HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-04-17, Page 3rir 'Ftt 'MBAS-U.1'MS LYING IDLE ll{tzBTAKES. IN INDIA I The frequency with which the Woodstock ie • rapidl • aequtrias a name for sectaries liberaltlyy. Nog long ago Rural Dean Wade brought Upon hi.mse.1 the criticisms of some of the more stringent members of the Church of England by inviting a l'res- byterian clergyn a t to preaeh in his church, and the Rev Father Brady won favorable • opinions for himself by his kindly reference to a den-esrd Mediu- dist utinister. QW Rev t1 W Kerby, theenergetie your pastor of the Don- au: Street Methodist Church, comes out with a convert to his Church 1110 has strong Baptist tendencies, w des into the river with him and performs the rite of immersion. The young man, whose name was Brown, desired to become a member of the Dundee Street Methodist Church, but as his parents had been Baptists he expressed a desire that he should be baptised by immersion. Mr Kerby had no hesita- tion in complying with his wishes, and on Sunday last the preacher and the convert hied to the river near the 0 P R. Station. Mr Kerby, as he ex- pressed it himself, went right into the cold water "with his duds on," and made sure that the young convert went "clean under the water." (Methodist ministers have always been willing to baptise by immereion,whsn desired, but prefer the method known as sprink- ling.) 'ENJQ.Y •GQQD 'HEALTH 4042msEvos. al.)4illiar111611,ttojs Curtis eyery :kind ref , Vnhe&ithy gumor and Disease -caused from Impurity of the Blood. 14 :PURIFY This valuable remedy num Kidtley and Liver Complaints, Pimples, iiru_ptione of the Skin, Boils, Constipatlon,Biliou`liness,l..lyapeps ,SiekSteinach Loss of Sleep, Neuralgia, Pains in the Boaes and Back, Loss of .Appetite, Languor. Female Weak- nesses, Dizziness, General peb#Iity, Rheumatism. tOUR tonic, Posseis a ssing the peculiing ar merit purgative as acting well as a jowerfula8ggeent03relieviegCon on andChronio nflammetion oftheliver8t►d . 1 visceral organs. BLOOD Tis valuable preparation excites the whole system to a new and vigorous action,. giving tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease. and affords Bt protection from attacks that originate i4 :doges of the season, of climate and of life. Full directions with each bottle. Price Sec. and ${,illi. Recuse all substitutes. Prepared by H. Sppencer Case, Chem- ist and 'druggist, Ontario. King Street Wast, Hamilton. For sale by J. H. Combe ILAXSEEDEMULSION' eeMpeeND TUI: HORSEMAN Robert Bonner says $40,600 wouldn't buy A lido!, 2:20 - The only w,ty to make a stallion pay is to beep him well adver- tised. Iowa is exc911ed only by one state in the number of race tracks, she having 54 while Illlnois has 66. Kentucky has but 22. Nearly $800,000 has already been paid out for trotters this year in Kentucky. Don't expect too much of the horses at the beginning of the season, but give them some tirno with 'moderate hard work to get hardened. The Indiana Legislature has seed the bill to prevent the rifting of horses in that State. Hereafter any one entering a horse in other than his proper class or under an assumed name incurs a penalty of not more than 3 years in the penitentiary and a fine of $1,000. BRONCHIT I S New York City, Sepmt. 19 ,1888. I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well � pleased with the results. JAMES K. CIt001C,1d.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. l4tb 1889. I have used your Emulsion in a case of i'bthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where panes. could not trso Cod Liver Oil y form. J. li. DROGE, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th. 1888. I can strongly recommendFlax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen eral tonic in physical debility. P. JOHN.F. TALMAGE, M. GENERAL DEBILITY Brooldyn N. Y., Oct. 10th, 1888. 3 erior to the laud Lid ver Oil -Emulsions soax Seed Emulsion agenerallyy in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. It is estimated in the Allahabad ' average tuor•tal mallet+ mistakes Pioneer that the t1'eaaures lying idle in India, in the shape of hoards of ornaments, amounts to $1,850,000,000. A competent authority guesses that inAmritLar city alone there are jewels to the value of £2,000,000. As regards some other districts, the figures that have been furnished are not lees astonishing. The miserable waste of Montgomery is estimated to possess about 50 lakhs in orna- ments. The hillsides and valleys of Kula ate put at 3i lahks. In Jhelum two-fifths of the wealth of the district is said to be vested in property of this nature, and in Kohat, probably one of the poor- est districts of the province in this respect, the estimate is taken at 800 rupees for each Hindoo family and 10 rupees for each Mussulman family, and a lahk in the aggregate for the Nawab and other Raises, making a total for the district of 75 lahks. A labk is worth about $35,000. Prompt Answer To Prayer. - A United Brethern preacher, the Rev John R Eberly, of Lewiston, has been conducting revival meet- ings at the Brush Ridge school• house in ' this county for three weeks. The country -side for miles around is represented night- ly and intense interest is shown. The other night an amusing clim- ax occurred during the delivery of Brother Eberly's opening pray- er. The venerable minister has shown a partiality for the phrase. "O,Iord, shower down Thy bless- ing upon us," which is incorpor- ated in all his prayers. V hen this period of' his invocation was reached the audience was thrown into a condition of extreme ex- citement by the copious fall of., water from the trap door directly over the minister' stand drenching him through and through. A tem- porary check was given to the ser- vices -by -this sudden fulfilment t:if the preacher's prayer, and the tranquility of the meeting was not reestablished until an invest- igation revealed the cause of the unexpected downpour. John L Smith, a 15 year old boy, had se- creted himself in an attic of the schoolhouse in the advance of the meeting andigiven practical effect to Mr Eberly's invocation, with two buckets of water. -Lewiston Gazette. In Scotland the services of the best Clydesdale stallions are keen- ly competed for by different breeding districts. The owners of mares organize district societies and offer a premium of from $250 to $500 to secure for one season the;deairedfiorse for the mares of the' society , members. They further guarantee a certain num- ber of mares, usually 80 at stipu- lated terms for service and to in- sure foals. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St. New York, Aug 6, 1:::. II have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound in a severe case of Mal -nutrition and. the result was more than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at Large. Id. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATISM Sold by Druggists, Prloe SI .00. - FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 3S' Liberty St., New York. For sale by J H. Combe. • is so great that when the noratist bus on his blue glasses be can see but little else. Mistakes loons, up at every turn. From those early days when we committed the well nigh immortal blunder of "getting out of bed wrong" to the latest years of life, be they ever eo long, the pessimist sees mis- take after mistake, increasing in number, and self increasing like the children's snowballs made from the soft, adhesive spring- time snow. Mistakes of judg- ment, mistakes of ignorance, mis- takes of carelessness, mistakes of affection, and mistakes of selfish- ness, each and all, are continually knocking at humanity's elbow, and even the wisest admit firet one and then another, until the gamut of misfortune is repeated over and over again. From the moment when humanity begins to think and to reason, its blunders begin. Even farther back than that is a poor mortal handicapped. A man inherits his tendency to make mistakes as surely as he in• herits his personality. From one ancestor he inherits the visual angle, from another the mental angle; another contributes the spiritual, and ygt - another- the physical angle; and thus hamper- ed, each human- being endeavors to focus his outlook upon life be- fore him, to adjust his intentions, to gauge bis advantages, and to prospeot hisresults. Small wond- er, then, that many a discouraged soul finds life itself but a mistake. But the Creator has implanted the tiny seed of help, the source of hope, the means to untangle the fateful skein in each, heart. -The saving capacity of learning from mistakes is given to even the humblest. In it are hidden powers of growth which unfold in direct proportion to the constancy with which we use this capacity. What a hopeful fact itis to know that daily; -hourly -we -can balance our intentions and our acts against our mistakes, and find out the lack-weightl What a joy it is to know that our scales possesses the ,magic power of becoming stronger with each act of weigh- ing, and that our own perception of balance grows daily finer•, and that the weights, the abilities, and the powers of our nature grow daily better fitted to our skillful use! A famous journalist and phil. osoppher once replied to a -critic who had ferreted out an undeniable blunder "Yes, I know it's a mistake,' and I made it; but; I always make new mistakes!" It is depressing to make the same mistake repeat- edly; but when we try to learn from past blunders, repeated mis- takes become fewer, and we soon begin to feel that optimistic cour- age which is the outcome of con- scious but new mistakes. A Ger- man aphorist expresses this idea • of-developme nt fromour blunders a little differently, but with the same courageous, hopeful spirit: 'Every ore errs, but he is a fool, who loses himself in his mistakes We may never live one day free from blunders, but if we lose not our preception of what we have said, or do not becomd�bv�ildereJ in the maze of our motives, or astray i.' the result of our deeds, we have no need to be cast down. John Morris, of Morris Park, N Y has launched ]ut in a new branch of horse business. On his Texas ranch he has 800 mus- tang mares which he hap bred to thoroughbred horses. The foals to be of these unions are then bred to trotting horses of standard breeding, and this, Mr Morris thinks, will result in the produc- tion of a perfect saddle horse, for which there is a great demand. The experimAnt i' a novel one _and may pro' e- a sucees&r - - In an article in the New York Sun on horse life insurance the statement was made that of 704 insured horses in New York that bad died in the -past five years 183 died of c )lie and 77 of inflammation of the bowels, more dying from these causes than from any other two causes given. A correspon- dent inquires the reason for the great mortality from these dis• eases. Dr Liantard, a veterinary surgeon, says, is the improper way horses are fed. They are allowed..to get very hungry be- fore food is given to them and they overload their stomachs while eating in too much of a hurry. The horse's stomach 15 comparatively small and digestion is not rapid. Other causes of colic are aneurisms and embolisms of the heart. Inflammation of the bowels arises usually from im- proper treatment in cases of simple and complicated colic. In a word, horses die most frequent - SCOTT'S\ EMU 10 ', DOES CURE CONSUMP1ION In its First Stages. 1 Palatable as. Milk. 1 Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at 5oc. and Shoo. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville. Minard'aLiniment cures garget in oow ARENOT aPI* gative Medi - eine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and RECON- BTRUCTOR, as they supply in a condensed form ti'e substances •+,•i;;nlly needed toen- ri.:h the Blood, curing ° ,ii-reasee corning � (e1 noon and 'Wei hLoOD, or from r1:D HUMORS it '.:,COD, an& ales ; r,1to and Bocri c,• rho BLOOD ant s•,,1! -it, when broke). dozen by overwork, meatal worry disease, excesses and indisere- tione. They have a SPECIFIC ACTION on the SEXUAL SYSTEM of both men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR and correcting all IRREGULARITIES and SUPPRESSIONS. • STAND YOUR GROUND). When you make up your mind to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be induced to buy some other preparation instead. Clerks may claim that "ours is as good as Hood's" and all that. hut the, pe. culiar merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla cannot be equalled. .Therefore have nothing to do with substi- tutes and insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparllla,the best blood purifyer and building up medicine. ly from overwork, which causes aneurisms, and from colic, caused The Globe's Montreal eorres- by a form of indigeston, the result pondents says: -There was a fine of to fast feeding or overfeeding. demunstation Thursday morning. at the Grand Trunk Railway station of what a restrictive trade policy is doing for the Province of Quebec. One hundred young Frencb-Canadians, men, women, and children, comprising whole families, were leaving their native land. The party was recruited in the rural districts, and was on the way to Lynn and Lowell, Mass. They carried with them all their effects, and parting with their friends was an affecting scene such as can be seen at no other place in the new world. During the hour they had to wait for a change of cars I made a canvass of the men to ascertain the causes for abandoning their native land. They all spoke sorrowfully of their' departure, and admitted that noth- ing but stern necessity would com- pel them to leave their homes. They said that things had been going from bad to worse, and see ing no hope of any melioration of their condition they considered it useless any 18ngor to struggle aerainst their fate. They crops had not been a success for three years, and since the advent of McKinley tariff what little surplus they had was unsaleable. They found that the cost of living had at the sante time increased and their children were obliged one by one to enter the factories at nom- inal wages and amid surroundings not $ conductive to morality. Other members of their families had preceded them to the United States and had come back to tell of' better pay cheaper living and EVERY MAN WIIo finds bis mental fae- nines dull or fairing, or bis physical powers ttageiug, should take these PILLS. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental. EVERY WOMAN should take them. They cure all sup pressions and irregu!ariwes, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. YOUNG MEN HERE LIES ! Epitapby is a demoralizing kind of taffy. It appears on the tomb- stone, and eulogizes the dead al- most, to the very stars. The usual- method of beginning, 3d 'Here lies.' Very suggestive, for the lies are frequently quite as- tonishing -almost enough so to both amuse and amaze the dead of whom they are written. A truthful epitaph, in many in- stances, would be: 'Here lies one who= omitted to take Dr Piel-ce's Golden Medical Discov- ery.' If sick and suffering, and dreading premature death, test the potent remedy. It cures all chronic, liver, blood, and lung diseases, as biliousness, skin and scalp diseases, scrofulous sores and swellings, salt rheum, tetter, erysipelas, and oven scrofula of the lungs (or consumption) if taken' in ti me.• should take these PILLS. They will cure the re- mits of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. YOUNG WOMEN make theta regular. shonld take them. These PILLS will For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt o1 price (50c. per box), by addressing MSE DB. WILLIAMS' MED. CO. Brockvti ,+tt ail `'•� �:-•‘,. t .,. L. �' Snug 5,1Ie WMunn hese Urges medal - To wee,end ' o .Tn. tionn, Toledo 'Ofd. . See eat, °there ere doing••well. Why of your Some sem over ea00.00 • oneh. You eon do the work and lis. et home, wherever yon aro. E•en be- ginner* ere wily earning from es to 10a day, Alf eeee, W. show you how dud ftart you. Can work in a eretllne OM the time. ISg money for werh- Namontem. EW end wondns Failure e fu1 P•rtice ere true, IS.liulltltt die 00 Portiane,maine CAST s RIA for infants and Children. eeCntsrlsiapwenadsp/W Isdiddresthatl l neoomnl.ud nos superior to as. Ptd iii known dvmalt aA.Amami, 3LD.. 113 Bo. bawd t. Brooch t N. T - Qeslsels eaves Collo, Coastipacton, Baro' Stomach, Diarrbces. Nruotatice. >Cl ILHWiioram�,a, gives aleepe :ad Pma ` lilligai WotiooQIOdiL�eties' COMPANY,Tug OMIMMIOL 77 Murray Street, N. Y Rumball's Carriage Factory, Why llot doyour owe. Thilliti? Brussels, Feb. 7, 1891. J. M. McLEou, Goderich. Dear Sir, -Fifteen years ago last No- vember I started to doctor first. I was treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped me any. At times I •suffered greatly from indigestion. I turned to be - dropsical. Limbs and body swelled badly. You know what I was like when I went to Goderioh-a mere wreck. Could hardly walk, suffering from Bright's disease. A year ago last fall I .began your Renovator and Speci- fic cure; took the medicines steady for three months. I began to mend right away. But if yon saw me now, well and hearty, eat everything that is going. I owe you the praise of saving my life. I was in a' hopeless condition when I went to see you. In fact no person ever thought I would get better. I can not speak too highly of you and your medicines, for it was them that cured me. Words cannot express my thanks to you. Freely pass my name to any one. Yours, &o., • •-cloasas DUNCAN. On the occasion of Mr A. Matheson leaving Stratford to as- sume the duties of bursar, to which he has been appointed at the institution in Belleville for the education of the deaf' and dumb, he was made the recipient of a handsome silver service, suit- ably engraved, and an address from his fellow -citizens.. The presentation was by the hands of the mayor. Mr Matheson, who carries with him the good -will of people of every shade 01 politics, made a feeling reply. For over a quarter of a century he has been a resident of Stratford, and for nearly twenty years has owned and edited the Beacon newspaper The new proprietors Messrs. O'Beirne & Abraham, have taken bold vigorously, and promise al- most at once a lively evening paper. SUDDEN CHANGES. A cold or exposure, may cause the poisonous acids in the blood to clog its circulation. This ie rheumatism. Clark's Lightning Liniment will stop the pain at once. It should be taken both internally and externally .if the attack is severe, and it affords instant relief. If the pain appears again, it shonld be met with the same treat- ment, until a euro is affected. This wonderful preparation has worked some remarkable curos among rheumatic sufferers. Where once tried it is al- waystnsed after. hold by all druggists; price fifty cents. (.'lark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. new prosper' in the land of their adoption. Tey said there was a gener.1l uprise gin the rural dis- tricts, and that such an exodus would take place this spring a s has not been known in times of peace in this country. They de- clared that no scheme of repatria- tion could bring them back, and that if ever they returned it would bo to persuade more of their countrymen to follow them across the line. Nature requir©s aid in con cot- ing irregularities at this season, and for both men and women no other remedy equals Dr Williams' Pink Pills as a spring blood tonic. They supply all the constituents necessary to enrich the blood and build up the system. 'Sold by all dealers, or sent post paid on re- ceipt of price -50c per box o' five boxes for $2- by add, es- No other preparation comp •os Changes for contracted advertlae• With them as a liver pill. 'They. henttvoe kens boes,ble to insure a dingo sing Dr Williams Medicine Go, p i; Brockville, Ont, are gnaranteed,and ono ie a dodo. hat week. Chicago, Nov. 21, 1890. J. M. McLEon, Goderich. Dear Sir: I have just finished your System Reno- vator last night. My ease was chronic. Send me another bottle. The Renova- tor has done me a great deal of good. Every person I u.eet remarks hoer much my complexion has changed, and the expression of my eyes is so different; I gained much in flesh. I cannot express how much better I feel. In other res- pects I improved also. Youre, JANET CAMPBELL. Above Remedies are sold by JamesH. Combe, Druggist, Clinton. 3 I-Iuron Street, Clinton Do you want a first-class COVERED or OPEN BUGGY, got up with the very beat material and finished in a workmanlikesmanger; or do you want a daisy, easy. riding ROAD CART; or even an excellent, well-built LUMBER WAGGON or DEMOCRAT; because if you do, come and see the subscriber, who will supply your wants on very reasonable terms. We do not allow any slouch work, or poor material to be used, so that people may rely on getting an article just as it is represented to be. FINE BUGGIESdour specialty. REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended to. F- 13,U M13.4-1_41.4, CL N -PON PAINTING The undersigned is now at liberty to do anything in the way of A SPRAIN OR BRUISE Should be wrapped with a linen cloth wet with Clark's Lightning Liniment. The pain will leave instantly, and the swelling rapidly subside. Nothing known to medloal science will afford such speedy relief and cure, and there is no other remedy that gives the suf- ferer such quick satisfaction. Where once used -always used. Order from your druggist. There is only one Clark's Lightning Liniment; price fifty cents. Clark's Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. NEWS NOTES. CLIN1 ON RAILROAD TIIIE TABLE 'Issued May 1st. The departure of trains at the several stations named, is according to the last official time card: CLINTO N Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West 7.43 a.m. 10.05 a.m. 2.25 p.m. 1.20 p.m. 4.55 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 9.27 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Division Tho McHale Bill which prohib- its the wearing of tights on the stage and compels the wearing of at least a short shirt, has been passed by the Minnesota Senate. The first locomotive to pass through the Grand trunk Railway tunnel under the St Clair River, did so Thursday evening, making the run through the tunnel from the Canadian to the United Status side and then returning having, a a flat car attached to it. The run back from the United States side was at the rate of 15 miles an hour. The track was in- first class shape, and everything work- ed smoothly and satisfactorily. Tner•e was a large crowd on hand to see the first engine commence the trip through the tunnel, and whistles blew from all quarters. On the United States side the cheering from an enormous crowd and the screaming of the whistles welcomed the arrival of tbo party. "''WO SOULS WITH BUT A SINGLE THOUGHT." As they side by side, they sighed. 'Ob, my idol t' ho said and then idled. 'Dear Luke,' said she as she:looked,'I will wed thee if thou wilt,' and he wilted. The honeymoon passed in an excess of joy. Excess in eating rich food brings indigestion, sick headaches and frequent attacks of dizziness. Dr Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets will fied advertisements and legal adver- tising, 10 cents per line for first inser- euro all these. They aro tiny stlgar•coated and easy to swab W. tion, and 8 cents per line for each sub - Tient insertion. sat Going North a.m. p.m Wingham ..11.00 7.45 Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 Clinton 10.00 6.45 Brumfield9.42 6.26 Kippen 9.34 6.17 Hensall9.28 6.09 Exeter .. , 9.16 5.57 London8.05 4..25 Hous, and Sign Palilting1 Graining, Paper Hanging,'Kalgomining, &c At reasonable rates, and on short notice. Satis- faction guaranteed. Shop on Rattenbury St. HORSEMAN Can get their Route Bills, Cards, &o., printed on short notice, in first-class style, and at reasonable rates, at the office the LflITO}T SEW EEL Good Cuts to select from. OF BOTTLE 1 URE FIT I GIVEN AWAY YEARLY.' When 1 say Cure 1 do not meat merely to stop them for a time, and thei have them return again. 1 MEAN A R A D ICA L C u R E.„ I have made the disease of Fit) Epilepsy or Fall 7,g Sickness a life-long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Cure thr, worst cases. Beca1 Ise others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send a14 once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express an Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure yon. Address: -M. O. ROOT. MAX, Branch Office, Ike WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. Going South a.m. p.m. 6.50 3.40 • 7.05 4.00 7.18 4.15 7.26 4.25 7.55 4.45 8.15 5.04 8.24 5.12 8.32 5.19 8.50 5.33 10.15 4.45 D'Avignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION.. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face nd. hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. , t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thiesnperior pre - elation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col - sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In sehort D'AvIoxoB's CREAM or Wnrcn.HAZELis at once a remedy and a preventfor very form ofsnrface inflammation_or.irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by JAMES H. 4i403133E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. CLINTON, ONT The Clinton New Era Ispublished every Friday Morning by the proprietor, RonT. HOLMES, at his printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin- ton, Ont TERMS. -$1.50 per annum, paid in ad- vance . . JOB PRINTING in every style and of every description, exeouted with neatness and dispatch, and at reasonable rates. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person or persons who take a paper regularly from a post office, whether directed in his name or an- other's, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. " 2. If a person orders his paper dis• continued he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and then col- ect the whole amount whether the pe- er is taken or not. 3. The Courts have decided that re- fusing to take newspapers or periodicals from thzt 1 ost office qa removing and eavin ; tnem uncalled fl5r prima facie evid, nc c of intentional fraud ADVERTISING RAI ES. LocAI. Noncxs-At head of local column, 10 cents per line or portion thereof, each insertion. Articles lost or found, girls wanted &o., not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each inserton. Five lines, 50 cents for one insertion, and 25 cents for each sub- sequent insertion. Houses to let or for sale, farms to rent or for sale, stray cattle and all similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines $1 for one month, and 50 cents for each subsequent month. Advertisements without specific in- structions, inserted till forbid. Special dontraot arrangements with business men. General advertising rate for unclassi- COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cet brated ORGANS free, with one Package of Jame. Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing a Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store 't Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors to t Great Huron Central Exhibition N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL ADAMS' Emporin Haying returned from Toronto, I am prepared to offer the public a line assor ment of goods at prices very much below the regular values. Many of the good will be sold at and under wholesale prices. as they wore bought at a heavy Cil count, and I intend to give my customers the benefit. The stock consists of Tweeds, Dress Goods, Flannels, Wool Skirts Linings, Shirtings, Table Linens, Towels, Towellings, Storm Collars, :Mantle Cloth • Jersey Flannels, &c 1 cannot here mention all the Goods and Prices. but will give a few. $1 Tweeds tor 75 cents. 15c Shirting for 12 cent 75c Dress Goods for 60c. $5 Storm Collars fcr $3.6 75c Jersey Flannel for 55c. .$2.50 Storm Collo" $1.2 And other goods in proportion. We will sell Cheap Caen or Produea1 t`it will not hesitate to trust parties who pay 100 cents on tno $, if they require i We expect this to be better than other years. Our goods are right-onr prix just. So come right along and be convinced. No need to pay 65.50 for pan worth 84, or 40cts for Rubbers worth Sdct Wishing you all te prosperous ai happy year. I am, reapeetfnllyo•,rs. R. A DA M S. LONDESBQ !t