HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-03-18, Page 3CASTOR IA rChe,o matt Hand*, Bore .Lips: **It Rheum, Roughness of the Frost Bites, Phating, Tana Sooburn, Freeiklea. Etv., Eta.. ,.1,.;.,. This fragrant preparation containsnot11- stiolry or g><,easy eod,is admirably adapt- toi`'ithe uses 0/the toiled, retitled/4 fila bearititaily soft Bind satin like, re- lta natural Omni*, elasticity and greglineseA and tq gentimen Ps dispensable After Shaving *Kell irritation ea the instant. Retu i . subetltutcs- targe $ottles Twenty Ave Cents. s PREPARED ONLY SY H. SPENCER CASE chemist and Druggist. 60 King kltreet West. >ria l mton,. Ont, For Sale by J. H.COMBE, Clinton FLAX4EED 'EMULSION CoMPQ11lID BRONCHIT1 $ r86 Lexington New York City, Sept. Ave.10,1888. I have used the vias -Seer' Emulsion in several cases of Chronic Phthisis, and have been well' 1 ase1 d wite hlthstages results JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y.; Feb: 14th '1::0. I have used your Emulsion in a case of i'hthisis (consumption) with beneficial results. where patiet.. could not use Cod Liver tail in any form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. MOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y„ Dec. 20th, 1::<. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous A flections, and a good gen Cr'ai tonic in physical dein y. JOHN N. TALMACE, M. D. GENERAL DE R=Kin Brooklyn, N, Y., Oct. 10th, 1888. I regard Flax Sued' a'.•.dsion as greatly superior to the Cod Liver 05 :Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M.D. WASTINGDISEASES • 13i \Vest 94th St. 1vew-ork, Att-lsss: .q1 have use(l' ) E 'r Ur Flax-SY eed Emulsion 6 on (compound in a severe ..sc of Mai -nutrition and the 'result was more than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con-ce tinunus. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. Irl, li. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATISM Sold by Druggists, Price $ l .00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New York. J. H. Combe, Agent, Clinton. ASALM Rio ■ oertain and speedy euro for Cold In the Bead andOetarrhin ailtta SOOTHING, CLEANSING, H EALING. Infant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure possible. Many *recalled dosses are *implyy syatptoms of Catarrh, such as bead- hedeafness, smell,foul brat bwkin losing na0s0a 1general feeling of de- bility, eta fyou are troubled with any of these or kindred aym tome,,. your bays Catarrh, and should lose no ttmo In procuring a bottle of NASAL Huai. Be warned in time, neglected cord fn head resits in Catarrhs fol. lowed by consumption and death. Num Beat Is sold by all druggists or win be sent, poet paid, o receipt of e1oe(50 cants and 01.00) by addressing' FULFBrocDkville ,Ont. NEVER FAILS. CUgEs ti01.0 HIN tAb m,. CATARRH INFLUBNO . I .dropped 6 pebble in the Itteam. Xt euuk, 'orever,frOM MY 444A moment in the 4un'4warn beam A diawotad ,spikrltied wenn sad bri�lr:t, ' Reflecting far itsradiant llgb4 A circle, small indeed at runt, Widened, e'en midst the tempest's rear, Until at last it faintly, buret. And eanisbed on a farther shore. A frown, a acowl, an angry glance. A hasty or unguarded word, 4 formal bow, a low askance - These swifter than a quick -winged bird, Pierce to the heart like two-edged sword; Spreading a baleful influence wide, They cast a mirksome shade and gloom Across life's rough and troubled tide, And reach unto the silent tomb. A. word, a look of sympathy, A penny generously bestowed, A simple cur of ooyrtes'', A kindly influence abed abroad And from the soul lift many a load. Phese angel deeds, grand and sublime, Like ripples on the restless sea, Sweep o'er the fretful sea of time, And reach into eternity. HARK, BUT-- 1 "Ho" said a well knowns totes - man, '1 shall never believe that woman has the preger judgment and sense to oast a ballot, or in- terfere in politics, while she is so weak-minded as to passively suf- fer, year after year, from diseases peculiar to females, when every newspaper she picks up, tells of' the merits of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription. Not to take advan- tage of this remedy is certainly an indication of mental weakness!' There is a wholesome kernel of truth inside the rough shell of this ungallant speech. This Fa- vorite Prescription is invaluable in all uterine troubles, inflamma- tions ulcerations, displacements, nervous disorders, prostration. ex- haustion, op hysteria. For run- down, worn-out women, no more strengthening tonic or nervine is known. Snug little fortunes have been madeat work for ue, by Ams. Pnge, Austin, Tease, and Jno. Bonn. Toledo. Ohio. Sea cut. Others n re doing its well. Why not you? Borne nnraver *500.00 a month. You can do the work and lino it tome, wherever you ate. Even be- ginners ars easily earning from 105 to SW a doy. A 11 ages. We show you how and Start you. Can work In spare time or all the lime. Mg money tor work - en. wallure tmknown among them. NEW and wonderful. Particulars hes. • -I[anett. CO.,$OxtltiePortland, Moine .dE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY OF PURELY VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS , AND WITHOUT MERCURY, USED BY THE ENGLISH PEOPLE FOR OVER 120 Yom, Is o ckks 0iVIPODITD /MI81LI0IIS TI, ace Pills consist of a careful and peculiar admix - tire of the '•est and mildest vegetable aperients and y porn cxrivet of Flowers of Chamomile. They will It, rout d a most efficacious remedy for derangements at the digestive organs, and for obstructions and tor - `i achnn of :he livor and bowels which produce in- !.4ec:Ion and the ecveralvarieties of bilious and liver •+rmplainte. fold b. all Chemists. wtgLESALE AGENTS t EVAFk.i ACID SONS, LIMITED, MONTREAL. ` I took Cold, I took Sick, I TOOK SCOTT'S 1EMULSIO tRESULT: 5 I take My Meals, I take My Rest, l AND r Aar vTG,)RO1'S P.XnuGlr TO TAKE 1 i ANYTIIING r CAN LAY MY HANDS ON; I etting fat too, FOR Scott's Emulsiotl of Pure Cod Liver Oil ands HypophosphitesofLime and Soda NOT oNLY CURED MY teseip-- tent Consumption 111' 1 BUILT •I ME UP, AND TS ?low purr tNG FLESH ON MY BONES l Ar TUT It:\TIOF A POUND A D.\Y. I TAKE IT JI':;T AS I:ASf1.V AS 1 Uri MILK." ▪ Soot1'o Emulsion I'+ put up only in Sn'.Moll - color wrappers. Sn)d by all Druggists At ldc. and MAL T I . .Cc- -) i ! 1':)rirvf' • 11,;1-..: t r•lle- . ---- a . anus, Qr $(g4NOBI, ,IIB GOT II .TTLJA4 ▪ Inaebitie has recently been There one peculiarity t inventedfor making shoestring ptP ne ping critof gaper. to undertake it caucot prepare ▪ etroleutn� motor ti'iQyole has for the ordeal in advance, for if he does it will' be labor thrown away. been Invented that will run 40 miles on one gallon of oil. In transmitting music over lQug distant telephones, it has been found desireable to have a separate transmitter for every instrument, Uncleaned tin pans are found to to give an electric current in cora- mon tap water, when one is ex- posed to the light and the other screened. At the depth of about 3,500 feet the temperature of the ocean is about the same, varying only a trifle from the polar latitudes to the equator. One of the regent applications of electricity that promises to be of considerable benefit to the soagoi.ig man is a log for register- ing the rate of travel of high speed vessels. An alarm for telling wben a ship reaches a predetermined depth of water, is now being tried on board her Majesty's ship Ram- ble, in the Red Sea. It consists of a wire sounding apparatus, having a sinker, which on coining in contact with the bottom, re- lieves a drum, on board the ship and sounds a bell. A Swedish engineer has invent- ed a novel method of blasting by electricity. He employs a volts arc produced between two carbon rods placed parallel. When the arc is moved close to the spot where blasting is to be effected an intense heat is created, followed by expansion, which has the effect of splitting the rock. An excellent and abundant sub- stitute for Iridin rubber is report- ed as having been discovered at Goa. It is the solidified fluid which issues from the nivol-cantem, which grows wild and is generally used for hedges. Though white when it flows from the tree, in its dried state it is of a 'chocolate color closely resembling gutta- percli-York-Tim ea. A FIRESIDE ODE. Thou friend to all, both young and old, And all who feel the bitter cold, Or in affliction pine; Thou cheerest many a drooping heart, And seemest by thy warmth t'•impart An energy divine. Oft have 1, in my childhood's hours, Seen in thy depths those fairy bowers Of which all children read; And often I es a youth slid look In thee to read, as in a book, What fortune bad decreed. And now I in thine embers see Faces -of friends once dear tome, - Whose memory charms me yet.; And, gazing on thy ruddy glow, I see those scenes of long ago Which I can ne'er forget, • When home from toil I take my way, Thy cheering brightness seems to say, '`Come, take thy wall earned rest." A blessing in each home thou art; Thine influence cheer's the troubled hearts By fears or grief oppressed. What though grim water through the land His sceptre sways with icy hand, And like a despot reigns; We scorn this monarch's fierce edict That frost and snow may us afflict With chills and aches and pains. 'Tis now we feel and own thy worth, As,here we sit, while jest and mirth And merry tales go round. Oh let me have, whate'er betide, The comforts of my own fireside, - W here peace and rest' 'are found. Minard's Linimentlumberman's friend A ROMANCE•'. She was fair -and my passion begun! She smiled -and I could not but love! But when from afar I detected catarrh, No beauty my passion could move! In dispair she sought doctors in vain Till she learned of"Humanity'aboon" Now her breath is as sweet of the dew Which falls upon roses in June. When Baby was sick, ws gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castor*, When she became Mire, she clang to Ceetoria, When she had Children. she gave them Caatoril It is generally aelieved that no lover ever succeeded ip delivoi'in * r blood.. Botanists bavo confessed the speech bo had prepared for the: themselves at a loss to acount for 13-UQQ1)p'11Q.1:. A I'.IA,C, TREE ' hrQekniartcn Qollnty,. Texans' possesses a natural cartosity ip the shape of a large wild peach tree which, when cut in any part, oxudee a dap almost the oust color and eonsiatepcy of fresh occasion. Something always hap- pens .o spoil everything. When the moment arrives for the lover to .speak ,his little piece, it hies it self away and leaves him to blun- der through, the ordeal as beat he can. We Americana, who are not- ed for the haste and brevity with whichwe do everything are said to propose with less to-do than other people do. 'Let's consolidate,' is reported to be a popular form of proposal "mow in vogue, but the negotiations necessary for com- pleting the trust are not always so brief. Nothing could be neater or more ingenious than the proposal of the Irishman, who thus addres- sed the rustic beauty upon whom be had set his affections : 'Biddy, darlint, they've been tellin' me there's too many of us in the world. Now, if 3 ou an' me get the priest to make us two wan, throth an' wouldn't there be wan the less ?' In one of Lord Beaconsfield's novels an eccentric old nobleman pops the question in the following matter of fuot language : I wonder if anything would ever induce you to marry me ?' That style is really much nearer the terms in which the average mari proposes than is the usual dish -watery pro- posal of the novelist. 'So you would not take me to be twenty,' said a young lady to her partner while dancing the polka one even- ing. 'What would you take me for then ?' 'For better or worse,' replied ho, and ho was accepted. M inard'aLiniment aures garget in cows CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physican, retired from prao- l:ce, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the, speedy and permanent cure of oonsump- tioa.__Blronahitis,-Catarrh,Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical pure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human suf. fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Ssnt by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Novas, 820 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. A DEAD MAN'S EYES. 'That man didn't ask you for anything,' I said to my Chicago friend as we stood in front of the Trernbnt hope " one day and lie slipped a quarter to a hard -up looking man who camp to a halt beside ns. 'No.' `Do you know him?' 'No.' 'Then, that's your way, is it, to pass out quarters to every one who seems to be broke 2' 'Let me tell you aomothil,g: he said, as we moved back a little further out the way of pedestrians. 'I made a bad mistake once, and I'm taking this way:to get even with my conscience.' 'Well ?' `I was in St. Louie- on business. It was winter, and you know how cold that town can 'be when it tries hard. I was out on the street at 11 o'clock one bitter - night when a chap struck me for a dime. He was poorly clad, looked hungry and sick, acid ;I ought to have banded out the money at once. I was just brute enough not to do it. He followed me a hundred feet, begging and pleading, and I finally threatened to have him arrested. He turned, away with a sob in his throat, and I went on to the hotel.' `I see.' 'There was a big snow storm that nigbt,and next morning they found him in a drift, frozen stark and stiff. I saw the body and re- cognized it. The pale face was pinched and drawn with hunger and suffering, and the eyes were as wide open as yours -great big blue oyes, sunken back in their sockets, and staring at me in an awful way. Yes, sir, they seemed to he fastened en me alone and to follow me as I moved, and a man in the crowd noticed it, and whis- pered that I looked guilty of mur- der. «hen I heard car -drivers, draymee, bootblacks and news- boys saying how gladly they would have given the poor wretch a quarter to buy lodgings and food, I sneaked away feeling that 1 was a murderer. It hurt me more than I can tell you. I don't wait now to be asked for alms. I give to some who are no doubt un- deserving, but I take my chance on that. That thing rests like a murder on my conscience, and nothing like it shall ever happen again.' To night, as we sit in our home; And I kiss her sweet lips o'er and o'er, We bless Dr Sage in our bliss, For the joy that he brought to our home. There is no disease more trying to friendship than catarrh ! The constant effort to clear the threat and nose, the foul breath, all the features of the disease, make it as much dreaded by the friend as by the victim. Humanity has cause to bless Dr Sage for his "Catarrh Remedy." Tho manufacturers offer to forfeit $500 for any case they cannot cure. THEY BEAT THE OLD MAN. Wm Hagler, a farmer, aged about 20 years, had long loved Mary Eton, another planter's daughter, and made matrimonial aduanccs to her, which she reci- procated, but old man Eton ob- jected for several reasons, chief among which was that he 'could raise the mortgage on bis farm by giving his daughter to the mortgagee. So he refused Hagler the entree of his home, and for- bade his daughter to have any relations with him. One night Mary descended from a window of her fathers dwelling, and, getting up behind William, who was on horseback, they rode swiftly away to Camden, the county seat. Everything seemed to work smoothly enough, but when Hagler descended from the ;clerk's office at Camden he saw the old man holding the bridle and abusing the girl. Hagler pushed him aside, jampedon bis horse and loft the town with his sweet heart. The old man pur- sued them, . and was gaining on the two lovers, when they drew off to the side of the road to let him pass, but just as ho went by Hagler•'s horse neighed, and the old fnan yelled, 'I've got you: But Hagler was off like the wind, and away they raced. The old man soon gained within twenty yards of them and drew his pistol to make them halt, but his horse bucked and threw him into a pile of sant, the pistol going off in the air. The young lovers then rode into Juno, two miles distant, to the house of the Rev W. Chapman, and were married. Just as they were made ono the old gent rode up, looked contemptuously at the two and after giving them a curs- ing instead of a blessing, rode home. Advertising Pointers. Originality is the essence of adver- tising. Be liberal with your publisher, candid with your public, and Heaven will send yon customers. -The Roller Mill. The newspaper can do the work in a day that a hnndred moat efficient and active salesmen cannot aceordplish.- Nashville Banner. Xantippe advertised her failing with her tongue ; the wise business man ad- vertises his merits with printer's ink. - King & Bro., New York. The newspaper can save clerk hire and the soiling and spoiling of goods in the showing of them by telling custo- mers before hand jest what you have - Nashville Banner. To make the consumer familiar with the name alta the merits of any line of manufactured goods, there is 110 quick- er, bettor or cheaper means available than the intelligent use of newspaper advertising. -A. N. helloge Newspaper Co. the peculiarity which they are unanimous, h iwever, in ascribing to some coloring matter absorbed from the soil itt which it grows, and which is, in all probability, the correct way of accounting for it, as cuttings from the tree plant- ed elsewhere invariably fail to denelop the same peculiarity. The people at large, however, are disposed to look upon the tree as somewhat uncanny, and as many as a dozen differents tories, All more or less blood -curdling, are poured into any visitol'e ears concerning it. It is said that no negro will pass within half a mile of it at night for any sum that Can be offered. The -tree is a splendid specimen and hue obtained a larger size than is usual in its species. It belongs to J. R. Love, a farmer of the vicinity, who has been obliged to surrounu it with a fence to prott.ct it from injury at the hands of curiosity aeekers, who have backed it for the sake of observing a sight of the sap. THE BEST LIFE POLICY. It's not the Tontine plan, or Endowment plan, or Ten years' renewable plan. It's not adding your foto dollars to the hundreds of millions that the insurance com- panies boast of'. It's a better in- vestment than any of those. It is Investing a few dollars in that Standard Remedy, the `Golden Medical Discovery,' a euro for Consumption, in its early stages, and all throat and lung troubles torr Infante and Children, I'VaitswgatsawtrdlaQaetelteebitdeenthatStomach,am , 0111 o. ttropomnxaditaalnrppeioeiosayP Pd(!o Sour ally Worms, Rives Sleep. Wwl P0M3ABIs 713 Oa Oodised1114 Erooklya, N. T. 'Mous iWarial# taedl t 4 Tri Csrprava Commix, 77 Murray 8treetroAI<„ Cheap - Crockery ---AS WE INTEND--- Giviog up the Crockery and Glassware Branch of our business, and want to clear out the stock by Jan. let; we will, on and after Nov. let, offer The Entire Stock at COST The stock is all new and consists of DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, CoA BEE SETS (in white and colored ware,) GLASSWARE, Steo This is 11 best offer ever made in Clinton, and intending purchasers should (:t amine our stock before buying. TERMS STRICTLY CASH P 4t4etn 30 ar 3 RAILRADI TIiIOTAISLE Issued May let. The departure -of trains at the se'v'eral" stations named; Is according to the last official time card: CLINTON Grand Trun k Division Going West 10.05 a.m. 1.20 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 9.27 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Division Going North Going South a.m. p.m a.m. p.m. Wingham ..11.00 7.45 6.50 3.40 Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 7.05 coo- Blyth .00Blyth " 10.28 7.12 7.18 4.15 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 7.26 4.25 Clinton 10.00 6.45 7.55 4.45 Brueefield9.42 6.26 8.15 5.04 Kippen ...t 9.34 6.17 8.24 5.12 Hensall9.28 6.09 8.32 5.19 Exeter ... 9.16. 5.57 8.50 5.33• London 8.05 '1.25 10.15 4.45 Going East 7.43 a.m. 2.25 p.m. 4.55 p.m. The Clinton New Era Ispublished every Friday Morning by the proprietor, RORT. HOLMES, at his printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin- ton, Ont Taaris.-81.50 per annum, paid in ad- vance . JOB PRINTING in every style and of every escription, execgted with neatness and dispatch, and at reasonable rates. NEWS'P'APER DECISIONS. 1. Any person or persons who take a paper regularly from a post office, whether directed in his name or an- other's, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. 2. If a person orders his paper dis• ontinued he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it nntil payment is made, and then col- ect the whole amount whether the pa- er is taken or not. 3. The Courts have decided that re- fusing to take newspapers or periodicals from th3 1 ost office or removing and eavin f tnem uncalled for prima facie cvidt 1 cc ci intentional fraud PER--&LOGAN NEXT TO COUCH'S, CLINTON. ORE' a .w1 VTHOUSANDS OF BOTTLE,"; GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. - 0 , ., When I sad Cures I do not meal merely to stop them for a time, and the, have them return• main. 1 MEAN A RADICAL O U R E. I have made the disease of FitA Epilepsy or Fail ng Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my. remedy to Cures tb worst cases. Becat Ise others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Sends once fora treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express an Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure yon. s. ll. Q. ROOT; M.C., Branch Office, 180 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. D'A vignoti's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET. LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face. no hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion: t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thisanperior p=e- elation for any paints, enamels or injurious eosin( tics or inferior complexion otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col - sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In sehort D'AVIONON's CREAM of WITCII-HAZEL is at once a remedy and a,preventfbr very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 oents per bottltai Manufactured by J-44..3UES nu. .oc pivilST, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. tineintessallentewimmlnwallivint- THE - CENTRAL - GROCER1 OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. McMurray & Wiltse Beg to announce that they are ready or the fall and winter trade with a l:tri,e stock of GENERAL GROCERIES NEW FRUITS & CANNED 'GOODS: Try our Ceylon and Indian BLA C TEA, it is second to none in the town._ Japan and Hyson TEAS, no better value any- where. COFFEES, fresh ground and warranted A 1. A full stock of P.obb'o Celebrated MEATS and SAUSAGES. Take a look at our prize BAKING POWDER, made by Mayell, of London. Handsome Glassware with every pound can. Try our German Table MUSTARD. Something new and very fine Crockery & Lamps, Just arrived a choice lot of Crockery an Lamps. Handsome Dinner, Tea and Bed room Sets, choice patterns and prices low. Lamps, Burners, Glasses, Wieka and No. 1 Canadian Coal Oil. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed ADVERTISING RAZES. LocAL NOTICES -At head, of local column, 10 cents per line or portion thereof, each insertion. Articles lost or found, girls wanted &c., not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each inserton. Five lines, 50 cents for one insertion, and 25 cents for each sub - sent insertion. Huouses to let or for sale, farms to rent or for sale, stray cattle and all similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines $1 for one month, and 50 cents for each subsequent month. Advertisements without specific in- structions, inserted till forbid. Special contract arrangements with business men. General advertising rate for unclassi- fied advertisements and legal adver- tising, 10 cents per line for first inser- tion, and 3 cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion. Changes for contracted advertise- ments must be handed in as early in the week as possible to insure a change hat week. That tired feeling and dull, op- pressive headache that so frequent- ly accompany catarrh can an be instantly removed by the use of Nasal Balm. Sold by all dealers. One of New York's richest wo- men in real estate is Miss Collo!). der, who has an income of $60,000 a year. She is about 35 years old, is tall, slender and pretty, and possesses a fine voles. t, ° 'j ' E`A4Fj'`j at 1:40,d• &r' I {/iACY GEN.fir • 9% MCMURRAY & WILTSE - CLINTON ..r COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cet brated ORGAN S free, with one Package of Jamey Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securingaz Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store. Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors t a Great Huron Central Exhibition H 1 CD coti-e .O a to CD 0-9t tp mks p. I 1' 9, C.i. A pamphlet of Information and ab- stract of 1 he laws, showing now to Obtain Patents, ('avant., 9'rodo Markt, Copyrights, sit,' free. Address MUNN fit CO. (.q, 361 Brondway. New York. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL 2c)g•mrglt'liT RIF O y 'eel3112 n es `q fY .A _O Q o G 8 2 to i" �' O P. S 7� b CA •e��b � � �° r"�� wwe � � acis .n o p, 7a - Sb, is l'rf g.= A c' ,tib:' P - o' ,1 mrrf ao5 r]o ��°ea' tem yg• trcri v• n 6 r, t5 i a Oe g. -C r% �w n ~ i n n Dmf �!5' :4- 5. ""'S rel) .� ►t tit E v n t, 4• '