HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-07-10, Page 71 !t; Whet laiar warn alas; w•p gave ass Caster* when she we* >w C?i1 I site Cried for Cgstoria, *ghee she became Miss, she Clung to Caateria. IRUPtl,i4he had Cpildr_en, s} a gavothew, Pa or h„ deals. THE LIORSElg,A,N r inG g� Ti*Illinois , iall,tgre haspea ed a bill to prevent docking horses,,, tail. rest season the P •ov' a of Ontario contributed ei h horses to the 2,30 last. Keep a foot hook handy and clean the horses f aiiiamiaminimm eet frequently; er .:.QY GOOD HEALTH it will prevent thrush and oth diseases of the foot. • Marcus Daly, the Monta horseman, has bad a "couple palace curs built for transportin his trotters and pacers from o place to another during the co ing season. It is said that Hal Pointer (p,, 2:0.9 ) was once given to the Pres- byterian Church in place of a cash donation. Instead of developing him the church elders sold him for $150, and in a short time his value increased to $7,500. La Grippe has been playin havooc among the trotters i Boston and other parts of New England. At Boston a numbe of horses with fast records have been prostrated, and although they are recovering it will see them back at least a month in their training. Some horses will untie a rope alter nearly as quick as a person will. To remedy this, bore a hole through a block four inches square nd two inches thick, pass the ope through the hole in the mini er and tie to the block. When nanimal makes an effort to untie rope fastened in this style, it lays freely through the hole in e manger instead of the rope eing unfastened. When the ock is not in use leave it in the ed box. The New York Sportsmen says at at least $250,000 was staked pon Tonny to win the Suburban andicap at Brighton Beach. oantaka, the winner, in August, 88, then a two-year-old, called e Ugly Duckling, was_sold at ction at Monmouth Park for 275, becoming the property of avid W. McCoun, if' Philadel- ia, Loantaka was sired by Sen - tion, son of imported Leaming- n, his dam being the import - English mare Peggie Dawdle Saugterec. C. H. Nelson has begun fitting s great stallion, Nelson, for the ming season's work, and is well eased at the showing made by e speedy horse. Mr Nelson ys his stallion already shows a uch faster gait than in the trials the last year, and he is confid- t that the trotting record of and S. will be beaten this season e stallion is in fine condition, d will he in good trotting form July 1, when he will be taken st on his first trip. SIR HECTOR LANGEVIN CAS�a� M1 $araparfl1tt Bitters • Corea everykind Disea9e used from impurity of the Blooded PURIFY 'Shia valuable remedy Cures Eldney and Liver Complaints, Pimples, Eruptions of the Skin, Boils, Conti�iation,Biliousness, pepsia,sickStomach, Logs of Sleep, Neuralgia, Pains In the Bones and Back, Loss of Appetite, Languor. Female Weak- nesses, Dizziness, General Debility, Rheumatism. It tan YOUR gentle, regulating purgative as well as a tonic, possessing the peculiar merit of acting as a wertulagentmrelieving Congestion and Chronic tion otthe1iive//r��and all visceral organa 121F -This valuable excites system to a new andvigorousaction givingtwtone and strength to the system debilitated by diease, and affords a t protection from attacks that originate in of the season, of climate and Of life. run directions with each bottle. Price 50e. and $1.00. Refuse all substitutes. Prepared by H. Spencerease, Chem- 1stand Druggist. 50 King Street West. Hamilton, Ontario. For sate nv .1. H. Combe EEO r CONIp00ND BRONCHITIS 186 Lexington Ave I have used thebFlaax-w SeeiCEmulsiioon in'1 several cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. JAMS K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th 1889. I have used your Emulsion in a case of .Phthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patient could not use Cod Liver'Oil in anyform. J. H. ROGE, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION B1 can strongly recommend N. Se8e�d Emulsion helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Long Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good sea coil tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY Brooklyn N. Y., Oct. 10th, 1;:s the Cogard d Liver Oil EinuulsiSeed ons n so greatly suin use. t0 generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 34th St. New York, Aug. 6, St., I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound in a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result was More than hoped for -it was morvelous, and con- f,(ryur as. /recommend it cheerfully to the profession and huatanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, IIID, R1°IEUMMIIATJSM Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New York. For sale by J H. Cobme ARE NOT a Pd gative Medi. cine. They are a BLOOD Bum.DHn, Tonle and RRCON- srauoroa,as they supply in a Condone form the substance actually needed to oar rirl, OleBlood,,cdring ;•-ewes coming 1 •ant and RA. K' • on, or from � . •.r Iiemons it ,on, and els, to and BUIL) :�,• BLOOD ant • •1..x, when broker by overwork, eu,•uteI wotry,disease, excesses and indiscre• tines. They. have a SPECIFIC AO'rloN on the SEXUAL SYSTEM of both men and women, restoring LosP VIGOR and correcting all. IRaitamaarries and 4t•YPRBBBION3. EVERY ,AN Who finds his mental fae- „tiles dull or tailing, or hfs,Physioal ars fhtggiug, should take these tl, They will resto, a his lost overales, both ihnd mental. _Y WO i el ghoul, take them. •� They oars all sur, 42 tions and.irreguIaric:es. which inevitably cn`ttssiillgicknesswhen a,.'gtesa,d. 'YOUNG MEI! 'i iw,v:l take these Piere• 'rhos will oure the re- su ts,of youthful bad Nabi Ls, and strengthen the • system. YOUNG WOMEN should take them These PILLS will maria •them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon 'receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing THE Dir. WILLIAMS, MF.D. Co. Brockville. Out CAIN ONE POUND A '.'ay. A GAIN OFA POUND A DAY IN -1 CASE OFA MAN WHO HAS BECOME "AI.1. PUN DOWN," ANO 1 -IAS BEGUN '1'O TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, COTTA VLSI" OF. PORE COD LIVER OIL WITH 4lypophosphites of Lime & Soda 13 NOTHING UNUSUAL. •Tilt, FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER A OVER 'IAGAI. PALATABLE AS MILK. EN - D BY PI,YSICTA NS. SCOT'r-'S �iN IS PUT U ONLY TN SALTVIN WRAPPERS. SOi,r, U1' ALL DRUG. GISTS AT 50C. ANT) $t.00 ',i'COTT &•' ROfi'Nl:, 11 l+r,thn)atnt of Infortnat Inn and ab- }\,t- Tet ntf' 1 he laws, show,, g How l0 l,t.ts°n Pr'nts, (mvpnra, Trnilo j p, du, Iia, t , vrurhti, a, tt free. ifttJalta co. s fiat Ptrandnny, na of e m- g w r b a r g a a th b bl fe th u fl L 18 th an D ph sa to ed by tai co pl ch sa m of en M Th an by We An Ottawa correspondent says: —One who moves. among the followers of the Government here can easily ascertain that they are weakening on Sir Hector Langevin.. Many admit that it will be impossible to refute the testimony' given by Murphy on Friday, when it is supported by documentary proofs. • Sir Hector's statement in parliament that he received no money for bis own use or advantage is now being re called, and it is expected that Sir Hector will say that be received the money spoken of by Murphy. as subscriptions for election pur- poses or to support Conservative' newspapers, and thus place the blame upon the shoulders of the whole Conservative party and force the party to stand by him. As to McGreevy, all the Conser- vatives admit that he must go, but so tar the case looks almost as bad against Langevin as agains,, McGreevy. There ap- pears to bo some ground for the report that Sir John Thompson is so angry and disgusted over the political situation and over the refusal of the Ontario Con. RP!t;ltives to accept his leader - sill), that he proposes retiring 1r0tit puIlic life it) a, short time, to acre lit the solicitorship of a g,rcitt rail aav corporation . A n Ott wa totresponde11 says: --The condition 01' Sir Hector Lnrlgevin's health and the start- ling nature 1' Owen Murphy's (oli!. pec in the McGreevy affair 011 Friday, have given color dur- ing the past tsvo days to ',hose rumors of' the probability of the Minister's retirement which have been rife for somo time. The gravity of Mr Tarte's charges has weighed heavily upon him from the beginning. Higogrief for the death of his old comrade, Sir John Macdonald, has been great and genuine. The wear and tear of Cabinet making also has told up- on him, and under all this has gone the tremendous effort that he has always found necessary to mastery of the details of the busi- ness of' hie department. Monday ho is a sick man, not with any specific ailment, but with a gen- eral running down of the system. He is constantly in attendat ce at the House, as of old, and his ab- sence on Friday night was the first time in the memory of man. He is a close, even a nervous, student of the progress of the de- bates, but in the leadcrship.of the House lie has betrayed a groat dual of physical weakness during the last fortnight,. All this, how- ever, h5' no moans proves that he will rot ire. He will at learn hang on 11 t until the issue .of the t1.cdireeey. Ile made his denial in the Rouse when bis evil genius Tarte made bis .charges thee :and be will say nothing further until the evidence far the defence shall have been coal. menced in the committee, That defence will be a strong one, and some startling evidence will be produced for the purpose of dis- crediting Owen Murphy's evi- dence. NEWS NOTES. A. little boy 1 - years old, son of George Kember, was drowned last Monday evening in a tub of water at Creemore, Ont. Every tissue of body, every nerve, bone and muscle Is made stronger and more healthy by taking Hood's- Sarsaparilla. A peculiarity about the '1891' is that adding the first figure to the second makes the third, and subtracting the fourth figure from the third gives the second. Adding the four figures together gives the number of the century. There is encouragement in the act that Conservative papers, tak- ing their cue from Mr Foster, are now beginning to preach econ8my at Ottawa. Unfortunately, how- ever, preaching is mach less difficult than practice—Mail, Reeve Leitch, of Glencoe, has been at London City Hospital for the past ten days under treatment for blood poisoning in one of his S legs. He had rheumatism some a time ago, and has been lame ever s since, the trouble finally develop- ing itself into an abscess. fi Minard's Linimentlamberman's friend re Recent divisions in the House w of Commons show that Mr. Laur- a ier has a majority of thirteen in a the delegation from Quebec pro- i vince. The Conservatives have a N majority of four from Outario, f leaving a Liberal majority of nine w in Canada proper, which, however S is overcome by the votes of the t men from Nova Scotia, New nl Brunswick and the Northwest. • a For the cure offemale weakness h suppressions, nervousness, bear- ing down pains and all those pecu- liar ailments that make woman's IIe life almost unbearable, Di- Wil- as liams' Pink Pills are an unfailing ap cure. They build up the blood, cu restore the nerves, and bring a it glow of health to sallow cheeks ho All dealers, or by mail post-paid on on receipt of (50c a box\. Dr g Williams Med. Co., Biss:sville, br Ont. a It will be remembered that st some time ago the desirability of tr effecting a friendly running ar- to rangement between the Grand lea Trunk and the C P R was dis- ati cussed by some of the directors of ru the two companies, but the dis- cussions on the subject which then took place resulted in no arrangement being made.,, The negotiations for such a friendly working arrangement between the two companies have been re- newed, and that there is some hope of a successful issue is shown by the fact that the stocks of the two great compan- ies interested showed a marked revival as soon as it was known the' the negotiations were in progress. Lord Mount -Stephen presided at a preliminary meet- ing of representatives of the boards of direetors of loth com- panies held Monday afternoon. The general situation was dis- cussed and the desirability ofa friendly agreement, with a view to meeting the rivalry of the United States lines, admitted by the directors of both companies. Proposals which were discussed some time before the retirement of fir Joseph Hickson from the position of general manager of the Grand Trunk. were review,ed and will be further discussed by both boards. The Locdon Telegraph's St. Petersburg correspondent declares the harvest in Russia this year to be the worst on record. It draws t harrowing picture of the results of the continued (frond), '•Prices of eeret,lr:," he says, "are rising hourly. Rye has never been so dear. Throughout Central. and Western and the greater portion of Southern Russia the lookout is dismal. Ministerial reports say the winter crop, in South and East Russia perished by frosts. Fern- ne is already visible in the faces f the peasantry of lio.>t.t tna.— )isease has already broken out. 'he only food is oatmeal, mixed ith tree birk or similar ingre- ieuts. In Kazen among indigents eceiving meals gratis are 146 oblemen and 76 priests. In other istricts similar conditions are sported. In the Jewish colony of ovnopol many people are dying f hunger and hundreds have to uddle to}ether, several families n one room,for the sake of warmth. one !papers contain the adver- sements of children for sale. The overnment is taking precautions garnet expected revolts. Taxes •e collected with the usual re- ularity, and failure to pay is sited with severe flogging. inard'sLiniment cures gorget in cows NEWS NOTES. b A Brazilian, traveller who as-` tended Mount Vesuvius on Thurs, day tell into the crater and Was lost. 1wIr Robert Birmingham, the secretary of the • Ontario Conser- vative Union, is to be presented with a valuable testimonial by members of the House of Com- mons. The new liquor law of Mass- achusetts allows a man to get thoroughly drunk twice a year, with no other penalty than a 1 headache. The law was passed at the instance of the prohibition element. There appears to be a feeling' amongmany Conservatives that Sir harles Tapper's presence and guidance will yet be neces. nary to enable the party ship to escape the rocks and shoals which apparently lies in its course. A Western Conservative paper says :—' We still believe that Sir Charles Tapper is needed, and that so soon after the close of the present session as matters can be conveniently arranged he will be among us. It is not at all ikely, however, that Sir Charles will come, unless he receives a most urgent call for help. At West Superior on Monday morning one of the inmates of Plant's dance house named Nellie kinner,was shot by George Burk, gambler. Plant's place is a dive, uch as makes Northern Wiscon- in a term of reproach. Some fteen women and half a hundred en were crowded around the bar hen Burke and several others rrived. Plant tried to eject him, nd Burke drew a revolver, firing nto the crowd. The first shot ellie Skinner, and as she fell a- usilade was fired, bat nobody else as hit. The woman may survive• he became notorious throughout he Northwest by persistently asquerading in men's clothes as cowboy detective. Burke was eld in $3,000 bail. One of the most miraculous capes ever chronicled, took place ar Tilbury on Thursday. Just the Canadian Pacific railroad proaches the village there is a rve, and as the express turned on Thursday the engineer was rror stricken to see a little child 'the track about 50 yards ahead, e whistled and put on the air akes, and when the engine was few yards from the child it ambled and fell. The whole ain passed over it, and, strange say, it was not injured In the st. When taken into consider - on the closeness the brake rods n to the ties, the escape of the Child is more than miracnllous. I+ts name is Brosseau, and its ago 3 years. n l -1 w d d 0 h ti g a al v1 M SAFE, SURE AND PAINLESS, What a world of meaning this statement embodies. Just what you are looking for, is it not? Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor—the great sure -pop cola cure—acts in this way. It Makes no so1.0 €tPOts; acts speedily and with certainty; sure and mildly, without inflaming the parts; painlessly-. I)o not bo im- posed upon by imitations or sub- stitutos. A joint stock company with a capital of one million dollars cap- ital, composed of New York and Southern capithlists, has just be- en organized in New York, and will bo incorporated under the laws of the state of Florida, for the purpose of cultivating a farm of 112, 000 acres. The farm is situated in the southern part of Florida, and west of the St. Se- bastian and St John Rivers. It will be the largest farm it, the world. The soil is of a rich muck nature similar' to that found in the Valley of the Nile, and rarely, if ever, found in other tropical countries, which will render it exceptionally productive. They intend growingcocoan ats, banana,, oranges, rice, sugarcane and other tropical products. MrW. A. Webster, Dominion immigration agent at Kingston, has arrived home from Sou' h Dakota, where be has been doing missio•nary work for the North- West. He has a photograph of a train taliingCanadian emigrants and their erects back to their nat- ive land. The cars are arnament- ed with such mottos as '-Good By, South Dakota;" 'Bound for the Canadian North -V4 est." "Free lands, " Plenty of timber, "Pure water," " No more two bushels per acre," "No more oxalinc fuel," No more five mile water haus," " Hurrah for Canada. " The trail arrived at Winnipeg on Mas, On its way through Dakota Chore was some hostile demonstration:, but the number of men on the train v, -at-, large enough to „vera the crowds that gathered.. Mr Web -ter states that in this way 1,000 settlors have heel) hrought back to the North-West. The Ontario Agriculturrl Col- lege, through the efforts of her professors, Is doing a great work in the education if Farmer's In- stitutes in almost every part of the Province. The fruits of this are now being realised and the work appreciated by the farmers, satisfaction of the much to the professors. To show the widespread interest taken in the college by the farmers it may bo mentioned that last wook alone 3,940 excursionists, prinei- pally farmers, visited the institut- ion. They were from Efts t York, South Simcoe, North Perth, Cen- tro Wellington, South Bruce, North Essex and Halton; there was not one of them but had a good word to say of the college and the courteousmanner in which they were received by Principal Mills, Prof Shaw and others in authority. They were shown the practical work being done, and this, porhapS, had a better effect than any theoretical explanation could possibly have produced. ALT, MEN, stung, old, oz -middle-aged. who and themselves nervous,weakand•exbaustod whe are broken down from .excess or overwork, resultiag in many Of the fol. lowing symptoms; Mental depression, premature old age, lose of; vitality,, .leas of memory, bad dreams, dimness .of sight, palpitation: of the heart,- ends. cions, lack of energy, pain in the kid - step, headache, pimples on the face or body,itclung or Peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the orgatas, ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscled, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss Of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby museles,de. sire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, lose of voice, desire for solitude, excit- ability of temper,sunken eyes surround- ed with Leaden Cirole,oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous de- bility that lead to Insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tent :al every function wanes in consequence. Those when through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Addeess M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, arple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip ats, hot finshes,,ruah of blood to the cad, du pain in theheart with beats long, rapid and irregular, the second eart beat quicker than the -first, pain boat the breast bone, etc., can positive - be cored. No cure no pay. Send for k. Address M. V. LUBON, 50. ront Street East, Toronto, Ont. June 20, 1890. Ce at h ly boo Minard's Liniment cures distemper. Pitciaer's Castoria. Children Cry Tor 1114 ll�Jt! `-i t„,;: C O PP'S WALL .PAPER and Paint Shop Ie stocked with a Select Assotmeut of American and Canadian Wall Papers WITH ant rolls the finest RS OgilMATCH, t.A H Hing boughom t my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical experience justify me in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them outside will fInd it to their ad- vantage to give me a call, CV Shop, south of Oliver Johnston's 'black- smith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley's residence: JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter. Rochester Stiriarscrigs Canadian Office -PETERBORO, ONT WAN 1 s few good pushin men stock in the Counties of Perth, Huron nrand Brace. Our facilites for growing the FDiRST and HARDEST trees are now unsurpassed SALESMEN and CUSTOMERS are sure to be de- lighted with our square dealing and find goods Write for tsrms AT ONCE, and secure your choice of territory Sales for fall 1891 and spring 18:19, begin May 1st. Address THOMAS W. BOWMAN, Peterboro, Ont. Over 30 in the business) THE RIGHT Tne'r'new model of the Rockford Watcb,wheu placed in a screw bezel case, will fill a Lon felt want among farmers, as it is not due proof only, but vary- strong. The plate which tt:.: wheels worst between, not being separated Op pillars as in the ordinary WATO H But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edge lett for the top plate to rest en; it also being pend- ant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, making in all a good strong watch For a Farmer J. Kr JMBE 6400 fror Infalnts and: Chid . 1,'b1t � . dew �`►�#sl+dsdbdii(detpttelyi, aMMKA tstr ...:.___ pPdtiotWiwypreeerfp -Carr'&.. '�' U. A. Asausa, Ir. D., lois, W+on; , f118wOI4 Lig Wa,N.T I on, foJnr3oa0 lra,4dy�;. �• Tax C rr•.tvtt CourANy, 7tifurhJl Rumball's Oarriage Facia Huron Street, Clinton Do you want a first-class COVERED, or OPEN BUGGY, got up, very best material and finished in a workmanlike. ;manner; or do yon! daisy, easy. riding ROAD CART; or even an excellent, well-built It WAGGON or DEMOCRAT; because if you do, come and see rho who will supply your wants on very reasonable terms. We do note ifjiili►. slouch work, or poor material to be used, so that people may rely waateftin an article just as it is represented'ur to be. FINE BUGGIES REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended P 1.ii1 '' to. J F. RUME{ A.LL, CLIwPf I- rlyl v .rrir PAINTING The undersigned is now at liberty to do anything its the way of House An Sign Paintipg, ." Graining, •Paper, Hanging, Kalsomining,'4t0 At ,reasonable rates, and on short notice. Satin.:'" faction guaranteed. ' Shoo on Ratten.bury.St.` LARDINE MACHINE OlL rhe famous heavy -bodied Oil made only b CBINgs TORON USE IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. McCOLL'S FAMOUS, CYLINDER OIL. IS THE FINEST IN CANADA FOR ENGINE CYLINDERS. -®-�K FOR, LAR,DI1T ? --FOR SALE BY-- r DAVIS & ROWLAND, CLINTON. 1CURE FIT THOUSANDS OF BOTTEE i GIVEN AWi Y -.Y Ies RLI� e so When I say Cure 1'`''do sot have them or return again- 1MEAN ARADICALCURE.y tIhavo emadethe‘fer ,(m worst ccaases. Be ai Is others haSickneve failed is reason for nol now receiving' a cure;" i once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Post Office. it costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address t -H. r m.o., Branch Office, ISS WEST ADELAIDE STREET,, TORONTO. COME AND TAKE Thu Valuable -resent .Away \vIth You ' The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's ,justly t, e1 brated ORGANS free, with one Packacre of ja'me Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING PO WrIZR price 59cents. This gives an opportunity of securing u Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors Lao �t Great Huron Central Exhibition N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. 'ICOR APED f0`tllit.1rFO°1i'8. vonPor DTZoor1FAIMftI NAIITOOD,General and Ills, t Waatmea of I WOO and lend, Inds e bronco Necrosis Old R Yoafig. 10bort, Babb BAR i.n,sorkeed, t°VtooavSad OI 0atPasldof3OD?ak eolUst-Effliadtab a hp Notoe SO ONES Sid IWO Ossitrid. RplaastI I Sad peso/ Biafra (NNW tot ts ;,80 /RIO MODIOAL'00., BUFFALO. N. v. IF YOU WANT,TO KINIOAFf 41t abeutewaf fnanbody,4n heeathenddiseate,natetra'as How life isprealy.eetauaded heard►maiafained,dfseaseinduced, e , ROWS How to marry rtoci o own mate, and transmit wealth. of heoUt8 ,'if. popular. comprehensive and useful book Irp/tig r.; MEDICAL, BOCZAL AND SEXUAL BCIEhran which Dr. Eadon declares to 110 "priceless in value, never iitsrtua` t. ; and very instructive.” The latest edition is more completenad n.rs liable than ever, having been re -written in important pare?;• ` t'co4- tains AN APPENDIX Of great practical utility tirade np of "` ,• , • OYER 200 PRESC LIPTIONS OR ItECEPOR For Acute and Chronic Disorders Common t6 Adulate WAelidm),. t complete ns table antidotes rcies)illustrated dirctns for resnseitattng he drowned epaC for health Boards), and hygienic rules for Dare of infants;ahQ ORIGIN OE LIFE AND DEVELOPISENT OFIIIAN4, tracing the Embryo from conception through-tanstagestin. Wrfll, Illustrated by Over 20 Beautiful Colored Lit K ploy,„ ." on fine plate paper, such as Iwo to be found only in high sr;- poted medical works ; and to Illustrate the anatomy, sea N iti-v> positions of Important parts, each book is also ombdnarHMl&-wins, TER>3• , $1.50, by malt, circulars free; ageentss E wantted,T Murimm7 wn vu. Oxon of �. 2 eMllif:3,t OOTS AND SHOES AT T1-1 E Lowt'si• Possible Prices lin. Cash My stock is very complete in all the latest styles of sea- sonable goods of the best quality, which 1 am selling cheaper than ever to all cash customers. 11r's. ll.a)itzen lIl exCelEt.Fil1crc.. Chas. Cruickslia iik renseartweserriessesseaftinoweL � T��,ry d i !►lir tIone u.gra u t o ea. 60A � sirs lalaN9nd lalti,bud'el1 ' litanithentageii to beginner Stock complete, WIt1trabt.110111tat 011PE1r FREli. We guarani&d Solutt toe edv°T•ttee:' Write 1 11110 lazta. Narse'souttin, ,Woatn,011141'1'hiblltetlidih •