HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-04-10, Page 6$ta tiE tics.
and `Statistics are not
GerestUag reading, but a
Le ]Minister of Educe..
rt for 1890, just issued,
mtte>a information of
Ide,thatit`becomes both
and instructive. W e
?"1' extracts therefrom
;ivt� people 5ogaothing
i9l Population in T.turoil,
e.ageslof fi aid 21 years;
Gey county is about
iii more, Bruce County
a d these three coun-
,h list for Ontario, the
g vas being left out of
n. In Huron 15,000,
nded school for some
year, the proportion
boys and 7,000 girls.
e Attendance in Huron
01: 51 per cent of the
attendance. In five
Mies the per centago
1: pr higher than here.
owns of Huron the
as follows: -
Ce pU C•
•S .6 6 F 1
E-1 m . re.
F m
817 630 431 68
14.4---- . 825 - .__. 250 ' : 66
975 701 452 65
779 565 358 63
tIthere are 213 teaclyera
•male and 80 female.
,fiat more female than
Ai are employed this
aneous. The higbest
1 being $700; average
male teacher $401.; of
T%. Of the certificates
Sre•'8rd class, 81 Provin-
iik and only 3 Provin-
re =ipts for Public
lx in Huron, was
is sum $174, -
aid ] diaries.
11rge a• sJgtrl for
pairs, &c. The
er pupil in this
,57. Out of 42
n Ontario, the
1 of them than
people here
s for com-
e aver -
her in
sod for
on was
ost*!upil being
ler}ch, $10,495.91;
1046.521 in Seaforth
at per pupil, $8.29;
$3;898.29; cost per
4 Spar a Schools in
teluding Goderich, the
dant raised. therefor be -
437; the .totalnumber
*these was 222, while
attenaance was only
xoderich there are 128
l^ fiHe average attendence
ly stage. the tinsel, the
wderand the paint,
most, but step be -
will be-
Thd chorus girls
ticjypaints them, but
they paiptthemselves
many of the flaming
`e of `stj-called 'cat -
Get .back of the
a ro :;:not -cures.
only remedy
Sage's Cat -
ked' truth
is the one
es of Cat-
o mistake.
11 catarrh-
*,rfs Catarrhal
.C• mc
„ae and er
02. br
• ca tie
The above is a leaf of our new Pledge -
Book, now ready to be sent on receipt
of six cents in stamps, to any address.
Five cents will cover the cost of the
book, and one cent for postage. The
plan of this Temperance League as at
present entertained contains five
points. 1st, The 'pledge to be taken
for 1891 only. 2nd, This Pledge -Book.
3rd, Every name secured to be sent
within a week to the address given be-
low, this done by tearing off and for -
wording the third section of the pledge
leaf. 4th, A rousing Temperance mase
meeting towards the close of the year,
seeking to encourage pledgers to renew
their pledge, and each one to become
an active worker in the cause be-
sides. 5th An earnest Temperance
corner in our NEW ERA. There may
after counsel taken be modifications of
this plan, but none that need prevent
the immediate Ilistribution of pledge -
book. Anyone, young or old, willing
to put,,their hands to this work, can
send'. JO a book and earnestly and
prayerftflly begin to gather up names.
A few of John B. Gough's Temperance
Tracts will be sent free along with
each pledge -book, at least while the
scheme is in its infancy. Truly the
liquor traffic is a Goliath in our land,
"defying the armies of the living God."
Why are we so feeble in his presence?
Because we measure his strength by our
littleness, instead of by God's mighi-
nese. "Through God we shall do
valiantly, for He it is that shall tread
down our enemies." Looking to Him to
use this feeble instrument and again to
"perfect his strengh in weakness" we
send forth this simple plan. Applica-
tionfor pledge-booke will be gladly re-
sponded to. ANNA Rose, Brucefield.
Have written that Clark's Catarrh
Cure has relieved them, restoring
perfectly every sense. Through grati-
tude they have consented that their
names be published. Yet the Clark
Chemidal Co. will not use this means
taadvertise their remedy. They will
not parade the sufferings of any one, or
invade the sacred privacy of any home.
Any sufferer from catarrh will recom-
mend Clark's Catarrh Cure, and that
good word is -worth more than the pub-
lished certificate- Clark Chemical Co.,
Toronto, New York.
Churches squabb)e about candles and
ecclesiastical millinery while much of
the Master's work remains undone.
--ar e fdethedtat-Transfer-Cemtnitteay-:.-M5k dwards, who can on asinges
board room at Wesley Buildings, Tor -
was in scission all day Thursday in *ho tax platform in Kingston, will shortly
onto. Rev Dr Carman presided, and
there were presentitem T G.Williams,
of Montreal, (secretary), Dr Pirritte, of
Toronto; J. R. Gundy, of London; D.
Grif£ln, of Guelph,John Kaye,of Brant-
ford; Wm Burns, of Omemee; T. Wat.
son Smith, of Nova Scotia; Dr.Sprague,
of New Brunswick and P. E. Island;
and J. M. Harrison, of Manitoba and,
Northwest, all of whom are presidents
of their respective conferences and
hence thei# representatives on the
Transfer Committee, Newfoundland
and British Columbia conferences were
not represented.
The following transfers were made :-
from Montreal, forthwith. Wm Ber-
ridge, from Guelph, forthwith. Joseph
Odery, from Niagara, Jane 4. A. B.
Chambers, from Bay of Quinte, June
4. James Henderson, from Montreal
June 3. R. P. Bowles, from Montreal,
June 3. J. F. Lattimer, from London,
forthwith. John Burwash, from N. B.
and P. E. I., forthwith. W. J. Smith,
from London, June 10.
Creigton, from Manitoba, forthwith.
liams, from Bay of Quinte, June 4.
ford, from Toronto, June 3.
INTO BAY o1 QuiNTE.-H.M. Manning, And endorsed by the medical faculty
thro ,ghout the States, Clark's Catarrh
Cure has come to be regarded as the
only real specific for that disease. In
every et}se it works a certain safe and
speedy cure. Pleasant to taste and
smell it is yet powerful in healing
and restoring the natural functions.
June 2. No:other remedy gives such satisfaction
INTO MANITOBA CONFERENCE. -J. W. because the results from use are not
return to Englanl4.
In the New York Methodist
Conference East a.;t•esoiutiou to
admit women to tho general con-
ference was defeated by 152 to 56.
It.:h, Mange and Scratches of every
kind. on human or animals, cured in A
mf nutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by J. H. Combe
Druggist. June27-3m,
Forty women, married and single'
young and old, got together tha other
night at Freedom, Ill., decoyed Dr. F.
H.Dtoleekly out to the street and pelted
him with stale egga until he took refuge
in his house. The house was then bom-
barded until the man was glad to leave
town All this was became of an alle-
gation that Moleskly was an imposter.
There is a growing suspicion abroad
that Colonel Robert G Ingersol has
greatly modified his views as to a future
state. This is strengthened by the
closing remark in this tribute to Law-
rence Barrett last week, as follows:
Will this drama have an end? Will
the curtain fall at last? Will it arise
again upon some other stage? Reason
says 'perhaps' and hope will whisper
yea.' "
from Torcnto, June 3. T.M.Campbell,
from Guelph, June 4. W, J. Jolliffe,
from Montreal, June 3,
Hunt3r, from Toronto, ,June 2. J. H.
Murray, from London, forthwith. Dr
Thos. Griffiths, from Bay of Quinte,
Humphery, from Montreal, June 20.
T. M. Talbot, from Toronto, June 20.
James At Kenneday, from Bay of
Quinte, June 1.4. Andrew Galley,from
Montreal, June 3. Peter McGregor,
from Montreal, June 20.
T. D. Pearson, from Niagara, forth-
with. J. D. P. Knox, from Bay of
Quinte, June 3.
J. Bond, from Newfoundland, June 17.
There were nineteen applications for
transfer that were not granted.
Says one of the beet housewives in New
England, "We feel the necessity of
taking a good medicine to purify the
blood, and we all take Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla. 1t keeps the children free from
humors, my husband says it gives him
the same. Sold by all druggists, or
sent to any address on receipt of 50
cents, by Clark Chemical Co., Toronto
New York.
There is hope for the drunkard. Dr
Keeley; of Dwight, Illinois, cures bibu-
lists by the administration of bichlride
of gold. The doctor admineters the
bichloride through the stomach andsub-
outaneously. It does not produce- an
aversion for liquor, but simply exter-
minates the desire or appetite. A few
days ago a reunion and danquet of ex -
drunkards who had been cured by the
gold treatment was held at Des Moines,
Iowa. The cure may be all right, but
Keely suggests the motor that never
A Huntington, W. Va., despatch says
Oliver Deacon is very much in demand
up in the Toms Creek neighborhood.
He was without doubt the most numer-
ously engaged man in all this region.
a food appetite, and for myself I am There have been eighteen girls who
sure I could never do all my work if it have stated since his escape that they
was not for this splendid medicine. It were engaged to be married to Deacon,
makes me feel strong and cheerful, and and that the wedding day fixed in each
I am never troubled with headaches or case was the 20th of April. The most
that tired feeling, as I used to be." distressing part of the whole affair
that the greater portion of the eig' an
maidens spoken of are liable to nave
living reminders of Deacon. A. letter
from Deacon, written from Catletts-
burg, says he believes himslf safe, as
they don't hang gentlemen in Kentucky.
The Woodlands.
To the Editor of the Cfinlort New Era.
Silt. -Perhaps you can allow me
space to inform your readers that the
forestry report for the year is ready,
and will be sent free of all charges to
all•.seiraTi heir addresses to me,direct-
ng to 2511 Rkhpiond St.
It is pleasant to be able to say that
the efforts being made to, arouse inter-
est in this! important matter are effec-
ting results. It may be said that very
many of those .k,rmers in the fruit
township ,whose means enable them,
are irreert ving their properties by plant-
ing, principally by rows 'of trees along
their roads or line fences, and, in many
cases, round their orchards.
But what would be a great step in
advance may be understood from the
fact that all would be much better done
by a solid plantation of some acres.
This will act as a windbreak in a man-
ner which the row of trees can never
attain to, besides the additional advan-
tage then much valuable timber, such
as ash, cherry, hickory and the like,
can be grown. When in rows trees
grow to branches and every branch
forms a knot and often a bend in the
wood; but where many trees are planted
closely and properly thinned when
necessary, (in the forest they thin
themselves by the survival of the fittest)
finelolear wood, fit for many purposes,
can be produces. When we remember
how scarcegood hard wood must soon
become inOntario,the valve of such work
is at once seen. In fact, farms to -day
bring thousands of dollars more if they
possess timber,while many farms are left
but bare cleared expanses. A little labor
some years since would have savedthis.
Yours etc.,
Toronto, March 26th J. W. Pimps.
It is painful to, contemplate the waste
of brain and heart power on questions
relating to altar lights and the attitudes
of clergymen. Ministers who try to
force picturesque fads upon unwilling
congregations would be more usefully
employed sawing wood. Perhaps the
Lord is so busy planting in human
hearts impulses that ripen into blessings
upon His poor and painstricken child-
ren that He will not notice the cut of
ecclesiastical vestments, or the frills
upon surplices. And surely the immort-
al soul can be gazing reverently towards
the dwelling place of the Almighty
while mortal eyes are looking north,
south,, east, or west.
If the heart be turned toward Jeru-
"salem, the goal of our faith, it is not
worth while to wrangle as to the direct-
ion in which the face is looking. Prot-
estant churches will have to cease
worrying about non -essentials, or wast-
ing their energies in the building of
glorious but mortgaged churches,pefore
they can at all worthily work the work
of Him who went about doing good. -
Toronto Telegram.
a ilurveyor, at
e Conirliissionere of
tion of Niagara, has
ear hidde a survey of
and Horseshoe Falls.
foo parisonbetwe-
a 1890 shows that
Is there has been a
8.100 inches yearly
he Horseshoe Palls,
of 218.100 feet yearly
Areerieen=Falls show
esion of 75.100 feet in
ft l3Orseshoe Palle a
ion et ,.1045-100 .feet
talaurea of recession
• has disappeared lie+
nt year, 1890,
alts 32, 900 su r-
e 11oreeishoe Palle
eat. •
GENTS -I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT in my family for some
years and believe it the best medicine
in the market as it does all it is recom-
mended to do.
Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. KIERBTEAD.
John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs
us that he was cured of a very severe
attack of rheumatism by useing MIN-
it scarcely seems credible yet it is true
that if a million dollars in 85 and $10
gold pieces were shipped to Europe to-
morrow the mere rolling of the ship
and the pulsations of its engines would
wear off hundreds of dollars' worth of
the soft and precious metal, Americana
use one tenth copper in making coins
-to harden them. The English use
less -one tw•''rle Some time ago the
English Gov, rime nt filled two spin-
ning cylinderb e 1 It coin, one with
American and ,',,tt with theirs, and set
them both revolving. They acknow•
ledged that theirs wore away much
more under the shaking than the
American did, but of course they were
too conservative to change their stand-
There was quite an exciting scene at
the real estate exchange New York on
Friday, when Martin F. Hatch, acting
for the Merchant Tailors' Society,stood
with gavel in hand, before a crowd of
several hundred prominent business
and society men, and sold to the highest
bidder about 35. unpaid tailor bills.
These bills bore the names of well known
New Yorkers, and those who did not
seize the opportunity to pay up before
the sale were held up to public ridicule.
The lucky fellows who could settle up
had their names stricken from the list.
The ridiculousness of the sale can be
realized when several bills amounting
to several hundred odd dollars were sold
in a bunch to a Jew tailor for 81.
During the past quarter there were
566 failures in Canada against 532 for
the corresponding quarter last year, and
269 in Ontario against 315.
One of the oldest and most respected
citizens of Guelph passed away Tuesday
morning in the person of Mr. A. A.
Baker, clerk of 'the Divisional Court.
He wentthere in '1835 He was the
first president of the Horticultural
Society formed in 1851, and in 185.2
was instrumental in forming the Guelph
Township Agricultural Society. He
leaves no family and was in his 79th
John Kennedy, a milkman of Eliza-
beth, N. J., has won a wager by• swal-
lowing 51 fried eggs in nine minutes
and a quarter. He also ate seven hard-
boiled eggs, aholls included, in six
minutes. Kennedy now claims to bo
the champion egg eater in New Jersey.
That at this season the blood is
filled with impnritios, the accu-
mulation of months of close con-
finement in poorly ventilated
stores, workshops and tenements.
All these impurities and every
trace of scrofula, salt rheum, or
other diseases may be expelled
by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the
best bloodurifier ever produced.
It is the only medicine of which
'100 chshs'ono dollar' is true.
The political battle is over, but the
battle with disease must be constantly
and unceasably waged else the grim
reaper will come out victorious, and
loved ones will gather to their long
home. On all sides may be seen hale
and listless girls who should be eniey-
ing the health and glow of rosy youth.
Everywhere are met with women
young in years, yet prematurely old,
who suffer in silence almost untold
agonies, the result of those ailments
peculiar to the female system. To all
such, Dr Williams' Pink Pills comes as
a blessing They restore wasted yital-
ity, build up the nervous system, en-
rich the blood, and transform pale and
sallow complexions into glowing, rosy
cheeks that alone follow perfect health.
In a word they are a certain cure for
all these distressing complaints to
which women and girls are peculiarly
liable. A trial of these pills will con-
vince the most ecepticalof their wonder-
ful merit. For suffering men Dr
• Williams' Pink Pills are equally effica-
cions. For over -work, mental, strain,
lose of sleep, nervous debility and all
those diseases that lead to broken-down
manhood, they are a certain specific,
stimulating the brain, reinforcing the
exhausted system and restoring shat-
tered vitality. Dr Williams' Pink
Pills are nature's restorative and
should be used by every weak and de-
bilitated person. For sale by alldealers
or sent post paid on receipt of price
(50 cents a box) by addressing the Dr
Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville
Ont. 1m
The worst Tory in the Dominion
can't justify a constituency like North
Brant, extending from Ancaster, ad-
joining Hamilton, to the west point of
Blenheim, near Stratford. We delieve
such gerrymandering in the long run
does the party indulging in it -and
both do so -more harm than good.
-Ber:in News) Con.)
"Rev" Abner Vernon, who has a
mania for eloping, has been arrested at
Phillippi, W. Va. He has probably
broken up more families than any other
man in the State. His last elopement
was with Mrs. Echols, a poor minor's
wife, who left a family behind, as did
many others of his victims, whom he
induced to take their hunbrnds' little
savings to elope with.
When Baby erre sick, we gave her Caatorie,
When she Gra. a Child, she cried forCii'etoria,
When she became Mies, she clang to Caetoria,
When ahs had Ctildron. ebe gave tbem Caatar-
The undersigned is Agent for this well-known Waggon, of which a very large num-
ber have been sold during the past years. It recommends itself, for people no soon-
er see it than they are able at once to appreciate it. I sold 8 this season within 3Odays
Robt Beatty, of Orangeville, writing -to the Company says: -"In summing up my waggon sales for the last six years,
-1-find I have sold over 400 Chatham Waggons, and in all that number I have not heard of one break or one loose tire. I,,
therefore, must congratulate you on building the beet waggon in Canada." It is said by some waggon makers that they
have spent a long life in the business, and that, therefore theirs is the better waggon. If this be so, how is it that this
company, who only commenced making waggons seven years ago, are now making and selling more waggons than the
whole or them put together? Simply because the public appreciate the fact that undoubtedly they make the best waggon
in the Dominion to -day ; and hereby invite any/one or all those waggon makers who make this claim for their waggons to
a test of waggons for ease of running and carrying capacity against the Chatham Waggon for 8100.
I am also agent for the Oshawa Noiseless Gear
Bugg -y, an article that sells at sight.
Also the Daisy Hill Road Cart, claimed to he
the best cart in Canada, and also carts of other well-known
I am still handling the Champion Sylvester
Plow, and also keep in stock the Scotch Diamond
All the above are offered to the people at prices to suit
the times.
Parties may rely upon finding me at the shop at any hour of the day, as I an determined to give close personal
attention to all work entrusted to me.
HORSE SHOEING. -Last -La t sum
er I inventet
the Heart Trott' ngShoe for increasing speed in horns
and made sets for the following well-known horsemen:
Bossenberry, Hensall ; Livingston, Blyth ; Roe, Wingham
Barnes, Brantford ; Fitzsimmons, St. Marys ; Beattie
Bros., Brussels, and others,' These parties expressed them-
selves as delighted with the shoes, and we are still receiving
orders from different parts of Canada.
All kinds of Repairing, Horseshoeing, &c., done on
short notice.
FEBRUARY 24th, 1891
AT 9.00 P.M.
Foe polron5 K d C(Jionii'
Sleeper • •:'11 5P '.i , r<, E
Teo' !eavinti "•-ronto H rr;
For full information
and Descriptive Pamphlets of Manitoba,
the Northwest Territories and British
Columbia, apply to any C.P.R. agent
:co �ijw
°a?iO0 ,Oo
° d8n
A of bleti a o•�
Minerd' BLinimentlemberman's friend
The new model of the Rockford Watch ,wbon
placed in a screw bezel case. will all a long
f itis not dust
eft want among farmers, as
proof only, but very strong. The plates
which the wheels work between, not being
separated by pillars as in the ordinary
Ilut by the bottom plate being turned out of
a solid' piece of metal, with the edge left for
the top plate to rest on; it also being pend-
ant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent
breaking, making in all a good strong watch
For a Farmer
ESTABLISHED • - - 1825.
Total Insurance over 8102,630,000
Total Invested Funds over... 835,790,000
Investments in Canada over 85,000,000
Deposited with Government at Ottawa
for Canada Polley Holders 82,000,000
Policies issued under all systems, including
their new Reserve Bonus Plan, under which
very large profits may be expected.
Prospectuses and all information furnish-
ed at Head Office or at any of the Com-
pany's agencies.
W. 51. RAMSAY, Manag' 3r for Canada.
C. HUNTER, Superintendent of Agencies.
E. W. BURLEY, Inspector,
Stratford District CLINTON, ONT
�� FO R
� tect 8t - ,gs
Sore Ese5
1. re ee_
ore - ess
CWin .'
ar1/2La I's
We are Sole Agents for Ram Lal's Pure Indian Teas. Wo beg to ask
you to give them a trial, because they are absolutely pure; are grown
and prepared on the estate by the most skilled labor and improve
machinery that money can buy, whereas China Teas are picked an
carried by natives long distances before being made ready for tl
market. Ram Lal's is a blend of Three Teas grown and prepare
espeeiallyafor this brand. Will always be the same flavor, to -day
ten years hence. 'Tis cheap; only Fifty Cents -.or a pound:packag
which will golas;far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas.
J. W. IRWIN, The -Times Tea cWarehouse-
Cooper's Old Stand, Cor.earle's Block.
Spectacles and Eye Glasses are the only genuine English Articles in the Canadian market o
are recommended by and testimonials have been received from the Presidents of the Medical \
sedation of Canada, College, of Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec, and stores of the best physician
of Ontario. The 13 Laurence patent test card used in all cases and guaranteed to tit as accuratel
as any machine We guarantee satisfaction For sale only at.
Guaranteed i7
Piano Cases.
Proof Pedals.. ,,,,�
I have organs tol441p
rent by the year
or month. ti
Come to the E/
shop for all 411411,
particula rs 47 I w11
c sell -my
IVtonth ly Pay-
Pli4N OS
B' .1,Gt.4r1Q ' . 1
4,dKs 1. KE�rrn
LC 1?flrirru0E.NEWYORK.