HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-04-17, Page 5KIOX
• We are advertising Clocks this time; come and see our
day, ..half hour Cathedral ,$trilge, in beautiful Walnut
rrames, at prices that are bound to sell them at sight.
J. B. Rumball & Co. t
To the Editor of the Clinton .New Era
Bur—In'your last issue Mr John
Ransford seeks to establish the error of
your Bayfield correspondent, whioh I
vorrecten the -week before. In this he
shows his utter blindness as to the
teaching of Scripture on the points in
question. Mr Ransford admits that
what I stated about Brethren is the
teaching of Scripture. Why then does
he not follow it? But no, he wants to,
have something to say in the matter,
:and asks me to do that which Scripture
fforbids. Does he not know that if all
believers of any place are brethren that
they are all to be known by one name.
Why then does he ask me to choose a
name or descriptive term in order to
-distinguish myself from other Chris-
tians? I am quite content to bear the
name given by the apostles to the
members of the body of Christ. Does
he not know that:all believers are bap-
tized into one body by one spirit, see
1 Cor 12, 13, and that God forbids
schismlor division in the body, 1 Cor 12,
25. The Lord, when about to leave the
apostles, prayed to the Father for them
'that they may be one even as we are
ane," Jno 17, 11-22. It was when the
disciples "were au with one aocord in
one place" that they received the holy
Ghost, and the first effect was that
"all that believed were together, and
.continuing daily with one accord in the
temple, and breaking bread from house
••-'--to-House-ditl-eat-their• -meat-with-glad
nese and 'with singleness of heart" Acte
2, 44-47. There we find the church as
God would have it in the world. Tho
Philippians are exhorted to "stand in
-one spirit with one mind striving to-
gether for the faith of the gospel" Phil
1, 27. Scripture after Scripture could
' be turned to, to show that all Christians
are one, and responsible to maintain
•-- the unity of the spirit. This being the
Scriptural doctrine, let me ask Mr
Ransford where he is, and those for
whom he contends so sharply? What
a contrast these teaching form with
the state of things around us. Will
Mr Ransford show me a line of Scrip-
ture to warrant any of the sects or
denominititiohs which he supports.
am sure he cannot, and that is the
reason why I refuse the word •'Ply-
mouth" when he uses it to depignate
another sect. He will:say then,but those
1 who have taken their professed place
of separation from evil, have failed;
surely they have, no one attempts to
deny this. Where in the history of
God has .there not been failure? Bet
is that any reason that I should give
up Scripture and say that God's
standard is too high, and because it
has not been kept perfectly, let it go
and substitute man's departure and
disobedience for it ? No, God has
marked out a way for His people to
walk in obedience. Our ignorance
may fail to find it, but God's faithful-
ness has not failed to provide it. Let
me ask Mr Ransford then in the lang-
uage of Scrigture, to prove all things
and hold fast that which is good, to
begin at home andaccording to the
Lor -&s instruction, to cast the beam
•ou4- of his own eye, and then not only
with boldness but with clear sighted-
ness, he will be able to help others to
clear the moats out of their eyes.
Plano, Organ and Techn,ioon, or Muse/
developer. for use of pu#ils. Rooms at
Mr. S. Hartt's, Rattenbury Street, Clinton
Mr Combes, Druggist, is now sole ag-
ent here for the sale of McLeod's Sys-
tem Renovator and other tested reined.
ies. Specific and Antidote for improv-
ing weak, and impoverished blood,Dys-
pepsia,aBronchitis, Neuralgia, Loss of
Memory, Consumption, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, Female Ir.
regularities and General Debility.
Laboratory, Godery4oh, Ont. J. M. Mc-
Leod, Manufacturer and Proprietor.
Jas. Steep,
Timothy Seed anct Clover
wanted, also Oats and
Feed Barley.
JAS. STEEP, Feed & Seed
I am selling Oil Cake for $36 per ton,
in half ton -lots, -
Good Brick House to rent on Rattenbury
St., all couveniences, five miuuteswalk from
Post Office. Rent moderate. MISS ALICE
-To Let
The Store next door to Harland Bros hard-
ware, fitted up as Grocery and Provision
Store, with large cellar and bagk storehouse
Also, from the 1st of May, the store ad-
joining the above, fitted up as a first -Claes
grocery, with large cellar and commodious
residence. Apply to• HARLAND BROS.
Oorreatgdevery Thursday afternoon.
TT Tliuroday, April 10, 1891.1i
Wheat, fall , 1 03 a 1 06
Wheat, spring 1 00 a 1 03
Oats 0 58 a 0 53
Barley 0 50 a 0 55
Fear 0 75 a 0 76
Flour per bal 5 50 a 6 00
Butter 0 14 a 0 16
Eggs O 10 a 0 10
Wool 0 20 a 020
Pork, 5 00 a 5 25
Hay 5 50 a 6 DO
Hideo, No, 1 trimmed6 00 a 6 00
Hideo, rough 3 00 a 3 26
Sheep .Sian') 0 50 a 0 60
Timothy seed 1 25 a 1 40
Clover seed 3 75 a 4 00
There was a supply of oattle at these
yards but there was not much trading
done, speculators not oaring to dive in
too heavily in the face of large supplies
The Meat Company took two loads of
choice stock at 4,1 to 5o. There were
only 100 hogs offered, and they were
taken at 54.25 to $5 per owt. There
were about 325 head of butchers cattle
200 calves and 76 sheep and lambs
offered at Ithe east end abattoir
Trade was fairly active. A lot of 10
prime steers were bought at 5o per ib,
they averaged 1,180 lbs each. Two choice
heifers, weighing 2,100 lbs were bought
at 5o per lb, less $1 on each head, and
good cattle at 410 per lb, Pretty good
stook, 'including some large bulls and
oxen, sold at from 4 to 44o per lb, and
half fatted beasts at about 34o per lb,
while some of the leaner oxen and hard
sided bulls would not bring over 3o per
lb. There were no good calves brought
to this market to-day,Prices were from
$1.50 to $6 each. Sheep sold at from $5
to $8 each and lambs at from $2.50 to
nearly $5 each Fat. hogs were rather
scarce and sold at about 5c per lb.
Farni for Sale or to Rent.
The north half of lots 51 and 52, in the 1st
concession of the Township of Turubexry,
containing 100 acres; over 70 cleared, good
rame house, barn and stable ' ; situated 4
miles from Wroxeter and 3 milesfrom Blue -
vale. Will be soli cheap and on easy terms.
Apply to M. McTAGGART, Clinton.
Cottage for Sale Cheap.
House on Mill St., contains parlor, dining
room four bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, wash
rooms and wood shed, well in wood shed.
Plenty of small fruit. Within five minutes
walk of centre of town, Will be sold at a
bargain. Apply to MRS W, MOFFETT, on
the promises, or MANNING & SCOTT 1ui "
2'o The Editdr of the Clinton Det,` Era:
SIR,—The Huron road, from the corn-
ers to the Presbyterian manse, was
never as bad in the past twenty years
as it is to -day. On Wednesday, about
opposite the residence of Mr J. McGar-
va, a farmer, driving past tlae place
mentioned, nearly had his horse seri-
ously injured, by falling through into a
mud hole up to its belly. What we
would like to see in the place of the
poor farmer, would be the Mayor and
the Road Committee in a stylish rig,
passing over the place in question.
Seriously speaking it is time that some-
thing *as done to make the main roads
inside the corporation passable, broken
stone is the only thing that will do, and
the sooner it is applied the better'
Goo(l House to Rent
Subscriber offers to rent, on reasonable
tet ms, the dwelling house at present occu-
pied by her on Spencer Street. Tnere is a
bearing orchard, stable, hard and soft water
&c., ou the lot. The house contains seven
rooms, good stone cellar, woodshed, Roc.—
Possession at any time.
• For Sale. ,
Subscriber otters for sale the Greenhouse
owned by him, on Iiurou Street. Same is
in splendid order, and would be a snap to
right party.
Also, three vacant lots near the rosidance
of Mr Hale, suitable for building or other
purposes. The lots face Rattenbury Street,
and run back to Princess. Will be sold en
reasonable terms.
Ladies, clean your Kid Gloves with
Mather's Glove Cleaner, for sale only by
Beesley & Co' Also a full line of dress-
ed and undressed Kid Gloves in all , he
most desirable shades. yr
Marble Shop and Ma-
terials for Slue
The Shop, Business and Materials of the
estate of the late W H. Cooper, jr., is still
for sale.
Offers to he rent to the undersigned. Stock
fists may be had on application.
MANNING (lit SCOTT, Clinton
I)urham Bull For Sale -
For sale, a first-class Durham Bull Calf,
aged one year. Color, dark red. Took oris
es at both Clinton and Blyth fairs in 1890
His dam, Queen of Clinton, took first prize
t,verywhere shown, except: at London, where
?he got second. His sire, vice -Consul, took
first at all the County fairs and second at
London. This calf is the making of it re-
markably fine bull, and will be *old at a rea-
sonable price, W. SNELL, lot 2010 n. 0th ,
Hullett, Clinton P. O.
Subacribnr having severed his ermbectiou
withthe inatto to his ainanyssey (1fr ends Company,
lie has been
appointed agent for the well -know n firm of
FROST & WOOD, implement mnlu'r', of
Smith's Falls, and will he pleased to till all
orders In his line, as heretofore. \\'111 A 18
keep on hand n, stork of Wit kill icn1 PLOWS,
Colter & Scutt 1)151LLH. Hist II.'ItitOwc,
RIM articles of like nature.
IlolIPseillo and Clinton
To rent, a conveniently situated house on
Rattenbury St., with every cenvenieuce, uoar
both schools. At present occupied ,by In-
spector Robb, Possession at at,oncs, Also
the house adjoining with good stone cellar,
hard and soft water, and othercouvenienc es.
Rent 55 a month. Recently occupied by Mr
John Stoneham. W. H. HINE. Clinton.
It's .ert,sv en-ottgli
-the Ball corset. That's be-
cause it has coils of fine wire
springs in the sides. They
clasp the figure closely, but
yield to every motion.
They "give", but they come .
back. So does your money
—if you've worn a Ball corset
two or three weeks, and find
that you don't like it.
Ask your Dry Goods dealer for it w
Farm stock, etc., without reserve, of •
Mr. Findlay McEwan, lot 28, 3rd con-
cession of Stanley, on Thursday, April
30th. Thos Brown, Auct.
WHITE—In Exeter, on the 5th inst.,
the wife of Mr M. J. White, Exeter
Times, a daughter.
MAL'ru ,.—In Croswell,Mich, on March
25th, the wife of Mr Geo R. Martin,
dentist, formerly of Clinton, of a son.
Farr.' Uor Sale.
That well-known and va,ua',le farm, lot
eighteen in the sixteenth conce-sion of
Goderich township, comprising eighty acres.
will be sold on reasonable terms. Has good
frame house of ten rooms, large frame bank
barn, with stable under barn, good orchard,
etc. Now occupied by Mr John Smith. Ap-
ply to the owner, MR GEORGE F. -BURNS,
112 Sandwich Street, WinHALFOnt., or to
RonsoN.—In Clinton, on the 9th inst.,
the wife of Mr N. Robson, of a son.
Bova.—In Clinton on the 9th inst.,
the wife•of Mr W. H. Boyd,of a son.
JEFFREY.—At Londesborough on the
10th inst the wife of h. B. Jeffrey
G. T. R. agent'of a son.
WA7.TERs—Tao 1SoN.—At the residen-
ce of the bride's parents, 'Zetland, on the
26th March'by the Rev John Scott M.
Mr L. V. Withers, of East Wawa -
nosh, to Miss Ada Thomson daughter
of Geo Thomson Esq:
CAMPBELL.—I11 Blyth, on 7th inst.,
Ann Campbell, aged 91 years.
HALI.AHAN.—In EastWawanosh,on the
1st inst., Mary Hallahan, aged 78 years.
CHESLEY.—In Tuckersmith on April
2nd, Isabella Esther, relict of the late
Geo M, Cesney aged 59 years and 11
BARTLIFF.—In Seafosth, on April 7th
James Bartliff, formerly of Goderich,
now of Seaforth, aged 69 years and 5
Oori.-..'In Clinton, on the lith inst.,
VV illiam Copp aged 88 years.
PARSONS.—In Exeter on the 12thlinst.,
Wm Parsons aged 77 years 6 months
WOITINC—In Exeter, on the8th inst.,
Edmund Whitfield ng, aged 82.
years. f
Says one of the best housewives in New
England, "We feel the necessity of
taking a good medicine to purify the
blood, and we all take Heed's Sarsapa-
rilla. It keeps the children free from
humors, my husband says it gives him
a good appetite, and for myself I am
sure I could never do all my work if it
was not for this splendid medicine. It
makes me feel strong and cheerful, and
I am never troubled with headaches or
that tired feeling, as I used to be."
Farm for Sale.
A 150 acre farm, being lot L•' and half of
11, on the 5th con., Hullett. About 40 acres
cleared and fenced, good large frame house,
well of water, log stable, &c. Good bearing
orchard The soil is excellent. The stand-
ing tintner is cnieily black ash and elm, now
so largely used for making furniture, and is
con;idored quite valuable. Six miles from
Clinton. Convenient to school' and church.
A large portion of the price can remain ou
mortgage Apply to SAMUEL PihH, Pro
printor, Clinton
Lumber: Limber!
^ J
Having sneered a large l)uInt ity of nem -
lnck, Cedar and Hardwood logs, and the mill
running full time, I am prepared to 1111 bi115
for lumber. front 10 to 2fi feet long, on abort
notice at reasonable rats for teal'. A
Threshing run -
ulna orderEngine
forsale she p, Corrend Tioiler in spenilenae
solicited. JAS. YOUN(l, Auburn I'.O.
Under and by virtue of a power of sale con-
tained in a certain mdrtgage, (which
mortgage will be produced on the day
of sale) there will be sold by public auc-
tion, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the
--ON —
Judge Doyle, in the Division Court at
Goderich, heard the suit arising out of
the killing of Will Ranston's fox hound
by Charles Naftel, Defendant bad lost
several sheep previously by dogs worry-
ing them, and claimed that he had rea-
son to believe that this hound was one
of the marauders, but prosecution show-
ed that on the day in question the dog
was not away from home. The case
was given to a jury, who failed to agree
on a verdict, and it will have to be tried
over again if the parties aro not satisfi-
TUESDAY, APRiL 28th, 1891,
At 2 o'clook, p. m., the following land and
premises, viz: --
Situate, lying and being In the town of Clin-
ton In tete County of Huron, beirg,eoutpos-
ed of the westerly part of Lot number 129, in
the south aide of Townsend Street, and be-
ing all that part of said lot leaving a frontage
of 66 feet inches extending troch the north
west angio of said lot, along Townsend St.
and extending the same width the full length
of said lot. to the rear boundary thereof.
On this property there is an excellent new
frame•hoase containing 4 rooms downstairp
nand 7 rooms upstairs, and a gond st.nble.—
Thee is also n. good well and cistern. The
property 1- et ntral1y located, in n desirable
part of the town.
TERMS. — One tenth of the porches('
money on day of sale, and the balance In 30
days tlu-reafter, without interest, or arrange-
ments can bo trade for part to.reunain on
mortgage. The purchaser will be required
to sign an agreement for completion of the
purchase on dayof sale. Further terms and
nsale or
• trade known pdrtietlatx r day
upon application to the undersigned.
Auctioneer 9ndnr'. Solicitors
Clinton. March 20,1A91
This spring we show an assortment of Dress
Goods that far eclipses any former efforts
and that is saying a good deal
We can give you all the popular materials, Ouch ill
HenriettaE, Cashmeres, Serges, Diagonals, Lustres iu
different qualities and in the following shades --Prune,
Heiletrope, Fawn dark andplight, Blues, Browns, Grey4,
&C,, &C.
We make a specialty of BLACK- DRESS- GOODS, and show a
range of MOURNING and FANCY BLACK GOODS that will be
hard to equal.
IX.KS sWtreiphesa.ve Woe uwt an0 tyo acrldesarofouCOLORED
aSsIKS, aintipmlaeian scoploossr,blceh, escokshaad
marked them to 30 and 35c. They are worth 60 and 75c, DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY.
5 per cent off for Cash Estate JOHN I-HODCENB
tlot; &,N -is
We are opening out a large assortment- of NEW
SPRING GOODS of first-class quality and at
lowest prices.
Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for cash
W. Saylor & Sons
5 WFT:IT,_'lOi? SF:l,i-'1�Tf]?`N" 1°OYI`I?�TI�.R
L� oat shop. We have a complete stork to choose
Your Spring Suit
From, ranging in prices that defy competition.
A Nobby Suit for $12.50, for $13.50,
for $14.50, for $15.50, for $16.50, for
$17.50, for $18.50, for $19,50, for
$20.50, for $21, $22, $23, 824, $25
It) connection we are going to sell by the yard and
cut free of charge.
Doors (Look at our Light O'Coating
Give us a trial. Fit or no sale
Walton : & Morrison,-
Remember the I SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON ;°pyo to oo er'e
Herman W.Blanchard,,ggho was
one of the loaders in the anti -slay
ery cause, died at Nepnnset, Mass„
Monday. -
Word has been received of the
destruction b5- fire of the farm
house of Thomas Wilkins, 01
Westminster, on Sunday. The
building was insured in the West-
minster Mutual. Cause of fire
Dr. William G. COlt has been
found guilty at Detroit of criminal,
malpractice in the ease of Bertha
Coultis, of Leamington, Ont, and
sentenced to ono year's impl'ison-
ment besides a lino of $r,00
4000 Worth of
Boots Shoes
To be Slaughtered at Less
than Cost
I will sell for the next 60 clays for CASH, my whole
stock of Boots and shoFs at the following reduced prices
Regular Reduced
Mens Kip Boots, o own hake $4 50
Mens Factory Boots tvllGle stock 2 50
Mens Bals and Gaiters - 2 00
Mens hand sewed Bals or Gaiters 4.00
Mens Felt Boots - 2 50
Mens Socks and Rubbers 2 70
Womens FeltFox Bals or Buttoned 2 00
WomenspolishCalf Bals or Buttoned 2 25
1 Womens Oil Goat Buttoned 2 50
Womens French Kid Buttoned 2 50
Womens Buff Boots - - 1 35
Our elegant assortment of general DRY GOODS
Prints, Dress Goods, Ready -Made Clothing, Hats
and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Nothing to equal it
in extent or variety, has ever been shown in our
That we are offering this stock at prices away
down, the very mention of which will make you
think that we must hal e made a mistake.
$3 50
1 75
1 50
1 75
2 35
1 00
1 50
1 90
1 90
1 00
WE have the goods. YOU have the money.—
We want to exchange with you, and if you will
call at our store we will offer you such induce-
ments that you will be glad to accept our terms.
All other goods in stock at equally reduced prices. Call early and secure Bar-
gains, and bring your cash with you, as the above prices are for cash only. This
is a geuuine sale as Ihave'toouat uch stock
and don't you litoo ttle mot ney. I am clearing
Our stock, and buy what you want, and we will
boch be happy.
Chas. Cruickshank
Fine Boots and Shoes
Eggs taken in exchange. Five per cent off for cash
Chas. Cariine, Next Town Hall
Notice of 1)issolatlon
Notier is hereby eiven that the partnership
heretofore subsisting between 0n, the undor-
mtlsvil ashn.s elebentthisnlay rinses 'l li1101.
s hill- f
turd cls,
foal consent. All debts owing to the Suitt
partnership, are to be raidof lio1M ir1J. f
writCowritt: & Sox, et. the village
idle aforesaid, and all shims npaiest the
said partciereh11' are to bo prneenteil to lbc
Reid Coe aft( r. ,'r Sr N, by whom the penile
will he settled. THOP C. PIC .4,111 0,
NV ltnosa
C. (1. COURTiC'5 JOHN L. c01:ItT(t'1•;.
In reference to the above It may be state 1
that the business, in all Its branches, will be
continued under tiro firm name of Cel' I1'r U ,-:
patronage extended to the old tli
)(1(l Fellows i.i1'e in51111111(•e.
The 1 11 0 IisIrl, "net-, some ,.f 1' , L,• t
nature, In if, hfc ill^,ir.cnew, :14 '1011 :1' ir:.l, r•
nal help to its memhr r,, Inuring ils members
or 41,001), 51,',0n or $•Lunn; f',00 ra<h in r,' 'r of
aerlden1- The 1,ncrvt, rate of expert,,,w i111
triet ernnnnli, under the man:wont of the
urandLodge- 1 On tan.,. The(' At It J, ",ialion,
nadir the management of prominent 11,110ll,,*,
tnu,anrts a general Life inauranee buainr.s, it
enmhines the safely of the Stock ('n with the
rheapnesv of the il.it,tals. Full government
Deposit 111 -1< -In forte, 35000; )reserve Fund,
over 10110,000: lanced Policies from $(165 t0
$10,000. with prolts. For further Information
apply to the Secretary of Clinton Ledge 1 110 F
For Butter, Lard, Tallow, Eggs-, Potatoes, Onions
and Dried Apples.
Great Clearing Sale
Stationery & Fancy Goods
Owing to a change in business, we cffer the whole of our choice
new stock -
The goods must bo sold, and in a short time, so call early.
Work Boxes and Writing Desks about Half
price. - Ten per c. off School Books
3 quires Extra Fine Note Paper for 20cts.
3 packages Extra Fine Envelopes for 20c.
2 packages Good Manilla Envelopes for 5c,
Blank Books,Extra quality,20c.per 100 page
Remember, the stock must be sold and cleared out, You
can have bargains.
tA1e= Weir
Call Early and Often.
{ Store in Searle's Block,
Opposite tate Market, Clinton
—1•T :9 V i'
T°� TElJ1T
Call for a T
i~ial Sample and get our Prices
Customers will find nor Teas evnal to any in the market, both in flavor, quality
and prices. ()ur Tea trade has stea(lily increased during the past two years,
which is a gond guarantee of the satisfaction our Teas give. We sell Teas at
very close prices. Great rednctiOns for 1, 10 or 201b lots. Just give ns one trial
and be convinced. We would also invite you to come and Seo the large amount
of Bright Sugar wo give yon for 91 Wo are going to give you the very bast
value that can be had, Kindly call and see what we are doing.
�-•y� .''W AI 4L4 "W, CL(I1�TTO.N
t7r� .