The Clinton New Era, 1891-03-20, Page 3tl3ures Chapped Hauls, Sore Mete, alt Flheu>Ir, Roughriese-of the Skin„ Frock Bites. Chafing. Tan. $l pturn, Fre41 lee. -'-1'. • Tiliafrspruere tion contains nosh. fag stiipky ce ted til admirably adapt- ed toruses the toilet, rendering the natural *sinewy eellasstitin c ty' and sits, and to gentlemen is sable After Shaving all irritation en the instant. Refu g substitutes. Large Bottles Twenty-five Cents. ) • mean my fir 1-1. SPENCER ' CASE Chemist and, Druggist, fiO King Street West, Hatngton, Ont. For Sale by 3. H.COMBE, Clinton FLA) -[ED 04ULS[QN CoIaPODN[! NRONC [TIS 186Lexi Ston Ave..) New Yo ty,4 19r1S88. I have used the Flax -Seal mut on ht several cases of Chronic Bronchitis, en t earl stages of Phthisis and have beeJAMEd with the results. Swell eK. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb, 14th 1889. I have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis (consumption) with beneficiin al results, where enemacould not use Cod Liver Oil i H any DROGE, M. D. REMUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2,0th,1888. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as hetpfuito the relief and possibly the cure of all Luog. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good getl eraltonicin physical debility. JOHN I..TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. loth, 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to the Cod Livor Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DIISEASES 137 West 84th St. New York, Au 6,1 I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound in a severe ase of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con- tinuous, 1 recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. M, 1I. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATISM So{¢I by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 33 Liberty St., New York. J. H. Combe, Agent, Clinton. Ad RE gative Medi - DR tt�� Wi iL L I AM S' eine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and RECON- STRUCTOR,asthey supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed toen- �jrich the Blood, curing •�,; f 1 1111,1 diseases corning from Poon and Ai- �' ..Ii" 1tLOOD, or Irem i . yw','trlA'rED HUMORS in e : : IiLOOD, and RISC �.' '1't ,1; it; rate and Buns Ilii ,v ;'..e BLOOD an4 -n : �.al, when broker. ,i.,ii 1 by overwork, na•.,Lai worry, disease, excesses and indisore- tinus. They have a �+ i Y SPECIFIO Aeries on "•the SEXUAL SYBTEM Of �, both "len and women, TL1E. G. T. R. IN THE LATE EL14CrION$. --:Q--•Pew clays--age--Sir-Charles Tupper, in°bis characteristic way, abused theGrand Trunk because it bad not sup Qrted the Govern- ment in the late elections. Sir Henry Tyler, President of the English shareholders, publishes a long effective and temperate reply to Tuppeis chargee. He shows how on February 25 Tupper had a long interview with General Manager Seargeant, and warmly appealed for the support of the company in the present emerg- ency, promising in return that if the Government were sustained the company should have the ful- lest and most friendly support from the Government if and when required. Because this appeal was refused Tupper turns round to smite the company hip and thigh with bitter invective. The only politics the company have in Canada are the interests of the Grand Trunk. Sir .Henry Tyler thinks the company will be in a better position with regard to the Government as a result of their independent action, than if Mr Seargeant had shown subserviency. Mr Seargeant, he says, deserves the support and Approval of every one connectediwith the com- pany. F Q.R. lj . A L �.�.. restoring LOST VIGOR x1 correcting all .• IIRRE.GULARITIES and nhiUPP1tES11IONS. EVERY' Miffs Wllosfinddlhoisrmani ng faoxr lois physical powers should take these I'u.Ls. They will rc;i .,, .: his lout energies, both physical and mental. EVERY ■s O ' je (. shoald take them, ilei n' They cure, all sus presalona'and frit gun:'Lies, which iiievitably entail sickness when 1,1 ;' ,eted. YOUNG MEN will cure the re !Suite ot youthful bad habits, and strengthen the ,system. YOUNG WOMEN sThhoeusold wmi make themtregelar. For sole iiyeilr ilits,.orwill be Bent upon receipt ot prldd (6Qe. per box), by addressing rile Ala. WILLIAMS' B,vine. Ont Snug little fortune, have been made at wink for us, by Anna Page,Auntfn, Tea., and Jno. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio. se eat. Others are doing's well. Why 5t you? Some earn over 8500.00 nth. You can do the work and live oma, wherever you are. Eves be- en are ensily earning from 15 to 18l day. Ail sees. We show you how lglstart you. Can work in spare time atoll the time. Big money for work- sp Failure unknown among them. -• NEW and wonderful. Paracntara free. N. $ellattarle Co.,Sox.BN. rortia,rd,Maine THE QUEEN PAWNED HER JE WELS. Queen Isabella,of Spain, pawned her jewels to raise money to fit out the expedition that discovered the new world. Her sacrifice was not greater than is made by many women of America, who denp themselves many things in order to have money to buy Dr Pierce's Golden Medical. Discovery for their sick husbands and chil- dren. This discovery is more important to them than the one made in 1492. For all diseases of the lungs, liver, throat or stomacb,the Discovery is a. sover- eign remedy. A trial convinces, its continued use cures. It puri- fies the blood,invigorates the liver and strenthcns and builds up the whole system. Guaranteed to benefit or cure in every case or money paid for it refunded. TEN POUNDS 1 TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT! Illi ,Asa Flesh Producer there can be no question but that SIJOTT'S EI�l�.SI01 Of Pure Cp01Ire>;r OH and Hpophosphltes ® g r o and Soda is withatt a7, rival. Many have gapied a id a day by the use of Lt. VC nwn C'3UMPTION, SCROFULA BRONCHITIS. COUGHS AND COLDS, AND PALATABLE AS MLLE Genuine made bySeottSt Bowne Belleville.Salmon Wrapper; at ail Druggists, b'Oc. and $1.00. 1•, I fib • 1' ede • . f, . 41'311!,-,,..t o,Ic. LiQUOR LICENSE The 15th annual reportrespect- ing the operations of the liquor license laws of the Province of Ontario was laid on the table of the Ontario Legislature on Tues- day. It shows that during last year 2,792 ordinary yearly tavern licenses were issued. During 1889 but 2,019 of thisTclass were allow- ed. During 1890, 81 beer and wine yearly tavern licenses were issued as against 47 in 1889. Four hundred and forty-five retail shop licenses were issued last year and 27 wholesale. Fifteen vessel licenses were also issued last year. The reports shows the revenue derived from licenses and fines last year to be $307,281, and in 1889, $282,511. The report also shows the amounts collected on account of licenses and fines, including the sums imposed by municipal by- laws and duties derived from ves- sel licenses, as $680,560 last year, and $470,855 during 1889. The fines collected during the past year -amounted to $21,068, as compared ,with $18,454 in 1889. LAW. v`Is sobbed the -wife -ea -the doctor er erged from the room. 'Madan",1 a am afraid his in- juries ate fatal. His internal organs are crushed together, bis ribs fractured and his whole body compressed into half its natural space. What terrible weight fell upon biro -or was be caught he• tween the cars ?' 'Sure, doctor, there wasn't nothin' fell on 'ire. He just put on wan of them unshrinkable flannel shirts and then got caught in the rain.' WHATITIprp HIM. " Hl.VI&FLY IIANCID.'" leo heti hurled, Ter Honor 4' � STRUCK WITH LIGHTNING Neatly describes the position of a bard or soft corn when Putnam's Painless CornExtractor is applied. It does its work so quickly and without pain that it seems like magic in action. Try it. Recol- lect the name-Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Sold by all druggists and dealers everywhere COMFORT. She was not a pretty sight -an old woman tottering under sixty years of poverty -and now was the worst p )verty of all. Her band, which gathered a grimy I l lid shawl at her throat,trembled ceaselessly from privation, and the vile liquor privation had brought. She was hungry; it seemed to her that she had never eaten. She was cold; it seemed to her -that she had never known warmth. She crept into a little hallway on the water front. The breeze from the river was not a strong one; but to her it was a hurricane. The dizzling rain hurt her. The -minor tones of a bell from a ship at near -by docks told that it was midnight. With inarticulate moans she crouched down is a corner, closing the door to keep out the wind and rain. Something was in the corner, oho felt it with her benumbed hands. It was soft`and warm to her touch. A plaintive mew fol- lowed. The something was a cat. At first she rather resented its presence. Then she gathered it up in her arms and pressed it against the bosom of her ragged old dress. Here was a creature as miserable as she. It was only a cat, but she felt less lonely with it in her arms. When she bad been a li tie girl she had a pet kitten. Each was cold -the cat and the woman but each found some warmth in the ether. The cat .stopped. mewing and the woman stopped moaning. The door swung open again and the moon hanging calmly beautiful among the clouds, ;shone through the tangle of masts and cordage and into the hallway. The woman, crouched in the corner. held the cat as she would have a child. By -and -bye she be- gan to rock slowly to and fro. The clouds drifted away, and the stars joined the moon in peeping through the door. The woman's e) es were closed and she was crooning an old-fash- ioned lullaby. The cat was very faintly purring and one of its paws rested on her bare neck. The moon esank slowly out of sight and new clouds obscured the stars. There aro man kinds of fash- ionable fooliefipet, iameof which aro best corrected by a lesson in kind. A. writer in the Boston Post reports such a lesson, which might well be tried in many famines. The younger members ofhe family of one of his friends bad fallen into the way of using many senseless phrases. With thein everything was 'awfully sweet,' 'awfully jolly,' or 'awfully/ something else. One evening this gentleman came home with a budget of news. An acquaintance had failed in bus- iness. He spoke of the incident a 'deliciously sad.' He had rid- den up town in the car with a noted wit, whom he described as 'horribly entertaining,' and,to cap the climax, he spoke of the butter which had been set before him at a country hotel hotel as 'divinely rancid.' The young people started, and the oldest daughter said : 'Why, papa, I should think you were out of oar head.' iot in the least, my dear•,' he saidd 'I'm merely trying to fol- low the fashion. I worked out 'divinely rancid' with a good deal of labor. It seems to me rather moreleffeetiye than'awfully sweet.' 1 mean to keep up with the rest of yon hereafter. And now,' he continued. 'let mo help you to a piece of this exquisitely tough beef.' Adverbs, he says, are not so fashionable as they were in his family. The total number of persons When the policeman peered in committed to jail during 1890 for the hallway ,lust before daybreak, drunkenness was 4,573. the woman and the cat were as• leep. THE BEST I;ESULT. Every ingredient employed in producing Hood's Sarsaparilla is strictly pure, and is the beat of its kind it is possible to buy. All the roots and herbs are carefully selected, personally examined,and only the best retained. So that from the time of purchase until Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared everything is carefully watched with a view to attaining the best results. Why don't you try it? ON TEE INSTALMENT PLAN. New York Herald : Sir John Macdonald won the game of poli- tics in Canada by playing thelPre- sident of the Pacific Railroad as the little joker. Ho tried to turn the whole crop of Canadian hair white by the revelation of a fright- ful plot on the part of Uncle Sam to annex the Dominion. It was as startling and effective as the cry of 'Fire!' on a still night, The frightened Canadians ran to the polls in their night shirts and hurriedly voted for Sir John. As to the annexation scheme there is some truth in it after all. Now that the elections are over we may as well confess to that much. Tbat is to say, an enormous pro- portion of the young men up yon - dor want to work in a larger field, so they annex themselves to an employer in the States, and soon after annex an American wife to And they are still sleeping. HOW PEOPLE DISGUISE THEMSELVES. Most guises. Some do it innocently, from shyness. They shrink from stand- ing in naked personality before the world. So they cloak them- telves in mannerisms. Usually there are lonely souls which brood over themselves. Thus in isolat- ed farm -houses, whither the poets send us for the simplicities of na- ture, one is likely to find more afiectationsnd tricks of manner than in our city dwellings. The affectation of a quality, of an aecomptishment, is a covert roguery. The overt rogue picks your pocket in his• game of hide- and-seek with society. But the man who would win.yonr esteem, admiration, affection, confidence, by appearing to be what ho is not is fi rogue so subtle that he often ends in deceiving himself. There is the sweet infantile creature who simpers and writhes and drops her chin to lookup from under her lashes, and uses all manner of guile to show you how guileless she is. There is the strong-minded woman who talks in chest tones, is always positive, and holds advanced opinions on all points -borrowed opinions, since the strength of her mind is not in the direction of originating ALL MEN. young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous,weak and exhausted who ere broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms ; Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, lose of "memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emis- sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headache, pimples on the face or body,itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz. ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, lose of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby musoles,de- sire to' sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit- ability of temper,sunken eyes Surround- ed with Leaden Circle,oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous 'de- bility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tention every function wanes in consequence. Those when through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E.,Toronto,Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flnebes, rush of blood to the head, du pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker -than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positive- ly be cured. No cure no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. June 20, 1890. of us hide behind dis- themselves How long it will any. There are the ignorant peo- take to annex the whole concern I ple who affect culture. in this way we don't know,but the progress already made is very en- couraging. Over 800 victims have been robbed and murdered by the offi- cial bandits at Massowah. Some Colorado, towns aro en- tirely isolated by the snow block- ade and some of them will not be reached until April 1. Much suf- fering is likely to result. This sort of dishonesty gulls only the dullard. Such affecta- tions are open: advertisements of poverty, since no one affects what he possesses.-Harper's Bazar. If you decide from what you heard or read, that you will take Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be in- duced to buy any substitute in- stead. At a Meeting of the ixecutive Committee of the Western Pairy. mill'§.__ l,Romiarion_ ifr dila- 4e. sided to start- a dairy s3hco: at Tavistock. Mrs jobn Tracy, wife of a prominent merchant of Hastings, expired suddenly Wednesday evening. Heart disease is sup- posed to have been the cease. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. GENTS -I have used your'KINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the beat medicine in the market as it does all it is recom- mended to do. Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. KIEasTsAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by nseing MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Mr James Kennedy, wholesale liquor merchant, Stratford, died suddenly about twelve o'clock Sunday night, of neuralgia of the heart. He was out and around during the day, apparently as well es any one could be, and this makes the death- terrible at any time and under any circumstances -the more impressive. He suffered from neuralgia in his head, and, about twelve o'clock, without any warning the neuralgia left his head and attacked his heart, causing instant death. %Vipe it out Altogether. Conservatives should join hands with Reformers in' demanding some change in the Dominion Franchise Act. Ex- perience has proved that is is not only an expensive list, requiring to be very carefully gone over, but it is unsatisfac- tory to both sides. There would be much better satisfaction if there was only one list -either Provincial or Dominion list -to be got up in the municipalities then there would be a reasonable likeli- hood of it being nearly correct. As things are at present, men who may have voted for years, find they have no vote when it comes to Dominion issues. The Franchise Act should go. d far infants and Children. "Clastertsti sawef$dapt nadiadtentha$Qytasta(t NCalte.O3 1 t recce nendltaseapeebrt°gnypt'eacepsiaa neerStomicl4 Diarrhea, °. tmown $o me." "$ 4. ,Aacrala. ¥I. p., _ I ICI lrmilWer,na, hives aleap• and pt'°°ao. d� MON Odiocd 8t, elvoit� n, N. T.x wMioatell4arieos medullae Tim Osman* Company, jr, 77 Murray Street, N. T. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES Fancy im Candies A T -- Roel } Bottom Prices We have a splendid assortment of Choice Christmas Groceries, including every variety of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, which will be sold Cheap for Cash. Our Stock of CANDIES is the most Choice and Varied, and cannot be surpassed. All at Rock Bottom Prices. Just received White California GRAPES, HAD DIES, OYSTERS, &c. JOHN CUNIl i'GHAME, - - C rLINT0Ii RAILROAD ITItIEITABLE Issued May l;t. The departure of trains at the several stations named, id, according to the last official time card: - CLINTON Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West 7.43 a.m. 2.25 p.m. 4.55 p.m. 10.05 a.m. 1.20 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 9./7 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Division Going North Going South` a.m. p.m a.m. p.m. Wingham ..11.00 7.45 6.50 3.40 Belgrave ...10.42 7.27 7.05 4.00 Blyth 10.28 7.12 7.18 4.15 Iaondesboro 10.19 7.03 7.2&....4.25 Clinton 10.00 6.45 7.55 4.45 Brucefield9.42 ' 6.26. 8.15 6.04 Xippen 9.34 - 6.17 -8.24 5:12 Hensall9.28 6.09 8.32 5.19 Exeter ... 9.16 5.57 8.50 5.33 London8.05 ' .25 10.15 4.45 The Clinton New Era. Ispublished every Friday. Morning by the proprietor, ROBT. HOLLIES, at his printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin- ton, Ont _TERMS. -$1.50 per annum, paid in'ad- vance . JOB PRINTING in every style and of every description, executed with neatness and dispatch, and at reasonable rates. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person or persons who take a paper regularly from a post office,whether directed in his name or an- other's, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. 2. If a person orders his paper dis• continued he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and then col- ect the whole amount whether the pa• er is taken or not. 3. The Courts have decided that re- fusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the 1 ost office or removing and eavin them uncalled for prima facie tvid, I t c cf intentional fraud Room for Improvement. The Ontario Legislature is again in session, and before it adjourns an act should be passed relating to the salaries of Registrars, Sheriffs, &c. At present they run anywhere from $2,000 to $4,- 000, a considerable portion el, which is made up from fees. This, it seems to us, is not a proper way to secure the salary of apublic officer. A better plan would be to fix the salary,proportionate with the size of the county and :the probable work to be done, allowing all fees to go to the Province. A salary of two or three thousand dollars a year is quite sufficient for any Registrar or Sheriff in Ontario, and a change in this direction would put money into the Provincial Treasury, so that the change would be popular with the people, and at the same time an evidence of true reform. In an interview with a reporter, Sir R, J. Cartwright is reported as saying: "The great factor in the campaign in Kingston itself and from Kingston east, was however, the way money was spent, In Kingston itself votes were bought on the street, without disguise, and as if at an auction, and throughoutEastern Ontario they spent money as they have never spentmoney before. Even money would not have saved them hdd the McKinley Bill been given an oppor- tunity of having its duo effect, but by bringing on the elections when he did, Sir John Macdonald took advantage of the fact that by their own prudence our people have up to this time managed to save themselves from it. Then we have had to fight the gerrymander, as well as the old lists, the partisan re- turnirg officers and money. Had we been able to fight on the fair division and the fair lists that Mowat does, we would have done almost as well as he did in the 'last contest: we would have taken a majority of from fifteen to twen- ty out of Ontario." t Minard'e'linifneat cures garget in cows UAE FI ITHOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. • phen I say Cure I do not meal merely to stop them for a time, and that have them return attain. 1 MEAN A RADICAL. C lJ R E. I have made the disease of Fite, Epilepsy or Fall ng Sickness a lite -long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Cure t worst cases. Becat Ise others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send once fora treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express an Post Office. It costs you nothing fa: a trial, and it will cure you. Address: -H. Q. ROOT. M•C•, ©ranch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. D'A vignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face ad hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thissuperior pre- aaation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col - sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In sehort D'AvImeoe's CREAM OF NPITCII•HAZEL is at once a remedy and apreventfor very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by JAMES H. 4040•1MBE, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. arm TNS - CENTRAL - GROCER'I OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. McMurray & Wiltse Beg to announce that they are ready or the fall and winter trade with a large stock of GENERAL GROCERIES NEW FRUITS & CANNED GOODS: Try our Ceylon and Indian BLACKTEA, it is second to none in the town. Japan and Hyson TEAS, no better value any- where. COFFEES, fresh ground and warranted A 1. A full stock of Robb'1: Celebrated MEATS and SAUSAGES. Take a look at our prize BAKING POWDER, made by Mayell, of London. Handsome Glassware with every pound can. Try our German Table MUSTARD. Something new and very fine Crockery & Lamps} Just arrived a choice lot of Crockery an Lamps. Handsome Dinner, Tea and Bed room. Sets, choice patterns and prices low. Lamps, Burners, Glasses, Wicks and No. 1 Canadian Coal Oil. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed MCMURRAY & WILTSE - CLINTON ADVERTISING RATES. LOCAL NOTICES -At head of local column, 10 cents per line or portion thereof, each insertion. Articles lost or found, girls wanted &o., not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each inserton. Five lines, 50 cents for one insertion, and 25 cents for each sub- segment insertion. Houses to let or for sale, farms to rent or for sale, stray cattle and all similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines $1 for one month, and 50 cents for each subsequent month. Advertisements without specific in- structions, inserted till forbid. Special contract arrangements with business men. General advertising rate for unclassi- fied advertisements and legal adver- tising, 10 cents per line for first inser- tion, and 3 cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion. Changes for contracted advertise- ments must be handed in as early in the week as possible to insure a change hat week. COME AND TAKE r This 'Valuable Present Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cele brated ORGANS free, with one Package of James Watson & Co's CHARM 'BAKING POWDER . price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing as 'Organ worth $19G, for fifty cents The organ will b3 on. exhibition at our G • 1 • •lr 4 Saturday nets. A call solicited fe t It t • Great Huron Central Exhibition 1 t N. ROBSON. CHINA HALLI t, i3