HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-02-27, Page 7POO'fRandtte Sore Ups, knee 'iouR'hnese rot' the;. root. BItM, Chafing,. *Wilburn, Floor 1 s. artee,t Et oe tr+lap•r t- Prepay t qn contains Doth- uk oo thae tQUet aalri gt o Y ,oft andt'eatin like re,. fl$tural tirmneae, elastloity and gee,'and to B00140en ' able, After Shaving Irritation on the instsat,. halo 1tbihltes Lar e g IioAttes ' ,10,11ty 11 ce,1 tee .' ras4'anEn O iLY cit, SPENC,gR CASE and »rugglst, GO 'King street Wast, lfamllton, Ont. •1! or Sale by J, H.COMBE, Clinton i R '1.'be Ottawa Pre* fpeze iit mop tenable for The felllev ins: - "We expect the deht Will, be the otos eat in the. cquntry'a hi$oree It nae be anybody's victory when it is eve tend eo Sir John ie preparing for cuter 611oies," said au Ottawa Qoneervatitiv worker yeiterday. "But what dope he purpose doing? "Well, if he is defeated, or if the ilia jority is less than twelve or fifteen, h will throw up the sponge, as ne govere. meat a long time in power opal get alon with moll tt majority. Sir John wit appoint himself high oommiseiener or the plea that lee is,: ill and needs rest calculating that the Reformers will no disturb him if they come in. He wit give Sir Charles Tupper the Conserve tive leadership, and let him make tht best of it. That ie why he ie introduc ing Sir Charles to theQntario,eopl- now. To tell the truth�I don't think 1 Sir John cares a great deal how it goes this trip, Heie worried' half to death by Langevin and McGreevy and their squabbler};" ri Itlait eartate dna t. $14011 4$14ndi.t OOTHIN-Q. C: ' Ffi EALI r.,: ,stent Relief, F , .,, ,. ,. ,Cure, Failure i.+ : ,a ?' way walled cls pas Diem* or Cntanl n > • partlM deaMe a . •t aim pbreath, keserrr:Al.>.. rimasio Ye aro. or 11ardn• s (*Utah; Sell n 11 rn P*PCUXing n bo; t xr Be seised fn u; i t • �� >4 tib htj4d te,utta ill. Oa.c rrc s 1- Haarm iii 1d by A S. d, gglete, be sent, past paid, on receipt of (50 oen s end $1.O0) by addreatlttg FULFORD & CO., ' Bteri!fYlitcy On . , Snug little fortuneshave been =deal work for us, by Aniia Page,Austin, Texas, and Ino. Donn, Toleo' Ohlo. Sea Cu t. Others are doing as welt. Why not you? Sone urn over $5•0.110 a ontl>. You can do the work andlllve t home; wherever you are. Even be - Inners aro easily earning from $5 to 10a .Allaa a show s w you a .. ou bow and start you. Can 'mark a work- ers." the limoro Dig money for them. Failure unknown rmong them. NEW and wenderlLl. Particulars free. lett& Co.,lloz tl8O Portland, Maine o . ._...rte-riop Vl1tart 'CHRONIC COUGH NOW! For it yen do not it may become con- , eutnptive: For Consumption, Sero/,ala, General-.Debi]tilt and' Waasting Disease*, —lVlore 'is ! Y 'Of 'Pure' Cod Liver 011 and 1 • HYPOPHOSPHITES ! Of Lime' wad Mod.- l itis almost as palatable as milk. Far 1 better than other so -caller! Emulslone. Ai ndertul flesh producer. 2,Sf'',(I'1'T'S EMULSION is put tap in a salmon color wrapper. Ifs. snore and wet the geutrirle. Sold by' all Dealers atliOc. and $1.10. SCOT &• BONNE, ne11evillo. rtA.SEED EMULS[ON qompouNti 188 Lexinzton Ave. aNes orj� CS'ty, SaSSAQ1 I have used .the '91ax Sfe' Emulsronlitrdeverat 'eases of Chrome Brdnchitii; end the early -stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. JAMES. ISs CROOK, M.D. CNSU:MION t tiara used youBrEmldyon N.Y.,n a Fceabne 1o4tfh 8t8h9s il timption) with beneficial n, cial'results,where putie. trot use Cod Livor oil in any form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. ALL: MEN. young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous,weak and exhausted who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms ; Mental depression, premature old age, lees of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emis- sions, lank of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headaohe, pimples on the face or body,itohing or peculiar sensation about the scrotum wastingof the organs, diz. ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby musoles;de- sire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation,dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit- ability of temper,sunken eyes surround- ed with Leaden Cirole,oily looking skin, etc:, are all symptoms . of nervous de- bility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tention every function wanes in consequence. Those when through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flnshes,rush of blood to the bead, du pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positive- ly be cured. No ours no pay. Send for bd'ok. Address M. I. LUBON, b"0 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. June 20, 1890. ss Business Failures How the failures are increasing in Canada under the present trade rest- riction policy__ The last __number of Bradstaeete-an authority which Mr Foster acepts as reliable -shows that for the first six weeks of the current year,, 1891, the 'failures in Canada numbered 431, compared with 322 in the same period Last year, 239 in the corresponding weeks .of 1888, and 190 in 1887. It will be observed that the number of Canadian insolvencies in the first six weeks of this year is the largest recorded. The failures in this country amounted in the period named to one in every 15,000 of the population, while in the United States they only amount to one in every 30,550 of popu- lation, proving that the distress is greater on this side of the line than'on the other. In 1878 the reverse was the case. Trade restriction is a failure. HOW TO GET A HANDSOME HUSBAND. When'er some lucky Indian maider Found a red ear in the husking, 'Muskat' cried they altogether; 'Musks!' you shall have a sweetheart- You shall have a handsome husband." The handsome man always ad- mires the beautiful woman. Then simply make yourself beautiful. Remove all blotches, pimples, 'forked signs of turkey tracks' from you features, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription a tonic to the nervous, circulatory and procreative systems. Its use brings roses to the cheeks, and sparkle to the eyes. Take it, and you will, like the Indian maiden, find 'a'red car' in good health, an Omen of future happiness. Guar- anteed to give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it re- funded. "SMiLt FOR Evar.7 DRF i A,I`1,t SIATI<Ott1a The Taw York Preee says:--.. "Arguing to the electors of Can• ada against unrestricted :>'eolpt'o- oily with the United States, "Sir. John A. Macdonald, the Cana, than. Premier, declares that it would `'inevitably result in the annexation of this Dominion TM the United Statee.r And the same journal declaies 'It is a curious .cohrrmentery 00 the operatigneof"the human, mind. that on thio, sideof the .Canada line here is serious objection among leading statesmen to reci- procity with that country for the reason that it will postpone and possibly for ever defeat annexa- tion.' - The advice of the New York protectionist journal, under tbe circumstances, iscontained in this concluding paragraph: 'Sq far as the United States le eoncerned in this diircuseion he greatest question is whether or not we want to bring Canada into the Union by annexation. If we do, the surest''coarse ie -to keep up the tariff barriers to shut her out from all privileges of trade and commerce until she comes to us • ie sheer desperation.' Ifthe Canadian high tax people bar o their way, and the Yankee trade restrictionist their wishes trey may he carried out: but we much mistake intelligent public opinion on both sides -of -the tine it it fails to effect that freedom of trade which is in tho interest of both peoples. The combines kick hard against the proposition but they are not the people. Minard's Linimentlumberman's friend A STARTLING FACT. "Life is street" is an old saying, and just as true as it is old. No one in his or her right senses courts death; all wish to prolong life to the utmost limit and yet, in spite of this universal desire to live the alloted three score years and ten -and even longer -thousands upon thousands of people through carelessness and neglect, are hastening the time when they muststand fags ,tg,#ace with the grin reaper, and make the . plunge alone into "the dark valley of the shadow of death.'z No disease on this ° continent claims so many victims as consumption, and reliable statistics prove that fully two thirds of the deaths occurring from consumption had their origin in catarrh. Nothing but negligence caused this last disease to develop into coneumption,_and the , person who neglects to promptly and persistenly treat oatorrh until all traces are eradicated, is simply hastening the coming of death. Even should catarrh not develop into consumption, it never. theless shortens lite, as every breath the patient inhales passes over poisonous secretions and thus affects the whole system. l tr the cure o catarrh no remedy ever • discovered equals Nasal Balm, which is recognized from the Atlantic to the Pacific as the only cer- tain cure for this disease. It removes the secretions from the nostrils, stops the poisonous droppings into the throat and lungs, and makes the user feel that a new lease of life has been given him. This great catarrh remedy is on sale with all dealers, or will be sent on receipt of price-50cts for small and $1.00 for large size bottles -by addressing Fnlford & Oo., Brockville, Ont. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th,i8?8. lean strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen oral tonic in physical debility. JOHN t, TALMACE, M. D. F HERALrl BILITY • Brooklyn N, Y., Oct. 10th, 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superiorto , the Cod Liver Oil Emalsions so gentians in use. - D. A. GORTON, M, it MISTING DISEASES 137 West 34th St. New York, Aug, 0, 1888. I ave used your Flax -Seed Emulsion'Compound in.a revere case of Mad -nutrition and the result was marathon hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- tinunuS.= I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMAT«1b Soi'tf'by'bl'uggti{ s;'prtce° t1OO. FLAXr•SEED EMULSION CO BS Liberty St., Nei,' York. 3. H. Combe, Agent, Clinton. .41E GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY t k f1$' PURELY VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS \ i jNi$ `linYB0tri MERCURY, USED BY THE ENGLISH PEOPLE FOR: 'ovER 120 YEA118„I9 COMPOUND ANTIBILIOVS 'These Pills consist ole careful acid peculiar admix - hire .of the hest and mildest vegetable aperients and tie pure extract of Flowers of Chamomile, They will be found a most efficacious remedy for derangements et the digestive organs, and for obstructions and tor. I'd action of the liver and bowels which produce in- fgel)tion and the ttveral 'middies of bilious and liver eomplainta, • $•old all.SlhemlAta.- — , Iantit,tt8Att Acetas t EVAN$ AND $DNB, LIMITED, MON1"! kAL. it • Mr J. B.Turrer has issued an address to the electors of south Leeds in 'which he says :-At the solicitation of many of my Conservative friends I have de- cided to offer myself as a candidate for this riding at the approaching election for the House of Commons. I am and always have. been a Liberal -Conserva- tive, and am'in'entire accord and sym- pathy with the present Government on every question except one, and that is the question of fuller and closer trade relations Leith, foreign countries. I think tbe polioy of the Government on that point is detrimentalto the interests of the farmers. My main object, if elected, will be to assist es far pos- sible in improving their present unfor- tunate condition. It is an undisputed fact that farm property has depreci- ated in valve within the past few years, The present state of affairs cannot con- tinue; if it does we stand in the greatest danger of losing a large element of our farming people through emigration, WHAT MEDICAL SCIENCE IS DOING. The latter half of the 19th century will pass into history as one into which is crowded more inventions and dis- coveries for the benefit of mankind than in all the centuries that have preceded it. Among these discoveries none will take higher rank than those in medicine calculated to relieve "the ills that flesh is heir to," restore vitality, and prolong life. Ladies everywhere will rejoice at the discovery of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, undoubtedly the greatest remedy for their peculiar ailments yet discover- ed. These pills are the result of el. meat life study, and are a certain nerve tonic and blood builder, supplying tho elements necessary to enrich the blood and transform pale, sallow or greeniah complexion to the pink and glow of perfect health. These pills are an un- failing euro for nervous dibility, palpit. ation of the ;hearts loss of appetite, headaohe and all theirregularitiea of the female system that entail so much mis cry and distress. Every suffering woman sborild• give t71em i Tial. For bole by all dealers or will be sent, post paid, on receipt -50 cents a box -e -by addres- sing the Dr Williams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Beware of imitations, �M AW,KW4BD XIST ATM, A farmer who ,hard bought a calf from a butcher deeired him to drive it to •his,farm and place it In. his stable, whish he accord. in ly dill.. ow, it happened that very day that a. man with a grinding organ. and a, dancing bear, passing that way, began their antics in front 'Of the fern;, Atter amusing the farmer's family for some time ,the>Qr'ga,nMau entered the farmer's house and asked the former if he e aid: gine him a night's lodging. The farmer replied that he could give the man lodging, but that he was at a loss where_ to put the bear. After musing a , little, he determined to bring the calf inside the house for that night and to place the bear in the stable, which was done. Now the butcher, expecting that the calf would remain in the stable all night, resolved to steal it ere morning. The farmer and his guest were in the night awakened by a fearful yelling from the outbuilding. Both got np, and taking a 'lantera entered the stable, when the farmer found to his surprise the butcher of whom he had bought the calf in the grip of the bear, which was hugging him tremendously, for be could not bite, being muzzled. The farmer soon understood the case, and he briefly mentioned the circumstances to the owner of bruin, who, to punish the butcher for his intended theft, called to the bear, "Hug him, Tommy," which the bear did in real earnest, the butcher roared most hideously the whole time. After they thought that he had suffered enough they set him free, and the butcher slunk off, glad to escape with his life, while the farmer and his guest returned to their beds. C. C. RICHARDS iti CO. GENTS—I have used your ➢IINARD'S LINIMENT in - my family . forsome_ years'itii'd believe it the best medicine in the market as it does all it is recom- mended to do. Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. KIERBTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by nseing MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Sir John Macdonald's latest policy amounts to -a confession that, so far as the farmers were concerned, protection' from the begining was a fraud If Sir John Macdouald's Gov- ernment is supported in the coming elections by the far- mers,they will thereby declare that they are willing to be tax- ed in order to support and en- rich the manufacturers, that they are willing to pay high Protection prices for all that they buy, while there is to be no pretence even ofprotecting then] or raising the prices of what they have to sell by niteans ,of protection—Mon- treal rotection. Mon-treal Witness. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physican, retired from prao- t:ce, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the seedy and permanentcure ofconsump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in Gorman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYES, 820 Power's S3lock, Rochester, N. Y. 13012.y.e.o.w. We make bold to say that nothing in Canad-an policy has done so much to ilitperil unity, as what has been called the Natio nal Policy. — Montreal Witness. All over the west of Ontario there are now manufacturers who want thecontiinental mar- ket as badly as the farmers and who are working for unre- stricted reciprocity.—lllontroftl, Witness. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Ring Bono, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen- Throat, Couhs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. IL Combo, Druggist, Stele 27, 1 yr 'SPE -SD T'HE' ri.dow., Thi$ grated old Alta' fertti,, eeuti meat ould live Qrari Sucshcess tel the jndustrveal plow. man means eaoness• to all. Give the Qanadlan farmer fait` play and a "return of the good old times. Our factoi.'ies will bo busy, wages will be good to working- men, merchants and storekeepers will be prosperous, farm lands will go up in value,town and vill- age lots will sell at higher prices, and nt'oney will be plenty and cir- culate briskly. Merchants and manufactures have a common interest in the well -doing of our farmers. Workingmen of all trades should vote and work for more money in the farmer's pocket. More money in the farmer's poc- ket means the putting up new houses, new stores, new wagons, new harnness, new buggies, new organs, new furniture, and so on. This means more employment for labor, and more employment for labor means mole wages. Unrestricted .Reciprocity will enable our woollen ]mills to work night and day and increase the price of wool, 'The Reformers' battle cry is 'Farmers' right", and wrongs to none.' Vote for the Reform candidate and.speed the -plow: MARE A NOTE OF IT Read it over and over again, spell it out and sing it, until it is indelibly fixed in your mind, that D . Sage's Catarrh Remedy is an infallible cure for chronic catarrh of the head, with all its distressing complications. Impaired taste and smell, offensive breath, ring- ing noises in the bead, defective hearing, nose and throat ailments, are not only relieved,but positive- ly and permanently cured 1 This is no fancy of the imagination,but a hard,solid fact, proven over and overaga_a� a_d yen!) edefor,under. fordeiture'of500, by its manu- facturers, the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. 'A word to the wise is sufficient.' HOW ONE RAF++ MER WAS ROBBED. If Sir John Macdonald ap- proaches this question of a negotiation with the United States honestly and squarely, nothing but good can come out of it. But there is grave rea- son to fear that he does nothing of the kind. He has fought the idea of free trade from the start. He has been the apos• tle of protection. He is the father of national policy. Ile has kept tariffs so high that Canada is well isolated from its nearest neighbor andaits great- est Market as if the United States occupied the position on the globe that the Sandwich islands do. Ile is a politi- ian, withal, and not at all anx- ious to lose his power. In taking the reciprocity side of the controversy he asks Canada to leave to hint the making of a reciprocal agreement on what terms he wills to 'make one, instead of permitting the traitorous Liberals to bring about a reciprocity the extent 61'41101 is pretty 'well; Under- stood. It may be a political trick and it may not; but with Sir John's record and political history behind it, he will find it,Iiard to secure the confidence of 'the Canadian Liberals, while he may repel some of his own partisans who are willing to take the chance of reciprocity. If he can beat reciprocity by favoring it, he will. —Detroit News. Minard b liniment is used by physician' COST OF GOVERNMENT IN CANADA. One solid --fact as to the way -fat - mors are • suffering •for want of a better market is- better-- than a column of Conservative vaporings as to the prosperity of the noun try. Mr Frey, a farmer in Brant county, was offered by Mr Beer, of Buffalo, $150 for a horse de- livered in Brantford, or $210 in Buffalo. The farmer wanted the bigger. price, of course, but found that while the freight on the animal was only $8, the duty, was nearly $50, and he took the:' $150 as be- ing the, better offer—And.-this in- cident is being repeated daily in a thousand forms. WANTED TO EXCHANGE. A solid, sensible -looking woman who was bound east, entered the baggage rooms of the Third street depot leading a dog, and asked : 'Can this dog go in the car with me ?' 'Has he got to go in the bag- gage car ?' •Y'm,' 'Isesit extra ?' 'Fifty cents.' 'Well, it's a shame 1' 'Yes'm, but its the rule.' She walked about for five min- utes, the dog smelling at her heels, and then returned to say : -'There are three of us -myself, the dog and my husband.' 'If my husband went in the bag- gage car couldn't the dog ride in the seat with me ?' She managed to choke down her indignation when told that no such change could be effected, but later on, in the waiting -room, she was giving her husband fits, and it was probably because- ho was satisfied with the rule of the road. -Detroit FreePress. CASTOR I for Infants end Children. lraoo ' twtpeuad pced000l>lzdrgatde►! Csstetrte cares Celle. doeltivatioe, nditYwpeci011oaslpl!tlmripttoa ripayforree,, D knOWa W MO." ff. 3L O,. g9'' W o Clvelt icy, Naafi �ePFomo� 1s• 11150 Axford 6t, Brooklyn, N. Y, ipi a = injurious medleayt�• , Trim 11. Csrrrmga Coalraxz,17Murray $t I.,N.T; Cheap o Crockery —AS WE INTEND—_ Giving' up the Crockery and Glassware Branch of our business, and want to clear out the sleek by Jan. 1st we will, on and after Nov. 1st; offer The Entire Stock at COS -I The' stock is all new and Consists of DINNER SETS, TEA SETA, CRAMBER SETS (in white and colored ware,) GLASSWARE, &c. This is tli best offer ever made in Clinton, and intending purchasers should ee amine our stock before buying. TERMS' STRICTLY CASH COOPER & LOGAN NEXT TO COUCH'S, CLINTON. „ URE FIT y SAOF 80TTLEgY YEARLY. _ When l say Cure I do not meat THOU GIVEN AWAY have them return again.merely to stop them for a time, and the! ' 1 MEAN A R A D I CA L C U R E. 1 have made the disease of F Epilepsy or Fall 1te' Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure tb worst cases. Beta/ se others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and It will cure you. Address ;—H. O. ROOTa M.Q. Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STRITT, TORONTO. For the year ending .lune 30, 1868, being the first year under Confederation, the expenditure on account of consolidated fund was $13,486,093. For the year ,ending June 80, 1874, the first under Mr Macken- zie's administration, the expendi- ture was $23,316,316, being less than the estimates voted unser Conservative rule. For the year ending June 30, 1878, the last for which Mr Mackenzie's administration was responsible, the expenditure was $23,503,158. For the year ending June 30, 1880, the expenditure was $35,- 994,031. 'I am in full accord with the L)oli;y of the Liboral party. Tho iberal policy will not bo inimical to "the interests of Groat Britain.' -[Hon. Alex Mackenzie. 'A stitch in time saves nine,' and if you take Hood's Sarsapar- illa now it may saver months • of future possible sickness, Sir R. Cartwright, Hon. S. H. Blake, Hon A. S. Hardy and Hon John Dryden were the speakers at the Reform meet- ing. in the Toronto Auditorium on Friday night; the building was packed to the doors. Itch, 1Iange and Scratches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 3 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion This never fails. Sold by J. H. Combe Druggist, Triune27__ Bin. _. About two weeks ago. Mr drew An- drew Laury,of Port Stanley,miss ed a pig from his yard. After ten days searching he found it in an old house north of the school. house. The pig had gone in and shut the, door on itself. When found the animal was alive, but very thin and weak. Why suffer from catarrh and all its disagreeable sympt,ome when Nasal Balm will perman- ently euro you ? Do not let dealers persuade you that some other re- medy is ,just as good;ask for Nasal Balm: and take no other. George Ar Badgorow,son of the York county Crown attorney, was thrown frnm a horse at Davisvillo last Wednesday evening, and in- stantly killed. Mr Badgorow was about 21 years of Ago, an&was n lieutenant in tho Quoin's Olen Rifles. .1 D'Avignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face nd hands, and gives freshness, and tone to the complexion. t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't m, stake thissnperior pre- aaation for an • taints, enamels or incurious cosmetics or inferior eomplexlott otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col - sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In sejiort D'AyIGNON's CREAM OF WITCH-HAzaLie at once a remedy andpreventfor very' form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by JAMES 1-1:,40C>M13E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. THE- CENTRAL- GROCERY OPPOSITE. THE POST OFFICE. McMurray & Wiltse Beg to announce that they are ready or the fall and winter trade with a large stook of GENERAL GROCERIES NEW FRUITS, CANNED GOODS: Try our Ceylon and Indian BLACS TEA, st is second to none in the town. Japan and Hyeon TEAS, no better -value any- where. COFFEES, fresh ground and warranted A 1. A full stock of Robb's Celebrated MEATS and SAUSAGES. Take a look at our prize BARING- POWDER, ASINGPOWDER, made by Mayell, of London. Handsome Glassware with every pound can. Try our German Table MUSTARD. Something new and very fine Crockery (st,} Just arrived a choice lot of Crockery an Lamps. Handsome Dinner, Tea and Bed room Sets, choice patterns and prices low. Lamps, Burners, Glasses, Wicks and No. 1 Canadian Coal Oil. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed McMURRAY & WILTSE - CLINTON COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present .� Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cele brated ORGANS free, with one Package of James Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER„ price 50cents. `This gives an opportunity of securing an Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition at our Gro rely Stole Saturday next. A call solicited from v' isitors to Great Huron Central Exhibition • N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL II A