HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-06-05, Page 13WATCHES • Como apd see my FINE. LIMB OF Mpg ,$ In Hampden, Elgin,,'Wajthama Columbus, Springfield, Swiss, and every high-grade watch you want, at prices that will 13011 theist at sight. Also, JJEwELLERY, SPEoTA,01 ES, ("welts, SIL'Q'ERWAltE, &e Thimball'&Oo CLINTON Lobb's Stara.. ]name) This lsan article worthy of every lady'R attention, bei you wagt to $gyve trine and labor, buy If you want your ironed clothe$ to look neat sad clean and to lout much longer, buy a box, If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the lino in spite of rain or frost, boy a box Hype want everything to look like new, Such as "shirt bosonis..eollars, cuffs, lane ourtaine, etc., buy a boa, PRICE GENTS. ti -Every $torokeeper keeps It Inow, and where the merchant does not keep it lee want a lively agent to repersent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, iiolmesvllle ( GUELPH CONFERENCE. Allotment of Stations Accord- ing to .The. Filial Draft. GUELPH DISTRICT. Guelph First -James Hannon, D. D. Guelph Second, (Dublin street)—A. Cunningham, W. M. Patton B. D. Guelph Third -W. H. Harvey, M. A. Ponsonby -Henry Caldwell. Elora - W. W. Sparling. Fergus—Gorham A. Gifford, M. A., Ph. D. Marsvill - .Henry terry, Belwood—John Ken- nedy, S. T. L. Eramosa--James Harris, Nassagaweya--J. W. Robinson `:E.L. Flagg. Rockwood -John Hart. Action -Joseph Edge. Georgeiown— Thomas Gee, T. W. Cosena. Erin— John Ball, W. H. Graham. James Hannon, D. D., Chairman. G. A. Gifford, M. A., Ph. D., Fin. Sec. GALT DISTRICT. Galt -W. S. Griffin, D. D. Berlin- ' Geo. Richardson, J. W. Cerman,supt'd. Waterloo -J. C. Stevenson. Preston - j. C. Pomeroy, B. A.,'W. J. Wagwool. Hespeler- George 1T. Cornish, L.L. D. Elmira -R. H. Hall. New Hamburg - E. Olivant. Wellesley -Thomas Gran- dy. W. S. Giffin, D. D., Chairman, G. H. Cornish, LL. D., Fin. Sec. STRATFORD DISTRICT, Stratford—(Central) J. W. Holmes. (Waterloo street) -W, H. Hincks, LL. B. Mitchell (Trafalgar street)—Fran- ole E. Nugent. Mitchell (Main street) -John Mills, John Williams superan- nuated. Monkton-W. J. Brandon. Staffa-N. S. Burwash. Fullerton - Soloman C. Edmunds, B. D., Herbert "NI Casson. Harmony -Robert God- frey. Embro-Charles V. Lake. J. W. Holmes, Chairman. F. E. Nugent, ' Fin. Sec. ST MARY'S DISTRICT. St. Marys -John Scott, M A. Gran-,` ton-Josias Greene. Lucan-Richard O Headers. Ailsa Craig -Wm Birks. Kirkton-B L Hutton. Woodham - Webster W Leech. Nissouri—James Kestle. Kintore—Thos. J Sabine. Thamesford—W E. Kerr. John Scott, 11. A. Chairman,Josias Greene Fin -Sec ._- GODERICH DISTRICT, Goderioh—(North street) J E Howell, ;r I►i A Goderioh (Victoria street)—W A Strongman, Ph. D., LL. D. Clinton a (Rattenbury street)—J, W. Shilton, B. A. . Clinton (Ontario street)—Joseph Galloway. Seaforth—Wesley Casson. Holmesville—Walter Ayres. Bayfield —Alexander Thibadeau. Varna—Jag Walker. Hensall-H J Fair.__H ,_-,5' . -- " Magee: '7iippen-Henry-Irvine. Dun- gannon—Austin Potter. Nile—Ezra Fear. Benmiller—.W M Bielby. J E Howell, M A, Chairman,Jos. Gallo- way, Fin. Seo. KINCARDINE DISTRICT. Kincardine—W. C. Henderson, D.D. Tiverton—Henry A. Newcombe. Ber- vie—John R. Isaac, G. W. Johnston, J. Geddes, supernumerary. Bethel — A. McKibbin. Ripley—Joseph S. Cook. Luoknow — Joseph S. Col - ling. Ashfield — John Kenner. Whitechurch—F. W. Crowle, M. A. Salem—Alexander Scratch. W C. Henderson, D D, Chairman,J S Coiling Fin. Sec. WINGHAM DISTRICT. Wingham—S Sellery M A,B D. Tees- water—J A 02cLachlan.M.A. Brussels —G F Salton. Walton—W.m Ottawell. Londesboro'— James Ferguson. Blyth —W F Campbelh Auburn—Francis Swann. Belgrave—Jabez H. Dyke. Bluevale—I. B. Wallwin. S Sellery,M A, B D, Chairman, W. F Campbell, Pin. Sec. LISTOWEL DISTRICT Listowel—James Livingstone. Mil- verton—E. S. Rupert, M. A. Trow- bridge—William Baugh. Gorrie— William Torrance. Fordwich—Joseph W. Pring. Wallace—Thomas Amy Atwood—David Rogers. Henfryn— Finlay M. Smith. Ethel—Benjamin Sherlock. E S Rupert, Chairman, D Rodgers, Fin. Sec. PALMERSTON. DISTRICT. Palmerston—John T. Smith. Dray-'' t, ton—E,A.Chown B.D.Arthnr—John S. '‘Fisher. Alma—David A Moir, W. C. aswell. Peel—Christopber Hamilton oorefield—A. E. Smith. Stirton—T -' ' 0. Sanderson. Minto—Jos Markham. sTeviotdale—Thomas Legate. C. Ham- a ilton, Chairman, J T Smith, Fin.Sec. Fi MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT Mount Forest—W. W. Williams. Harriston--William Smythe. Durham:. —A. K. Birks,B A. Holetein—George Nouns. Clifford—Robert Phillips. Glene- den—R.IW Williams. Kenilworth John S. Corcoran, Grand Valley— Henry E.Hill. Varney—Adam Glazier Cedarville—J.11 Watts., Wm Williams L D, Chairman,Wm Smythe, Fin. Sec. WAKERTON DISTRICT. Walkerton—Robert Walker. Mild- may—,W. ildmay-;W, B. Danard. Hanover—T. J. Snowden. Elmwood—Robt C. Burton. Chesley— William H. Moss. Dobbin - ton -John Webster, Robert Keefer. Tara—George Buggin, Arkwright—J W. Gilpin,M J Wilson. Edengrove—J oble. Paisley -James McAlister. ort Elgin -James Carlton. South- pton-Jabez Wass. Sangeen-Will- • Savage. Jas McAllister, Chair- ', Walker, Fin. See. OWEN SOUND DISTRICT. Owen Sound—George Turk. Brook- holm—Geo Hartley. Chatsworth—A M. McCulloch. Allenford=D. Sharpe. Woodford—Robert I. Hosking, G. C. t. Balfour. Kemble—T 3 Smith. Her.. worth—Andrew J Parker. Wiarton —Samuel -H. Edwards. Coipoy's Bay —Geo Smith..fbn's Head.—J. W. ,, Chnrohill. Cape Croker—Robert Car- • lion. G R Turk, Chairman, 8 11 Ed- wards, Fin. Sec. 117ARKDALE DISTRICT. Markdale—Robert Davey. Flesher. to —A. W. Tongo. Dundalk—George Cobbledick, M.A., B.D. Molancthon J. W. Sanderson, Eugenia—F. H. ,r Thompson. Pricovillo—Robert J Hns band. Holland Centre -John Popper, ;.. B.A. Walter's Falls—One wanted. I/nphrasia-Thomas R. Fydell R. Davey, Chairman, A W Tong°, Fin. , See. In the ti S. District Conch at Spring field, Rev Jerry Holmes, of Stone. ort, was convicted of counterfeiting and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. Rev George Vanoil, of Dugnin, Ill., pleaded guilty to the same oharge,and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. TO RENT OR FOR SALE To Rent. The excellent new house, occupied by Mr James Jackson, on Victoria St. Splendid looation,every oonvenienoe. Rent moderate. Possession immediate, JAS. TURNBULL. House to Rent To rent, a good frame house, with stable and half an acre of land, situate on the Bay- field Road, near town ; good bearing orchard. Splendid place for any one who wants to keep a horse and cow. Rent moderate lir KENNEDY. House to Rent The large and, commodious house at pre- sgntb'ecupiedliFthe subscriber, on Victoria St., is offered to rest on reasonable terms, to a good tenant. It contains sufficient room for ordinary family, and every convenience. Within five minutes walk of Post Office. JAS. H. WERRY, Clinton. Dwelling House for sale. Well situated, Corner lot garden well stocked with small fruits and flowers. Oo- oupied by the p prietor,good oellar,soft and hard water, laic wood shed, every conven- ience. Also two building for sale, good draining. W C Searle. House to Rent. That desirable property on Rattenbury St. adjoining the Molson's Bank, is offered to rent. It contains room for good sized fam- ily, with good cellar, hard and soft water, garden, &c. Apply to JOHN RIDOUT. MISCELLANEOUS Girl Wanted. Girl wanted at once, to do house -work, apply to MRS D. A. FORRESTER, Princess Srteet. Girl Wanted. Wanted, girl to do general housework for small fanaly,.--Aj,pl-y to MRS McGEE, On- tario street. Girl Wanted General servant wanted, Wages $10; if can do washing $12 per month. Must be ex- perienced. Apply at once to MRS. WM. A. GUNN, 136 Hent Street, London. MRS. WHIT'T, M iC.S.M TEACHER a"OF Piano, Organ nd Technicon, or Muscl developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt's, Rattenbury Street, Clinton NOTICE The undersignerYbeing necessarily absent from town for some time, has left his books and accounts witb MANNING & SCOTT, to whom.payments may be made. JOHN WISEMAN. Flower Roots for sale cheap. Dahlias 5 cents each. Gladiolas 8 cents each. Strawberry Plants 50 cents per hun- dred. W. C. Searle. Standard Life ASSURANCE CO. Established 1825_ Total Sum Assured...... ........$1114,655,491 Invested Funds .... 36,444,640 Investments in Canada, over.... 6,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN CANADA, JAMES A. GILLESPIE, Esq., Chairman. SirA.T.Oalt,G.O.M.G, E,B.Greenshields, Esq Hon,J.J.C.Abbott,Q.C. Sir Joseph Hickson. W. M. RAMSAY. Manager, CHARLES HUNTER, Supt. of Agencies. E. W. BURLEY, Inspector, Stratford District CLINONT ONT, MORTGAGE : SALE —0E— Valuable FARM LANDS In the TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contaioa3 in a certain -mortgage (which mortgage will be produced on the day of sale) there will be sold by Public Auction by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, on SATURDAY, JUNE I3ih, 1891, AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., AT THE RATTENBURY HOUSE, eLINTON, The following lands and premises, viz: - Tho east part of lot No 20, in the Bayfield concessidn of the township of iloderieh, in the county of Huron, containing 88 acres, more or less, and the south part of the west half of the said lot 20, which said south part contains by estimation 23 acres, more or less. Both;of which said parcels are more particu- larly described in a deed of said lands to the Mortgagor, bearing date the lith day of Nov, 1889, and registered in the Registry Office, for the County of Huron, on Nov 12th, 1889, as The property is situate o a good road, six miles from the Town of Clinton. There are erected thereon a good new brick dwelling house, and a good bank barn. The soil is a Olay loam, 100 acres being under cultivation. Well watered -A good bearing orchard. TERMS -Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day Of sale, and the balance in 30 days thereafter, without inte- rest. The purchaser will be required to sign an agreoment on the day of sale for comple- tion of purchase. The property will be sold subject to a mortgage for $2,800, and also to a lease which expires in one year from the lst of January next. Further terms and conditions made known on day of sale, or upon applioation to the undereigned. D DICKINSON, MANNING & SCOTT Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitors Clinton, May, 1891. _ o IANITOBA Exeursiou, The second excursion on to lani toUa and the North-west, loaves on TUESDAY, JUNE 0th; and the last one June 23., For berths rths a' nd Coupon Tickets apply, to W. JACKSON.. ', TOWN 4GENT d T. n.. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. IThnreday, Jane 11, 1891. Wheat, fall Wheat ,spring Oats arley Peas 0 65 a 0 70 Flour.per bal 5 b0 .a 6 00 Atter 0 12ja 0 13 Eggs 0 it a 0 11, Wool 018a018 Pork 5 00 a 5 25 Hay 800a800' Rides, No. 1 trimmed6 00 a 6 00 Hides, rough 3 00 a 3 25 Sheep Skins.... 0 60 a 0 60 Timothy -seed 1 25 a 1 40 Clover seed 3 75 a 4 00 • We are sellinggreat Lad quantityot them, bash para es and Children, I00a103 1 00 a 1 03 043 a 045 .s.,.,.... 0 45 a 0 60 Ladies, Olean your Kid Gloves with Mather's Glove -Cleaner, for sale only by Beesley & Co. Also a full line of dress- ed and undressed Kid Gloves in all the most desirable shades. BORN. HORSELY.—ln Clinton, on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr R. Horsely, of a daughter. MARRIED MILLSCN—Hayes.— At the manse, Clevland, Ohio, on the25th of May, by the Rev Paul F. Lutphen, Mr John Millson, formerly of Hullett, to Miss Maggie C., daughter of James Hays, Esq., of MoKillop. DUNOAN—BIRD,—III Harriston, on the 5th inst, by Rev Mr. Belt, Mr Joseph Duncan, of Harriston, to Mies Maggie, youngest daughter of Mr John Baird, of Morris township. GALBRAITH—JOHNS.—In Wingham, on the 10th inst., at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr Wm. Johns, by the ev Mr Scott, Mr John Galllraith, to Miss Lila Johns. Woons—Ram.—On the 10th inst., by the Rev d. H. Simpson, at theresidence of Mr Wm Bothwell, Bayfield road, Mr John Woods, of West Wawanosh, to Miss Maggie, daughter of the late John Reid. HIED HOLitE6.—In Wingham, on the 4th inst., Margaret,{wifeof MrWm.Holmes, aged 29 years and 10 months BELE.—In Saltford, on Saturday evening, May 30th, Wm.Beck, aged 81 years. ' M6NTooltElly.—Ather `husband's resi- dence, Elmwood Place, Goderioh town- ship, on Sunday, May 31st, Clara Mait- land, wife of Capt. A. T. Montgomery, aged 74 years. LAWRENCE.—Oil May 28th, at his late residence, 35 Tom street, Hamilton, John A. R. Lawrence, and brother of F. F. Lawrence of Goderichz_-youngest... eci'rof-tiielf erTli Lawrence, of Paris, in his 41st year. • $'7`45.00,,FOR AN AXE. We will give to the first person telling us before the 20th of September, where n the New Testament ;the word "AYE" is first found 5100 in gold. To the next $50. To the third, 525. To the fourth $20. To the fifth, $15. To the sixth, $10; to the next 25, 55 eaoh. To the next 25, $2 eaoh. To the the next 25, 51 each. To the person sending in the hast correct answer we will give $100 in gold. To the next to the last 550 and so on 'same as from the first. With your answer send 25cts, in silver, or 27 cts. in stamps, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver, and Stomach Pill ever made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't Gripe. REMEIIBER the presents are ABSOLUTELY FREE, being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remedies. A;valuable Watch given each week to the first correct an- swer received. Send at once and be first. Address, A. BIRCHARD, HOME SPECIFIC CO,, ORILLIA, ONT., CANADA. N. B.—Kindly give permission to use name if a prize winner. June 5-9-w. To effect the respiration of a carp 13.300 arteries, vessels, veins,bones, valves, etc.,are neces- sary. There are spiders no jgger than a grain of sand, which spin threads so fine that it takes 4,000 of them to equal in magnitude a single hail'. Last Sunday night at'll o'clock Chief Constable Huffman, of Kincar- dine, noticed two suspicious -looking characters and followed them. He saw one nl'al:e his way to the rear of Rapley & Co's private bank building, while the other was stationed further down' the street as a watch, Mr Huffman followed the first and found him prying open a rear wiidow. To the constable's salutation; "What are you doing there ?" the burglar responded,"Follow me, would you ?" and fired two shots, one of which passed through Mr Huffman's coat, The burglars made their escape. • Sold by John Robertson, Clinton FOR CHILDREN—We show some Ribbed Goods with doubt knees, heels and toes, that are very s ervioable. FOR LADIES—we have a great variety of qualities,from, 85c. per pair.2 r t 5 per cent off for cash. Estate Jogrr HoacErr RARDVARE, TINWARE; A full stock of NAILS, BARBED W IRE, BLACK WIRE, KALSOMINE, ALA BASTINE, PAINTS and OILS. MIXED PAINTS, all shades, BRUSHES, SPADES, SHOVELS, GARDEN TOOLS, LAWN MOWERS, LAWN ROLLERS, in fact everything in the, HARDWARE LINE, and, our prices are right. TINWARE we are almost giving away. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF HARLAND Bros., IRON & HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE, CLINTON, ONT. BOOTS AND SHOES AT THE Lowest Possible Prices for Cask My stock is very complete in all the latest styles of sea- sonable goods of the best quality, which I am selling cheaper than ever to all cash customers; Eg =-s taken. in exelhang e. Chas. Cruickshank HUB GROCERY 2 lor Call for a Trial Sample and get our Prices Customers will find our Teas equal to any in the market, both in flavor, quality and prices. Our Tea trade has steadily increased during the past two years, which is a good guarantee of the'satisfeotion our Teas give. We sell Teas at very close prices. Great reductions for 5, 10 or 201b lots. Just give us one trial and be convinced. We would also invite yon to come and see the large amount of Bright Sugar we give yon for $1. We are going to give you the very best value that can be had. Kindly call and see what we are doing. (i-ECO. .mow AIL1LeC►W, CLINTON SPECIAL LL SPRING TRADE ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Fine Boots and Shoes CALL AND SEE OUR LADIES NEW YORK MAKE OF KID OXFORDS COMMON SENSE & WAUKENPHAST BOOTS Eggs taken in exchange. Five per cent off for cash Chas. Carline, Next Town Hall A FREE TRIP TO CLINTON A CHANCE THAT WILL NOT LAST LONG For the sake of working up outside town trade we offer the following inducements: -To any one who cannot get nice -fitting garments in tbeil• own town, we will pay their fare and guarantee to suit them with as nice Suttings as can be found in the trade. A trial order so- licited. Write for samples if you mean business. Remember the city Tailors. P.O. Box I91, Clinton Walton : do Morrison, Remember the pisco SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON {°jiBook toroer's erterseeeeeeom Wysiaressolos This is the way with the B. & C. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it --but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' 'wear, you can return it an4. Kayeyour tnoney.. Ask 'your Ory Goode dealer .for it For. Sala by Estati Jlto Ho'dgans } Farm to Let That excellent grass tarns at present occu- pied oy Mr- Isaac Rapson, well known as the Dodeworth farm, being north half of Lot 36, 9th concession Kellett, containing 85 acres. It is situated on the Base Lino, 2h miles from Summerhill, and 6 miles from Manchester. Is well watered and particularly adapted for pasturage. Has good dwelling house, barn and shod. The lessee can have privilege of plowing after harvest, with stable and house accommodation, Possession March, 1899.- Appp1q �to MRS. JANE DODSWORTH or C. A. ILTT, Clinton, Tho Imported Shire Stallion . Lincolnshire Penman, Pt'oporty of Mr. H, ,T. Hibbs 16th con. god erica Township, 1; miles from Clinton, will Stand for mares at his own stable during the season of 1891, whore todigi'oe may be soon. Terms, theme usnro a fool, 59,0 Jan, 1892, °On poreon bringing ii mhhros Can rn8k8 ar1an moats fordatisfaotory re- duction, Aoeitio is at risk bf owners of fnareg, . Ht,;vttY 1. 1I113138 IMPLEMENT AGENCY aubseriber having severed bis connection frith the Massey Company, desires to inti- mate to his many friends that he has been n ointed agent for the well-known firm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls and will be pleased to 1111 all Orders in his fine, as heretofore. Will also) keep on hand a stock of Wilkinson PLOWS, Colter & Scott DRILL$, Disc HARROWS, and articles Of like nature. W, STANLEY, arch 20. 6 Holmesvillo and Olintdn We win and hold trade by being on the alert to secure the bestto4ds. at the lowest prices. We consider the bei: none too good for our customer's, provided; we can offer them at right prices. The last special bonanza we mentioned was the lot of 50 doz. Regatta Shirts, purchased from° the Birrell es tate. We could have placed this purchase, in lots of and 10 dozen, in the hands of the retail trade,'and inad0n;` a handsome profit, but that is not our way of doing bust-` ness. We knew we had a bargain, and we preferred selling them to our every day customers at 50cents each,',/ though no wholesale house in the° Dominion sells them less than $9 a dozen. They drew people to our .store who we never saw before, but who we believe will now be on our list of regular customers. We ha` e about IQt dozen still on hand; in a few weeks all will be sold. At this season of the year wholesale dealers, mill men. and manufacturers, are preparing for the fall trade, and .. are exceedingly anxious to convert into cash all that r mains of their spring stocks. We devoted all last we to going in and out among them, picking up a line here; and a line there, wherever that powerful lever CASH:. bad the most telling effect, and the result is that we are in a position to offer certain lines of goods at prices -be- low what we and other merchants usually pay for them' •4 LOT I-75 READY-MADE SUITS, men's sizes&. every garment bearing the maker's name as a guarantetr of quality and workmanship. The manufacturer's price for their$_.. goads._was--$5 to X12: _We. ofl'er-th-emat $7.50 and $10. If you think you will have to buy a sm within the next six months, come now and secure one of these and save a few dollars. LOT 2—An assorted lot of TWEEDS and- GENS' RAL DRY GOODS. Prints 32 inches wide, heaiir cloth and fast color;, for 8c. a yard. Dress Goods, hist ported for this season 's trade, 8 to 10c.a yard. All -woo Tweeds and Trouserings, from which you can ham suit made to order, for $10 to $14.; `` LOT 3—We struck a veritable bonanza in cleari out the balance of a spring importation of Ladies an Children's STRAW HATS. 40 different shapes, ma ing a grand total of 60 dozen. We place them on sale at 5e to 40c. each, and whe you have seen them you will admit they are the bes value you have ever set eyes on. We have determined that every hat will be sold by t 12th of July; prices will do it. ' The whole stock is bristling with trade winners. NV� do not expect any dull season in our business, but wi: keep things humming the yeararound. Our capital, time and experience are devoted ioa the building up of -a retail trade second to none in the county, and the ever-increasing army of customers and steady growth of t,ur account sales, is a constant reminder that our efforts are beim; appreciated. OUR MOTTO= -ell stacks of goods at a small profit, rather than a small amount of goods with the profits , stacked on thein. Yours for business, W. L. OSTIM-ETTE, THE CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO AUBURN MILLS. Lumber ! Lumber•! Having secured alar o q Hai tit Y of Ho m1eek }Corat and Hardwood logs, and the mil l ;quniu fell time,Iani proparr d to fill bilis fOr lumber from 10 to 20 foot long, on short' notice, at reasonableates f r (lash. Ai Threshing Engine and Holler i goad, con'' cling order for sale $heap, Corr spondaic$ solicited, JAB, YOUNG, Attilti 15 P, 0. We are opening out a large assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS of first-class quality and lit lowest prices. Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for oak;.. Taylor ti .x `O0 AND .HE