HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-04-17, Page 2�,,...�,,.. _ ,
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�',�i,tTT?tl�7�'"� ,��.���� '17� 189k, , _ _ . . .. ,:. ,., .----_T _ .- .--
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� ? ' 1�� uox �hi�)c ma �n#inc� tn ppe�ic f�4a� ;: 't �6ii�ici�� �ar ��j,iq,u�e o� t�o' ��,�e; �P�i� anx�'ad �t he� wet� f�oolc .'sHa�r ily� khe le�a� de�eirpi�► a;F
' � ��--�-.-�. $a �taia�l�. �� i�a ����er �o il�. �ruv in sil d9�,�w�iile G'r�a���, n�et�ed �?41rQ sn,d �!i�1,del� up�.;i�i�g �rtai�e �n, ��oa� o� �� dp Q� Q� ��ve. �q�d f►�t��,�� �� ��,�a
�"'.� R ; �,j� wban� �u �e� �o�; ���e �aaea hQ�e�., ,�, �10�1 t� �er, �Qo x,red t� th�.n� aG +�hi� t�ude�, Uo��v��, �r�w s a.ta�t I;��q�tvao, �a�.hex �u�kity, �
� 4!�! ��M�� ,#"!'��, ,�he,q� you lo,qe �q.�,a o,u� el��, �,ll, bu4. �rniit�� i►�:pn u,it�l.ea� �ctrt Of fo.,�r he� pn tl�� b@axw.� �:_ Q,d tl�4 '�beu hat �� t�p tp he istar
a ,�� � � � � y
; "�"'� ° • de+a ir �ad al eq �r a s ra i�,' W� p , eT� �aC: do�aa and, ��,�itip,cx��r�lg Q� #�a blaol�,�p�,t�'� ao�q.�.a xer� �d
� , K p� �Q ep�u�� �� e�� tE �ge�7r � we I�np �p atafa�a4�archiut� o� t4e 'epre�,d aut b�� froza�t fia�@te,.tg the� h�story, whioh� �eeq�. ua� �e, �aitten
:, ,� h1QI���v�7', E.i'TGFLX,3.Ei14t¢N n�,tn�l$d; . Tbat re wl�at+make� �.au �t,h�nk, I+tG�ag�ct, tGat t4� truth t�1,pz�. `
�.ere: x�►�. a�an. �ga,� aop� epid�eutly
,. ep, (�si��ve, aq mer.cties�, QP iG !B tI11R� enid 1,1�1r� Tr�mx.i�,n aE ��You wanted to e�e q�Q�'� �18�yli .itpr� illr �t�d �sQta Att�, 4�� �1t to ���e�`E
6` �-- GI.adYe e,ye� 6a$}��d� l�s�, «T thiui� You b.�ed ��ood ds�ak +Do�ox�►u.• r'�'Vha� �yea xt �boqt?'� ��9��wi,t� u,c� �et�� ��ise i4at� �i��
s} � „
�ix .�.pz�e Lxnr.z,. ..'�I might v���,l be augry with yau, of in�ivattc� w4Eh Dpmovan; you were ��pl�a, i� araa ��►ther, air." �' 4ltild; a b�;# h�e�' bssl �4uaht aiqat
��ublished b�vm. r o �tephec�, fo�.durtng ta s�y #�nFr; but �,Ipqo�G �h.� ,�r�� wamat� be had "What ia �o�tr� fatbec'a nauwe�" tbe.i �e� vF bein ov�d to � ho •
Y ,B y e, Toronto, .
8..1� a�
einca yau wiah it I will tel! you knowa weP, aed you. sv.eis a good s��nuith, eir, sud plesa� ha i� very pital b�oaqee he conld not endure
CO�TfiIN�JE�, p quite piaialy why � can,npt love you det�T throan taget6er. �'or tE�e i11 with eomet4iqg in his ineide, �k�,tho.a 6t pf leavin littla G�ad e
� ic� ;,he way you wiah. • The wan I�fiQ�e�t he has pdEaed �way out oP and ba wants to eari you." al.ona, ar of havi4g her semG to tbe
t�he fo.�tnd heiaelf loeing self• lova must Le true ahd strong, faiph• otir lives--yoa Irnaw how aorry I "BuL I arn nab a daotar; he u�q�t work �ouse. Dopovau o@'ered Eo
cautiol, ,and driftin� iuto uaore ful to hia frienda, snd n�eroiful to am for it; it ie qnite 6ia Qwn doing get the parieh dootor." pay her axpensea down to PorE�ker-
o��n�tau� ihoughts of Doaovan than hia enemi�ra; he maat be ao noble .-.. but whether che dFparatian is "Oh ! pleaae, it ie not for hi,e in- ran, but eveu thst e�eouesi intoler-
she aausidered rigbt; nor were 6er and eelf denyiqg that I st�all be able torever or not I chink yoa may have eide be w�nte you," eaid the qlf, eble to the pooc man; ae lou� ae he
i'eminina occupatiooa eo helpfu! i►� -�Q loo� np to hia� as my h�ad--my this oomfort, t6ao w6atever in yaur tooking frig6toned. Iived he could nut make up hia
tbe dit�icult mental battln ae Lis lord--ae naturally in the lesser de- love �vas trae snd unsel6sh wiii not "VPhac doae Le weut 4" �I� mind to part with her. Nor �vonla
winc� en�eoasing studies. ' gree ae I look to G6riat in the be wz�ated, bat will nlwaya laeE. I '°P�e�se I do npt �naw, k5ut he he let Donovsn write to his father.
A� cboy went horoe thaG night �reater." do not think it very likely t6at he said 1 wae to pek D!Ir Fetrr�nt to ��rJot now. Do pot write ttow,"
from Jp6� �.�xla's Ieature, ic chanced "If you set up an ideal ohar�cter will coma here again, ond even if he coma." be urged; "it would only mak� the
tl�ut Far the Krst tiwe aiuce her. ar- l.�i�a t6at,of courae I have no c6ance," did, you will perhaps find it sll �'B�ib I do not know your fnther; old msn wi�erable; wait till I am
rivxl .Uonovau'» name wxa rneution- exid 9teE�hen, wii� a very creat fatl� qui�e different, aod t�ave a cold ; 6e 6ae aot been at St Thowae's, has either dead or better. Do you
. P'�• eu axr. wakin� f.�m yovr drearn." ` he4" , thin'a t6ere is a o4snce of my get-
"Wha6 a� pity }ou could not "It is not I whQ set it up," eaid ��Tben aught I not to tbink of , "No, sir; t;ut pleaae do come, for ting betterZ I ehould tike to ma�e
huva done g,od f�r �� il," sig6ad Glad�e, a littla impatiently. "I3ave him 4'' he will be dreadful vexed if you do a fresh start."
3�Tre Cuustou� "aad inducsd that pou forgotten wi�at �t. Paul said 4 ��Z thinl� you should not allow not;' aud ber eyes filled with tears. �/Thare would bs e very good
�+oor d+unk:+rd who challenged you 06 ! Stephen, I do not want to veg yourself to believe that he is ia love '°Do not cry," edid Donovan. "I chanco for you if you would go to
in �he eprinb to corna to this lec- you niore than I ueed, buC iade6d, �with you. No waman hae s right � witt come with you. Is it far4 You e� I�ospital; y.on oan noL be E�ro��er-
ture. I fear t6era ia no chance iadeed you must not speak af thie to think that till a Qiaa hae actua�ly E wuet show me the way." ly naraed here. Ti�inh over it,
that nonovaa Farrant would take again." aeked her to be hie wife. Put Tbey aet uff together, Douovaa end I will see whether I cannot
him to h�ar auch a man." "It ie all very well to talk about away tbe ael6sh eide of the question takiag the elf under hie umbrella, Snd eome one in London who would
�, �:' ".i shouid rather thinic aot," eaid � not vexiag we, but you are taking altogether, but do not make your- Eo her unapeakable pride and de- looti after your c6ild."
� Scepheo, unpleasautly. bway every bopa I have," eaid Bte- eelf wiaera5le by trying to kill the ligbt, and Waif soberly trotting at «zf ehe could come Co spo me,"
"Oh , but be ie a greaL temper- f>her►, ��eculantly. You giris will epirituat part of it. However muci� theie heele. eaid Trevethan, wistfully.
a�qCe adr.ocata;" said Gladys, thaak- never Irarn how much you have in you have been miataken, chare wa� "And how did your fether know So Donovan left, promiaing ,�o
ful Lhat ia t6e darknees her burn• your power. Wit6 you to help me, moat like!y a bit af •the re�l truth where T lived, do you t6ink 2" he look in sgai� the. next eveninb and
_ in �cheeks could not be noticed. 1 mi�+l�t erhspa grow betterl be- in your love do_not be afrnid of ae�ed, ae they orosaed �Veatmiaster talk thin�a over. '
•'He was, wy dear,"eaid Mrs come t6e paragon of perfection you keepin� that; no one.need be asham- Bridge. �here wsa evidentTji no tiwa to%e
Uaoaton; "biit you must remen;6ee wish; but if you tiirn away from ed of the pure, sptntual, endlese �°Please he had Lt all weqte down loet. FIe thought the matter over
' Ize ie ;reatly cl��nged since you �e," side of love; and T ehould be eorry on a card, and he can read very as he walked home, and euddenly
knew him, and he is living wich a $e paueed. It di�l uot gtrike to thinl� that Donovan ahouid be well, andeed, faEher can." �, arriving at a poseible solution of the
Enost disreputable coropanion." Gladys junt at that minute what a deFraaded uf it. You may do more Big Ben etruok ni,ne, and tb`ere difficulty, he turned iuto the etation
Her heart beat so indignantly at ati•ange mannec oF inaking love it for hi�n even noiv, Gladys, tLan you w'�t�h a reeollection awol�e in Dono- inatead of goipg on to York Road,
thi� that ehe fett almost c6ot�ed; wae; bitt her clear comn�on aense thinl�." . van a mind, a fierce struggle whieh took e, ticket to Gower street, and
but seeing that she was loaing her showed her that to vieid to sucb an �•If we could find out tl�e truth," he had oncer $ad just on that spot, was soon making bis way to the
�pportunity she quieted herself ar;ament—even had it been pos- $igbed t�ilad3•s. ��I am sare S�ephen a sigbt af Stephen paesing by, a Uawonds.
�vitl� an effort, �tnd asked gi•avely, eibla—would have been exceedine- has somehow niiiled us." hurried purauit to a wel] known
C6arlea Osmond was at ohurch,
Lut qaite nati�rally: ly foolis6. '°I would not worry about Lhat," billiard saloon, sud a stran;e re- but $rian and bSrs.Oemond were at
"llonovan is still at the hospital, "you may he rigLt, Step6en.," �eplied Mrs Treniain. °cYou eaanot coguition ot a Uornish face, He y�ome, and were quite ready to 6ear
t su��pose� llo you see a.nytliin� ut �i�e aaswered. "Perhaps we have eift t6at matter to the bott.om• and had written 6is addreHs on a ca�d
» > , the stor of the sick man.
Lin� now. more in our power than we know; I do nat tbinl� it is ver aood for of c�urfle! He remembered it wetl � 9 ��
"I see I�im," snid atephen, '°but but I don'L think it ever can be � b ` Another portege for you s�sid
of course we're not on s eakin you to dweli upon it. On1y bo quite now. This must be a n�eesa�e frorn $rian, laug6ing,, "and of courne a
p � right for a woman to marry one eure of thia, that the rnora pure and Trevethan's aon. ne'er-do.weei."
ter�is." � whom she cannot look up to. You unselfish and trust£ul yo�t cry to The e1f did not speak sgain, but «Birds of a featLer flock togellt- �
"]t is much better t6at Soii and I have been frianda—old play- become, the better you wil! be able led bim down Horseferry [.oad iBto er," said Donovsn, suniling. '°�'Pe
' slroutd have uothing tnore to do -�lkrws�€ee �esrs, � bat, thaugE�-ot'- to �tel >-him . e�en. i� never sa Qn�_ of the moat horrible oE .the �
wich him," eaid M�s Causton, sol- Qourse I wish still to be our frien3 � ' � -� -�- -- -� --> have a naf,ural affinitv, you see.—
y , hi�n again. ihe side of loce you Westmiaeter sluros. � tool�` thn The reat difiiciilt ia a6oiii� the �
en�nly, ana she added a text which I canuot sa that I ve: much re- g � y
Y Y ruuat cultivate does not depend a�ion precaution of pici:ing up Waif and child• I do not know a�hat ie to Ue I
seemed to her appropri�te, but � ect ou. Don't think I want � '
.vhich drove Glad s iu�o a white p y sigh,,, or time, or place. H'ave I carrying bim undar bia arm; he was done wit6 her." �
y you to be a paragon of perfectian; heen too hard on you, littld one'! his ouly valuable. They were un- <<�,ye might �e6 her into sonie I
}iot pasaion—dumb perforce. but after last autumn I don't think does it seew very difficult 4" �noleated, hawever, and the child, bome " said Dlrs Oemond. "I kno�v
All this time she was far too you can—" '� "It is alwaya hard to be good," tutnin into a forlorn lookinn house '
n�uch absorbed to notice an im• He interru ted ber. + � � � one oc two where sl�A would be
endin danner. The ds s dra� ed « � saic� t-ladys, with chitd•like lool� in led the way up a ateep and dirty' 6appy."
� P g b y ag It is cruel to biing up past ber face which hsd firsc awakened etaircase, and turning a door handle «$ut she would not be ailowod
on slowly; she cared for the viaite, �istal�ea against me. Donovan's love; °'but I will try, aud ahowed Donovan into a erfectl ��
pictura galleries, and concerte only I don t wis6 to do so• but I am � y to �o and see her fatber . said
" � , you will help me, motl�er. i am so �larlc room redolent of tobacco. llonovan "And it would never do
iu so far ae they brought her into afraid, till you can think of them lad ou know," "Here is the entleman fatber
closer proximity with St. Thomas's, $y aomething deeper than mistakes, � y ,� � � to ao�arac6 tlrero• the child is the
However xn +r sho mi ht be with In anothor hour sue was sleeping give us a light,' she said, gropin� �reat hope for him."
b Y g yoa wil! yourself oftan reroiad as a3 �eacefully as littIe Neata; but her way in.
he�seli :�t nigt�t fur liaaing allowed of tl�em. Hosv can uu reall for- ro ar r,o�Tt:vt�N:n.
her chou��ht� tuo mucL 1►bert the � y her mother had a very vvakeful A marcl� was etruck, and Dono-
b Y� oike thom till Sou are really sorry�" ����lit, tl�inking ovEi the future of van could aee by the Htful liabt a --_�....♦___.`
followiug c{ay- aiwxys found lier ��you are �ery hard on me," said Iher cl�ild, and grieviq� ovec Don.o• comfortless lookin room and in tlte
witi� ttid sxnie nnexpreased but �tep6en. -"�ou fur;et ahbt ex- `van'a defr.ctione. corner a man pro}ed u!� inbed wit6 � j'UREL�' �'f;GFTABLI?.
unqe2eoch:�F�lt� lonoia;, Nothino cuse I had; you foroet that I was � ` a dbort pipe i❑ his hand. �'he elf �'��•�t tho bucl, :hen lI1P VIONHUIYI�
bu� the 1�H�rt sicknees brau�ht by Ieft alonc� wici� Dono��an Farrar.t; >� •,> > >��d�iced a talfow .candle Donovan i.lien lh� perfcet fi•uit. 'i'hey�+ :u e
that long def'rrred l�ol�e could hxve thet lie Je�l u�e iuto ten> >6ation." . � �'1f:1Li h.h '�Y\.l 1 � ,
blinded her to the fact that Et� h- r drew ne��r to the bed, and at ouce the rc�cer;il r�t�i�e� rrt �omo c�f the
f� � IIe liurdly l�n�w w6at t�e was ( `�„����; t�oc.� v��it y't'ILEa.�� 7'rCl2nri128�i G�10 billia�•d 11ltY�tA1'. l]IORC I�G�(11'iillll inhreclientH a�m-
en's }ialf boyis6 ailmiration was ie gayin�, tor he was �•ary de�sPeia�� � •�1 thuu�bt the messa��e was from po�inr ih� p,iinle�� und �+iire r,��rn
rti�vxkinb, i.Lbt his attentions wo�e in l�is intepse aelHsiiness� buc lie ���� can not ki�idlo wf�en we �vil( ° ' nttre—i'uttiam's E'ainler� (.uri�
� �c,�i; I xm•alad vo�i l�n�•r, arnt tbrme
elisa�retreile itnd obt�usive, tlrat l�e � The fire K�I�ich in t6e ]�eart reHides; „ r• .
hud jus enoueh sLaui� lef't to Hush The spirit bloweth und i�t etiU, >�t 1ust, he sai�l. }'�x �actor. J'he juic�e� ��f plunt.'
was nr niuch in luve with l�er as it �s �he untruth passrd ltie lips. In mystery onrsoul abideN. "I t6ouoht it �.��y too I,�tr�"'sxid '��'����y �onc;entraicd and pnrifi�rt
wxs posa►blr. fbr suc� a man tu Ue. (x)��ys�8 eyea seerned to s�hrcl� Iiut tasks in I�ours of iusi„i�t �vill'd tiie n�xn ' und..tLFn when the c�i�d �''��mK and balN:�mµ, in h�u•norriouy �
Tiut as it was, abo noticed trothing; �irv thr�u h and throu h. T(�ere Can be throu�h hours of g!oom ' ' union, ttll combine�l iee tho �
ane onl wearied iut�nsel of t6e � � ful6li'd foui,d yuu out, I thoualiL it w„s � �
Y 9 ��as u moment's silenco. T6en, that vou woul�l not couie. Sit k,�and�r��ulfA. Putnamn Exlcac !
]ong eveoings, when Stephen •tried WiLil 'd �ltt�8 CjU1V8C Of indignation �VitU aching handa and bloedin�; feet (�OwO," Hc poin�e� tu a cLxir thon t01' IT1NiCCN fl�l A01'9 BpOi� UOCH I10� I
to enlivan t6em, and of tUe lon� ;il 6er voice, she said, �rave[y: We di� av3 heap, lay etone on stone; WNnt on epexicing in a most � free �ap tt mnn up fc�r a woek, but �;��cy
n�oinin;g when bhe wus aloue wit6 <<you are teliing ce lie, Stephen, �yQf thelon d�den and tbe beat and e�ay tone. "I em dying or�next ��� Quiellti� doin;! ite work unti! u
!4Irs Caustuu; of tl�e two sh6 cis- and ou know it." � Y,andwiah tweredone. >erfect r,ureK �•eHnliR. Boware of'
]iked tlie evenin leHst but merel 9 Nottill tl�e hoars of li�bt return, door to iC, so i t6onght I would like I
g � Y He did not aLtempt to excul- g�l we hove bnilt do we discern. to hear of the old man do�n at a��� ��=�ytitutes.
because thei e was a cliance ofhea�ing Nate himself; he was too thoroughly MATTHEW Axxo�n. porthkerrun. Eie asked you to look
the one name sl�e cared to hear. ebaehed. W�en Le looked up again , , out for me, did be4" �
It came i�pon her �ike a thuuder in a uiinute or two he fouod that 1'here a been a sciap of a c6ild Minard's Liniment oures di�temper.
cla at last. Ono Saturda morn- here askino for ou " said t6e old "It was hie �reatest wiHh to 6nd _
!� Y ehe had left the room. o y� yott," said Donovan. '°And after �rn'fesstoa�l �ntt qtit¢r Cn��d�
in� she waa aittin� in tHe little Mrs Causton was too enuinel �+�Ptain to UonovNn, as they retu�n-
drawin rouin writ�pd to hei mo- „ � 9 you �en; hini tLat 6ve �iound note . __ _._ __. __
� � e ood a woman Lo resent Gladye's ed tu tl�eir rooms o�ie evenin; xftcir be told mP about you, snid be thought MANNiNC. �P� ETCOTT,
t6er, wben �tephen, who had no refu9al of her aon• but at the eame dinino at a reataureat. "I could i
� you muat be in London, and,having
lectures that day, sanntered into the time it was such a biti,er di3a not mal�e out whar $he waoted; but y j Barristers, SO�IC1tOrS,
P' �er little idea of the sort of ,lace
room. He began an aimlese con• ointment to her tLat it was im• she's been l�ere twice to see it yoii
P London is he aeked ine to lo�k for
ve'rsation. She was a little crosa, �ossib]e she ehould be quite jast were not come home." ' r,UNVEYAN�JERa, e�c.
for it seemed ae it he mi ht o on '"�'V�at aort of a c�il�l �" S°u. You are lil�e Liro; J recog- `
g g and kind to her visitor. � niced you at ouce tbat ni�ht." '„����ni++i��nnr� �•�r �1nG�rinAn�1 �i•�nlr��b��
farever, and 3he wanted to write. «you see m dear " ahe ke t "Oh, a ahabb lookin !ittle lase. „ �a�.,,.;�s vH;cr u��K ro vww ERA� CLI?TT/lN
� Y � P y � No flatLery to the poor old man
After endurio� 6ulf an E�ou� of it urging, as she sat beside the aofa Sbe would not tatl n,e w6at ehe + to say I am like him," aaid Treve- -- �- - -- -
ehe gcew impatient. in Gladys's � bedroom, °`though you wanted with you, onlq ehe muat seej thnn with a lau h. '�This one is MoxEv zo LOAN. MOitT(}A(�EFS
"Let me finish this, Ste hen or Mr Fairant and wl�en would he be + ' g BouahL. PtSvate Fnndg. C RiDOUT,
P � may be quite riglit to refuse aear � like him thou b Came here little O�oe overJ Jaokeon'eStore, c:linton.
it will be too la�e for tl�e post," ahe g�phen, yet, humanlp speaking, 1°��� I ' �� '
eaid. "We are to gd OUt aFtOC y0u til(� 80@nl 80 BXaCEIj+ �ltt8ti t0 "'Sh0 Wll� tI1cD U� a�xtD� I 8U(]- OtlB; fl[0 j�0u W0t �{ it tSlU6, t�OII't it'�" �ARRIAGIE LICEN9E3.- AYpLY TO
It�nch ou knorv:' He drtlw t6e child toward him LHeun�10rx1Rnedatthef.ibrt►r �tooms,
� Y make the real be)pmeet for him:' FOBe, aaid Donovan. "I am pretty �i�ching her ra�ged dresa with hia ,TAS. $COTT,ClfnLon•. y
'°You grudge me the ooe free (;�� s was b no means aelfie6 free t6ie evening; ehall we do thoae
morriin I have " said Ste ben re- � y ' alide�4" thin whit�ands. --
� � P � but ahe did not t.�ink it either right '°The gent.(eman made mo drp it MAEt[tLACiE LICENBEB I89OED I�YTHE
proachfally; "bnt liaten to me a o: necessar to sacrifice 6ereelf eo O!d Poage hdd lately aeveloped uuao�•a��uea, at,residenae or dru� atore.
minute lon er Glad e• for du e I 9 a most satiafector love for the mi- �'9 tbe fire, 811C1 I1C I10�(� I713 URib[el• MN� A. �YUiiPHIN(3TUN.
�� Y, Y entirelp oo the altar of the we11 �' la over me as we comed back, said
�3ve been waiting to fiad an oppor• being Of Mra (iaqB�UA�$ 80D� 8}la aT08C0�J0, and �vhenever it was pos- �be elf. ONEY TO LEND IN LARC3E OR
,�n� tq of speaking to qou. T think could oni re eat that ahe was cer gible D000vsn asked his help over it, � �, ,� 1� dmalleumeonguod wort a eeeunr�c ,
9 p y Thank you, sir, eaid 7.'revet6an, �uoctecaterateotlofefeSt. H t�n�t.E,cnnton
y� ��st have seen that I Iove you, eorry, but it wae quite impossible, �rawakened hia interest in some new a eofteaed expresaion playing about
�hat ftll 1 9�re for is to please you; and entreat Mrs Caneton to let her $P'�cimen to be aeen. There were bis oynical moutl�. '�Sbe ha:s a bit �sEL y, �vcrxE�, CIVIL EN(3INEER;
,you �will eay that 3•ou will try to go home at once. Howeve�, •it wea IIow actaally t6ree thicga in the of tbe real Cornieli in her thou h A�'rovi»ctat ��,na lSurvoyor, nra�snc�-
. dove me ?—won'a ;ou try, dear 4" �� 2,�;e to ihink of oin down to world beaides himself rnd liis tuddy ' � �:a�, oto. om�e, �E, �ca;r,. ,�, Ytlrr;,, ni„�a,
6 � Loadon emol�e hse neariq epoilad it. ciinco��, o��c.
In epite of (3leciy „e eurprise and �;�rnwnll that day, and the next da which the old captain earod for— -- -- -_-_._......_.. __ ____ __
y There, rvn away and get qour eup-
,diemay 8�10 lied hard NOi � t0 aup- was �unday� so slie had enouah t,ime DOriOV$il� �weepatakes and Eb0 er� U�ad g,'� R APPLETON-OFFICF.- AT REBL-
,I'' >r,ea� A�'ni�e; �, wicked s rit� a:�'m� to be exceedin 1 roigcrable and to �icroscope. He loved tlie�n all � q � ULNUh, on oncar�o ecreec, c�tncou, oV.
, I� P' $ Y , DonOvan SbaTt83 and cU�ored. puefte RnKNaa CLnroh. Dutranoe by elde
�i0 Clzan6 it, -�er a.nr the reir��it u; long unspeakabl� for her motheg, e�ceedingTy in 3�is odd vcay, and, on ��y�$ 'tis a queer name for tse �"L".
' �he �ano �� "hiic� �n '�'Vonderland:" .(�Q;e the 6appy motuent for ber the wl�ole, t6e year which he had ��kes of her," observed 'rrevetban, �. roicr�..;to, ati7vLLL:1L nuoTiov_
?- � 8 eIIt 1D York Road W8$!l�1710$C .� D� F.IiR aud ja�ud Vuluacor. QrdorBeynt
"`Vi�l yOU, Won't yOU, Wi�� yOU, WOtt t deparEui'� �!'P1V9a, r,5li0 yYda 80 P scanniag Donovan a fSCA euriousiy Ug mwil tu �uy n, dr�ax, �viil coceivu promp4
y yoQ, wilt you join th� danae 9" much relieved io be a�vay froro tLe tbe happieet year of liis life. w'ith 6ie keen olae ayes. "SnL I aUr,euwon. ��cr�a mo,iorxc�. v.x, roRT�,:a,
4. The were I�ard at work witli
� Si�e fuund l�erself oin on with the G'auetona' tha1. sl�e couid have simg y made up my xuind the little' one "16c:o�,eer, �sa��neia. sug:e�.a
� g their s:idea, specimens and Cana�a
��arody iu a Hort of dream, instead foc mere lig6tnese of �eark� wl�en the should have at le�st one �ood honesk �lt BTANtiLIRl', 6RADUATE OF TfiE
� of �iving 5tephen l�ie ans�ver. train hQd aoivally atarted; but D1rs �atsam when the door befl rang and name thou h ma be 1�1ias (�lad � Medicai lh,��arcment or v�utor�a trnt-
r �il� R7 8i0P1011A "C�ll�ti" wA$ Att- � g y 9 p0te{ty,ToronLu,COrroei'1 OfLh0Hv9��ltale
g He was far on in a second aad Ganston Uad put her in char�e of q would not be best ple»sed to have +�ofl liie�,m��n�,�a, xew �ortc, coro�er tor
� nounced. Le co�ucy �e t�u�o.�, Bay�eia, ooc.
,� more vehementatatement oE hie case an elderly lady, so ah� �ad to clis- her n�me given to such a neor tittle
before she foll}• recovereci her senses; cues tlie weather �end make liervelf "��Ow }�er in here," sxid Uono• brat.° �A�B-A• KUWSON, V[;'CL1iIAIA1tP SUK-
� van to t'no landlady. „ u�o�,FionocGxaduwteOntArioVetorninry
tkl0ri 8t OACB t�10 true womanly un- a�rc�eaUle instead. , ,� �b, yes, 5i10 WOtl�d U0 �'ery glad Collegu. 'Ptoats all disoasue o( domoetiaated
aelfish Gladys hastened to check That ni ht in I�er motliAr's room "IndLed, sir, sLe nin b 6t, TC- auimx.i9 ou trio moytmodor�r principale. Of-
�' ,, � t0 8C0 til8t 90U rememboreJ PUrtli- eoa e�bova dnekeon's Butchee• 8l�op, Auburci.
Uz�, ahe forgot all her tcouhle, homever, turned it�e woman. It is arour- kerrAn and �6ill cared fur it," saicl
� "Iiu�h� �fC bOA�" Bb0 $&Id� �U12t- ill r110 C�011C1Ou8 peacefulnPss wLicL ����a with rain, aDt� 5ilB })(i tf�at µ'P,G DOI10Y9TI. "BUE 1L lA a �)1tV EO ICL ,��t. C, H. I:i(iRASi, DF.vT[S1', EXPTt:R
p and d1PtV. Onc. ToetL ivaerted n•itli or without n
;' ly, but with n touch of dignity i�� seemed atways to como in those the poor child �row ap here, wt��t► hinte. A snfo nn:��yt4otie �iven fortl�o pain-
� Uonovxn frowne�l 6he frown of a ��aAF estrNe[ion ot toet��. rint�a aeouroa
4 lier tone. "Ylease do noC �ay anp evenin; talke. Anci as ;tl�ey sat your father would be oniy too glad hrnsly iuttte n�nutl� i,y v�n,�„9 pnteut. Of-
r rarublic�n, C�Cj10911.0(1 his eection of r t}cu ovAe O'Neil's kwnk, Eeetor, Ont.
� mo�e of ►hix. I am very, verq hand in hand in their own �articu- to heve l�er.'
� sorr i£ on have mieunderstood me lar nook on the old fna6ioned sofu the brain of u gorilla in a safe <<11aat iy wl�xt I wauted ��n for," � C. IIkUCN., i,.u,a„ „G,� r�ar, RK�,�;,_
y �' ' lace, anci went out into ti�e ��asa• �, y �• nto ItoYnl Collo{;e of Dotital 4urgeous
in any wny,we are auch old frienda, D'Irs 'Cremein gra�lually won Irom h said Tr�vetl�an. Woulri he bo or oncnr;o. nn oporac��„y oc modorn dou-
� uge. The amullest I76E10 W�]iCd FdC• tietryonrePuiiy perPoctnod, Anrtfstheticaad
p yon see; but indced it cou.d .never Ciladys not only tLe l�istory of lier kind to her4 is hc� too strait laced lni�iietornd for ci,� �,,,,tni�sA oxcrn,oc;o� ��r
Ue� as ou wieh—tiover." visit ! to the ('naslons', but mucl� ed cLi1d imaginabl� stoo�l on the �o taite in roy poor littlo las�7 Some ce��tL. Uttico - Koefar�a ow Htane, oo,tite•
y �• GISt: L11B rnin had aoaked her; tb8 Rlnek,Clinton. WfilvisitT;lyth proPoaeiou-
�' °°You do not know wl�at you flre that l�ad nei�er r�sse�i her i�,s be• of t}�ogo religioniste are liard ns � Lnyo�o,�ynt����ov, n,tbtaeon'eHotol.
wator dripred ckown from 6e�� ciark
; anyirib," )�e cried. "Fou ore rein- fo���. 1T��r mothor Lad lono ago nails, And T want viy liGtle )ass to ���;h[N`i0�, �I`Hf; OLD&KN.'LtA}tW.
Izair, from be �•agged shawl, from
ing al! my life, all my 1►a�piness.— �uesJ�J what was thc sCc:ret Of liE:r � Ire hai�,�iq." I�.anecr�noor Ac�n iu tt�o rata, fLblr.Alld
�aurely yoa �vill nat bo eo uttorly erouble; sUe liud said nutUing be. I(ler indeqcrib Uly dragslod skirt. <<��e �ould Le very good to her," ���i�{�Rp�q tnkos thia o&�.ortnnity ofttl�nnkins
� She ]ookecl Ll�e pict��i•o of miserv. N pntrons for �,�At tovora. nisoQi�ncua�
cruel. I W1IL wait anq le�gtl� of cause al�e t�ou�ht'aiience the liest �, , said Donovan, wibhout l�oeitation. niorc �
C.om� in and diy yonrs�lf by „ �•gaRcioaodandrontsooilected. Ol�ar•
tinie, if only pou will tF�ink it over curo; bnt now—boing h�r mota$r— „ � Yoi�r father ie ono of tho boat qBB I7lOdEPILEA, D, UIPRLYNOS, Lto�nso,l nn�-
» t}l0 �lt'@ 8a1�I UOOOVtIII Ari(� t]1B Rien I know,'' tionoor forthbOnunty ot kluron, Roatdoe�ev
—if oniq pou wi11 iry to loce me. sl�n knew that the time for s�ieakino eroall elF, too frightaned to refusc+, ,
Alhart �treec, Clinton.
, "IfI waited fiftq years, it woald had como, and vory wi�ely end ten• �-; '�1i�� tilAE �1H BhOuI�I flAVP RqCl] a 7-� - -
make no dif%rence," �aid C�ludqs. dorly s6o mot C3ladfa' shy-confiaence follo�ved him into the Rittin�{ room. qur tsn't it ?" qai�l '1'r�vetl�un tr R w��Ttriyarov, - pgyelUiAN
Tite old ceptatn bOwHd to IICI' A9 ' � Y" L HllPgfl011�AAQOttANAi'� Lioentlnte oft�e
�� '�I can naver love you, never, nevc�r. Ua1f wny. Then;wbon all wss told, in� tr, laugl�. , Coll��� ot PhpelnlAne, n„a sur eona ot
_ __, ,_ __.. �raliantlp as if slte l�a<1 beon a p3�in• f t,ewer Cunndw, wn�l Provinola r;�oeutiure
_, nnd Coronor for t.ho Countq ot Huron. Ot•
�hildren �r�►lror p;teM�er's Ca�to�ia Ch�ldren Cry �'or Pit�her's Cas�ori�� oe a��l roe�doncr,-mht� buitdinQ tormorly
� � ooa`+�� ryn,�nprTli �7�tna,HueonBtreet.
� C
.. �
eoitheAu�i� ' �
+�dl cu.ea�eM u M�
e mpyt ruad�rpt,
�49.� intm�* . � �� I
��!�. �l������ � Gt���.
�. x. �itruro� n�. p,F.. w. c�nw�, a�:n , �u, s.
G.�.O.P., Sdiabnr�, p.P,.�d(nbuf��,L.x.
G.Ii,a.�.. $�labar ki, U� �. Edinbur$h Ll-
WpehbL►ta oi�h�l�d, pent�wte. ot Lhe �id-
�=x� �nburgh': wifery;k]dia.ot$ce,on
2t�oe et Braoe$�lfl. oornerotUntaxioand
-,. Wil#jb►W 8tp ,Qltukon
i DR. TURNBULL. Q ,�'�',��� ��
J. L. TurabnlI, IK.$. Tvroato IIn ivereity, M�
j A.� d,a,i.. V[atoris iTr�lverelty. M.O,P & 6. 2�.� Qt �r �r
ontaxto; Fe]Iow o! the abrketnto.t 600ietp of
� Edlnburgh; lrte pt Londoa, E4g.. snd Ed.in- � The Otintqn I�odge, No. I!f ineet fn Jaok-
Dus6h Soepite�lp. QtHoe:+Dr, Doweely old eqn's Hall oq the let snd 3rd �'ridsya in each
ofBoe Sattenbnry 8t., Olinton, Night c�lle pnonth. ijieitare oordiel[y inviced. B.
�newered at the eame plsue. • STON�HAh[, M• W. .�. BF�Ai�, R,O�xde�.
Wa csa waYe a�ew goadlp�►uqlram pricatg
lunde aL ow ratea aud moderata ezpenee. �R ��
Teeme made to anit borto�ose.
MdNNING} ¢c dCOTT� - Ctintoa .�y mall to any lady �endieg us her ►oet o!llcl
� . _ _ aadroso. W•Iis,kichardson& Co��M�Wr��
� . . . '• . .�:i . r.l
The aub�oriber wonld intimata tp
tho pnbl�a ge,nerally that hq ha�
saaea � Hia bueiness th$E ot
And ie prepared to eapply all ian�
_ eral' necegg&rie„@ a�t .�h�t notic�
and in a satiefectory marines.
�;o�'ins, Casket�,
�hroudS, &c ,
He has also purohnsed a firet-olass
Hearee, and oan therefore meet all
reqnirements in this line. Night
catts anawered at reaidence, Ieaaa
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker aud de�,ler in
Furniture, Clinton.
p . ,
G. H.. COOK,
Liceotiate oP Dental 8urgery, Honor Gr¢d� '
ato o[ the Toronto Scl�ool ot Dentistry.
Nltroas Oxicle Gas odministered for the
palnloea ostraction of teetl�.
OtPioe in 6mit1�'s IIlock ovor Emerton's
l;e,rber SLop, Clintou.
Q�' Nlght bell answered ly
Hulde the eaoluaive ri{cht for t l�e oonnty [or
Yho Hurd prooeae ot admemntprtnRohemi-
oully puro N�troqen Monneld,�, wn��n ta tne
eaPc+atutrd beat epet�m sr�f fli9C��'CCAd POT
•he p:�icdras nxtructlon ut t�•ntL. CLnr¢ps �,
wn�iPrttt�, e:atiefuoWon Kuar:� n�eed. Oflicea,
F,LLiOT'NS BI.00K, nvei• Kni;Cn'B Tallnr
�hop, NurnnStrent "lintun.
_. _ - -- - �._.- -
' 1 �HP SCIENCE of Life
� tl�e gruut Diedica] !
\Vork oY tl�e a�e on 11tan- �
hood, Nervous and Phyai- �
cal JJebility, I'remature
lloclino, Errore of YoutL�
n.nd tl�e uutold miseriee
co�lxoiZnont tl�ereon, 300
��aqos 8 vol., 125 proscriN-
tioas for ell diseasos,-
C1otU, tull gilt, oeily �1, by mnil� � ed. Il-
2ustratod a'a�nE�le tree to al] yoang snd mld-
dle Q�;ed men, 8end now. 7'he f3old and
lewe2ted 1ltadal awarded to the enthor by
the Nntional Mecliccai Aeaociation. Addreee
P. O. I3os 1895, I3oeton, hlage., or Br.. W. H.
PARKIIIi, greduete of ftarverd �ledaaal Col-
lage,26gears �rd¢ticeiu Boeton, who may
be ooneulted oouftdentially. Rpeeialty, Die-
ease ot blsn. Ottice. No. 4 Bulfluctt 8t, I
�i�18 �41�Ull� �dll�'• ' I
lncorporstOd hy Act ot Pnrliaaienc, 1Qb6.
CQPITAL. - �2,000,000.
R,EST FUi�iL►, - $1,0O�,OQO
•olnm e
�R Neae
y on Lh e
7 Lo 9 p
�El1�iC�iGEB �lIT�tSERY
. ,�;.
�Nu 4sT���e� �PJ[��.
THl L�Y17R O� WH10H 'W� llAil � QPrC�LT4
The aboye otnamantal treae st�a ehrubbery wl
ba eold at very low pricee, and those wantin
rnything !n this connaotion wUl enve mone
purchasmg Lere,
Ordera by �fail will be pro�nptly aEtend
ed to. dddreas.
JONA STEWA�T, Benmill�r.
tVicHillup Mutual Fire
Insur�inc�e CoiF�p�ny
Thoe. E. Hays, PresidenE, Seatortl� P. O.; W.
S. Shannon, Becy-Treas., 8eaYorth P, O.; Jno
Hanne,h, Manager, Beatoxth I', O. ,
Jas.. $raa,dfoot,• 6eaforth; IIonaid Roae
Clinton: (3abriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt,
Hartock; Joseph Evene, Beechwood; J. Shan -
❑on, Walton; Thos. (3arbert, Clinton. "
A6BYT9, .
Thos. Neilans, Heriool�; Robt:•blo-�Ii3Laai,--
fleafortil; S Oaruoohqn, 9ea�orth; John O'
({ulllvan and Geo. Murdie, auditorr.
Parties desirous t0 �Hect [nsuxaaces or
ransaat other busiuess will be promp Gely
ttended to oa qpptication Lo aqy ot tl�e
bove ot�cere,addreeaed to their resDecivo
ffi qes. ,
�4 c, s���G�soN
GODD� g�F i� STOCg
The beatEmualming �luid used
�pleudi�i �Iez�r�c.
r1Li�:EKT S't'.,G'LENTON;
s Resldence over staxe.
J. H. K. A1VLye►Y . .. ... Prca.
F. WOLEER9TAN 'FHOMA3, (]oaeral 6lanagor
Notea diAeou�Led.G'ollectione �n,a�6e,Drafta Advoaanes made to Barmecsonbheir own
iaa�:ed, Sterlir.s,� an�l Ameriza�a ex- �kes, at low ratee ot intrerest.
�kznge 6ougkt and aol�l at ioweac
cerrrent ratea. A gexerel Ssnkibg $.asiness traneao6eu
lnterest at 4 per cent allowod en. �epoaiLa. ILtex'est 911owetl Ou �epUeite.
i�'ARMI�Rt�. 6aleNt�ea hoag}sb
Monoyadvanced ta tarmere on theia own notea
witb one or more endoraore. No mertqage re- . J. P.'$'T�DALL, 11'�ana er
quired ae securlby, g
R. C. BREWF.R, Managcr, 1
Jaauarv 1887. Clintou -- -• ---�- � -- - --
D[(� (j 1� Rewrxded ere thoae who read
_ _ ___ _ ri��r�� this�ndbl�en�ct;theywi118nd
'p'' boxnr#bie anp(ayme at that will not tske
them trom tbeir Ytomee and t�m3liee, The
Cfinton Po;t Office tia�• Tabiq Pz�teQ=e largewt�dsarefone�eryindastri-
oua pereon, ma.np have made aad are now
Mails ara due tor dolivery and close [or despu;ch i�s eseR�tor anyi peb� n� �o�IIia�E $$ pet'aay
at tLa Utinton Post OHice us (ollowe:- and npWarde,who iswilliqg W�ork, Eithe
so�,young or old; ca�rital not i�eetled,westar
_ __ _y ouu. Everything aow. No apeotal aviltty
� OL,OBB � DOS '�9uI1�eH; gou, reaclon.can do ib ee well ae a.ny
Hamflton, Toroiuo, Strnt• �e. Wr�tp to u,s at once tor [qll paktioulere
tord, aoalorth, .Qrand I �chich we mail [ree. Addrees $tinson At Co
Trm�k easL and inLcrroe- 1PorWaud, &fsime.
diateo9fces....,.... ..I 7.�Ua.m., 1.50p.ui I . -
Tnrunto� $tratford, Bex- ! - -. ._.._ . _--- .- - _ ^
(urth, T, snd S, er.9t., „+ 1.65 p.m.i $ a,pi I
Glodorfch Solmesville and� � (�LT.�T'i`ON
(iraud tI'rUnk west ..... � 1 p.m. � g,10 a.m
Qoderich, ... .; 9,46p.m. 2,4Up.m� TT � �
Hamtiton,Toronto, ,,,,, 4.lbp.m. 10.2ba,w , )1 ^ y*�y� ��1 �
Londnn, L., H. & B. aouth a.n�, p,m, a,m, p,n� r ji� � I ■ 1 �
nnd intermodiato offlcoe 7,00 4.16 10.26y.OD �� Nr.#i J.i
Blyth, Nlughnm, Kiocar• .� ;
dino.I,�rcknoiv, L.,FI.&B. I -
north end intorrsediate a.m. I
p m. A.m, �i.p� —.AND—
oflicos ....... ... . 9.30 6.15i B.iDfi.Uq'
nr�t�ah�,;��,3fonday,w�-� ' D R Y H 1 L N
NeYdAy� Thursdny .-.... 7.00 a.m. � � �
BayBold, Parna, Horbia'm, �
daely .............„.. 2.30p.m.'12.46p•m• n�AE9UB90RI$6H HAVINOJ�I3T CODf-
Summerhlll, TUasdny uaJl � 1 PLETIfD andfurnivhedhle new Piaotn ���
F'ridn3'. �••••.......... b.30p.m.�b,30p.m withmach4neryoit6elqte�titnprovedpujc�iis,
Moncy Ordcrs iasued and Dopoafte recaived trom fe qow prepared to nttend to nll ordere in hia
one dollnr upwardx. lino inthe.00stpromptaudeatispnetoryminner
O(ftcu houra trom 8 a.m, to 7 p,m. und at rena mabto rntce. iie wou�� a�po ret4rn
3ati•ln�;e 6nnk and DtonaY Ordor OflScc close thsnk9 Lowll whn jf.1EfORlEQCjLMe O?(t m Iwfore
nL 6.SU P•��• they woro burned uut, nnd now being inn hrt-
- THOBIA8 FAIR, Povtmavter, 6or pnvtLion to oxecute orddte oxpeditiou.�ly
Clhiton, AprU 9A, 1A89, toelxconlident ho cun �ivr eatietnetion to all.
_ H'ACTORY-Nrar �Ti.e (3ramd Trv.� k
_ _ , Rail:atay, f,'li-rztnn
rtiv.anv et�rchxziH
HVRor� ��u sRuc�
Lo,zn & Ir�ve�f,ment Co'y �OI3E1�.'� DO�G'�1,T�;,
Tkix Comrany is Loanir�� Monry o, CLI�iTnN,
Fnrnt �tircacrity al Lo�ur�vt RoEra of' MQ����Qet�+rerend Prn rloforfnr�L•e heutNl�lp
IntnrP.vl, P
Ml�1 DO� in ase. A�ent Por thc anie nnd
appllcation of tho �FtanRa Perxctr A �*�MaeT�u
MORTdAC:�, -.- YUttCHASEI 8n�i,RRCoRenRR, BTEAbt FtTT1N48turnislied
• qnd nppHed on e(»rt notice.
SAVfNGq BANK BRANCH. �;„���.,.,., F.nRlnep.nndM►)1k1�y
3, 4�t�td 6 prY Oe�t, InlPracl 1111n�nrd Mnchiu�ry reptri�rd �w pv�11H
on Del�oaila,accordin� Gnamna�nc p��d In a �wWsfactbry mnnn
and time lr%l. '
Farm iwjSlrmente mnnr�fxntur�a e,nri r�-
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