The Clinton New Era, 1891-07-10, Page 6']Qpe bolt of the people born die before tho'age of 10. Ti As. 82 years .40 ,O . that they first d><inlcivg f'ountt in was opened in 1 nndeem i Olt *V14001, lUfa a4, 1.891. _ TO gorrtvspoudents, J d ti~ who may he going off if they 4$enie a pforoxieepos strop,, will greatly oblige la :# vita substitute. .111, .sof . v*oudent whose at of ask k.04 he shall reoei qe more; at �i2Q� is Q1hanstefl, has but to Ye, wart all` the new% we can get,d much prefer it to Personalities `` t at, spay lead to trouble. .'eopla +'ho know Items of news that Ahoy would like to see in print, Sakeeld.baud the in to our legu- lax C4xresaendents, or forward them to this office themselves. Ionil; be ;eiire, the .itemis reliable ►', v uoif M Cream Witch4go ,r*. oe mf'por'n 000 04. Main that, the time for resolutelyeompaerolal or woe. °he dfflago paid to • Iwo been. predicted by Sir J Qh>;.¥a4l" donald wilt aw ly' Dome If the Goveromeot, doos,, not. avoid it. ► . Platter wharf la'Avleaea it 4 a ►hl e by able as qulokl O asp very form ofenrfeoe inflammation. or iMann-larertureio b7 Price 25 mate sible to a sato limits i>}the ., .t , of expenditure, wl>aich have Man ,�I rAI►. ^ 14040/003100 for so many years passe._,.. OI U T41y, ONT treat Witness. • GI3EMIST ANA JAIXictIOT, • 011, O • Ottawa Fres' Press :--a.. more contemptible exhibition of polio cal eh stering than that "given by Mr. Foster last night was neves witnessed in any, Parliament. 1i4an, who for years made an advo- cacy of immediate and absolute prohibition hisoccupatieboked wbo for years was engage/0y the tem-, perle° people as a ) tuner, re• pudiated all his past last nigbt,and declared that he only voted . tor' prohibition in a former session in "a moment of weakness." Toronto News :--The prohibi- tionists are to have a royal com- mission to inquire into the work- ing of a prohibitory law, and what the effect of such a law would be. Royal commissions have not amounted to much in the past, so so far as results areconcerned,and nothing out of the ordinary need be expected from this one. There was the Chinese °commission, the Labor commission and several other royal commissions which have left elaborate reports behind, and that is all. Ottawa Free Press : - The strroof that Mr. ongest po oral forsible a royal com- mission prop mission to investigate thei rohibi tion question is a fraud and a farce is the fact that the temperance men in the rank of his own party are compelled to vote against it. F4 Zi'13W' TOIL ' 14933011. end it a ti au the 1 ac It lit Gel 1 . h a i Caftans the akin, � de veS freslreusess eruptions tone to the le thtesnperiakl , t tu.altleUe q'PPpoat} 4 o a aoariiet}ca sic >i. thlesu erlo 1 ran fitness, >ce � , + , from eaPcel?r . . is .atonce >iiremedy. and a previa"! P'arisiltxia send .eaebyeux330' OW 00 letters; 13,000,000 postal cards and 85,000,000 newspapers. *na �oiaae }iiterest, fro of t>bau a Farce. The' appointment of ; a Royal All the post e n Italy re- interest at the rate of per cent, i bquor trade and its bearings, per annum, and a divdend p the worst kind of a farce. Its _every years. will not amount to the prevnybia'1'hill of beans: In the ,rat place it should necessarily be exceedingly exhaustive, in the tad. it will take an indefinite The factories " of England. France, Germany and Q $eland produce about 8i,000,0, p s dally The highest church spire in the, world is that of the cathedral at Olm, wurtemberg, and is 530 feet At is said that there are only two red slate quarries in the United States, one in Vermont and the other in Virginia. • The largest county in the Unit- ed States is Custer coubty in Montana, which contains 36,000 square miles. Iain►. ' .e otter shaving. &'v. il3 iO aiints, rie4 UD *talion for Aire e t enaP? s or a to ' _ dn . a chappbi . col- ,ions, It prevents ee npemoti'aaskin $ e to mod Oa col In orsa, and pain rfla4ltinll to. agnsitiye+lkva o Whoa -1 t r belle al A. .I. Drexel heads the Ilat of Philadelphia rich men with $� ' 04.0,000. The city' has 160 mil- lionaires whose total holdings foot up over 0060,000,000. 7orrnuisg%n to inquire into the ceive money deposit, is `time; in the third it will endeavor w*o:particularize when only gener- alrtres can; be reached -rand when completed people will be no wiser . the shatter than they are to -day. ?eople either want prohibition, or they do not, and the ,easiest way g,_ to. settle It iii -,to give them an im'-- -blank.... The .clerk _ .re stared the fact that the court met and all mediate chance to say so. 1 was over. ' There is said to be one fifth as - Reports from all parts of Can- much nutriment in quail on toast = ada•Indreate the popularity of the as in the same quantity of weak • Dominion Governments policy e' mutton broth, with even more dif- freea sugar.' The people know a erence in the price of the two ar- ' sped' thingd when . they see it. five The most valuable dinner ser- vice in the world belongs to Queen a Victoria, Buckingham upPalaise, ies two rooms which two men watch continually. Marshall Pass, on the Deliver and Rio Grande Railroad, 10,851 feet above the sea level, nis th highest point grossed by piny rail- road inside the limits of the Unit- ed States. The first German court of just- ice has held a session in Heligo- land. The Calendar was a c W ARE sCY'n s, sI 4.THS, RA,I ES. 'BARB I] and BLACK FUNCE WIRE READ 2 CRS STEEL NAILS, prices low. 1 CAR BINDER TWINE, order early. 110 CARS NUT and STOVE COAL, just ar- riving; leave your orders while the price 1slow A CiIIANC E THAT WILL NOT LAST LONG For the sake of working up outside town ';:rade we offer the following inducements: --To any one who cae-oot get nice-fitig go m nte in t Kenn their own town, we will pay their fare and guarantee with as nice Sultings.as fain be found in the trade. A trial order so- icited. Write for`Ta Samples if on rs. P.O. IBox Clinton Remember the city Empire. Certainly, but is not their approv- al of 'free sugar' a condemnation of protective principles, Oxford is to wipe out the dis- grace that attaches to it of keep- ' ing its poor in the county jail, by building a House of Refuge for them. Mr Mowat has , ffere alasis those wi provide -for . aho O perly. - their poor. He a so make it illegal to in those unfortunates in pri- tons. How long will Huron con- tinue to be one of the disgraceful counties? titles. In Yorkshire the E sant, if he happens moon without h silver money i mediately to to change NEWS ES Expe Simi Montreal Witness :-The story told by Mr. Owen Murphy before the Privileges and Elections, cow.- -uiittae is one of -the most, eaor- denary ever told in such a connec- tion and fairly para' not surpass in s told by Sir H of the Paci swears Mini of lieb ,pea-' see c new ing a piece of his pocket, im- s heels over head ,is luck. is studying leprosy in have found the bacillus. ey succeeded in giving a rabbit leprosy. The first time the dis- ease has ever been known outside of the human body. It is usually said that there aro was the Empire's great rash Slr but seven nine lettere monosyl John Macdonald that kept sugar labia words in the English las' on the tariff sheet,and it is not any uage, viz., scratched, stretched, I regard for the people of moderato means and limited resources that induces Premier. Abbot to make the change now, for the Canadians have been simply forced to this action to save their sugar refiner- ies from the competition • of the United States. l�Sris, if it does die respects, that ugh Allan in the case c scandal, Murphy tnat he himself paid the icer of Public Works the sum ten thousand dollars in bank teills. It must be remembered that Sir Hector Langevin's defence bas not yet been heard, and that tt e be whole thing mayp of disproof or at least of explanation. RLW&ND BRO. IRON LINTOl EoVrE, A FREE TRWTO CLINTON nd Bordering to mateit riui�f Qeiling orations, etc. In the very latest designs, and at lowest prices • W. 11. SI1ViPSON! CIJI1''To•1' Walton & Morrison Remember the SMITH'S BOCK. CLINTON place Oppositeook tore a Rochester Herald :-The Toron- to Empire sticks to the adminis- tration. In praising the govern- ment for taking the duty off raw sugar it speaks of the duty on tea and sugar being "aimed especially at the people of moderate means and limited resources." But it CONSUMPTION CURED. . An old physician, i oDprac- tice, having had placed in his hands by en East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, sthmalaond all throat and LungtAff positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Comp laint after having tested its wonderful cura- tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his fellows to make Actuated knowntoo his his suffering• human Hamilton's Great Central Fair has gone, Kingston's is moribund, dw the Belleville fair is making progress the same direction. The show is in debt some 119,000 to the Toronto Sae ving 'and Investment Society are unable to meet the interest and the -company will not allow rounds unless the inteerre this e ass of the g kept. up• A •Wiikesbarre despatch says ward McMillan was found guilty - of murder in the first degree. His crime, which is one of the most fiendish ever chionicled;'wme committed several moutha'aggo..';His wife was the victim. While ander .the%iftflnence of drink he thrust a red. hot Poker into her body, reheated the terrible weapon pressed kitchen fire and repeatedlyet p the it into•her quivering flfl o - man died in the most agonising torture. A London Cable says: w letter Iden- i6alveb r0 ac - • i - crunched, screeched, scrancbed, squelched and staunched. WOMAN'S SUFFER -AGE.' was what a witty woman called that period of life which all mid- dle-aged pass through, and dur- ing which so many seem to think they must suffer -that Nature in- 1 tended it so. The same lady added: 'If you don't believe in 'woman's suffer -age there is one ballot which will effectually de- feat it -Dr Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription: This is true, not only at the period of middle age, but at all ages when women suffer from uterine diseases, painful irregular- ities inflammation, ulceration or motive and a desire to relieve suffering, I will send free of charge, to _ ail who or En lie th, this withi fnllldiin rrxeetione erman . �/ ccs French or i; for prepay ing and using. Sent by, mail this by addr<-.'i,e with stamp, naming f� paper. \ • =• ,i'� ES, t+20 Powers' Block ce Rochester', Y. Jane 19-91-y. u= a �i S Ii3E, HAVE GROCERIES �rou Glassware, EVER Crockery, Air THOUGHT WHAT THIS CASH _MEANS J �% I RVVIN ,-. TO YOU? ,-'1 Sole Agent for Ram Lalis Pure TndianT THE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLE CCS CO i� HARD TRIES PRICES FOR OR TRADE THE NOTED GROCER• Toronto News : - Unless Sir Hector Langevin can show that he did not receive the money which Mr. Murphy says was paid him, and that he had no share in the boodling which it is alleged the dein, he will go ouwere so t of oflceYolv- with a. very bad record and cannot very well maintain himself in public life. Tie has made no answer of any kind to the charges, and what he has to say is awaited with in- rolapsus, the 'Favorite Prescrtp f • ; terest It is d most unsavory af- tion' so strengthens the wee diseased organs and enriches the blood, that years of health and enjoyment are added to life. fair, and it is regretted that publi men should be so avaricious as to place themselves in such a position The Rykert scandal was caused b a questionable transaction in land which land grabbers 'f to their own satisfaction, would p justify tical iri'btyle i►bd wYittn� er has been { llEEBEC HARBOR STEAL - received tbie case reveals men conspir- ing f iu J k the Rlrfp Qp •received by the�chairmma,hloQehenelVitn INGS. ing to rob the people by crooked I work with contractors for public • Those who read the evidence works. Such business could not disclosing :he diabolical nl'othoda be carried on undetected. when the of robbing the public treasury adopted by . the Quebec harbor works boodlers, must remember that Mr McGreevy• could not have carried out any of his en- gagemen's :with 'the contractors except with the aid and approval of Sir Hector Langevin, minister of Public Works and leader of the government in the House ofCom- mons. The arrangement by which the eontractors received thirty-five cents per yard for dredging work, which they found profitable at twenty-seven cents, could not have leen carried out except with the tall approval of the minister and his chief engi- neer. And then the new agree- ment allowed the contractors to throw the excavated mud into the river instead of upon an embankment, thus effecting a saving to them which Engineer Boyd estimated at five cents per yard. Therefore the new con- tract, between increased price and improved conditions, gave Larkin, Connolly & Co, thirteen cents a' yard more than tbo orig- inal contract. Thirteen cents a yard on 800,000 yards was $104, 000,out ot which they could well afford to pay Mr McGreevy his $27,000. As before stated, none of -Mr McGreevy's bargains with the contractors could have been carried out without the assistance of the Minister of Public Works. And is it it not a singular eoineid- engo 'that otb''ory, large ' tentraet Awarded b the public adorlts de" attment luring regent. +ow has 'i � t,rlolly • Sanitary Plumbing AND HEATING canoe l iornni' ' en �.• -which Jack announces that Bla about bs d to perform another " operation," to track that if the vigilante attempt him he will knife them to the heart. It is the?d,ttty of the, police, he say% to catch him. He adds that he has been hieaiti•I' baifgh4 fvtice, but will novae be taken alio . ; Patrola•andvigilants were revived ,tri -night, ands Scotland' Yard sent an'i.extraordinary. contingent to Whitechapel. • of the late Mr The theft of the body has Mr P. Parcell -which bythe way, n attention to theredeq fiat haa in the law for pun ishthg ' provision punishing the prime of body -snatching. Senator McMillan has introduced a bill ,into Parliament providingthat a t the he body snatcher shall be p priioonment not races. than ten years nor less than three years, and by fine not exceeding $2,000 nor lees thha $500." 0 by The bill is Certainly timely of careful consideration. Whether the 'penalty is too great or not is smatter of disoneoioil;•iittt Senator DteMillau ie Mainly on the right track. A child two years of ago .belonl_+-: ing to Peter l3ruso,a farmer living near Tilbury Centre, while walk- ing oti the trick, was struck by the C. P. R. flyer going west. - Both legs were broken and one foot taken off. .A. 'doctor was quickly in attendance, but enter- tains little hopes of its recovery. ei was sure to come a time contractors would ask more, and those who were assisting them would look for greater returns on their part, surely leading to dis- agreement and a revealing of the swindle: -Infact that is what did occur, and both Sir Hector Lange - vin and the McGreevys will have to hear tl a responsibility - • ; ALECJi SA•UNDERS GODERICR �-•--- ^-'`" � Canadian market pectacles ye Glasses are the onl y genu' nu l:";lith Aa eer ociation anada, College of Physicians and Surgeons ot Quebec, Bores of the beat physician re remain dedby and testimonials have been received runt, is ,idents of the Medica of Ontario. The B Laurence patent testion For sin all e ally'seg and guaranteed to fit a accuratel as � R CLINTC)N: any machine we guatanteesa .� $�o.J<Z•ST��� COPE 1 V {This Machine bas been thoroughly tested by the farmers for the last 5 years. There is nothing to equal it, baying given unqualified satisfaction. The Grind Stone and Unite keep perfect shape until both are done. One boy can sharpen the 55ife in ten minutes. Hundreds of communications snob as the following, and the veracity of the writers none will doubt. I have noe pptravelling agent, ac - tory here send your�orderoes at to me, or your agent to get it for you. P. STBAITH, CLINTON, ONT. TESTIMONIALS. From John McMillian, M. P. for South Huron. _ To Mr P. Straith Clinton.-DEAR'ug Reaper Re and Mo eour machine I have grinding ed one ;for the and l Mower yr Knaves, last lonryeeare and f eel eatiefled that no other machine Matt have ever aeon will give the same satiefaotion, as my experience is that both the stone and the knife keepnd one per- son shaate in a manner that is astonishing, k knife witbhothh greatest of ease. 8 feel that hI mac other countzy,as one that if properlytused and taken care of,will give the best of satisfaction to those using it. Kinburn, Nov. 3, 1890. JOHN McMILLAN. From John Ransford,■of Stapleton Salt Works. Mr P. Straith, Clinton.--Sin-Your Mower Knife Sharpener is an indispensable re- quisite to the farmer of to -day. By means a Knife can be sharpened by one man in one half the time it used to take two men, GLiN-� ON or at least one man, and a boy to turn the RAILROAD TI VIE TABLE grindstone, and the work is infinitely better done. W e have used one now for years, and �-� ( simply would not be JOHN without it. I am, sir, Issned May lit. ' ours truly,4,INS to the l y We have many others like the above. The departure of trains at the several Stapleton Salt works, Aug. stations named, is according last official time card: CLINTON LATEST METHODS. PARTIC- ULAR ATTENTION PAID TO SANITATION VENTILATION AND PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED Repairing PromptlYAttended to _-p--- Three t�atrains sdaily. n aolit Telephone No 28. )A EMPORZUDI A SAD AWAKENING ,'When in the dark, on thy soft band I hung, ren of thy And beard the tempting 'y tongue- What ongue- What�1 aim sh I endured darts- what an- But o eel' the candle entered -I was Such complexions as SO many of our young ladies possess --dull, pimply, and covered with sores theblackheads, ldo of ,the swots me t tlo cool. To such young lfldie8 we would say, that you can never have a soft, fair, ,smooth, attractive, kissible complexion, unless your blood is healthy and pure, for the condition of the blood decides the complexion. Dr Pierce's Golt'on Medical Discovery will purify your blood, tone up your system, and drive away those distressing headaches and backaches, from which you suffer periodically, and gide you a complexion , a lily or rose -leaf might envy. anew am erfectly justified in recommending your hive to the farmers of Ontario, or any SPRING Goads to hand and selling well. Our ens - Comers and visitors are highly pleased PRINTS, DRESS GUODS, anti with the variety anal beauty of our NEW P TWEEDS, to. • Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West 7.43 a•n,,. 10.05 a.m. 2.25 p.m. 1.20 p.m. 4,55 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 9.27 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Division Going North Going Bout San. p.m a:m. p.m. 1, 1100 745 6.60 3.40 Wingham ..10.42 7.27 7.05 4.00 Blyth. e Blyth..... •10.28 7.12 7.18 4.15 Londesboro 10.19 7.08 7.26 4.26 Clinton -...10.00 6.45 7.7.55 4.45 5 6.04 Brucefield . - 9.42 6.26 YOU TAKE NO RISK le buying 'Hood's Sarsaparilla, for it is everywhere recognized as the standard buildingup medicine and. blood purifier. It has won its way to the front by its own Intrinsic merit, and has the lar. gest sale of any preparation of He kind. Any 'honest druggist will Confirm this 'statement, if, you• decide to take Ilona s S rsaparills do not be itlduced tri buy` anything dot iii4toad Be elite ,to' get clod`s« 8.24 6.12 Hansa' .... 8.32 5.19 Cala. Heneali .... 9.28 6.09 8.60 6.38 Exeter . • . 9.10 5.57 London .. , . 8.06 ° •25 10.1Ci 4.4g iRY1 l �`h co!: Insect Stings gore Eye - Er'upton Ser. q Feet a�� h'eS. `SOY' 934 617 { BOOTS and SHOE. s o s And CeRnbbe s.tine Slippersfat8250. +� Borders Our stook of Wall Paper & 'Borders �1 all °Paperd&arapidly. beenrepo lenished, laugh. and is so muchadmire 'n off FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS as usual ,l ETHI NG NEW -We have just received a nice assortment of Boa"'• S�MSuits in several different styles and colors, at prices from $2 up to If 5. ' has onlyto be seen to be appreciated and purohased OUR MILLINERY Full supply of GROCERIES, PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWAR, , CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS, &c. Goods not in stock procured if desired- anCome d havealong a share with of theour riends andbarga ns. neighbors I ani, respectfully youre, R. ADAMS. The LATEST STYLES IN LONDESBORC • To please everybody. Call and see all the latest shapes. We are constantly offering bargains. We are showing a stook that is wonderful in quantity, quality and style. We also keep on hand a magniilaent assortment of boon Reale ed py "Lark n, o tat aFree Press..., ti On Satlftday t0 skeletons were found irk tui old icehouse in Chi- cago. t• is supposed they were anbltiete• from some medical school plitecdi ere to'blelat . r • If You WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere lT Any time WRITE TO Bo its 4,_ u , 'ternaie _ CC31'1%i igf t5 Mm's Furth „Thtes ..,-- vii 'AS tpwhl!! -puri' Lir_ ii ALLD amnatiof Rt:flf'g $UB5 i ITUTES BESUREZig BOTTLE WIT i BL FEWRAPPER COOKS LIKE iiil$ 0 ......10,0 0,6 fr wONO'S EXTIIACT GotoA$'Y t • re rirtilffiEt.rtit:w Yoh . h GEO. P. ROWELL & CO No. to Spruce Street, NEW YO1U(. Our stook is complete ur and well assorted. We invite y REMEMBER OF THE DRY GOODS STAND-ONE PALACE NORTH LAC) xtra. v ]�ilne,w And all 1890, upon, that are CO.. NIB x0 fluteWill a g jv k i for the month of `"t, Cola CA -Ski pt eviolls accounts, not otherwise a, ot settled during; May, frill be plAt ther hands for collection. ■ moi. ON a • + 4VNDES1OI L..