HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-08-08, Page 3IN 4/ *It CANADA MAD MAGIC AKING POWDER - which the vestiels NhOula be Inverted on 11 a rack to drain end dry trona their OWU heat. If poileible thee /Mould be pieced where the sun wilt /Mine on them, es this Will do itatich to keep them pure and sweet. The proteetiOn, of Utenaile from acct. dente% contamleation etter theY been thorOughly waohed and eealded has a Inetteurable effect in reducing the germ eontent of tbe Milk Or crew% WARat NEWS AND 'VIEWS, If mak Is not ea,Ved until the ninth Milking after the einv freShene, there will he tem Pured Milk returned thle bummer. /experiments geinaucted by the aline neaota Station prove the value of acid Phosehate in crop production. This ter- tillzer has advert an average Ingreatie of 4.6 MIAOW of corn; 4.1 bushels or wheat; 6 bushele of oats* 7 tons Of clover, Over 114$0 4:ga:A = rtteg:a 1., w front one application, applietl to the land for the corn crop which is lollowea Ili rotatiOrt by wheat, oats an clover 10 the weer named. Pigertais war prices, the increase Would amount to approxi- mately 414.92, while the cosit of the fertie lizer is °My $4,00, leaving a net profit of elanan acre, for the rotation. Fertilizer tests made at the Masao- chusetts Station indleate that lent* Which has received annually a liberal. appllca- tion of manure for several year wilt produce satisfactory crepe for some time without further fertilization. Feed less silage now and have some Lor the *Mort grass season. Belletin 147, of the Pennsylvania Sta- tion, says of the availability of potash fertilizer left over in the soil: "Clays and towns that have been well fertiliz- ed with potash until quite recently !still held in their surfaces layers oonelderable fertilizer potash in .cond1t10n to feed the crops for several years. Hence, for most field crops inability, to stunalY fertilizer Potash at tine time does not threaten it great reduction in yields from land of such history, It Is both profitable and interesting to note how various fruits are multi - Plied. Some by cuttings, some by bud- dingagrafting layer., eockere or sprout. Sometimes two or more of these methods may be employed in e.ny particular ca13e4 but tbe methods generally employed are those experience has taught us to be the best adapted: Apple and pear -seed. seedling, budded or grafted. ePach and other atone fruits -seeds; seedling bud- ded. Peach trees are sold at one year from the bud, but other stone fruits are planted when two or three years eold. Quince -cuttings usually. The cuttings often are grafted. Grupe -cuttings of from one to three buds; layers. Cur- rant and gooseberry -Cuttings. Red raspberrg-ettekers from the root; root cuttings. Black raspberries -layers front tips of canes; root cuttings. Bleats+ berry -root cuttings; suckers from the root Dewberry -layers of the ti a of the canes; root cuttings. Dwarf une- berry-aprouts or suckere from the roots. Cranberry -layers or divisions. Straw- berry -runners; tip cuttings. The ordinary system of hanging the barnees in the stable behind the horses, or on the stall posts, is convenient, and while it gives reasonable sattsfaction, it Is better to have a dry and well -ventilat- ed compartment outside the ste.ble prone' 'er, or even a closet in the stabla protects the harness from the moisture and the ge.ses that form, especially in, poorly ventilated stables. Both the. leather and the mountings continue to. look better and will last longer under, these conditions. While probably tae convenience of the ordinary method. may warrant its adoption for the work, harness, there certainly should be a sepal' orate compartment In which to keep tile' good harnese, 'whether heave- or light. ' THE CARE OF CREAM, Quality is what primarily figs the price of butter In a, mereet. flood but- ter, ouch as commands the top pricers, Is governed only by good cream, and the quality of the cream is largely the re - ;suit of the care telt cream receives on tho farm. Practically .sweet cream is uaed fox. the finest grades of creamery butter. Butter lacks In keeping quality when made from etale, sour and over- ripe cream, and besides it is usually of a weak body and texture. Butter of a high color, well salted, and ot quiets, high acid flavor, nt One time Wahl the standard, but that has been changed for the reason that such butter tlacks serlotisly in keeping quality, and when held iu storage doe) not turn out satisfactorily. To -day the ciemand is for a mild, clean -flavored, lightly -salted, low -acid butter, the product from sweet cream. Siich butter le of excellent Iteeri- ing quality. Sweet cream that is pas- turized to a high temperature and °burns ed without souring, produces a butter that Is capable of retaining Its mild, clean flavor almost indefinitely, when held at the right .storage temperature. PRODUCING GREAat OF FIRST The fundamental principles for pro, clueing a first -grade cream, are cleanne nese of the cow and her surroundings, eleen milking, cleanlinese of cream sap- arator,..promptness of cooling and free fluency ..-of delivery. The cendition of the barn and yard where cows are itept and the milis.ing done, exerts a decided influence on the Quality of. tbe cream produced. The walls and the ceilings of the cow stable *should be as free from dirt, dust and colneele* as possible. The stable should be .provided with plenty of controllable Ventilation. The cows should be both ecorifoetable and contented at ail times. The 'milker's personal habits largely determine the cleanliness of the prod- uct. He shotild be per:zonally clean, have cleanly habits, and enjoy perfect health. Rapt(' aoolipg Is possible only by set- ting the cream cans in water. Air is a -poor conductor of heat, and the ex- posure of the cans filled with cow -warm cream to cool air alone, fails to cool it promptly. Water -*conducts heat over 21 times as fast as air; the cream set- ting in water therefore cools many times more rapidly than cream standing in. 0001 air. e Warm cream should never be mixed with cold cream or that which Jo older, glees thia tends to bring about condi- tions favorable to the growth of bac- teria, evhich produces bad flavors. This tan be ea:illy avoided by providing a Mall can en addition to the larger one gor atorage. This should be used to res ceive the warm creern direct from, the separator, and be immersed in the cool - lug Water until the next milking, when it may be safely transferred to the main supply sand efficiently mixed by vigor- ous stirring. When properly cooled and frequently stirred, the cream remains in proper Mechanical condition, so that it can be readily transferred without excessive loss due to cream sticking to the can. CREAM A PERISHA.BLE PRODUCT. Cream is a very perisnable product. Like other similar products, it is at itg best when fresh, and, should, therefore, he marketed AMU -lout delay. Age will cause deterioration of cream under any Condition, and while proper care tends to retard such deterioration, it cannot prevent it entirely. for this reason de- livery - should be as frequent as possible' e -certainly not leas often than three tapes per Week in summer and twice per -Week in winter. Cream should be kept In the cooling tank ,untti it leaves the term. Washing dairy utensils is a very im- portant tnetter. Tinware of agood quality only should be used. .A.fter us- ing, they should be rinsed first with cold Or lukewarm water to remove all parti- cles Of milk. Hot water at this stage tends to cook the milk fast to. the tin, 'Ilkdonning a sticky layer over the surface, which Is very difficult to remove. They should then be thoroughly crubbed with a good fibre brush in -warm water, to which a small quantity of good -washing powder has been added. The washing should be followed by a thorough acald- ing with water as tear the boiling paint as possible, or with live steam, after rt0 sAFETY0 ttAZ x / 51 err Mechanical Perfection There are Many reasons why the AutoStrop is the ideal aviator's rater. bueone stands out More prominently than the othere end will instattly tomeal to every 'Knight of the Air", that is, its Mechanical perfection. Beery aviator knows and appleciatet whit tnechimical Perfeetion meane-" his 'elite must be perfect in every deteit to avoid eccidente. His razor mutt be perfeetio1iit4If to give complete satisfaction. The AtttoStrop is the one razor that will give continhous service without the tuntoyente of buying new bledes, becalm it is the only razor that Itharpens it own blades wonted. Oolly—the 12 blades you receive with ths AotoStroo will give you at IOW 500 clean, comfortable shaves. Special Military Outfit Price, $5.00 M beadle, Stone Omelette. AtitoSiop SafetyRazor CO. Lisette $$.117 IthiluSL. • Toes% ihs. /me ././e JtS,; 4`14,Ne; 'ese, :1111.111101' , asset" eeet An Optical Elusion. "I want you to clean my shop win- dow," said Mr. Jenkins to Muggins, the village champion window cleaner. "Do you think you can do it while I'm away for an hour or so?" "Oh, yes; glad to do it, replied aluggins. And while Mr. Jenkins 'Nal out he set to work with a will and completed the Job with a vengeance.. "Muggins" said Jenkins, entering the shop and glancing at the cleanee's work with approval, "you've done the job well. Why, there isn't a speck or scratch to be seen on the whole pane. Here's your money and an extra shilling." "I'mglad you're satisfied with it," murmured Muggins, pocketing the money somewhat nervously. . "Of course I am. Why, I can hardly believe there is any glass there at all, it looks so clear." "Well, there ain't," _said ainggins, moving toevard, the door. "Me and the ladder fell through the glass just after we started,"—Pittsburg Chrenicle. - :- Recognized as the leading specific for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has prov- ed a boon to suffering children every- where. It seldom fails.. - ODD AND INTERESTING ; THIS IS Tilt AD. OF Ttlt Walker •House TUE HOUSE OF MINTY AND THE Hotel Carls-Rite TM MUSE OF COMFORT Toronto's Famous Hotels 'rvig Home ifiTH THE KOME ATMOSPHERE., Particular attention he paid by the management to tho comfort of Ladles and Children travelling alone. OUR CAFETERIAS Ane OPEN DAY AND' NIGHT. Pura Food with Sanitary Surround. Ings, Served at Reasonable Prices THE WALKER HOUSE, Front and York Streets. THE HOTEL CARLS-RITE, Front an Simeon Streets and It the one eneential food often omitted. In the experimenta conducted by the department an average Produc- tion of 41.5 eggs for the first four Monthfront pullets fed a ration -con- taining' beef erap was secured, come Pared with 18.7 egg e fz'on Inflet fed the pante ration wilicat the beef scrap. The pullets not fed beef scrap pre.cti- cally sopped laying whenever the ground was covered with snow. The reed cost of their eggs was 2.2 Cents itigilialret(:134)g11 bgf tho sra3Pe, Wilgtiluifig or buttermilk Will largely talce the place of beef scrap if a constant' suP- ply can be kept before the fowls, but If the supply f mille is limited some beef scrap aboule also be fed. People raising poultry as a side issue in towns can utilize, waste pro- ducts from their table and kitchen to good advantage, producing fresh eggs and poultry for their own use. As, these scraps ccattain sortie waste meet tbe porportion of bee scrap in the tussle can be reduced Accordingly, Table scrape Can be mixed with the ground grains and fed as a moist mash. Clean the dropping boards at least once a Week and spray the roost e once a month during the winter with kero- sene Or 001310 ettenniercial preparation for killing mites. Have a good,supply a sand or dry dirt ou hand to use on tile dropping boards during tile 'win- ter. If any of the birds develop colds litit as much potassium permanganate as will remain on the surface of a dime into a gallon of water and keep tbis material, in their drialting.water for several days or until the symptoms ot the colds have disappeared. R011101,8 —THE-- - any sick birds from the flock as soon Poultry World as noted end treat tnem in coops by themselves, or kill and bury theme if they are not worth treating. Examine pullets and hens for lice and •dust thoroughly with a good in - (By Alfred R. Lee, Animal Husband- man in Poultry Investigations, U. 8, Department of Agriculture. The production of -eggs in winter from pullets, and to some extent sect mixture or apply a mixture of equal parts of vaseline and mercurial or blue ointment, applying .‘a piece about the size of a pea one inch below the vent of the bird, rubbing the mix- ture lightly on. the skin. An applies. - teen of this ointment two or three from hens, can be greatly stimulated t. times a year will keep the fowls free =*by good methods of feeding* hiattillng from lice, Where truest powder is and bandling. Very few eggs are se- used it should be applied three or cured on the average general farm four times a year, or oftener if the Soft White Hands Follow use of Outicurs Soap and Mt- raent. At night bathe them witls the Seep and hot water. Dry and rub in the - Ointment. Wear oldglovesdurIngnight, Sample Each FreebyMen. Address poet- card:"CuticurieDept.N.BostoteteS.A." Sold by Ooziere throughout the world, SOAP AND WATER IN WAR SURGERY during the fall and winter when eggs fowls become infesteda,vith lice. Pro- -bring the higheet prices. Poultrymen, filled with dry road duet or fine dirt, • noweVer, by better management seeerin which the hens may dust them - cure a fair production during these' ,.selves thus helping to keep free from seasons .. lice - • -All houses and coops should be In . e i • 1 .. good conditi h h „placed in these buildings and good vide a email box in tee house, partly on, only ealt y fowls NIA Absolute Cleanliness is Now the Great Thing. , And Doing the Work etter Than Antiseptics. The great' advances made in war surgery furnish one of the strongest evidences of the importance of things which are .Often considered of cone paratively Practical value. Some homely remedies aro tried 'ellen - , other more complicated ones happen to be miseing, with ethe unexpected result .that they reveal a new value. It is rather remarkable that the leey- note of modern surgery seems to be implicity. One of the inost hopeful KE -HORSE'S STRONG ssigns of medical science to -day is to mire given to the poultry, The houses be found not so much. in the investiga. experiences shows that there is little value in the ordinary niethoda Of Mini - flatten and disinfection unless soap 4end water and energetic me of elbowe are first employed. And this reilledY Ii ono that eVerybedy eau use With tiatety. 11011$01191d Hint% ""Ig'' In laundering fine rntiellne, collars and waists, me one tablespoonful of armee. latee sugar and a pint of water in rinse jng water Ineteact of starch. If, when malting coffee, a little salt is added before pouring in boiling water It will Improve the flavor. In making custeril pie tlo not beat the eggs more than just enough to jetty° thern mix with the mint, on'tleeeaten eldbearking ham baste it often with In making crab-apple jelly put in a herulful of cloves at the etart. ale tuna and Elam then) Out before pouring thic jelly in the glasses. Savo yourapaper bags and slip them over your jars of fruit, writing on the bag the flame of the fruit. and Mist the top of the bag tight. This mattes the fruit lteep better. To prevent bluing from strealting the clothes mix one desertspeonfut of bode In the bluing water, af jelly refuses to jell grate a carrot In the mixture and cook 10 minutes. There will be ne %laver of careote in the eelly. 'When boiling onions, turnips or cab- bage that have a strong oder, SIMI at 131 IL, Thie will tiestroy the vegeteb10 the same time some vinegar with spicee should be thoroughly cleaned, dielf- ..tion of new retedies as in the appli- fected and made tigbt for winters` 'If People with strong constitutions es- cation of old •ones with more skill the house has a di/t floor it is well to life mieerable for others. Don't you Belief in the virtues of absolute cape most of the minor ills tbat make and profounder knowledge. and replace this with dry graver or envy the friend who does not know cleanliness in surgery as represented sand. If it has a cement or wooden Allot a headeche is, whose digestim IS by a thorough use of soap and water floor remove •all litter and dirt and erfect, fled who sleeps soundly at is coming Jac the foreground again. n Put in 4 or 5 inchas of tresb. straw or night? How far do you come from Although Surgeons of the highest skill litter. Be sure that the b.ouse is tight thia descriptioh? Have you ever nosde are using soap and water in the place on three sides and that there is no an earnest effort to strengthen your of many antiseptics, they did so by a no chance for a draft to strike the constitution, to build up your sys'em sort of instinct, for experiments to hens. If hens are placed in, draft dur- to ward off discomfort and disease? prove the utility of such a household Unless you hare an organic disease it ing the fall and 'Winter colds are sure remedy had not yet been published. to develop, which may result incroup is generally possible. to so emprove ee was obvious that antiseptics might and other troubles. From one-third your physical condition that • perfect kill germs, yet they did not meets - to one-half of the south eide, or front, hehlth will be yours. The first thing , sarily remove dirt, and the most care - of the poultry house may be made of to be done is to build up your blood fill surgeons regard soap and water curtains and windows, but should be as poor blood is the source of physical as the common defence against. In. under control, so the openings may be , weakness. To build up the blood Dr. closed gradually as the • weather be- Williams' Pink Pills is just the medi- fuelcsetiaosiae. and the thorough practice of comes cold. Have muslin curtains- in eine you need. Every dscrubbing the best Insurance against the front of the house or leave a win- close helps to make new blood which reaches everY Since the invention of antiseptics . dow Partly open, even on -the coldest nerve and every part of tho body, the number has increased to such an nights, to allow some ventilation in bringing color to the cheegs, bright - the house. Fowls will stand consid- ness to the eyes, a steadiness to the extent that it is clearly impossible to erable cold air provided it is dry, and hands, a good appetite and it splendid use them all. Choice has become dia ventilation wilt keep the air thorough- energy. Thousands throughout the ficult. There has also been a fashion ly dry in the house. country whose condition Mice made in antiseptics that, like other fashions, Before the pullets are tnixed with them despair, owe their present good has passed away. In course cif time the older fowls be sure that the hens health to this medicine. If you are it was found that the most powerful -are banded or that the well of tile foot one ce the weak and ailing give Dr, disinfectants were sometimes injur- bus and even dangerous, while all the pullets and the hens. In this way is punched in some way to dietinguish • Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and note the gaily gain in new health. and aianrtlitsfeeps , i cbse i nhgaveet totheteiivre sapgeaciilault pesoniule- the older stock may be culled out abounding Vitality. wbenever it appears desirable and the You can get these pills through any germs and harmless or even beneficial Young hens kept for further laying. medicine dealer or 'by malt post paid to others. e Do not keep hens for egg production situregteferyetnaai, at 50 cents a box or 6 boxes for $2.50 The list of failures is long. In war near two years, but somof the best from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., ly a was dangerousout oarnttihs eep taluee, set itroenn. hens may be kept for breeders until Brockville, Ont . There is little tinie in the field and 3 or 4- year § old. 'The pullets that s - e mature arly in the fairand that molt dressing stations to take precautions /ate are usually tile best layers, and Are You Right ci Left Eyed? e - against these dangers. Even in the Should be saved for breeding stock. A. left -eyed' person uses the left etre Call the chickens evhichaara brought alone in all cases where it ie not into •the laying house carefully, end nezessary to use both eyes—as In using fatten and market all chickens which a spyglass or mieroscope—either dos - are small, poorly developed or in poor ing the right eye, or paying no atten- condition, These are apt to catch tiOj to what is seen by it, Further - cold if put -in with the other poultry more, the lett-eyed person, when react - hospitals the use of strong disinfect- ants involved additional labor be nurses and physicians, or else made it necessary for the hospital to employ a much larger staff than is usually possible at the front. During the re- cent campaigns in Flanders the pres- e and develop diseases whicasure upon the doctors and nursobe- . quicklY ing with eyee open, pays little ceme so great that it was necessary FAOTS. = #1,spread through the flock. • attention to what the right eye sees, .It has been discovered bY a student of chemiatry that tobacco ash centains 20 Per cent. of potash. He estimatea that the ash of a cigar contains 6.6 grains, of potash; that a cigarette, 1.75 grains, and that of an ordinary pipe of tobac- co, 1.6 grains. Window glass la blown in the shape of lohg cylinders, which are cut open along one side and then placed on a stone in in a hot furnace, where the gradually collapse and flatten out into a big sheet of glass. Often the glass breaks durihg thle process, or ev:en explodes, formitig thotteands of pieces, which fly in all da rections, soinetimes endangering work, - era It is doubtful Whether the real discov- erer of Cape Horn will ever be decided. The English claim that Sir Franois Drake, who firtit saw Cape Horn ia 1578, was the earliest discoverer. The Sluml- ords, however, claim that Commoddre de .Lottysa antedated him by a visit to the Horn in 1516. • The Introduction of the bayonet to Eu- rope was due -to the inspiratiOn of a 13aeque soldier, who, when he and his regiment, having expended their amtnu- union, were driven to brot on a mountain ridge near Bayonne, suggested that they Should fix their long knives. with which . they were armed into the Musket barrels and eharge the eherhy. The Whtte House at Waehlagton is said to have the most intricate and tomplete electricat system installed in any building In the United States, There are in the mansion tearly 170 miles of wires, providing for 3,000 incandescent lights, a 'bell system, and a private tele- phone system foe the President and his lamily exclusively, for all of their grain. Tae mash may right-eyed you will seo the coin ortlY face of the wound. It acts aa a be fed either wet or dry, 'and should when the right eye is open, if you are mechanical cleansing agent, washing be so regulated that the fowls will get left-eYed you lent see it only when the, awaa all debris. It follows from tbie about equal parts of Mash and of tbe left eye is open. This test will not that the tissues themselves are able scratch grains. It is necessary to give succeed if you move the card. Very to deal suceessfully with any infection the fowls plenty to eat to get good •slowly (unless you are blind itt one, which is left behind without the aid reeults, but the birds sbould always be eive) for you will then see the coin of any antiseptic • These latter cases, eager for each feed. In cold weather when the hole Is in line with it and when treated by soap solution, heal feed about one-third of the scratch either ey,e, but. when you move the better than if an antiseptic is used." grain -s in the morning and two-thirds card- quickly you eatch the rapid., To these advantages surgeons aro at night, in wleich way the hens are glimpse of the coin with your favorite able to add others. Healing of wounds forced to exercise More .than if given eye so to speak, but not with the goes on without much fever. end- in all the grain they desired at the morn other one, which you are aecustomed moat cases the men are convalescent Ing feed. Scratch greins, 1114871 ee to neglect. This habitual negieet of in ten days. After a clay or two the • ground grains, Wm' protein, green one eye Is so common end So coraswelling of the flesh begins to Sub - feed, grit and shell ehoUld be supplied Mee that many a person has for years side, raciness disappears and healthy In the winter. g . Good scratch mixtures triay be made been nearly blind in one eye without skin begins to forin. As a rule, it is of equal Darts, by weight. of 'Creche(' not necessary to put in drainage eorn, Wheat and oats, and of two parts knowing it—Exchange. e : a • tubes, for there is little discharge. of cracked corn, and one part each of agtiofcorns. Oonrly theeunsinfortned endure the Germs that ordinarily infeet wounds wheat and oats, If Wheat IS ralatiVelY TI10 knowieg ones are driven out with the dirt and suc- alyHollowayls Corti Cure and get CUMb to the natural influences Of very high in price it may -.be left outcleanliness and fresh air, This Method ot this later Mixture. In addition a relief, *tee , of treatment is regarded in the light of a health cure, and that explains Pictivesque Quarry, the agreeable sense of comfort and A limestone quarry 'which is abut a freshness sitigh it seems to diffuse, mile long, picturesque in appearance In the -last four months it has been end dangerous to Work in is located regularly histallee as a cure itt the near Rockland, Me. There 800 labor- Britteh hospitals. To the layman ers, chiefly foreigners, toil in chasms it seems as if euelt a remedy as soap having perpendieular tides 500 feet and water, Which meant; tleanlinese, high and no way of entrance or egress was justified by elmost universay ex- . except by means of the derricke perience. It has been neglected, prob- which hoist and lower about a dozen ably with a disadvantageous result, in . men at time. Approximately 1,000,- these days of antiseptics, but it is to • 000 barrels of lime are prepqed in be hoped that its merits will be fully to discard 801110 of the most elaberate In erder to get the greatest egg ac methods and go back to Now, it may seem difficult to proventisepti sairn,;t i,elirlleiaclii;tee;ssuaoltindes nature10efstve. -produetion in tall and winter it iii essential to have well matured pullets which 'were hatched in • March or . this, as both eyes usually see thgsame thing, but it can be proven very easily that t ac n1 et ai sneI pi ntte:, ... in the following way: This April. By early hatebing 8)1(1 by sup- With a sharp lead pencil punch a. fact led to the regular use of Voting good conditions f1Id or egg produc- hole in a large Card and io the card •solutions Of soap and water in the a tion more eggs will be produced in the fall and Winter, While a larger proper- between your faceland tbe table (311 British hospita)s. The good effects, evhicle., are, published by the highest whieh you have paced a small coin. tion of hens will go broody early in medical authority, are thus described the spring, thas coMpleting the neces- Move the card about rap!diy in a epleaehriinJg. Dsiellarfnafpraonf France. tion. cas- tsiareby circle for early fall egg produce dieections until you catch sight of the tbiyaltCya - coin through the holes then. hold the "Soap solution egsily permeates and Feed the grain in a deep litter on. card still and abut one eye; then open comes whole sur - the floor and make the hens exercise that and ehut the, other. If You are in contact with the FREEOOM FOR WOMEN, Tartar women in the, far Russian provinmes have droppea the veil and are freed from sex tyranny as a ree, sult sof the Russian revolution, In the elections for tlee 'local Zemstovs they ere, eating along with the men. A letter front Kazan says: "The women's movement here started in the revolution of 1905 as a result of which the women began to go about envelled. By 1910 a veiled iceman was unkhOwn , in Kazan. Attar the revolution in which tbe Emperor was deposed, the Moslem women formed a society and tent delegates to the first All-Rassian Conference. Here, they presented demand e for the abolition of polygamy and the Moslem inherit- ance law, aecording to which female heirs receive smaller portions than male. A separate day it set apart for the Tartar women to vote, to satisfy the mullahs and Cit-fashiOned women. About 40 per cent. of the women went to the polls on the last election. "In Kazan one has only to walli through the streets to cos that Moslem wome.n aro socially the, equals of mon. and have shaken off the shackles of centuries of sex tyranny." 7 It is In Demand—So great is the demand for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric htl that a large factary is kept continu- ously busy making and bottling it. To be in demand shows popular apprecia. tion of this preparation, which stands at the head of proprietary compounds as .the leading ,011 in the market, and It is generally admitted that it is de - seeming of the lead. Some Hope far Him. Don't you know its's very wrong to smoke, my boy?" said an elderly look- ing woman in a rairoad waiting room to young Ireland, who persisted ia puffing a, cheap cigarette, much to the old 'woman's discomfort. _ "Oh, I smoke for my health," an- swered the boy, emitting a volume of smoke from his mouth, which almost strangled the old woman. "But you never heard of a cure from smoking," continued the imitate when she regained consciousness. "Oh, yes, I did," persisted the boy, as he formed his mouth into a young Vesuvius working at full time, "that's the way they cure pigs." "Smoke on, then," quickly retitled the old woman, "therces some hope for you yet."—Exchange.' Nothing hdter can in ma& 4 44444444-4-.44-444444-4-0-4-1-.44. 'Technical Brevities i44-4-4e4-e4-e4a4eese-e-4--a+1, A gallon vais originally a pitcher or Jar, no matter ot what size. .A, large part of the $700,000,000 food waste in the U. S. is good foocl which 15 allowed to get into garbage pails and — mash made of three parts cornmeal ar Experiments aarrled out in 1916 on it farm In Dumfrlea, Scotland, to demon- find. one part each Of wheat bran, ideate the effeot or overhead diecharge Wheat middlings and beef Scrap should of eleotricity on plant growth gay, some be fed. Green feed, -awl as cabbages, remarkable reining. The tests were mangel evurzel beets, tut alfalfa or tarried out on S. field of oats, and, the electrified area of one acre gave an in. Sprouted oath should be fed duritig eteesed 'yield of 818 pounds of grain, or the winter to replete the green feed 49 per cent over the two half -acres un- vvhich the fowls bave beet:. seettring In electritied, while the straw' yielded an in% the fields; and beef scrap, skim milk, tut green bone or some similar feed The ironwork pletet of matey factory is heeded to replace the kluge which mestere, and to obviate this powdered range. ' fames are apt to becorrie elippery and the fowls bare been securing on the Salamrtionlac 15 used as a corroding, . *gent. A small quantity of mixed thor- Ilea scrap or feed of this nature is Oughly with a large quantity of fine very essential:In seeuritig a good mire the vicinity of Itockland annually,- understood. Apart from the question : ereetse Of 88 per cent. 81184. 9811 this mixture; le sprinkled over ply of eggs during the whiter months Pelenlar Mechanics Magazine. of wounds and personal cleanliness, the floar ao that all metes are covered, The atirfeee is damped with a 'metering Can, Mid left to Ile over a week -end, or even over-niglit. The send is then swept up, ahd the rust coating fOrined bY the treatment is found to last tor -*leveret week's after which the procees ' Is repeated. 1 Children Make Trains Jump, •1 A 1111111ber of children playing, about , the Naw Jqrsey Central Itailroad sta• tion, says a Vineland (N, 3.) corre. spondent, discovered that bit Plating Joint plates ort the rails they eould make trains "jump," and it was great sport until trainmen diseovered the dangerous game and stopped it, essaceeee.e. sest esnae: 33 Ottoveoi Cut Catege - aqua CUT P N PO tt IGAR E to ol Mi Po to to A • DRS. SOPER 45: Wriffia . _ SPECIALISTS gezema, Asthma, Catarrh. PkiimPlIcee. ItliriegiciacillereverglitrtrIklaetit61342.5%. Call or send history for iree navies. Medicine %mist ed ie tablet torm, Pourr-i0 ELM, to 1 p,m. and 2 ,t) 6 p.m, Sundays -10 a,m. to p.m •to Cozsultation tree ORS, SOPER & WHITE 20 Toronto SL, Tor sato, Oat. Please Mention This Paper. Scientific Odds and Ends. he best iron ore It is 08th:dated that there are 40, 225,000,000 tons of tTo ALL womEN in British. Columbia; these resources have searcely been ouched yet. A new saw, for keyhole and other work of a lixe character, has four working surfaces of varying size and cut. -Gulls have been Ittiown to reach 4e Years, parrots fretalently live 80 years, and se aris nearly as tong. Ravens sod owls usually die soinewriat yottne- As a Means 01 preventing thefts of autonlobilee some owners, are now ba.eing the lt names thaToVed an the, WWI ehield. The rate eceep 150,000 farmere oc- mulled feeding them, and the other workers needed to repair rat damage number 60,000. The death rate of babies in their first Month of life, which wee 10.5 Der 1,000 of lieleg births in flew York in 1914, fell to 13.7 per 1,000 in 1910, while the general city death rate re- mained practically stationary. This is due largely to the work of the 5e baby health stollens of the Department c! Iteaith. The production of explosives and eonseement r011etIMPtiOil et nitrie -add has incretterd euormously In Amerlea during the past few yeare. The nitrk! acid is still almoet entirely made from Chile saltpeter, but eynthetie nitrogen plants are under process of conetruetion. tvere year the rats eat up at Ante ount equal to elle-third of the tr. s. First Liberty Loan -45 worth of food apleee for 200,000:000 rats yearly, -"The TUrks 'have much to answer for," exclaimed tho men who rent% ell the war news. "Yes. there ere TitrIta ish cigarettes, for instance," replied ' the autkobacco crank, kitchen slnits Less than oue-thire ot the World's 700,- 000 miles, of railways 15eitate-ownee. The jungle fowl to be fauna In Aus- tralia builaa a nest in theform of a great mounti, sometimes- reteeauring 1e feet In height ana 169 feet ineurcumfer- once, These are Esuct to be the largest and heavieet nests in the algid. 11 takes a cord and a belfaof short leaf itentioca, red goo ate tiort maple, weighlug about 3,000 poteteate to trie cord, to equal one ton of coal, The increasing demand for leather and - the Inability of the ma Rat to meet this amend troin natural sources have led to the production of a autriber of sub- etitutes ter leather, ane mese are, gen- entity speelang, mace- possible by the use of alcohol, ' A. novelty in dabbirig banshee for wool combing, machines le 'Me in whash the bristles are so arranged that they man be pushed forward by means of plugs as they wear down, anirms the brush is made to last much lo ger then in the case of ordinary brushes, Green wood gives off.lees heat than they can be pushed forwerd by meant( dry, as the heat is used up in eveporat- Ing the moisture contained therein. Sunflowers are used in some parts of the West tor fuel. me some when ciry are as hard as maple wood and maka a hot lire„ and ttte seen henna wan the hot fire, and the seed heads with the best hard coal. An aero of sunflowers will furnish fuel for one stove for a year. Stereo, or type metal, is an elloy of 65 Per cent., lead, 22.7 per cent, antimone, and 22.3 per cella -tin, Earthquakes to the number • of 5921 were recorded in Italy during the year* 1891 -1010 -an average of 291.11 year. It is elated that over 40.0e0 workmen are aecidentally killed and 2,000,000 wounded each year in the United States. .A new oil -burning apparatus heats and lights the room at me Bathe tette. The eiuuds 18 thundenstorms may be very deep -front two to five mtles anti more. Grass is cut -by means of 6, new mower which is surplied with a circular blade revolving horizontally. The Chinon alphabet censists of 214 letters. Pipe of compreesed cellulose is now He—So are being used abroad. It answers many down, after all. Purnoses. but will not do for steam ser- Sh\—Ye. Father says he would vice. Sclentiste state that a flowering plantdioitisldand re's eo terribly abet:acts from the soil 200 times its own itera'l,youairdnil'o weight in water outing its life. Owing to the advance in the price of WORLD SERIES RATES. certain much-ueed metals scientists are active in endeavoring to devise substl- (Boston Transcript.) tutes. A new machine pulls the uppers, over My brothers seat in the Stock EK - the lasts at the rate of titre or nix bun- chenee cost tbousands of dollars." dred pairs a day. Formerly one- Irian "Mercyl Did he buy it from one of could handle but SD to 100 pairs a day by hand, . thos.e ticket speculators ?" : : r A Medical Need Supplied.—When UF-TO.DATE. • 104 oi ), HE KNZW. (rhe Wither) Shia -I never eotad vce why they call t, boot 'rem" alealalticiently you never tried to steer 0110. FASHIONABLE BABY4 clialtimce e Ante:team atinire new baby le eust in the ,:etecuon." aloe do you man?" "it iri euch a red VOSS afritir " EQUAL. (Louisville Courier-JournaL) "'Things which are equal to the same things are equal to each ether." "1 realize taat when two scandal- atangere get tegether." THE NEW WAY, WhiladelpWa Start "Butcher, ehyou mill whaletneet? "Yee, mum." "Can 1 see same ehoice cuts?" "Certainly, mum. attcla bring the elev.. acIder and thew tides lady over the stale." MAN WANTS DUT LITTLE. (The (iontinent) Wanted -By i)iratitee, age 34; Wife'two ..bildren; Ford ca.. 15 aeries' experlence, church or two within roach era-Nag:urn, Union, or let:Ineetou nemIrvry, for three days a weca saccial study, Sala:), at ast eel/9. HIS MISTAKE. "Why cio(lieotstvoncraTriski4nvreoriPytc4) 11 relative :tortaridideinedougbly1 130;4.ane izie.nint?" .'1 gueas uot. %An ,irterl2an c:octer ls 1.A'.1:44;PO'l'ti0pfAoTu'rEn.&tntetsli(P;41.°16.1..1,1f-rsllatiluier-al) ellar," ennounced the heat). a "Sic eenteer," chirpoa Ute balvaa of the hotnie, Lula the bulldog promptly c :pond- Lawer-lt(ABa°•WiliPISTic:1;;C•gyl-E no6Illela.6115P:t;to have roe nate hold of your case. Clieut-Ana how much for Yeti to let go? „ 41 LIBEL. (Baltimore • Arnetican) "1 hear, James, youe master is a per- fect Indy-I:tiler., 'especially stem he got itis new auto." • '"attin't so, sle. He has run over eomo, but none of 'em's. diad yet." _ THE OAT (Boston Tranecript) Nen--What weuld 3.ou give to have auch hair as mine? 13k Ile -1 don't know -what did you elvea NOT WHAT SHE THOUGHT. (Balteniore American.) "Madam, did you.put anything. dele- terioue in this pa e "Certain -1y, .1 did. always .kiZe it n my pies." TERRIBLY LITERAL. (Roston Transcript.) you geing to throw Inc a medicine is found that tiot only acte upon the stomach, but is so composed that certain ingredients of it pass un- • altered thraugh the staraach to 'find action in the bowels, then there is available a purgative and a cleanser of great effectivenees. learmalee's Vegetable Pills are of this character and are the best of all pine. During the years that they have been in use they have established themselves as no other pill has done. r - Health So Necessary. Health is, indeed, so necessary to all the duties as well an the pleasures of life, that the crime of squandering It is eOual to the folly; and be that for a short gratification brings wealtnese . and disease upon himself, and for the pleasure of a few years passed in the • tumults of diversion and clamors of merriment, condemns the maturer and more eaperienced part of the life to the chamber and the coucla may be justly reproached, not only as a spend- thrift of his happiness, but as a rob. ber of the public; as a wretch that has voluntarily disqualified himself for the business of his station and re- fused that part etielt Providenceas- signs him in general task of human nature—Pr. Samuel Sohnson, • EQUAL. (Louisville Courier -Journal.) I"Things which are equal to the same things are equal to each other." "I realize that when two, seandal- mongers get together," WHO ARE 111 This Woman Reconnnends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Corn,pouncl—fler Personal Ettperience, McLean, Ikteh.—" I want to recon - mend Lydia D. rinnam's Vegetable Compound to all MI women who suCer from any functional disturbance, as It III s done 1.50 more (Tool than all the doctor's mediene. Since takinft. it I have a- f...o healthy baby pirl 1181 ,110.131 gainedia he:14%4nd strength. aty hue - band and 1' both praise your re.ed- leine to all rtifterutero women." --Mrs. ItIrriutAxs, No. 1, lieLean, NobrarLA. This famous root ant berb remedy, Lydia D. Iii.o.hatt's Vevtable Com- pound, has •becu reatoring women of' Atteriea to health eer more than forty veers and it Will'teteLpey any wornmi who safrers treat aaelaveractie, tee flare/nation, tileereti on, irreeealariticete 1,atkache, heatle.elicr. rt.'...eugness or "the blues" t,) civo thia oucceesfut remedy a trial. ror special en.vp;,rtivuti res;firdte Voir ailment v.i.es T r% Iledieine Co., I imm. realb of its long experience is at row' ervict (Boston Transcript.) Flaneee (at the 'phone)—Then YOU wcn't be up to -night? He—No, dearest; tbe boys at the of- fice are giving me a necktie shower. • GETTING EVEN. (Lite.) Willis—Did- you plant a garden this Year? Gillis—Yes. Then the fellow next door decided to keep chickens. "What did ycu do?" "I bought the lot on the other side of him and I'm going to rail° chicken hawks." - ALL feeetR. (Lipphicott's Magazine.)' "So our engagement is alt over?" he said, moodily. "i am afraid it is, darling." relive was a note of triumph in her voice. "You see," she explained, "1 toId it to nty dearest_g_ir1 friLnd_as_a secret," waTshaelnt, ellnedre.etlatlicl he realize that it HOW IT PAID. ((oungitown Telegram.) Mrs, Rankin—Mrs, Giddigad says shew takes sda lot of comfort out of her ee stancez? 41:1; 05, ,vy 01 re:::: isn't a.maid. a great expense te a person in hrr circum- eYesnbut she. saye she gete her "The girl is 50 pretty both of them always get eeats On the street cats." , ------s • Itoreale in 'Muskrats, As ita illustration of how rapidly the muskrats increase in some dis- tricts, the Bavaritin commission which reporte en the matter says in Sehlus- sc burg in 1911 there were ten Musk- rats—we don't know who counted them—while ie. 1913 the number had inrethannwercase1,0 dto0a0bon0m about ie00s,a noia dttiele9s1 ft to said the energetic Muskrats had driv- en away the water birds, "after de- stroying the eggs and young had tak- en possessiott of the floating nests and convertA them to their own use -- Farm Lilo. Picturesque, Quarry, A limestone quarry which is about a mile long, pleturesque ittappearaoce and dangerotte to work in le located otticsof elbilccerlityl a t odr, gl eroThwe 13h00lebeabsentri !toeing perpendicular aides tau feet high and no way of entrance or egress except by means of the derricks. which hoist and lower about a limn -81011 at time. Approximately 1,000,- 000 barrels br litrio ate prepared in the vieinity of Rockland annually.- leteitt I ar t1ce11atttes Magazine, Growing Dishrag's. It has beett discOvered that the thick eponey gourd of the Infra plena which growa easily tina requires: but 111510tot. fennel% makee the beet lend of dlothelethe baah epongi-s, An ohle women Is neeena a good living Treeing thern, She ,ad over 1,1)01 to one , 311? :10 eompeny ior use in the .Washitnt of auto; i8' t!tit into stra,s the lufatt weird 70:'!.". it. kind of Igen widely ueed by irownvi,, Anti it le al gt r, ImIrably ee .311 )1 to the Inaltleg et f),).ethi !..'t".