The Clinton New Era, 1891-03-27, Page 5i Fine Gold. Spectacles I will give you a Solid Gold, heavy rimmed, pair of Spectacles, with the finest crystal glass in thein, for $1, which are guaranteed by my - elf and the company. This is better than buying thein from pedlars pd hawkers, who care for nothing Lut to get your money and get out of town. J. B. Rumball & Co. WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, &c., CLINTON This ,Huntingdon Election. The following, from the Mon- treal Witness, which is right on the scene, will show how the gov- ernment tried to defeat Mr S3riv- er, who was elected on Monday by 261 of a majority and which the Edlipire claims was a "moral victory." The Witness says:— Judging from the comments of the press, a great deat of interest was taken throughout the Dom- inion in the contest which ended yesterday in Huntingdon County. The electors of the county have done themselves honor by with- standing the extraordinary in- fluences brought to bear upon them by the Government to de- feat Mr Scriver and re-electing their old representative by a large majority. The Government's probable majority in the present Parliament, though not a large one, would. in ordinary timed, be a sufficient one forlall practical purposes, but, in view of the pre- sent temper of the country to- wards protection sad the more in- dependent atti„ude assumed. by many of the Conservative candi- dates during the recenteampaign, Sir John Macdonald probably feels that he will need to strengthen and consolidate 1'is majority at every opportunity and by every meal in his power. At any rate •overt' means known to the Gov- •ernment to influence by-elections, which they seldom fail to carry, resorted to in the case of Hunt- ingdon. The national prejudices of the Irish, Scotch and French residents of the Bounty were ap pealed to by compatriots, and the -religious feelings of the French were stirred up against Mr S crir- •er, who voted against tne Jesuit Act. The influence of one of the priests was openly declared and Used against Mr Scriver and the French w r to under stand by election agents that tho low, marshy land occupied by some of them would bedrai ned and guarded against an overflow of the St. Lawrence by public works at the expense of the Government. Tho organization of the Conservatives is said to have been perfect, and the presence of two cabinet Min- isters in the county was no doubt cecouraging, and seemed a suffi- cient guarantee that' the Govern- ment were so desirous of winning the county that incase it return- ed a Conservative member the at - most corisiderationwould be given to its interests by the 'Cabinet. Under toes© circumstances -it •i$ not strangevf Mr Scriver and the Liberals of the county entertained some doubts as to ,-the result. It is therefore 'creditable :10 (the -county that• it .has; in spite of everything, given its old member a m.ijority of over two hundred and fifty. Though not an unre- stricted reciprocitarian who would -discriminatoagaipst Great Britain Mr Scriver is, we understand, a free trader who would support the largest rneasur'e of reciprocity ,both as to manufactures and as to natural products which could be obtained with strict regard to friendliest attitude towards the Mother Country. Mr Blake's opinion that unrestricted recipro- 'city would mean political union with theUnitedStates was made the most of.in the contest, and it,per- baps, eaysed some 1u1 ewarmness towards the candidate of the Liber, al party. The result is, however, another protest against protection and constitutes a warning to Canr dian manufacturers that the end of a policy which favors thein at the expense of the people in yen- I oral is within measurable dirt- siesweneselwilawase CLINTON MARK ',18 Osrreoted every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, March 12, 1891. WheatJaf l 1 00 Wheat, spring 0 95 Oats 0 50 Barley 0 48 Peas 0 70 Flour per bal 5 60 Butter 0 12 Eggs 0 13 Wool 0 20 Pork 5 00 Hay 5 50 Hides, No. 1 trimmed6 00 Hides, rough 3 00 Sheep Skins 0 50 Timothy seed 1 25 Clover Beed 3 75 taLCC. • Spring Shows a 1 03 a 1 00 a 050 a 050 a 075 a600 a 016 a 0 14 a 020 a 5 25 a 030 a 600 a 325 a060 a 1 40 a 400 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There were about 1,000 head of but- chers cattle, 83 calves and 40 spring lambs'offered at the East End abattoir to -day. The butchers were present in full, force, but were rather slow to be- gin operations. Towards 11 o'clock trade became quite brisk, and for some time there was some difficulty in gett- ing the cattle weighed as fast as their owners desired. Prices of anything not very prime were lower than they were last week. Extra beeves sold at 5c to 5.A and, first-class animals at about 4;tc per lb, with the rougher beasts down to 3hc per lb, but trade was slow in anything but prime animals. Five extra beeves were bought at 5Jlc per lb, and been previouslylirgered for ten of the best animals in is lot. The best calves were bought up before reaching the market to day, as there is a very brisk demand for good veals. Six good calves •were bought for$72,also fifteen superior sheep (yearlings) at Oc per lb live weight and five good spring lambs'kt $7 each. There were a good many spring lambs offered here to -day which were much too small, and some of them would scarcely bring $3. Fat hogs are plenti- ful, and sell in large lots at from 5c to 5}c per lb; but a few choice porkers, sold up to 6c per lb the receipts is of live stock at the yards of the Montreal Stock Yards Company, Point St, Charles, for the week ending March 21 were:—Gail cattle, 34 sheep, 135 hogs, 106 calves. The supply of butchers, cattle was rather short of the demand. Prices were well maintained, and everything sold with the exception of a couple of loads held over for the Easter market, With continued light receipts of hogs values have improved, closing about 5.1c for choice Iota. The prospects for the Easter tfkrle are good. There are several loads of "extra" Stock already in, and a number reported, but with the light supply of last wee': butchers, have but little old stock on hand, and the gineial impression prevails that the Easter trade will be unusually active. East Huron, Brussels, April 17, Sputli Huron, Brucefield, April 14. t•eborneand Stephen, Exeter, Apt 15 , NEWS NOTES. - On Saturday Wm 0 Rowe and Itobt ltl array, two Metcalfe Township farm- ers, had a quarrel on the road, which resulted in the former receiving a fatal blow on the head. Mrs Stratford, of Tilbury West, went to Windsor last week to have an arm amputated. It had been poisoned by ivy about two months ago, and, despite all efforts to effect a cure, the arm be- came worse and amputation wasresort- ed to as a means of saving her life. Rev Wm Morton, of Hamilton, one of the oldest Methodist ministers on the list, yet his superannuation dates back only five years, is dead. In 1842 he .commenced his ministerial labors in St. Andrews, Quo, In 1846 he was ordained, and received into full fellowship. His last illness was contracted on Sunday, March 15th, while driving 1 ome from Jarvis, where he had preached three timesuring the day. on the wayhotne he tool( a chill and severe cold, which, settling on his Lungs, developed into in- flammation, resulting in his death at a late hour Monday averring. Mt' Morton leaves four daughters and two sons. tl JVl OF -FILE• To take the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. Ask your Dry Goods dealer for it In the Brant avenue Methodist church in Brantford, Sunday night the Rev. James Awde preached a sermon on the "treating custom. The first point taken up u s y the prevalence of treating among men of haleness. This phase of the evil had been considerably abated of late years, but still many men in mercantile life favored the custom as an aid of trade. in this connection the speaker said: "More titan one-half the commer- cial travellers resort to this method to increase their sales. This is true mainly of the ordinary class of`drummers.' The men of superior ability and character, the men most trusted by employers and custonr;rs, disdain to resort to such a dangerous sacrifice. Many young men of fine parts are put 'upon the road,' which also proves for them thu road to disgrace and ruin." Mr. Itowlan,who resigned his seat in the Senate to become a candidate for the Commons in Prince County, P. E, L, and was there defeated, has been re- appointed to the Senate, Some of the Episcopalian clergymen of New York are said to be moving in direction of prosecuting Itev. Drs. W. 5. Rainsford and limier Newton for o- pinions and practices which are held to he to Iibmral. At Walkerton on Tuesday Donald McLeod c,f Kincardine Township was sentenced t'' fourteen years for barn - burning, EASTER HOLIDAYS ItFITU11N TICK Er.; at fare and one third, gond going on Thursday, Friday or Saturday March 'iii 27 25, and returning fo 0mmmenee hot later than Starch :11,1 'Pickets and all in form atioh apply to W. JACKSON, .\(;1';N'1 1lIlSCMLLANROOtil MRS, WHITT, MG.S.M. Tl7$OHAlt op11111810. Plano, Organ and xxp�echalcon, or Wind developer. for use h pupils. Noma at Mr. S. Hartt's,llatte bury Street, Clinton C4UTIQN. The undersigned will not be responsible for any debts oontraoted in bis name with- out his written order. WM. BROWN, Sinn - lin Thoro'bred Durham Bull Calf for Sale. Subsoeiber offers for sale a firstclass Dur- ham Bull Calf of good pedigree. Ten months old; colorred and white. W. MAIB, 8th con., lot 36, Base Line, Hulett. For Sale or to Rent. Aellhouse. othasob'oit bodcar. The good barn wiring orchard, plenty of hard Land soft water, and other conveniences. Terme rea sonable. THOS, TIPLING, Shingles, Lath, Linte, &e. For Sale. ,Subscriber has purchased at the North Shore, a large quantity of No. 1 and No. 2 Cedar Shingles, which he is prepared to sell on the ble oLth,ime,etc..V. H. WHIT1EY Lon- desboro. Marble Shop and Ma- terials for Sale The Shop, Business and Materials of the estate of the late W. H. Cooper, jr., is still for sale. Offers to be sent to the undersigned. Stock lists may be bad on application. MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton . AUBURN MILLS. Lumber ! Lumber! Uaving secured a Large quantity of Rona • lock, Cadet and Hardwood logs, and the mill running full time, I am prepared to all bills for lumber from 10 to 26 feet long, on short notice, at reasonable rates for cash. A Threshing Engine and Boiler in good run- ning order for sale cheap. Correspondence solicited, JAS. YOUNG, Auburn 1 . 0. Durham Bull For Sale For sale, a filet -class Durham Bull Calf, aged nue year Color, dark red. Took priz- es at both Clinton and Blyth fairs in 1890 His dam, Queer. of Clinton, took first prize e,vorywher'e shown, except at Loudon, where she got second. His sire, Vice -Consul, took first at all the County fairs and second at London. This calf is the making of a re- markably fine hull, and will be sold at a rea- sonable price. W. SNELL, lot 20, con. Cth, Hullett, Clinton P. 0, +Im IMPLEMENT A(;rFNCY_.._ Subscriber having; severed his Coiftiection with the Massey Company, desires to inti- mate to his many friends that he has been appointed agent. firm the well-known firof FROST S; WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's falls, and will be pleased to till all orders in his line, as heretofore. Will also keep on hand a stool: of Wilkinson PLOWS, Colter & Scott DRILLS, Disc HARltOWe, and artiek.s of like nature. W. STANLEY, \frit 20. _ 1toln osville and Clinton Odd Fellows Life Insurance: The I 0 0 F Society offers some of the best features in safe life insurance, as well as frater- nal help to it. Members, insuring its members for 01,000, 51,500 or 09,000; 5500 cash in case of accident. The lowest rate of expenses, with strict economy, under the management of the llrand Lodge of Ontario. The C 111 13 Association, under the management of prominent Oddfellows, transacts a general Life Insurance business, , is combines the safety of the Stock Co with the cheapness of the Mutuals. Full government Deposit Policies in force, 35,001; Reserve Fund, over 5000,000; Issued Policies, -from $(125 to ;x10,000, with proflts. For further information apply to the Secretary of Clinton Lodge 1 0 0 F The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company A General Public Mooting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, will be held in the TOW HALL, SEAFORTH, on SATURDAY, MARCH 281h, 1891, At 2 o'clock p. m., for the,purpose of deciding the remuneration hereafter to be i.aid to the Directors. The Directors and Agents will uteetat 10 o'clock a. in., the saute day, at the Commer- cial clot Hotel, Seaforl, R. W. J. SHANNON, Secretary. THOS, E. HAYS, President. Before selecting your SPRING SUIT ox QVERCiJBT,if you want the best value for your money you should call and iu� speet our linea. - We will show you SUITS X12.50, $13.50, X15.50, $16.5f) That will astonish you: We have better ones aswell, up -co $27, ail at close-ct prices. All our Ordered Clothing is made up on the premis es, nder the sup ervision of our well known cutter,Mr Holloway, and we guarantee satisfaction or no sale " WE-- CAN PLEASE YOU. TRY US, 5 per cent off for Cash Estate JOHN HOECENB t4OOO worth of Boots Shoos To be Slaughtered at Less than Cost I will sell for the next 60 days for CASH, my whole stock of Boots and sho7s at the following reduced prices Regular Mens Kip Boots, our own make $4 50 Mens Factory,Boots whole stock 2 50 Mens Bals and Gaiters - - 2 00 Mens ha id sewed Bads of Gaiters 4-00 Mens Felt Boots - - 2 50 Mens Socks and Rubbers 2 70 Womens FeltFox Bals or Buttoned 2.00 WomensPolishCalf vials or Buttoned 2 25 Womens Oil Goat Buttoned 2 50 Womens French Kid Buttoned 2 50 Womens Buff Boots - - 1 35 Reduced 8350 1 75 1 50 3 00 1 75 2. 35 1 000 1 50 1 90 1 90 1 ••00 All other goods in stock at equally reduced prices. Call early and secure Bar- gains, and bring your cash with you, as the above prices are for cash only. This issate s I h + much g aa ave ,00 uch stock and too little money. I am clearing tltent out at cost, and don't you forget it. Chas. Craickshank Geuera] SPRING AIlouucemaut Spring is approaching, and every one is beginui.tg to look around and see what is ieading iu patterns. We have filled our shop with a J as. Steep, SEEDS. Timothy Seel and Clover Wanted, also Oats' and Fe,ed Barley. JAS. STEEP, Feed & Seed I ant selling Oil Cake for $30 per ton, in half ton lots TO RENT OR FOR SALE To hent. Good brick store, with splendid cellar, suitable for any business. Situate opposite the market, Clinton, Rent moderate. W C. SEARLE. HOUSE— TO L1±:T. - Good Brick House to rant on Rattenbury St„ all conveniences, five minutes walk from Post Office. Rent moderate, MISS ALICE FOXTON. Farm for Sale or to Rent. The north half of lots 51 and 52 in the let concession of the Township of 'f'uruberry, containing 100 acres; over 70 cleared, good rave house, barn and stable ; situated 4 wiles frow Wroxeter and 8 miles from Rine- va:e, Will be soli cheap and on easy terms. Apply to M. Mc'I'AGOAItT, Clinton. Cottage for Salo Cheap. Howie on Mill St., contains parlor, dining room, four bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, wash• room and wood shed, well in wood shed. Plenty nf small fruit. Within five minutes wall of 0011100 of town. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply 0' MRS W. MOFFETT, on the premises, or M.\NNINO & SCOTT 1n1 [LOUSE TO RENT. To rent, n conveniently situated house en Rattenbury St., with every convenience, near both schools, At present occupied by In- epector Robb. Possession at at ones. Also the house adjoining with good atone cellar, hard and soft water, and other conveuione es. Stent :Sr, a month. Itereltly occupied by Mr .fohn Stoneham, W. H. )LINE, Clinton. Fart. For Sale. Of the most Fashionable (roods that the market produces And are prepared to sell as close as any in the trade. We guarantee to fit every one. No FIT No SALE OUR M(,TTo. Give BS a trial order. Remember the stand, 'That well•lcltnw0 and vanm1,10 faro. lot, eighteen in rho sixteenth cones;sion of Goderich townsuip,coumprising eighty acres. will bo sold on reasonable terms. Has good frame house of ten rooms. large frame bank Karn, with stable under barn, gond orchard, etc. Now occupied by Mr John Smith. Ap- ply,to the owner, MIL (ll-ORG15 F. BURNS, Ili Sandwich Street, Windsor, Out., or to If. 111l,r;, Clinton, Farm for Sale ' A 15n cern tarn, being int 12 and half of 11, on the 5th ton., flunett. About 40 acre. cleared ani fenced, good larger frame house, Well of water, log stable, &0, 11oo,1 benrilig orchard The soil 1s oxoallent. the stand- ing timer is chiefly binek 'Leh and elm, now so largely need for making furniture, and is considered quit.e valuable. Six nines from Clinton, convenient to School and church. A large portion of the price Dan tetnaln on mortgage Al!upic to SA MUNI". PINE, I'm prietor. Clinton 41 Walton & Monson, Remember the 1 )place y SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON (Opposite Cooper's 1 hook rtore We are opening out a large assortment ofNEW SPRING GOODS of first-class quality and at lowest prices. Eggs taken in exchange. i per c. off for cash W. Taylor & Sons CLINTON i& -ND W6N:SALL SOUTH HURON Farmers' Institute A111001100 of the above institute will be held in the Royal Templars Half, Brucefiefd, —ON- Friday. March 211101, Coin neneing at 10 o'rinele, a. 1n. Addresses •.rill be delivered on the t•ollowiou _ - subjects • Feeding Steers for the 010 Con uerr Harker. NOTICE. r O TI-lJ PURIM- Mr Combes, Druggist, is now sole ag- ent hero for the sale of McLeod's Sys- tem Renovator and other tested rented. • You Want to Buy where you Can get the BestVa1ue1 Now don't you think that the merchant who buys for Cash can buy at a cheaper rate than those wko buy on time. And don't you think that the mer— chant who sells for Cash can afford to undersell the one who sells his goods on time, and has to figure on a percentage of sales that -wilt... never be paid for. Don't you think it will pay you hest to badewith the pian who buys and sells for cash. It will put many dollars in your pocket every year. GIVE US A CALL be - i SPRING SUIT fore buying your We are showing very attractive lines in TWEEDS and WORSTEDS and a magnificent line of'TROUSERINGS Also, new and complete -lines of READY-MADE Suits Seg our all -wool II1If3Jx Tweed suis at S6.50 We have good assortment of Boy's & Child's Suits Eagli�bana9mericaaEatsaadSpricg-Caps to haad� s,Ties. Braces,ILlnd'kis and Gloves 1. OUIMETTEI The Popular Dry Goods House, Londesboro. Great Clearing Sale OF `BOOKS'yFancy: Stationer & Goods: Owing to a change in business, we cfler the whole of our choice new stock AT AND UNDER COST The goods must ho sold, and in a short time, so call early. Work Boxes and Writing Desks about Half price, Ten per c. off School Books. 3 quires Extra Fine Note Paper for 20cts. 3 packages Extra Fine Envelopes for 20c. 2 packages Good Manilla Envelopes for 5c. Blank Books,Extra quality,20c.per 100 page Remember, the stock must be sold and cleared out, You can have bargains, les, Specific and Antidote for improv- - ing weak, and impoverished blood,Dys- Call Early and Often, pepsia, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Loser of 02: �Well:Y Store Uin ppSoesairtlee'rshBo loMckar, ket Clinton Memory, Consumption, Jaundice, Kid- ney and *Urinary Diseases, Female Ir•_." .- regularities and flenerltl Debility. Laboratory, Goderich, Ont. J. itt.M - HuB Leod, Delann'facturer and Proprietor. by John McMillian, 111,1'. Hog Breeding and Feeding, by John Will to, /,1 Un' lnnlfry et. H. !i. I,ro,,., o! 1', Esq. Mitchell. Dairying,by 1nperm, Ontrni Agri Tnn•n'hel1 u(lndr,irh. , in (h, Conn - cultural College,Gn01ph. hl of llrrrr, Aiwa and ()Wets of the Order t' Patrons of I ndttstry, by Jnt1101 McLean, 1•l.q , Lamb. ton Co. Reduction of county renneiis, 1,V Al. 1-, Mc bean, Esq., SestOrtli. nnd.rsignnl has been Only Itppo to ed Assignen 11000111, in the place of Robert(;lIibhi Sheriff. All the Creditors of the said estete are hereby requested tofiletheirclaitnawith me, verified b In the nventtng an nntrrtalnun•nt eousist- `nn or before the drat day of April. 11391, M- ing of short addresses by the apeake•cof tho ter which date 11101101 proceed to distribute day and othersinterspersed by choice the said ,dtnte, /having regard only to such MMMIla'r, vocal and instrumental en,ntnouoing els ims as l shall then have bad notice of, y atiidavit, as dlreetod by Statute, , :a and I will not b0 responsible for rho assts of the said estate or any part thereof to any Admission free. A11 are int itcd to att,+rid. person or persons of whnsetlln.im i shall not snit' Tnttrui CE. •tone 11Av8Au, , then have 1104 nNHAO. Preis' dela Roarntary\V' W• FARRAN, AssigneeT i M ANN1 Mil & SCOT, Assignee's solicitors A G 'WERY 1• ..Cf W— -- T11d'�T 2 AIN - The Call for , Trial Sample and get our Price& Customers will find our Teas equal to any in the market, both in flavor, quality and prices. Our Tea trade has steadily increased during the past two years,. which is a good guarantee of the satisfaction our Teas give. We sell Teas al; very close prices. Great reductions for 5, 10 or OOlb lots. Just give ns one trial and be convinced. We would also invite you to comp and see the largo amrxtnr. of Bright Sugar we give you for $1. We are going to give you the very Hoak value that can be bad. Kindly call and sen what we aro doing. AIN A L, C111 L'O 0 al