HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-07-10, Page 5an� GL a VES 150 pairs at - 25 cents 125 pairs at - - 35 cents We have made two prices for the balance of our SILK and TAFFETTA GLOVES in Summer Shades, and are selling all that were 30, 35 and 40c, at 25c., and those • that were 45, 50 and 60c, at 35c. We have all shades and sizesnow but they. won't last long. r these !'rices Before mosmity- 500 pair Children's Cotton Hose, black and colored at 5c. per pair, or 6 pair for 25 cents 100 pair at 10c. or 3 for 25 A few dozen Ladies Black Bose at 15e, worth 25c. A line of Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose for Boy's wear, at 25c • • DRESS GOOD. Last week we mentioned 3 b& drives at 10, 123, and 15.c. We sold a lot of them, but stilt have an assortment left. To these we have added " anotherlot ofgood shad of Greys at 25cs t e hat were 35e • Another plot of GRENADINES just received and selling fast. Money Saved by Buying Goods at our Great Summer Glearanee PRINTS What about a PrintDress? Do you want one? We are showing some choice patterns at 12 2c, that are the newest things in the market Still a few good patterns left of that great line at 8e. which was reduced from 10e. All our 20o. Sateens selling MILLINERY, J I TWEED Have you bought your Summer HAT yet?If not we have marked all our shapes to prices far below regular, and you can now buy a Good STYLISH HAT for very little money indeed. THE BALANCE OFOUR TRIMMED HATS AT 25 per ct. DISCOUNT 250 yds All -wool Tweeds,, Just the thing `tor light \Sifts, or will make 1 up well ' or Boy's wear. At 35, They are wort but we are going to them out at the reduce prices. and 45cts. 45,. t065c, ear ESTATE JOHN HODGENS, THEDRy GOODS -y PALACE, OLIN � TON 1 . T ►fter More Light. :, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, iiext and Friday, of week, E POSTER P]JOTOGRAPHEE, 11 a in Buffalo, N.Y., attendingg the Convention of the Photograph - Association of 4.rnerica, which is held there at that time 1i ere are any ne phy; be is ideas in Photo - £ter them CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, -July 9, 1891. Wheat, fall Wheat spring Oats Barley Peas Flour per bal Butter Eggs Wool Pork Hay Hides, No. 1 trimmed..- Hides, rough Sheep Skins Timothy seed Clover seed 100a103 1 00 a 1 03 O 47 a 050 O 48a055 O 65 a 070 560 a 600 O 12 a 013 011 a 012 O 18 a 018 500 a 525 8 00 a 830,.. 600 a 600 300 a 325 050 a 060 125 a 140 375 a 400 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There hag been very little doing in live stock circles this week. The Brit- ish markets are not so good as they were a week ago, some shippers claim to have lost as high as $5 per head in Glasgow on Wednesday but it is thought that the majority made a little money. Pretty good grass-fed cattle sold at about 43o per lb and common stock at about 3,}c do. Calves were more pleas, tiful than for some time past, but good veal; are in demand at4firm rates. Com- mon calves sold at from $2.50 to $5 and good ones at from $6 to $9 each. There is an active demand for good shipping sheep at from 41 to 4fc per lb. Good Iambs sell at from $3.50 to $4.25 each and common Iambs at from $2.25 to $3.25 each. E BRITISH CATTLE MARKET, Lrveep000 July 6.—The general supply of stock on the market to -day was light and there were also light re- ceipts' of Canadian and) United States cattle. The demand however was steady and prices ruled firm at 131e per 1b for finest steers, 13o for good to choice, 12c for poor to medium, and 9 to 10,jo for inferior and bulls. Sold by John Robertson, Clinton t� It corers the rour,cl —the B. & C. cc s,,t, It is perfect in S:iapz l;ii i is boned with: ,',.^ :i not break n. you are n • weariCt^ return it ai;u ' _ i I,. r ;1 f)!' Ask your try Goods dealer oir,it For Sala by Estate Jno agent \•1M Butchering Business for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his well established butchering business, with all necessary outfit complete, including residence, shop fixtures, slaughter house, &c. The business is a good one, in splendid shape, and will be sold rea- sonably. Satisfactory reasons for selling aut. A. COUCH . For Sale. hrame House and lot occupied by Wm. Mc - Ivor corner of Orange and Dunlop stremisesreets, frame stable, well, re is oc stern, wn these oodshed, fruit trees. Cie. House contains 5 bedrooms, par- lor, dinning room. Kitchen and pantry. Stone cellar and good furnace. Terms easy, '1.50 MANNING & SCOTT, Vendor's Solicitors Stray Calves. Came into subscribers premises, lot 10, 4th con. Hullett some time in April or early in May, three yearling calves, two heifers and steer, black and redland white. The owner is hereby notified to prove property,pay charges and take them away. GERGE DALE. Pd 4 Farm to Let That excellent grass farm at present occu- pied Dy Mr Isaac Rapson, well known as the Dodskorth farm, being north half of Lot 36, 9th concession Hullett, containing 85 acres. It is situated on the Base Line, Similes from S5 mm wateredgand particulariles rlly adapted for fid shed. The leas ssee canood have privilebarn ge of plowing after harvest, with stable and house accommodation. Possession March, 1898.- 4 apply to 71119. JANE DODSWORTH or 0 A. HARTT, Clinton. Thoro-Dred Durham Bull for Service. Subscriber has for service the thorn -bred Durham bull Cameron, sired by the famous Vico.h ,nsul owned by Snell Bros. Cameron is a prize animal. Terms :91.75 at time of service, or '9 if booked, with privilege of re- turning; money refunded should animal prove not to be in calf. GEO. SHIPLEY, —THE — Standard Life ASSURANCE CO. Established 1825. Total Sum Assured. ..$104,655,491 Invested Funds 36 ,444,640 Investments in Canada, over.... 6,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN CANADA, JAMES. A. S1rA.T.aalt,G O M (JF1E.Bsq Chairman . Greenshields, Esq Hon,J.J.C.Abbott,Q.C, Bir Joseph Hickson, W. M. RAMSAY. Manager, CHARLES HUNTER, Supt. of Agencies, E. W. 'BURLEY, Insppector, Stratford District CLINONT ONT, Lobb's Starch Enamel This is au article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box If yon want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, puffs, lice curtains, ete,, buy a box. / PRICU 1t Clf;NTS. garethratpo�otleiawriremehndecnit w want 16 llvdly agent to ropersent as. . Manufa6dtured WI y� y /�y yy ,tJ w t1.�41i},[y, i, l41t eer`ille rom the Atlantic To the Pacific If MISS CANADA sold postage stamps on time, do you suppose you could send a letter from the Atlan- tic to the Pacific for three cents? No, indeed; it would cost you ten, and perhaps twenty-five cent.. NOW We sell DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAM GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY AND Gam,,. WARE, HARDWARE, • PAINTS, OILS, &C,, like Miss Ca -9 nada sells stamps—FOR CASH ONLY, and that is the reason we can undersell all competitors. We have no percentage of loss on credit sales to charge on the goods You buy. We are anxious to clear out ALL SUMMER GOODS,, and prices lean in buyers' favor. Good range of FLANNELLETES in stripes and checks, You can save money by buying FRUIT JARS from us. HARVEST TOOLS We handle Lute Scythes, Hay Forks, and Fork Handles,tanAmerican d sell them nt lower prices than you will be asked for ordinary goods. 000 GIVE US A CALL ; we will show you through with plea- sure, and convince you that we carry a full stock, and lead in low prices. We pay you CASH for what yod have to sell. We ask you to pay CASH for what you buy. •