HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-05-22, Page 3NTY OUUTEI VOL 1
Tee Whole Number 1321
- • j THE
c, $1,00 and -$1.25
tate Jno. Hodgens
C.• Gilroy
Weekly Budget
From all parts of the County—by wide-awake
and lively Correspondents
Hill's Green.
The prospects for a lively Quesen's
Birthday are apparently very good.
A garden party will be held at Mr.
Wm Curry's, under the auspices of
the ' Fansville Methodist church,
football, croquet and other intereet-
ing games will be provided for the
sports, afterwards refreshments will
be provided for by the ladies of the
congregation. A large crowd is ex-
pected and a good time guaranteed.
Hitherto the people of this congre-
gation have always led the van in
such undertakings, and we are eure
they will not allow their reputation
to fall this year.
NoTES.—Mr A Love is busily en-
gaged in erecting an addition to his
house, Mr Welsh, of Hensall, has
the contract. Mr Jno McAllieter,
jr,, had a well attended sand bee
knit week. Mr Jas Hagan has com-
pleted the drive way in his beautiful
park. Improvements seem to be the
order ofthe day. Mr G Clousie re-
cently went on a trading expedition
to the land of Cromarty, but failed
to realize his anticipations to make
a great 11011; since this gentleman is
evidently not fitted for airline of
business, we would strongly advise
him to abstain from such practices.
Peddlers are getting a little too fresh
around here this spring, and it wired
almost seem necessary for the law to
interfere and protect our merchants
from the unlicensed rascals. Mr W
Cain, one of our most eminent horse
men, recently became the proud pos-
sessor of a foal, which as regards
breeding, is not a whit behind any
in the county. Mr Jas Love still
persists in taking those periodical
walks eastward and up the muddy
lane, and we believe the case is pros-
pering fairly well, considering all
things. Mr Latta still marches
southward, but a little farther than
previously. We are extremely sorry
that we are forced to admit that we
believe men are no wiser to -day than
they were a thousand years ago, when
"Antonius" was beguiled by the lov.
ing,smilea of the beautiful 'Cleopa-
tra. '
e store is vocal with bar-
ns. Whole -heartedness
gladsome enthusiasm in
ry part. Sprightly and
mer things wave abuut
,graceful gladness, and
'elties come each week to
the birth of some new
cy. The newest and bat
s always, and at prices
L.t hasten the selling, as
er selling was hastened
ore. Throngs of things
moring for mention, but.
will treat all alike, and
int the way to money sav-
. If it's a case of gett-
quality, and low prices
h the quality, this store
ets your needs to-day.---
u're ready to take our
rd for this, because you
wg it means just what's
. We never tell you of
ds that exist merely on
er. What we chat about
have exactly as repre-
ted. Now of Gloves.—
)kinds are here. This
will not be telling of
ry kind; too short for
t, but note some lines as
oing the story of others
Tallied of.
Ladies' Taffeta Gloves
Ladies' Lisle 'Thread Glovell
/ Ladies' Pure Bilk Gloves, Colors
Ladies' Pure Silk Gloves, Black
'Mice Kid Gloves, Colored & black
rOlsi these you may, With little
fort, think of a Superior French
id Glove, 4 button, for 75c. It's
o price for the quality and make.
but it's our price. Likeable and
Wearable aro the goods we sell • at
this store. Thn same commenda,
Von is duo on new things itBlouse
s, in washing things in wool,
ith black and navy spots on
ealn ground. .tvery young lady
is after city things* for hot
mild see our washing
otgees and "Mathes. ---
Orget these. .
Goderich Township.
NOTES.—Mr Peter Cook, who for
the past while has been living in
town, intends moving on his farm,
which bas been run by Mr Thomas
Cook, next week. While taking the
census Mr John Beacom came across ,
tour persons whose ages were over
ninety, this is an old age and we
doubt if this can be beat. A garden
party is to be held on the gronnds of
Mr John Oakes, Maitland con, on the
25th, the proceeds are in aid of
Ebenezer church, a good time is ex-
pected. Mr John Middleton lost
one of his valuablo fat cattle the
other day, one had broken loose and
gored the other to the oth. nide of
the manger,
where death- neulted by
hanging. Mr George Miller, on
going to the stable one morning, to
his surprise found his best fat beast
lying dead in the stall. Mrs George
bteep is suffering with a severe at-
tack of inflammation, her speedy re-
covery is looked for. A gang of
framers are working at the barn of
Geo Cantelon, 7th con. Mr 11 Can-
telon is carrying his arm in a sling,
the result of a severe kick from a
NoTES.—Several egg waggons in
town on Monday lass, delivering hen
frait at Mr A Q Bobier's. Mr Harry
Sam well sold 5 splendid fat steers to
Mr Wm Balkwell last week, which
weighed 8000 lbs. Prof Scott, the
noted vocalist, is busy getting pupils
for a singing class, and to cultivate
their voices. The !store of Mr A J
McTavish, at the old established
house, did a rushing trade on Satur-
day last. Mr Wm Balkwell, the well
known cattle buyer, shipped on
Saturday last, from this station, a car
load of splendid fat cattle for the
old country market. Our butter and
egg market was crowded on Satur-
day last. A large number of farmers
were in town on Saturday last, and
our merchants did a rushing business.
Mr Jno Currelley is busily rushing off
the stock of G A Hyndman, who
made an assignment a few weeks ago
for the benefit of his creditors. Rev
5 E Robinson will deliver a sermon
to the sons of England Society. on
Sunday next, in the Trivett Memor.
ial church. This plac3 presents a
beautiful appearance now, since the
shade trees have begun to show their
foliage. On Friday last our village
cows were turned out on the streets
for the first time this year, which
made thinks pretty lively. A large
number of farmers from the adjoining
'townships are drawing salt to put on
their spring grains. A large num-
ber of our citizens intend going to
-Crediton on Monday next, to spend
the Queen's birthday celebration.
Mr John T Westcott is busy taking
orders for the well know Nursery
Stock of Stone & Wellington, of
Toronto, who have 700 acres of nurs-
eryat Fonthill, in the county of Wel-
land; J T is a hustler and no doubt
will make the tree business a suc-
cess. Messrs Verity & Sons made a
large shipment of pews to Manitoba
last week.
-Mr Geo McKinley, of the Montreal
Theological College, will preach at
Turner's church, , Tuckersmith, on
Sunday afternoon.
NOTEB.—Mr Geo Crich and wife,
of Elmdale farm, are visiting rela-
tives in Goderich this week. Miss
Baker, of Goderich township, spent
Sunday with friends here. Mr 0
Crich, of Stapleton, spent Sunday
under the parental roof. We are
sorry to mention the death of the in-
fant daughter of Mr Whitfield Crich,
which occurred on Monday, the llth.
NoTES —Mr George McKinley, a
candidate for the Methodist ministry,
delighted the people of Rev Mr Cook's
church with his sermbn, on Sunday
evening last. The trustees of Hen-
sall North parsonage, have decided
to offer their property for sale, and
erect a new parsonage in Efensall or
Kippen; tenders are to be advertised
for in our columns; we believe it is
• an excellent property.
-• s'
NoTES. —Mr Wm Ivies% is still
very low, although his recovery is
leoked for. Mr Hartley and fatally
have received the tied news of the
d ath ot his eldest sod; which took
ee id St Pettl, the bonny have
th sympathy of n large circle Of
fr lids in their great Sotto*.
NOTES — Mr James Webster is
seriously ill with erysepilas in the
arm. Mrs Jos Lyons, sr, is confined
to her room by illness. Mr David
Huber, who has been running the
saw mill at Londesboro for a num-
ber of years, left this week for Ber-
lin, where Le will reside in future
The barns of Mr J McCaughey, on
the gravel, have been raised, and a
stable placed beneath. The barns of
Mr John Manning are being improv-
ed in the same way. Farmers in
this township are having good luck
with their colts, very few being lost.
There are no appeals against the -as-
sessment roll of this township.
Mr R Clendening paid a visit to
Crawford this week, and was the
guest of Geo Hattie, the bee king of
the district. Mr Clendening reports.
things buzeing down in the hollow.
NOTES.—Mr Harkness, of Chicago,
spent a day or two in the village, this
week, the guest of Mrs Thompson.
Rev Mr Potter preached a sermon on
giving, last Sunday. morning, and a
Temperance sermon in the even-
ing. Mrs G. W. Echlin and Min R.
Murdock,who have been visiting
friends in Paramount and vicinity,
have returned. They report having
spent a very pleasant time.
D G Bickle has in course of erec-
tion a very fine residence. It is sit-
uated on Joseph St, opposite the
Methodist Church. and when com-
pleted will not only be a credit to
Dave but will be an addition to the
already large number of neat resi-
dences which our village possesses,
when we consider the fact that Dave
has onlybeen in business a few
years it gives us an abundant proof
of his business ability and shows
what steady application to business
will do.
Nome—Miss Tilly, Tebbitt has
been spending a few days in the
village. Mr John Hill and , family
spent Sunday, at Mr Ed Levis'. Miss
Alice Stanley is visiting friends in
Tuckeramith, Mr Thos Britton was
around among old friends again the
other day. Mr Robinson, of Strat-
ford, is visiting at Wm Stanley's.
Mr Ed Levis and wife have been
r pending two or three days at her
parents', Brussels. • Mr W Le Roid
and Mr assby, of the Collegiate,
were in the village, Sunday. The
adjourned quarterly board met on
Monday evening last, and ended the
business for the present yeer. Miss
Addie Stephenson was attending the
funeral of her grandmother, at Kin -
burn, on Thursday.. W Stanley
sports a fine new driver, the one, own-
ed by D Purvis. A 'number of our
young -folks attended a patty last
Friday night, given by the Hisses
Agnew, of Clinton. A number of
the neighbors met and had a bee
cutting and hauling wood for Mrs
Jenkins, on Monday last. Samuel,
the third child of Mr Daniel Glid-
don, who has been severely suffering
from inflammation and erysipelas,
and of whom very slight hopes were
entertained of his recovery, is, we are
glad to hear almost out Of danger.
TEMPERANCE. -00 Sunday even-
ing last, the Methodist church was
crowded to hear the pastor deliver
an address on "The ox of Intemper-
ance." He spoek for about 40 minu-
tes, during whieh time he most clear-
ly described the evils arising from
imtemperance, using many very- ap-
propriatelillustrationeeto show to what
depths this curse will plung its v ie -
time. After the address Mr Gasby
sang 'Where is my wandering boy
to night.'
NOTES — Mr Mulholland's new
house presents an imposing appear-
ance; it is rapidly approaching com-
pletion. Miss Nelly Courtice is
spending a few days in and near the
village. hir 5 March is again off the
railroad section; he worked on it
nearly two weeks this time. Four
pupils from our school intend to be ex-
amined at the midsummer examin-
ation. The peope say — taffy is
plentiful. Apple blossom is scarce,
so is rain. Singing is grand. He
came to hun(er) up. Several of
our citizens are in Goderich, attend-
ing to District and Missionary work
of the Methodist church.
About the latter end of March
some unknown person called on Mr
Win Wilson, a well known money
lender; who lives on the 4th conces-
sion of West Wawanosh, about two
and a half mita; east of the village.
He procured a note for PO and bear-
ing ,8 per cent intertest,purporting to
be made by James Mallough in favor
of and endorsed by Thos Anderson,
two well to do farmers of this section.
-The stranger represented the he was
a son of Mr Anderson and that hie
father had sent him to get the note
cashed, whereupon Mr Wilson
handed him over the full value of
the note and one dollar extra, saying
he was in the habit of charging
only 7 per cent. About two weeks
ago Mr Wilson became suspicious
that all was not right, and upon en-
quiry learned that a clear case of
forgery bad been perpetrated. An
arrest and committal bas been made,
but no one believes that the person
accused is the guilty party.
No.—Mr Peter Wagoner le im-
proving. Mr Robt Moore, book
agent, nurseryman, etc, left for Park-
hill last week. Mr Henry D umert
is improving his residence, next to
D Steinback'e store, by adding a
new roof, and a general renovation.
Mr Edward Axt has moved into the
Baptist parsonage lately occupied by
the Rev Mr Becker. Mrs Barrett,
of London, was the guest of El J Lat-
ta, last week. Mies McAllister, of
Hills Green, was visiting at Mr Ed
Appel's tbe past week. The side-
walk going to the school is not in
the best of condition, and should re-
ceive attention when statute labor
commences. The fire engine was out
one night this week, but did not
work satisfactorily. Hay Council met
in the ' Town Hall here on Friday
last; the object of the meeting,to con-
sider the advisability of sending a
delegate to the Dominion Parliament
in the interest of Railway bonuses.
NOTES—Mr Jae McGregor still con-
tinues in very a weak state Of health.
Dr Ilia Bataan has received an eixe
tended of timea, nd will not leave for
foreign fields till the 28th of hue.
Mr John Butcheet bee had the Cellar
of hid now hotteefbeiltstlie brick work
will not be done for *eine time.
ACCIDENT. — What might have
been a very serious accident happen-
ed one day last week, while the farm-
ers and men of the place were taking
down an old barn for R Holmes,
W Ramsey, Mr Knight and J R
Holmes were carrying one end of the
plate, while the other end was resting
on a beam, when the floor broke
through, throwing W Ramsey at full
length with the plate on top of him,
though the timber was taken off as
quickly as possible be was consider-
ably bruised and is perhaps hprt in-
wardly, no bones were broken, but
he feels .pretty stiff.
It is with regret we assert that
Mr 11 B Evans is laid up with a
severe attack of erysipelas in the
face. He appears to be rather un-
fortunate, as he had scarcely recover-
ed from his very prolonged illness of
last year, and still more unfortunate
from the fact that he had just made
arrangements to enter upon the en-
gagement of an agency.
I 11Q tieVes7senlee laser
ei.eCne rap in advance
Londesboro. s .
onau—We have made arrangements
whereby the Nzaw VIIIwill reach I.zondes-
ore every Thursday evening,,instea,d of
E'riday morning, au heretofore, end eubserib-
re can obtain it that much earlier
NOTEB.—Mrs E. Medd is home on
a visit to her father, whose death is
xpected at any time. There was a
arge turn -out at the services on Sun-
day last hear Conductor Snider,
and everybody was more than delight-
ed with him; his addresses were good
and practical, Miss Dewar epent just now, Inc farmer neust sow the
J P Brown is again to the front in
the carriage line, and has already
shipped one' of his splendid rigs to
Londesboro and another to the new
livery in Blyth. Perhaps he will be
sending some doeva to the hub before
the season is over.
The Canadian Order of Foresters
is booming in Auburn. At their reg-
ular meeting on Friday evening last,
five candidates were initiated, and
there will be almost as many more
for the next meeting. Success to
Court Dufferin.
Mr John Noble, our enterprising
fruit tree agent, has finished his
spring delivery of trees, shrubs, small
fruits, etl. and he certainly deserves
credit for the energetic way in which
he has pushed his agency, and the
favorable impression he has made on
bis customers, whose orders have been
filled to their satisfaction.
The lecture under the auspices of
L 0 L No 930, which was to have
been held on Monday evening last,
had to be postponed owing to the
inability of Grand Lecturer Perry to
be present on that evening. It was
no doubt a disappointment to many
of the Brethren, who came out to
hear the lecture, not knowing it had
been cancelled.
On Sunday morning last, Miss Bar-
bara Boa'att, daughter of Mr Jae
Howatt, of Colborne, passed peace-
fully away to join the silent majority.
Deceased had been ill for a long
time, and her case seemed to thwart
the efforts of the most skilful physi-
cians.. The family have the sincere
sympathy of the community, as this
is the third time that death has en-
tered their house within the past
three or four years. The funeral on
Monday afternoon was largely at-
NOTES.—Mr Geo Rutledge is tier.
lonely ill, and but slight hopes are
entertained for his recovery. Mr
Rogers, whohas been a resident of
our village for a short time, took hie
departure for Clinton, but we believe
he hi coming back ere long to take up
his residence again here. Last Suns
day there was it public lecture given
gratis by two of the aged matrons of
our neighborhood, at one of out
chinches. On Tuesday evening tuba
a lecture will be' giv n by Mrs Piet -
ober, of Aimee tea , under the inn
0100 of the W F M °clay of gime
1•3$ yth
No, Blyth is not dead, al 000
would be lead to suppose onleekine
over this very interesting paper, on
the contrary, it has been very much
alive of late. We have bad several
sensation one after anether, but the
excitement is subsiding, Mrs sirun-
dy is quietly folding her arms and
•the query is "tvuat's next." Business
bee certainly been a little dull but
reasonable people will expect that
Sunday in Seaforth among friends.
D. S. Huber and family 'are moving
to Berlin, this week ; we are sorry to
see him leave our village, as he was
liked by:all with whom he had busin-
ess or social relations. The District
Lodge of I. 0. G. T, held their Die.
trict Meeting on Wednesday, which
was largely attended by Delegates
from all parts et the district, and the
concert, given by the local lodge in
the evening, was a success. It is
rumored that we are going to have a
new tailor and barber shop. We
noticed a number of Clintonians in
the village on Sabbath to hear Con-
ductor Snider preach. Mr J. Brune --
don was in London last Saturday.,
A dispatch from Traer, Iowa,
announces the capture of a resident of
Wingham, a hotelkeeper named Cone
over, at Traer, for forgery. Conover
was not much at home at Wingham,
and when he did come home had lots
of money. The hotel is and has been
run by his wife for about 12, years.
weeks ago, the paper e Matti that Mr
W. Flack was going ie Manitoba,
two or three months. The next they
had it, was, that the same gentlemen
was going to Winnipeg, to fetch a
lady home; the report then was he
had rented that beautiful residence of
Mre Price's ; the next thing we knew
he had taken his departure for Winni-
peg, and although the winds and the
waves were against him, he got there
all the same ; and by ie assistance
of a kind Methodist Methodist min-
ister'was united in marriage, to the
amiable and accomplished young lady
Lottie Smith, third daughter of J. L
Smith, Esq.,of Winnipeg, and arriv-
ed home sae with hie partner for life
in less than two weeks ; talk about
going around the world in 90 days ;
Arthur could easily do it in 65, under
• pressing circumstances. Our fellow,
citzen is a true gentlemen in every
sense of the term ; and we wish him
and his esteenied young wife all the
pleasure and happiness that a married
lite can afford them.
seed if we would reap the harvest,
Then house cleaning is the order of
the day; the air is rife with odd
sounds. The head of the house gees
horae, takes his dinner off the end f)f
a barrel in the wood ebed,end may be
very thankful if he gets any at all, ec,
taking things into consideration Blyth
is in line with the rest of the towns.
We were glad to see the Mammoth
house looking so bright and lovely
again, since stock taking. We believe
this firm has undergone a change,
and will now be known as McKinnon
& Co.
NOTES—The Wingham Temperance
Hall Company, who have bought the
old town hall,have had it removed to a
lot directly north, and turned it end
for end facing on Edward St, the hall
is to be fitted up in good style, and is
to be used especially for temperance
work; we wish the cause every suc-
cess. Mr John A mbler is building a
fine residence, the brick work is ra-
pidly going on by the McGregor Bros,
the building is on the corner of Joh n
and Leapold streets, and will have
a very fine appearance. Mr Smail is
building a brick front to his residence;
the stone work is now completed.
We think that in the course of a
few weeks there will not be a loose
pebble the size of a marrowfat pea
that" the young dudes off the tbwn,
will not have tapped ot the walks
with their canes. Mr H. B. Combe,
one of Clinton's popular young men,
paid a visit to Wingham the other
day ; Wingham has magnetic influen-
ces for more than one young man.
A few evenings ago a certain young
man had the pleasure of seeing a
young lady home, who through polit-
nese invited him in; after being seated
a while and conversation seemed to
cease, his mind must have been car-
red away in anticipations of future
happiness when they two would
be one; and amidst his soliloquy, said
"will you sit on my knee and incline
on my bosom";At this the young lady
became offended and pointing in a
certain direction said, "do you see
that door," he being a little sensatve
took his hat and left. Rather a 'Bev -
ere lesson young man,but a good one.
The Amateur 'Theatrical entertain-
ment in the town hall on Monday
evening last, was a grand succees.
Quite a nuracter of our town's people
attended theDistrictLodge in Londes-
boro, on Wednesday. We are
pleased to see the temperance people
taking such an active interest in the
work, we hope and trust that their
labors may soon be crowned with
success. The Queen's birthday will be
celebrated here next Monday; and a
grand day's sport is expected.
From another Correspondent.
PEESENTATION.-012 Friday even-
ing of last week a few of Mr M Beck-
with's many friends, assembled at
James McKelvie's to bid Mr Beck-
with good bye. Mr John Gilespie
was called to the chaiv, and in a few
words made known the cause of the
gathering. Mr W K Loutit, then
came forware and read tbe following
address and Mr A Sebastian made
the presentation.
To. MR. BEORWITEI—Dear Sir and Bro
It la with deep regret we hear of your
departure, from our midst, and we win -
not keit pass without showing our ap-
preciation in some tangible form. Kind.
ly accept this Forester's Pin and Meer.
admire Pipe as aSmall token of our
regard tor you as a brother Forester.—
Hoping that your efforts will be crowns
ed with suceese in your new fleld of la-
bor. Signed on behalf of Court Mait-
land, No. 25, C.O.F,
W. R. Lowrie,
Mr Beckwith was taken wholly by
suprise, and replied in a very. feeling
Manner, thanking his many friends
for the Much appreciated present,
tiesuting them that liM would always
• Mr Dougal McKellar,is we are sorry
to say, confined to the house through
indisposition; now it may be nothing
tterious, and to see him about in a day
or twee— •
Mr Herrington is moving to Mrs
Jenkin's house; and the girls are very
much exercised as to who is to oc-
cupy the house vacated by him.
Dame rumor, ever busy, hath it one.
of our fair maids.
Dr Shaw, an old and popular resi-
dent of Blyth, paid us a short visit on
Friday. night. Dr Shaw has opened an
office in Clinton, we bespeak tor him
a friendly reception,may he be as suc-
cessful ashis Blyth friends could wish.
Miss Maggie McKellar, who has
resided here for • a Dumber of years,
through ill health, bas been obliged
to go away for a change of air. We
hope her visit may have the desired
effect, and to see her back merlin her
usual good spirits.
Wait for the let of July when Blyth
will outshine everything. A Non-
sterous celebration is proposed for
that day. Firemen's tournament and
other things too numerous to men-
tion; cannot vouch for the greasy pig
as yet. See the bills though, therens
is plenty of time to prepare for it.
The social held at the residence
of Mr Re Haword, in aid of Trinity
Church, was a decided Dumas. The
weather was everything that could
be desired, and judging from the
sights and sounds it was a most en-
joyable evening, especially to those
interceded in fig cake and bananas,
4B13111. ,
24th? 'The small boys anoweera. GO
slang, Nurnhera of young .POOnln
paseen through town Wedneetlay. On
heir way to Londeeboro, wheee
district meeting of the I T wait
being held. Mr Arinitsge,of Gwent E
whineeale, Loudon, paid Blyth visit
u Tuesday, in the interests of his
finn, with all the kited novelties in
adies head gear. It is rumored that
couple of very popular and experis
nced men, in this vicinity, intend
tarring bore shortly. Mr
M. T. McKinnon, of BelgraVes Wain ,
own on Tuesday. Monday will be
bserved as a holidatebusiness pliteee
will be solond. Mr 1). Porte. ce'a
anailiar figure 18 again to he en
n our midst, wending hie way to d
from the pork packing bowies Mr
Smith, who has been in Portage. La'
Prairie for some time, returned kerne
act week. Mr Lucas, of °Alger!,
pent a few days in town with friends
ad week, he has returned home,
Mr John Staples, of this '
has new floored his house, he enter
tained a number of the young people,.
tart pleasant time one evening. tide'
Duemess-We are sorry that we are •
called upon to. state the death' of
Mrs Ralph Stephenson, at Kinistirnens,':'1
which occurred on Monday lilt,
Deceased has been in declining health.„„;.,..'„
for some time She was one of -the
pioneer settlers of the township, hav-
ing rellided in it for, a great many
years, wassa,zealousanember of ' the esss:
Methodist Ohureleeemtally as long,
and the sympathy of the cominunity-
goes out to Mr Stephenson in' hie bere„
QUERIES —Why does our Dr.seeisiss•..
so uneasy these days? He is conteen-
plating a visit to his garden in Strat-
ford. Why does Alec not like ter keepe';,,
house alone? He would rather enjoy s, P
somebody elsiee company. Why does
Frank go south so often this last few's
weeks? He is evidently dying to (Me)
learn something new. Why did one
of our villagers enjoy the best ride of,
her life last Friday evening? Beceuties
she never felt more in ernest in her ,
life. Tom has a fine farm and house.What will he be apt to ,do next? lite
will be very likely belrobin(eon) some. ,
body's home Watt does the yeturg"
man from north come out here so
often for? Perhaps be just comes for a
We have a new butcher shop
opened by Mr Wettlanffer, who pro-
mises to cater to the public in all the
latest cuts and styles. Also a new
livery, the proprietors of which drive
some nice horses. Opposition is the
life of trade. and Blyth is alive to the
Mrs Belfry is going to have a sale
of houkehold effects on Saturday,
hope we are not going to lose her, as
present indications would point. Mr
Belfry having gone to Winnipeg on a
business trip, may remain and send
for the family,should he find it to his
Our, esteemed townsman and old
friend, J. B. Kelly, had rather a
narrow escape on his trip out west.
Being in the accident on the train
near Sudbury, he jumped from the
window; with the exceptions of a
great fright and being fifty hours
late, arrived in Winnipeg as he ex-
pected, we are glad to say.
Rumor says,and we think correctly,
that one of our most popular young
ladles, Miss A Dodds, will next
month become the wife of a pros-
perous young farmer of East Wawa -
nosh, Mr W. McGowan. Both the
contracting parties are well known
and highlys esteemed, and it is not
necessary to say that everybody ex-
tends them the very best wishes for
their future happiness,
A young.man was heard to remark
One morning this week while sweep-
ing out "I mast get a wife." Now
that sounds rather doleful, and as if
there might be some difficulty in the
way. It would be a good idea like the
"Twin city quilt of Windsor" to write
up some of our young men, advertise
them as it were, they are neither
lacking in good looks or pleasant
manners, it Is bashful they they are.
[Write them up.)
Trinity church presented rather a
gloomy appearance on Snnday, but
thanks are due to those who worked'
so hurriedly that there was a covering
at all. While ehoir practice was go-
ing on Saturday evening a lamp fell
from the organ, the oil took fire,
and in a flash ran along the wook
and seats, up one of the windows, but
was soon amothered out, The dam-
age is estimated at from fifty to one
hundred donate. It was thought
that there would be no service on
Sunday, when the Rev W. F. Camp-
bell very kindly offered dis church
for the afternoon, but in the morning
when the smoke had cleared away, it
was found not unfit, though in rather
a blackened condition for wortship.
The firemen deserve tredit for the
prompt manner in which they re-
sponded to the call; in double quick
time they were on the scene, glad to
say there services were not required
in this case, shows what they can
do when necessary. Ye Men of
Huron, look to your laurels should
our company visit Seaforth in Juno.
NOrts.—A very pleasant time was
spent at the resident° of Mrs R.
Howard on Wednesday evening by
those associated with Trinity church.
The base ball teem intends giving
Wingham a .tuittle on Monday,
queen's,birtliday. . Mr Fiticlistep has
improved his already neat residence
.httee a warm feeling towatd friends bY tiathrivery Prettr porch an
and Melt/Mint furiAlted ,tinitable ' $
trent. Jr Milne and Dr Potter
fibonWowit§h,tilt m'Aetgfremws8hbabsrttiZteoen/lttrt thhaeveaphpeediiiirhojeu6oee gicirtniitige,atintulhirhorr
(0) lark.
TEMPLARS.—The good tempters of
this place are steadily increasing in --
membership. The followicg are the
officers for the present quarter: C
—James Ilinchley. V. T. -1l
Annie McIntosh. P. 0. T. — E. G.
Farnham. C.—Wm McIntosh. R. -
S.—Wm Hugall. A S—Mies Jane
Clark. F 8—Robert Staples. '1' --
Miss Flossie McGregor. W. M—
John Dorrance. D M— Mies Mary
Ann Staples. Guard—Miss Gertie
Farnham. Sentinel—Thos Dodd&
Organist—Mies Ida Britton, Miss
Ida Britton was elected Lodge Dep-
uty for the ensuing year. The delis.
gates from here to attend thte district
meeting at Londesboro this week are:
Sisters Clark, Lindsay, and Bennet,
and Brothers Coates, s Farnham,
Dorrance, and Wheatley.
• .
• Summerhill.
NOTES.—Inepecter Tom .paid an
official visit to the public school
here, on Wednesday. J II Lowery
attended the District meetingof the
I 0 0 T, held at Londesboro, on
Wednesday, he being the delegate
from the lodge here. There will be
no service in the church here on
Sunday next, owing to Rev. Met
Deihl's absence in London. Mr Jlis
Manning has beautified his premisee
by the erection of a new picket fence.
Mr H McBrien is also putting up a
new fence. Do not forget the open
lodge and entertainment to be .given
by the I. 0. G. T. on the evening of
Wed. June 3rd.
es, _ • - es-
Rev Mr Carrier, of Grand Bend,
occupied the pulpit of St Andrew -
church very acceptably last Sabhatl
This extremely warm weather, I
no doubt, making our city- Mende -
think of making a pleasant visit tee
Bayfield this summer.
Mr John McLeod, father of 'Olre
Jas Thompson; passed quietly awite
on Wednesday of last week, at the
ripe old age of 94. It is not very
often that we find the brittle cord
extended so long.
Dr Shepherd, of Simcoe, has
bought out the practice of Dr Wright,
who himselt settled here about a
year ago. We are extremely sorry s
the doctor could not stay with tes
and continue to fill the high posts " t
tions which he held in the Council
Chambers and'Society circles.
Tue MEETING.—The anniversary
of the induction of Rev Ti Henderson.
to the chgrges of Bayfield and Beth- e
any, will be the occasion of a monster •
teameeting,to be held in the town
hall, on Monday, June lat. Speeehee -
may be expected, which willbolib- e.
orally Intel -Versed with selectionrs
from the Seaforth choir. We be.
speak a grand !MUM for those) who
are working so hard in getting it sap.
On Sabbath previous services will be
conducted morning and evening by
Rev Mr McDonald, of Seaforth.
Duant.—Mr John Simpson, who
a few weeks ago fell from his wagon
while gathering wood on the beach,
succumbed east week to the °fleets Of
what was thought to be an infernal
injurr. Mr Simpson's death War
great shock to this community, as he
had always been looked Upon as a
than of strong constitution, Ile had
braved the storms for many years
while driving the Stage hettreett Bar-
field end Seaforth, and was Well
theefteht of in this sapsott7. the
Molds fethe deceased We WOO ex-
press th heartfelt eyinpathY ofsthe
vool.„ nesfregoriteritio wet; ihott itebtroterld them, tang sh ries. Aaaid
iettittaternwohou. pasty brolfeto gove ere' you *leg 0 Ipena the 454C"
' • •
• - •"