HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-02-27, Page 811, *MAX, rDId iJARX 27, 18a * �9041s .NQT1QE."-R"I ggle and Double Harness, Bre ig, eta. Johnston sk Armour, Vidtatoes WAnted,- 4O,Otiobneh• rdeXigheet price ,paid CANTELON BOPS Clinton, writs Tverreitent has received * fresh supply ot those XXX Shingles, which Jig s ,selling very cheap. " " 0GS. LOGS: ,Sts Teton Salt'�Porke is pre- �pai<etto take any quantity of LAGS .this coming season, princapall Elm and Bass- •'wood. .Also Stave Bolts and -4erdwood, E531,111 Zbapittl. Division Court will be held to -day. -Miss Cavan, of Paris, is here visit- i ing Miss .1 Fair. CItANOEABLE. A person can find Mr Bert Hudgene takes a trip to I Canvariety ada,anof climate t and they canget in get about dozen different kinds in twenty four hours. The present winter, on the whole a fine one, bas been very changeable, considerable cold and with as much fine genial weather being experienced. Back north,. say eight or ten miles from Clinton, there is good sleighing, the road being cov- ered with firm ice, but hereabouts wheels are a necessity, The heavy rain of Tuesday has ewoollen the creeks until in some cases bridges are threatened by the floating ice. IN THE WEST.—Under date - of the 19th inst., Mr Will Thomas, formerly of Clinton, writes from Omaha as follows :—"Father and mother arrived in this city yesterday morning. Although father is a little better, he is still very low. He says that he is very much better, but to us he looks very bad. He will re- main here until May lst, during which time we look for a great change for the better. We have had a glor- ious winter as far as weather is con- cerned. Should you have one or two good crops, accompanied with the passing of a reciprocity bill, I think Canada as a whole, would have a wonderful surprise in the way of an increase in the population. Thous- ands-- of our. Canadian -boys- would. much rather b, at home, if the few old cuetOme were wiped out, and a little new and active spirit put forth to show life; we have, a number of Canadines here, and like elsewhere, they are on top. KOT.WCE.. Tnstgad of going to press ear cm Thireday afternoon, next week, lisp we signally de, the New Eat, will be held over eo as to give the general re- sult of the eleetione. $ubeoribee out. of town will get ;their hater the same Oise asmitts/• o LIBER.L MEETING. A meeting • in the Liberal interest will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton, this Friday Evening, when addressee will be given by Hon. G. W. Ross,111r Cameron and others. Seats provided for ladies 111entieal next week. fue'regular meeting Of the Tostn Council will be held on Monday ev- euing. Mr Chas Wilson has painted an exceptionally -neat sign for the Home Circle. Mr Geo Hanley has been confined to the house for a week, by illness, but is improving. Mr_E W Burley thinks of remov- ing to Colorado, on account of con- tinual 111 health. Mr John Bean is this week on a - visit to Brantford, combining busi- ness with pleasure. ' Mr S 'Wilson, tinsmith, was last week at Mount Forest, on a visit to his father, who is quite sick. Mr Alex. Foster, of Tara, (former- ly of Clinton) and family, are visiting friends in town. Mr James l nell is this week attend- ' ing a meeting of the Short Horn Breeders Association in Toronto. Miss Emmerton, of Goderich, sister of Mr J Ernmerton, has gone on a visit to her sister at Fort William. Mrs McLean and her daughter Aggie, of Belgrave, were visiting --'friends in town Saturday .and Sunday A young boy named Deeves, em- ployed in the Doherty Organ Fac- tory, got -his fingers smashed yester- day. - Messrs W. R. Lough, and D. Robb, ' are in attendance at the meeting of East Huron Teachers' Associatioc, in Brussels. - --e---- Eggs -took-.. a _ drop on Saturday 'from 17 to 13 cents, and they will go down yet, if we dq pot get unrestrict- ed reciprocity. Just about Thursday next, a lot of former Clintonians, but who have been away for some time, will come back on a visit.- Mr isit.-Mr W DIcKown, who recently Local`X'�litivatl;votes. The /'dirt/ Committee rooms are up, ova Mr 'ciwallow'a store. The deputy returning officers in town are Messrs. E Corbett; T Jobn- eten, R. Logan, and R Cantelon, jr. '313r i'orter'a bills announce that he will bold a meeting on "Feb Mk." It will take him all his time to 1P "It) and a little more. • Hon. G. W. Roes will be ,one of the speakers in the Town Hall, Olin, ton, Chia (Friday) evening, in the in- terest of Mr M. C. Cameron, who Will alto be preaont. A rumor is being circulated in or- der to mislead, to the effect that Mr Cameron will retire, before the elect tion, in favor of Mr Manning. Mr Cameron will do nothing of the kind. A mooting, in Mr porter's interest, was held in the town hall, on Wed- nesday evening, which was tacked to the doors a number of ladies being present, Mayor'Doherty was' in the chair. Mr Mitchell, of the Goderich Star, spoke first, and was followed by Mr John McMillan, who was allowed three-quarters of an hour. Mr Porter came next, taking his own time. All received a good hearing, and were warmly applauded during their re- marks. Constable Wheatley says that un- der no circumstances will he allow a bonfire to be started election night, no matter which side is victorious. The "other fellows" ^nay not feel. like starting one, and if the feelings of the Liberals go high enough to require one, we'll waive their privi- lege. Aside from joking, however, we hope that a bonfire will not be allowed. Int ista species of "exuber- ance" that is alike costly, dangerous, productive of ill will, and entirely unnecessary. WOULD NOT WOHR.—It bas been. learned that C W Yourex, the noted forger, Lent from• Belleville. via Hamilton, to New Yoek`;" where" he• ticketed for Bremen, Germany, at the same time purchasing a ticket for Australia. A few days after arriv- ing there, under an assumed name, he placed his • coat, cane and some papers with his name upon them by a hole in the ice on the river. He then disguised himself and told the broke bis leg, and has since been police that he had seen a man drown confined to the house, was out for the there. The police suspected -.urea, arrested him and took possess .n of his luggage. Then he confesse , waived all extradition proceedings. His object in the drowning fraud was to defraud sundry life insurance companies in which he held policies for $17,000. [Yourex is evidently a pretty slick rascal, while working his schemes in this section, he cla3nied to belongto the society of Friends (Quakers) and in order the better to Any one who desires fo walk out deceive his dupes he had the bare - to the cemetery just now had better faced audacity to attend and publicly provide themselves with a bathing participate in prayer • Meetings at suit, as half the sidewalk is under Holmesville and elsewhere. water. Mark your ballot like this.— first time on 'Saturday. We are sorry to hear of the very serious illness of Mrs John Calbick. She is well up in years, and no hopes are entertained of her recovery. Mr Thos Shipley, who has been in business at Goderich, will move short- ly to Exeter, where, with Mr Baw- den, he will engage in the cattle trade. Mrs Moffatt, of this place, has rent- ed her farm of 56 acres, being lots 9 and 10, village of Bayfield, to Mr T Burnside, for a term of three years, at $116 per year. Mr J J McLaughlin, of the base line who some time ago got his leg badly jammed by a sleigh, and was compelled to use crutches, is now able to be around, though yet lame. Mr Joseph Chambers, of Clinton, ' who has for some time been connect- ed.:with a Berlin hardware houi3e, goes to Toronto as their permanent representative, the company opening a branch there. • We are very sorry to announce that Mr Samuel Fitzsimons is so low that no hones whatever are entertained of -hip-recovery,'and bis death is looked - for at any time. His brother, Mr Hately Fitzsimons, of West Duluth, is here, consequent on his illness. We are very much pleased to cor- rect an item that appeared in our last ;issue, concerning the contemplated removal of,Mr A Gorrell .to Toronto. The general statement therein was 'correct, but Mr Gorrell 011 recoasid- 'eration, 'has decided to remain in. Clinton, and his many friends will be glad to hear of bis decision. Mr Will Potts, express messenger between Niagara Falls and Windsor, was visiting his old friends here, this week. Will says that he had made quite a number of bets giving odds for the re-election of the government, but when he found the true state of feeling through the country, he went and declared them all off. -Mr David Stewart, formerly of Clinton. while en ronte to Spokane Falls, Walk., was injured in a rail- way accident. The extent of his in- juries is not known, further than that his shoulder bone was broken. Mrs Stewart left Wingham on Saturday to join her husband in answer to a tele- . gram. Dave's friends here hope he is burtno worse than the report says. Some one signing himself '-Justice" writes "a letter to the Mail, wherein he eharges .Mr D. F. Macpherson,of this town, with being an annexation- ist. If his ideas of justice are no more fair than his statements they are a poor specimen. Mr Macpherson has never expressed himself as in favor of annexation, for the simple reason that he is not, and if "Justice" is -as good a Canadian citizen as Mr 4acpherson, he ie a good one, for there is none better in this town. A FINE GORSE,—Mr Ben Church- ill's magnificent colt Elevator was weighed on the scales here a few days ago and turned it at 1720 lbs; it is just two years old, and bas only been in this country a couple of months, and this is good weight for one eo young. This horse is claimed to be one of the very best ever brought to Huron; o being descended frOmod so pedi- gree, f the rest old country Clydesdale stock. VOTE FOR CAMERON. STAPLE DEPARTMENT; New Prints New Ginghams New Shirtings New Cottonades White & GreyCottons New Table Linens New Towelings New Embroideries POLLING PLACES, The following are the polling divi- sions ;— CLINTON. Town Hall Clinton, comprising St. Andrew's ward. J. Chidley's Warehouse, Victoria St., comprising St: James' ward. S Wilson's Tin G.hop, Huron street, comprising St. John's ward. T. C. Doherty's Livery Office, Al- bert st. comprising St. George's ward. GGDERICH TowNSHIP- Isaac Curwin's house, lot 102, Mait- land" eciliceseione ait- laud"'concession; "-comprising,all lots north of the lots numbered 17 in con- cessions 1 to 8 inclusive and north of lots 27 and 29, Maitland concession. A Hamilton's house, _lot,24, con. 5, comprising lots 17 to 33, inclusive, in concessions 1 to 8, inclusive. Robt. Hanley's house, lot 40: con. 8, comprising all lots in concessions 1 to 8, inclusive, south of the lots num- bered -33; also all lots -in- the -Bayfield- concession excepting los 34 to 58 in- clusive. W..Crook's House, lot 30, con 11, comprising all lots in con. 9 to 14, in - elusive, south of the Cut Line and Huron Road; lots 39 to 58, inclusive, in -the Bayfield concession, and the lots on the south side of the Huron road. H. B. Evans' House, lot 17, Huron road, comprising all lots north of the uron road and the cut line from omesville to concession 8, excepting th.:e lots northof 27 and 29, Mait- land concession. CORSET DEPA RTMENT. e DRESS GOODS. DEPARyMENT, All the 'latest Novel- ties. Black Henrietta's & Cashmere's Plain and Fancy Bril- lianteens Check Lusters Suitings in all Shades Fal" the Early Sprlug Tracie,+. a large assortment o, New--F-rints, Otto . .de ,: White CC F v Ticking All leading makes— Try the B. & C. it is the best in theMarket Church Work. Rev A Ross, M A, of this place, preached in Knox church, Goderich, on Sunday morning last. The regular monthly fellowship meeting will be held in the Batten - bury street church lecture room, next Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock sharp. On Sunday next the Sabbath School anniversary sermons ot Ont- ario street church will be preached, morning and evening by Mr Alfred Day, the well known Secretary of w the Ontario Sabbath School Associe- tion, and the officers of the school W M ask for a contribution gf $60 to help meet the working expenses of the o school. Mr Day is too well known to require an introduction at our PORTER hands, and will do good service. Owing to pressing engagements in Michigan, Rev Mi Banton found it necessary to leave here last week; and he is now in revival work at Minoden, Mich. The services here are being continued thio week in Ontario street church, under the di- rection of Messrs Edge and Shilton. Quite a number have professed con- version, (though the number of seek- ers had not been aa large as antici- pated) and the churches have been greatly quickened. It is , probable at this week will end the special vices. On Monday, Feb 23rd, the regular private meeting of the W C Y PC A was held, Mr Grant, the Vice Presi- dent, in the chair. Miss Wilson, who addressed the meeting, deserves the highest praise for the complete and instructive manner in which the subject of the evening was dealt with. from the famous herd of E Cruick- The program for the evening consist- ed of .the fo/lowing:-9electiop, By shank, Aberdeen, Scotland, Grandam choir of ladies; Quartette, by four The Bose, first prize cow at the Banff - email boys; Trio, Misses D Fair, M shire show in 1874—also (Kings Cooper and Eva Chidley; address, Ranson) aired by Excelsior (61333) Job!" Bunyan, Mies Wilson. The and from the well known prize win- important points Mist; Wilson had taken up separately. Mr Jas Scott, Puritans; Mr Richardson, the Estab- lished Church; 'Miss M Leslie, the Uniformity Act; Mr Jas Grant, ACCIDENTS. — While chopping Pilgrim's Progress; Mies May Irwin, wood the other day, Charlie Dania- The writings of Bunyan. Quartette, vey slipped, and falling on his axe the Misses and Messrs Richardson; handle, had the misfortune to break Selection, By choir of ladies. This two of his ribs. On Thursday, Mr being the end of one of the best and T C Doherty was driving a mare be-. most instructive meetings for the longing to his brother, when it be- season. came unmanageable, and shied off SacRAMEN'r. — The Sacrament of the road before he could check it, the Lords Supper was dispensed in running into a ditch, and throwing Willis Church, on Sabbath last. The him out against a tree, a broken !preparatory services on Friday even• shoulder blade was the result. On ing and Saturday morning, were con - Friday last one of Wilson'segg'teamS, ducted by the Rev. itobt. Henderson, driven by Mr T Richardson, ran of Bayfield, who preached eloquent away on Albert streeE,.lir$king the and impressive discourses to good harhees,waggon and some of the eggs. congregations. The services on Sab- On Thursday eveningwhat might bath morning, were conducted by the have been e. serious accident happen• pastor, Mr Stewart, who took for his ed at the Bayfield road crossing of text part of the 20th verse of the 2nd the G T R. Mr Richard Bayley, of chap. ot Ruth—"The man is near of Hullett, was driving south over the kin unto us, one of our next kine - hack while the Trick boys were driv- men." The various and important ing track andadidy et seeley had his that nearest of kin under the he had Jewish economyweregraphically set more than half road, or that he was forth, and by means of them, Christ crowding into the other rig, and be- as our next of kin in the spiritual fore he knew it, there was a collision. world was clearly presented. There Both buggiee and, occupants were was a large nrimber of the members thrown over the high ditch. It was in attendance at the solemn service. thought at first that some of them Rev. A. D. McDonald conducted the were badly injured, but beyondbreak- services in the evening, exchanging ing the buggies somewhat, no harm with the Rev. Mr Stewart. A great ensued. While 'Mr J 1' Tindall wet many availed themselves of the op - entering his office the other day, the portunity of hearing Mr McDonald, index figure of the left hand 'was who,ls always aureOf a warm welcome caught by the door, autl the nail torn and Attentive hearing from his Clin• ten friends. See these goods beforelbuying elsewhere, GENTS FURNISHINGS, Also a large assortment.:o T.ace Curtains from 5 Inspection Solicited. JOHN WISE THE LOW PRICED STORE, We have a full range of White and Colored Shirts, Collars, Ties. Hats, &c. , Every Department filled with Fresh and Attractive Goods. Prices away Down. SEE OUR 3 SPECIALTIES • MILLINERY, MANTLE and DRESS MAKING NOTICE - W e have now taken stock and find our last year's busi- ness very satisfactory, finan- cially, and must extend our sincere thanks to the public for their very liberal patronage: By honest dealing and -strict attention:to-busifness-and to -the -wants of -the- peo- ple, we hope to merit the same. $to-ct-tatin� During the next two weeks we will be taking stock, pre- paratory f; to getting in the New Spring Stock, which We expect will be large and good value, and • in order to clear out surplus stock and winter goods; we will give you the biggest bargains ever offered in Clinton. Many lines will be t,ffered at cost and some less. We intend . to reduce our stock in all the different departments. . DRY GOODS, CLOTHING; HATS, CAPS; FURS and CARPETS --- NO RESERVE_ - TAILORING, MANTLE & DRESS Making In first-class Style. We will OUT FREE all Tweeds•. ° and Cloth bought from us for the next two weeks. ' __SPECIAL. We want to° clear out 3000 Pairs Boots. a Shoes, Rubbers. Overshoes, &c, before . getting in New Spring Goods, and we will give you the best value ever offered to the trade : of this town. This is no blow but BERTSON'S.the honest truth. Come and see. Thiswill be a cash sale and only last two weeks. Plumst-eel & -Gibbi-nj AThSrt Street. GREAT CASH STORE Jan. 15,1891 CLi wro1 ' CAMERON x STOCK NOTES —Mr Henry Gib binge had purchased from the Elm- hurst herd of Shorthorns, the promis- ing young bull,Vice Regal =-1.3103=-- D 13103=D -S H B, of the famous Matchless tribe and sired by the pure Booth bull Imported Excelsior (51233) a first prize winner in Scotland and Oenada. The Matchlesees are one of the best families of Shorthorns for substance, style and quality, as their show ring career of victories achieved at all the largest fairs in Canada will show. There are three more ex- ceedingly good young belle yet for sale from this herd—one of them (Home Guard) a pure Matchless, sired by Imported Excelsior—(Mar- shall Saxe) dam the Provincial win- ner Imported Red Rose by Perfection q. EW ARRIVALS BEESLE x X X We have opened and passed into stock 10 cases of New Spring Goods NEW CO Allover►E MBROIDE RLI; for Ladies and Children in Skirt Lengths. BARGAINS in Narrow Width ning cow Matchless of Elmhurst 6th. Come and see or write for cata- logue and prices to W J Biggins, Elmhurst Farm, Clinton, Ont. And by the 1st of March, we will show a full and complete range. Our assortment will be larger and better than ever, and there is not a buyer of Clothing in this section but, what should be a customer if they can appreciate fine goods at low prices Ladies& Ohi1drensWhitewear- Stock Full and Complele in all lines. Special Valuef New Styles S. and Fine Goods. 000 IN OUR Ready . Made . Clothing Department Fingering and Saxony � _ Yarns, Woollen Sha r BARGAINS FASCINATORS, HOODS, CLOUDS Ladies Black & Colored SID GI&O CORSETS, Ladies a ChildrensWEITEWE clean off. We will have a good many surprises for the buyers. We will show some wonder- ful bargains . that cannot fail to be eagerly sought after. If you want clothing come and see us. IN r c Decide to visit our store, inspectour winter stoclt nd, compare our prices and qualities with others; amen proceed to make the most of this grand opportunity to secure bargains. �. Jackson Brothers Clothiers, Furnishers . and Natters. CLINTON, ONT. Beesley's Great Millinery , Empu1hu i The Ladies Favorilo Eslahlishoeen s