HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-07-17, Page 3�-.-�-.rte-: ,,,� ;� -. '�IF� •-nv� r+-`. .rte... -4• -_ ,, 7r" 7---•-•w-,-•�rnw4tF . P i:.•r . r G: rich, we gave her"Car.tda. W hero Lim lei a Child, she cried for 4 aPiruria. 1W10. %ilN be431e,111154. she clung to 1; attoria. When anti had Chikiren,she gave them Cestoda, tOOD UEALTI • sa�4aparlla Bitters 01661. every kind of Unhealthy Humor and Dieeate caused from Impurity of the Blood. t PURIFY • This valuable 189M04 cure Kidney and Liver Ooipttplainta, Pimples, Erupptlonaofthe Skin, Bolls, Couldpatios,Blllatipnean,l7yepeps[e,Sick stomach Less o Bleep Neuralgia, k$lns Ep the Bones and Back, Los) of Appetite, Languor, Feinale Weak- ile>3ses, Dizziness, General Debility. Rheumatism. YOUR It is a genUe ting purgative as well as a tonic, posswsmg the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent inrelieving Congestion and Chronic Znriammatiou oftheliveraad all visceral organs. BLOOD r'Tbfs'valuable preparation excites the whole system to a new and vigorous action, giving tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease, and affords a great protection from attacks that originate in c,IIanges of the season, of climate and of life. Full directions with each Wattle. Price 60e. and $1.00. Refuse all substitutes. Prepared by H. $penoerease,Chem- lst and Druggist,_5 0 King Street West, Hamilon, ntario. For sale by J. H. bombe FEMULSION COMPOUND EED BRONCHITIS 130 Lexington • New York City, Sept. Ave.i9, 1888. I have used the Flax -Seer' Emulsion in several aces of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and haye been well pleased with thcresults. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. .CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th 1889. T have used your Emulsion in a case of i'hthisis numptioii) with beneficial results, where patiex... c ..d not use Cod Liver Oil i H ny form. JM. D. ERYOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. V., Dec. 20th, 1886. I can strongly recommend FIax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a goof} gee eral tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALAIAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY Brooklyn, N, Y., Oct.10th, 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 137 West 84th St. • New fork, Aug. 6, 1 I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound in a severe case of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and hulnanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATISM Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New York. For sale by J 11. Cobme l'. tat' T.Y 41RQ1 1 1R. 'Tlekets, ItleiteC, said the .nein, dectoroftt r'' non: a lire jlltl�, wing east ,+ of » trait ani he' entered the ear,. There was a very genert)1 res- ponse in the shape of pasteboard, says the Free Press, nail be came to a farmer who was very earnestly looking out of the win- dow. 'Tickets, please,' said the con- ductor. The gran paid no attention. w •+ I;atl.a'peruin and , p.x . '•c tar ectatic theHead and catun.,. its .cage.. , SOOTHINO. CLEANSiNG,- ,HEALINO. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. litany so-ealled diseases are simply tsyymmptems of Catarrh, auci as head. .Ups partist deatneea,toring .e.me of e uell,1 u1 bream. has ki- .• a,. yng, ry,t>ee$ general t•• �. 1,11;i; ,eta. ilyonnrn,i. :.. ,tut say of these or • „ your haus Catarrh, and to,: .. •r no tints It1 preearing a 1:. '.c Bar.*. Be warned in woe. I.e./I.; ted cold ID head results is C.irrh, fol• lowed by consumption and death. Num. llamaL sold by all dmggi■ta or will be sent, peat paid on receipt of eiip.(le pant, and $1.00) by addressing fULFgo kCO., villeOnt. 'I11 take your ticket, 'f you please.' . The man looked up at him. 'Han't got any,' he answered slowly. 'Well, the money then. Where are you going ?' • 'Hanot, got any money.' 'Well, then, what are you here for. If I don't got either money or ticket I must put you off the train.' 'You wouldn't stop an express train just to put one man off, now would you ?' 'Wouldn't I ? You'll soon see whether I will or not. Now I want your ticket or the cash without any more fuss,' 'Nary one.' ' The conductor paused for a mo- ment or two and then called the brakesman. 'Now are you going to get off without a fuss or will we have to throw you off 3' The man sighed and said he would go off quietly. When they got out on the platform and the con- ductor had his hand on the bell rope the passenger cast his eye over the flying landscape and said : 'Ain't there no way we can fix this up 'Certainly. Ticket 'or money. After another look the man shook his head. ' Let her go, captain.' The conductor pulled the rope. The air brakes scrunched and the train came to a stop. The man stepped off, and then, handing the conductor a bit of pasteboard, said : I don't cheat no railway com- pany, •captain. Here we are.' --- 'Why in the thunder didn't you give me this before ? You can ride five miles further on this ticket. Step aboard lively, now.' 'Never mind, captain: I would have to walk five miles back if I did. I live over yonder. So long, cap. e r 'GIVE US A LIFT !' 'Do send down something to help !' 'Those little Pleasant Pellets, you sent before, were just what we wanted !' 'They helped right where we were weakest !' Don't send anything else.' Nature, abused and neglected, does her best to overcome exhaus- tion and ward of threatening dis- ease, but sometimes calls for help - and knows just what she's about. The system takes kindly to the mild, wholesome influence of Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and often their timely assistance corrects evils which would soon Lead to sorioupjresults. With the first signal of distress, nature will thank you for remembering her request. Therefore, if languid, easily tired, bad taste in mouth, bowels irregular or constipated, give nature a lift l y taking Dr Pieree'.s Pellets. Best liver pill made. MORD DIWV A,LON10. sap boliN4 xN..:: vvAirtl. ri'r13nXrT ^ A Ilpl), COWER WAiTINSi b‘OR DRAVA.• . hod carrier bad been badly crruelted by the fall iof,ascaffolding while he was at work au '• a tall building in Wall street, sayer the New York Tribune, His fellows had picked, him up es tedderiy as possible and had bore him bleed- ing and dusty to a shady spot to . wait for the ambulai ce. It was a long wait for a 'man in torture, for the day was an intensely bot one and people were being pros- trated by the heat all over the city, and the ambulances had been on the run all day. An hour is not a long time for an ambulance to set out from a hospital, bearing back a patient, and then reach another one, but to those who watch a man slowly bleeding to death for want of medical'assist- ance, it seems an age. Big, rough men stood around the fallen hod carrier with tears in their eyes, uttering low curses at the tardiness of the ambulance. But the victim of the contractor's greed or carelessness was the most patient, of them all. As tho minutes passed he uttered no word of impatience, only he looked wistfully on those around him. After about half an hour of this fluspense, a doctor who was pass- ing was called over. He knelt down by the man, felt his crushed in side, and examined his fractur- ed skull. Then no shook his head and asked softly: 'Has he any friends among you?' "None of us knows him, sir,' said the foreman. 'He struck me for a job this morning, and ss I was short handed I put hint to work without asking him any questions.' 'Well, if any of you can get any information from him about his people, you'd better do so at once. He will soon become un- conscious and will die, withouf doubt, before night, no matter if fifty ambulances came for him. Nothing can save him. It is only a question of a few hours.' A flask of f brandy was procured and a few drops put between the sutlerer'b lips. They loomed to revive him, and be opened his eyes and looked around, but to all questions as to his name, his borne, his parents, his wife, his children, etc, he gave no answer. 'Well, old man,' said the fore- man at last, tenderly, 'we can not do anything at all for you,the doc- tor says, though you know we would if we could. The day is wearing on and our job must be finished. The ambulance will soon be here, so you won't take it hard if we leave you now, will TAR11011.813%4145 .4 Stu y the comfort and cheerful- nese of pally horse if yowl would have hire, de hie hest, Let tie part of the• harness chafe or hint. Leading trainer$ate opposed to giving their - horses fast miles' in their work. rbevs prefer brushing them through the stretch, never giving thele, more than a fast' half 'mile at the outside, After a good deal of haggling and bickering the transfer of the Wal- lace Trotting Register and Wallace's Monthly to the American Trotting Registar Association has been defi- nitely effected. The Japanese Government hap purchased at Eminence, Ky., a number of horses for the purpose of iilproving the breeds of that county ry. The horses include two trot- ting stallions, one running mare, one trotting gelding, one running horse and a span of driving horses. Awes ¥ onald, the 181kb 090, keen Williams, narrowly ;es- caped being killed on Monday. He. waa• digging a trench fry spites, where the Water' bridge being' built, and when about tri, feet tallow the surface three feet of the earth caved in on llim rioinpletely lint"vin • I•i'n;, It war• quite a while before he was res cued from his perilous position,' for as the men dug the Islay away the trench kept caving in, How- ever, life was not quite extinct when they found him, and Dr caw, of Parkhill, was sent, for. He le getting along as well as could be expected, Minard's Liniment cures disteiijnper. Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for for Infants 'Ind Children. "4a0ae.fewwtl(oppid4 egsio _awsweal�f7ol<& i110 YMt1An, Rao.eadbesowlllefaliegOpcell rilkikg Ixlrad% Il i * ow" it L Al Oilfm. * 7:4. >oostnir, sleeps !11#ii tri M Ostein8t,>1looki a, lt, T, )rllroaa.. alma WaRkla al Tata Cati'aort Velma/et TIYatit'iyII MKJ During a heavy storm Marjorum a filly valued at $'10,000, owned by Sydley & Sibley, Franklin, Pa., became frightened and ran into an old building. The floor gav eway and she fell and broke her neck. She was entered in the 2 year old stakes all over the country. Budd Doble says the promise of a trotter depends on getting him in condition and fit to trot a race without becoming injnred or brok- en down. The muscles must be hardened, the appetite keen, the lungs in good working order and the feet and legs protected from injury by every safety appliance known. A very good thing to ,have around the stables at this time of the year, advises a horseman, is a solution of carbolic acid. If the horses have sore backs or sore necks, put a little of it on with a sponge, and then about twenty minutes afterwards put on a little vaseline. The acid cleans the sore and keeps away the flies. The vaseline is cooling and healing. Keep the acid well corked and a belled poison. Don't tie knots in your harness to make sores on your horses. Don't leave your horses stand- ing in the field while you go to supper. Take them in, give them a drink and a light feed. Don't put that collar on with- out cleaning it. Don't use the curry comb on the mane or tail, Use the brush lightly. Don't expect as much of a colt as you do of an old horse. Don't ever put the harness on without currying, and do it well, Don't let your horses stand in a dirty stable. you?' I Don't be afraid to raise good The hob carrier looked up a horses. Lim slowly and spoke with a Don't breed to or from an un great effort. 'I've got to die, eh?' 'Doctor says so.' 'How soon'? 'Before sundown, my boy.' 'No help for it'' 'Well,' with a loud eigh, 'you go on with your work and I will go on with my dyin',' and he turned his head—shut his eyes— and—waited. •t `��'�'►.;^ Too Fast become listless, fretful, without ener- fiy,_thilnanfaweak. _ Fortify and build them up, by the use of SCOTT' S Some Child/pen Growing u les I N HITES U $1 � OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES Lime and Mods. Palatable as Milk. ASA PREVENTIVE 011 i•CliRE Of COIJGUS OR COLDS, IN um OLD AND TOOK IT IS NEQYALLED . Genuine made by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. calmoqW re.pp or: at all Orp>allete . 50c, and DENTISTRY IN JAPAN. 1 learnt the other day a curious fact that is probably unknown to most of my readers. A Japanese dentist never uses anything._. but his fingers in extracting a tooth. This sounds incredible to us, but after years of training itis acquir- ed. When a Jap aspires to ent.•r this profession he begins by pul- ling out small pegs loosely insert- ed in a soft wood plank. Ile us- es the finger and thumb of his right band, and of course does not disturb the plank. Having suc- ceeded with thee, the pegs are driven more firmly in and the prc 30Ss repeated. Oak logs with a number of oak pegs hammered in are them substituted. After months of practice the operator reaches the final test, which is a block of marble i Ito which pegs have been driven up to the head, when he can pull them out ho is 1t duly qualified dentist. • In practice a Japanese grasps his patient's jaw with his loft hartd, thus forcing his mouth open. He then inserts the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, and will extract five or six teeth in the space of a minute before the patient can close his mouth. �1FII Sol A, i A n•Lmphlet of information' and ab-' \r carr o f the I1we, showing Hob tO , rnr, in Pal on tn..Caveats. 131 tit ar.a. C.'pyrl glitz, sent ree, y'� todrma MUNN Et 0 'f \•�']det Rrondway. •L' I ork. ,.rse Snug little fortunes hate been made si work for tie, by Anna Page, Austin, Toraa, and Jno. Bonn, Toledo 01,10. Ste out. Others are doing email. Why oi7Some hevaOonthYou endthe nd re t home, wherever you are. Even be- ginners are easily earning from St to glOa dap All eget. We show you haw and start you. Can work In Spare time or all the time. Big money for work- NEWandwonderfd1.Petknit tree. SitileittlielOthdliou880rorttand,Mariae Miss Bertha Shoults will leave Parkhill next Wednesday for To- ronto, from which place she will leave for Japan, via Victoria, B. C., on the C. P. R. route, In Japan she will assist Mrs. Large in missionary work under the aus- pices of the Methodist church. 'lute sufferers from catarrh are legion and the majority of them make the serious mistake of thinking they should only use treatment when at its worst. Treatment during the summer months is almost certain to pro - vent a recurrence of the disease, and Nasal Balm is the only rem- edy that will effect a"complete cure. All dealers or post free on receipt of price(50e or $1 a bottle) Address Fulford & Co Brockville, Ont. NEWS NOTES. The population of England and Wales is 29,001,018. Three prisoners in the Montreal gaol received fifteen lashes each Friday. The disruption in the Hamilton stove combine will reduce the price of stoves from five to ten per cent. next season. Letters have just been deliver- ed,in London from Yokohama, via Vancover in 26 days. This is the quickest delivery on record, being five days less than the official esti- mate in the postof ice guide and seventeen days less than,the aver- age time via Suez. After consultation with the leading men of the Methodist church, Dr Sutherland has de- cided not to accept the invitation to become president of Mount Alison University. The princi- pal reason for his declinature is that the way does not seem to be open for him to leave the work in connection with the Missionary Society entrusted to him by the church. Under other circum- stances it is quite likely that ho would have accepted. Rev Dr William A Schubert, a retired Episcopalian minister, 60 years of age, of Washington, was accidently killed last Thursday night by a little boy, named Gant. The old gentleman, who was quite feeble, was crossing the street near his home, and the bog was riding, by on a bicycle. Just as he neared Dr Schubert, the bicycle struck a stone and the boy was thrown with great force against DrSchubert,who full heavily to the asphalt pavement. He was car- ried to his home and died shortly afterward. The boy was placttd under arrest. WHAT IT DOES Hood's Sarsapari Ila 1 Purifies the blood. 2 Creates as appetite. 3 Strengthens the nerves. 4 Makes tho weak strong. p Overcomes that tired fooling. 6. Cures serofttlas salt rhelem,ete. 7 Invigorates the kidneys and liver. 8 Relieves headache, indigestion, , dyspepsia sound horse of any kind.— [W R., in Stockman and farmer. While Mr Bonner has given considerable attention to breed- ing, and has on his farm nearly one hundred head of fashionable stack, he has not lost hie old love for driving, which be took up in the midst of his business career as a matter of health by the advice of his physician. He may he truly called the pioneer road rider, and, what is still more important, made the owning of afast trotter thoroughly respectable at a time when the turf was notoriously bad, and everything connected with it was looked upon with suspicion. While he wisely refrained from having anything to do with pub- lic racing, Mr Bonner saw no reason why the shortcomings of the men who controlled the turf should be visited upon the horses themselves, and being desirous of owning the best roadster that money could buy, he did not hesi- tate to go where the highest speed was obtainable, even in the face of public opinion. Having a bus- iness character above reproach, Mr Bonner's championship of the fast trotter as a roadster gradually broke down the barriers of public prejudice, and many other wealthy New Yorkers followed his exam- ple.—[Ilarper's Weekly. Prof Wapner, in writing upon the subject of whipping horses, says: Many think they are doing • finely y and areproud toudof their suc- cess cess in horse -training by means of severe whipping or otherwise arousing or stimulating the pas- sions, and through necessity crushing the will through which the resistance is prompted. No mistake can be greater than this, and there is nothing that so fully exhibits the Witty, judgment and skill of the real horsemen as the caro displayed in winning in- stead of repelling the action of his mind. Although it may be nec- essary to use the whip sometimes it should always be applied j udi- ciously, and great care should be taken not to arouse the passions or arouse the obstinacy. The le- gitimate and proper use of the whip is calculated to operate upon the fear almost entirely. The at- foctionate and better nature must bo appealed to in training horses as well as in training children, but if only the pafsions are excit- ed the object is depraving as well' asinjurious. This is a vital prin- ciple, and can bo disregarded in the management of sensitive and courageous horses only at the risk of spoiling them. I have known( many horses of a natural- ly gentle character to he spoiled by wh i ing ones, and one horse that n i made vicious by being strue dy a whip once while stand- ing in his stall. PISO'S CURE FOR THE BEST COWIN MEDICINE, 5OLD.HM D3UGOIBTI IVflTWIIII. CONSUMPTION im IMPLEMENT AGENCY subscriber having severed his connection filth the Massey Company, desires to inti- mate to his many friends that be has been appointed agent for the well-known firm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in hie line, as heretofore. Will also keep an hand a stock of Wilkinson PLOWS, Colter & Scott DRILLS, Disc HARROWS, and articles of like nature. W. STANLEY, Mrh 20. 6 Holmoeville and Clinton Rumball's Carriage Paot.: Huron Street, Clinton Do you want a first-class COVERED or OPEN BUGGY, got up with, till very best material and finished in a workmanlike manner; or do yen wantel daisy, easy -riding RQAD CART; or even an excellent, well-built MOBS WAGGON or DEMOCRAT; because if you do, come and see the subscribes who will supply your wants on very reasonable terms. We do not 8116*(fir4 i. slouch work, or poor material to be used, SO that people may rely 00' gafzui, :t• an article just as it is represented to be. FINE BUGGIES our ellegtaitp, REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended to. MO. RUMB 4.LL, CLIN K? -1 Pi PAINTING The undersigned is now at liberty to do anything in the way of COPP'S WALL PAPER and Paint Shop In stocked with a Select Assortment of House t.: an& Sign Paintiing,. Graining,. gaper?. Hangng, Kalsominln , O At reasonable rates, and on short notice.. Bute faction guaranteed. Shop on TtattenhdL' ry'Sk. . American and Canadian Wall Papers WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical experienceiustify the in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses maid° or paint them outside will find it to their ad- vantage to give me a call, 2 'Shop, south of Oliver Johnston's [black- smith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley's residence. JOSEPH COPP LARDINE MACHINE OILS rhe famous heavy -bodied Oil made only lb Practical Paper Hanger and Painter. Rochester ti }i: Canadian Office—PETERBORO, ONT WANT a few good pushing men to Soli HIGH GRADE Nursery stock in the Counties of Perth, Huron and Bruce. Our facilites for growing the FINsST and HAltnEsT-trees aro now unsurpassed SALESMEN and CUSTOMERS aro sure to be de- lighted with our square dealing and fine goods Write for terms AT ONCE, and secure your choice of territory Sales for fall 1891 and spring 1892, begin May 1st. Address THOMAS • W. BOWMAN, Peterboro, Ont. (Ovor 'O years in the business) IOLI, B-RO,- 130'Y., TORON USE 1T ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. 1iIcCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER OIL I-2 IS THE FINEST IN CANADA FbR`ENGINE CYLINDERS. .A.S1 POP, --FOR SALE B Y-- IIAVIS & ROWLAND, CLINTON. 1CURE FIT11 THOUSANDS OF BOTTL'M GIVEN AWAY YEARLY.\ When I say Cure do sot theal'< • merely to stop them for a time, and t;i1(. have them return again. 1 MEAN A R A D I CA L O U R E. I have made the disease of Fi Epilepsy or Fal, ag Bicknetw a life-long study, 1 warrant my remedy to Cure t1 '. worst cases. Decal Ise others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a Cnft.^'Seat once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. ,Give Express -a1 Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address i—M. Or RCM IWC., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. THE RIGHT The new model of the Rockford Watch,w1 en placed in a screw bezel case, will fill a ton felt want among farmers, as it is not dus proof only, but vary strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edge lett for the top plate to rent en; it also being peul- ant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, making in all a goods rong watch For a Farmer J. BIDDI.ECijMBE COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present Away with You , The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cel prated ORGANS free, with one Package of ` Jame:;;: Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER'S: price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing as' Organ worth $196, for fifty cants Theorga will he on exhibition at our Grocery Store.`. Saturday ri".xt. A. call solicited from visitors -to Great Huron Central Exhibition N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL, IF YOU WANT TO Kr A11aboutt t.Msssanbody,in healtAnnddtuase.nafure•aan.-.• How Life i,Perpstttat&L,hediarnatntaaned,d1scaccf uda••.•rro. - How to marry your otg,n mate, and fruns,aittneaWr.01,.1. ,/Lr Brad Ute swat popular, cornpreheneine and ateful boot MEDICdL, SOCIAL .A -D SEXUAL SCT__“.� t • Which Dr. Eadon declares to be "priceless in vale.,. ar and very instructive.” 'the latest edition la more ct til; name than ever, having been re -written in'iwpnrtab tains 4.N APPENDLT of great practical utility made 0, . f OVER 200 PRESCRIPTIONS CR II''•. ,... Por Acute and Cbreulc Disorders Oatalaon to Allays er a a complete table 01 poisons and their antidotes (wet) :+v'1• .1...7 ' r ;07•c•: l Wes) Illustrated directions for resas<;itating the droll�... for Health Boards), and hygienic rugs for care of 111:111. , : a 50 a ORIGIN OF LIFE AND Ela'. VllLOPi111EN'Ir y tracing the embryo from conception, through alt st , n),> bl_, ` rir► :;_.9 Illustrated by Over 20 Beautiful Colored L i h 'PI, t'.ry on tine plate paper, ouch as are to be found otfly in high ,,, Fltif; a4Fi1�5 _ - po itionsoof medical worts parts each bookIsileo umtpe1114,it % THREE ELEGANT Ciumo ietcou 8'1'S.tVNTALcwitVal Price, 4f all e , men; circulars/rec.; agents wanted. Mariay HUI Fab. ON, 12 11. EWA 88.71 FOOTS AND Snois. V'IIGOR AND OIMINING'rM. hocL0I!orream MANHOOD, General and 11LI. 0008 DIB1L1'T, WiAuua of tidy sad Mod, Mato a LftefIor £ztsu.sla Old or Tonne. leblot, Noble MAN INIDIthyltorlond. Now to eDIDDrgo aad stroppttlea Weill MIMED OH OALMOPA*1Iat$ODY. Aboolnl.lyno MIMEO T1MTMm T—IneOtstas4sy, Meateotit Medd Dtatweadl►oINga 0eaafrior Write them. Back IlplustbasadFOB wils (IIIs1 )free. Adages. BRIE MEDICAL. 00.r BUFFALO. N. Y. AT THE Lowest Possible Prices for Cask My stock is very complete in all the latest styles of seas` sonable goods of the best quality, which I am selling •` cheaper than ever to all cash customers. ty tnken in exchange. Pte' " • Chas. Cruickshank If 'Te i, t' 'E t ' Yv 6 -e.i.. ttoneilnaTafeed. Salary tnd *pant' ,. •,a War advant natelduinnete. Btookeomplc to, withf OVTFIT RMAG ..W4 eummntee what lee f r 81tryroi QILtsi 1P!n erymen, T'nrbnte. , is • id 100l w