The Clinton New Era, 1891-04-10, Page 4. . �' _ „ ,, w .. . _ � ° , m . �, � j ,y��. �-- '�� � ,� , , .. , ��"""'" i. * ,�' : ' ' �w ..,� -�� N�f�� •� M�T�� ' • n_ � r.1 k . � � ... . . L` . �' .. r� . . ... � •... '� ' 7� � �.v� — � t , �iA�� ; 1C .x44 k � � �i�'�+F��'+��J'r'�k��r ' ' ��* �, - ------ , ' � ' �. , _ , » . r . � �- , •. A,t ' .� .. �.r . ___ . ' • �� , f � '- � ' ` � . �. � � ��i ,Qi tk, �R�� `��, � � ,;,�y„ _ �i � 4.f'iA�+�Bs-.�, 1�$+ � -- �::. � � , ,. ;, to . . , _.,. , ;. .�h - t,4 . �- ,��' � .. � ,. .. ; � �iA�ri��b�ea�x�Jkee�xn�a#�� ',, � � by on� �,- , � �t. ;. a�xn ��<��� y�rfd�� � , �i`' ,N,�,�ir� . * .. . .. 1, � �4�c �Cix:��� . . , , . .. , . � �� .rc�rteer� �pci i�izl G�i�drer� t� � ,� � ,. „ • � ���d.' t �,'ff�ttia,� 4 O�IA, F ..,... &� ��Qfi�'Al"4,�& �A �r�e�{a�R �''fidrAQ@� W��1t � � r� u�r tnwa n�e �,.:a�n•: N1:I�I�tj' �y,�KB! ���U� E� � e ��` . �7�ar . otheroa�aaea,� �.. . � � ." iu� �wa,�R `!'h�°lx,re a�ar �kp���initx I�F� � �d rrri � t�rrr����� . ���:�s�xi�� ��� a : , ` k�aoax�.�but.e io �is�� �nd. k�He svitu��aae� 3he �ia�iise ut �' cooai� ' ckilc�� „� sat �a �.�.r��'idh: Q� #��a ° Pw�s�uger �urn� (��b�c+� � .. ex�xsg� � , > � . , w �- ^w �u, l�r S�eu. x3. l�'�Ta �'., �� fra � �� � ���. w�vki,e�3 ,. „""'"4.,""�." .° ex�ble bua�brc. . C7F .` c,. � fi&�rc vut � �� ��:. . , Jud�;s�g t�Y tuair aPeaaJ��s i� �ue rq • �R� a� w�4• aeill aFelv csnr�e ..2tne f�oro M�,rr'tnbur ,�� ,r'�$ �u��ataw�, , � a��� whet� ' , : "� ` 46 . � ,�.P � 4�iiRi�ir tt0�}$ 8 � �, , , r , . p��ntad �, f�w tuvutp�y Mr Wm b14;1'a�€;��� ,ia in a whulenaRs �� Osrid���,�., ;�Iaa a e � • ens �b�Ein�� a�� Q xhQ� 2eo pn�d in a�'Q t0 �?B moC9 11kB�;� 10 redltizR sYitM d�Y Rouda ho��� Jn uro �� x da � , � .. �.� ., ,, s�a�s b u.s. fvr a ra e� � , o}�eued bli�+ . e,.�.__, . . �meeahP. eN�nd'thQ � .Y e, dwUund nn ��*�, e � .t_L;� r , '- � Ta,at t . u44ke� deQad9� A�', p�rt�spa +4rrd e�a��._ k�iw �; �' ntU Q' �&ibtti tt �wit4 ; . > �. _ , , echa�l � F 1 r+ , h_; e�l�Ll@� R8 �it10,y kl$V9 80SY19 fainlv n..n.7 ����.i�1�11.��18817f1ie[�tnfth��ct..,a..t .... -� T-..�.. y..rtiuuN. "� +.� ..._..w g uacSf.FFF 1�{ �(}G ( ,r ap�kere o,n Gha4 eidQ q.! tt�s $ouae, at- ouc ite.eka,�sndk unti! x�GBPElu q ex revhic, Jn�a IU tbe uuiverNsl �� wQ ooal ��puga,." ,.� - � k �� � [��4 P o uP r�grec �t the is�x oi a i � MI�IM�l����M� ��� f• � thoa y k tly G��or e�'iehar� proprietar of tl�o aba- I �n�g «7•'�a rtaan gh t3�e @xe Xe a tendenoy tabe un. appeared r46ueL and besrty. I]e pie fu! adviber aad sn hnnorable �nd tion l�aw�i ab �o�vmanvilIe, f��l dead � ,� prudeo8 friend, n enre, w,qzle �aXm� d�yyy� $�&irs abuat 1 o'o[ock I ����e�ei �k CXibbittga neceaaar#l�r oa�pt�oua. a co.��titu.�ioa, hawever, cwat eeemed 9pri�6t cnan. .. i--- � 1e�oa� �,aTt Warks iwpervinu� to bhe c4sngea of Lime, Saturday mvcniu�• apDpiesy is aup- � , ��'��" ' P�eed �o �ave T�vo uien, no�ed iu opposite exeremea Mr �4��"KQart auGeumbed to a,o ia- up p�j]'rtt p j�pn�1j�p ���' tk'� °$G��, t8rnR1 t,touble th�,t 6af8ed mediaai 11U�A lfU1U� d.lU[t�� lII�1 t1��u��s Tn ��aaaee ag�ixiaE �obert biurrsy , ,�.� �r� �Yi�q e�t �he paini of deat2t. One ia for killin ��� ��,���f�� 8arnum, the 8I3PW81BA; Ehe ather is on SuQ�ja Umo aesed pr-acarezlly away the �ur g W. Q. Rowe near Strathroy, �,� ' ��� $ootb,t�he leaderof the Ci&Ivation Army The la6e blaicol�mt��t. 7 Y$� the as�izas xn London rE. I TVQ ��i�ie��� �t���#� tuxned a verdiot af ine,neYaugi�tar, witu ���'�IL iQ, 18�J2. , movement. 8 aoqtr$aG o£ tbeir livea b��'T"�g�art wao Q�p (,'quu� , P'� t'rp� s strorig .�qm�endation to marcy. „: �--�--- . . . �rababiy better knowtt 64aa aa Y �a�'�a1+ges. i� aansae9Q�ry, and yet the thou ht 2� t�� Coupt ot1�at th8q thtaee in '' ��e �eorotary of tha TreasurY �,� �A� S1� StCs`L� j�pe•' �r �'hos. Andereon, 4th tine ���hington has deberinined on s ,.,,_,,, btu��• �.preaente itael! oY how muah mnre g pd s s�er aeta�eu cessfui and�aGra't�l�tfur• has a erva thet ��orris B ga�vs birth to faar n��ber of importaut ohangee in the 1 ���� �d to hammuity one uae s{one tha❑ the ��`°�bs' ��bp oun beat that? regqlationa retabin� to honded � nSiVi' ll@fOz•e tbe j�ppA� ' �ard manufa,c4urer, aud subeequeut�y �• Irwin, of Morrie, has g a,o�aerful �anwdian cara. goode pasaing over Itnited StaEee territory in I ltro: t�aG Bi�oiztd nat bd , Other. d8 R$4aD0t8f, made hie aame lamiliar earile on these timea. Would you lika -- _��� i4 thiA and the adjuiRin�r tro�uutiee. to �ow whY� I3eoaase he's vPa�� noR,, ��e oP Gke pioe� remarkabls religious ��Q bec4me 1u�v, rts its F'clit3ou! YaZra ,_' fc wau'd indeed b � bx'ap11� � > d difficult Lu Cume �rs. Znviu havi�o sarvicea ueld ii, modern times was att , �?�� f�1 Otll•. o��intOs, daaj --- upon s well kept fat�ql fi�r milee � d�uRhter. o Preeented Li�n with �Q$ter &undey aelebratioa [n ` Bir �hQ�2es Tupper, Sir Jaha Thomp_ aTaund, iQ the barn of w�ich coutd 8eld, Ohio, tvhere n11 the Protestant a a '; �t�'�'� �b�t ��•pQt� Of ps, 80II �pd BSiniaterFaster completed their not be fu.und a fanning mii! bearin Mr hotel&E� aforth fo rae Beli'e y purchesed Cathoiic churchee unitad in l�oldin g � `�= i4 ttlatter ip2• j3 ig�atJy oottveresbion with� $eoreSary Baine ott the �+aroe nf the deceased o r o f t he �sin to Mr George (;rant, of $fternoon in the opera 6onse, �'e�t�er rented i t n ����DO and un�on reli gi o u s mee tings EaQter $undny � '' g Q�on�� y i n a bou t t hres raiuutea. Srm of w6ich he svaa tka head. Aa $500 a year. Mr Grant Aean 8idle ?��8� It t8 entitled "Ap It is uttderstood thatthe Government � $ruce@eld for b�ting at the opening ofParl�ament, wilt m�ve a P cted,g ndr�a 1 hla8�eajl�ge �v�vnre t$ke� po yereeentln the lat of May, So ��Qo did tl�e Protes6s ltizen's y preaohed to e� large miaed , t4e 94a�ination ree e One da '� tk&� t6e MaGrevy acsnda! be referred y Wm, pre�sr �aP_ dresa. �'y ebj�,i71e8, &nd tba to the Comrnittee oa PrivilegQe aad t�oae of an honorable� snd uprigbt tured a full gruwn opou iu hia granary, Aaton $exiry wae marriad at �ay� � �d� �f R�atTOA&P Eleations, Citizep. Ti�e animal wos oornered u r��n ���i���•e•" Tt►e dFoesaed r,aq�e pf good, SCotch into s bag, afters ehort S�htpand theu hedf etiviEiee��tbe bride and �� �f ,_ '{�g� $� ie reported that Mr Vy F Herridge etock-t6e Hig6landerA ot drgyle. Y• In the uii@st oP ��� j� U � f� t6At 6tEAtb en ipe8 depo$ited in n barre! for eafe keeping, tarted for their o�rriages to ta& ���� g pnstor of 8t gndrew'a Preebyter- e6iro, Fie Catried with hiro eil ge of proprietors ia g�oom j � jf U����i U �'::�IuOreQ rOw'er rpqqt �Q ian Chure}i, Ottawa, Las received a cal! throu�r $� eAaban e the �11 ���D� n to a Netiv Yor& oharoh at a eslar of 4'� lite the indomi�ahte will aod ott the tr�� for �eir �apa�map� tri ��� tapia at phe q2d Tnck hoxel, Cranbroo ws� aheeritt p• Tkeir ���ff� b;Y sng�noei�s Wbo haPe ��.000, Y pereeveraqce eo eharacCeriatio of ais g exchsnged with e, �g `, D. Zimmer hr�vin k f�'ensi of tha � oo�n,�& Hd arsal�ute twith - t7�-°.,:eRA�jA�tion therefpt• �igOGions for tl�e Nova $cotia Le is- anCestors, aqd ot hia br�ther Scotch- �r'�arthoomew,of Blair, a witinge xn Aro tiie ne��est for s rzn ' � latnra were heid on Tpesday ip C� ��ep �b� �nrld oPer. $e was born erevolvor. ge ahot too?ow end tbe ball al'p 3 � �'�, �'• Tl�e sizes w-e earl' ln Waterloo Couttty,twa miles from Barltn y in the l�ead, killing him 7 Zn����s Y eet a Y StOC�i "'��y une �vbp b�q nOt �retoa,Autigonieh attd $n,nte Countie9, �� �ar�b 71, 1820, and eleveu yeara g atruck Henr the vaoanoies bein Aetex about ei ht yeare hard fi ht Bl�oet inetantl The bride fQinted, S1Zfl C2.21 b@ r� �'� `�� inc�es by 7 f�e�� �jut ';�j . re�amin�tion, found gcaused by Liberal arterwards came to thie couqtry. � with the devit, tka �a,lystion d.rm op alin�st any �j membera reaigning to run in the Dom- period of hia exrly life p � and the marry �akera atooc! for a,A ,n. p ocured �R' �,�°fl��+ ehall be li�able inloa elections. The Liberals cterriec� coneiderable Blyth l�sa tkrown u the a�onge. The �tant stunned. Ttt half an hour the 1S riG@�jiCSS �O g '�`�'n� ttl •�375' �QI01'. It �as ePen� in the caanties of Durham ar�y'tbOU�� 8�►r4eIy mal�tngaa ro �oung wi#e had regained COi]gOlOUrie88, ay t�lat 011i (1j2a�ity iS �h�i 7,/eSt. � rlOt Iegg t�jaa,$Y� o�, a!1 three counties, - and Oafqrd set!ling in thia neighbor• o jlae'edid a reat deal oP Tlxere is muou ra"oicin haod iu Lhe yeur 1g5¢� atid henCe he � � � F 0°�4 ��'� �rreat�d. IG alyp pl•OVide6 �iberale of tha Nortqweat o�� tl�e r�de g good in the FTreat I,ietowel, on Dlond$y destroyed livrd to Hee Cliuton pass from a tbere �r• Thos, the Grand Centrsl Hotel and Mr Robart —`�—� ua��[ ma3, paes Q porL t$st $on hIr Laurier will darin� etu roud, nenr �'a na, underwan�t n no eraa g adjoining, tyith the nsxt aummer vieit � �'pati� place, bhroagh the variooe Y ��rtin's hriok buildin �' .foi• the SanUal the territories, b2r Lavrier will no goad eized tuwn, Not mwap wi�o He is doin wel Manitoba aud stages uf a 6am1eL and village, t� a sctrgeons present, beeidea two students. from ti�e woon furnace tion on ti�e �3pth ult., thare being three of the Centrai FIotel, it ia su A contents. It etarted in the basement , t�i•e8hing" �jpij��.e d�a1�t have a reaeption be&tCin f eminenoe as a shateaman. ��is were here when he tirat came remain, been a succeaa in every reapect. PPased, , fi 1 and the operation has such hesdway before �diecovered that a accide,nta that Mt�Sror Potter, oF Belleville, �vl�o, iu b�t of a few and �vas under hi � �i� - � the exoess of l�is 9ears later there are etiti itl•�'homae �Valah of iVicKiilop start- tbe� by laddera from thepedIIdows and 4 '� . Q Cill•@]068 1Y18ntt p- pnrty zeal at tlie Dom_ 9utte 4 number. � g �nian geqerai election, voted tcbioe for ea a 1�witire on yis ow❑ acco�nt n few adjoining roofs, nnd many of tiye ���a� - 8ngip88 &1•8 1'8- t1�e Conservativq candidate in that cit rt t� �pLereetiag to turn back the eti•enin s Q o, ! Page:+ of hieturq a 1it,tle, and note tLa around tlie barn, tt spark fell Erou7l�is , Io ' �irls � K ZVhile doing cliores workinK iu the 6oto1 in their night y' names of those svho, ]!1 Cpp7pgq�� NIGq pi�e, �vl�ich ignited theeGra�v etn boa,r `�� `L�'� I]OR' '@W; �a 01�0P` syp! g�on &e Ppt�lioly expresee3 aoutrition for clotl�iT�� Q�`r��t � hie illegnt eot, and hae �,nolog,Gea to �r �eTaggart,fi,-st eta}ted Cliolori in number of 3iei� altt� everytlzinq, nqQny I�iit7��'tt){+' S�1011'lU�r t}1(� IIC�«' , and iC ie nOt at t�e stderme�t forwhat he cor.feesea to E ai �8 Ln 6he Sear 185$ @cledinsaving thebnrnandata b �'s �n� P b sj»'til� C1�Slbng� 112 t bg en ettonether unesc�esbla off�n�e, 't$ �u�'c� � ck. g ders aaeo Ioat e,ll their c)othes. e�f�T�tilc)[lS. • ��'�nepeetio❑ 'p�0ujd euoce alibora gatUerecj and some ten or more �ommercisl travellers we wert� incorp�,rated ae a vi)ia�e, A daughter of Mr Jabn hIcIntoeh, of Ponr Porter, hehas beei2 much humil- aod t6is i� aa excerpt frum the h�y. 11cIiilln h biea, are minus a!1 tl�eir sau�ples. Tnsured. � s h A:4 ODeqt. $ut t11e iated. An awfutly eadden death occ a� d i n �lit' Sf0(;li I:UIll�ll'1� C ti r� ,, j�t1oCl,�ibZB torical reCoid :- A, ad to nuder�o an o p e r a t i o n D S i c U i g a n t o ¢ ouno i i 1 1 1 R( 1 C � � pa,rt o f t h e S'��ie tt P I r 1 f I c I i a c h n ie, t he R,ef o r t n ' o n t l i e l a t, i na t. It ia w h a t i s k n o w n a s Y ^°1a� Wllo f o r m e r l y ��� I� ers to t l j e l z i F r €" � fl'UTI] t b e � 2 a e a p Q� t at t W b j C b me m b e r e l e c t f o r S ou t h " r n e. I�e turnino l a n c i n an " r e a i d e d i n � �'inti ll�q�, lytn,nv of o u r a� 1 P 5 t C 1aSS O f . k C T] b t�e S@ C t C7 i i ts c� Ina m a k� s i t 'O b• Grey, eatere d � a bsceas of the hi r e a d e r s wi l l remember the �IiuLher- bralriS p o l!- boo k used nt t�mnnicipal elec tion� glie a,a� �nown as b� p � O 1 O t for the Le g i s) u t r. r e, an d wna introduoed b ����' tbe Owne1. Of a ptpa� �r�mier Mowst, on gqondn 3' hetd on the 4th and Sth of tlie aarrent tbe surgcon o pern,te d. I t,oy�t diaeaae, �ods, a'i�o bome yen,ra a;o. kspt the ° aeived a Y� i�e re- lust uhder cEilo�oform while Yal I�otel, One of them ( D a uie l wae � e�1��'e t`L)`�I1 S)� '�p' Z5 �20ree � �OeE �eartq �Velaome. �ontli, with a oartifioat e a n d sworn diaease. � �i.I'8 SI11L�,�je t�ci� tl I,� � inti t() S(?��G� 1)�,�tC2'17S t]ia,t pOwer t o e l e 0 tion is a tribute not only to his o�vn � serioas t dx��in� wit(� a young lmdy ono dgY , fil](1 �t'E i)��Iie��e ,�ui� 5 t� ��, 1� �ti,�� j E His statement thereon, from tvhicb it ep- late7y ,snd when going pver the railway �'�ery bo d tiT} pj(��tie �Im�s C6 ti$ea en�rineer i� �orth, but to the o peared Ehat Josep h W hitehead, C{eorge ��st Sunday Angus IllrIirny died at crossin� I�e aitempted to pull u Untario I,�gie�at�re. p L&gtri tY °F tl�e Fulton, $amuel Rance, WilliamR,owell, the reaidence af bia son, T3ugh, Gtt� cor. �� t �• There at•e huDdl�eq8 late member (k2r $nnter) defested Mr p 6he year the and Jone,a Gibbings, had been �iected �he Q�dt ehe advanced age of 81 qeare,' Ths e� and fell � ahc7Q d�e�ad �totjkee U� ��� �16e td'C�Ay ihtlt �I•g B�Yth, a, Conservative, who carried the �'�d these geptlemen beiag present, re' Gre g� ntlemnn had 6een quite b!{nd y�ung lad ��5"• ,� riding in 1887 b 253, corded their oaths and qanlificaticns of lioreoa nnder her control antil el�ie nire I r' �"1>er H��ii`�e1. ti�dPlil�eei et' t��.e�jc(�. �� ��n �b� � a�'� nOt stitueacy has b,��erto b en a d�batuble g, f°r some time. Ttte funern! took p(ace �� rived at 6I�e liouse, wl�ere he �vas carried � ;n�i a °�0�+ �°hen iC was moved �y samnat oi� �'Iondn,y afternoon, the interment 1°' Fiia re�na(nc� �Qi•e interred at Duii- • �^"'� o� ei� ia tbe tOCbni- °ne, bnt Mr Mc$ecvnie wus eleoted b �ance, seconded b �+°�nnOR� R'lie&ie oe farmerly i•esided, _ ��,,,� 000--_..._____� of Z aoolamatiou, q that owing to the deep interest t��In°li°Y �'eing m�de at HulletG towuahi bqr in e te1•m; it i$ �oq- g�ound. p y g Eie was 29 y f a t. Joaeph Fphitevead in the wel£are snd �r8 (�2ev.) �Vilson of Exeter wyo $�e b ="� �"" �""°`��r tl�e ���p� , 5e11 WI 'h��y� �$ht not be ak��� the Onturio Le�islature �ie rwoithJeas. f opittion thaL he isnthe lmo$te�t and g~ A dieptitcli frnm Otte�vn to a lletrait ?:�,( r�� e LL BE TRIM. � 1'ake Mr Metca1Fe, for exampie, ge is pro�er pereon Eo advooate its interesta; been eufferin for eome time ost from °91�'eP�p�x e&ys that cY`lnl F��Z��n; 3'Ct tht� � thg effects oi severeluag trouble, under- General Ilerbert, I1IED FIZEE 3 � the Conservative member fot� Riu�ston, t6erefore, resotved, that he be. Reeve .� tlle t'ew comcnandel•-in-chief of the ��' CHARGE. '' me», mt1 - tivent s aurgical ope,raiion the other dny. c@enadian xnilitia, brou�ht apecieel in. 3 n�� er hare i�vd gz�oul3 be possessed o£ avei•a;e in- for the current `� be i°&e �nserteti in l�er aide, and �lent of:in1� �ipa ,�r�� � telti�ence, Rut he rose in hi3 ���n,�e iri �'as carried, and tl�o Council ad'o.nrn strnetions irom tlie I�.n�lisli �y�,i O��re t�.7'L • year; whicl� resolution fro�� it fiftyEwo ouncee of 8uid l4Rg tostrenhtt�en the dafc�uses �n Ca,uacla lt ���tytt��j `t�Fc`i1'e t]13t �° the FIouse tlie otklc+r nigi�E u,nd taken awu '� Uix C%111 �l�i,[) '�i�al ��ttrpUSes Are ' into the Min{ster pitc}�ed �or half an hour to enable tl�o Iieo�e y�t re ente on a fair �nde fo �areifol,o �necessity� of piittin;; �, ' �' 1��Fer in the time tv�,t �u�t of P:dur.aCion for not. to be 6SV01'il in. At this msetin� recovex� M•�y to i�l�i(' }'O;i .l) �1'II11 ]i. �1�}1C11 «'7])' IIOt �11�0'�tr US �y�f ��1eY f,�d I�eet7 ia$uin� u, toxt bonk,ozi,n;{riccilture. Tl�omasStevensonFva,sappointsdClea•k, concessiori r lar� eh�; L}]ELt]q0R9�SStIlO l��l�il 1% 1S'11�1 U111' IL'<'l�'lllilE:, tll�2t t�ii„ • Zifln. hTr Poss let Tl�e Potter farn�. bei��� lot 33, 1•>th �`overnmeiat to double tIie. ds.ual at�prc- t� t���ir��'�. SornepeoJ�le ; fu11 len th of tl1e eritic l�are ihc I%�ward Dineley and iI. ,7. af TurnUerry�. �ti'A9 BO�CI Lj pl•i°'Cioti for this J'�`�,r for cLiYl, so tli�.t I ( 5 2t 1'al�]C��y �nd �,-P�l. e.1•8 iti } qaiietl � ��is tothor, anrl tven Asaeasora; p. �id��u«h, auation, uncier the po�var of mort a e, , n<� ha�•d�fti � i❑ , Y arose and infoemed l�int tliat colm 1�IcTa �. �oa��, Collector; i1ts!- ou Tnesdo,y Inst. Tt�o fnrm coneisteof , I�Rs e1„�re ft�rce of ��:;,Q�p t��eu can ie ?��� Oh t0 i tl�e book b�,d been iii circulation for six �owell, Ja �n �y, I�er2.� and tVm Conte Geo g g tv�r�t'"I'!y dri)1ed ii� June, nnd tUat he - � p18s :ln � montl�s. The de tI� F• ^�°'��t, �'1'reasurer; �Vm 1t):i ucres, snd c��as pur�hnsed b p o nIr 1�Setcnlfe's Liceneo Iiapeotors; �dward Uic�slev There ie conaidernble timber � c t° �ftilifa« t�cnnfe� �cith�Ce»- � Bome e�- wisdam nnd reaenrcl� .enn bc� , Tltou��son, o£ 7.eWand, for f�l,�u"�.'ip, jmpex ai troojtV in Uwua�{n, witli raspect �.'"t�o file;lnccl �n� Ti�omn,s I'lumrner. Inspector of farcri. commnnder of Prom thie. Such ignoro,nce is iucxctts- �jehwsys. �je. on tho to the defen�es of t6o Atlantic eo�Kt. soatl� half�of � t iln if� tl�e lOtlt�cone tue H 1`#`u,'t �� '� Tt wili be ob,�rvrd that �i good�y P�rticutarl}• at FIalifnx, wliilo aoq,e of F,, .; ��;��ncts PresUyteriun tl�is week t���mberoY �l�ose mentim�ed kavegnne eaviest � cession of l:net �Vu�vni�oeh, conte,inin� �ira s atterr�'•*��,, �Ii tU0 ncres, offered fm• sal� at tLe siame Atlantie ar �un9 vip��deto Cu ad itl�c te it � , � e fact tliab Q�_ tp� Na e to be shi ;t0 b� I though Lhe liquor �iceases Urin� 9 of all flesh, but a gnudly time a,nd place, wxa withdra�rn from 11 +' .. � Tu:ger revenue thsn ever there are��far n��br•r Rre yttll hale uud hearrv in 6°'10• nTrs. J¢a. 11T8��;erriey-,'of Tiarrsville,' ...---------- ent13� fewerlicen�es isaued uow,tby,nformerl our midnt, D(¢y they long remsi'n to �ef� �er ttaree children, n,ged ;�, 7 and 3�, ����Y -' - ; SC aK ��e a matter o£ fact the nambercf lioen_ telt us of tkaeir early etruggtea xnd ` � aes i❑ Ontario has deoreased 5�� in �Iicks vs. Jones wus an aatiou tried at Uome �sl�ile ahe �veiit to tl�Q store ' at 1lliddlesex Aesizes to recover da,ma�ea fiat rda ��� f; l� al'�8. � sucr.eseee, for inaticious prosecittion. TI�e laic�_ f�unc7 fl�e �•oiinA.set lying unt L1ie floor, �Iurc1�,F:the wife of'3t�l,ain, ��� 1'P 31yt ' ��.. a ei�ht yeara. Uf course tt�e t�U�}Jer 1e Upon muny oCcasiona D4r DIc1'a n Covered cvith blood, with a razor b her bliter. nt A r' � ur Liff, dol�n gicks, is a farmer livin� r�l�n :1 Aic7.eaci, � ,: targer now than during tve Scott Act �A�rt wae ur�ed cu Ncce�t varioua ,pb, T7eborno, a in � a duu � 1'°"'r''•--I2� Clinton, on tl�e utl� a�• e- Yeare, bnt it ia 664 less tha Huron coLmty� tvl�o claims e�de. i`he childawas vex y - P�). 1Ta[coim 1ticTa o $t �a �} in .�ggl, >>� poeitioqy, but, ttrqugh weli quali- falselqi�Qiicio ely,�and w'tt$oq e piace,• the losa of blood, tl�ou�h n t a&a f�Im ?� ��¢r� L�e ' 3,eura. �bart, a�ed 7.! e A��m Cr6 kg �°�,� �tbe�ffre$e,jman �n� 8nd a dielike � the worr� ndturmoll E s�e c�uge, � little faca waeone ma�s of cuEe, and ia� er, Ason, In Last W�cviLhoeU f,l�.t��e . t reason- �, w��e of MrEf�sLi, WilfJ�- `�!!!'1'LLY—Il] Cliuton on grappie with the evils of the liquor ineident to th� work inevi6abty eoa• witlf�]Iy and malfea pefore a ma i� V� nn��k °Vae R bu°u gasli that came '1pri1 Gth, Catherine, re(ict o£ ltl�e la e , !1 te a,nd accuaed the plaintiff of havin 9 ' tradic wit� aa g witUiu a]iGtle of cuttin� �unnn•�._-In tVin�[in�t7, o�� tl�e Ynd �'t 6' years. F Y de�rea ef sacce8a. nected with them, made him refuae, J g �nst., ti�e tvefe p{ n1i �O��e «�hitet a ea 8g ,. � Juatice to bie memor �ciously destroqed one Tl�e ot}�er cuildrenb �ve e Snnll r Csz�c�--In Ha � bg admission, Gut the public nreneaei. �hn uViep iQDearRn�connectiona wa�a wa9 pf h�txeee' Q�8° of aesault and havin d�$covered m a closet fast aeIeep, tneir �v• Jern�pn, a Y� on t$e 4tlz inst., cauaed him to be baund over to kes t g �ittle henda coveced with btood. Tlzey dat��.hter. Tuoznae Ching, aged f<, ye&r�, � q�onthq �n great l2aste to do jusgice to the inou�ory repreaet�tstioq of the county iu Pgr_ R011IYBD�>-.. � �3 Ci&j�8, ofan}•body. �tb the �� The lain'tif#' claima � n 2ae e�nle,ined to tlieir znotLertfimt the had In 'Sb'in;;l,a�n, on the �,Uth a� slm to vis cvoundcjd fee��n 9000 as beeu ptayingbarbernnd tryinb to $have Maa ghter.�ife of bT� ,7as S, I;�b�neon, $o�.LnRD-In Exeter, on the 7th inst., '"��' liament, in the ioterest ot the (,onxer- � ��� Tl�e most importaut assa r � costs. A geA,� n, w�fh Ehe bab R�ho Ann beloved wife of 11'Cr' 'xbog Pollard, � s rand Trunk sunual report, �lssna��1 to� such proffe ed honors, A few yeara s o On the 20t] c� verdict rvaa returned Y> woatd not )ceep atill and so �'A�r,H•I��At tliepursoraarye, Bluevale, P y, but he always refueg�j ��'y tlle ?ury, was aut. They becsme fr� btehed at on the Slst March., tl�e �c•ife of Ztev Z aoed 76 yeara 6 montha. �'� 'rida r the blood • BrvvrTm-.I❑ Usborue, on the f>th � M�- Y, elaEe to Tupper's attaok on tlie he acc�ptad a position at the Fl2ga � of MnrcU A tl�ur Brootz bebY's wonnde �ve e drese d and ahe will � B� w°�lw�l1, a dsnglitel•, Oz11PanY• Ti�e Qirectors ��a� Eligy who residee near �3e��v ' recovar, thou�l� s��� �� 2u8t•� Thomaa Bennett, n,ged 80 years, „� � hen the electione wer�pendingtuey qn. School 13oard, which he satiefactorily ��"� �� txucteci tlie �eneral manager tk�at the s�jed at the time of his death, �°�lite drivin� 0 atntion, Dir;xr..-Ii� gtAnley tativnAhil,, ob u As a$enrq Brandon'ehfarml� sn,tiv a f8�a�e t��ree bad acare ou her face�a�e two or I�[,arcl� :;3nd, the wi£e of �qr .E��uxy oard l�ad nothin to do with politics or Truetee he entered heartity into the fox. Ae tivent to the Uouae and �acured � � �� � --------____ Uiehl, of a dnughter. - - __ _ _ ;� ���i;' vith either �arty, but only �vith the in- �c��me oF raieing t6e echool to the `_ �_ • 7�t erosts of the com an etattig uf a Co[[egiate Iqatitttte, &pd 4 gun and ehot her. While he �&$ 4�R L�TTEI{, �°j•°FR.-xn G4odericl� tuw�����ip, on ��'"4� P Y• In sccordance $bsent for the fire-arms uzotlaer Reqn_ ��'�` � Clie �nd inst., tlie wife, wn�a iCh thie policy, Mr Bear�eant, vvhen pe��p�lfy euperiutaQded the e$ten- �'rd ha3 o C�Ve �visli itdiatinctl understooa that °F �� Georga ,� �q ir Charles Tupper calIedon him, d�_ eive chanaes in ti�e buildin then tione to �er�h� of four babzee �e are not, y �u11er, of a clAughter. removed 'her f mIl Y snd eponszble, fo��anctly or indira�t�y ra. ��En- x� �„�clin8d tomakeany announeement to the g whose eyea mere not ' yn d e r t h i s hea d,] On Wedn�sda '%;<'.�$� -�I�'! , emplQyea with re gard t o t h e e leo tions. tere, hieIyra kiQmae be al! o t h e r m$ t, brua k Y or�iniona ea p r e s s e d a t L Ue Metuodzet areo y' „� a r c h 2a t h, � :'� e '?roportance cj a;� 1 a� i f 01' T he directorssaytheycannbt tooetrong- bp L8e tBlm ''chOroag�, Y e t o p e ne d, to u, 9 beet desotibed su p��e for greater esfet �� C•. the wife of Ll�ie 1ie� y�yaj���O keepitigthebload�q �1�� 1lOC t�[�- 1Y deprecate Tu �, Pposed. Their hidin y' �t �g of n eon. a Pure condition i� pper's aotion ancT the Sbpxtiq after eettl ing ftere D1r Mc to Mr�B oa$Ve home. t�Vhnttoado wftl� universau �Zl'. T�i ppei' �&hKaa�ewl�ioh ve permitted himself to Te Y�vere carried i�� --' Y known, ti employ, especia,lly in view pf the fact ggart commeneed the u�anufacture P�'YM<)t7'!'FI �kk;rJ���� PZARI{ILI> 1nd Yet ttcere arQ 8fo2'4i tbi9 thaE as o� O� faqhlO$ 1TljI}g, gt]fI COIIEI011BCI EO CIO them wae the next conundrum. A veryfewpeop1enttJ, '.CG 8'L41i �vps to fa�irly eA ee nt�ali irnt�ereatsnof g�• either afoue o,r ip pattnerahi�p with p P t etoe Ucvha hAd hossession of tbe ~ sr�'"'��--Ko���L.-At Brainptnn, vn the blood. The t1int o ' :Co thr E�litur r,f t7,� Cli�rlo�i. �t'r•w L,•,�. 3�th hlarcu, b tlte Iiev have pertectly pure = the llomin(on and nat attack a company Mr A18x. 1lZg��prebie and MC Joseph ro r Y talten away fram her and to issue Y �r Lan gor�}� t 5��'�[ula, sait rheuat, or tecentl Puppxas 5te,-�qr ,7oltn Tedford, in �r JO� steep, of Cltnton, to � ��her tout humor ts heredited and trans „ F whiol� has for a long timo and ia gti�� �'�idlep, Untlt about the yea;r 1881, tab cke r�ae of aU sha adopted ti�e lit�le .A8 '�couses youx correspondebt fr �St aucretia Rowe, of Streetaville, eldosg ��t� J� ; expendinglnrge sucna on ite vast rail- om ghter of tue late I3anr,ilton Itowe. ��t g8�erat�onq, caustr�g ��ntoid su8'ering� �d ; a;•- �vaysyetem,resuliinginenormouebens_ �h�n he retired and the present firm n hnnCera and 'is enrin� „ Y�old of an error, becauae he stated C,�Lr„txnan- t Ne alsoaceamal.uc pvisuu at�d germeo� �y, &esumed th8 bueinesa, Tp a8y that t�le°� in good stqle. � far klie Plycnouth Bretiiren l�ave come 31st, by I{ac, J, g�lldersou EA9e trom iite to tve Dominion snd which canttot L iTt�zeR _ Un 11�nrcv � 6 r e a t h e, the a[r pe ��'�' }18 {V&8 BUCCQ88fUI $8 fl IqabilFg�tll[eT� � �DtO o�r �idet." B�r Tedford objenta at Eue restdence of bride's brother Ros - ;� {d ut tend in ti�e Future to increase {tg ie but to repeat what everyope in this tO tj�e ase of tUo word Piymopt6, and ctale Place, 8e�ton, IVir.C. N'����erry, we eat, or t�e tooq r°s�eritY, Tl�ebaa,rdl�ad good reaevn vicinitq koowa, His induatry� hon, NE�$ NOTES. Aays "tl�st bze the watee n be eatie5ed cvittt Mr $earo ` � Y were � e we drintc, ��e3' attitnde, wl�ici� w�ll certainly redound recognixed, anc! he en'o �Yetl�ren froz�i hea,d mastor of Norwood Mo el�$ohool, elusiVe�y Tkerd ts eant's 86t9r aud fair dealing wera epeedily p � �r8�tford and Ctenton." ��. ��C '• Cable re orta siate that the f3ritish they were, but at the sRme ��°�bthe � Wl���� Ne11ie, onl raore con. :n future to the beneflt oi the com J Yed a large OBttlo�mgrkete are �yet►]c nnd prxcea are �'ere Plqrrrouth BreiI�ren from $rant- Aoward, q da�bhter of tt�e lato Ehan t8e p r° p e n &�SOCi� �At ti�e meetin Pan,v and pro$teble busiuese, low• 1� y H Latimer, of the to�nehi of Posit1pe •� � � onTueaday woelt 8ir old partnera remain in our soidst and fOxd�nd Clinton. AIr Tedford himselg, p p�a'�rotHood'sSarsapai9lia.overa11d(genye� r �'�� � 4n�'YTYter �vitlre�tyfq]ly toTu �� FIector 74IcLenn, fdrnler, waa atruok `n Ebe letter I refer to, �cLR,+ti-4'racoN_�tC1�riat Churel� tried d etatements, 'WitJ� the repart are Zggn�d b��h have e@t�•�d tbe town a•ell as ZT tor �rove, oC the blood. T1tjs �uedle�ne, wuen latrly �� l�odies uf �ir gQnry Tyler's►atter to the bv a train near � believers of An �t�tes tlint all yQncoavor, B, C„ on t1�e 4t1� of Mareb, �alt rhewn, rem�oves tf,etrace oP aero[pl� oY t.�lj I{esve. lYIonday Qnd &illed � �' U11�., o'z I This is tl�e tonrizin� of $criptu e1�r01�ut �i �g aud the potition to the CAi�adihn Tbe deCeasecl by the Rev Mr Iiobeon, Eiraiiibald �c- oatarrh, neutralfzes t.iint �vhiop causea ""` overnmeni sig�ed b 1 seutletuan way a ge numbers of tf �1� �>1evers are Brethren, �Aan,of NewWeaLmineter at�d ToronEo the acidlty and curos etaunch ad6ersnt to the Preabgterian �ar g o1�gs, nre ��,pl pr� ent en�- descri�tive term i�o w��t n�r , C�G ox� of t e com e,n tNo I'000 Proprict- �hUrC�. �rom the Srst he a,g� oa� the farixiiq Y of Tedford plense gay wlist qqalifyiug oi. to ('�rtrade Catt�orine, eldest'daughter theumatism, drtves ��i•�o�rde�'�rafficpe�ei t� YBaYs a�o. t1s igrating froui Ireland. of tLe ]nte g. L. ��m p E�°Be wore in �� �te pillar�I'bgre, �o a�j j� funds order that outsidera �a oulil profer, in Vercoe, RI. D., of out the ����� tlae latter halp of lnet year reduced by be w�g a liberal Coutributpr, ggd In the �tQte af rnnlaulipas, Tilesica you�• correapon,iont refere'�if lhe oa��of� lbronto and $onfortG. germs oF a .��e �'�rY lowrntes, but �l�eae �,re now to lar6e19 to 6ia liberality and efiort ie P&ra u totnt Iase. eombl �rt'�•- rorr,_" m:�t�ria, bt�i�d p���_ ., drou�ht ia killing t1�oueanda of cattie to ��Plymontl�." Z'��8 sect, or the as_ �? ���t some oxtent reatared, nnd #t ie hoped duQ the fine building oecapied by apa ti�e cro s At t1�eBianae Kippeu, A�ning. eta i� ,,i�„ Y, or t�Te c�n�rogatiou of Chrie_ cn tho 3Iat 14larch, by �ev 5. �eb�aon, �taitzes anu en- '�irg the reeult for theourrent I�n1p yrar Wi�l that bod here. n1r' �' �• �odaoii, warden of ti�e �r Itobert Betl, to hliss tinto �� ` zlbi bemuch,if at all, boliii�rt those for death he w&e Chairman of Lhe Truatee kians to «�hicli Mr Tediord belon�s is °f x110�;�'r9mitla. o�c�, sll rtches, tha b)��d, th��x overcoming that tired 3��a`�. 9 lit the'ttme of hie Manitoba Penitentiary, has been qnPor- iznown, ancl has beg;� known for tlie 73nc�•ict•-_ �ql„ �b�s��e poriod of 18Dp, I3onrd, and bnt a ahort time ago took annuatod on account oE ill-l�em�tt�, ga'oxFnor.�rc.� Tho sandsaestify+to�heg�p o-j�r�io1e �, �be �arpia e paet half ce»tury, tes I'Iymoutli ]3retl�• ence of the Uride's futher, �t tI�o resic?- �YSEenr_ __ e`diior of the g�f �r � �en, uaed ae a doscriptive term, n!- i�oaee, �aet �yn,wanoa �y� Hood�e 7i' � fi Lnr.caaUire, n,pron�inent citi- thoti�h in that time they tin,vo be ]�T • Ji 1'.�u•; nn, fEp RCtIVB pBIE 1❑ LI18 Sp17U81 IYl@QilOg 1llr R• State. Barsaparilli as n btot>d punfier. F�ill 9n;or. Lonclo»� r;ri� �,����n����Rl of fl�e cyarch. In quiet apd unoA_ 7ei1 of M�iIlhb9o�hroRt n 14londay�, li� on thn 2hth ��ttan and siatertients olcures sent freo. 'Simes, to nIise Green, of liy cuttin auiciclo eo subdivicied as to ��re��l�t �,�� u��e,���al- �V. I2irnay, of Bei reeva �' the ��(,�,.,, �� i�ntntioue wsqy kg �qae g�ven to mucli �oll�e B��ch. Uy Rev IL. Godfrey, hIc C$arlca iv�ioh tookpiace n,t I»nerki�,, (�.,,,,,.�{ 1ed hietocy oi divieiari in thir�s accle� icna �tonehouse, of �nst «'nw•onoah. � '' `+Count At Orillia on Monday P�dwaed F�owos eiastecal. '�Bretl�ren,,• � � � to IYliss Jem- � ���� Y� 2'hnreriay evenin� ]n,sl, ,, .,L cbnritq, kno�vu onlq to Itia more im• fell from � trepeze zn tl�e T[igh ecl�ool ren" I so � O�Ch of tl�o romnntic about it, ;,jr °�ediate assoCietee-be cletested pub. °r Tli0 Ht�et�'- ' oymnasium aiid fraeturod uie ekn1L ��yo� li PPose wotild do, if not nlrou,d ��},R -�TrrrtrtNa.- Qh �yednesday-, � � atVson firet met, l�is bride on ,ylii�,, rcj l�Cityttqa g}��m. 11te A Crnhnm of Glencoe atartod t� Y:VI�1roh 2,-�tv., at St Pau2's Iieatory, I� ���io aoarse of F3ix alms avere Siven Y aonte other eoct, if it wore cor- ����� � hiH w&e a fow �'n At(antic ��,�•�,.�„ in seCrOt� but they neeertheles� RC• Plou�;lt on the Ist of A riL tvlioui referencc wna mndc:-. T3nt �Vin�l�am, U Ttev I;, G. �� ��+� tain the n,vern�c� reailer wonld kiiow to nrd Andre�v AQar, to Cilti�erine � q� � eomplished $ I� SVheat a,nd y W. ItugUo, Itich- yeet•s ah�, wh- �� ,Ft�• Sreat o0d, clovec have eomo t�irou�h thc� winter in p 4 ie Icnncr cvf�at you metiv, if -. aW'�on wns a ttzarrind mo,at e p aeeiu� 3�ens. Uotl� cf T`urnberr}•. SGeP• So;a b�ndrv isra r ��" ritfh nttracted U ' ��«. Jtr �c•ny �r nTcTpg��rt �g,� b�u �ilin,�, ;t firct claes condition in tunC diatrict. �oia epen,k nr cvriEo nb��tG '�Ptvmoi 9 �� Pt: qtz ror�t5. 7>reparedonlj p ' nsive kunrvled�e ��i I bri�ht �'�i�tril ct, eeem�, butaAOt ` nt,it� eC�rior to his (Jn S�inday ttvo men who �verc �vnrk- �ti'nrrr;r�oiir>-AP,��rv.-,�tt'irdFn,l[nr. , n�c. t. xt�xit�,< i�� �, , dE�tl� etheerS, �vt�nt �rent objection can�uo oii the •l,ith Dlaroh. 11ir Adnm �.n"•. t�'wet�� ataew „��' ' finallc prcraiFed ently sulli• inq for a Lnndot� rir�;ed tt�ttlflBL 1�1r ,3 �Vl�itr_ dC3%i �^�:, ..,� �oilmr on�,e a npn» h�r to Cieat to c»t�se 8t1 Tawnshi�� fnrmor aor;t I 1 month lg for<l, jr., formerly of FIn � conlrihut�x q unesainese. T6e nctnrl•elted nnci one wns etabbed difficult to im�,nine. Y� tn DIiss 14r. ; .. j�„�4. .. • to l�ia ��n��er. diseaeo cvhich canaed hie defltl� WII8 g l�enrt. Tiie to tho ririnrna, of ti"irdeu. '��"'�^ng nt firet st�ore �qr�,��. of ecnliur o�e victin� is I3qn Ileihbard, Tfie Iatter pnrE of Bfr'Pedforrl's letter ;�"i bttsine6y uhn,rnet�P, bu6 1��• i.ntCS011 by th0 6e8t m an�t ti�o wielder of�the lctiife C IIod�as, rnitl be Cr.�iti< iY1cl)na u,r�. � and eoul<! ��ot bo stuyed i`•U� iy nocv in London �;nol. ��•�Iibf to some, te�id to none I �[ tt�e bride'e Faiher, on tlio131st l�a rcje � `,�:�vin�r become n, tvidorv2n, in the course it ha,d recentty �been �rema kerl tbett ynn. a irnm �. f,tii .� nm euro ma•o so thnn to liove Ilender. b,y ItevJn,s. A. Anderson,$. A,.�Vi�finm ! . f timetheynssamed a docidel,ydiffel•ent ''ntricic [� Pon nnd Nesvton. I I�'. (,lnrk, � eter�nnry Snr�eon, aon of �- �'���bCt, evith the resu1i �Iroadq sfatod. he fvas failing, the reaenn 1 )mu ta Rrna�tfoe�d nnd Cti�iton iluvez1nnln from dnmrrs (,lnrlc. �iC1�' �.�ITU�'1�t��Qjlit`lit.5. generaily sec.are emploS�ment' tnolc p��»on tho to T3n,,yfielrl '�tn hat�i fort}x tA ��rri.ehhzp �tgn .� �P TahWSOH 11&8 �Ih(� P.RCb11A1V0 CX 1PYl- a987�'ljQCI �{'gg $dpSI}C�q� RbrA Aqd F�e other day nenr Cnmber, pnt., tivith Y�ono Colborno to�vns}�ii�, to �� �"""-- ���4ndonQ� n' i illneas of his liPe•lon lriencl, &tr riit�C, gt�icidal intont, Ho cvne .°m,l,c the Cioa�rel of tlio grnoe of t3aa,•, �ol�onn,idnoflT3� nfop viliao=�. Gltitt� �'r��� y-- '� j aournaliet, and is n �` tnk�n to iew tl�er� are �vho wi11 not devonEl �n I,,�vciTnv__ �, d��l�t�ter of A. C. + RallwayTiek��0��� ;Congidera,ble of t� record. murchie. A%w ts'eeke ago, �owever Winasor nfber bcin� pumperl ont, ni�d "God e�eed." ,.I;i�fortune,iely� hocvever, mi the 24th 111arch, b Re ;waaitU and position n,»d b� �eCnme ivorae, fli��all,� ta'uin to Aent tr, Snn�tivich for tl�r�c �•��t•y ne n�ast li�storY a'o�Tld nntt�ritlly lettd anyY aton, Nir f�nm �1`�Ceor e�otecworth, I efinnnr,iatworid. Dui•_ hia b�d, �nd passed at'vaq on �laet L0.""'•ant. y v A. �. '� to the '6Vest�rn BtAEcs Sunciap morning. °no ��nvarennt �vit2a tl�e tancl�in�q �f nZi.aA t:iei� �;rqR.n �otl� �f �}rcy�tevcm- ij bire I)I11RIAj;(�. N1jP �� n��•nror �v�r �ratitt�e��, k�io�vn ngPl � Lkn�tot�, to I T 4� ''.;`� rof iIre t•ailivn� u�n�nate, �'b� Fuaorst, Cn Tt2e�dny.ct�ns 1nr g. t1to non Torouta, cvn�s icieke.i almoat Ymoutl� I3retU- '�'$$ �7�dCP(� $t �tiR (jf9tJOSRI, �Y ntten[led, � gxgag �a�y relr�4ipeA Bt&�.TiA I1,9 9I]C pp11,R [eedin� it. t I'el�. t� 1°oli frn•, Ict, preaoliin�tho C�oq. R tndonth liy u, hvrco in lier hnvb�nd's %inrne o£fern�l t,� pel: 'ln�l, n rleterroino@ eti'or6 tn �r��e. . _._. .�_ I �,,, ht tlte dial�n.snt ��f tl���Lr da( in uttendppc��m'l p pa!1 enrer.v ware nail a�verrzi ri lvtize. No nonder, thero[a•e, th�it thM �`�r,F r:.ir,t;;rr,to p int�a�in�t akDtaC7iY;T� ieauod to Q3ltside �>iACpN �6108 le�, ri;;ht urm, bon�a nf her Irpt rchen�l 6 b �teve T�endoraon nnd Nowtm� �rnrncrl T'nr�n ator,Ic, c�to., �vitir>ii6 rQscrvo, of � M�niCobn, nnd tir t� 1\?eHs1's 'T. �ni) .i. Fair, .T, !'urnbull, ,�'�r,nvn� r is d� i�tfuicfrnrt,�ro�l. and her Itye irrernLr�rA of thair ohurot�es, ieh (.�otumbin. � t ;lT�• Findl T' .7oxx TZ�YHf�rrlt�., r.O5a1011 01� F'it�oilay,�on �71�nrac2a;rd cnt�_ toketfl and n,tl information n T i1 e , Sttepleton: A' " t)i. Y� April �% t�/��yi�`iQiyf I[ Y to • :;ot�,. �ri,oa nw�wn, n��nc. • �ru��� nc�t�.rrm �:. n�. �, � w �