HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-02-13, Page 7tos*vno
' Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named
dl-8ase.By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con-
sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office . Address. Respectfully.
T. A. $LOCUM, M.C., 186 West Adelaide St., TORONTO, ONTARIO.
- -,- _r--•--
inter 1T WOULD DO
'*'Ie. individual. farmer rel.
t eciiy *mid give 00 cents
additional value on every. bas-
sol. of barley, 40 cents onevery
�5 en on
• ofis
Plias' ; .. cents
every Bushel of potatoes; $t a
ion' on bay; $30 ou -every horse
WOrthZOsg gran 4150; $110 on
+fir ,14 , +'t hire ,more than
Bald; $1::50on every
ear 61d ; 75 cents on
cry lamb—and; ;ti similar in,.
'ease upon every character of
farm produce., These items are
the duty of articles going to
the States.
The Liberal party advocates
fall and unrestricted Reciproc.
ity and therefore is entitled to
support in the coming elections.
trot, and in descending the; grade
to take •1 be ditch the: cutterover--
turned,t lick frightened the borsi
into a rttn. Xersoy'held onto the
reins and was dragged for some
distance, being finally
against a large Stone, Striking on
hisde . H managed i & e
Side and ,11i a t.
P? d
P g
reach the nearest house, ' 1r Case-
u oro's,wbo immediately took him
home. A physician was summon-
ed, who pronounced' no bones
broken, but. bruised 'and injured.
internally. We are happy to hear
that he is slowly recovering.
The annual meeting of the
Couty Orange Lodge of North
Union, was held at Belgrave, on
Tuesday, in the Forester's hall
After considerable business of a
private nature had been conclude
ed, the election of officers for the
current year was proceeded with,
and resulted as follows: W H
Clegg, CM, Corrie; John Mooney,
D M, Brussels; B Gerry,' Chap,
Brussels; John Kerr, R S, Wing -
ham; Jas Stewart, F S, Belgrave;
Wm McGill, Tress, Belgrave;
Jos .Mallough, D of 0, Dungann-
News. Notes Aronnd The County en; T E Cornyn, Wingham, and
Jos Curtis, Blueyale, Lecturers.
The next annual meeting will be
held in Walton on the first Tues-
day in February, 1892.
The Choicest Stealings from
Our County Exchanges.
Harry Douglas, son of Adam
Douglas, of the 15th concession,
Grey, had the misfortune to cut
his foot badly while out chopping
one day recently.
J L Wilson, of Attwood, has
been engaged to take charge of
the school in Morris township,
vacated by Me Burke, owing to
the latter's illness.
Mrs Wm Kyle, of Wingham,
has a pocket kui'i'e ' which she
purchased in Scotland over
sixty years ago. It is rather old
fashioned, but is very highly
prized by its owner.
•" '.14 Robert Scott has sold his
farm on she 15th concession of
th-M-r-Jeihn Clark, for $2,-
000. This farm contains 5.0 acres,
is an'excellentsp.lace,and was sold
cheap. .
Tho many friends of Mr A. 14.
Campbell, formerly deputy -reeve
of Stanley, will regret to learn
that histhealthis very precarious.
and, be. is again laid up with
asthma. We hope he will soon
Mr D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth,
has three steers of his own rais-
ing which be is now feeding, and
which; give th.o following weights:
Two are a year and ton months
old,one weighing 1,350pounds,and
the other 1,230 pounds, the third
is a year andsoven months old,and
weighs 1,060 lbs., making a total
of 3,640 pounds for the three.
• The sureties of .Tames New.
Combe, late treasurer of Morris,
have had him committed to jail
On a charge of embezzlement, he
-.being $2,000 behind in his. ac-
counts. The prisoner may, if he
chooses, elect to be tried ty the
Judge, in which case his trial
might take_ place in ten days or
$o. Mr Newcombe is nearly 80
years of age, and although his
offense is deserving of severe pun-
ishment, he would hardly live. to
serve out any long term of im-
prisonment, and the court will
likely take this fact into consid-
eration in giving sentence.
The people of Burns' church,
Hullett, have now had time to -
satisfy themselves that their new
chur..h is eminently suited to
their needs, and it is gratifying to
be able to say that this result has
not involved them in a -heavy
debt. On the contrary, at their
late annual meeting, it was found
that after providing for all
liabilities they had.still a balance
on hand: Accordingly, not con-
ented with paying the stipend of
their pastor, the Rev D. M. Ram-
say, before the stipulated time,
they resolved also to present him
with the handsome sum of $50.
One hardly knows whether pastor
orpeople isthe more to be congra-
tulated on such evidences ofliber-
ality and good feeling.
This is a question that from time to
time is discussed in scientific journals,
and when one sees the vast number of
broken down, listless and prematurely
old men found in every community,
one is almost forced to admit - that.the
race is deteriorating. , The causes lead-
ing to this decline in manhood are
various, and among ;theth ,may bo men-
tioned overworked', mental strain, loss
of sleep, over indulgence pf . appetites,
and excesses of various kinds, all lead-
ing to sbattered nerves, loss of vital
forces and premature decay, and often
to insanity. To all time suffering Dr
Williams' Pink Pills comeasa boon.
They build up Shattered nerves, enrich
t'1e blood, stimulate" the' brain; and
reinforce the exhausted system. All
who are suffering frrgqm anyof the causes
that bleak down and enfeeble the sys-
tem should use these pills, and will find
them a sure and speedy restorative.
Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all
- r will be sQnt,.post paid, on
redeipt of 50- cents a box—by
ad�idressing he Dr Williams Medicine
tib Brockville, Ont.
Kersey,son-of Mr A B Jackson,
of Morris, bad a narrow escape
from nearly a fatal accident on
Monday evening. He had driven
his father to attend a meeting of
the Btuevale Methodist church
trustee board in the afternoon,
and was returning to the village
ti the evening to take him home
:slgain. Near the railway crossing
persons havo been• driving in the
ditch, to take advantage of the
better sleighing, the approaches
to which are somewhat slanting.
The horse was going at a brisk
The annual meeting of the
County of Huron Patrons of In-
dustry met at the school bouse
north of St Helens on Jan. 28th,
when the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year -Pres
James Gaunt ; vice pres., Pat
Clare; sec, James Gardner; tress,
Walter Wilson; sentinel, George
White; coin. on by-laws, J. A.
McEwen, Arch Anderson, sen, J.
Webster, W. J. Currie; deligates
to Grand Assn., Jas Gaunt, J. A.
McEwen. The township com-
mittees, or Boards of trade, will
meet tbo storekeepers in a few
days to have contracts signed to
settle upon prices for the purchase
and sale of goods. About one
hundred members were present
of the meeting. This is a new
organization, and numbers of
farmers,' merchants, mechanics
and laborers aro entering into it.
• Mr I N Wilkinson, V S, who is
no -w_ practicing. in. .. Ripley,- per-
formed a very successful operation
un a steer belonging to Mr John
Connell, Huron township, a few
days ago. When this young vet.
was called to see his patient ho
found him suffering from a severe
attack of inaction of the - rumen,
and at once decided to perform
rumenotomy as the only chance
of saving the animal's life, andbe-
gan to operate forthwith. He
It is not often that a s.up,, aban.
doned as a wreck, reaches port in
safety. But such was the"ease
with the ship Nathaniel Roper,.
of Boston, which struck on the
South Shoal, off Nantucket, July
8, 1838. To lighten the ship,,
Captain $ogardus throw over-
board several hundred holes of
sugar•; but she remained fast, and
as she was pounding heavily, be
abandoned ler, fearing she might
go to pieces. .4=11 hands put off
in boats for the nearest shore, and
as soon as he was on land Captain
Bogardus hurried to Boston. It
was two days before he reached
the office with his bad news.
"Why, Captain," said the own-
ers, "you are dreaming. The
Hooper it safe in India dock."
" Impossible!" cried the Cap-
"Go and see," said the owners.
Down to the dock went Captain
Bogardus, and scarcely could be-
lieve the evidence of his senses.
He rubbed his oyes and took a
second look. Yes, there certainly
was his ship, that he had left
aground on South Shoal, with a
storm coming up. Immediately
after the crew had loft the vessel
the wind cbangect and blew her
off the shoal. She drifted until
the next morning, when a Glou-
cester fishing smack fell in with
her, and with the hope of salvage
the crow boarded her and made
for the port of Boston. Captain
Bogardus was too good a seaman
to lose, and after some pretty se
vere bantering, the owners again
gave him command of the Hooper.
Of the people you meet from'• day to day
has perfectly pure, healthy blood. The
hereditary sorofulousltaint afflicts the
large majority of people, while many
others acquire diseases from impure air
improper food and wrong indulgences.
Hence the imperative necessity for a
reliable blood purifier like9Hood's Sar-
eaparilla, which eradicates every
impurity; and gives to the blood vitality
and heatlh. It aures scrofula, salt
rheum, humors, boils, pimples, and all
other affections caused by impurities' or
poisonous• germs in the blood. All that
is asked for Hood's Sarsaparilla is that
it be given a fair trial.
Atatemperanco meeting inSpic-
ers treet, London, a man stood up
and said: "You know there is a
public bous e called 'Ths Blind
Beggar.' Do you know the
meaning of that sign? I wilt tell
Trade a cut through the skin and you. They go in blind, and come
muscles about five inches in out beggars.
length, then made an incision into Edward Holland, a life convict
the rumen large enough to insert ' in New York whose crime was
his hand,and proceeded to remove I due to liquor, has been liberated
by Gov. Hill on She condition
that he totally abstains from
liquor for a period of five years.
If he violates the condition he is
to be returned to Sing Sing to
serve out his- sentence.
A paporon''Heredity,': read at
the annual meeting of the Ameri-
can Social Seience Association,
credited 40 per cent. of drunkards
directly to inebriate ancestry,
and 20 per cent. to insane and
mentally diseased parentage, se
that 60 per cent. of all inebriates
are "launched into existence.
freighted with- diseased tenden-
cies and impulses which burst
into activity from the slightest
exciting causes," What a legacy
of more than one half of our
children 1
the contents handful after hand -
4u1, until four and a half pails of
undigested food had• been remov-
ed. Atter washing the wound
carefully he sewed up the incision
in the rumen and the abdominal
walla. Tho animal is alright
again, and waiting as anxiously
for spring as any other frolicsome
steer in the township.
The second annual meeting of
the Ontario Mutual Live Stock
Insurance Company was held in
Seafortb, Feb. 3rd, when a large
number of the policy holders from
different parts of Ontario were
present. The- three retiring di-
rectorg, John McMillan, M. P.,
Charles E. Mason and .Robert
Beith were re-elected. The an-
nual report showed thecompany
to be in a very flourishing condi-
tion. There has been i09 poli•
cies issued and only four losses,
amounting to $1600, which was
promptly paid, and from this re-
cord the company have been able
to carry risks at a very low rate.
At a meeting of the board held
later John McMiIlan, M P, was
re -appointed president, Mr John
Beattie, vice president, and Mr
John Avery, secy treas. This is
the only company of this kind in
Ontario that is licensed by the
government, and stock owners
generally will find it to their ad-
vantage to patronize a home com-
pany of this kind, which furnishes
both a cheap and reliable insur-
ance. Information may be had at
any tine by addressing the secre-
tary at Seaforth.
Ono of the Collingwood papers
hastens to state that the word
'arm' should be substituted for
'back' in the following extract
from its previous issue: "The
bride looked the picture of youth
and beauty as she came in on her
father's back to where the cere-
mony was performed."
On Monday, as two brothers,
named Courberon, of Caconna,
were out in the woods, some 20
miles from River do Loup, deer
hunting, one of them shot and
wounded a deer, but did not see
his brother. He fired his, shot,
which unfortunately struck him in
the abdomen, the ball entering one
side, and going through the body
came out the opposite side. The
young man, who is a powerful
man of 21 years, managed to walk
with his brother s assistance, four
miles in the woods and fotir other
miles an the road before•he could
reach the first house, where they
got a' horse and sleigh to bring
them down here, where they ar-
rived about nine. The poor Vic-
tim of the sad accident died at 8
o'clock next morning.
- "Life is sweet" is an old saying, and
just as true as it is old. No one in his
or her right senses courts death; all
wish to prelong;life tolhe utmost limit
and yet, in spite yf;tIIi}s���. universal desire
to live the alloted'three spore years and
ten—sand even longer -thousands upon
thonsands'sif people through carelessness
and neglect, are hastening the time
when they mast stand face to face with
the grim reaper, and make the plunge
alone into "the dark valley of the
shadow of death." No disease on this
continent claims so many' viotims as
consumption, and reliable statistics
prove that felly two thirds of the deaths
occurring from consumption had their
origin - in catarrh. Nothing but
negligence caused this last disease to
develop into consumption, and the
person who negleots to promptly and
persistenly treat catarrh until all trades
are eradicated, is simply hastening the
coming of death. Even should catarrh
not develop into consumption, it never-
theless shortens life, as every breath the
patient inhales passes over poisonous
secretions and thus affecta the whole
system. For the pure o catarrh no
remedy ever discovered equals Nasal
Balm,. which is recognized from the
Atlantic to the Pacific as the only cer-
tain cure for this disease. It removes
the secretions from the nostrils, stops
the poisonous droppings into the
throat and lungs, and makes the
user feel that a new lease of life has
been given him. This great catarrh
remedy is on sale with all dealers, or
will be sent on regelpt of price-50ots
for small and $"1.00 for targe size
bottles—by addresaing Fulford & Oo.,
Brockville, Ont.
A Chicago man figures out that
he has paidiais landlord, a hotel -
keeper, $60,000 in hard money
for his board and lodging. But as
ho has, at 74, rosy cheeks, a clear
complexion and bright eyes, he
does not repine.
Rev. Win. Hawkins, better
known as Elder Hawkins, of Chats
ham, whose Croup of jubilee sing.
era Were well' known some time
since, Will go to England a itb his
wife on the 18th inst., where he
has beea asked to deliver lectures.
His expenses have already been
partly paid.
The silk trade in Japan .is in
very bad state, Last year the
morobants lost over $25,000,000
pct fy
your blood,
Take goods Sarsaparilla.
The annual convention of the
Y. '1.1. C. A. of Canada opened at
Kingston Thursday with a large
attendance of delegates..
Ten prominent Citizens of Port
Huron have been arrested for
buying grain which had 'been
stolen from railway cars by boys
Elmer Clark was standing in
front of a grip car at Kansas
City, Mo., whet,it started up and
ran over and killed. him.
Minard's Linimentlumberman's friend
Findlay, 0., is after gamblers,
and on Wednesday 25 were ar-
raigned and fined from $1 to $100
each, Dozens of them have left
the city.
The -customs _.-officers of San
Francisco found $50,000 worth of
prepared onium in merchandise
seized Wednesday afternoon in a
Itch, Mange and Soratchee of every
kinds on human or animals, cured in 3
minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion
Thi, ver fails. Sold by J. H. Combe.
Dra Jane2l-3m,
The -township of Tilbury East
has decided to ' pay the reward
they offered in theHolton murder
case into court and let the claim-
ants fight for it.
Thousands of testimonials
voluntarily given tell of the great
cures effected by Nasal Balm.
There is no case of catarrh that
it will not cure. Do not delay.
Try it now.
"One, two, take your books and
go," said Principal E. N. Worth
to his 175 pupils at Bloomingdale,
Mich., on Wednesday, and all the
children obeyed in • good order.
The school was on fire and no ono
was harmed,
Samuel Byron, L.Phillips,Allerl
MaTire and John • Sunderland
started out from Ouray, Cul., to
rescue Billy Maher, who had been
blown up in his cabin. An aval-
anche of snow covered them all.
Their bodies have been recovered.
English Spayin Liniment removes
all hard, soft 'or calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Conks, eta. Save $50 by use,of one
bottle. Warranted the most onderful
Blemish Cure ever know Sold by
J. H. Combe, Druggist." June 27, 1 yr
Twenty-seven earsago Joseph
Bond (colored,),living near Paoli,
Indiana, threatened that if his
mother sold hor farm he would
go to bed and stay there. She sold
it, and he has stubbornly fulfilled
his threat, with one exception,
that being at the time of the death
of his mother., hor the last few
years his health has been gradual-
ly failing, and now he lies with
his head and body covered, speak-
ing to no one unless spoken to.
Sarah Cummings, aged 21, a
domestic in a 'house in Halifax,
some six months ago complained
of feeling unwell, - She experienc-
ed a peculiar sensation in her side,
which the doctors could not ac -
coat for. Last week she went
to her home at Guysborough.
Yesterday morning a telegram
was received announcing the girl's
death. A post-mortem revealed
the fact that her death was caused
by a needle entering her heart.
The needle (a small one) it is sup.
posed, had been swallowed by
the girl in food.
It is reported that a rumor has
been current at Montreal ever
since the first of the Year, when
Sir Joseph Hickson retired from
the general,,, management of the
Grand Trunk Railway, that closer
relation would ekist 'between that
road 'and the Canadian Pacific
Railway. As a matter of fact the
two roads have came into close
relationship through the general
freight and passenger agents issu-
ing joint rate circulars. Further-
more, Mr Sergeant, the new gen
eral manager of the Grand Trunk
is said to favor consolidation; with
the'exception of the line running
from Detroit to Niagara, belong-
ing to the Michigan Central, and
the Intercolonial Railway connect-
ing Halifax with Quebec, those
two lines control every mile of
railway in Canada, and a consoli-
dation of the two companies would
result in the most powerful organi-
zation now in existence.
• • _
The man who tried Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy, and was sure of
the $500 reward offered by the
proprietors for an incurable case,
never ealled for his money. Why
not? 0, because he got cured
He was sure of two things; (1)
That his catarrh could not be
cured. (2) That he 'would have
that $500. He is now sure of one
thing, and that is, that bis cat-
arrh is gone completely.. So he is
out $500 of course. The makers
of J)r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
have faith in their ability to cure
the worst cases of Nasal Catarrh,
no matter of how long etanding,
and attest their faith by their
standing reward of $500, offered
for many years past, for an incur-
able ease of this loathsome and
dangerous disease. The Remedy
is bold by druggists, at only 50
cents- Mild, soothing, cleansing,
deodorizing, antiseptic, and heal•
it, I,
Executors Notice to C>r editors
Pursuant to Chapter 110, Section 38, E, .o.,
1887, and amending act, notice IS hereby given
that all creditors and other persons having
claims or demands against the estate of the
above named William Henry Cooper, the
younger, are hereby required to send or de-
liver to Manning & Scott, solicitors for the
administrator, Clinton, Ont., on or before the
20th day of February 1891, their christian
names, surnames, statements and descrip-
tlons with full particulars of their claims,
statements of accounts, and nature of se-
curities, if any, held by them, after which
date the Administrator shall distribute the
assets of the estate of the said WilliamHen-
ry Cooper, the younger, among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to those
claims of which they shall t:.en have notice,
and the said administrator will not be liable
for the said assets, or any part thereof, to
any person of whose ol+ims notice shall not
leave been received by them at time of such
Administrator of the Real and Personal
Estate of Wm. H. Cooper, jr., deceased.
Solicitors for Administrator
DYES a Package
For Perin
—USE. THE --
All colors fast and bright. Best Pack-
age Dyes in the Market.
For Sale Everywhere.
Send for SampleCard to J.S.RoBERTsoS
& Co., Manufacturers, Montreal.
and traveling
at once, to sell
Shrubs, Roses, Trees and Fruits. Experi•
eine unnecessary. Salary and Expenses
paid weekly. Permanent positions. No
security required. Must furnish references
as to good character,
" CHARLES H. CHASE, Rochester, Z. Y.
Mention this Paper.
ESTABLISHED - - - 1825.
Total Insurance over 3102,630,000
Total Invested Funds over........ $35,730,000
Investments in Canada over $ , y,I1,000
Deposited with Government at Ottaw
for Canada Policy Holders 32,000,000
Policies issued under all systems, including
their new Reserve Bonus Plan, under which
very large profits may be expected.
Prospectuses and all information furnish-
ed at Head Office or at any of the Com-
pany's agencies.
W. M. RAMSAY, Manager for Cadltda.
C. HUNTER, Superintendent of Agencies.
E. W. .BURLEY, Inspector,
Stratford District CLINTON, ONT
New York, for 1891.
6 pages, lc. 20 pages, 4c. -8 or 10, 3c.
Founded December 1st, 1887.
Circulation over 100,000 copies
The Press is the organ of no faction ;
pulls no wires; has no animosities to
The most remarkable Newspaper Suo-
ceee in New York.
The Press is a National Newspaper.
Cheap news, vulgar sensations and
trash find no place in the columns of
The Press.
The Press has the brightest Editorial
page in New York. It sparkles with
• points.
The Press, Sunday Edition is a splendid
twenty page paper, covering every cur-
rent topic of interest.
The Press Weekly Edition contains all
the good things of the Daily and Sun
day editions. +Ii •
Those who cannot afford the Daily, or
are prevented by distance from early
receiving it; The Weekly is a splendid
As An Advertising Medium.
Thee Presss has no superior inNew YorTI
Within the reaoh of all. The best and
cheapest Newspaper published in
Daily and Sunday, one Year, $5 00
" " " six months, 2 50
one month, 45
3 00
2 00
1 00
Daily only, one Year, . .
" " four months, .
Sunday, one year,
Weekly Press, one year, . . .
Send for the Press Circular. Sample
free. Agents wanted everywhere. Lib
eral commissions. Addrese,
Potter Building, 38 Park Row.
NEW Yoxlt.
We wake a .apeeia1ty of
Try our 3leuded Mack,.
Wo eau give good Xapau.
,also ehoiceYoungI ysan
gives good satisfaction
and you'll lase no other
at alprices to slant
that gives satistaotipn
We told Rax guatgmei'a net to deceived with peddlers, and a number hive
a find that th
taken our advise and quit them. hey it jI ey can do as well at the Hub
OUR COFFEE is the best we can bay 1 Canada. We guarantee satidaq-
tKtn every time.
a �L.al's m
We are Sole Agents for Ram Lal's Pure Indian Teas. We beg to ask
you to give them a trial, because they are absolutely pure; are grown
and prepared on the estate by the most skilled labor and improve
machinery tbat.money can buy,' whereas China Teas are picked an
carried by natives long distances before being made ready for ti
market. Ram Lal's is a blend of -Three teas grown and prepare
especially for this brand. Will always be the same flavor, to -day
ten years hence. 'Tis cheap ; only Fifty Cents -:or a pound:packaas
which will go as far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas.
J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse
Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON
Spectacles and Eye Glasses are the only genuine English Articles in the Canadian market e
.are recommended by and testimonials havo been received from the Presidents of the Medical 1
sociation of Canada, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec, and scores of the best physician
of Ontario. The 8 Laurencs patent test card used in all c vies and guaranteed to fit as accurate'
as any machind We guarantee satisfaction For sale only at.
These Carts have long Springs, length ways, back of the axle, underneath th
seat, which gives the -passenger an easy motion, also long spring in front which
takes off the horse motion and the jar when the wheel strikes an obstruction
They are so constructed as to be perfectly balanced with either one or two pas,
sengers. We also manufacture a PH2ETON ROAD CART for oneo:
two persona. This is a very neat and stylish cart ; suitable for ladies, physician.
or general purpose. Is light, strong and durable, and is very easy mounted.
my carts are free from horse motion. In the manufacture of these carts my ob•
jest has not been to produce the cheapest cart in the market, but the most effici-
ent for durability and comfort. The material of which they are constructed be-
ing of the choicest quality. We guarantee them to be satisfactory in all respects.
Persons wishing to.try them and see how they ride, are at liberty by calling*'''
my shop. We also manufacture and keep in stock"BUGGIES, WAGGONS
and CUTTERS. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and despatch,
R. HOLMES, - - Publisher,
THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it
gives .about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading
Matter Every Week ; Correct Market . Reports
from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a
Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad
vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address
for $1.50 a year, in advance. '
We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Vale
Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired.
Prices the Lowest, Work the Finest and satis-
faction guaranteed. One trial is certain
to bring another.
Best and Cheapest Fence
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