,
and farmers are at a loss to know
what it Is. It appears first on the
stalk in the shape ot black specks.
These develop into small insects
the color of the bush on the
wheat, and then these in tarn de-
velop into flies. There are said to
be millions of these in the wheat
fields, but so far no visible signs
of injury has been caused by them.
Mr 3 Scott and his son were
engaged in shingling the new
Presbyterian manse tit Innerkip,
Thursday evening, when a cleat
upon 'which their feet were rest-
ing gave way, and Mr Scott and
Sam Wallace were sent off the
roof. Mr Scott in falling caught
h ild of a scaffold pole and saved
himself, but Wallace went head-
long to he ground, a distance of
25 feet of more, breaking both
arms a d otherwise injuring him-
self. Elis home 1s at New Dur
el? st.. -aelliMit
Binder Twine
R',COW 3 Ply- iF'1a.31c
IRE JD) C.' AAP 'Silver Composite
BEST PRICES – CiiU and get your supply in good time:
We are offering the balance of severallines of SU\IIItF1t'
GOODS at cut -away prices to clear.
Eggs taken in exchange. I per c. off for. caSl1, :
W. Taylor & Sons
,Idly ls:ll