HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-05-22, Page 6enamwsmswit r 'd; y a W'an't i# oasr Una, f and ,that is a fist-, LATE CAIN, at a very low price, whiei we will give you for with every link 140' -soldered, and which -we will guaran- tee for Ave years, Colne-aridsee them all , Co, •W ,TCJHM41cP4llr, JkiWE.TANA, Vie.. CLunori 042 ors a ,.,}.,«.,,1 1�O* �4 p14 Alt .,}E./M►.,.\..}„..R► 0 42 1i 0 46 �jjM!��#.�R��,��''fy,,,}rf.-#F►b«1.,A �I. A'xAM 0 Q6 s / $ .Y0 60. 4�1w�lS' pear ,M } •, :,\ t ', 1,1 SI M 0as•ea 'p1�.t•x!b#.rl•e►...,.►. 0 19 .a 0 15 i�Yri��gdr.11nf,.M,►}#►}....i,,0 �1,/0� ri /0� t12 .1., 20. ..0 5 00sr< 6 S5; )6 50'1 600 Ki a, 110. 1 trimmed,..., 6 00 it 0 00 Hfdeq; lri►ngh .. «.. }„ ..! s 00 06 Sheol) {r,$ldup „„'««}l,, , 0 /6,0 a 0 x,60. ft•1'25.11 40 , 4�leveraged. x x„«b, R.. e, . $ 75 & 4 00.' • IV RS. M4`C.S;M i$NA0UEli OF-„ MV IO ialao; Organ and 'peohnicon,. or Mnscl evelo er, ;for use. of pgpils, Boozing at 4bnryStreet;Qllnton Rtlils•. ,fob Sale, xl+gnatttity pf gooc A dar'e,nd Hardwood ytllexgrSale,.Wy�anted 4or6Hoke° Power, new or Pict' JQHN E1br•MF,S 'Huron 1'0ad Qotieriol} ToWnshi • arvO1 IO r–••- rehe updereigned bei'ng,neoes,arily absent ks m:11,4goouuts •with;Wn for So* -M eeztrlara &�tPoPTThie �te whotn'payments may Abe made. 570)47 WISEMAN o ter Roots fol' sale cheap. -bahlias 5 cents p . i ladlolus.8 cents each, pSytrawberry Planta 50 cents per hon, ?X f W,,Ii: Searle. ixP'L,p3. Ems ,QIGFNCY, .nnhaeriber having severed hieconnection feAtbithel•Maesey Company, desires to int- . spate to itis many friends' that he has been $ Minted agent for the wen-known.drm of I OgT '86 WOOD, , implement piakers, of •emit 'a Falle,• and .will'be pleased to fill all or4era�in hts. hne, as heretofore. Will also • keep•orf }land's stook of• Wilkinson. PLOWS, Clolteir,•.:dc Scott DRILLS,,,Diso .HAR18OWS, llnd articles, pf like nature. , • W.STANLEY, Mri> 20. 6 Hoimesvillo wad Clinton AUBURN•.MILLS, umber + Lumber! 11aphig,peOured a large quantity of Hem 1oe1t.Qe ar and Hardwood loge, and•the mill *tinning full time I am prepared to fill bills forluntber from 10 to 26 feet long, on short codas, at reasonable rates. for cash. A Threshing Engine and Boiler in good run- uing3order,tor sale cheap. Correspondence solicited: JAS. YOUNG, Auburn P. O. intor ta ?h=ici Canadian Moe -PETERBORO, ONT wIllw a few good pushing men to I sell =On GRADE Nursery stook: in th_e Oountiee of Perth, Huron and Iliacs Our facilites for growing the FI�rEST and' Hesrinin trees are ,now unsurpassed SAaEIsranx•and Ouwroat ERS are sure to be de- , 11311101 with, olar, square dealing and fine goods Write for germs AT onion, and secure your: choice of territory Sales for fall 1891 and spritfg,1899, begin May let. Address THOMAS W. BOWMAN, Peterboro, Ont. (Over 30 years in the business) TBALL. Matches. 'The HURONS will play the following matches on the RECREATION GROUNDS, Soaferth During the spring season: - Sat: May 16, 3 p.m, Rangers of Berlin., Thur.May 28,3p.m. Chioagos of Chicago Wed. June 17;10 a.m. Detroits of Detroit The first and third are matches in the championship series of the W.F.A.; the second a friendly game with the cham- pion^team of the Western States. 'The CominX School of Medi- cine”—The Histogenetic System. Chicago, Jan. 1, 1888. ti T is to certify that I have made a thor- Qug investigation of the Histogenetic Medi - s, prepared by Dr J. Eugene Jordan,and ofb, s. unique methods of research, and am therefore competent to form a correct judg- Inent., 1 pronounce them marvelous pro- ducts of the highest skill, showing an ac- gnatntance'with the natural science far in advance of any savant with whose works the world, is acquainted. The amount of time •and painstaking whish the doctor has expen- ded upon the single branch of spectroscopy fitt,enormous, and his discoveries startling. Alsohaving used these medicines in ivy own pr notice, I can say that their actual success 'in 'miring disease is as 'great as is their dis- ,deVery. The •revolution of the Medical soednce.of to -day is no dream -it is at hand. J. B.S. KING, M. D., P. D. Prof. Chem: and Toxicology, Hahnemann Medical College of Chleago. :The Histogenetic theory of reaching disease is: Rebuilding the diseased eeilsard tissues of the ',body, with the same proximate principals and ferments, organle bodies, and so on, which are normally prepared in the body by the glands The medicine, areprepared by chemical pro- ce9eos. In a perfectly pure condition, and are ;gttite'tasteless. Diseases heretofore considered insurable are cured by these medicines. 'In 'Onto diseases such as La Grippe, Pneumonia, Typhoid, Diphtheria, etc., the patient improves at once. TESTIMONIALS. 'Mrs McOulleo5h, 601 Adelaide street east, To- ronto—Very rapid cure of oungestion of liver and inflammation of kidneys. J1 Ca Sinclair, 53 Victoria street, Toronto— Bronchial . trouble, effects of Is grippe, cured in ode week. •C. H, Wood, 122 Jarvisetreat, Toronto—Kid- ney ir0ubli, gravel and constipatioiy `•henry Hoporoft, 744 Markham street, To- rAnto•--Consumption cured in a few weeks. J Fawcett 102 John street, Toronto— , Nina troubles.; had been in Toronto General ”>'Hospital; also treated by several physicians,; af- ter using Hietogenotie medicines for two weeks Viae a new woman. •Jdeepph Perkins, 185 Tecumseh 8t. Toronto- , Itbmat eab1e Cure of paralysis. John Bulaugett, Mat'tawa, Ont. -Nervous de- bilityf etc., 30yea}•s; two weeks medicine did itore tor him than all the other remedies he bad WPM In the 80 years. oneumptiohlMiredpIn0a fewrweeks t, Toronto Oti . HeVI amorrrrbagee from the lungs andon the abntd cough two years ; consumption cured in a few M Weeks. Call or send tor free hook explaining the Hlstogenetie system. One of our staff will visit ClintOn every two weeks at "Rattenbury” House, dates for June are Tuesday find Tuesday 16th Tuesday 1 tit ° 0011St IITAT.y zEttE �1•i e Assoc 11 U IiMtO Monett ie . 4 ]itooinei and 3 lbion Week, • •fl eircehd' 'sot, Londoa, lleadorn ` `etitmOotarla, ells bets'1 16r , ii, 19 lion fA' ;Sheet ifat+ or uit4. TORE ft Q FOR 13A10E • louse to 'Rent To rent, a good frit hoose, With stable and half an acre of land, situate on the Bay fieldRoad„near town; good bearing orchard, Splendid place for any one who wants to UK) a horse and Oew. Rent moderate L. RENNET/Y. House to Rent The large and commodious house at pre- sent occupied by, the subscriber, on Victoria St!!, ki offered to rens on reasonable terms, to a good tenant. It contains sufaoientroom for ordinary family, and every convenience. Within #ive minutes walk of Post'Ofee. JAS. 13, WEBBY, Clinton. • To Leb The.Store next doer to Harland Bros hard- ware, fitted u as Grocery and Provision Store with lar a cellar and back storehouse Also, from t e lst of Afay, the store ad- joining the. above, fitted up as a first-olass grocery, with large cellar and commodious residence. Apply to HARLAND BROS. Dwelling House for sale. *ell ieeOeted 'situated, mali fruits and flowers. well stocked the proprietor,good oellar,eoft and hard 'water, large wood eked every conven- ience. Also two building for sale, good draining.W O Searle. TOWN of CLINTON COURT OF REVISION the Town e to Clint Clinton willrt of hold itsfirstRevision ing in the Council Chamber, on TUESDAY, MAY.26th, at the hour of 8 p.m., for the pur- •poae.of hbdring and rectifying all complainto against, or errors on the Assessment Roll of this present year. Persons interested are requested to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. W. COATS, Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF MUTT COURT OF REVISYON wales le hereby given that the meeting of rthe Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hullett, will 'be held at Londeaboro, in the said township, on TUESDAY, 26th day of MAY, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assessment Roll. Persons having business at the Court will please attend at the said time and plane without further notice JAMES CAMPBELL, Olerk --THE - Standard Life. -ASSURANCE CO. Established 1825. Total Sum Assured, .$104,655,491 Invested Funds........ 36,444,640 Investments in Canada, over6,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN CANADA, Jamas A. Ck O 3f C}P E,B Greenehielde Esq .HOn,J.J.C,Abbott,Q.C. Sir Joseph Hickson. W. M. RAMSAY. Manager, CHARLES HUNTER, Supt. Of Agencies. E. W. BURLEY, Inspector, Stratford District CLINTON ONT, COUNTY OF HURON TEACHERS' EX AMINATIONS,1.891. The Primary (III. class) and Junior Leav- ing and Pass Matriculation (II. class) Exam- inations at the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools will be held at Goderioh, Clin- ton and Seaforth, beginning Tuesday, 7th of July, at 8.40 A. ai. Senior Leaving and Honor Matriculation (I. 0.) will be held at Clinton, beginning Tuesday, 14th July, at 1.30 r. se. Candidates whq wish to write at either Sea. forth or Clinton must notify David Robb, than 22 d Slay lstating at on 1'.which of not f the schools they intend to write ; and those who desire to write at Goderioh must notify Jno E. Tom, Esq., I. P. Schools, Goderich P. 0., by the same date. No name willlbeforward- ed to the Department unless the fee of 35.00 accompanies the application. Headmasters of High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will please send the applioat,ons and fees of their candidates to the P. S. Inspector with- in whose jurisdiction their school ie situated Forme of application may be obtained from the Inspector or the undersigned. PETER AD MASON Goderioh, April. 1891. County Clerk • Sanitary Plumbilig AND HEATING —0— ALECK SAT1 DEWS GODERICH ---0 LATEST METHODS. PARTIC- ULAR ATTENTION PAID TO SANITATION AND VENTILATION PLANS AND SPECIFIOaTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED Repairing PromptlyAttended to -_e— Three trains daily. Telephone Noy28, Correspondence solicited Routes of Popular Stallions. The Imported Shire Stallion Lincolnshire Penman, Propertq of Mr. H. J. Hibbs, 16th con. God. erioh Township, 1.1 miles from Clinton, will stand for mares at his own *table during the season of 1891, where pedigree may be seen. Trains, to insure a foal, $9, payable In ann. 1892. One person bringing J mares can make arrangements for satisfactory re- duotlori. Accidents at tisk of owners of mares, HRS J. HIBBS EASTFIELD CHIJ'.N'1{i. Lord E skive C1744 dam Great nie Deana Sire5277 loow e:- by MQNy D ��Y,1leavend hiisstablelSmlithHill, and go to. J. Fliok's for night. TUESDAY, olmesville for one ,hour their to G. Hair's Huron road for noon,thon Rattenbury House Clinton for 'flight. WEDNESDAY, to Jas Grahan."s,'lith con. Goderioh to nship frit'noon; then to JM Aloiiander's,., 7th eon, for night. THURSDAY, to McLeod Bre •ifluron Road, for noon,; then to. D. Ores, 4th icon., for 'night, FIIIDAY, to "IV Haaelte'e B�{Bawd Rood; !Or noon ;'then /as Davidson's enmille'rtorfight,then to his Own Stable Where he will roinaiti tiil•the following lion day morning, 'INMcDON.ACI U & fid ' 0.13, WIiLnfl011. Proprietor Manager. lklQllTR Ali .LIVE STOOK hiKET There were aboRt. 450.` head of. Oatohers' Cattle, 600 calves 'And 250, sheep. and lambs offered at the Etiet; End abayttoir, Tha butchers were„.out in Jar. -se. numbers, but were .n no l;irry to bap. uiltrl the. mere were willing to reduoa their prices considerably lower than on last T'hgrsday, and the sales were fropi to to lo. Per lb. lower all around than en that day. The best beeves sold , at from 5o to 5go per lb with pretty good . etook at about 410 per lb:. Rough oxen, balf.fatted steers and large bulls Bold at 4o to 4}o per 1b, There were rot many milkmen's strippers on the market, and there was - very little demand for them. About 65,cattle were bought by shippers at from So to 5ge per lb. Calves continue very dull of sale and low-priced, or from $1 to $6.50 eaoh. The pride of lambs . and sheep have a downward 1 tendency, shorn Sheep selling at from $3 to 25.50 and those with their fleeces still on at from $4,50 to $7'eaoh.. Lambs sold at from $2.25 to nearly $5 eaoh. Mr Mo - Duff bought 22 Iambs at from 03.60 to very near $5 eaoh. He also bought five prime steers at 55o per lb. Fat hogs are plentiful and rather low in pride, or about 5ifo per lb. TORONTO L1Val STOCK MARKET The receipts at the western cattle market were 4,260 cattle, 431 sheep and 2 239 hogs. The offerings were 65 Loads including aboat 800 hogs and 250 sheep and Iambs. About 30 leads were on sale; theremainder being all consigned through for the British markets. There was very little change in the market from last Friday, except a somewhat easier feeling, owing to the rather heavy receipts. Butchers' cattle range all the way from 4 to 50 per lb. but mostly between 4a, and 41c. Export steers sold at from 5 to 5Jo per ib. The quality of the cattle on sale was very good, and as there was ,a fair demand nearly everything was taken at the close of the market. Calves—There was a plentiful supply of calves on the market, and they were of a fairly good quality. Prices ranged from $5 to 86 eaoh for average stuff, and up to $7 eaoh for choice. A few smalland inferior animals were offered `bat for that plass the market was dull, and they were rather blow of sale at $3 to 85 eaoh. Sheep and lambs—A good deal of the offerings was pioked up from the export trade, but as receipts were somewhat heavy and buyers seemed to show an indifferent feeling prices were week, about 50 per lb being about the average figure paid, with probably 51-o per lb for the best. Spring lambs were not in good demand, sales being rather slow and prices ranged from $4 to $4.50 each. Some sales were: 60 sheep, 147 lbs, - 5o per lb;'8 do. 151 lbs, 5o per lb;, 43 do, 135 lbs, 4}c per Ib; 85 do, 108 lbs, $5 each. 0 It's easy eno'ug'h —the Ball corset. That's be- cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give", but they come back. So does your money —if you've worn a Ball corset two or three weeks, and find that you don't like it. • Ask your Dry Goods dealer for it For Sale by Estate Jno Aodgens • Lobb's Starch Enamel This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat sad Sloan and to Last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box If you. want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms. collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. PRICE 15 CENTS. 8 'Every Storekeeper keeps it now, and wh#,re the merchant does not keep It we want a lively agent to repersent us. Manufactured b� . J. LOBE, Holmeeville House to Rent. That desirable -property on Rattenbury St. adjoining the Molson's Bank, is offered to rent. It contains room for good sized fam- ily, with good collar, hard and soft water, garden, deo. Apply to JOHN RIDOUT. Ladies, clean your Kid Gloves with Mather's Glove Cleaner, for sale only by Beesley & Co... Also a full line of dress- • ed and undressed Kid Gloves in all the most desirable shades. The mayor of Alliston, on behalf of the citizens, has issued an appeal for aid for the sufferers by the late great fire. Many of the people are without food and shelter and have no means. 'Knoxonian' rises to remark in the Canada Presbyterian: "Abolish billet ing, half -fares, clerical exemptiona of tical discounts, and all the other aboininatione that help to degrade the ministerial profession; pay ° the servants of the church their due; do church bneiness on the principle that a ohuroh dollar has jest 100 cents in it like any other dollar; appeal to the honest men. of the ehttroh for the money wnd the money will tome. The 'people ho always wont eoinetlaingfor nothin , or taireething for half it's value, are the obis, enoa ths,t, will•object. %lase ,`. 'people •should not bo Allowed, tido tbo. bhttrob.' :TO SUIT Aur, D'Et rI ] ES Q ` TElviPg441VItg' We, have NATURAE.. W QQI+, BALI311IO 4 .c .1013)3$1) OOTTO,1`t and WOOL' tiN ERVESTr.S... L adit.es ren,0 „sl , indifferent ua:gliaamse.ntP. Mats,a1,a l-d��, e . htoli d.a. R the famous TiEALTII BRAND, in rthree sip . .. See our assortment hetore you buy ; we have the right • goods,, l per center for- Cash y*r Estate, JOHN We are opening out a large assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS of first-class quality and at lowest prices. Eggs taken in, exchange. 5 per c. off for cash Taylor & Sons CLINTON AND HENSALL Walton&Morrison T..A.ILOR►S• We have not time to write adver- tisements. Just call and see for yourself if we are not selling $3 a suit less than any other Tailors in Clinton. Walton : & Morrison, Remember the place SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON {OpBoit CoOleper's s SPECIAL LL SPRING TRADE ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Fine Boots and Shoes CALL AND SEE OUR LADIES NEW YORK MAKE OF KID OXFORDS COMMON SENSE & WAUKENPHAST BOOTS • Eggs taken in exchange. Five per cent off for cash Chas. Carline,'Next Town Hall HARDWARES TINWARE, A full Stook Of NAILS, BARBED WIRE, BLACK WIRE, KALSOMINE, ALA- • • BASTINE, PAINTS and OILS. MIXED PAINTS, all shades, BRUSHES, SPADES, SHOVELS, GARDEN TOOLS, LAWN MOWERS, LAWN ROLLERS, in fact everything in the HARDWARE LINE, and our prices are right. TINWARE we are almost giving away. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF HARLAND Bros., IRON & HARDWARE, STOVES & TIIWARE, CLINTON-, ONT.. LL And Bordering to match Window - Blindly Ceiling Decorations, etc. In the very latest designs, and at lowest rices The Ladies Sa 1 They have never seen so attraotiva PRINTS and SATEEN'S as we acre show ing this spring. liot weather God. s '..you'll soon want them. • Victoria La,W; 101o,25c. Stripe and Check- Musllns, 1 to 2C c. Embroidered Flouncings and Overs. ` Gloves. and Parasols We have what will please you. Ni. For the Men We are showing a very complete range Fancy Straw Hats, Christy Hard I£ats and new shapes in Soft Hats. A choi assortment of' Ties, at prices ranging from 10 to 60c. We have still a complete line of those REGAT, SHIRTS, with three collars and a pair of cuffs, for e W. L OUIMET THE CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO $4000 Worth of EOOtgShC To be Slaughtered at L than Cost I will sell for the next 60 days for CASH, my who stock of Boots and sho?s at the following reduced price Regular Reduoet Dens Kip Boots, our own make $4 50 S3'-';( Mens Factory Boots whole stock 2 50 , • 1 Mens Bals and Gaiters - — 2 00 1' Sit Dens hand sewed Bals or Gaiters 4 00 3 CSC Mens Felt Boots - - 2 50 1 Z Dens' Socks and Rubbers 2 70- - 2 8€ Womens FeltFox Bals or Buttoned 2 00 1 OC WomensPolishCal f Bals or Buttoned 2 25 1' 5 Womens Oil Goat Buttoned 2 50 1 Womens French Kid Buttoned 2 50 ,1 Womens Buff Boots o - - 1 35 1 All other goods in stock at equally reduced prides. Call early and secure Be gains, and bring your oash with you, as the above prices are for dash only. Th is a genuine sale,as I have too much stook and too little money. 1 ant clear' them out at cost, and don't you forget it. Chas. Cruickshan HUB GROCE•: T• W T t�.l J. 2 Al Call for a Trial Sample and het° :rice,'. Ctistoamrs will find oar Teas equal to arty in the market, both:'ilav alt and rices. Our Teti trade has steadily increased, 'during, tits t' w'`d yeawhim is a good guarantee Of. the satiiafaction ant` Teasgive. We very®lest' rices. Groat reductions foi'.h 10 br 201b lots , sell. ne. p, 1! Jusl gi'pa ds'�ano: andbe oonvinoed, We would naso iflvite on to nate and see the largs;.a, o! Bright agar *e:giVe you for; $1, ^ W- arogoing bo give yeti the Ver y '(value' that can bo had. Kindly . It and 600 *haat wt'e area tint