HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-06-05, Page 1'reifENTY OUR Wei v�i Tae Ntnialaer 10?2 S WOO PYING: PREMIER At the hour of going to preee Sir John McDonald waswa tW alivesbot so low as ,liPfarentlY glee lee leer tor etacelferee• fr ,41 avY0 tried them yet? IF NOT, Why Not? Estate Jno, Hodgens Hay. COURT OF REVIBION.-COURCil met on May 30th as a Court of Revision. The appeal of John Drinean, against being too highly assessed, was not sustained. The following changes were made in the assessment roll, viz.: -Dogs struck off from the assessment of John Max- well, R. and A. Love, S. Midinger, H. Koehler, H. Lippert, John Bell, C. Whiteman. A dog was added to each of the following assessments, C. Dobus, L. Hawaoher. Lot EeE e 16, con. 7, assessed to Aroh. and Alf. Whiteman; lot 16, L. R. W., to Peter S. Bowman; • 4, con 13, to Louis Restemeyer, E W I 16, eon 6, to Enoch Parker; SeSe 4, con 6, name of Wm, Treble added; lot 27, con 6, to Thos. Farquhar; lot 3, con 5, Albert Johnson added as tenant; NeNe 7, con 15, to Canada Company; 11 12, W 8 Hensall, to Robert Walsh. The names of Robt. and Wm. Morrison, and their assessment of $1,500, was 'struck off; G. F. Arnold, assessed for personal property, $1,300; Geo. Cook - man, personal property, $200. The assessment roll, as revised, was accept- ed as the roll for 1891. • Coma:re-Peter Koebler wes appoint- ed pathmaster in div. 39, instead of J. Gellman. Road commissioners were appointed as follows: -Wm. Laramie for div. 1, centre road; Geo. Parker for div 2, centre road; Henry Worm, jr, for div 3, C R; Nelson Masse, for div 4, C R; Chas. Troyer and• H. Gies for the north boundary; D. Shaefer and H. Yonger for south bounded. Council granted $200 for work on north boun- d ry, and 8400 on south boundary, pro. vided that Stanley and Stephen grant equal sums. The report of F. W. Farncombe, relative to the drain in the Hay swamp,was accepted. The follow- ing accounts were paid: -P. Contine, rep. onlvert, $3; Nelson Masse, culverts. $8; Wm. Elder, four scrapers, $37; F, W. Farncombe,. award No. 2, $11.50; Cook Bros., flour for indigent, $2.75; 11. Randall, $15; F. W. Farncombe, work in bwamp, $100; Henry Rupp, drain, C. R. $10.63; V. Kochems, drain, C. R., $7; E. Lippert, assessor, $56.50; Sam. J. Latta, part salary, $25; H, Lippert, rep. onlvert, 52. Council adjourned to meet on July 4th. S. J. LATTA, Clerk. WestUeld. SCHOOL REPORT. Fifth class - Bertha Coventry 1794, Josie Buchan- an 1411, Phoebe Densmore 940. Fourth class -Otto Rueger 2256, Hannah Stackhouse 2049, Third class, III Div -Frank Campbell 874, Charlie Redmond 849, James Red- • mond 842, David Patterson 624, Etta McDowell 594. Third class, II Div - Eva Jackson 611. Third class,I Div -Ilstetey Buchanan 297, Harvey McDowell 217, Annie McDowell 88. Varna. Tessotees.-Election of 'officers in the ET of T took place last Thee - day ;evening as follows: -Jas Arm- strong, S C. Miss McFarlance, 13 C. John Reid, Chap. E Wanless, R S. Ada Arrastromr, F S. W elehnistonss Thos Delgaty, Herald. Jan Wanless, Guard. Robt Ward, Sentinel, After the business was concluded quite a treat 'was in ettore for the boys, the ladies un- known to the lade had provided - lunch, Coffee with beautiful cakes "and tarts that boys area, so food of Were dished Up in first claets 6tyle. Q141NTON,ONT1 UNE '5, 1891. ur Weekly Budgot . liNgrlattESTINO NEWS From all parts of the County -by wide-awake and lively Correspondents GOderiell TON"VMSIIIP. SOLD. -Mr R M Church% has sold hie blood colt, sired by orn wood, .to Mr Charles Johnson'of the 16th con, for a high figure. Charlie is thinking of giving up work and going in for fast horses; he also purchased a cart with room for two. NoTgs.-Mr Albert Canteion, who recently got his foot cut, is now able to be around again. Miss Kate Twist and Jennie Nimone, of town, spent part of last week visiting at Mr George Cantelon's. Mr W F Wise, of North Michigan Peninsula, left for that place on Tuesday, taking with him one of Mr Wm Wise's heavy draught stallions. A picnic will be held on the 12th of June, in the grove of Mr Joseph Izzard, by the parents and children of the I6th con school; a foot ball match will be played between Hohnesville and the boys of that place, a grand time is expected. Owing to Rev Mr Thebi- aleau going to Conference, Mr Wm Yeo will preach at Cole's appoint- ment, next Sunday. Mr . John Middleton has purchased a splendid piano cased organ from the Oakes Co. Cousicns-Council met on May the 26th as Court of Revision. The clerk being absent through sickness, appointed!John Beacom, Esq, clerk, wbsikintily consented_ to_act-_,The councillors qualified as required statute, when the Revision of roll commenced. The assessment of Thos Battles was confirmed, not being in excess of hie neighbors. The name of James Scott, Esq, was placed on the roll, at his own request, in place of Catherine Whitely deceased, for lot 88, Maitland con. The name of Arch Cousins was placed on the roll as M F; the roll was then carefully read over and passed. The council adjourned for 20 minutes, reassembl- ed. The minutes of last meeting read and passed. The clerk wile in- structed to notify John Kerr to re- move his fence to the proper place, according to the hist survey on 5th and 6th con. The application of Semi Furse and others to be allowed to work their Statute Labor on a certain point, be decided by road commissioner. The following ac- counts were paid viz,Wm Stanley, for road scrapers, athe late Mrs Bray's funeral expenses, $17; Gode- rich Star, for printing, $14.40; Jos Whitely, for gravel from lot 38, Maitland con, $1.32. The Council adjourned to meet again the last Monday in June. JAMES PATTON, Clerk. The Clerk desires to express his gratitude to the members of the Council for the follovVing motion of sympathy passed by them. Moved by John Beacom, seconded by Jas Connolly. We, the members of this council, desire to express our feelings of sympathy towards James Patton Esq, our township clerk, for the ac- cident that has happened him by falling and breaking his leg, which has caused his absence fron this council, for the first time during years. Hoping that he may be speed- ily restored to his former health and strength. Carried. Morris. Nures-W.Johnston is home visiting Robt Russell has gone to Detroit for the summer. Mre. W. Canteion, Mrs Neff and Mrs Arnold attended the funeral of their father, Mr W. Arm- strong,on Saturday last. W.Cantlon, of Petrolia, is visiting his brother, P. Cantelon, on the 6th. Chas. Law- rence was visiting in Belleville on 24th. DEATH.-MOTTis lost one of ire pioneer settlers last week in the per- son of Mr Wm Armstrong, who de- parted this life on Thursday last at tee advanced age of 83 years. De- ceased was well and favorably known to the people of this locality having settled in Morris over 30 years ago. He was a native of Fermanagh,Ireland , a life long Conservative end a member of the Orange order. His remains were interred in the Brussels cemetery on Saturday, being followed to their last resting place by a large concourse ot friends and neighbors. SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is a correct report of the standing of pupils in S. S. No. 5. 5th class, -A. Russel ; H McRae ; Flo. Lawrence. 4th Class, Sr., Robt. Clore; M. Clegg, Ira. Parker, 4th Class jr., V. Has- lam; Jos. Campbell. 3rd sr., J. Wat- son; H. Russell; D. Allineon; 3rd jr, J. Haslam; 0. Proctor; A. Wheel- er. 2nd, A. Proctor; M. Allison; M. Wilkeneon. Pt 2nd Sr, D. Holliday; A. Nethery; M. Watson. Pt 2nd jr, M. Bell ; W. Proctor; G. Gtillies. Average attendance 72. G. H Black- well., teacher. Brucefield: NoTess-Mr R Holmes, of Clinton, occupied the pulpit of Union Church last Sabbath evening. The Juvenile foot ball team of the village defeated the Junior Hurons of Seaforth here last Saturday by 3 goals to one, good for *you, boys. Chess playing has be- come quite popular among quite a number of the young men of the vil- lage, do not let it take up too much of your time,gentlemen. Mr R Mur- dock bas moved into Mr Wm Aiken - head's house, thus leaving us without a vacant house histhe village. What about Sabbath School picnics, is it not time to think about them. A fair sized class in the Higher Religious Instruction has been formed in con- nectien with the Union Church Sab- bath Salop'. The einafiing Sabbath Services in Union Church will be at 7 p. m for the summer, iestead of 6:30 as forraerly. 4 ). Hullett SHOCKING ACOIDENT.,--A most an. fortunate and lamentable accident happened to a young man named Hitch, who resides with his widowed step mother, on the 2nd con of Hul- lett. He was engaged in burning caterpillah from some trees, with coal oil, and wishingto add more oil he stood on a chair and poured the oil on the flames. Like a flash the flames shot up to the can, there was au explosion, and instantly his head and body were enveloped in the flames of the burning oil. Not knowing what he .did the un- fortunate youth ran wildly hout the field, his clothes dropping ir' n - him as he ran,while his mother, with a wet quilt in her hand,vainly attempt- ed to reach him, until he dropped exhausted. Even then she was somewhat burned in her efforts to stop the cruel work that the fire had only too surely accomplished. The boy was carried to the house and a doctor summoned, who did what he could to atleviate the interims pain, but at the same time pronounced the wounds necessarily fatal. From the crown of the head to about the thighs, he had been horribly burned, his flesh literally cooked, and had. even inhaled the flames and injured the Ing, M hie own request opiates w Int) administered to him, and after Lel ee hours of awful physical suffer- ing, death ended his agony. He was only 22 years ot age, steady and in- dustrious, and an active woiker with the Salvation Army, who conducted his funeral, Major Philpot, of Lon- don, taking charge thereof, being assisted at the house by Rev Mr Shil- ton, who attended at the request of the family. The young man had applied for an officers cqmmiesion in the army, and his application had been occepted. The funerst was very largely attended. REVISION COURT and COUNCIL. - The Township of Hullo t Court of Revision was held at .Uondesboro, May 26th,pursuant to adiertiaement, and John Lasham Chairman. There were no appeals, a few corrections were made, and the Roll finally passed. A meeting of Council was held afterwards the same day when George Ruddell, Samuel Woodman, and a few other ratepayer e were present ask. ing the Council to pass a By Law to prohibit horses, cattle, sheep. swine, and geese, from running at large in the Township; after discuss- ing the matter for some time it was • left over for the consideration of the Council at a future meeting. Mr. R. H. Coleman the agent of Canada Company interviewed the Council respecting the obstruction in hat part ot the South branch of the Maitland from lot 5 con 3, to lot 19 con 7, as there was not a sufficiently sigued petition before the Council no action was taken in the matter. Eighty cords of gravel will be put on the El R. 25-26, between the Cor- porations of Clinton and East Wa- wanosh, under the direction of Coun- cillors Scott, Lasham and Churchill and sixty cords on 5 R. 5. 6. under the directions of Councillors Britton and Brigham. Accounts amounting to $115.00 were passed and ordered to be paid. Council adjourned until Tuesday June 23rd. -James Camp- bell Clerk. REPORT OP 8 S No 2, HULLETT, FOR May, -Sr 4th -Minnie Bricken- den 582. Jr 4th -Alex Watt 649, Leonard Weir 518. Sr 3rd-Zemma Cornish 418, John Snell 365, Laura Connel 329. Jr 3rd -Maud Hull 365, May Churchill 184. Sr 2nd - George Aikins 437, Willie Noble 389, Lizzie Churchill 376. Jr 2nd - May Glew 508. Jennie East 501, Percy Henry 475. Part 2nd -Jere- miah Noble 604, Richard Brown 521, Eva Noble 506. lst-Effie Hull 318, Eddie Henry 230. SCHOOL REPORT OP 5 5 No 8, HULLETT. - Senior Department, Fifth class -Nelson Bell 757, John R Bell 746, Pan McConnell 687, Henry Lennox 653, Feed Johnston 603, Nellie Van Bridger 535, Ephraim Gray 481, John McConnell 426, Bertin Gray 243. Fourth class - Anna Jeffrey 651, Lorenzo Brigham 639, Lenord Whitely 615, Ida Riley 518, Sarah Hill 500, Mabel Bell 441, James Webster 412, Sarah Mains 391, Elva Adams 368, Raymond Mc- Connell 303, Ada Shobbrook 264, Senior Third class -Rob lc Cole 841, Alvin Brogdon 718, Lawday Young 690, Thomas Wallace 646, John Moore 634, Vincent McConnell 631, Cora Newton 613, Harry Allen 579, Annie Nelson 569, Jennie Boberton 545, Alice Brigham 539, Bella Cunningham 622. Junior Third class -Minnie Nelson 1040, Lou Ouimette 899, Bernice Moore 877, Alice Mountain 757, John Crawford .663, Eddie Mogridge 658, Lydia Shobbrook 651, Ada Brigham 645, Wilfred Crisp 588, Willie Townsend 603, Charlie Watson 501, John Stev- enson 408. D MCFADYEN, Teacher. Junior Department, Second class -- Rose Riley 953, Amelia Brown 760, Carrie Crawford 680, Dillia Oliver 649, Alice Oliver 588, Fred Stephen, son 462, Willie Garrett 450, Rose Cole 280, Robert Townsend 237, Senior 2nd part -Elva Wallace 876, Maggie Nelson 868, Jessie Willis 826, Willie Day 774, Wesley Lee 716, Tommy Lee 668, Eliza Garrett 664, Harvey Longman 656, Olvettie Brigham 606, Aliie Lawrence 546. Jr 2nd part -Howard Adams 711; Ernest Adam ts 694. JESSIE H Alt, Teacher. Stanley To CansA.--Dr James Butchard left home on Tueeday lath, to visit friends and equaintancee in London, Detroit and Cincinnati, previous to hie departure for Nankiu, China, as a medical missionary. Ife purposes remaining seven years, Noris. -Mr Jame s McGregor, who (has been ill for some time, is some- what better, though still very weak. Miss Jennie Fraser, who was teach.- ing in Essex Co, had to give up her 'school on account of ill health; she has been home for sometime and its still in a very weak conditiep. Sta- tute labor is commenced Ms week, and the roads are being put in good repair. Cow'wIL.-The council met op the 26th of May at ten o'clock, as a Court of Revision, members all pre- sent. The following changes were made in the assessment roll, lot 24, con 3, assessed to Edward Glen was changed to John Gilmour, lot 26, CM 3 and 5 11 of E 11 of lot 28, con 4, assessed to Findlay MoEwen was changed to Duncan McEwen; Robert Turner, bitch off, dog on; Andrew Duncan, bitch off; Hugh McGregor, dog off; Chas Foster, dog off; Chas Logan, dog off; Geo Lawrason, dog off; Wm J Biggins, dog off; D Wies- miller, dog off. The assessment roll was then declared finally revised, and court closed. The court resumed their seats at two o'clock for general business, minutes of previous meet- ing read and signed. The treasurer's bond was laid before the council and accepted. The following orders were drawn on the treasurer, John Lough, salary and postage, 970.50; Seaforth Sun printing acct., part for 1890, $24.20; Book case for hall, $8; 'Harrison's Manual, -97; Semi" Reid, for keeping Wm Thompson 26 weeks, $70; John McLinchy, $1 error in dog tax for 1889. 'The following sums were,appropriated to the sever• al roads, con 2 and 3, $50; con 4 Bud 5, $85; con 6 and 7, $40; con 8 and 9, $50; con 10 and 11, $40; con 12 and 13, $65; Sauble, $100; Centre line from Parr to Babylon, $30; Babylon to Goshen, $15; Goshen to Bronson, $60; Bronson to Sauble. $20; Carnies 5 R, $10; McGregor's 5 R, $15; In- nis' 5 R, $40; Sharp's 8 R, $15; Mc- Ilveen's, 8 R, $10, Boyces' 8 R, $20; Johnston's S R, $10; McNair's 8 R, $35; Baird'e S R, $10; Reid's fe- R, $15; Pollock's S R, $10; McBeth's 5 R, 950; Currie's b R, $15; Scrunan's S R, $40; Bayfield road, $130; South boundry, $250. Providing -Hay township gives an equal amount. A. Snider was appointed pathmaster instead of H Dettweller, Mr Kain was appointed road commissioner for South boundry and Jas Johne for the Bayfield road. The council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, June 22nd next, at one pe m. East Wawanosh. RACES. -E. Livingston had his famous trotter at the London races thejfirst three days of this week, from London, "Dr Livingeton " will be taken to Woodstock. We are sorry to hear that " Dr Livingston" will not be shown to his best advantage, as he has now an attack of distemper. BARN RAISING. -Mr P. W. Scott, of the sixth con of East Wananosh, had a barn raised on his farm Tues- day afteruoon, the building is 56 by GO it with stone stabling underneath. The framing was done by Mr Scott, assisted by Mr Stonehouse, after the timber was put together sides were chosen by Mr Geo. Taylor and Ed. Taylor, supper was partaken of, then all set to work to erect the building, which was done in good style, the result was an easy victory for Geo. Taylor's side. NOTES. -James McGill lost a val- uable horse on Thursday of fast week. One of J. Rath'e fine mares is very sick. P. Scott, Esq, had the men of the neighborhood assisting in the raising of a barn, Tuesday last. Miss B. McGill, of Blyth, was visiting at her uncle's, J. McGill, this week . Mrs J Vancamp, of Wingham,is visit- ing at herfather's,-J. Neatley house. Our Reeve, T. Taylor, is on the sick Dot. Miss Anna. Rose spent part of last week visiting friends at Goderich. All fanners are wishing for rain, as the crops are suffering from the drought. Mrs W Radford, who was lately so ill, is slowly recovering. Every person intends going to the " Box Social" at G. Taylor's on Wedeneday evening, Robert Gurney, Eaq., we are sorry to learn, has not fully recovered from his sickness. Miss Webb, of St. Helene, is visiting at Mr Walter McGowan's this week. Mr Gregor McGowan lost a fine cow lad week from the effects of brain fev- er. Mr B. Williams is improving the place, he has rented from Mr Shep- pard by erecting a wire fence along the west side, a much needed improve- ment. Zurich, NoTEs.-J.E. Tom, I.P.S. paid our school an official visit on Wednesday of last week, Mr Charles Greb had a large number at the raising of his stable on Thursday last. Hay coun- cil met in the Town Hall here on Sat, urday last as a Court of Revision. Statute labor is about completed in,the village. Spring crops look bad in this vicinity, especially near the lake, but it is hoped that they will revive with the shower that we had last Tuesday. A meeting was held in Peine's Hell on Monday night,to con- sider the Advisability of having a cel- ebration here on Dominion Day. Particulars la r. The Patrons of In. dustry are wit in 4 miles of Zarich and will likelyt oon reach here. Mr Chas. Merner ' as sold his general store to Mess? O'Neil and Coleman, of Cromarty, Mr Merner has done a good businhere, and hie many , t , customers e IP oe sorry to IVO such an efiergeti redearnan. • • Many were the expreestone of sympathy when the news of Sir John's hopeless condition arrived on Saturday, and the bulletins issued at the telegraph office in the day which followed were eagerly watched byall, friend and foe alike. Party differ- ence being forgotten, IR Borrow at the near approach of the, given messenger, each anxiously hoping against hope to hear more revertible news of the grand- old chieftain, who's memory will ever be cherished in the heaths of the Canadian people. Who owns the guinea ben? *vote tier a nuisance. Have you ever heard this beautiful bird sing? she ie a marvel as regards aptitude, rt should like to bear the small boy's composition ) She is an early riser at any rate, begins a rasping see saw noise with the first streak of dawn, and never ceases till lost in the busy hum of every day. life. Oh I wish St. Patrick were here, I am sure he would banish her, Messrs Gray, Young and Sperling agreeably surprised the firemen, on Saturday night, by presenting them with a check of fifty dollars, tor ser- vices rendered at the recent fire, such generous and thoughtful con- duct is encouraging, and it is needless to say thoroughly appreciated by our firemen. NOTES. - Professor Shrieves and company have been in town all week, giving free concerts every night on the empire, and extracting the surplus molars of our citizens -without pain (?) Between the bush fires, wh lee can be seen as beacons on the hill.- afar every even- ing, and the busy house wife vieing with each other as to who can make the best-soap-tbe air is blue with smoke. Mr Gray, of Wingham, was in town on Tuesday. There are a number of cases of scarlet fever in town, it seems to be a light form, and the little patients are doing well. Mr Edward Watson shipped from this station, on Friday morning, for Montreal and tbe foreign markets, the finest lot of cattle seen this Bea- son, three carloads, which means about ten thousand dollars paid out in this neighborhood for cattle in one week. Tbe remains of John McLaughlin, late of Windsor, arriv- ed at this station an Friday morning, on the 10 train, were met by friends and conveyed to the Westfield ceme- try. Some of the young people con- template taking in the Box Social, to be held at the residepce of Mr Tay- lor, near Belgrave, Wednesday even- ing. Mr Chamberlain has disposed of his grocery and bakery business ta H W Jeseop, a former employe of the Mammoth House, who takes posses- sion next week; Mr Jessop is popu- lar and energetic, and we have no doubt be will make a success of it. Preparations are being made for the 1st ot July here. A regular meeting of the school board on Wednesday evening. Mr Geo Perkins has re- turned from a visit to his home in Ceorrie. Dr Potter spent Sunday with friends in Belgrave. The new building at the salt block is being rapidly pushed forward mid hopes are entertained that the men may get to work in about three weeks time, A most acceptable end refresh- ing shower Monday night will do .untold good and br"ghten up thinge generally, farmers faces not excepted. Posters are out for a Methodist camp meeting in Kippen, beginning on the 14th of June. Mr Sandere, repre- sentative of Green's wholesale, Lon- don, was in town on Tuesday. Chas Rose was in town on Tuesday, on a business trip. To the Editor of (he Clinton New Era peen Srn.-In referring to the fire, which took place on the morning of the 24th; in our village. Your correspon- dent, in reporting it, misrepresented the facts. He says, owing to some mismanagement as well as several leakages in the hose considerable water was thrown on the street instead of on the burning building. The statements are false in every particular, and I defy him or any other one to show of an instance in which there was misman- agement. With regard to throwing water on the streets, it is as the! rest of his assertions untrue. All the leak- age in the hose, causing waste of water, didn't amount to anything, which any intelligent person could have seen had they been, there after we repaired our suction hose. Any delay we had was on account of the suction hose bursting and as we have no prophets in our company, we were not made acquainted with the fact that the hose was to give out at this particular time. No practical or intelligent person would for a mo- ment call the bursting of the suction hose mismanagement. I believe your correspondent was ignorant of what he was reporting or in other words did not know the muse of our delay and for want of a better explanation called it mismanagement. 1 would suggest to him the advisability of employing a person, who is competent, to assist him in making his reports, or otherwise retire from the business, and let some one take his place who will report the facts of the case he is dealing with. Trusting that yon will publish this contradiction in the next issue of the Naw ERA, I remain yours, J. M. Ross, Chief of Blyth Fire Department, Londesboro. Dertere.-The 1 0 G T here are going to have a debate, in two weeks. Subject, capital puniehment ve penal servitude, a lively discussion la expected, as there are some here think they would not like capital punishment. NOTES, -.W L Ouimette is in To- ronto this week; doubtless he has been attritted thither' by the fact that during this week Canadian mills elem. \out the balance of their spring stocka,- All right, See, if you can't get what you want, take what f AteiBelleTEOleletleet. 01.150a year fax gelvahers au ' time, Kr Wm Day and NM Piruiney are wearing pleasant smile* its tbe old, old Sterlr, or the Some thing over again, The Mout mine have put a mile on. the farmers facet, that has been kept back for a month. Mr 8 Woodman has got abouts all the loge from tbe station. 'I he sick - nem of Sir John is received with re- gret by both parties. in this neighborhood. Mr ST O'Bri.att, of Heneall, has opened out a tatter and barber shop here, in the prenneee formerly occupied by J Walker, V S, if a first chime workman he may do well. (From another correspondent) NOTES, -J Brunstlon & Son have received a car of the celebrated Pat- terson biOlera and mower's this week, and are dieing tushing trade in implements, as well as doing large business in waggons and buggies. Rev J Ferguson is in Berlin this week, attending Conference,- after which he leaves on a trip to the old country for three months; his many friends we are sure wish him bon voyage and safe return Mr Robt Scott, Deputy Reeve, is in Goderich attending County Council this week. J Brundson & Son shipped two very fine boggles to Ripiey, en Monday, and have received orders for two.more hem there, so well are their riga liked. Our base ball club is going OR in a steady persevering manner, and if kept on will undoubtedly come to sonsething, if only a failure. Jas Hill spent Sunday under the parent- al roof; Jim goes home when he has no other place to go. John Bruns - don has received a special order from Mr Wm Bell, of the Blyth livery, for a handsome band and commer- cial waggon. Our village would be he blessed withsa -large -population if we took into consideration the num- ber of cattle, sheep and hogs that are constantly allowed to run at large on our streets, much to the annoyance of our peaceful villagere; why not have a by-law prohibiting such. Hol anesville. FOOTBALL. -A meeting ot the foot- ball club was called Tuesday evening and officers were elected for tbe ensuing year as follows: -Pres., W 11. Elford. Captain, G' A Evans. Secy. _J' T Holieworth. Treas. S T Walters. Committee,Geo Phippa,G‘W Acheson and Jno Huller. All the members are requested to be present Friday evening at 7 o'clock p. in. NOTES. -It is with regret we learn that Mr H B Evans is. again laid up with a second attack of erysipelas in the face; he ie now slightly recover- ing; it appears to be his lot to suffer. -We are informed Mrs Robinson is still on the sick list; we hope she may soon recover. Mr W Stanley, who is appointed delegate to the Foresters Grand Lodge -in Toronto, will leave next week to attend to his duties there. Mr H. Elford, who went to Wellesley last week, will re- turn in a few days. RevW Ayers left for the conference in Berlin on Tues- day last; the delegate, W Crooks, hai also gone. A number of our sturdy yeomen, consisting of Messrs John McCartney, Albert Halstead, George Holland, John Halstead and James Phipps left for Manitoba on Tuesday last. The two latter intend to remain there during the summer months. If succeseful it is the intention of all to settle there. Auburn. Mr Thomas Mitchell, of Westfield, starts next Monday morning for the old country, He intends to visit rel atives in Scotland, and on his return will bring back some first class hors- es, Tom is a good .judge of horse- flesh and will doubtless bring out something extra good. We wish him success. DON'T FIGHT, Boys. -Two of our ,young men had the misfortune to fall out the other evening, and after pum- meling. one another for a short time, and using words that would not look well in print; they were parted they will doubtless finish the contest' later on. What a pity the ugly differences could not be settled by arbitration or in some other quiet sensible way. No SPORTS. -Things seem to be dull out here in the recreation line, our boys seem to have little or no en- ergy in the way of games this sum- mer ; indeed about the only way they have of showing that they are still alive is by gathering in groups around places of business, and sometimes showing a specimen of clog dance, or from thenoiseethere is it might be an Indian war dahce;wake op boys,letus, hear from you, if it is only a game of quoits. NOTES. -Mrs John M. Cullis has now arrived from Buffalo to make her home for a time at least in_ our quiet village; Mr and Mrs Cullie occupy the house lately vacated by D. E Munroe, We wish them every happi- ness' in their new home. Mrs Alex. McKenzie and family are visiting friends in Goderich township, for a week. Mr P. Doyle, while driving along the gravel road towards Myth, happened with a very narrow escape; the horse becoming unmanageable up- set the buggy opposite the German Church throwed him out, and he was hurt very bad. Miss M. Arthur has been sick for some time,. but we ere glad to hear that she is improving. • Tnekersmith. Nurns.-The Rev J PC Simpaon of 13rucefield very ably occupied the pulpit at Turners appointment on Sunday lad, A, junior foot -ball team has lately been organized among the scholars of No ss ; they are called the Rovers and they intend to compete with other teams shortly. Mr Geo Crich is improving his house by the addition of three witidowe. which add much to the appearance of the exterior of hie house." Sheep shear, you can get; there's as good as aing is all the rage at present and all small farm in either case. Where is who want the work performed: with base; ball club? dead already, neatness and despatch shoeld secure enrt1y not. Mr Wm Hiles, sr, is the services of Mr Gee NiTattets, the VerYsloW, filmed all ,the fluting are veteran theepethearer of the Weet conetkutly here, expecting the end at I En& .141tNii.:S70-11e1TreV47Chlet; eaCaletedPeArf;74"" poietell Rev, 1400eZ IJanice Street Church, Fall t.Deputy enei '010°044 well t4Ste 41 • rOePnt Monday and IYig evenings last.' The salt well fts; running In full bleats Roove Ptbajt!tliTnegek.in °ea41:4e.;:ehriannt:5 t,44"' rnAing ,busineee 00 Saturday" Saturday • plants is the latest ester/deg pehtl Mr Samuel. Cornish hierettee: hie property on Simcoe street, ii 2 acres of land on Huron Week o Wednesday rtex-, by public attetki Mr John Gill, ie Well-keiPPItt psopular auctioneer, will Wield tts'a hammer. Our public acheol will be reshingled in a tete dasre, Mr GOQ puttingEreama pc: contractor of e tett aCeA At; sal/, for W. Mitchell, of the boundry; this week. Mr Thomas Harvey, con. 2, Hay, placed his Oder, with; 7s, Mr J G VVeecott, of :this. iplace, , OM. Friday last for 100 Iron Clad Speilee trees to be delivered in the fall, from. Stone Wellington FonthillNureals',e Mr Harvey is wise in dealing with st. first class Canadian firm and old 'esee erienced nurserymen, Mr :Henry- e: Henry - Jones the popular implement, agents disposed of several Mixon 'IMQVferot,' on Saturday last to Farmers In 'MA I around Exeter. Our bricklayers rue' s), busy putting up the brickwork of the Treble Block on Main St. Mr Jamesf Snell, of Stephen, is getting h brink 1 cellar put under his residence onMains. St opposite the Main St Methogiet Church. The Freemasons of tiles place will attend divine, worship a body on Sunday, the 28th; at 'Criettettee Presbyterian' Churcb, where the BOY, W. Martin will (D. V.) deliver. a aers: ;.• [non to the members of that order, 's Several of our villagers intend stair. ing au active part in the ,Methodist ,s• Camp meeting, which will hebekkin ;. Mr R Kettle'S Grave on' the,14ttcands;-- stieovnerAalrmdyayms efootlilnovgrionng.s.uTudahVwairvitk,,,: last was well attended, five backslid. ethrseyrewtunrinter: farno4ra p,08theseisrtsjnl'1 ways and received converaion, :,trUSt":, profess Chrititanity this, time, and MAY ,1 be so easily led astray by Stitan'S temp tations. Mr J. F. Westctitt is this week. and vicinity for the fall delivery'''of. ", canvassing the village of Htehittr, ftuit-trees for the Stone & Nursery of Toronto, lastaVieeksche succeeded in getting a large Inimeet, or orders from .the farmers . of townebipe of Hay, Stephen, and, tiss., borne. J. G. is a hustler, and firm were fortunate in secuelbge 14-t services as an agent, as he Jairell opted for the buseeess and the faineeittee' Call rely on getting •what, thez.'eUtersil.^?; Farmer; and others wanting tree'Vregee do well to save their orders until their. agent calls. - , Ass Goderich. • ' NOTES. -Mr Benjamin Smith turned from Chicago to spend ' holidays at the parental holt*. South street, Mrs Herd, who - h been visiting her parents, Mr ,Teen son Reid and wife, for some. OA left last Saturday to return home. Mr S Perry wife and nhildrensWhos ss were in 'town attending the funeral'', of the late Mrs T B Andrewsteturnect s. home last week. The Tadruarissar- rived in post last Monday morning(s*: with about 130,000 feet of lumber, and after unloading left for Thermal' Ion. The Greyhound, of Goderlellse"; came down from Georgian Bay Feats' .., week, and after loading ealt lett'Setr ; SY, Wiarton. Mrs E Deltiffe, of Colum bus, Ohio, is visiting her mothereeee- Mrs P Noble, South street. The steamers Empire and City of Wielde sor called in port on their respectiVesee., regular trips: the steamer Monarch. , called in port on Tuesday ort'40i' trip. Victoria St church pulpit-wllI be occupied next Sunday by Mr' , Stiles, a etudent at the high' school e and Robt Young; the pastor atteadee'. lug Conference in Berlin. Mrs Miller and mother went on Moodie to Port Gratiot, near Port Elver's' It be present at the marriage of a sous g. in of Mrs Miller's. ?Jr,; Win ' lti,, Dickson and son, of St Louis, Will spend the summer in town with:. ee., friends. Mrs (Rev) Jas A Anderson, el and children are visiting relatives 1 and friends in Tiverton. Mir Craig, : jr, has opened out a restaurant, :ea . the corner of West streets near -the ss„. Park House. The talk of the ' 1 town is the sickness of Sir John '' 1 McDonald; both Liberals and Con- servatives expressing much sympathy With him, and hoping againet hope that he will come around again: Doctors McCulloch and Grant, the celebrated European and American physicians, are at the British Anseri. can this week. ' • . Lueknow NOTES. -Mr Dayid Sherrill, Who has been suffering from blood ponies oning in his arm, we are glad to say is improving. Mrs Irwin and her daughter, Mrs More, have returned from a two weeks visit in. AllietOn. The Firemen's Brasil Band furnimlied, music for the Dungannon races and games on Monday. This section Of country is suffering severely at pre, sent from want of rain, grass has not, - grown sufficiently to make good pasture, and grain crops are lMost at a stand still; should We ' hot be favored in the near future with re- freshing showers the outlook for the coming harvest will not be Overly bright. Our citizens are to befiaytire led this week by. a visit from the tounty fathers, who will transtlift their bersiness here this seetinn;lhe ladies of the town are giving *Sea a grand banquet in toheop0r)., hotifte, on Tuesday evening, and no. doubt it' good time evil: be spent, , Additional Local News on allot, page. •e.