HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-06-26, Page 711 EA »TIl 10400'0. r&atlu(x11(t Mttrs kind of tTnheatthy Ramer and WW1 W1 tragi Impurity et the .7p, IP99. ` ,URI FY .a1 bla Prem opt Etdney and Liver V> Erii t 11 of the Skin, Bohn, sPiMida,SlekSteratiON. Neural��`a",�•'Patnsin the Bones and .Appetite,' Tian or, Pema*Q'Weak-. ls(neel;,' 9.enural lability. Itlie �ti� 'YOU. �. g..R aS ;Well r t lltee u]C rInerriit 14 tin_g as a 1,, eving, o.gesti . an Mronio of tbelivessnd ail vlac erai organs: BLOOD aud4ldt "valu4blepreparation exeltee the whole �te atnew an ttii vigorous aetieu,_ eta tone and+,EfordaaggrntO e�aat pretemctiion /re ttacksthat err . to in, Gnap88s _o! titO'aensonv 0! cUniato Ff life.'.. . Mall dlreotlona With eaoli bottle. Prieg6O.nnd F SI:00. Bann all Bibs ` •• Preparedby H. S ertcerCase,Chealn- tet ,arid Trtru gist 15:0 `King •Street West, klaulillton, Ontario. For sale by J. H. Qombe SEED �ilL�[ON CoNIpODND HITI.S 186finork nton Ave.,i, have u4ei7 he' �YSeed Emulsion ,z, sevverral t}E Chroait Brpnr„ji(tis, and the early stages of and have been well pleased with the results • JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. SUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th, 1.::. have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis Iconsuinption) with beneficial results, where patient Gourd net use Cod Liver 00 in anyform. J. H. ROGE, M. D. SUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th,1 ,I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as +helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen' e tonic in physical debility,. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. �,t1i4Co EDAL DEBILITY ..c$rooklyn, N. Y., Oct, 10th, 1 d Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to iver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. _ D. A. GORTON, M. D. STING DISEASES 137 West 84th St. New York, Au 6, 1 used your Flax•Seed Emulsion Compound d.iaase;of Mal -nutrition and the result was aopcd for --it was marvelous, and con- lre:'recbtnmend it cheerfully to the profession ;pity at lard;. M. 14. GILBERT, M.D: _U MATIS.M 'By Drugglsts; Price $1.00. SEED EMULSION CO liberty St.; New York. For sale by J H. Cobme Children always Enjoy It. BCOTT' 8 VLSI ure Cod Liver 011 with Hypo- pttites of Lime and Soda Is most es palatable as milk. ARYELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER indeed, and the little lads and es who take cold easily, may be fled against a cough'that might e, serious, by taking Soott's ilelon atter their meals during Inter season. • ere of substitutions and imitations. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville. ABE NOT a Pa gativeDMedi- form clue. They are a 4.1f e ` BLOOD BLBECON, 1 �I4 A u TONIC and BscoN- sTnoorole,asthey supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed teen- -I eh the Blood, curing t11 diseases coming . from Poole and W/10. "45 BLOOD or from VIT;..ttrED Buwoae Ir the BLOOD, and alar in vigurate and Bona or the BLOOD an, SYSTEM,when broker. demi y overwork, mental worry,diseaae. excesses and indiscre- tions. They.. have a SPECIFIC ACTION on the SEXUAL SYSTEM of both men and women, restoring LOST VIGO:t and correcting e.lI IRREGULARITIES SUPPRESSIONS. Wbo finds his mental fac- ulllllt(vl1®' ulries dull or failing, or mid PAtveln ilnd;;ti,g, should take those They will rest0io'hia lost energies, both and mental. RY WOMAN s"�t,.tla take thorn. They care ell anF, e and irregularities, which inevitably bknesa when neglected. - Nn NEN should taltethese Prms. {�fif They will ours the re- yout al bad.habits, and strengthen the NG WOMEN em regular. y on druggists, or will be sent upon rim( (50e. per box), by addressing »E. WflLIdars' MED. 00. Brockville. Oct. should take them. These PmLs will rattr,plil t of liffer"tntitigh'and t. axv' et the Idt ,rilowteg stow 0 it 'a, nt I'M err Caveats, Trade . f:npFrI btu, sant free....I..: tau & CO. •4r Hit ,thvay, t,'�,•• 'it tt Snug little fortunes have been madam Work for ve, by Anna Pnfa Austin, Toxo., end $no. Bonn, Toledo, hio See out. Others oro dotngaawnt. Why not you? Sonne aarn over 8a00.00 n enth. You ten 40 ebe work end Ube atheme, wherever you ere. Wein be- gki1nners aro easily cunt.* Mem 50 to irlea Boy. Alta eel Woahow you hew Mid Mart you. Can work In a are time er al1 the oma. Big mangy for work- era. Telco nnkhown among thorn, NEW Ngqdwendetail. p.rtfthiaralroe. t & Urn,lieit 8 SU Portlattd,Mndn e • Yogi cannot afford to tut the feeding or hard worked horses .. t man who is careless or ignor arid.. • Food boxes and mangers shpnl be kept clean and sweet, If food of any kind is left after a ,meal. i should be removed, et once to pro xdzt moulding. •Allow not'hingtop went horses 'from enjoying their• xriealh in 'perfectly quiet manger. Excite . men[ of any kind prevents entir motivation. The United States. Secretary o Agriculture. bas informed th Wisconsin Farmer that his de partment has recently received inquiries from Europe as to whether military horses are being b and inat'1 Bali i ..red wh o t es they .night be purobased. A lot of half-blood Cleveland bay geldings were shipped recently to London, Engg., by Stericker Bros., of Springfield, I11, he They have imported many stallions and ares of at breed, d mares th ee , an now send back some geldings for coach and driving horses. Breeding trotters is a lottery to a considerable extent, but the man Ivho has a well-bred mare and mates her with a well-bred horse runs no more risk than in mating to a scrub, and has several chances of gain. If well bred the colt will -usually sell at an early age, as plenty of people are willing to take chances of his • developing speed. Other chances are in the increased value of the colt through his sire becoming a producer or a performer, resulting in a demand for his get, To prevent a horse from bolting or eating his food tbo;fast,ar range the boxes so he can get but a small quantity ata time. This can be done by dividing the feed boxes into two partitions and cov- ering up the part into which the feed is placed, - leaving it but a small crack or hole to come out. this -can be -easily arranged when feeding oats or shelled corn. If This cannot be adopted the Stock- men and Farmer suggests putting good-sized smooth stones in the box. oarne 1ipt cerepletely 0011dod of his mane al>•d tat by peQple aeoux-, ing';hue relics of the oldest horse c, known. ��(,�„t p.��7�� (- ...�((,•. pi p A IRAN .4.RER1110/0 ir.RM en eMake.t t. d w� a Metz . he .hes that'- morn,etere, .]'ahrentleit Revel; in- t • vented better ()nes. If cold and - frosty, they are ' irritable. and, snappy. .f f damp: and cloudy they are downcast and gloomy. But if - either lean o. fat me ar. suffer- ing, t rMelt e e,. ing from billioasness, headache, COnstil)atiQn; or. indigestion, the 0 'weather will aloiny.a be damp and. cloudy '•in•' their 'lo a ' � i c lily, f they use Dr. 'Pierce's Pleasant e Pellets. These Pellets are small, - sugarcoated granules, calculated to start the liver and digestive organs into healthy activity, and thereby raise low spirits, and dis- pel gloom. _ .A ST•lRON O AN DEAD The selling price of many a•good horse has been reduced, and in many cases the sale, lost, through the excessive talk of the would-be seller. Some people seem to think that it is necessary in selling a horse to get the buyer by the neck and hold him till they have talked him into buying the animal. The experienced buyer, when he runs against a highly landed ani- mal looks him over with double care, thinking that the excessive praise of some good points is for the purpose of concealing defects. Horse buyers as a rule know a gaud- Iiorge-when --ttrey-sen 1iinr and will ask about any points that their observation cannot discover. A quiet, business manner will sell more horses for batter money at private sale than all the "gab" of a jockey. The Live Stock Journal: After a hearing extending over some hours the magistrates adjudicating for the Pickering -Lythe East Div- ision of theNorth Riding,sitting at Scarborough Town Hall,on Thurs- day, decided a case in which Mr James Cooper, farmer, Killerby Hall, Cayton, was charged with having what was popularly known as "docked a horse." For the pros- ecution Mr lames Cook, fellow of the•Royal College, gave it as his opinion that the operation was necessary in some instances, be- cause long tails were "objection- able. " Animals with short tails ,might suit certain vehicles- If the horse was suffering from tet- anus through cold, however, he would not have performed the sec- ond operation. If the nerve of the tail had been unduly imprison- ed lockjaw would supervene. In the course of cross•examination Mr Cooke admitted that fully 90 per cent, of the hurees in the country were "docked." I, Or the 1 defense a large number of witnese- Ies were called, the effect of their el idence being that the operation of " docking " horses was necer- sar'y in the best interests of the aninlal and not cruel. The mag- istrates dismissed the case with costs against the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, at whose instance the prosecution was conducted. Ivanhoe, the oldest horse in the United States, is owned at Louis- ville, Ky., and his age is shown beyond question to be over 47 years. He is thus described by the Philadelphia Times: " He bears on the right flank the scar of a gunshot wound received in the Mexican war at the battle of Buena Vista while being ridden by Major Mass' (his owner) grand- father. It is over 30 years since Ivanhoe has known bridle oe har- ness, bat spends his days in strol- ling about his pasture, into which he will allow no other horse to be' placed, but will resent all intrus- ions with a vigorous use of tooth and heels. His faculties all seem unimpaired, with the exception of a total deafness, resulting from a severe attack of disease prevalent a few years ago. Far from being feeble, Ivanhoe moves briskly about and Will often permit two or three of the younger children to mount and ride him about the ,pasture. He has, however lost nearly all his teeth and lives on boiled corn and other soft food. Ito Melo his last apl5earance in public tit Lexington last fall, and Mrs Estelle Austin, Barnum's strong woman, who died recently in Worcester, was 45 years old. She was Vargo child, and early P develo ed ° remarkable strength. At the age of I7iier form was well rounded out, and she had arms and limbs of good size, with flesh and muscles like iron. She Dame to this country about 25 years ago and travellediwith various circus- es, finally entering fa Barnum's Greatest Show on Earth" as the strong women. She married Bar- on de Itallie, " The man with the iron jaw, " an attache of the circus. He died in Fall River about 18 years ago. Mme. Aust- in's great feat in the circus was balancing on her shoulders and neck a cannon weighing 400 pounds, with a full grown man standing on each end. The men would then leap to the ground and the cannon would be loaded. Then a little boy, her adopted son, would mount the cannon and ap- ply the fuse, discharging the can- non. Mme Austin was an ac- complished equestrienne She used at times to drive eight, ten or twelve horses in chariot races. She was 5 ft 10 inches in height, with broad shoulders, large arms and legs, well-devoloped head, and a beautiful face. She weighed about 250. She was noted for her kindly temperament, and her neighbors speak of her with great affectiou. She never bore a child, but her first husband adopted two, .and since her mc'-t'age to Mr Austin they have adopted another boy, " Jimmy, " who was born in Boston 12 years ago, and still lives with his foster father. • HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU CHEW. . A party of three men fell to talking over the news from Eng- land that Mr Gladstone chows "every mon 'kfu`I of•his meal-twent3 two times. They agreed to ob- serve their own habit at dinner that day, by counting the motions of the jaws in eating, and to make report when next " they met. It was found by report recently that all three of them outdid Mr Glad- stone, in one respect at least. Number one ascertained by actual count that bis teeth ordinarily operate from thirty-five to fourty times upon meats, from twenty to thirty times upon dry Mead, and from fifteen to twenty times upon juicy fruits. The reports of the other two counters did not differ widely from the foregoing report, and probably theyfairly represent the food -chewing habits of people who give- heed to the duty of mastication. Minard's Linimentlumberman's friend HOW THE BANANAS GROW. It is a peculiar fact that but one bunch of bananas grow on a tree. After the fruit has been cut the tree is then cut down to • the ground, and from the stump an- other tree sprouts, which bears another bunch the following year. The greatest trouble of farmers is to keep the farms clear of sprouts. They shoot up from the roots of the tree for a radius of ten feet and grow like wends. As the fruit is cut from the trees it is placed on the backs of pack donkeys and transported in this way to the coast. One don- key can carry from three to six bunches, according to the size of the bunches and the distance from the coast. In the season at Bar- acoa there are 'more than 3,006 donkeys that stretch along in a line for Miles plodding towaic1 the, coast with their loads of bananas. During the past year or two, how- ever, this mode of transportation has been improved upon at Bar - atm by the advent of a railroad The fruit from Jamaica is consid- ered by dealers to be the largest, best and most saleable. This is said to be owing to the fact that the fruit is allowed to remain Ions ger on the trees and is more fully matured than from any other sec- tion. --N. Y. Herald. Pale and listless girls and pre= maturely aged women would soon give place to bright, healty, rosy females .if Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were used for the ills to which *Omen are peculiarly liable. They .enrich ,the blood,. build up the nerves,: and restore the shat- tered system,regulate the periods, etc. Try thomand be convinced. Sold by all dealers, or sent post paid on receipt of price --50e. per box, or five boxes for $2 by ad- dressing The Dr. Williams Med. Co., Brookville, Ont, E Z G JO* or O4 II TAL The ,Ch,cicgo- Tribune" make* dcpertinent remarks about the, ifference ' between t'he A,merlean people and other people, In 81/- the llthe Enropeh countries except ngla d, when workingmen and women save money,, they hoard itaway, simply keeping ' it, They hide it in scoot places or bury it in the ground. So prevalent is, this hoardinghabit in'.., France that the silver coins are largely', with- drawn "fent[ : elreuletiO- The french .peasant does' not'' [invest h s savings, He simply hoards them up. The Americans, on the con- trary, invest their money as soon as they get a sufficient quaetity. They put it into real estate, bonds, stoess, 1oaa tt-out'Or invest it to industrial enterpises. So they Make eaoh dollarpay its way and give a reason for its being. The moneykeeps• moving on and turn mg things over and Makin a brisk circulation through the fin- ancial veins. So the people of Great Britain did before us, so they do to this day, making for England the financial prestige she has won. The nimble shilling is the word in both countries. The Tribune says: Only those who do not know the value of money allow it to lie idle. The rest keep every dollar in circulation, the aim being to make it keep at work earning to its owners more money in the shape of business profit or direct interest for its use by others. The practical result of this is to convert all the available capital in the United States into a vast wage fund. It is used to pay for the performance of work in any and every possible means by which capital can be made to have an earning power. From this follows a general qui vive on the part of capital for channels in which to invest, for new forms of industry and fresh adaptations of natural force to supply the wants of con- sumers. For the same reason very many try to create new wants which they can supply, and thereby find for money uses which did not ex- ist before, and every dollar, as fast as it is earned, is invested over and over again for the sake of its earning power. It is as a consequence.of this motive that the people of the United States have made such a phenomenal striae in advancement during the present generation as to take the foremost place among the nations in regard to activity and comfort, as well as, power, and find for every willing hand some thing to do at the highest rate of wages ever paid on any part of the sur- face of the globe. --`England-tins pri"reue3 th'�e� same policy, and by dint of it occupies the second place in the utilization of its resources, while it is the creditor nation of the world. We are fast treading on the British heel in that respect, while leading in all else, with every other nation far in the rear This prominence is directty due to fullest possible recognition of the earning rower td' capital, and to the fact that it best performs its mission by find- ing employment for skilled and well paid workers. young. ' old, ormiddle-aged', who 104thel 9lvos narvoua,weak and exhaneted ,who aro broken down from exeree or overwork, reaultiug in marry'et the -fol. Iawi3ta aymptoese ;, Mental deprecision, pre►nastura Old ate,. bets of vitality, lata of memory, ba • `dreams, dimness 0! Right, palpitation of the Ileept, etuie• iiions, lack of energy, pain. in the, kid.: neva, headache, pimples on the Page or body,it9hingor,patio* Scneationabont the scrotum,, wfistktng of the or ailel, .diz. persf m edea, ey'e fide and eleewhero, barittfebtetre, flepoaits: in the urine, loss of will poweteler'dernees..o! •the scalp. and iipine,•we keerV$abb •#(1usotee;de-. ir. t s 'ee f' -..e s ail e 4 .i.Pt. -,.?� .to .'re�ted b sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing lace''! voice, desire for solitude, exoit, ability of temper,sunken dyee surround- ed withl,eadeii Circle,oilylooking akin, etc., are .41 symptonle of neryous de- bility that lead to tneanity and death unless cured, The spring or vital force having lost ite tention every function wanes in consequence. Those when through abase committed in ignorance I may be. permanently cured. Bend your addreav for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. I,UBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells; purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flnehes, rush of blood to the head, do pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positive - 1 be cured. No re no pay. Send for bomireok. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. June 20, 1890. THE RIGHT The new model of the Rockford Watob,when placed iu a screw bezel ease, will 811 a ion felt want among farmers, as it is not due proof only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned c at of a ablid piece of metal, with the edge lust for the top plate to rest on; it also being pond - ant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, making in 8,11 a good strong watch For a Farmer J. BIDDLEOUMBE VIO®R =ND errialCPiC'P1H. For LOST or TAM111G HANBOOD,General and NM VOUS DIBII ITY, Wealmea of Body and hind, Effeoto a Mantoori�ytlsoGuaitn Old or Toung.. Rebut, Bolds SAN en ON DtvtWPID01111/1114 Row P218ogsfI�Absolutely on Alm x010 TUSTMlUT-Baufta In a day. ,tea taat1 tam dO Status and rorolga Oocatrla. Write them. Boo Relsaitloa ad pooh oallad (salad) Inc Alda. ERIN MSDIOAL 00.. BUFFALO,. N. Y. CHEAP, EFFICIENT, PR(i11PT A marvel of cheapness, of ef- ficacy,and promptitude is contain- ed in 'a bottle of that famous remedy, Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. It goes right to the root of the trouble, there acts quickly but so painlessly that nothing is known of its operation until the corn is shelled. Beware of substitutes offered for Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor -safe, sure, and painless. Sold at drug- gists. Rev J. B. Morrin, the zealous pro- moter of the North-West emigration has written a most interesting letter to Le Monde of Montreal, in which some. veryvaluable figures are given. Speak- ing of the fertile valley of the Saskatch- ewan, the rev. gentleman gives a few re - tarns that cannot fail to be of interest to the farmers of Ontario and Quebec ; 155 acres sowed in wheat produced 3,552 bushels ; 475 acres sowed in oats gave a return of 45 bushels to the acre, while the average return for potatoes may be correctly placed at 279 bushels per acre, with a product of other vege- tables altogether unprecedented in airy country. The pastor refers likewise to the question of water in the valley of the great river mentioned above, and states that pure and abundant water may be had by sinking wells 15 to 25 feet in any part of the country.. Speak- ing of wood, Bev Mr Morrin says that with a permit from the Government agent in the locality the settler can cut 1,800 ft of construction wood, 2,000 poles and 30 cords of firewood from the reserves, and this permit will cost but 25 Dents. Rev Mr Morrin is at present located at Bocherville, P. Q. and the services which he renders his compatriots and others in providing in- tending settlers with all necessary in- formation respeotingthe great Canad- ian North-west cannot be overestimat- ed. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from prac- tice,having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formals of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent care of Consump. tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, slag a positive and radical pure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints after having tested its wonderful cura- tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German French or English, with fufildireotions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addres ing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A.. NoYms,820Powers' Blook ho :tester;'Iji. Y, dune 1001-y, 111111111111111111111111111116 RAILROAD' TII � TA.OLE Issued May let. The departure of trains at the several stations named, is according to the last official time card: CLINTON Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West 7.43 a.m. 2.25 p.m. 4.55 p.ni. 10.05 a.m. 1.2(1 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 9.27 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Division Going North a.m. p.m Wingham ..11.00 765 Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 Clinton 10.00 6.45 Brumfield9.42 6.26 Kippen 9.34 6.17 Hensel'9.28 6.09 Exeter ... 9.16 5.57 London8.05 -1.25 Going South a.m. p.m. 6.50 3.40 7.05 4.00 7.18 4.15 7.26 4.25 7.65 4.45 8.15 5.04 8.24 5.12 8.32 5.19 8.50 5.33 10.15 4.45 If YOU WISH TO Advertise Anything Anywhere AT Any time WRITE TO GED. P. ROWELL & CO No. ro Spruce Street, NEW YORK. - 4.4 CASTOR ,v a i :�.. infante and Childress 9iikp=A+ Mttdattllideloos Itiebomaaem41$140-worsatw i iPaoa -4,!4•49044.04.,;. it - i 't ""s: esid.idiifaarsDone. 04111111901102.' 8tOtos.4 , Dlarrbwo 4 gR. - ,eotiti toI__n. • - .9arriageRumball'_. �_ T3uron Streets Clinton Do you want a first-class COVERED or OPEN BUGGY, got up with th very best material and finished in a workmanlike manner; or do you want[ daisy, easy -riding. ROAD CART; or even an excellent, well-built LUMBIlII WAGGON or DEMOCRAT; because if' you dofcome and see the,enbscrfbeit who will supply your wants on very reasonable terms. We do not'alleetanl slouch work, or poor material to be used, so that people may rely on.gettit% an article lust as it is represented to be. FINE BUGGIES our specialty, REPAI RING of all kinds promptly attended to. CLIINT4N PAINTING The undersigned is now at liberty to do anything in the way of House and Sign Painting,. Graining, Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, dec► At reasonable rates, and on short notice. Satis-. • faction guaranteed. Shop on Rattenbury St. illoommmoloommwminmen THRESHERS, FARMERS, ETC., Don't fail to get a supply of the famous You will find it gives satisfaction. -BicCOLL'S CYLINDER, OIL Should be in every Engine Cylinder Beware of Imitations. Get only Genuine LAR DINE. 1 CURE FIT THOUSANDS OF 80 f GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. gg When I say Cure I 6o not meat "" merely to stop them for a time, and eel; have them return again. 1 M EA N A RADI OA L U RE. I have made the disease of Fil Epiiepsy or Fall'avg Sickness a life-long study. 1 worrant my remedy to cure worst cases. Beau se others have failed is no reason for ocit now receiving a cure. Send once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible, Remedy Give Express an Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address ;--1.1. O. ROOTg 1191.0.1 Branch office, MS WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. 1WA *non's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. . Softens the skin; removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fronithe face 11t) hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thissuperie'r pre - motion for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics Or inferior compleidatt otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, coN, sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and. cold. Bs very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai lliannfactured by CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT ' COME AND TAKE This 'Valuable Present Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cel brated ORGANS free, with one Package of Jame Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of 8-Oeurin Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The orga I will he on exhibition at our Grocery Store Saturday next. A call solicited fro'in visitors to tt Great Huron Central Exhibition • N, ROBSON. CHINA HALL IF YOU NANT.TO Sow is perpetuatedyhealehmaintainea,diseemeinduced.deaShereits How to marry your own mate, and.transmieweatth of health toyeetret4 mad the rum popular. comprehensive and antful book erfaterit Whielr Dr. Mien deelares to be "priceless in value, neair,ataztipr., and very instructive.), The latest edition is more completeanC5,.:., noble than ever, having been remrItten in important NABS. MOON" ULM AN APPIBMIX of great practical utility made up of , • - OVER ZOO PRESCRIPTIONS OR REE116Pie: POP lento and Chroida Disorders common to Adults suil ibtlibeto a complete table 01 poisons and thetr antidotes (from higheatasallot- ities), illustrated directions for resuscitating the droWnedatrara for Health Boards), and hygienic rules for care of Waal; ORIGIN OP LIFE ANIS DEVELOPMENT Or RUM., ' tracing the embryo frem conception, _through ail sth es 19,1drtit,„ Illustrated by Over 20 Reatttlful anorak 'oh fine pieta paper, such as are to be Mind Only in high Wei& itti, ported medical works ; and to Illustrate the anatemytaatit talaizot potations or important parts, each boat 18 else embaUlsbeiti with, TIME ISLEGANT CHROMOCISARTS of VITAL 01111141104 itdai. it*, by Man; Otiaittar,,, *mei crow ware/ menu gail re, gee gip asaacige14: BOOTS AND SHOES Lowest Possible Prices for Cash My stock is very complete in all the latest styles of sea- sonable goods of .the best quality, which I am sellibg cheaper than ever to all eash eustorhers..