HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-07-10, Page 4Breit Goats Brea T. Tipling . J. taeott -id E ter a#etto Association staffs Jn0 Sodgen4 'ohn Robertson ' Opime Mriwtee & Mozrieon fe viteee-Naylor &u So. -- The wank of revising the Dominion till0ta, voters' lists began a month ago. The sources from which the revising officers, UI;- 10, 1881. according to the law, are taking infor- mation are the old Dominion voters' inscifang Twine, hat, the assessment roll, the Provincial and municipal voters' lists and the TWA know whether farm- solemn deolaratiens of persona -who paying more for binder deem themselves entitled to a vote. au it .s Worth, or not, but To put in as many of thesedeclarations as possible during the month of July is Wli,rici" lriatter What price the businese of Reformers just now- iee l tip it at, they. "would By the working of the law, or by ao- • Rr. v..v,-.p.. • ,.: •„ ... . _,r,, ,.�. _.-., - r'- • k•-'�.Ta ►.� - �1'1't.^: riss.7-� �i3r ° .. :aryrjp•.«-. ., o,, - 1 t clastic .Owtbol1 to, the morn eco Mddillaitla$ Loom Nevi*,. ' vabat; is needed. 1)0 xi11�I1iofpall'- Town. Council, t' tri t .� t by the The regular meotiA:t o. the C . f And tl 1 would T o a d f 'il ' t t thou, do pot aid acknowledging on behalf of L add materially to ,ho revenue, be Macdonald, the xeeohutlon of c cameo the articles they salary to are oorin,parted. SPA The Doin.iuionl Voteir$ Lists. nptate.systetnof radaleg cireetlg . .. ios.raise their a _a ion f t e aunt- elastic' method ? Not a bit b. .ellwee beld con Monday eveniug. it. n the people won ra e A letter was read from Ala' Pope, seere* big, racket if they did.- If the det- tery to the late Sir John A Maodou- ies are pro. efs the ad r oo- defence recently passed by the COUP- i u 'h it Qs000000 to getting it cident the names of Reformers may be tis'. ees. ue, *Daly in lino omitted; but the filing of a declar- O U la nature to buy an ation, which costs no money and very as elieaply aspossjble, but little trouble, makes the matter safe. Forms of declaration will be found in s a ;solid economic dont- the hands of J. A. Morton, Wingham, if011OW out. As this is the Elliot Travers, Luckuow, Wm. Lane, se tlt° year when farmers Dungannon; P. Holt, Goderich; Wm. espt fled to use twine,that is Proudfoot, Goderich, and Manning and have, any Frain to harFeet, Scott, Clinton. Any of these gentle - rill be interested in knowing men will be glad to give the necessary lie Liberals in Parliament information and fill up the declaration an effort,on Monday, to get for any one calling upon them. Let ty removed, but in` this they the declarations be got in now, so that h til c'eaefui,the Government they may be entered on the first print- `tldrSy11S* a majority of 20,de ed lists. Here is a list of the different 1110.0e -duty i must remain persona untitled to a vote:— t is untimed that all the "Every person shall be eetitled to be an. 'twine factories have registered upon the list of voters, and on 0 .41. cambintation with when so registered to vote if suchper- ntir rm].',Cordage Company of son— rerk;` tnd by aid of the duty "Is of the full age of 21 years, and minor: who uses twine is is a Bretish subject by birth or natur- alisation, and not by law disqualified UV leto several cents payor prevented from voting, and 140 ac a for his twine, than "(1) Is the owner (or whose wife is atln.if the duty were remOv- owner) in any city of real property of li: Gomes the objection will the value of $300, or in any town of the r ced;tliat if it is only a few value of $200, or in villages and town- ships of the value of $150, or— ' 1f aore;extra, the difference • (2) Is the tenant (or joint tenant, or wkOrth, i3peaking aaout, but i<+'brks lands on shares) of any real pro- rre ` ielletiiI5e1'e�: tbat on a- perty'within the electoral district— � ,thousand acres twine under a lease— at a monthly rental of at least $2; or a quarterly of at least $6; ceefeitV 'the amountbecomes or at half yearly rental of at least $12; 11g,i Hewever. the Govern- or at an annual rental of at least $20; 11 4 ,; Ad .that thele shall or when land is valued at $300 in cities, redvlfstionof the duty,and the $200 in towns, and 150 in other mun- he bona fide occupant (or its itsli"ed 1' •"'.v 13ie. A whose wife is occupant) of real property ,of. of speeohos were made in for at least twelve months worth $300 '1i 0, on the subject, and in cities, 5200 in towns and 5150 else- setwhere. ' ,f that byMr John Mc- (4) Is a resident within the electoral ' Fie -member for South �t district, and derives an income of at n, Abe Globe says: — least $300 annuity. ea'tu debate arises on a question (5) Every farmer's son not other wise itis tI ' agricultural interest no qualified to vote,residing one year with Iter of the House is listened to with his father for the year next before his le attention and no member brings being placed on the list, provided that o vhiaetexperienoe and a closer in- the valve of the land which they occupy fib all its bearings than the mem- is sufficient, when divided, to qualify r- .-Huron. Speaking in'this de- one or more sons. etold-the House that the whole (6) I' the son of the owner of real" u£,of;the injustice to the farmer estate other than a farm, not otherwise 3iot`.yet shown. The Canadian qualified, who had resided with his &-rrbt to Vay ri duty on' father for at least one year. If the •.aniila or sisal, while the father is dead, the sons cf full age, 1,manufacturer had to pay 1 residing with their mother for at least ji�ty, yet notwithstanding this one year, can be placed on the voters' malas manafacturer sold his list in the same manner. eke' cents a pound more (7) is son of tenant of farm not less nerioan manufacturer re= than twenty acres, and leased for not ,�x<.(Applanse.) Proceeding, Mr less than five years. residing with his *Maeda the enormous price the father for one year next before applica- bl }hil;to pay"for binder twine lion to be placed on the list, provided itelaiit,a• question whether they the value of the land which they occupy Anepatee to use the binder ma- is sufficient, when divided, to qualify ejsed cost him on his farm, one or more sons. amber said, 50 Dents an acre N. B.—The law provides that the l*i h the machine, and the grain term 'son' in the above paragraphs in. 'ttvp b tied by hand for about ciudee grandson, stepson and son-in- bie.,6001 'The bon. member car- law, and the terms 'father' or 'mother' j'emission into the question of apply equally to grandfather, grand - „}l;, ted •price farmers mast pay mother, father-in-law, another -in-law, agricultural implements be- stepfather and stepmother. amf the N. P., and warned the (8) Is a fisherman resident in the `4nt that the change of the po- electoral district, and is the owner of L4oanplexion of members of the real property and boats, nets, fishing e';sfrem the agricultural oonstit- gear and tackle, within any such elec. `as owing to the indifference Loral district, or of a share or shares in a;been shown to the farmers. a -registered vessel, which together are 'die) of the actual value of at least 5150. (9)) Is and has been for one year a resident within - the electoral district, and in receipt of a life annuity secured on real estate in Canada. ici alities, 0 •} nye no choice but to pay ��) Is t went over a email lfatell of early potatoes. neW I dop't mjnd Mist they carried off, but I do objeek to what they destroyed; and I do not wish theta to repeat it again, 4eeburn, , Mlc EniTRp.—D..14u Sza.--Please, excuse our delay in writing to you for there seemed nothing to tllk o hut the dry weather; but since the grand showers we have bad, tbiuge have taken a brighter aspect so we will try to get a little news. Well, since we wrote to yon we have lost from our midst one of our finest young ladies in the person of Miss Mary J. Linfield, who has gone to college at . Guelph. She will be muoh missed here both' among the temperance societies and also among the Sunday school works. Our wish is 'may auceeaa follow her in new sphere. Mr H. G. Horton has again returned to Toronto, where be takes full charge of a good drug busi- ness He spent some pleasant weeks of recreation here. Among his pleas- ant adventures was a pleasant sail on the lake w --le some fifteen young people from this, place. His medical advantages were put to test on this oc- casion and it was quite amusing to eee how tenderly and skillfully he man- aged those who were a little inclined to go on to Europe. He also took part in a game of foot -bait among his young iriende here one evening. May success go with Harry and may he also be as full of tun as ever. Mrs. D. Thurlow spent last week with her mother in Ashfield, returning home on Saturday. Miss Mary Cook has returned home, having spent About six months in the county town. Mrs J. Holdsworth, of Holmeaville, re- turned home last week, she having spent a few days with her sister, Mrs J. Cook. Mrs G. H. Clutton return- ed home to Stratford on Monday, havingepent Sunday with her parents here; her sister Lizzie left with her to spend her holidays in Stratford. A little stranger came to the home of Mr E. Shaw on Sunday, 28th; it is a boy; may he be long spared to be a joy to his parents, ell. Mr Plummer chairman of the Street Committee, stated that nearly all the•work originally passed by the Council, had been done, but as there way yet -work that wee necessary. a further grant would have ' to be tirade. After an explanation by the Reeve, showing that the appropria- tion had been well expended, a fur- ther grant of 6300 was made to the Committee. The Finance Committee recom- mended payments of the following accounts:—Whitely & Todd, print- ing, '1 •.25; R Holmes, printing, $35; J Scrnton, meat tor charity, $4.62; Jae Howe, $3.80; B Rumball, charity, $1: Davis and Rowland. sundries, $15.77; T Cottle, mea and work, $416.81; Bros, 3.35; W Mi ne,9 lumer, $40 Evans,e; F G R freight, $23.85; J Hancock, work on street, $10; H Secord, lumber, $134.64; Gutta Percha Rubber Co, $2.75; J no Stephensor, fixing ceme- tery pump, $2.50; Hall receipts tor June, $8, weigh scale receipts, $17.- 30. Mr Andrews, chairman of the Cemetery Committee, etated that in- vestigation showed that there was no water in the well at the Cemetery; the grass had been sold for about $11. The constable and bell ringer were granted a'week's holidays, on condi- tion that each take the other's work while one is away. iBr ucefield; NOTES. — Sacramental services were held in the old Presbyterian church on Sabbath last and preceed- ing days. Rev Mr Grahm was assist- ed by the Rev Mr Rees, of Clinton, who preached on Saturday, Sabbath and Monday. On Wednesdav of last week Mrs Coults left for Kemptville. Mr. John McKenzie, Mill Road, was in Forest last week. He had set of harness stolen from his stable and the man being arrested for some other charge also told where he had taken the harneae which Mr. McKenzie brought back with him. The Stallion "Topaman," owned by Mr. Doig died here Sunday morning ; he was in- sured. Iteilnative Taxation. Zpndon Free Press says :—"The fai`:Nnw ERA has this to remark $tae -sugar question;—'Everybody netig,tlteeeednotion on sugar. But krern aJg the, duty causes a drop Imes to the cpnsumer s, benefit, !t'iticl(i.: would it not be to the (pietetelx -rest also if all the duties t1irdwh t , • c f'. bpld' fi$h Thing if all imports Ile' tth'reevel •qff" as easily as the ?.eii bast auger. But would the ,,pnbiils be -much advantaged if iitbms dAit"ies were removed, and ;;taxation Substituted ? Every- te, and the government getting iii Every - , any revenue at all, would r''ixiipressive, edifying spectacle ; tittnnately, this cannot be done. vernment must have a revenue (X1,000, But how shall it be se - "ell the duties are thrown off ?" ,ieohlector might go around in anicipelity, demanding a gem - ate in addition to the rates for oges. But would that lessen a: ythe public hardens ? T ould tither increase them? pay laSeustoms .duties is the more gh a'atsd convenient plan. The pro- ei;pisid in this way is not so muoh ease paid a little at a time, and ay bo; stayed off indefinitely, he direct tax would have to be p aid WM) guru, and no second time of g, no indulgence given on account (eel Incl" or lank of employment. talk that goes on of escaping the dlbilyden by "throwing off all the SO is therefore sheer nonsense. It of his beaded, but must be borne in fez ` or another. Why does the fp' ess put forward only the enticing i't a unrestricted reciprocity, leaving %ejack gronnd the unlovely but viteble alternative in taxation which tilonld involve ? How would it do to call the de- partment presided over by Mr Langevin 'The Ottawa Steel Works.' The man Murphy, who figures so prominently in the McGreevy case, seems to have a record that is not one to be proud of. But for all this he may be telling the truth in his revelation of corrup- tion. S.. Colemao, Dominion express agent, has been arrested and camniit- ted for trial at Smith's falls, charged' with enabezzletnent. White a train load of tee was being run into a freight boat at San Fraaois# coon Saturdgiv night one of thecars, containing 20,000 pounds of tea, broke loose and the tea,was emptied into the bay. There was riotious etrikeon Monday among reapers in the. Volletria district, Italy, The two troops who were sent to the epos shot two of the rioters and wounded a number ofothers in quelling the riot. Hensall Farmers have in this vicinity com- menced haying and report an average crop. The fall wheat is ripening fast, and promises an excellent crop, though some of it was lodged badly by the rain and wind storm of last week, though it is thought that it has been hardened sufficiently before go- ing down, that it will not suffer bad- ly, Other crops are doing well since the late rains. Croquet appears to be the chief recreation for some of our citizens. Messrs. A. Wiaeloh and C. Myers have been posing as the champion players in the neighborhood; but lately it became a question of who was the better player of these two. This re- sulted in a challenge from one to the other, which was played off last week, resulting in au easy victory for Char- lie. The return was played on Tues• day. in the skating rink. The first two games were well played and each won one, but the third game was dis- puted and not finished. It is a pity that our road commis- sioners do not look better after our streets. On Main street, after a rain, ponds et water gather in some low spots without an outlet, carrying de- composing vegetable and animal matter with it, and• there allowed to evaporate, leaving the filth from the streets and shop fronts to decay. If this is not attended to we cannot ex- pect anything but fevers, diptberia, etc., to follow. Our sanitary inspec- tor should look after these things, or is he merely an ornament? The Parnol 1 to candidate was crushingly defeated in a Carlow election, on Wednesday. Parnell should now climb a fire escape and pull it up after him. People are becoming tired of his disgust- ing effrontery. Prof. Hermann Kollinger, one of the leading violinists on the Pacific coast, has just died in squalor and wretched- ness at San Jose, Cal. He was also a well-known writer of prose and poetry. He died worth plenty of money —a miser. i Summerhill. NoTEs.—Haying has fairly com- menced. L. 0. L. No. 928 of this place, intend to celebrate the 12th at Mitchell. A number from here at- • tended the garden party at Holmes- ville on Tuesday evening. Mr. S. Sowery was dangerously ill on Sunday last but is now on the way to recov- ery. Mr. T. Wallace and wife have returned from their visit near Pres- cott. The Messrs. Beacom and Wat- kins have just built a neat porch for Ebenezer church, Goderich township. News Notes Mood The County* NOTES —Our football team are away up on themselves now, since they de- feated the Kippen club ; nothing hese than the Hurons for them now; but look out boys you don't get left. Mr. Smith, who has been station agent duringMr. Harold's absence, left for Stratfrd, accompanied by his wife,on Tuesday. Mr. Smith made many friends during his stay here. Rev. Mr. Henderson and wife and Mr. L. Harold and wife returned home from their two months' tour on the' Pacific coast on Friday evening last,and were met at the station by a large numlier of their friends and eacorted to the Presbyterian church, where a recep- tion was held. The whole party looked improved in health. Rev. Mr Henderson, accompanied by his wife, is this week attending his sister's wedding. Mrs Wilton, sr,, of Brussels, had the misfortune to fall last Monday evening and break one of her arms. W. H Kerr, of the Brussels Post, has resigned the leadership of the Metho- dist choir, after an experience of eleven years, The friends of Miss Edwards,formerly a teacher in the Public School Seaforth, but now of Toronto, will learn with re- gret that sheis suffering from ill health, and had to retire from the teaching pro- fession. r1'0-• Manchester. Rumor says that J P Brown will shortly take a trip toManitoba and the Northwest, and will likely take a car load of horses with him. The Mitchel Advocate takes exception (and not in the most gentlemany way either) to our classing the Toronto Telegram and Montreal Star as Conservative papers. Both classify themselves as -' Independent Conservatives' and we prefer accepting their own definition to any statement concerning it from the Advocate. The proprietor of the Telegram,as is well known has been for years a Conservatitje, and Mr Hugh Graham, of the Star, is an astivo party worker. theNuw ERAwonld a groat deal Or see direct than indii'oct tion, and has nuhr hesitated i'i3o. We believe that if all rotective' duties, Were thrown and the noceseary' revenue ed in some other way, it would great deal butter. We aro Of this child's talk about *being being afraid of a col lector lig' around and demanding a ' t11tn0Ilt rate for. local purpos- The people have to pay the 'flus In ata event, and we do liege that, tbey fsrefor the Rev Mr Edgar has declined the call extended to him by Knox church con- gregation, Brussels. Permission will likely be asked at the next meeting of Maitland Presbytery to moderate in an- other call. Mrs Miners, sr., of Elmville, had th misfortune to break her leg a few day since. She was walking across a hart maple floor, assisted by a stick, which slipping, allowed the old lady to fal heavily to the floor with the above re sults. Last Friday a young son of Mr Alex Ross, Egmondville, met with a severs accident. He was riding on a load o brick, and fell off the load and the whee of the waggon passed over his hand crushing it badly and breaking th1 small bones, the thumb and two fing ere. The other day Messrs Balkwill & So shipped from Exeter a car of : cattl for the European markets. : molg th number was a mammoth /old ' hic turned the scales at 2,500 lb', • 6 f high and girthed 12 feet. The of the load which were large , s were made to appear small by • e enor mons size of this ox. On Tuesday, Mr Alex Laird, of th 12th concession, Howick, met with rath er a serious accident. He was drivin to Gorrie, accompanied by bis little gir and the horse took fright and ran awa upsetting the buggy and throwing o the occupants. The little girl came o with no serious injuires, but Mr Lair was not so fortunate. He had sever ribs broken, besides other injnrie The buggy and harness were a tot wreck. SERVICES.—The protracted meet- ings in the Methodist church here, are to close this week. Miss Wil- liams intends leaving on Saturday.— DatTH.—Another of the pioneers of the township of Colborne; has passed the boundary that divides us from the unseen world, in the person of Mr Milian. A few years ago he retired from farming. and took up his residence here. Last Wednesday he was struck down suddenly with heart disease. He leaves a widow and two sons to mourn his departure. A large number followed his remains to Colborne cemeteryon Friday. olboy C A Montreal special says:—A gentle. man, prominent in Liberal politics, said this] morning that a bombsheel would be exploded shortly in Ottawa in connection with the MoGreevy-Lange- vin business. This would be the adduc- ing of documentary evidence praying the payments of certain moneys to Sir Hector Langevin by the firm of Larkin, Connolly & Co., and he added, " Upon this the Opposition are certain t0 pre- oipitate a oriels which they feel confi- dent will bring down the Government with a crash. They are only waiting for the subsidies to be voted to bring matters to a head. A petition has been filed in thou' court of Appeal by Jamas Copeland against the return of George Hngh Macdonefl ae M.1' for Aigoi'ira .a. N etOo NEWS NOTES. er east Potatoes and hay promise to yie abundantly in New Brunswick. Thomas A. Taylor, Owen Sound, w drowned in the bay off that town. William Henry Gladstone, eld son of the ex -Premier, died on Satu day. Dr. Chas. B. Spenser, Port Staple was found dead in hie bed on Saturd morning. Rev. C. II, Spurgeon's condition pronounced dangerous. Constant pr er is being offered on his behalf in tabernacle. Four murderers were killed by ale ricity at Sing Sing on Monday. Des in each case was instant and painle so say the medical men. Maitland Young, jr., of the Bank Hamilton, one of the most prominl young men of the Ambitious City, v drownedin Burlington Bay,through capsizing of a canoe. Hullett PROLIFIC. --Mr Jas Cornish, of the base line, ie said to have, gather- ed 300 quarts of cherries from one tree. Noxns.—Mr John Govier lost a valuable steer last week. Mr Henry McBrien's flock of sheep suffered from and attack of dogs last week, one of the dogs was traced up and destroyed. A MILD REPROOF—Mr W H Way - mouth, of Hallett, sends the follow- ing for publication: — Mr Editor, Dear Sir,—My place haying been travelled through for aver 20 years, with, teams and people on foot to a berry patch. I never complained of all the tramping done, but on Satur- day, July 4th, two ladies from our popular village of Londesboro, era s- ed to see if the berries were ripe, d 0 A Hamilton miller, Mr R.R. Morg says, judging from indioationef in district between the Ambitious and St. Catharines, the prop of wl in Ontario this year will be one of finest ever reaped. The whole community was she on Sunday morning to hear of sudden death of Mr George A.Ds senior judge of Wellington, which event occurred at Me residence, El on Saturday night, about 12 o'ck the judge was in his usual health ul 10 p.m. Saturday, having that eve returned from a trip to Torc Shortly after retiring he was ti suddenly ill and expired within a co of hours. Heart failure was the mediate canse of death. The dece judge received hie appointment in the year 1882, having than been M. P. for the North Riding of Wellington. He attended the faneral of Sir John Mao. donald, having for that purpose ad- journed the court, which was' then in session. BORN- church, nesday, al set WeTsox—Iu Seaforth, on the 5111 ant., the wife of Mr James Watson, of son. MARRIED SLEB—BELL—At Calvin Presbyterian by Rev W. Martin, on. Wed- 1st inst., Mr Win Slee to Mrs Mary Bell, all of Exeter. TND W n i is—In Howick, on tl>,e 2nd last, lira Mary A. Willis, aged 50 years, 2 nonths and 27 days. BLeca—In Turn'berry, on June 301h, Helen Black, wife of -Mr Samuel Black, iged 70 years and 9 months. CnwrsEin--In MoKillop, on June 28, liobt Campbell, aged 54 years and 4 months. Heaoan--In Seaforth, on Jane 28th, Tohn Hargan, aged 48 years and 4 months. Leah—In Seaforth, on July tet, Cath - rine T., wife of Mr Stephan Lamb, aged 42 years and 4 months. SALE REGISTER. Part of lots 23 and 24, Maitland con., Goderich township, being 87 acres, at Rattenbury House, Clinton, on July 25th. D. Dickinson Auct. Manning & Scott, Vendor's Solicitors. . sew Ntuaxti tmento. ' House for Sale. - A snug house, on Frederick street, at pre- sent occupied by the undersigned, and coin twining good accommodation for a small family, with splendid garden, quarter acre lot. is offered for sale on very reasonable terms, as the proprietor intends returning to Manitoba, J. J. SCOTT, Clinton. To Let A splendid Dwelling House, containing nine rooms, largo • collar, wood shed, hard and soft water, and all other conveniences. Good Stable, Driving Shed and Garden. In one of the best situations in town, on Ontario street, opposite the English Church, within one minute's walk of church, school or post office. Possession at anytime. Also first elan Milch Cow and Churn for sale. Apply on the premises. T. TIPLING, Clinton Improved Farms for Sale. West part of lots 72 and 73, Maitland con., Goderich township, containing 101 acres, 75 acres cleared, remainder good hardwood bush, unoullod, 6 acres of orchard, choice fruit in full bearing; good buildings and wall fenced. Also lot 16 in the 16th con. of Gode- rich township, cleared, well improved, good Barn and other necessary buildings. Com- fortable House, good Orchard. Parties want- ing good farme should eee these. Possession after Soptember 1st. For particulars apply to H. BAITER, Clinton P. O. *1m 'Voters' List for 189L MUNICIPALI.1'Y OF Tit TOWN 01 CLINTON, COUNTY 01 UURON. Notice is hereby given, that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1880, the copies required by said sections - to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persona ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to bo entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at 1 Municipal Elections; and that said list was i first posted up at my office, at Clinton, on the , 7th day of July, 1891, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the • said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors correct- , ed according to law. Dated this 7th day of ! July 1891. WM. COATS, Clerk of the Town of Clinton: l j Sabbalh UNION school Nil,, t GODERICH, JULY 15. -Fare, 30 cts s for adults; 15cts. for children. Train , leaves Clinton at 10 a.m., retnrnins leaves Goderich at 7.30 p,m. e W. JACKSON, TOWN AGENT G T. R. 7. , The Coming School of Median. ( ff The llis1ogoneiiC Sysleff al This system is complete, having different med icinee for all the different diseases. Tho thoor is entirely different from that of the old school: The medicines are perfectly pure, containin; nothing of a poisonous nature whatever, and ar quite tasteless. For three years these medicine id have been given away free and thoroughly test ed in the most hopeless cases, before beim placed on the market. The result has oxceede 1s the most sanguine oxpectatione, Hundreds < cases supposed to be incurable have been cured and abundance of proof can bo produced to car vince the most skeptical that Histogenetic Mod r- icinee have cured and are curing to -day DISEA: ES at a later stage than any other system e medicine in the world. In !CUTE cases 0 ,y medicines set like magic. Chronte troubles r quire a longer time, generally from one to flits 1Y months, according to the nature of the cot plaint. In FEMALH IRREOULARITIE -WOMB TROUBLES, etc., the medicines hat been especially successful. Private EXAMI] Y- ATIONS in these troubles are almost, if u lie quite, absolutely unnecessary. Call or send fe one of our free books explaining the syster They should be in every house in the land. 't' Rheumatism and Sciatica. th LoxnoN, April 26, 1891. sa' 1 am happy to acknowledge, and now testi to the efficacy of your medicines in curing Rh lsm I have suffered ant easeOf in my shoulders, knees,landiehips, for years, also with sciatica for some time. I rag sided to try Histogenetic Medicines ass last the sort, es nothing ever seemed to give me The week's medic permanent rolieL. rat w gave mo relief, and in two weeks tht acts an, the disappeared and has not returned. I took medicines for six weeks, and am mired of ;ity rest rheumatiom. 1 feol butter fn ovary way. I sixty years of ago and icer gnito smartand IVa 1 can cheerfully recommend theao the Mines to the public, and will be glad to any sufferer about my case. It is now ne two months since I ceased taking the medic ked and the effect is permanent. the MRs. FORDE11022 Stable Stree 'ew, Will be at Clinton "Batt sad bury House" Friday 24th pra, lok, 1 to July, 10 A. M. to 4:30 P. At Hensall, Hensall Ho zing Thursday evening, 23rd, 6 nto. M to Friday morning,51:20• u le CONSULTATION FREE r a ifist0ftellelaC medicine Ass° Rooms 2 and 3, Albion Block, Richmond Strebt, Leaden, '-: # .., 1. f _ "fin R. 14 :AT STACK TAKING SALE IS xTow. ox AMMOOKS EXPRESS WAGONS BASKETS FANS For the summer season Cooper& Co. Clioton' BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, and FANCY GOODS DEALERS e WATCHES 2, Come and see my FINE LINE OF WATCHES In Hampden, Elgin, Waltham, Columbus, Springfield, Swiss, and every high-grade watch you want, at prices that will sell them at sight. Also, JEWELLERY, SPECTACLES! CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, SGC 8 Rumball &Co CLINTON HUB GROCERY 1 E -w--- T _-- T J; 1-3 T E-1 ,� T Call for a Trial Sample and get our Prices Customers will find our Teas equal to any in the market, both in Savor, quality and prices. Our Tea trade has steadily increased during the past two years, which is a good guarantee of the'satisfaction our Teas give. We sell Teas at very close prices. Great redactions for 5, 10 or 201b lots. Just give as one trial and be.convinced. We would also invite you to come and see the large amount of.Bright Sugar we give you for 51. We are going to give you the very beat value that can be had. Kindly call and see what we are doing. (CEO ►�'W AL•LiCkW, CLIINT'Co.N CLEARING SALE. ly, eu- dis- 25 de - re any fro Lica the my am a et• med- 1011 nrly medial) t. en - of Hot P. Cffl Head Office fer Western Ontario. .Road Office for Canada, 10 'Fringe Street Mar 'lot, Toronto. �rlrnirr�c. OF ANECRUPT GOODS POP, Having purchased the stock of W. L. German, of Petrolia, we are pre- pared to sell you a SCOTCII TWEED SUIT that was formerly $23, at $16. NOTE THE PRICES—our Suits start at $8, $9, $I0, *II, $I2, $I4, $15, $16, $17, fp I8, $I9, $22, $2.4, $25, $26. Don't fail to call, as this will only last the time mentioned. Walton : & Morrison Remember the SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON iO nookite toOer'e plane We are offering the balance of several lines of SLi1VIME R GOODS at cut -away prices to clear. FIRST CLASS GOODS and CLOSE PRICES . Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for cash W. TaylQr & Sonsk ri ray' lost ,CLINTONAND H ENSA►LL S'